19.0.9 (2025-02-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Table - filtertemplate doesn't work. #17775
19.0.8 (2025-02-25)
Fixed bugs:
- Progress bar a11y issue #17606
- BaseComponent is causing memory leaks #17645
- MultiSelect filter don't work when the options are created with custom class #17530
- Pressing escape key while modal is open should only close select panel and not the modal #17670
- Calendar: locale am & pm is not work on time picker #17653
- ConfirmDialog: No way to distinguish reject and close button action being fired #17512
- Accordion onOpen and onClose emitter won't trigger any events with the new components for accordion #17447
- Select filter field with bug when using iftalabel #17751
- Wrong default icon on p-messages #17757
- Messages | Icon Only gap issue #17648
- Popover | incostent overlay positioning #17614
19.0.7 (2025-02-21)
Fixed bugs:
- PrimeNG not working after upgrade to Angular 19.1.7 #17730
- [vite] Internal server error: fn is not a function #17716
- OrderList: The drag and drop functionality not implemented in V18 #16633
- "Select component with filter: ""No results found"" entry should not be enabled or clickable #17382"
- Accessibility and Templating Issues in p-confirmdialog and p-dialog (PrimeNG v19) #17404
- Picklist does not support disabled options #17533
- p-checkbox has invalid markup when required=""false" #17528"
- SpeedDial Buttons Missing type="button" Causes Unintended Form Submission #17552"
- Badge disable does not work correctly #17559
- p-auto-complete behaves differently than p-autocomplete #17535
- PickList - reorder items call scrollInView with incorrect parameters #17564
- Tree: styleClass of nodes is ignored #17579
- Change of pDroppableDisabled property after ngAfterViewInit doesn't change element's behavior #17598
- p-confirmdialog - dismissableMask not working #17574
- Duplicate class attribute in example of DataView #17621
- Docs: Select (previously dropdown) component, loading section wrong code example #17626"
- Updates Loading Icon template reference variable #17736
- Update DataView interface to reflect current configuration #17735
- Multiselect should use all options for selectedOptions not just visible #17732
- Binding [dt] on Select component has no effect #17540
- p-fileUpload selecting file when fileLimit set to undefined causes js errors #17721
- Popover basicdoc.ts uses deprecated *ngFor directive #17707
- DatePicker: Cannot escape header with keyboard #17663
- [v19] showcase for datepicker-sizes-demo has wrong ts #17690
19.0.6 (2025-02-06)
Fixed bugs:
- Update Configuration Documentation #17588
- Missings types for PrimeNGConfig #17601
- Conflict between picklist used inputicon-style and table loading mask #17263
- Terminal component docs suggest non-existent commands #17519
- Global inputVariant setting is ignored in components #17595
- Toast | Severity class not applied to close icon #17573
- Filled material inputs have wrong border radius #17594
- DatePicker | wrong style w/material #17590
- inputVariant type missing in PrimeNG Config Type #17578
- Material Filled Textarea visuals broken #17571
- InputNumber buttons have radius issues #17488
- SelectButton: Option with long label breaks component height #16877
- Table: selectable stripedRows don't get hover background applied #17349
- Icon avatars are not displayed correctly #17309
- The fileupload progressbar in advance mode is not visible #17291
- Checkbox and radio invalid styles are not applied correctly #17303
- Hovered filled text input is not styled according its corresponding design token #17277
- make build scripts cross platform #17498
- Select, MultiSelect: Scoped Style not working #17381
- Datepicker, Multiselect, Message, Toast: Missing aria-labels #17449
- Table: Column Resize broken with sortable columns #17458
- Listbox: Hidden element has focusable content #17465
- PickList: drag n drop not working #16578
- Steplist seperator does not to work with dynamic steps #17482
- p-treeTableCheckbox disabled not working #17496
- DynamicDialog: closeOnEscape doesn't work without autoZIndex #17016
- Showcase, Table: Use TableLazyLoadEvent instead of LazyLoadEvent #17515
- Button | Icon button is not circle #17485
- Table | FrozenColumn is not working #17490
- v19 TabModule throws an error NG0300 #17407
- Missing documentation in Tab component #17294
- Add onNodeDoubleClick event emitter to Tree component #17401
- Datepicker size not working #17199
- Listbox: checkboxes have filled style applied even with global inputStyle and inputVariant set as outlined #17230
- Update DynamicDialog documentation to include inputValues usage #17237
- CalendarModule: problem to order more than 11 months #17146
- InputNumber: Material Theme increment/decrement buttons misaligned; missing semi-colon #17256
- Textarea: hover border style not working because of misplaced semi-colon in CSS #17258
- Tooltip: appendTo not working when targeting elements besides body #17243
- Drawer: Overlay of second drawer appears below first drawer when opened #17242
- TabList: Tabindex of Navigation Buttons (Next/Previous) not set #17270
- dynamicDialog: UI issue with maximizable true #17275
- Card: the subheader property does not display in the template when it is provided #17264
- Theme designer incorrectly formats keys for progress spinner color design tokens #17285
- Multiselect: fails to automatically scroll to the first selected item #17321
- DatePicker fails to show "decade" title #17326
- DatePicker: When it's disabled and click the icon open the calendar #17330
- Table: Header and frozen columns hidden behind scrolled content if table has footer; footer not fixed #17339
- Rating: keyboard navigation is broken #17315
- Wrong DynamicDialog import on stackblitz examples #17362
- Table row group footer is rendered multiple times when using pagination #17369
- p-inputnumber doesn't initialize its value correctly #17314
- Top pagination does not use the paginatorleft or paginatorright templates when using p-table #17380
- PrimeNG v18, p-datePicker with 'range' mode, doesn't work the property 'hideOnDateTimeSelect' #17222
- InputOtp keydown bug for integerOnly #17392
- Improve commit message for development #17216
19.0.5 (2025-01-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Button icon only regression #17338
19.0.4 (2025-01-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Button displays nbsp when templating is used. #17334
19.0.3 (2025-01-08)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve presets' type definitions in Theme #17316
Fixed bugs:
- By upgrade from primeng@19.0.1 -> 19.0.2 expand/collapse table stopped working #17319
- Button | height issue in icon only #17328
19.0.2 (2024-12-26)
Fixed bugs:
- PrimeNG Select Component - Missing Scroll to Selected Item #17218
- Component: DynamicDialog not working with zonejs less application #16402
- Select: Editable Dropdown search not working as expected. #17220
- Listbox: misaligned header components with [filter]="true" [multiple]="true" [checkbox]="true" #17189
- p-menu MenuItem visible flag doesn't work on PrimeNG v18 #17204
- Support for Passing Input Values to DynamicDialog Components #17215
- Component: Dropdown #17112
- Tree: onNodeClick event replaces the inline style of the component child nodes #17171
- On focus in p-inputNumber it marks form dirty even value is unchanged #17169
- Datepicker: invalid template for next button #17206
- ToggleButton: Missing ToggleButtonChangeEvent in component #17209
- v19 DynamicDialog: Rendering problem when displaying Dynamic Dialog content without fix #17193
- Component: P-dropdown has issue while removing items.Scroll is not happening Properly #17130
- Component: Autocomplete emptyMessage not shown #17143
- Component: Tree #17132
- Component: Paginator. "Show All" option in dropdown always displayed first #17068
- p-inputOtp does not paste code sent by SMS, only sets the first digit #16373
- CascadeSelect: Incorrect type for optionGroupChildren in documentation #17208
- rimraf glob error during project setup with pnpm on windows #17186
- Component: RadioButton Material Theme CSS Issue #17150
- Extra apostrophe in breadcrumb component #17148
- ConfirmDialog: icon has wrong size #17087
- Component: Select placeholder lost after value change #17110
- Panel: toggle button is not rounded, missing p-button-rounded class #17080
- Component: ListBox and PickList search is wrong (V18) #17103
- Component: Carousel #17141
- p-popover: Show close icon #17176
- p-table/Aura: Dark Mode header for Frozen + Sorted Column is transparent #16940
- p-table: frozen columns do not properly indicate row hover nor row selections #16939
- Panel | #icons template does not work #17192
- Fluid: wrapper doesn't work for Select #17070
- Dropdown/Select: Marked as dirty immediately, if no placeholder is set #17178
- MultiSelect: pTemplate selectedItems does not work #17063
- FileUpload: Empty template not working #17152
19.0.1 (2024-12-19)
Fixed bugs:
- DatePicker: Styles not working #17129
- Error when [showButtonBar]="true" is applied to the datepicker component #17125
- Component: Tree Filter Icon incorrect position #17121
- [v19]: TreeSelect missing Styles for IconField and InputIcon #17105
- p-password: @for doesn't work in footer template #17055
18.0.2 (2024-12-19)
Fixed bugs:
- DatePicker: Styles not working #17139
- Error when [showButtonBar]="true" is applied to the datepicker component #17138
- Component: Tree Filter Icon incorrect position #17145
19.0.0 (2024-12-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Component: Dynamic dialog rendering styles instead of title #17005
- p-confirmDialog: style & styleClass are not being passed to confirm dialog #17072
- Component: Dynamic dialog can't be closed (19.0.0-rc.1) #17009
- ThemeProvider loadCommonTheme always injects undefined nonce #17012
- providePrimeNG csp nonce does not solve all csp issues when "theme" property is defined #17048
- ProvidePrimeng(v19): deprecated APP_INITIALIZER #17042
18.0.1 (2024-12-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Table: aria-sort not updated when sorting multiple columns #17090
- p-inputMask: clear button UI issues with showClear #17085
- p-table: p-columnFilter set to date errors & drops a deprecation warning #17094
- Component: Table inside Panel #16986
- useStyle: matching document.getElementById(id) when id is undefined could break css injection #17091
- Improve tooltips position and alignment method #17084
- Component: Button "variant" attribute not honored in v18 #17078
- p-input-number: typo in input number component content child incrementbuttonicon #17088
- Chart: canvasProps has no effect #13943
- Inconsistent and (currently) incorrectly documented use of template variables in components. #16976
- Component: Table sortIconTemplate #17062
- v18 Component: Select #16998
- Component: ConfirmDialog p-footer does not replace default buttons (v18.0.0) #17000
- Component: Picklist v18 #16983
- Component Panel: Adding control flow inside ng-template for header is not working anymore #16971
- v18 documentation: StackBliltz option missing from demos #17004
- DynamicDialog: Docs of autoZIndex map not its implementation #17014
- Tabs: scroll buttons should be type=button #17071
- PickList: Select All Moves Only Half of the Items #17029
- BlockUI: Transform blocked input to boolean #17074
- Darkmode: Missmatch between Code and Docs #17060
- Update Contribution Page for v18 #17038
- Panel: Panel Content focusable and announced by assistive technology even when collapsed #16972
- Improve Badge, Chip and Tag structure #17011
- 18.0.0-rc.2 : Table's Column Filter drop-down is cut off when it's length exceeds height of the table #16943
- Theming: Scoped tokens not working #17006
- ToggleButton: Empty Label issue #16993
- Documentation: Theming, Presets wrong link #17003
- Component: DynamicDialog - breakpoints are ignored #16968
- V18 onDestroy in tabview.ts source: throw new Error('Method not implemented.'); #16969
- Showcase | Table of Contents not updating on scroll #16985
- pTooltip: Tooltip Displays Outside Dialog Initially #16843
- TreeTable: Header/Footer columns are misaligned #15610
- OverlayPanel, Popover: Changing the dismissable property after the overlayPanel has already been opened has no effect. #15964
18.0.0 (2024-11-06)
Fixed bugs:
- v18-rc.2 Component: ConfirmationDialog #16963
- Component: Accordion import documentation out of date #16961
- Autocomplete #16907
- Table: Cell/Row edit examples not working #16891
- Component: Password input pPassword meter does not update in v18 beta 2 version #16632
- Drawer: deprecated showCloseIcon needed #16848
- 18.0.0-rc.2: Stepper content duplicated when stepper is in Dialog #16936
- Tree: Missing Drag and Drop Indicator #16930
- Component: Tree Template Not Working (V18 RC2) #16934
- Component: pInputText size attribute (18.0.0-rc.1) #16761
- pInputText & pTextarea | rename "size" property to avoid conflict #16949
- Ripple | Ripple effect remains active when disabled #16944
- Component: toggleswitch #16900
- Showcase: Misaligned Country Flags in Components Showcase #16925
- Showcase | save appState #16803
- Docs: Textarea import typo #16928
- Splitter: vertical mode not working (v18-rc.2) #16893
- Splitter: V18-beta - leaves a gap after resizing #16526
- Splitter: V18-beta - Can't set minSizes #16527
- Autocomplete: dropdown arrow and clear icon overlap #16846
- Component: PickList (18.0.0-rc.1) #16762
- Component: Table — misaligned table-like footer #16614
- Table footer ignores table layout #16672
- Component: select, multiselect, autocomplete #16658
- menu: appendTo values other than body not working correctly in v18 #16795
- Multiselect | Issue with displaying the number of selected items #16920
- Component: p-checkbox no longer has the attribute label in version 18 #16707
- Theme variables undefined if component doesn't use a Primeng component in it's template in v18.rc1 #16890
- providePrimeNG: translation not supported #16832
- Table documentation missing lazy load example #16745
- v18-rc.1 Drawer: visible change DOM of menubar #16801
- Stepper: Missing orientation property #16897
- FloatLabel/Select: Issues when select value is string, then float label is over the Value #16856
- Customers table demo filter problem #16746
- p-sortIcon Selector Not Working in PrimeNG Table #16902
- Component: Button primary focus styling broken, missing semi-colon (v18.0.0-rc.1) #16774
- Component: ConfirmDialog #16861
- Showcase (v18): Table of Contents not updating on scroll. #16892
17.18.15 (2024-11-18)
Fixed bugs:
- primeng 17.18.14 dependency for tslib moved from dependency to devDependency #17117
17.18.14 (2024-11-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Documentation for tag using property that is deprecated since v15 #16220
- Component: Dropdown Auto Scroll- UI Issue #17039
17.18.13 (2024-11-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Stepper linear - stackblitz not working because of wrong file name #16967
- Component: Dropdown virtualScroll filter bug #16954
- Component: Avatar #16957
- Multiselect: When opntionName is not set, getting value in template is failing #16651
- p-tabview closing active first tab opens not the next tab #16313
- Picklist: CTRL+A Does Not Move All Columns When Using Move Icon #16260
- Google Gboard and inputmask control #14529
- Component: Accordion do not reset selected active Tab on new dynamic tab data #16634
- FileUpload: Format file size to accept locale in error message #16382
- Password: Tab navigation not getting focussed on Eye icon in ToggleMask Mode. #16555
- Component: Otp Input Component does not focus next element when TAB is pressed in last input #16653
- MultiSelect: Unable to select remove icon of chips through keyboard #16684
- p-toggleButton trigger "click" event handler when disabled. #16744
- PanelMenu nested subitems no longer get the expanded prop #15403
- Component: AutoComplete with virtual scroll #16727
- Component: MultiSelect with virtual scroll #16708
- Dropdown: does not respect emitEvent false #16755
- Editor: reactive forms setValue does not work while editor formControl is in dialog that is not visible #16825
- Galleria: Next & Previous Buttons role #16446
- Component: Autocomplete with updateOn blur #16805
- Tooltip: aria-describedBy not applied to target #16630
- Component: Calendar #16686
- ToggleButton: Incorrect Property Used in hasOffLabel Getter #16916
- Component: Mutliselect #16833
- InputNumber: Cannot delete character with backspace after inserting Up Arrowhead #16607
- Component: Scroll behaiviour is broken in Scroller #16564
- Component: Table Virtual Scroll does not correctly work with Row Expansion #16438
- PanelMenu: Submenu's not using animations #15124
- Component: PanelMenu: Submenu displays angledownicon when submenu is collapsed #16781
- Component: InputOtp - pasting a too long string doesn't work correctly #16777
- Scrollbar offsets at the initialization of the scroll panel #16757
- Table: Column Resize broken with sortable columns #16734
- Enhancement to Chip Component: Expose secondary click (contextmenu) on a chip #16769
- Distinguish between a drop on the nodes and a drop between the nodes #16170
- p-tree drag and drop breaks with virtualScroll #16296
- Dropdown: Floating placeholder overlapping when value is null or undefined #16411
- Galleria: Next & Previous Buttons role #16446
- p-table & p-columnfilter - Error on console and matchmode not show correctly when using filters #16452
- Tree / TreeSelect: no initial selection of node with empty key #16494
- Picklist: Movebottom Button has wrong aria label #16498
- Primeicons.ts icon missing and wrong icons key #16543
- Component: RadioButton #16553
- SelectedItemGroup: Type should be a generic #16561
- Autocomplete: Do not clear input on Backspace #16570
- InputNumber: InputNumber with horizontal and vertical buttons are not accessible through keyboard.#16591
- Menu closes itself immediately when the menu and its button toggle is inside ShadowDom #16298
- Component: Auto Complete - with Force Selection, selected option is overriding with the matched value #16625
- Component: Carousel accessibility issue #16552
- Component: p-splitButton Issue with plain textual class to the button #16731
- Blocker: unresponsive browser if pressing ESC-key in combination with lots of tooltips or overlay panels #16729
- Component: p-inputNumber #16733
17.18.12 (2024-11-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Doc: Autocomplete Show Clear Demo not working #16568
- Sidebar: onHide not triggered via programmatic close #16507
- Scroller: Tests are failing after 17.18.11 update #16458
- MultiSelect: touched form property doesn't respect updateOn blur #14780
- Table | Bug on table checkboxes #16618
- Steps | Remove unnecessary spaces #16620
- InputOtp: Paste event not handled in Template and Sample doc #16713
- When using stateStorage for the p-table I always get the following error in the console when the component first loads: #15043
- p-dropdown: selected item is not changing when typing the first character of the items in the list #16462
18.0.0-rc.2 (2024-10-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect v18: Wrong placeholder color - missing p-placeholder class #16479
- Improve CascadeSelect's functionality #16884
- PanelMenu | Hover is not working on child items. #16882
- Focus state visuals does not apply to invalid form components #16855
- Select (v18): overlap between outline and border with invalid state #16577
- Tree | Tree component throws an error when pressing the Enter key: 'Cannot set properties of undefined.' #16879
- Tree: Arrow Up not working #16874
- ERROR TypeError: this.document.head.prepend is not a function in 18.0.0-rc.1 #16875
- DatePicker: Calling focus on non existent selector breaks overlay #16872
- DatePicker: Icons are wrong in RTL mode #16873
- Fileupload | add chooseButtonProps & uploadButtonProps & cancelButtonProps #16869
- v18 - CSS Layers for example with Tailwind CSS fail when appending styles to header and SSR enabled #16595
- Splitter: Totally broken in v18 #16770
- Component: AutoComplete virtualScroll broken (v18.0.0-rc.1) #16822
- Filter button triggers sort #16817
- Accordion - Ripple | unexpected behavior #16804
- Component: FloatLabel, IftaLabel #16601
- Component: FloatLabel and IftaLabel (v18) documentation lacks "Features" tab #16797
- TreeTable (18.0.0-beta.3) - Disclosure triangles are missing #16712
- DatePicker: "Cannot read properties of null" error when clicking on next/previous month button (18.0.0-beta.3) #16590
- CascadeSelect | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16850
- MultiSelect | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16847
- Select | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16845
- p-picklist Filter stop working in v18 beta-3 #16622
- Password: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError on ToggleMask #16719
- Panel Menu - wrong class when using routerLink #16683
- Select v18: Checkmark not working #16419
- Menu component templates not rendered v18.0.0-beta.4 #16765
- p-buttonGroup throws console errors when styleClass is applied #16559
- Data filter and sorting issue on v18 table #16360
- DatePicker Component - Error on Month Switch: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'focus')" #16720
- Component: ConfirmDialog doesn't render buttons (v18.0.0-rc.1) #16780
- Docs: Setting defined custom preset #16647
- Input group with filled input visuals broken in Material Theme #16810
- Better compatability with CSS libraries like Tailwind, Bootstrap #16809
- Docs: "Icon Only" code example #16645
- Component: Textarea, style is not being applied. #16678
- Missleading typo leads to no theme in documentary #16763
- Tab: disabled input is not disabling tab #16768
- Docs: Theming is outdated (PrimeNg 18.0.0-rc.1) #16759
- Typo code example in /showcase/doc/theming/themedoc.ts #16695
- fix(docs): typo in theming#component #16643
18.0.0-beta.3 (2024-10-16)
Breaking Changes:
New Features:
- New Component | Tabs #16437
Fixed bugs:
- TreeTable | Fix loading #16416
- PrimeNG v18 Bug - PanelMenu not working #16511
- Component: Nested DynamicDialog v18.beta1 #16413
- Component: Datepicker v18. Layout after changing month #16436
- PasswordModule UI is different from InputTextModule UI when fields are disabled #16393
- Primeng v18.beta-2 | Firefox - Switching to dark theme doesn't work #16471
- v18 Tabs and TabMenu in same module only generate styles for TabMenu #16395
- PickList v18: The direction of the controls remains upright on narrow screens #16481
- Breadcrumb v18: Nested links when using template #16478
- Select component style issues #16485
- ToggleSwitch v18: Missing hover styles #16482
- TreeSelect v18: TreeNodes missing hover styles #16484
- 'p-buttonGroup' is not a known element in 18.0.0-beta.2 #16488
- 18.0.0-beta2 - ComponentStyles are not exported -> extended Components fail #16509
17.18.11 (2024-09-26)
Fixed bugs:
- Messages: Messages template does not work if messagemodule is imported alone #16253
- Component: MultiSelect (Property 'ngOnInit' is missing in type 'MultiSelectTemplateDemo) #16256
- Table: Scroller is broken when scrollHeight is flex #16246
- Component: Calendar Year picker #14233
- Steps: aria-expanded is inappropiate and can be misleading #16266
- Table: editable column is broken when disabled temporarily #16304
- Grouping Functionality in p-table Breaks After Pagination Navigation Beyond First Page #15192
- OrganizationChart collapsible property does not propagate #16361
- Component: p-table p-columnFilter p-multiSelect #16132
- ContextMenu, Dock: aria-hidden throws console error #16397
- Autocomplete Clear Icon not shown if value set programatically #16410
- p-tree: Unselectable children is selected when selecting parent #16430
- p-splitter: zero width panel parsed as null #16425
- Component: Metergroup #16439
18.0.0-beta.2 (2024-09-23)
Fixed bugs:
- Date filter on table v18 #16354
- Fileupload | add fileLabelTemplate #16377
- Cannot find module '@primeuix/styled' from 'node_modules/primeng/fesm2022/primeng-themes.mjs' #16353
- Component: Select [primeng v18] #16351
17.18.10 (2024-09-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Accessibility: Slider -> Keyboardtrap #16324
- MegaMenu: aria-hidden throws console error #16248
- Icon: Mistake in example documentation code #16277
- p-tree: Lazy loading icon does not show on child items #16282
- Docs: dynamicdialog example import missing, build problem #16328
- Table: Flawed example in paginator documentation #16308
- Editor: the style of the toolbar is missing up when custom modules used #16114
- Tooltip on Dropdown causes Errors #16321
- DynamicDialog | Closing nested dialog makes the underlying dialog scroll back to the top #16335
- Panel component -> toggle from the outside #16326
17.18.9 (2024-08-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Menu | aria-hidden throws console error #16240
- Table: Cannot set autoSize from ScrollerOptions #16209
- Component: Slider #16214
- Table: breaks after one call to updateStyleElement() #16211
- FileUpload: Never cancels the upload request when I click on the cancel button. #15664
- Menu: console.error when selecting a menu item with keyboard #16219
- p-table triggers lazy loading event twice #16182
- Sidebar: Overlay of Nested Sidebar Blocks Its Own Content #16233
- Autocomplete: Error when deleting input text if virtualscroll is enabled #16227
17.18.8 (2024-08-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Menubar: Clicking menuitems outputs error in console #16201
- Component: Table may have Trusted Types incompatibilities from .innerHTML assignment #16153
- P-autocomplete after second click doesn't show dropdown #15281
- AutoComplete: Cannot intercept enter key #16160
- Table: when scrollHeight is set to 'flex', on the first load, the table height is not fitting parent #16165
- Calendar: panelStyle width and min width overridden when appendTo is used #16176
- ColumnFilter: Template names are wrong #16180
- ListBox component accessibility issues #16152
- Tree: Accessibility issues #16156
- Component: colorPicker - inline=true property doesn't set the appropriate color #16169
- Accessibility: Tree not selectable via Keyboard after second dialog opening #16191
- ColorPicker: click on label does not open the color picker in docs #16193
17.18.7 (2024-08-01)
Fixed bugs:
- tabmenu: emits change event twice when an item is clicked #16123
- Table: Frozen columns are displaced #15852
- Password: Tooltip with tooltipEvent='focus' is never displayed #16106
- p-datepicker-current-day is not applied to the selected day #15969
- TabView: Demo code for TabViewDynamic is wrong #16148
- Component: TabView #16076
- Dialog: Material Design close button regression #14916
- Breadcrumb | Disabled breadcrumbs should have 'aria-disabled' #16125
- Table> double call to (onLazyLoad) event #16070
- pBadge | Add missing badgeStyle & badgeStyleClass to directive #16133
- Breadcrumb | 'tabindex' property not working #16139
- Menubar: autoDisplay and autoHide broken #13512
17.18.6 (2024-07-25)
Fixed bugs:
- TreeTable: Resizing one column resizes other columns as well #15876
- TabMenu doesn't scroll to active item when it's set programatically #15973
- Dropdown: onBlur event is emitted when the user clicks the dropdown arrow #15800
- Button | Add focus() method #16064
- Menu: Popup menu cannot be opened on a different target when it is already opened #16066
- TieredMenu: Submenus in popup do not appear on hover. #13861
- Breadcrumb | HomeBreadcrumb can still receive focus from the keyboard even when it is disabled #16079
- Pull Request: all PRs are failing to npm run format:check #16086
- Autocomplete: with virtual scroll and item selected, it doesn't show items in dropdown and doesn't keep the selected item position when scrolling #16063
17.18.5 (2024-07-18)
Fixed bugs:
- InputNumberModule: Variant "filled" is not applied #15885
- Issue with ListBox and style since 17.18.4 #16051
- MultiSelect - showToggleAll not working as expected #16039
- Dropdown: Focus lost after using tab to select dropdown item #15335
- Tree: inputText in Template mode does not respond to a space key #16055
- pFocusTrap: "aria-hidden-focus" accessibility rule violation #16042
- Toast: Documentation examples are not working properly #16025
17.18.4 (2024-07-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Inline style not compliant with strict CSP #15998
- Cascade Select clicking a few times causes the component to freeze #15869
- listbox filter is not working if options is bind to a string array #14454
- AutoComplete: Increased drop-down height on first search when using virtual scroll #15647
- Component: picklist scrolls to top #15861
- KeyFilter: No longer working on chips component #15531
- Component: Dropdown Accessibility #15155
- Dropdown: Placeholder magic cannot be disabled #15974
- p-dialog focusOnShow="true" Maximum call stack size exceeded #15978
- Tabview: forward/backward buttons not showing up when dynamic tab panels overflow #15680
- ButtonComponent: routerLink accessible even when button is disabled #15946
- Component: p-tree (selection) #15761
- Dialog: Focus to input element set before transition ends #15749
- Custom sort in table not working #15550
- Dialog | strict CSP error #15999
- Dynamic Dialog: CSP Errors #15995
- p-image: Fix inline style not compliant with Strict CSP policy #15993
- CSP errors #15965
17.18.3 (2024-07-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Splitter | Overflow issue #15959
- Component: Multiselect - Provide removetokenicon hiding in case option is disabled (reopen) #15624
- Table | Multiple Selection with dataKey shows wrong selected row count upon CTRL+A #15903
- Button Tooltip shows up after Dialog opens #15933
- p-splitter: minSizes not working as expected #15943
- p-splitter: Resize not working when iFrames are used in panels #15942
- Component: InputNumber - Control update on strategy is ignored #12831
- Component: InputNumber unneeded update model on blur #15799
- p-multiselect: MultiSelectChangeEvent wrong select value #15954
- Content-Security-Policy 'nonce' not working for some elements #15911
- Component: Editor - Upgrade Quill to 2.0 #14721
- Accessibility: Selection in MultiSelect is not accessible for screenreader #15930
- Message: New severity not reflected in styles #15534
- Component: Message - Theme: Aura light and dark variants #15881
17.18.2 (2024-06-27)
Fixed bugs:
- TabMenu: Highlight does not update when selecting routerLink to unloaded module #15012
- p-dropdown: p-dropdown-open style is missing from dropdown #15762
- Closing nested dialog removes CSS class still needed for parent dialog #15779
- Component: Accordion #15851
- Accessibility: Buttons within an Accordion header template can't be activated via Keyboard #15871
- Menu: Alignment does not work for SVG path #15877
- Tree hierarchy #15886
- Accessibility: Buttons within a Tree component can't be activated via Keyboard #15889
- Dynamic Dialog Errors If No Focusable Element (Maximum call stack size exceeded) #15894
- Component p-listbox triggers onChange multiple times #15873
- Table | Multiple Selection with dataKey shows wrong selected row count upon CTRL+A #15903
- PrimeNG Button Link stackblitz not working #15902
- Doc: Steps close menu #14259
- Component: Button -> pButton #15862
- Password: When disabled allows to edit on focus tab #15905
17.18.1 (2024-06-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Accessibility: Buttons within an accordion header template (keyboard accessibility) #15837
- Accessibility: Tree inside an Accordion (arrow navigation) #15830
- Accessibility within Tree Component #15828
- pTree: right click on treenode chevron down #15714
- Component: Button: Opacity is applied twice on disabled state --> wrong opacity #15651
- Calendar: Range selection mode should use start date as default date when end date isn't set #15818
- Menu: Keyboard navigation broken when using custom template #15794
- pTemplate not working for p-menu alone #15781
- OrderList: Unable to insert space into input component #15326
- Component: Table (Advanced Filter) #15778
- Component: PrimeNG Slider with range values not working properly #15404
- Dropdown: when using selectedItem template if the selected option is 0 then no template is rendered #15366
- P-Splitter: Does not respect minSizes array after upgrading to 17.16.1 #15637
- AutoComplete: Broken since PrimeNG 17.15.0 due to the new optionValue support #15393
- Fix broken unit tests #15787
- Component: p-multiSelectItem - breaking regression #15784
- InputNumber - MinFractionDigits and MaxFractionDigits no longer respect a value of 0 #15772
- Button: Using Icon + LoadingIcon removes common class #15736
- Table filter: templating filter as Calendar with selectionMode range throws error #15576
17.18.0 (2024-05-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Support for Angular 18 #15661
- SplitButton: send events regarding TieredMenu #15758
- Split button: tooltip for the items #15581
- Calendar - add option to change step size in yearpicker #15634
- Old prettier version that does not support new control-flow syntax #15653
Fixed bugs:
- TieredMenu:Tooltip property does not work on MenuItem #15536
- Primeng Table: Clear the filters which are not applied when filter menu closed by clicking outside the menu #15557
- Chips: ARIA/Keyboard navigation trigger itemClick event with 'Space' key missing #15611
- Backspace event not working in Input Otp component (Mobile / Android) #15613
- pTemplate not working for p-toolbar alone #15608
- Table: Column Toggle example does not restore original column order #15194
- Component: Dialog in 'headless' mode can not be focused #15496
- p-multiSelect: onRemove event not getting emitted #15118
- Table: Reorderable column false still gives cursor move #15656
- Component: selectButton #15278
- Tooltip: Tooltip broken when used in a custom component #15648
- InputNumber Component: Default value for minFractionDigits is not correct when value explicitly set to null #15346
- Accordion: updateActiveIndex does not actually update _activeIndex #15674
- Calendar datepicker covers input component when there is 6 week displayed on. #15238
- Autocomplete: Showing empty overlay when has no suggestions and showEmptyMessage is false #15344
- PasswordDirective: Loss PrimeNGConfig in constructor #15727
- FileUpload: Improve styling for mobile and not image files preview #15730
- InputMask: Paste function runs on disabled mode #15732
- Slider: Change range slider by keys does not trigger the onSlideEnd event #15107
- p-calendar preventing calendar automatic closing with hideOnDateTimeSelect="false" not working for selectionMode="range" #14989
- Checkbox: Checkbox multiselect doesn't work with reactive form and formcontrol #15265
- PickList Component: Fix unit test #15724
- Context Menu: Fix Unit Tests #15607
- Editor Component: fix unit test #15645
- FileUpload: Fix unit tests #15596
- MultiSelect Unit Test Fix #15578
- Input text area: fix broken unit test and expand test coverage #15605
17.17.0 (2024-05-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- PrimeNGConfig | Add csp #15560
- TreeSelect: ng-touched not working & add onFocus, onBlur events #15537
- TreeSelect | lazy support #15579
Fixed bugs:
- Table: Numeric Filter #15512
- Table's select all checkbox shouldn't select the checkbox which are disabled #15338
- InputNumber: Selection lost when not selecting all content from left to right when prefix is enabled on the left. #15293
- Button/p-button and tooltip: Doesn't work correctly #15390
- Button Directive | label input type mismatch #15590
- Tooltip: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') #15518
- Tooltip | Tooltip is out of position after dialog opens #15529
- TreeSelect: Panel does not hide on selected item #15539
- Button | Remove wrapper span elements from icon templates #15582
- InputOtp: Paste function works when readonly set to true #15567
- p-tree: Node which is not selectable shouldn't have focus #14822
- Skeleton size property is no longer a string accepting rem values but instead expects shapes #15535
- Dropdown: attr.id not applied to input element when editable: true #15542
- Tooltip visual issue in 17.16.1 #15545
- Keyboard Trap within Galleria component #15546
- AutoFocus | doesn't work in dialog #15524
- Dialog | tabbing order is broken because of pFocusTrap #15482
- Autocomplete Component: Fix unit test #15554
- Orderlist Unit Test Fix #15571
- InputSwitch Component: Fix unit test #15573
- Autocomplete broken unit tests #15596
- Listbox unit test fix #15564
- Rating: Fix broken unit tests #15522
- Dialog: Fix broken unit test #15526
- Autocomplete Component: Fix unit test #15554
- Dropdown: Fix unit test #15511
17.16.1 (2024-05-09)
- Calendar: Add additional keyboard support #14995
- Fileupload | template enhancement #15435
- Badge | Add contrast severity styles #15504
- Tag, Badge, Toast, Message | Add contrast and secondary severity options. #15470
- ColumnFilter | Add onShow & onHide events #15462
Fixed bugs:
- Tooltip | Tooltip-option tooltipEvent="focus" does not work on p-button #15472
- Tooltip | Tooltip is out of position after dialog opens #15485
- Colourpicker: fix broken unit test #15501
- Dropdown head is empty if no value is provided #14954
- inputNumber with numeric prefix is not working as expected #15311
- Component: Nested dialog keyboard navigation not working #15370
- Table | the 'not equal' filter is applied immediately after being selected #15283
- Missing icons in the import PrimeIcons from primeng/api #15454
- Dropdown: Invalid abstract role 'section' in p-dropdown-items-wrapper #15339
- SplitButton: menu item is using 'aria-level' attribute incorrectly #15130
- DataView rowsPerPageOption not working #15455
- Component: PickList element selection problem after filtering with ScrollBar #15011
- TieredMenu: Items are not read by NVDA on hover #15187
- OrderList: documentation doesn't indicate it needs @angular/cdk #15480
- InputOtp: paste (ctrl/ cmd + V) not work in integer-only #15483
- Calendar component: date input value is removed when a date before mindDate is entered #15487
- InputSwitch | Accessibility issue changing the inputswitch status with keyboard #15490
- Fix message and messages component unit test #15492
17.16.0 (2024-05-03)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add variant input property for form components. #15328
- Fileupload | add headerTemplate & emptyTemplate. #15430
- Multiselect | add loadingIconTemplate #15431
Fixed bugs:
- Split Button: Aria Label not correctly working #15342
- Scroller: When itemSize is not set, scrolling to top results in component crash #15395
- Tree: Search results are not updated when new data is added #15193
- MegaMenu | Keyboard navigation is broken #15110
- Component: Paginator aria replacement problem #15413
- primeNg timeline vertical alignment broken in case of small devices #14582
- Dropdown loses focus in accordion when using arrow keys #14953
- Calendar: minDate bug when using 12 hourFormat #15286
- p-timeline not mobile responsive in the template section of the timeline documentation #15424
- Fileupload and autocomplete: problems with input transform function #15332
- DynamicDialog: closeOnEscape and dismissableMask not working in combination with closable=false #15401
- TieredMenu Submenus do not display within viewport #13929
- keyboard event code is coming as empty for backspace #15442
- p-menu w/ popup: enter key on number pad doesn't select menu item (accessibility issue) #15415
- Broken Unit Tests #15416
17.15.0 (2024-04-26)
- MultiSelect | Deprecate checkicon template #15374
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Component: colorPicker - color not updated in selection square with reactive forms #15266
- Component: Checkbox; Array value not working when using with formControlName #15185
- Component: p-fileUpload mode=advanced auto=true not uploading on select #15212
- Dropdown: 'Enter' from numeric pad does not select option #15016
- Component: TreeSelect onFilter returned object #15379
- p-calendar "Date After" filters do not exclude date inclusive #14886
- Dialog: Dialog moves to another position instead of closing after pressing close button #15022
- FilterService: match modes "equals" and "not equals" do not work with numeric filter on fractional values #14978
- TreeSelect Disabled State Not Updating Properly #15378
- Treeselect: Scroll height should be removed when there are no result in treeselect-items. #15349
- Component: KeyFilter #14639
- Menubar: Enter key moves focus at first menuitem #15040
- Fileupload breaks http requests interceptor cycle when imported in a standalone context #15360
- Divider: dotted vertical divider is not working #15350
- SpeedDial: Non-linear menu items are misaligned #15367
- Table: Column resize not working on Ipads/Tablets #14803
- Table: breakpoint property has wrong default value #15306
- Component: Table #15302 #15303
- p-editor only shows unstyled buttons when it's inside of p-sidebar #15297
- Tooltip does not hide on multiSelect clear #15304
- Component: Card #15013
17.14.1 (2024-04-19)
Fixed bugs:
- Stepper | Core css is overriden and broken #15317
17.14.0 (2024-04-19)
- Badge | Deprecate "size" property #15314
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Avatar and Badge use the same size attribute, add badgeSize property for badge #12959
Fixed bugs:
- Badge directive with badgeDisabled condition not working #12736
- Toast: Close button is missing in Aura theme #15285
- Messages: OnClose event #15295
- MeterGroup | Add explanation of MeterItem for docs #15284
- TabMenu: In Aura theme, active tab underline does not update properly when using routes with asynchronous resolvers #15269
- Dropdown in Table Filter Menu Fails to Apply Filter When appendTo="body" Is Used #15233
- Pasting Valid data into a pKeyFilter field not possible #12316
- p-table passing any expandedRowKeys will cause table to not expand anymore #15270
- Autofocus #13082
- In a Dynamic Dialog that is opened from another Dynamic Dialog, we can not press Tab to focus on the next field #10472
- AutoFocus for Dropdown: Does not work inside dialogComponent. #14010
- Component: Dynamic Dialog's Autofocus on Close Button #13162
- Component: Messages #15260
- MultiSelect: Scroll functionality lost upon closing modal overlay #15254
- MultiSelect: Aria-checked attribute is not allowed #15246
- TreeSelect: ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements #15244
- p-table: columnFilter of type numeric are no longer working #15264
- Autocomplete: Down/Up arrows trigger (onSelect) event when autoHighlight="true" #15208
- Component: pDropdown wrapper #15115
17.13.0 (2024-04-09)
Full Changelog Breaking Changes:
- SplitButton | new input properties #14426
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Theme | Aura #15127
- Dropdown, MultiSelect | Accessibility Enhancements #15197
- SplitButton | add menuButtonDisabled and buttonDisabled inputs to manage disabled states of button and menu dropdown button #14600
- Incorrect type of InputNumberInputEvent.value #15206
- Showcase | Update to PrimeIcons 7.0.0 #15201
- p-calendar unable to select all times when time period is less than an hour #10358
- Paginator: The dropdownItemTemplate property can't be configured to target the "jump to page" dropdown instead of the "rows per page" dropdown #14269
- Calendar | enable minDate & maxDate to be nullable #15146
- Calendar | add option to start week numbers from first day of the year #12711
- Menu/TieredMenu: First Element focussed when opening by button trigger #13818
- DynamicDialog | Add child component reference on component load #15145
- Picklist: ul item lists are missing a label #14944
- Steps: Update link element attributes #15133
- Dialog: Missing Aria Label on Maximize button #14949
- Component: p-listbox missing aria-label #15084
- Component: TreeSelect with Virtual Scroll #13772
Fixed bugs:
- DynamicDialog: accessibility- CloseAriaLabel not working #15144
- Autocomplete: multiple and readonly still show button to remove options #15188
- Calendar: The ellipsis is not displayed when the placeholder is not fully visible #15168
- Component: Dropdown. After closing the overlay, the p-overflow-hidden class is not deleted if overlay mode is modal #15186
- MultiSelect: Pre-selected disabled options are deselected by filterting and clicking toggleAll (deselect) #15229
- Component: Table/Paginator - pageLinks/pageLinkSize do not affect number of page links after initialization #15231
- Flags icons for US is wrong #15231
- p-treeTableHeaderCheckbox doesn't select/unselect all when TreeTable has dataKey property #9188
- TreeTable | Partial selection doesn't work correctly on inital load. #15158
- InputOtp = > backspace key doesn't work @ Template #15200
- p-cascadeSelect options: not change after new data in array of options #14698
- InputOtp integerOnly= true => no response to the numeric keypad #15195
- p-fileUpload auto file upload not working in advanced mode #15150
- Component: MultiSelect use listitem semantically #15002
- Component: MultiSelect aria required children #15001
- Multiselect: aria attributes should not be set on li elements #14946
- Multi select dropdown multiSelectItem missing role='option'. #14958
- Component: p-dropdown #15112
- Component: Dropdown | dropdown box missing the required children for the given role. #15123
- Component: Dropdown | ARIA hidden element must not be focusable or contain focusable elements #15116
- Update broken styles of stepper #15173
- Input properties defined using the setter/getter are not properly documented #14770
- TreeTable | wrong value comparison #15178
- Component: Table & Scroller #14205
- p-dropdown: Missing ariaLabel when in editable = true #15122
- Calendar: Showing start Date instead of end Date when set two dates for the data binding property #13953
- Multiselect: Accesibility - no label for "toggle all" div and "filter" text box #14945
- Calendar | onTodayClick emits wrong value #15148
- Panelmenu: Issue with navigating by Tab through submenu items #13630
- Component: InputNumber with maxlength attribute #13704
- p-tag: style not change dynamically #12665
- Table: When removing the filter constraint it should not filter when showApplyButton is visible #15032
- FileUpload: Missing form label (a11y) #15137
- InputOpt: IntegerOnly does not work with numpad #15129
- p-calendar in range mode does not allow manually typing single date #14590
- p-calendar in range mode does not allow manually typing in same start and end date #12286
17.12.0 (2024-03-21)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component | InputOtp #15101
- New Component | Stepper #15100
- Chips | Make clear method public #15109
- Dialog: Ensures every ARIA dialog and alertdialog node has an accessible name. #14950
- Steps: Invalid and unnecessary tablist role structure #15099
- p-chip: Missing button role on a remove icon #15095
- Message | Add onClose emitter #14982
- Table / Filter Row: Form elements missing aria-label #15024
- Calendar, TreeSelect, MultiSelect: Invalid aria-controls attribute value. Overlay missing an id attribute. #14980
- type of InputNumberInputEvent.value is "number | string", cause it can be string when there is nothing accept "-" (minus sign) #15076
- AutoComplete | clear input field if showClear="true" #15078
Fixed bugs:
- Table | Row Expansion and Selection not Working Together #14081
- TieredMenu: Keyboard navigation does not skip non-visible menu items #15058
- Calendar: the calendar disables the year if minDate is set to the current month #13919
- Picklist items deleted: On using Ctrl+A to select all, then right clicking on item it gets removed from the list #15046
- p-tree: Parent node always undefined in node selection events when Virtual Scrolling is enabled #12718
- Component: p-table column order not restored #14888
- p-table: Date filter not working #14987
- TreeSelect: 'itemcheckboxicon' issue #15086
- Component: p-dropdown (onBlur) is not fired when a value is not selected #15049
- whole page & browser tab is hanging after 17.11 update #15057
- MenuItem: Update of 'expanded' and 'label' properties not working #14893
- p-listbox empty filter message is not being shown #14459
- p-contextMenu: Neither (onHide) Nor (onShow) event is being triggered when you right click twice continuously on same or other records #14962
- Showcase | Update angular packages to 17.3x #15125
17.11.0 (2024-03-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- p-chip: Image does not have an alt attribute #15000
- Numpad Enter Key Ineffective for Option Selection #15027
- p-chip: aria-label is not applied to remove icon #14973
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar: The lowest year in the Year navigator dropdown remains disabled when we are applying minDate in date selector #14839
- Component: MultiSelect #14617
- Calendar: Error on time selection in with range mode #15005
- Table filter set undefined #14588
- p-table: stateful table filters are not properly reset #14903
- PrimeNG docs for p-table - Template example missing crucial property first #14983
- Component: p-table column order not restored #14888
- MenuItem: Update of 'expanded' and 'label' properties not working #14893
- p-inputnumber: multiple problems when input number looses focus #15014
- TreeSelect popup closes when unchecking nodes #13698
- Component: Menubar "Duplicate id aria" a11y #14972
- Dropdown: aria-expanded attribute added to input when setting dropdown editable to true #14969
- Docs: Only first parameter is shown #14942
17.10.0 (2024-03-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- ColorPicker: Form elements must have labels #14941
Fixed bugs:
- treetable, treeselect: wrong type information in jsdoc for node events #14939
- Icons: Wrong value for PrimeIcons.SORT_ALPHA_ALT_DOWN and others #14965
- Multiselect | TypeError: option.toLocaleLowerCase is not a function #14960
- Dropdown: TypeError: this.getOptionLabel(...).toLocaleLowerCase is not a function #14865
- Tree: If user filter tree nodes and then lazy load new children (with .key prop) - nodeClick event is not emitted [#14723 (#14723)
- Tree: Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents #14913
- Tree: Node drop points are not contained in a ul or ol #14911
- Tree: ARIA attributes must conform to valid values #14912
- Scroll bar for the base page reappears after closing a secondary modal despite one modal still being open #14933
- Drag-and-Drop Functionality Disrupted by extra tag (div) in Tag #14935
- Table, pFrozenColumn: Frozen columns are extremely slow and kick off many change detection cycles #14579
- Dropdown: Clicking on currently selected item no longer closes the list #14917
17.9.0 (2024-02-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component | MeterGroup #14898
- New Component | ButtonGroup #14897
- New Component | FloatLabel #14899
- New Components | IconField & InputIcon #14896
Fixed bugs:
- Component: Autocomplete #14806
- p-inputNumber: LeftArrowKey not working for selected input #14869
- Reopen issue #11442 p-inputNumber cannot use the decimal separator of the digital keyboard when the separator is a comma #12626
- Calendar, TreeSelect, MultiSelect, AutoComplete, CascadeSelect, Table | aria-expanded attribute is undefined and aria-controls attribute referencing a hidden element #14358
- DropDown: aria-controls referencing an element that doesn't exist. #14851
- Dropdown: aria-expanded attribute not present. #14850
- Dropdown attr aria-expanded missing because undefined value #14832
- multiselect: filter not working #14835
- TabMenu: TabChange doesn't update Inkbar #14867
- InputNumberInputEvent value type appears to be incorrect #14831
- Theming: Wrong Icon in documentation #14872
17.8.0 (2024-02-23)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Component: Chips. No ability to limit max length of chip #14592
- Sidebar : Combination of role 'complementary' and aria-modal attribute causes accessibility violation. #14818
Fixed bugs:
- DropDown: Making form touched on clearing pre filled values. #14836
- Component: MultiSelect (p-multiSelect) no longer emits an event when all items are selected or deselected #14252
- p-multiselect: onChange event is not triggered for multiselect's filter select all/unselect all #14252
- Component: Multiselect onChange not called #14807
- Tabview: Forward Button Visible with Fractions #14785
- ContextMenu: appentTo w/ template variable causes error when ContextMenu is destroyed #14793
- FileUpload Component #14789
- Component: Table "Ctrl + A" selects all rows even in selectionMode "single" #14795
- TabView: Scroll buttons are not displayed when adding tabPanel dynamically #13530
- DomHandler: getFocusableElements returns elements with hidden parents #14691
- Component: Dropdown - If editable = true and filter = true and you start typing, it will search by default but not start editing. #14567
- dropdown: selected, disabled option not rendered when using selectedItem template #14809
- Component: Dropdown Selected option not shown while typing in filter if it has value null, while having selectedItem template #14815
- Dropdown: Placeholder is not displayed when using a combination of reactive forms and selectedItem template #14801
- Dropdown: Dropdown no longer closes when clicking the currently selected option #14811
- Table: ColumnFilter not hiding when another filter icon clicked and previously any input field clicked in still in focus #14775
- Checkbox: Disabled checkboxes appear writable until they receive focus #14819
- Calendar: Autofocus not working #14745
- When p-chart is put into a p-fieldset, the chart is not responsive anymre #14739
17.7.0 (2024-02-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Dropdown, MultiSelect, AutoComplete, CascadeSelect: aria-label missing from inner ul element #14790
- Autocomplete: emptyMessage is not showed, when no item fit condition #14744
- ProgressSpinner: Unable to set aria-label #14798
Fixed bugs:
- Dropdown: invalid text after cleaning via ngModel #14784
- Component: p-dropdown emits changes when selected option did not change #14788
- Password: Hand/Pointer icon not displayed while hovering over the eye icon in password ToggleMask mode #14724
- Component: p-dropdown filterValue initial value is ignored and binding not working #14586
- ContextMenu: Double opacity applied to disabled items #14773
- dropdown: selected, disabled option not rendered #14716
- TreeSelect: Incorrect alignment in TreeSelect on filter #14764
- Multiselect: headerCheckboxViewChild not found #14737
- MultiSelect: Incorrect Alignment in multiselect dropdown on filter #14755
- Multiselect with string array search not working #12854
- Chips and Timeline: Typo error 'seperator' instead 'separator' #14783
- Remove CodeSandbox from the examples. #14792
- p-chips: [addOnTab] feature has no effect. Tab key should make a chip and keep focus in the text box. #14706
17.6.0 (2024-02-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Dropdown | make clear method public for better DX #14641
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect: selectedItemsLabel is not localized (re-opened) #14554
- Component: Calendar isn't show initial value from FormControl/ngModel #14616
- Component: Dropdown removing a letter from filter that comes after a whitespace ' ' removes the whitespace #14701
- Component: p-multiselect - double click on multiselect "button" causes modal window to jump around before disappearing #14442
- Virtual Scroll Jumping Backwards #14298
- p-dropdown: dropdown options float to the top when searching #14659
- Dropdown: Key events not correctly working when filter is enabled #14189
- Component: Dropdown| closing overlay on pressing enter key on filter input #14708
- Component: p-Dropdown placeholder/values not displayed #14695
- TreeSelect: When using reactive form disabled input doesn't affect #14662
- MultiSelect: dynamic text in placeholder is not displayed #14321
- Dropdown: dynamic text in placeholder is not displayed #14320
- Component: Dropdown TypeError: option.toLowerCase is not a function #14682
- Dropdown: "0" Value in optionValue, causes Label to be replaced by Placeholder #14715
- The scrollToIndex method on VirtualScroller does not scroll to the correct index when triggered twice. #14731
- Checkbox: Disabled property does not work when it's used with formControlName #14693
- PrimeNg p-columnFilter does not close on outside element click or scroll or search submit #14658
- Showcase | Remove stateful config #14752
17.5.0 (2024-02-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- AutoComplete | Description in the accessibility section for tab not working #14641
Fixed bugs:
- Component: InputNumber does not validate max on blur #14630
- p-dropdown: Filtering all items incorrectly clears the dropdown's selected value #14596
- Component: Dropdown #14367
- paginator missing p-paginator-top/bottom class #14679
- Component: Placeholder not working in dropdown Reactive Forms and Template #14679
- TabView with scrollable throws an exception #13332
- Component: TreeTable, dragging over table cells #14512
- p-calendar: validation is triggered before calendar is even touched #14542
- Referencing closed thread -> Responsive Stack and add [scrollable]="true" not working responsive stack #11331 #14667
- Table: built-in Ctrl+A errors when "rows" parameter is defined #14634
- p-autocomplete: maxlength doesn't work anymore #14595
- Dropdown: autoOptionFocus property not working #14655
- Dropdown: Unable to type in editable Dropdowns when filtering options onChange and current value is an option #14556
- p-MultiSelect: Clear Button does not work #14585
- Calendar: Calendar CSS breaks other Components #14606
17.4.0 (2024-01-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- MultiSelect: selectedItemsLabel is not localized #14554
Fixed bugs:
- p-columnFilter: Missing icons to the table column filter dialog #14613
- p-multiselect: Displaying the multiselect options dialog causes page to horizontally scroll #14611
- p-calendar: Doesn't close on date selection in range mode #14558
- ConfirmPopup arror right side rendering defect #14557
- Dropdown: can't select input with Shift + Home / Shift + End #14540
- TreeTable: StyleClass wont apply #14559
- p-dropdown: optionValue is not working when object has property 'group' #14516
- Table pSelectableRow: cannot type space into an pInputText component #14531
- p-dropdown: Cannot clear dropdown programmatically #14544
17.3.3 (2024-01-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Component: Carousel swipe not working properly on iOS devices #12942
- Autocomplete: focus not being applied when clicking around input #14530
- Chips: NumpadEnter being ignored #14578
- Component: Chips: Invalid aria attribute: aria-pointset (should be aria-posinset) #14568
- Button | StyleClass does not work as expected #14583
- Calendar: Calendar Icon has a default cursor on hover #14501
- SSR Duplicate elements with provideClientHydration() #14569
- TreeTable with scrollHeight="flex" shrinks the header as the table rows are expanded. #14523
- Table | Column filter in stateful is become 'undefined' #14571
- Component: dropdown - Editable dropdown does not change value to empty string #14546
- PrimeNG table filtering and sorting on each column- filter is not opening with keyboard #14545
- GalleriaThumbnail afterViewInit use platformBrowser instead of isPlatformBrowser #14553
- p-columnfilter: missing aria-label #14537
- Component: Chips. Duplicate validation is case sensitive #14550
- Paginator / Table: Configurable Dropdown Icon #9605
- Chart component should runOutsideOfAngular #14561
- Component: Table. Export CSV with cyrillic or chinese characters has broken encoding in Microsoft Excel #14562
- p-table: columnFilter p-calendar cropped by overflow #14564
- EditableColumn: error in ngOnChanges when input other than data changes #14525
- SplitButton contains a typo on "aria-haspopup" attribute #14533
- Calendar: Datepicker is hidden on PrimeNg homepage #14547
17.3.2 (2024-01-10)
Fixed bugs:
- Panel: id increments within component #14508
- p-inputNumber: With suffix and minDigits > 0, negative numbers lead to an unexpected cursor jump and frozen inputs #13651
- AutoComplete: Unique option doesn't work #14505
- p-dropdown: selecting an option or clearing the value should clear the filter input #14503
- p-autocomplete: optionLabel input has wrong type #14468
- p-dropdown: Cannot clear dropdown value #14513
- p-checkbox firing onClick event twice when clicking the label if inputId is populated #14487
- p-multiselect is not resetting when using with reactive form #14490
- Dropdown: Infinite loop dynamic options array #14319
- Component: Dropdown TypeError: option.toLowerCase is not a function (PringNG 17.0 + 17.1) #14370
- Accordian : TextArea shortcuts are not working when used in Accordian Panels #14368
- Dropdown: required attribute not set in hidden input element #14322
- Component: p-treeSelect - Material Design theme does not highlight items #14453
- Calendar: component emit different format on load then after change #14484
- p-dropdown: FilterBy multiple values is not working #14492
- Table Virtual Scroll with Fixed Columns and Lazy Loading Causes Erratic Scrolling and Incomplete Data Display #14488
17.3.1 (2024-01-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Table: Multiple selection with SHIFT/click does not work together with paginator and lazy loading #14140
- Toast | Close callback is not exposed in headless. #14483
- Exporting p-table with non exportable columns may lead in unecessary ending csvSeparator #14248
- Error loading dropdown menu after performing a filter on the field programmatically#14432
- Component: Tree checkbox disabled css not working #14251
- Dropdown | Component selects first option on tab press #14473
- Component: Sidebar. Cannot close sidebar programmatically #14450
- MegaMenu | Error: Cannot read properties of undefined #14476
17.3.0 (2023-12-28)
Breaking Changes:
- Dropdown | Deprecate autoDisplayFirst property #14426
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- DynamicDialog: Need to turn off autofocus on first focusable element #13486
- Inconsistent filtering behavior in p-dropdown when options contain diacritics #10482
Fixed bugs:
- Component: ToggleButton #14443
- Tree removed css classes #14445
- Component: Sidebar #14254
- Overlay Panel: Interaction with components inside panel template cause panel to hide #14323
- Menu | itemClick requires double click in popup mode if items generated by function #13934
- Component: p-picklist #14420
- Component: Dropdown - If editable is true and optionValue is present, the selected option will not be shown #14427
- columnFilter: unwanted close on mouseup #14410
- p-paginator: not accessible #12684
- Tooltip arrow is broken #12579
- AutoComplete: (Multiple) Placeholder does not disappear after selecting item #14376
- Component: MenuItem's property visible wasn't working #14316
- TreeSelect: Trigger Button missing aria-label #14355
- p-menubar: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'item') when clicking on disabled menu item #14434
- Table/Scroller: Scroller scrolls left when sorting columns #14421
- Multiselect: pTemplate="selectedItems" layout is empty on first render using Reactive forms #14424
- Menubar | submenuicon template does not work #14430
17.2.0 (2023-12-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- InputGroup | Add styleClass and style input properties #14404
- ContextMenu | Touch Device support #14375
Fixed bugs:
- Lara Light Teal: $highlightBg implementation defect #14414
- Table: Not able to provide custom Icons for column filter clear icon #14397
- BlockUI: entire page is blocked if "blocked" input contains true by default (even if a target is defined) #14230
- Inputnumber: Inputnumber#currency mode not allowing to remove minus sign for Dollar and INR fields. #14327
- Galleria: After images change not correct numVisible value in component. #14401
- Multiselect does not focus filter input #14387
- Accordion: TextArea shortcuts are not working when used in Accordian Panels #14368
- Component: Autocomplete with long list of options adds scrollbar to the whole page #14281
- Dropdown Empty Filter Message not displayed #14409
- PickList: Filtering bug, when moving item to target list #14334
- Drodown: Unable to type spaces in editable dropdowns #14377
- Table | Apply Rule and Remove Rule texts are not visible in column filter #14365
- Autocomplete: ForceSelection does not force selection - formControl value is changed even without selection #14389
- Table: Sort icons are not showing correct amount directions #14403
- Component: PanelMenu repeated rendering #14373
- Table | Resized column style is not applied (w/column reorder) #14386
17.1.0 (2023-12-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- DialogService | Add method to get instance #14352
- ConfirmPopup | Add headless template #14351
- ConfirmPopup | Add content template #14350
- Dialog | Add maskStyle input #14349
- Dialog | Add headless template #14348
- Toast | Add headless template #14347
- Sidebar | Add headless template #14346
- Progressbar | Add content template #14345
- DynamicDialog | Add breakpoints option to config #14344
- DynamicDialog | Template Support #14354
- ToggleButton | Add missing icon template #14286
- OverlayPanel | add missing aria attributes #14361
Fixed bugs:
- PickList | clicking on p-picklist would cause TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getAttribute') #14339
- 16.3.1 regression: p-overlayPanel dismisses when making changes to nested p-multiSelect with appendTo="body" #14120
- multiselect: clicking directly on the svg icon closes the overlay #14335
- Update of MenuItem's 'expanded' property not working #14329
- Table: Apply and Clear text buttons for filter menu are missing #14289
- Menu | items don't receive p-focus class #14295
- Dropdown: Preselected value not shown when using reactive forms #14241
- ListBox: emptyMessage not working #14294
- AutoComplete | Float label goes down after losing focus w/ multiple #14297
- MultiSelect: selectionLimit & floating label regression #14299
- applyFocus() method is working only when dropdown is editable. #14051
- Removing an item from autocomplete closes p-OverlayPanel #14300
- Avatar | Missing alt attribute on image #14296
17.0.0 (2023-12-06)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Checkbox: Add blur event #13800
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar | Today doesn't receive focus #14256
- pMultiSelect: The filter isn't working as it did before, specifically in terms of filtering by label #14194
- EditorModule doesn't support SSR #8817
- Component: Button styleClass #13963
- TreeTable: treeTableToggler missing aria-label #14271
- p-dropdown: when filtering, placeholder is displayed even if there is a selected option #14282
- Table: p-columnFilter missing aria-label #14272
- Component: Multiselect Component Close Button Accessibility Issues - Close Button is empty + Screen Reader reads 'Unlabeled button' #13859
- p-dropdown: REGRESSION a value of null or '' was previously treated as valid dropdown values, now it looks like they are treated as undefined #14223
- AutoComplete: Change detection issue in dialog component #14262
- PrimeNG table is not honoring the sort column and sort order specified when groupRowsBy is added. #13773
- Menu: Accessibility rule F85. Lost focus on TAB #14246
17.0.0-rc.1 (2023-11-29)
Breaking Changes:
- Set all metaKeySelection to true by default #14244
- StyleClass | deprecate enterClass and leaveClass #14243
- InputSwitch | Rename InputSwitchOnChangeEvent #14228
- AutoComplete | Rename AutoCompleteOnSelectEvent #14229
- DataView | Remove primeflex dependency from component #14214
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component | InputGroup #14133
Fixed bugs:
- Panel Menu: On Click Events of Panel-Submenu-List causes focus event on Panel Root List #14236
- Edit mode not closed on TAB in last cell of p-table #14221
- pMultiSelect: The maxSelectedLabels is set by default to 3 and is not undefinable, which is undesired for implementing the overflow ellipsis #14195
- Component: MultiSelect #14199
17.0.0-beta.1 (2023-11-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements: