I no longer maintain this list.
This is a list of plugins.
NOTE: this list may contain: mirrors, extensions to plugins, links that are not working and other things that are not related to vim plugins.
NOTE: this list was documented over a span of multiple months and has some weirdness (in othe words, it would not be weird to presume that I was high when writing this (I was not)).
Other BETER vim plugin lists: awesome-vim, awesome-nvim, neovim-official-list, vim-galore,
- extensions/options/readmore/...
- documented
- deoplete-extensions
- telescope-extensions
- extension
- tmux
- nvim-cmp-extensions
- buffers
- aligner
- toggle
- key
- auto-pairs
- other
- comment
- library
- remote-colab
- chat
- mouse
- windows
- detectindent
- indent
- folds
- quickfix
- gui
- ide
- sidebar
- tag
- file
- spell
- note
- preview
- file-movment
- todo
- markdown-langueges
- snippets
- language
- lsp
- lint
- autocomplete
- syntax
- integration
- fennel
- test
- debug
- repl
- color
- tabline
- visual
- scrollbar
- statusline
- highlight
- zen
- colorscheme
- bufferline
- yanklist
- hop
- movment
- textobject
- game
- startscreen
- projects-seessions
- undotree
- command
- replace
- terminal
- file-explorer
- plugin-maneger
- git
- finder
- apps
- ui-creator
- treesitter
- keys
- tags
- todo-list
- repalce
- filemanager
- keymap-creater
- language-suport
- from-one-to-more-lines
- abbreviations
- functions-commands
- speed-up-loadtimes
- pairs
- remote
- highlight-underline
- marks
- markdown-org-neorg
- use-instead
- libs
- starter-page
- not documented
- donate
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter : extensions, supported-languages
- neoclide/coc.nvim : list-of-coc-apps
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim : optional, extensions
- preservim/nerdtree : optional
- hrsh7th/nvim-cmp : extensions
- callmekohei/deoplete-fsharp : deoplete.nvim source for F#
- carlitux/deoplete-ternjs : deoplete.nvim source for javascript
- deoplete-plugins/deoplete-clang : C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++ source for deoplete.nvim
- deoplete-plugins/deoplete-dictionary : deoplete source for dictionary
- deoplete-plugins/deoplete-jedi : deoplete.nvim source for jedi
- deoplete-plugins/deoplete-lsp : LSP Completion source for deoplete
- deoplete-plugins/deoplete-terminal : Terminal completion for deoplete.nvim
- juliaeditorsupport/deoplete-julia : This package supplements julia-vim by providing syntax completions, through Deoplete [archived]
- kristijanhusak/deoplete-phpactor : Phpactor integration for deoplete.nvim
- lighttiger2505/deoplete-vim-lsp : deoplete source for vim-lsp
- ponko2/deoplete-fish : deoplete.nvim source for fish
- uplus/deoplete-solargraph : deoplete.nvim source for Ruby with solargraph
- aloussase/telescope-gradle.nvim : telescope extensions to run gradle tasks
- aloussase/telescope-maven-search : telescope extensions to search dependencies in MavenCentral
- angkeith/telescope-terraform-doc.nvim : telescope extensions to search and browse terraform providers docs
- axkirillov/easypick.nvim : easily create Telescope pickers
- axkirillov/telescope-changed-files : telescope extensions to browse files that changed between your branch and develop
- benfowler/telescope-luasnip.nvim : telescope extensions to list luasnip snippets
- bi0ha2ard/telescope-ros.nvim : telescope extensions to select ROS(2) package
- brandoncc/telescope-harpoon.nvim : telescope extensions to harpoon (depreciated)
- camgraff/telescope-tmux.nvim : telescope extensions to fuzzy-finding over tmux targets
- chip/telescope-code-fence.nvim : telescope extensions to fetch and parse text files from Github and provide a list of markdown code fences
- chip/telescope-software-licenses.nvim : telescope extensions to view common software licenses
- cljoly/telescope-repo.nvim : telescope extensions to jump to any repository in filesystem
- crispgm/telescope-heading.nvim : telescope extensions to switch between document's headings
- danielfalk/smart-open.nvim : provide the best possible suggestions for quickly opening files
- danielpieper/telescope-tmuxinator.nvim : telescope extensions to integrate with tmuxinator
- debugloop/telescope-undo.nvim : Visualize your undo tree in telescope
- desdic/agrolens.nvim : runs custom tree-sitter queries
- desdic/telescope-rooter.nvim : changes the working directory to the to the project/root path
- dhruvmanila/telescope-bookmarks.nvim : telescope extensions to open your browser bookmarks
- edolphin-ydf/goimpl.nvim : telescope extension for goimlp
- elpiloto/telescope-vimwiki.nvim : Look for your vimwiki pages using telescope
- ethanjwright/vs-tasks.nvim : Telescope plugin to load and run tasks in a project that conform to VS Code's Editor Tasks
- fannheyward/telescope-coc.nvim : telescope extensions to find/filter/preview/pick results from coc.nvim
- fcying/telescope-ctags-outline.nvim : telescope extensions to get ctags outline
- feiyoug/command_center.nvim : telescope extensions to Create and manage keybindings and commands in a more organized manner, and search them quickly
- fhill2/telescope-ultisnips.nvim : telescope extensions to Integration with ultisnips.nvim
- gbrlsnchs/telescope-lsp-handlers.nvim : telescope extensions to handle a bunch of lsp stuff
- gustavokatel/telescope-asynctasks.nvim : telescope extensions to integrate with skywind3000/asynctasks.vim
- jvgrootveld/telescope-zoxide : telescope extensions to allow you to operate zoxide
- kelly-lin/telescope-ag : telescope extensions to provide The Silver Searcher (Ag) functionality
- kolja/telescope-opds : telescope extensions to Browse opds catalogs
- linarcx/telescope-changes.nvim : telescope extensions to wrapper around :changes
- linarcx/telescope-command-palette.nvim : telescope extensions to help you to access your custom commands/function/key-bindings
- linarcx/telescope-env.nvim : telescope extensions to Watch environment variables
- linarcx/telescope-ports.nvim : telescope extensions to Shows ports that are open on your system and gives you the ability to kill their process
- linarcx/telescope-scriptnames.nvim : telescope extension wrapper around
- luc-tielen/telescope_hoogle : telescope plugin for Hoogle
- lukaspietzschmann/telescope-tabs : list and select tabs in telescope
- natecraddock/telescope-zf-native.nvim : native telescope bindings to zf for sorting results
- nvim-neorg/neorg-telescope : telescope extensions to browse neorg file headings
- nvim-telescope/telescope-arecibo.nvim : Neovim Telescope extension for searching the web
- nvim-telescope/telescope-bibtex.nvim : Search and paste entries from
files with telescope.nvim - nvim-telescope/telescope-cheat.nvim : An attempt to recreate with lua, neovim, sqlite.lua, and telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-dap.nvim : Integration for nvim-dap with telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim : file browser extension for telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-frecency.nvim : telescope extensions to offers intelligent prioritization when selecting files from your editing history
- nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim : FZF-native (
port of fzf) style sorter for telescope - nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-writer.nvim : Incorporating fzf into telescope
- nvim-telescope/telescope-fzy-native.nvim : FZY style sorter that is compiled
- nvim-telescope/telescope-ghq.nvim : telescope extensions to provide its users with operating x-motemen/ghq
- nvim-telescope/telescope-github.nvim : telescope integration with github cli
- nvim-telescope/telescope-hop.nvim : an extension for telescope.nvim for hopping to the moon
- nvim-telescope/telescope-live-grep-args.nvim : Live grep args picker for telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-media-files.nvim : Preview images, pdf, epub, video, and fonts from Neovim using Telescope
- nvim-telescope/telescope-node-modules.nvim : telescope extension that provides its users with node packages under
dir - nvim-telescope/telescope-packer.nvim : Integration for packer.nvim with telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-project.nvim : extension for telescope.nvim that allows you to switch between projects
- nvim-telescope/telescope-rs.nvim : Experimental features for telescope in RUST
- nvim-telescope/telescope-smart-history.nvim : history implementation that memorizes prompt input for a specific context as a telescope extension
- nvim-telescope/telescope-snippets.nvim : Integration for snippets.nvim with telescope.nvim [archived]
- nvim-telescope/telescope-symbols.nvim : telescope extensions to pick symbols
- nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim : It sets
to telescope - nvim-telescope/telescope-vimspector.nvim : Integration for vimspector with telescope.nvim
- nvim-telescope/telescope-z.nvim : an extension for telescope.nvim that provides its users with operating rupa/z or its compatibles
- olacin/telescope-cc.nvim : telescope integration of Conventional Commits
- olacin/telescope-gitmoji.nvim : telescope integration of gitmoji
- otavioschwanck/telescope-alternate.nvim : Alternate between common files using pre-defined regexp
- prochri/telescope-all-recent.nvim : Frecency algorthim for sorting telescope pickers
- runiq/telescope-trouble.nvim : see trouble info from telescope
- slarwise/telescope-args.nvim : telescopeextension for navigating the argument list
- tamago324/telescope-openbrowser.nvim : Integration for open-browser.vim with telescope.nvim
- tc72/telescope-tele-tabby.nvim : A tab switcher extension for Telescope
- tom-anders/telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim : telescope extensions to integrate with mattesgroeger/vim-bookmarks
- tsakirist/telescope-lazy.nvim : browse plugins installed with lazy.nvim
- wesleimp/telescope-windowizer.nvim : telescope extensions to Create new tmux window ready for edit your selected file inside vim
- xiyaowong/telescope-emoji.nvim : telescope extensions to search emoji
- zane-/cder.nvim : A telescope.nvimextension for quickly changing your working directory
- zane-/howdoi.nvim : telescope extension for previewing howdoi results
- abeldekat/lazyflex.nvim : add-on for lazy.nvim that makes it easy to troubleshoot the config
- antoinemadec/coc-fzf : fzf with coc.nvim
- arkav/lualine-lsp-progress : Information provided by active lsp clients from the $/progress endpoint as a statusline component for lualine.nvim
- ggandor/leap-ast.nvim : jump, select, operate on ast node via ggandor/leap.nvim
- ggandor/leap-spooky.nvim : remote operations via ggandor/leap.nvim
- haya14busa/incsearch-easymotion.vim : Integration between haya14busa/incsearch.vim and easymotion/vim-easymotion
- haya14busa/incsearch-fuzzy.vim : incremantal fuzzy search extension for incsearch.vim
- jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs : make NERDTree a true panel, independent of tabs [no maintain]
- kristijanhusak/defx-git : Git status implementation for defx.nvim
- kristijanhusak/defx-icons : Custom implementation of vim-devicons for defx.nvim
- kristijanhusak/vim-dirvish-git : Plugin for dirvish.vim that shows git status flags
- lambdalisue/battery.vim : a statusline or tablinecomponent for vim
- matsui54/defx-sftp : a defx source for sftp
- mengelbrecht/lightline-bufferline : add bufferline functionality for lightline
- neoclide/coc-pairs : auto pairs for coc
- ofirgall/goto-breakpoints.nvim : cycle between nvim-dap's breakpoints
- philrunninger/nerdtree-buffer-ops : a NERDTree plugin that highlights all visible nodes that are open in Vim
- philrunninger/nerdtree-visual-selection : defines key mappings that will work on nodes contained in a Visual selection in NERDTree
- roginfarrer/vim-dirvish-dovish : The file manipulation commands for vim-dirvish that you've always wanted
- roobert/surround-ui.nvim : change the key combos for kylechui/nvim-surround
- scrooloose/nerdtree-project-plugin : nerd extension which preserves Tree state (open/closed dirs) between sessions
- shougo/ddu-ui-filer : File list plugin for ddu.vim
- thehamsta/nvim-treesitter-commonlisp : extends the standard highlighting of nvim-treesitter for Common Lisp
- thomasfaingnaert/vim-lsp-neosnippet : integrates neosnippet.vim in vim-lsp
- tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight : adds syntax for nerdtree on most common file extensions
- tjdevries/tree-sitter-lua : Tree sitter grammar for Lua built to be used inside of Neovim
- tommcdo/vim-fugitive-blame-ext : extends the functionality of tpope's fugitive plugin by showing first line of the commit message
- tpope/vim-vinegar : enhances netrw, partially in an attempt to mitigate the need for more disruptive "project drawer" style plugins
- vim-airline/vim-airline-themes : official theme repository for vim-airline
- weirongxu/coc-explorer : Explorer extension for coc.nvim
- wellle/tmux-complete.vim : insert mode completion of words in adjacent tmux panes
- wsdjeg/dein-ui.vim : UI for Shougo's dein.vim
- xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin : A plugin of NERDTree showing git status flags
- yamatsum/nvim-nonicons : Collection of configurations for nvim-web-devicons
- aserowy/tmux.nvim : a few features making vim and tmux work beautifully together
- christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator : navigate seamlessly between vim and tmux splits using a consistent set of hotkeys
- christoomey/vim-tmux-runner : A simple, vimscript only, command runner for sending commands from vim to tmux
- hkupty/nvimux : Nvimux allows neovim to work as a tmux replacement
- junegunn/heytmux : Tmux scripting made easy
- narajaon/onestatus : helps you interact with your tmux
- nathom/tmux.nvim : lets you seamlessly navigate between tmux panes and vim splits
- numtostr/navigator.nvim : Smoothly navigate between splits and panes
- otavioschwanck/tmux-awesome-manager.nvim : provides a pack of functionalities to work with TMUX
- preservim/vimux : easily interact with tmux from vim
- roxma/vim-tmux-clipboard : provides seamless integration for vim and tmux's clipboard
- shivamashtikar/tmuxjump.vim : A plugin to open file from file paths printed in sibling tmux pane
- sourproton/tunnell.nvim : send tunnel text to tmux pane
- tpope/vim-tbone : Basic tmux support for Vim
- vimpostor/vim-tpipeline : Embed your vim statusline in the tmux statusline
- amarakon/nvim-cmp-buffer-lines : provides a source for all the lines in the current buffer
- andersevenrud/cmp-tmux : Tmux completion source for nvim-cmp
- david-kunz/cmp-npm : nvim-cmp extension for npm autocomplete
- dcampos/cmp-snippy : nvim-snippy source for nvim-cmp
- dmitmel/cmp-cmdline-history : nvim-cmp source for getting completions from command-line or search histories.
- dmitmel/cmp-digraphs : nvim-cmp source for completing digraphs
- f3fora/cmp-spell : nvim-cmp extension for spell autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-buffer : nvim-cmp extension for buffer autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-calc : nvim-cmp extension for math calculation autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline : nvim-cmp extension for cmdline autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp : nvim-cmp extension for lsp autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol : nvim-cmp source for textDocument/documentSymbol via nvim-lsp
- hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help : nvim-cmp extension for showing lsp help in autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua : nvim-cmp extension for lua autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-path : nvim-cmp extension for path autocomplete
- hrsh7th/cmp-vsnip : nvim-cmp source for vim-vsnip
- jcdickinson/codeium.nvim : native Codeium autocompletion for nvim-cmp
- lukas-reineke/cmp-rg : nvim-cmp extension for rg autocomplete
- lukas-reineke/cmp-under-comparator : A tiny function for nvim-cmpto better sort completion items that start with one or more underlines
- max397574/cmp-greek : nvim-cmp source for greek letters
- mtoohey31/cmp-fish : nvim-cmp extension for fish autocomplete
- notomo/cmp-neosnippet : nvim-cmp source for neosnippet
- paterjason/cmp-conjure : nvim-cmp source for conjure
- petertriho/cmp-git : nvim-cmp extension for git autocomplete
- quangnguyen30192/cmp-nvim-tags : nvim-cmp extension for tag autocomplete
- quangnguyen30192/cmp-nvim-ultisnips : nvim-cmp extension for ultisnips autocomplete
- ray-x/cmp-treesitter : nvim-cmp extension for treesitter autocomplete
- rcarriga/cmp-dap : nvim-cmp extension for dap autocomplete
- roobert/tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp.nvim : Add vs-code-stile TailwindCss color hints to nvim-cmp
- saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip : nvim-cmp extension for luasnip autocomplete
- tzachar/cmp-fuzzy-buffer : nvim-cmp source for fuzzy matched items from using the current buffer
- tzachar/cmp-fuzzy-path : nvim-cmp source for filesystem paths, employing
and regular expressions to find files - tzachar/cmp-tabnine : nvim-cmp extension for tabline autocomplete
- uga-rosa/cmp-dictionary : Dictionary completion source for nvim-cmp
- zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp : nvim-cmp extension for copilot autocomplete
- 0x7a7a/bufpin.nvim : pin buffers, or let them be sorted by most recently used
- axkirillov/hbac.nvim : close unneeded buffers if to many
- caenrique/swap-buffers.nvim : swap buffers easily between split windows without changing the window layout
- chrisgrieser/nvim-early-retirement : close unneeded buffers after some time
- codcodog/simplebuffer.vim : switching and deleting buffers easily
- el-iot/buffer-tree : rendering your buffer-list as an ascii-tree
- el-iot/buffer-tree-explorer : exploring vim-buffers, rendered as an ascii-tree
- elihunter173/dirbuf.nvim : directory buffer
- famiu/bufdelete.nvim : allow you to delete a buffer without messing up your window layout
- ghillb/cybu.nvim : notification window, that shows the buffer in focus and its neighbors or list of buffers is ordered by last used
- j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim : easily manage Neovim buffers
- kazhala/close-buffers.nvim : Lua port of asheq/close-buffers with several feature extensions
- kwkarlwang/bufjump.nvim : jump to previous buffer in jump list
- kwkarlwang/bufresize.nvim : keep your buffers width and height in proportion when the terminal window is resized
- matbme/jabs.nvim : Just Another Buffer Switcher
- natdm/bswap : easily rearrange or navigate buffers in split windows
- numtostr/bufonly.nvim : Delete all the buffers except the current
- nyngwang/neononame.lua : Layout preserving buffer deletion in Lua
- sqve/bufignore.nvim : auto unlist specific buffers
- tklepzig/vim-buffer-navigator : Display buffers as tree in a separate window
- godlygeek/tabular : makek aligning text easy while also having complex setups
- junegunn/vim-easy-align : A simple, easy-to-use Vim alignment plugin
- rrethy/nvim-align : align text with a command using neovim
- tommcdo/vim-lion : a tool for aligning text by some character
- vim-scripts/align : align statements on their equal signs, make comment boxes, align comments, align declarations, etc.
- vonr/align.nvim : is a minimal plugin for NeoVim for aligning lines
- andrewradev/switch.vim : swich segments of text with predefined replacements
- ecthelionvi/neoswap.nvim : easily swap words
- nfrid/markdown-togglecheck : toggles task list check boxes in markdown
- nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler : Invert text in vim, purely with lua
- rmagatti/alternate-toggler : a very small plugin for toggling alternate "boolean" values
- saifulapm/chartoggle.nvim : toggle keys end of line
- tpope/vim-speeddating : make it possible to use
to increase dates - wansmer/binary-swap.nvim : swap operands in binary expressions
- wansmer/sibling-swap.nvim : swaps closest siblings with Tree-Sitter
- zef/vim-cycle : toggle between pairs or lists of related words
- aarondiel/spread.nvim : spread objects to multiple lines
- antonk52/markdowny.nvim : markdown like keybindings
- anuvyklack/keymap-amend.nvim : allows to amend the exisintg keybinding in Neovim
- anuvyklack/nvim-keymap-amend : amend the exisintg keybinding in Neovim
- ap/vim-you-keep-using-that-word : When using word motion with the ccommand, it does not mean what Vim normally thinks it means and this solves that
- bennypowers/splitjoin.nvim : Split-joint list like syntax constructs
- bkad/camelcasemotion : make word motions respect camel case
- bronson/vim-visual-star-search : allows you to select some text using Vim's visual mode, then hit * and # to search for it elsewhere in the file
- cassin01/wf.nvim : a which-key like plugin
- chrisgrieser/nvim-recorder : Simplifying and improving how you interact with macros
- chrisgrieser/nvim-spider : move by sub-word and ignore useless punctuation
- christoomey/vim-sort-motion : provides the ability to sort in Vim using text objects and motions
- christoomey/vim-system-copy : copying / pasting text to the os specific clipboard
- conradirwin/vim-bracketed-paste : enables transparent pasting (i.e. no more
:set paste!
) - declancm/cinnamon.nvim : Smooth scrolling for ANY movement command
- drmikehenry/vim-fixkey : fixes key codes for console (terminal) Vim
- drzel/vim-split-line : easily split lines
- ecthelionvi/neocomposer.nvim : makes macros easier
- egzvor/vimproviser : quick remapping of two of your most convenient keys to actions that are most important for you right now
- ervandew/supertab : allows you to use for all your insert completion needs
- foosoft/vim-argwrap : an industrial strength argument wrapping and unwrapping extension
- gbprod/cutlass.nvim : overrides the delete operations to actually just delete and not affect the current yank
- gbprod/stay-in-place.nvim : Neovim plugin that prevent the cursor from moving when using shift and filter actions
- gukz/ftft.nvim : same with as native f|t|F|T but with useful highlights
- guns/vim-sexp : brings the Vim philosophy of precision editing to S-expressions
- gwatcha/reaper-keys : an extension for the REAPER DAW, that provides a new action mapping system based on key sequences instead of key chords
- hrsh7th/vim-eft : provides f/t/F/T mappings that can be customized by your setting
- hrsh7th/vim-seak : enhances the
- hrsh7th/vim-searchx : extend search motions
- inkarkat/vim-enhancedjumps : This plugin enhances the built-in
jump commands - inkarkat/vim-mark : adds mappings and a :Mark command to highlight several words in different colors simultaneously
- ironhouzi/starlite-nvim : Expedient and simple text highlighting using built in Neovim commands:
- ironhouzi/vim-stim : aims to improve the built in star-command
- junegunn/vim-oblique : Improved
-search for Vim - junegunn/vim-peekaboo : extends
in normal mode and<CTRL-R>
in insert mode so you can see the contents of the registers - junegunn/vim-slash : provides a set of mappings for enhancing in-buffer search experience
- kana/vim-repeat : Enable to repeat last change by non built-in commands
- kylechui/nvim-surround : Surround selections, stylishly
- lambdalisue/pinkyless.vim : Rest your pinkies by using this plugin
- linty-org/key-menu.nvim : which-key like plugin with a different style menu
- luchermitte/lh-brackets : provides various commands and functions to help design smart and advanced mappings dedicated to text insertion
- lyuts/vim-rtags : Vim bindings for rtags
- marklcrns/vim-smartq : Master key for quitting vim buffers
- matze/vim-move : Vim plugin that moves lines and selections in a more visual manner
- michamos/vim-bepo : une prise en charge de la disposition de clavier bépo (translate: integration bépo keyboard layout)
- nelstrom/vim-cutlass : remove text without overwriting the default register
- nexmean/caskey.nvim : Declarative cascade key mappings configuration
- nvimdev/dyninput.nvim : auto change input depending on context
- ojroques/vim-oscyank : A plugin to copy text to the system clipboard from anywhere using the ANSI OSC52 sequence
- osyo-manga/vim-jplus : Join lines inserting characters in between
- peterrincker/vim-argumentative : aids with manipulating and moving between function arguments
- preservim/vim-wordchipper : improve text shredding in insert mode
- rhysd/accelerated-jk : accelerates j/k mappings' steps while j or k key is repeating
- rhysd/vim-operator-surround : provides Vim operator mappings to deal with surrounds
- rrethy/vim-lacklustertab : Like supertab but not as super
- rutatang/compter.nvim : customize ctrl-a and ctrl-x
- ryvnf/readline.vim : a library used for implementing line editing across many command-line tools
- sickill/vim-pasta : improve indentation of pasting
- stsewd/gx-extended.vim : Extend
to use it beyond just URLs - svermeulen/vim-cutlass : overrides the delete operations to actually just delete and not affect the current yank
- svermeulen/vim-easyclip : a plugin for Vim which contains a collection of clipboard related functionality [no development]
- takac/vim-hardtime : helps you break that annoying habit vimmers have of scrolling up and down the page using
- terryma/vim-expand-region : allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination
- thyrum/vim-stabs : This script allows you to use your normal tab settings for the beginning of the line, and have tabs expanded as spaces anywhere else
- tommcdo/vim-express : Define your own operators that apply either a VimL expression or a substitution to any motion or text object
- tpope/vim-capslock : toggle temporary caps lock
- tpope/vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people : adds better default mappings to guns/vim-sexp
- tpope/vim-unimpaired : adds complementary pairs of mappings (like
) - triglav/vim-visual-increment : adds the ability to do increasing and decreasing ofnumber or letter sequences on multiple lines via visual mode
- ur4ltz/surround.nvim : surround text using sandwich or surround style
- vim-scripts/improved-paragraph-motion : A simple utility improve the "}" and "{" motion in normal and visual mode
- vim-scripts/replacewithregister : replace wanted wth registers content
- wansmer/langmapper.nvim : make better for non English input methods
- wansmer/treesj : for splitting/joining blocks of code like arrays, hashes, statements, objects, dictionaries, etc
- waylonwalker/telegraph.nvim : provides a way to send command conveniently and bind them to hotkeys
- weissle/easy-action : execute an action, such as yank and delete, but keeps your cursor position
- wsdjeg/vim-fetch : process line and column jump specifications in file paths as found in stack traces and similar output
- xiyaowong/accelerated-jk.nvim : lua rewrite of rhysd/accelerated-jk
- yuki-yano/zero.nvim : toggles between ^ and 0 in normal mode
- yuttie/comfortable-motion.vim : physics-based smooth scrolling
- zdcthomas/yop.nvim : easily make operators
- zegervdv/nrpattern.nvim : Neovim plugin to expand the number formats supported to increment or decrement
- altermo/ultimate-autopair.nvim : Aims to have all the auto-pairing fetures
- andrewradev/tagalong.vim : automatically rename closing html/xml tags
- cohama/lexima.vim : Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot
- eluum/vim-autopair : very simple vim plugin for autocompleting the paired characters
- eraserhd/parinfer-rust : lisp auto-pairs written in rust
- hrsh7th/nvim-insx : Flexible insert-mode key mapping manager
- jiangmiao/auto-pairs : Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair
- kana/vim-smartinput : Provide smart input assistant
- lunarwatcher/auto-pairs : a simple auto-pairing plugin
- m4xshen/autoclose.nvim : minimalist autoclose plugin
- raimondi/delimitmate : automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc
- rrethy/nvim-treesitter-endwise : wisely add "end" in ruby, Lua, Vimscript, etc
- rrethy/vim-impiared : a pair plugin
- rstacruz/vim-closer : Closes brackets
- shougo/neopairs.vim : Auto insert pairs when complete done
- tenfyzhong/completeparameter.vim : complete function's parameters after complete a function
- tmsvg/pear-tree : A painless, powerful Vim auto-pair plugin
- townk/vim-autoclose : auto complete parentheses [archived]
- vim-scripts/delimitmate.vim : automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets
- windwp/nvim-ts-closetag : Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag
- zsaberlv0/completeparameter_generic.vim : generic verion of CompleteParameter.vim
- 00sapo/visual.nvim : kak like keymaps
- 0oastro/silicon.lua : generate beautiful images of code using silicon
- 0x5a4/oogway.nvim : get wisdom from Oogway
- 907th/vim-auto-save : automatically saves changes to disk without having to use
[no maintain] - 9seconds/repolink.nvim : quickly share repo files/line ranges
- aasim-a/scrolleof.nvim : make scrollof go past end of line
- abdulrahmandev1/nuget.nvim : manage nuget packages within .NET projects
- abstract-ide/penvim : project's root directory and documents indentation detector
- acksld/nvim-pytrize.lua : Helps navigating
- acksld/swenv.nvim : quickly switch python virtual environments from within neovim
- alfredodeza/coveragepy.vim : help integrate Ned Batchelder's excellent tool
- amopel/vim-log-print : Like a commenter plugin, but for log/print statements
- andrewradev/linediff.vim : provides a simple command,
,which is used to diff two separate blocks of text - andrewradev/sideways.vim : move the item under the cursor left or right
- andweeb/presence.nvim : Discord Rich Presence plugin for Neovim
- andythigpen/nvim-coverage : Displays coverage information in the sign column or in a pop-up window
- antoinemadec/fixcursorhold.nvim : fix neovim CursorHold and CursorHoldI AND decouple updatetime from CursorHold and CursorHoldI
- antonk52/bad-practices.nvim : plugin to help you break bad practices
- anuvyklack/help-vsplit.nvim : open the help screen smartly
- ap/vim-templates : This is a Vim plugin for providing filetype-dependent templates for new files, using a simple but effective mechanism
- arp242/batchy.vim : perform batch operations on files
- arsham/arshamiser.nvim : status bar, colour scheme, foldtext and tabline
- arthurxavierx/vim-caser : Easily change word casing with motions, text objects or visual mode
- asins/vim-dict : VIM dictionary repository
- askfiy/nvim-picgo : a picture uploading tool based on Lua language
- asvetliakov/vscode-neovim : VSCode Neovim Integration
- axieax/urlview.nvim : a Neovim plugin which displays links from a variety of contexts
- babab/vim-magickey : preform magic actions (like updating license date)
- beeender/comrade : Brings JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEs magic to Neovim with minimal setup
- bekaboo/dropbar.nvim : A polished winbar
- beloglazov/vim-online-thesaurus : look up words in an online thesaurus
- bfredl/nvim-ipy : Jupyter front-end for Neovim
- booperlv/cyclecolo.lua : floating colorscheme selector for neovim
- bounceme/remote-viewer : vim-dirvish && (cURL || ssh)
- brendalf/mix.nvim : A Mix (Elixir) wrapper for Neovim
- brenopacheco/vim-hydra : allows you to create hydras similar to abo-abo's Emacs plugin
- brglng/vim-im-select : Improve Vim/Neovim experience with input methods
- brookhong/cscope.vim : smart cscope helper for vim
- cappyzawa/trim.nvim : trailing whitespace and lines
- cdelledonne/vim-cmake : building CMake projects inside of vim, with a nice visual feedback
- chimay/wheel : file group manager, navigation and refactoring in one
- chrisbra/nrrwrgn : focus on a selected region while making the rest inaccessible
- chrisbra/unicode.vim : handling unicode and digraphs characters
- ckolkey/ts-node-action : framework for running function on tsnodes
- clojure-vim/acid.nvim : clojure development
- clojure-vim/jazz.nvim : Acid + Impromptu = Jazz
- cometsong/commentframe.vim : generate fancy-looking comments/section dividers with centered titles and append them at the current cursor position
- cpea2506/relative-toggle.nvim : automatically toggle between relative and absolute line number
- dahu/vimple : provides a few maps and commands to make the casual vimmer’s life a little easier
- danielo515/haxe-nvim : write neovim scripts in haxe
- danymat/neogen : Your Annotation Toolkit
- davidgranstrom/osc.nvim : Open Sound Control (OSC) library for Neovim
- davidgranstrom/scnvim : Neovim frontend for SuperCollider
- derekwyatt/vim-scala : This is a "bundle" for Vim that builds off of the initial Scala plugin
- desdic/greyjoy.nvim : a pluggable pattern/file based launcher
- dhananjaylatkar/cscope_maps.nvim : reimplements removed cscope in neovim
- dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode : awesome automatic table creator & formatter
- doctorfree/nvim-lazyman : manage multiple configurations
- dosimple/workspace.vim : make it easier to manage large number of buffers by keeping them grouped separately in workspaces
- dpzmick/neovim-hackernews : Hacker News in neovim
- dradtke/vim-dap : integrating with the Debug Adapter Protocol
- dstein64/vim-startuptime : viewing vim and nvimstartup event timing information
- duggiefresh/vim-easydir : simple way to create, edit and save files and directories
- echasnovski/mini.nvim : Collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim experience
- editorconfig/editorconfig-vim : This is an EditorConfig plugin for Vim
- ekickx/clipboard-image.nvim : copy images and paste url/path
- ellisonleao/nvim-plugin-template : A template repository for Neovim plugins
- equilibris/nx.nvim : nx for neovim
- esensar/nvim-dev-container : provide functionality similar to VSCode's remote container development plugin
- farmergreg/vim-lastplace : Intelligently reopen files at your last edit position
- ferrine/md-img-paste.vim : paste images into markdown
- fhill2/floating.nvim : floating windows! [archived]
- filipdutescu/renamer.nvim : Visual-Studio-Code-like renaming UI
- folke/neoconf.nvim : manage global/local configs
- fredeeb/alias.nvim : make terminal execute nvim functions
- fsharpasharp/vim-dirvinist : List all files defined by your projections with the Dirvish plugin
- furkanzmc/firvish.nvim : a buffer centric job control plug-in
- gaborvecsei/cryptoprice.nvim : There are a million ways to check the price of your favourite coins, let nvim be one of them
- gennaro-tedesco/nvim-jqx : Populate the quickfix with json entries
- gioele/vim-autoswap : auto handle swap file messages
- glacambre/firenvim : Turn your browser¹ into a Neovim client
- google/executor.nvim : run command line task in the background
- gorbit99/codewindow.nvim : a minimap plugin for neovim
- gpanders/editorconfig.nvim : EditorConfig plugin for Neovim written in (NOT Lua) Fennel
- h-hg/fcitx.nvim : switch and restore fcitx state for each buffer
- habamax/vim-evalvim : Run vimscript from anywhere in vim and save output to
(clipboard) register - haifengkao/insertleftbracket.nvim : offers objective-c square bracket completion
- hardenedapple/vsh : Run shell commands in a modifiable buffer
- heavenshell/vim-pydocstring : a generator for Python docstrings and is capable of automatically
- henriquehbr/nvim-startup.lua : Displays neovim startup time [archived]
- hkupty/impromptu.nvim : quickly create prompts
- hkupty/iron.nvim : Interactive Repls Over Neovim
- hoschi/yode-nvim : Yode plugin for NeoVim
- hrsh7th/vim-candle : Any candidates listing engine for vim/nvim built on yaegi
- groctel/jobsplit.nvim : Open your jobs in an asynchronous horizontal split
- huawenyu/vimgdb : implement GDB front-end for c/c++ gdb base on Neovim + Tmux
- hupfdule/refactorvim : Vim plugin for refactoring vimscript plugins
- hyiltiz/vim-plugins-profile : a profiler for your vim plugins
- idanarye/nvim-channelot : operate jobs from lua coroutine
- idanarye/nvim-moonicipal : a task runner
- iron-e/vim-libmodal : aimed at simplifying the creation of new "modes"
- iron-e/vim-tabmode : provides a new mode in vim for managing tabs
- jakemason/ouroboros : Neovim plugin that makes switching between header & implementation files in C/C++ quick and painless
- jakergrossman/tagurl.vim : Copy the URL for a help tag on or to the clipboard
- jalvesaq/vimcmdline : Send lines to interpreter
- jameshiew/nvim-magic : pluggable framework for integrating AI code assistance into Neovim
- jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim : bridges mason.nvim with the null-ls plugin
- jayp0521/mason-nvim-dap.nvim : bridges mason.nvim with the nvim-dap plugin
- jbyuki/venn.nvim : Draw ASCII diagrams in Neovim
- jcdickinson/http.nvim : HTTP client
- jdonaldson/vaxe : vim bundle for Haxe and Hss
- jedrzejboczar/toggletasks.nvim : JSON/YAML + toggleterm.nvim + telescope.nvim
- jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-numbertoggle : switch to absolute line number automatically when relative numbers don't make sense
- jenterkin/vim-autosource : enables per project configuration by finding each Vim configuration file from your $HOME directory to the opened file
- jghauser/kitty-runner.nvim : easily send lines from the current buffer to another kitty terminal
- jghauser/mkdir.nvim : automatically creates missing directories on saving a file
- jghauser/papis.nvim : companion plugin for the bibliography manager papis
- jmcantrell/vim-virtualenv : make it possible to run
with virtual environments - jmcomets/vim-pony : working with Django projects in Vim
- johmsalas/text-case.nvim : An all in one plugin for converting text case in Neovim
- jrasmusbm/vim-peculiar : provide shortcuts when working with the
command - julian/lean.nvim : support for the Lean Theorem Prover
- julienr/vim-cellmode : enables MATLAB-style cell mode execution for python scripts in vim, assuming an ipython interpreter running in screen (or tmux)
- junegunn/vim-carbon-now-sh : open selected content in
- junegunn/vim-emoji : Emoji in Vim
- junegunn/vim-pseudocl : implements a command-line interface that mimics the native Vim command-line
- justinhj/battery.nvim : get battery power level in nvim
- justinmk/vim-gtfo : Opens the file manager or terminal at the directory of the current file
- kabbamine/gulp-vim : a simple gulp wrapper for vim
- kana/vim-operator-user : Define your own operator easily
- kdheepak/panvimdoc : Decrease friction when writing documentation for your plugins
- keaising/im-select.nvim : Switch Input Method automatically depends on Neovim's edit mode
- kevinhwang91/promise-async : port Promise & Async from JavaScript to Lua
- kezhenxu94/vim-mysql-plugin : A highly customizable MySQL VIM plugin
- killthemule/nvimpam : neovim rpc plugin for pamcrash files
- kiran94/edit-markdown-table.nvim : updates markdown tables depending on context
- kiran94/maim.nvim : take screenshot from neovim using maim
- kiran94/s3edit.nvim : Edit files from S3 directly from Neovim
- kkharji/sqlite.lua : SQLite/LuaJIT binding and a highly opinionated wrapper for storing, retrieving, caching, and persisting SQLite databases
- klen/nvim-config-local : Secure load local config files
- klen/nvim-test : Test Runner for neovim
- kristijanhusak/vim-carbon-now-sh : vim implementation plugin for opening selected content in
- kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui : Simple UI for vim-dadbod
- lambdalisue/lista.nvim : filter content lines and jump to where you want
- lambdalisue/neovim-prompt : A customizable command-line prompt module for Neovim/Vim
- lambdalisue/suda.vim : a plugin to read or write files with sudo command
- lewis6991/hover.nvim : framework for context aware hover providers
- lfilho/cosco.vim : Comma and semi-colon insertion bliss for vim
- lhkipp/nvim-locationist : Add your current cursor location to the quickfix list, location list or to the clipboard
- lilydjwg/fcitx.vim : Keep and restore fcitx state for each buffer separately when leaving/re-entering insert mode or search mode
- luchermitte/vimfold4c : Reactive vim fold plugin for C & C++
- m-demare/attempt.nvim : Manage your temporary buffers
- m00qek/plugin-template.nvim : A template to create Neovim plugins written in Lua
- m4xshen/hardtime.nvim : helpe you establish good command habits
- macthecadillac/vimdo : execute external commands asynchronously
- marchamamji/runner.nvim : run code inside neovim
- marcweber/vim-addon-mw-utils : various utils such as caching interpreted contents of files or advanced glob like things
- massolari/forem.nvim : integrates Neovim with Forem platforms
- mattn/webapi-vim : Interface to web API
- max397574/dyn_help.nvim : display help in float window
- max397574/healthy.nvim : stay healthy, even while coding
- max397574/neovim-lua-plugin-template : a plugin template
- max397574/selection_popup.nvim : the neorg popup in separate file
- mcauley-penney/tidy.nvim : An autocommand that removes all trailing spaces/empty lines
- md-img-paste-devs/md-img-paste.vim : Yet simple tool to paste images into markdown files
- meznaric/conmenu : Powerful but minimal context menu for neovim
- mg979/tasks.vim : manage and run global and project-local tasks
- mg979/vim-visual-multi : create multiple visual regions and edit them (basically multiple cursor)
- mhinz/vim-rfc : lists all existing RFCs and opens the selected one in a new buffer
- michaelb/do-nothing.vim : this does nothing
- michaelb/sniprun : code runner plugin for neovim written in rust and lua
- mickael-menu/shadowvim : Neovim inside Xcode
- milisims/nvim-luaref : This 'plugin' simply adds a reference for builtin lua functions
- misanthropicbit/decipher.nvim : cipher text with codex
- miversen33/import.nvim : A safe require replacement with niceties
- miversen33/netman.nvim : Network Resource Manager
- mordechaihadad/bob : easy way to install and switch versions of nvim
- mrcjkb/haskell-snippets.nvim : collection of haskell snippets
- muniftanjim/exrc.nvim : Local config file with confirmation for Neovim [archived]
- mvaldes14/terraform.nvim : see the stat of terraform manifest objects
- nanotee/luv-vimdocs : The luv docs in vimdoc format
- nanotee/nvim-if-lua-compat : An
compatibility layer for Neovim - nanotee/nvim-lua-guide : Getting started using Lua in Neovim, use this guide
- nanotee/zoxide.vim : Vim wrapper for zoxide
- ncm2/float-preview.nvim : Completion preview window based on neovim's floating window
- neovim/node-client : node client for neovim
- nfrid/treesitter-utils : some ts based utils
- niuiic/cp-image.nvim : pase images path without problem
- nkakouros-original/numbers.nvim : Disables relative line numbers when they don't make sense, e.g. when entering insert mode
- noahfrederick/vim-composer : Vim support for Composer PHP projects
- norcalli/nvim_utils : utils to make it easier to convert from vim to lua
- noscript/taberian.vim : Clickable tabs per VIM window
- notomo/cmdbuf.nvim : provides command-line window functions by normal buffer and window
- ntbbloodbath/cheovim : Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua
- ntbbloodbath/nvenv : lightweight and blazing fast Neovim version manager
- ntbbloodbath/rest.nvim : fast Neovim http client written in Lua
- nvim-lsp/try.nvim : repository that contains various example self-contained neovim containers
- nvim-lua/neovim-ui : a semi-official prototype for what will become neovim's new UI module
- nvim-lua/popup.nvim : An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim
- nvim-neorocks/luarocks-tag-release : auto releas to luarock
- nvim-treesitter/module-template : repository template to create you own nvim-treesitter module
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-tree-docs : Highly configurable documentation generator using treesitter
- nvimdev/template.nvim : a plugin template
- nyngwang/neozoom.lua : TL;DR: Using floating window instead of vim-tab to simulate "zoom-in"
- ofirgall/open.nvim : Open the current word (or other text) with custom openers
- osyo-manga/vim-over : preview command line window
- paulocesar/neovim-db : Database plugin for neovim
- petobens/poet-v : detects and activates virtual environments in your python poetry or pipenv project
- pianocomposer321/project-templates.nvim : create project templates
- pixelneo/vim-python-docstring : easily create python docstring
- pocco81/autosave.nvim : saving your work before the world collapses or you type :qa!
- prabirshrestha/quickpick.vim : A UI for Vim to let the user pick an item from a list similar to CtrlP
- preservim/vim-pencil : Rethinking Vim as a tool for writers
- prettier/vim-prettier : wrapper for prettier, pre-configured with custom default prettier settings
- qpkorr/vim-renamer : Show a list of file names in a directory, rename then in the vim buffer using vim editing commands, then have vim rename them on disk
- raghur/vim-ghost : Edit browser textarea content in Vim
- ray-x/web-tools.nvim : Neovim Wrapper for heart browser-sync
- rbong/vim-buffest : Easily edit vim registers/macros and lists as buffers
- rbtnn/vim-ambiwidth : auto set
(i guess, the doc is in Japanese) - rbtnn/vim-gloaded : disable default vim plugins
- rbtnn/vim-vimscript_lasterror : provides to jump to the Vim script's last error
- rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui : A UI for nvim-dap
- rgroli/other.nvim : you can open other/related files for the currently active buffer
- rhysd/conflict-marker.vim : Highlight, jump and resolve conflict markers quickly
- rhysd/vim-startuptime : measures startuptime
- rktjmp/fwatch.nvim : watch files or directories for changes and then run vim commands or lua functions
- rktjmp/paperplanes.nvim : Post selections or buffers to online paste bins.
- rliang/termedit.nvim : Sets the Neovim host instance as
- romainl/vim-devdocs : Look up keywords on
- romgrk/kui.nvim : uses Kitty graphics protocol to build interface
- roxma/nvim-yarp : Yet Another Remote Plugin Framework for Neovim
- roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc : trying to build a compatibility layer for neovim rpc client working on vim8
- rraks/pyro : neovim interface to write simple list manipulating python snippets
- rrethy/nvim-animator : Neovim plugin for that animates the change in a value for use in animations
- rrethy/nvim-carom : macros and caroms
- rrethy/nvim-sourcerer : Automatically source your init.lua when it gets modified anywhere
- rrethy/vim-indexor : adding indices to a list of items
- rrethy/vim-tranquille : searching without moving the cursor
- saecki/crates.nvim : neovim plugin that helps managing dependencies
- samjwill/nvim-unception : leverages Neovim's native client-serverfeature to make opening files from within Neovim's terminal emulator without experiencing weird behavior easier and completely automatic
- samodostal/image.nvim : Image Viewer as ASCII Art
- sanhajio/synonyms.vim : allows you to show synonyms in a vim split
- sbulav/jump-ray.nvim : keep that eye on the jumplist in floating window
- scrooloose/vim-slumlord : is built atop the wang-hardeningly awesome plantuml
- severin-lemaignan/vim-minimap : a vim minimap
- sgur/vim-editorconfig : Yet another Vim plugin for EditorConfig
- shadmansaleh/irc.nvim : Irc client for neovim
- shohi/neva : Neovim version manager [archived]
- shougo/neoinclude.vim : Include completion framework for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm
- shougo/neomru.vim : MRU plugin includes unite.vim MRU sources
- shougo/pum.vim : implement original popup menu completion
- shougo/tabpagebuffer.vim : Tabpage buffer interface
- simonefranza/nvim-conv : simple converter that allows you to convert
- sitiom/nvim-numbertoggle : Neovim plugin to automatically toggle between relative and absolute line numbers
- sjl/clam.vim : lightweight Vim plugin to easily run shell commands
- sjl/vitality.vim : makes vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux
- skywind3000/asyncrun.vim : async run shell commands in qf window
- skywind3000/asynctasks.vim : modern task system
- skywind3000/quickmenu.vim : open up a
with often used commands - skywind3000/vim-auto-popmenu : automatically open autocomplete menu
- skywind3000/vim-dict : Automatically add dictionary files to current buffer according to the filetype
- skywind3000/vim-rt-format : Format current line immediately in INSERT mode as soon as you press ENTER
- slashmili/alchemist.vim : This plugin uses ElixirSense to give inside information about your elixir project in vim
- smjonas/snippet-converter.nvim : Parse, transform and convert snippets
- smzm/hydrovim : runs Pythoncode and displays the result
- softinio/scaladex.nvim : provides both Telescope extension that allows you to search the scaladex index and provides a library that you can require and query the scaladex index
- strboul/urlview.vim : List and open URLs easily
- subnut/nvim-ghost.nvim : nvim version of vim-ghost
- sudormrfbin/cheatsheet.nvim : A searchable cheatsheet for neovim
- sunaku/vim-dasht : dasht integration
- svermeulen/vim-macrobatics : the goal of making vim macros easier to use
- szymonmaszke/vimpyter : vim and jupyter [archived] [no maintain]
- t-troebst/perfanno.nvim : highlite lines from pref
- tami5/sqlite.lua : SQLite/LuaJIT binding and a highly opinionated wrapper for storing, retrieving, caching, and persisting SQLite databases
- tastyep/structlog.nvim : Structured Logging for nvim, using Lua
- tek/chromatin.nvim : provides management for plugins built with ribos and distributed over pypi
- tenfyzhong/tagbar-makefile.vim : makefile for tagbar [archived]
- tenfyzhong/tagbar-proto.vim : protobuf for tagbar [archived]
- tenxsoydev/nx.nvim : nvim utility library to n^x
- theprimeagen/refactoring.nvim : refactor code
- theprimeagen/vim-apm : keeps track of your APM by counting keystrokes and determining its worth
- thezeroalpha/vim-visualrun : select some lines and run them as a Vim command
- thibthib18/mongo-nvim : MongoDB Integration in Neovim
- thibthib18/ros-nvim : ROS in Neovim
- thirtythreeforty/lessspace.vim : strip the trailing whitespace from the file you are editing
- timeyyy/orchestra.nvim : lets you bind sound effects to different actions
- tokiory/neovim-boilerplate : simple template for configs
- tomasky/bookmarks.nvim : bookmarks with global file store
- tomiis4/hypersonic.nvim : for regex writing/testing
- tpope/vim-apathy : sets the five path searching options for file types I don't care about enough to bother with creating a proper plugin
- tpope/vim-bundler : a lightweight bag of Vim goodies for Bundler
- tpope/vim-dadbod : Vim plugin for interacting with databases
- tpope/vim-dispatch : Leverage the power of Vim's compiler plugins without being bound by synchronicity
- tpope/vim-pathogen : Manage your
with ease - tpope/vim-scriptease : a Vim plugin for making Vim plugins
- tracyone/neomake-multiprocess : vim plugin for running multiple process asynchronously base on neomake
- tweekmonster/helpful.vim : A plugin for plugin developers to get the version of Vim and Neovim that introduced or removed features
- tweekmonster/startuptime.vim : breaks down the output of
- tyru/open-browser-github.vim : Opens GitHub URL of current file, etc.
- tyru/open-browser-unicode.vim : Opens Unicode character information
- tyru/open-browser.vim : Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor
- udayvir-singh/hibiscus.nvim : Highly opinionated macros to elegantly write your neovim config
- udayvir-singh/tangerine.nvim : painless way to add fennel to your config
- uga-rosa/utf8.nvim : utf8 for neovim
- vim-jp/vital.vim : A comprehensive Vim utility functions for Vim plugins
- vim-scripts/a.vim : commands to swtich between source files and header files
- vim-scripts/autocomplpop : automatically opens popup menu for completions
- vim-scripts/cyclecolor : cycle through (almost) all available colorschemes
- vim-scripts/taglist.vim : provides an overview of the structure of source code files
- voldikss/vim-browser-search : perform a quick web search for the text selected
- voldikss/vim-translator : tranlate stuff
- vonheikemen/fine-cmdline.nvim : a better cmdline
- vuki656/package-info.nvim : All the
commands I don't want to type - vv-vim/vv : Neovim client for macOS
- wakatime/vim-wakatime : open source Vim plugin for metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity
- weilbith/nvim-code-action-menu : provides a handy pop-up menu for code actions
- weissle/persistent-breakpoints.nvim : save the nvim-daps checkpoints to file and automatically load them when you open neovim
- williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim : bridges mason.nvim with the lspconfig plugin
- williamboman/mason.nvim : easily manage external editor tooling such as LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters
- willothy/flatten.nvim : open files from nvim embedded terminal
- willothy/veil.nvim : fast, animated, configurable dashboard
- windwp/nvim-projectconfig : Load config depend on current directory
- winston0410/cmd-parser.nvim : help other plugin authors to easily parse the command inputted by users and do awesome tricks with it
- wsdjeg/vim-autohotkey : autohotkey support for vim
- wyattjsmith1/weather.nvim : A simple plugin to display weather in nvim
- xiyaowong/link-visitor.nvim : Let me help you open the links
- xolox/vim-lua-ftplugin : Lua file type plug-in for Vim
- yagiziskirik/airsupport.nvim : write shortcut reminders and forget them
- yegappan/mru : provides an easy access to a list of recently opened/edited files
- zenbro/mirror.vim : make it quick to do remote actions for each environment of project you working with
- ziontee113/icon-picker.nvim : helps you pick 𝑨𝕃𝚻 Font Characters, Symbols Σ, Nerd Font Icons & Emojis ✨
- b3nj5m1n/kommentary : Neovim plugin to comment text in and out, written in lua
- gennaro-tedesco/nvim-commaround : toggle comments on and off
- glepnir/prodoc.nvim : comment and annotation plugin using coroutine
- lucastavaresa/singlecomment.nvim : singe line commenting
- ludopinelli/comment-box.nvim : giving you easy boxes and lines the way you want them to be
- numtostr/comment.nvim : Smart and Powerful commenting plugin for neovim
- preservim/nerdcommenter : Comment functions so powerful—no comment necessary
- s1n7ax/nvim-comment-frame : Basically when you give it some text it creates a comment frame like below
- suy/vim-context-commentstring : automatically set the 'commentstring' and 'comments' Vim options in file types which contain more than one syntax
- terrortylor/nvim-comment : Toggle comments in Neovim
- tomtom/tcomment_vim : provides easy to use, file-type sensible comments for Vim
- tpope/vim-commentary : Comment stuff out
- tyru/caw.vim : Comment plugin: Operator/Dot-repeatable/300+ filetypes
- winston0410/commented.nvim : A commenting plugin written in Lua that actually works
- bkoropoff/bex.nvim : Lua to Ex bridge library
- furkanzmc/options.nvim : A small library to create custom options for your plugins or your configuration
- glts/vim-magnum : big integer library for Vim plugins written entirely in Vim script
- google/vim-maktaba : a vimscript plugin library
- iron-e/nvim-libmodal : a rewite of vim-libmodal using Neovim's Lua API
- raimondi/vimregstyle : a Regular Expression Pattern Library
- ray-x/guihua.lua : library for nvim plugins
- shougo/context_filetype.vim : Context filetype library for Vim script
- shougo/vimproc : a great asynchronous execution library for Vim
- shougo/vimproc.vim : great asynchronous execution library for Vim
- sunjon/stylish.nvim : A collection of Stylish UI components for Neovim
- tomtom/tlib_vim : This library provides some utility functions
- xolox/vim-misc : Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts
- floobits/floobits-neovim : Real-time collaborative editing
- fredkschott/covim : Collaborative Editing for Vim
- jbyuki/instant.nvim : instant.nvim is a collaborative editing plugin for Neovim written in Lua with no dependencies
- aaronik/gptmodels.nvim : LLM AI plugin for neovim
- archibate/nvim-gpt : chatgpt and bing-ai in neovim
- deifyed/navi : natural language first based development
- dpayne/codegpt.nvim : provides command interface to chat with ChatGPT
- jackmort/chatgpt.nvim : allows you to interact with Open AI's GPT-3
- martineausimon/nvim-bard : chat with bard
- terror/chatgpt.nvim : lest you query ChatGPT
- throughnothing/vimchat : do instant messaging from within the vim text editor
- vim-chat/vim-chat : chat in neovim and vim8
- wsdjeg/vim-chat : The chatting client for vim
- notomo/gesture.nvim : is a mouse gesture plugin for Neovim
- anuvyklack/windows.nvim : make the current window automatically bigger
- beauwilliams/focus.nvim : Splits/Window Management Enhancements for Neovim
- blueyed/vim-diminactive : dim inactive windows
- camspiers/animate.vim : A Vim Window Animation Library
- camspiers/lens.vim : Vim Automatic Window Resizing Plugin
- declancm/windex.nvim : neovim plugin for cleeean neovim window (and tmux pane) functions
- delphinus/dwm.nvim : lua port of spolu/dwm.vim
- dm1try/golden_size : automatically resizing the active window to the "golden" size
- dstein64/vim-win : a Vim plugin for managing windows
- yorickpeterse/nvim-window : quickly switching between windows
- luukvbaal/stabilize.nvim : stabilize buffer content on window open/close events
- mattboehm/vim-accordion : set the maximum number of splits you want to see, and shrinks the rest to be one column wide
- mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim : Smart, directional Neovim split resizing and navigation
- simeji/winresizer : easily resizing windows
- sindrets/winshift.nvim : Rearrange your windows with ease
- smithbm2316/centerpad.nvim : Center your single lonely buffer easily
- spolu/dwm.vim : tiled window manager for vim
- stevearc/stickybuf.nvim : Neovim plugin for locking a buffer to a window
- szw/vim-maximizer : Maximizes and restores the current window
- t9md/vim-choosewin : enables you to choose a window interactively
- wellle/visual-split.vim : Vim plugin to control splits with visual selections or text objects
- wesq3/vim-windowswap : Swap windows without ruining your layout
- ciaranm/detectindent : automatically detecting indent settings
- conormcd/matchindent.vim : scans through a file when it's opened and attempts to guess which style of indentation is being used
- hrsh7th/nvim-dansa : Guess the indent from lines of around.
- ldx/vim-indentfinder : vim plugin for automatically detecting indentation
- nmac427/guess-indent.nvim : Blazing fast indentation style detection for Neovim written in Lua
- raimondi/yaifa : try to detect the kind of indentation used in your file and set the indenting options to the appropriate values
- timakro/vim-yadi : Yet Another Detect Indent
- tpope/vim-sleuth : automatically adjusts
heuristically based on the current file
- darazaki/indent-o-matic : Dumb automatic fast indentation detection for Neovim written in Lua
- hrsh7th/vim-gindent : General indentexpr plugin
- nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides : visually displaying indent levels in Vim [not maintain]
- nvimdev/indentmini.nvim : minimal indentline plugin
- rbtnn/vim-vimscript_indentexpr : helps with line indentation
- vim-scripts/fortran.vim : adds additional indentation rules
- zsugabubus/crazy8.nvim : NeoVim plugin that automagically configures 'tabstop', 'shiftwidth', 'softtabstop' and 'expandtab'
- anuvyklack/fold-preview.nvim : preview closed folds
- anuvyklack/pretty-fold.nvim : Folded region preview and Framework for easy foldtext customization
- dbmrq/vim-chalk : auto add fold text
- jghauser/fold-cycle.nvim : allows you to cycle folds open or closed
- kaile256/vim-foldpeek : peek at folds
- kalekundert/vim-coiled-snake : Python Folding for Vim
- kevinhwang91/nvim-ufo : make Neovim's fold look modern and keep high performance
- konfekt/fastfold : only update folds whene you need to, thous improving speed
- konfekt/foldtext : shows a modification of the CustomFoldText function by Christian Brabandt that is more amenable to syntax folds
- kshenoy/vim-origami : Plugin to satisfy all your folding needs
- lambdalisue/readablefold.vim : improve
for better looks - leafcage/foldcc.vim : Provides a function to display the fold text
in a nice way - pseewald/vim-anyfold : Generic folding mechanism and motion based on indentation
- tmhedberg/simpylfold : simple, correct folding for Python
- bfrg/vim-qf-preview : For the quickfix and location list window to quickly preview the file with the quickfix item under the cursor in a popup window
- gabrielpoca/replacer.nvim : makes a quickfix window editable, allowing changes to both the content of a file as well as its path
- yorickpeterse/nvim-pqf : Pretty Quickfix windows for NeoVim
- joshmcguigan/estream : help you unlock the power of the quickfix window without dealing with the pain of Vim's
- kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf : makes Neovim's quickfix window better
- nyngwang/neowell.lua : commands for quickfix window
- olical/vim-enmasse : Takes a quickfix list and makes it editable
- romainl/vim-qf : is a growing collection of settings, commands and mappings put together to make working with the location list/window and the quickfix list/window smoother
- romainl/vim-qlist : make the results of "include-search" and "definition-search" easier to navigate and more persistent by using the quickfix list instead of the default list-like interface
- romainl/vim-quicklist : Persist the result of list-like Ex commands to the quickfix list
- stefandtw/quickfix-reflector.vim : edit direcly inside the quickfix window
- stevearc/qf_helper.nvim : A collection of improvements for neovim quickfix
- ten3roberts/qf.nvim : qf and localist manager fo neovim
- yssl/qfenter : allows you to open items from Vim's quickfix or location list wherever you wish
- akiyosi/goneovim : Neovim GUI written in Go
- beeender/glrnvim : really fast & stable neovim GUI could be accelated by GPU
- daa84/neovim-gtk : GTK ui for neovim written in rust using gtk-rs bindings, with ligatures support
- dzhou121/gonvim : Neovim GUI written in Golang [archived]
- equalsraf/neovim-qt
- kethku/neovide : This is a simple graphical user interface for Neovim
- lyude/neovim-gtk : GTK ui for neovim written in rust using gtk-rs bindings
- neovide/neovide : simple gui for neovim
- qvacua/vimr : Neovim GUI for macOS
- rmichelsen/nvy : minimal Neovim client for Windows written in C++
- rohit-px2/nvui : nvim gui written in cpp
- smolck/uivonim : fork of Veonim, written in Electron with WebGL GPU rendering and multithreading
- tk-shirasaka/envim : neovim gui written in electron
- vhakulinen/gnvim : Rich Neovim GUI without any web bloat
- yatli/fvim : Cross platform Neovim front-end UI, built with F# + Avalonia
- yqlbu/neovim-server : A containerized IDE-like text editor that runs on a web server
- abstract-ide/abstract
- artart222/codeart
- askfiy/nvim
- astronvim/astronvim
- cankolay3499/cnvim
- charleschiugit/nvimdots.lua : Neovim config
- cosmicnvim/cosmicnvim
- crivotz/nv-ide
- cstsunfu/.sea.nvim
- folke/lua-dev.nvim : setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API
- frans-johansson/lazy-nvim-starter : minimal neovim config
- hackorum/vapournvim
- ibnyusrat/vimcode : make vim look/work like vs code
- imbacraft/dusk.nvim
- jonathandion/web-dev.nvim : Small, fast, simple, flexible
- jrychn/modulevim
- jueqingsizhe66/windowvimfaster
- klen/python-mode : a Python IDE for Vim
- lazyvim/lazyvim : the IDE for the lazy.nvim
- ldelossa/litee.nvim : a library for building "IDE-lite" experiences in Neovim
- ldelossa/nvim-ide : complete IDE layer for Neovim
- linrongbin16/lin.nvim : highly configurable distribution
- lunarvim/lunarvim
- lvim-tech/lvim : modular neovim configuration
- max397574/ignis-nvim : Bloat but Blazing
- max397574/omega-nvim : a refactor of ignis-nvim
- normalnvim/normalnvim : the most normal neovim config
- ntbbloodbath/doom-nvim
- nvchad/nvchad : neovim config written in lua aiming to provide a base configuration with very beautiful UI and blazing fast startuptime
- nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim : A starting point for Neovim
- nvimdev/dope : the dopest config
- nvoid-lua/nvoid
- otavioschwanck/mood-nvim : a configuration
- pakrohk-dotfiles/nvpak : provide the defaults to the newest neovim
- pechorin/any-jump.vim : IDE madness without overhead for 40+ languages
- rafaeldelboni/nvim-fennel-lsp-conjure-as-clojure-ide : Basic config to transform your NVIM in a powerful Clojure IDE using fennel, clojure-lsp and conjure
- shaeinst/roshnivim
- shaunsingh/nyoom.nvim
- siduck76/nvchad
- spacevim/spacevim
- tenxsoydev/nxvim : leverages 100 extensions to make fast and structured
- theory-of-everything/nii-nvim : no-nonsense neovim config
- usuim/usuim : Neovim configured to look like Visual Studio Code
- vi-tality/neovitality
- wklken/k-vim : Just a Better Vim Config. Keep it Simple.
- lambdalisue/fern.vim : is a general purpose asynchronous tree viewer written in pure Vim script
- preservim/tagbar : a class outline viewer for Vim
- sidebar-nvim/sidebar.nvim : A generic and modular lua sidebar inspired by lualine
- jsfaint/gen_tags.vim : Async plugin for Vim to ease the use of ctags/gtags
- ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags : takes care of the much needed management of tags files in Vim
- rbtnn/vim-vimscript_tagfunc : provides to set &tagfunc for Vim script
- skywind3000/gutentags_plus : will update gtags database in background automatically
- spacevim/gtags.vim : integrates the GNU GLOBAL source code tag system with Vim
- t9md/vim-quickhl : highlight word and tags
- weilbith/nvim-floating-tag-preview : easily preview tags in a floating window
- bourgeoisbear/vim-rsvp : Why move your eyes to read when computers can move the words for us
- chrsm/impulse.nvim : a neovim plugin for viewing pages
- dokwork/vim-hp : Helps to write a help
- donraphaco/neotex : compiles latex files asynchronously while edditing [archived]
- dpelle/vim-languagetool : This plugin integrates the LanguageTool grammar checker into Vim
- ecthelionvi/neosave.nvim : auto save file
- fmoralesc/nlanguagetool.nvim : Stupid simple language tool plugin for nvim
- jamessan/vim-gnupg : implements transparent editing of gpg encrypted files
- jghauser/follow-md-links.nvim : allows you to follow markdown links by pressing enter when the cursor is positioned on a link
- luchermitte/lh-cpp : heterogeneous suite of helpers for C and C++ programming
- lunarvim/bigfile.nvim : disables certain features when opening big files
- mrshmllow/open-handlers.nvim : extend gx while allowing default behavior
- mtth/scratch.vim : Unobtrusive scratch window
- mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc : generate table of contents for Markdown files
- okuuva/auto-save.nvim : auto save file when change
- panozzaj/vim-autocorrect : add typo correctint abbreviations
- preservim/vim-litecorrect : add type correctint abbreviations
- previm/previm : Vim plugin for preview
- reedes/vim-wordy : Uncover usage problems in your writing
- rhysd/vim-grammarous : a powerful grammar checker for Vim
- richardbizik/nvim-toc : generate ToC for markdown
- ron89/thesaurus_query.vim : plugin for user to lookupsynonyms of any word
- sidofc/mkdx : reduce the time you spend formatting your markdown documents
- stevearc/gkeep.nvim : Neovim integration for Google Keep, built using gkeepapi
- tmillr/sos.nvim : never manually save again
- tobys/pdv : your tool of choice for generating PHP doc blocks
- vim-pandoc/vim-pandoc : provides facilities to integrate Vim with the pandoc document converter and work with documents written in its markdown variant
- vim-scripts/scratch.vim : create a temporary scratch buffer to store and edit text that will be discarded
- vim-scripts/wordlist.vim : autocorrection of words
- weirongxu/plantuml-previewer.vim : Vim/NeoVim plugin for preview PlantUML
- iamcco/coc-spell-checker : Spelling Checker for vim
- inkarkat/vim-spellcheck : This plugin populates the |quickfix|-list with all spelling errors found in a buffer to give you that overview
- kamykn/spelunker.vim : improves Vim's spell checking function
- reedes/vim-lexical : extend vims spellchecker
- 2kabhishek/tdo.nvim : implement tdo in neovim
- ada0l/obsidian : basic interaction with Obsidian
- ahmedkhalf/jupyter-nvim : Read jupyter notebooks in neovim
- boson-joe/yanp : Yes another notetaking plugin which supports recurring topics structure and customisable syntax
- dobrovolsky/kb-notes.nvim : Yet another note management system for neovim
- epwalsh/obsidian.nvim : writing and navigating an Obsidian vault
- fmoralesc/vim-pad : quick notetaking plugin for vim
- goerz/jupytext.vim : editing Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files through jupytext
- gu-fan/riv.vim : Notes and wiki in rst
- jbyuki/nabla.nvim : Take your scentific notes in Neovim
- jellyapple102/flote.nvim : easy, minimal notes
- lervag/wiki.vim : This is for writing and maintaining a personal wiki
- linden-project/linny.vim : Personal wiki and document database
- mickael-menu/zk-nvim : Neovim extension for the zk plain text note-taking assistant
- oberblastmeister/neuron.nvim : Make neovim the best note taking application with neuron
- ostralyan/scribe.nvim : convenient way to find and take notes
- phaazon/mind.nvim : a new take on note taking and task workflows
- renerocksai/telekasten.nvim : A Neovim plugin for working with a text-based, markdown zettelkasten / wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim
- rexagod/samwise.nvim : line-wise note-taking plugin for neovim
- rutatang/quicknote.nvim : quick take that note
- vimwiki/vimwiki : VimWiki is a personal wiki for Vim
- xolox/vim-notes : Easy note taking in Vim
- davidgranstrom/nvim-markdown-preview : Markdown preview in the browser using pandoc and live-server
- ellisonleao/glow.nvim : Preview markdown code directly in your neovim terminal
- euclio/vim-markdown-composer : adds asynchronous Markdown preview
- frabjous/knap : live preview LaTeX or markdown (or even just HTML)
- iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim : Preview markdown on your modern browser with synchronised scrolling and flexible configuration
- instant-markdown/vim-instant-markdown : shows the compiled markdown in real-time
- junegunn/vim-xmark : Markdown preview on OS X
- untitled-ai/jupyter_ascending : Sync Jupyter Notebooks from any editor
- airblade/vim-rooter : go to projects root
- jedi2610/nvim-rooter.lua : high performance plugin to change your working directory to the project root when you open a file
- jinzhongjia/ps_manager.nvim : auto change pwd in project
- leonheidelbach/trailblazer.nvim : seamlessly move through project marks
- notjedi/nvim-rooter.lua : change your working directory to the project root
- nyngwang/neoroot.lua : toggle between own defined root and cwd of file
- oscarcreator/rsync.nvim : Async transfer files with
on save - theprimeagen/harpoon : mark files and more
- ygm2/rooter.nvim : changes current working directory to project root of the file opened in current buffer [archived] [no maintain]
- arnarg/todotxt.nvim : view and add tasks stored in a todo.txt format
- aserebryakov/vim-todo-lists : TODO lists management
- dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo : awesome task manager & clocker inspired by org-mode
- folke/todo-comments.nvim : highlight and search for todo comments like TODO, HACK, BUG
- vuciv/vim-bujo : easily manage todo manager
- wsdjeg/vim-todo : Better TODO manager plugin for neovim/vim
- acksld/nvim-femaco.lua : Catalyze your Fenced Markdown Code-block editing
- axvr/org.vim : Org mode and Outline mode syntax highlighting for Vim
- gabrielelana/vim-markdown : complete environment to create Markdown files with a syntax highlight that doesn't suck
- h2ero/vim-markdown-wiki : markdown wiki pulgin for vim
- ixru/nvim-markdown : Fork of vim-markdown with extra functionality
- jakewvincent/mkdnflow.nvim : make it easy to navigate and manipulate markdown notebooks
- jceb/vim-orgmode : Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs’ Org-Mode
- jghauser/auto-pandoc.nvim : This plugin allows you to easily convert your markdown files using pandoc
- preservim/vim-markdown : Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for the original Markdown and extensions
- ranjithshegde/orgwiki.nvim : implements a subset of features from the popular vimwiki plugin for org filetype
- serenevoid/kiwi.nvim : stripped down version of vimwiki
- toppair/peek.nvim : Markdown preview plugin for Neovim
- vim-latex/vim-latex : provides a rich tool of features for editing latex files
- dcampos/nvim-snippy : A snippets plugin for Neovim 0.5.0+ written in Lua
- drmingdrmer/xptemplate : Code snippets engine for Vim, And snippets library
- ellisonleao/carbon-now.nvim : Create beautiful code snippets directly from your neovim terminal
- garbas/vim-snipmate : provide support for textual snippets, similar to TextMate or other Vim plugins like UltiSnips
- hauleth/usnip.vim : Minimalistic snippet management for Vim
- honza/vim-snippets : contains snippets files for various programming languages
- hrsh7th/vim-vsnip : VSCode(LSP)'s snippet feature in vim
- jorengarenar/minisnip : miniSnipis lightweight and minimal snippet plugin written in Vim Script
- l3mon4d3/luasnip : snippet engine written in lua
- molleweide/luasnip-snippets.nvim : community driven library of LuaSnipsnipets
- norcalli/snippets.nvim : snippets nvim
- quintik/snip : a vim plugin for creating and managing vim abbreviations [archived]
- rafamadriz/friendly-snippets : Snippets collection for a set of different programming languages
- shougo/neosnippet-snippets : The standard snippets repository for neosnippet
- shougo/neosnippet.vim : The Neosnippet plug-In adds snippet support to Vim
- sirver/ultisnips : is the ultimate solution for snippets
- akinsho/flutter-tools.nvim : Build flutter and dart applications in neovim using the native LSP
- aldantas/vim-povray : povray filetype enhancement for vim
- amirrezaask/actions.nvim : defines consistant interface for doing actions for multible languages
- anihm136/importmagic.nvim : automatically import unresolved symbols in python
- aonemd/fmt.vim : delegates the auto-formatting to a formatter
- arnaud-lb/vim-php-namespace : a vim plugin for inserting "use" statements automatically
- arp242/runbuf.vim : makes it easy to run the contents of a buffer
- b0o/schemastore.nvim : Neovim Lua plugin providing access to the SchemaStore catalog
- benekastah/neomake : asynchronously run programs
- blindfs/vim-translator : A translation tool
- cademichael/zig.nvim : Parody of emacs zig-mode
- chiel92/vim-autoformat : Format code with one button press (or automatically on save).
- civitasv/cmake-tools.nvim : CMake Tools for Neovim
- code-biscuits/nvim-biscuits : help you get the context of the end of that AST node
- crusj/hierarchy-tree-go.nvim : Hierarchy ui tree for go
- crusj/structrue-go.nvim : A more intuitive display of the symbol structure of golang files
- cuducos/yaml.nvim : Simple tools to help developers working YAML in Neovim
- dag/vim-fish : support for editing fish scripts
- dahu/asif : uns a list of commands against a block of text (a list of lines) in a scratch buffer of a given filetype
- dbmrq/vim-dialect : quickly add to spellfile
- dccsillag/magma-nvim : NeoVim plugin for running code interactively with Jupyter
- devjoe/vim-codequery : Search source code gracefully, Manage your database easily and Know your code more instantly
- dmmulroy/tsc.nvim : run typescript type-checking asynchronously
- elentok/format-on-save.nvim : format on save
- erietz/vim-terminator : runs your current file
- ethanjwright/toolwindow.nvim : Easy management of a toolwindow
- figsoda/nix-develop.nvim : nix develop for neovim
- flow/vim-flow : A vim plugin for Flow
- gaodean/autolist.nvim : Automatic list continuation and formatting
- gbprod/phpactor.nvim : Lua version of phpactor nvim plugin
- gleitz/howdoi : Instant coding answers via the command line
- hanschen/vim-ipython-cell : Seamlessly run Python code from Vim in IPython
- is0n/jaq-nvim : Just Another Quickrun plugin for Neovim that was inspired by quickrun.vim
- jaawerth/fennel-nvim : adding native fennel support to nvim by utilizing neovim's native Lua support
- jakewvincent/texmagic.nvim : TEXMagic is a very simple Neovimplugin that facilitates LaTeX build engine selection via magic comments
- jbyuki/carrot.nvim : Markdown evaluator for Neovim Lua code blocks
- jdelkins/vim-correction : automatically correct spelling
- jeetsukumaran/vim-pythonsense : provides text objects and motions for Python classes, methods, functions, and doc strings
- jorengarenar/vim-sbnr : Simple Build&Run for Vim [archived]
- jorengarenar/vim-sql-upper : Uppercase SQL keywords without the need of holding Shift or CAPS LOCK
- jose-elias-alvarez/nvim-lsp-ts-utils : Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client [archived]
- jsborjesson/vim-uppercase-sql : auto uppercase sql keywords
- junegunn/vim-cfr : Decompile Java class files using CFR
- justinmk/vim-printf : turn a line into a printf-style statment
- kovisoft/paredit : Structured Editing of Lisp S-expressions
- kovisoft/slimv : Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim
- krady21/compiler-explorer.nvim : compiler explorer inside neovim
- laytan/tailwind-sorter.nvim : sort tailwind classes
- ledesmablt/vim-run : Run, view, and manage UNIX shell commands with ease
- llllvvuu/nvim-js-actions : ts actions on javascript code
- max397574/lua-dev.nvim : Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development
- mhartington/formatter.nvim : A format runner for Neovim
- mhartington/nvim-typescript : nvim language service plugin for typescript
- mhinz/vim-crates : When maintaining Rust projects, this plugin helps with updating the dependencies in
files - mhinz/vim-mix-format : makes it easy to run elixirs
mix format
asynchronously - micmine/jumpwire.nvim : for moving in common File structures (like test and implementation files)
- millermedeiros/vim-esformatter : makes it easier to execute esformatter inside vim
- moll/vim-node : Tools to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js
- nanotee/sqls.nvim : Neovim plugin for sqls that leverages the built-in LSP client
- neomake/neomake : plugin for Vim to asynchronously run programs
- nfischer/vim-rainbows : Vim runtime files for my own language, Rainbows
- niuiic/format.nvim : Async, multitask, configurable formatter
- noib3/nvim-oxi : provides first-class Rust bindings to the rich API exposed by nvim
- ntbbloodbath/zig-tools.nvim : tools for zig
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-refactor : Refactor modules for nvim-treesitter [treesitter]
- olexsmir/gopher.nvim : Minimalistic plugin for Go development in Neovim written in Lua
- olical/aniseed : bridges the gap between Fennel and Neovim
- olical/conjure : an interactive environment for evaluating code within your running program
- osyo-manga/vim-precious : Set the buffer filetype based on the code block the cursor currently resides in
- pangloss/vim-javascript : JavaScript bundle for vim
- pappasam/vim-filetype-formatter : simple, cross language Vim code formatter plugin supporting both range and full-file formatting
- pgdouyon/vim-accio : Accio asynchronously summons build/compiler/linter
- phpactor/phpactor : aims to provide heavy-lifting refactoring and introspection tools
- pianocomposer321/yabs.nvim : Yet Another Build System for Neovim
- pkazmier/java_getset.vim : file type plugin for the creation of Java getters and setters
- potamides/pantran.nvim : use your favorite machine translation engines without having to leave
- preservim/vim-lexical : a bunch of spellchecker improvments
- pwntester/codeql.nvim : help writing and testing CodeQL queries
- rafaelsq/nvim-goc.lua : easy go coverage
- rafcamlet/nvim-luapad : Interactive neovim scratchpad for lua
- ray-x/go.nvim : modern go neovim plugin based on treesitter, nvim-lsp and dap debugger
- rescript-lang/vim-rescript : the official vim plugin for ReScript
- rest-nvim/rest.nvim : fast http client
- romgrk/nvim-treesitter-context : Lightweight alternative to context.vim implemented with nvim-treesitter
- sbdchd/neoformat : vim plugin for formatting code
- scalameta/nvim-metals : provide a better experience while using Metals
- shatur/neovim-tasks : provides a stateful task system
- sheerun/vim-polyglot : A collection of language packs for Vim
- shinglyu/vim-codespell : checking the spelling for source code
- sigmasd/deno-nvim : improve deno experience
- simrat39/rust-tools.nvim : Extra rust tools for writing applications in neovim using the native lsp
- skanehira/denops-translate.vim : A translation tool using denops
- stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer : will execute the
on the directory or file - stevearc/overseer.nvim : task runner and job management plugin for Neovim
- sukima/xmledit : a file type plugin to help edit XML
- t9md/vim-ruby-xmpfilter : Support rcodetools and seeing_is_believing
- teal-language/vim-teal : provides Teal language support for Vim
- ternjs/tern_for_vim : provides Tern-based JavaScript editing support
- tjdevries/nlua.nvim : Lua Development for Neovim
- tpope/vim-endwise : helps to end certain structures automatically, like adding
... in lua. - tpope/vim-liquid : liquid support for vim
- tpope/vim-rails : Vim plugin for editing Ruby on Rails applications
- tpope/vim-rake : a plugin leveraging projectionist.vim to enable you to use all those parts of rails.vim that you wish you could use on your other Ruby projects
- tpope/vim-salve : Static Vim support for Leiningen, Boot, and the Clojure CLI
- turbio/bracey.vim : live html,css,js editing in vim
- tweekmonster/django-plus.vim : improves django development
- tweekmonster/gofmt.vim : runs gofmtwhen you save
- tweekmonster/hl-goimport.vim : Highlights imported packages in Go
- tweekmonster/impsort.vim : sorting and highlighting Python imports
- valpackett/intero.nvim : really fast omnicomplete for haskell
- vim-denops/denops.vim : An ecosystem of Vim/Neovim which allows developers to write plugins in Deno
- vim-scripts/java_getset.vim : automatically add getter/setter
- vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent : modifies vim’s indentation behavior to comply with PEP8 and my aesthetic preferences
- vincentcordobes/vim-translate : A tiny translate-shell wrapper
- wbthomason/buildit.nvim : A better async project builder for Neovim
- wsdjeg/vim-assembly : Vim mode for assembly languages
- yioneko/nvim-yati : Yet another tree-sitter indent plugin for Neovim
- zeioth/compiler.nvim : build/run code with zero config
- ahmedkhalf/lsp-rooter.nvim : change the current working directory to the project's root directory[archived]
- alexaandru/nvim-lspupdate : Updates installed (or auto installs if missing) LSP servers, that are already configured in your init.vim
- amrbashir/nvim-docs-view : neovim plugin to display lsp hover documentation in a side panel
- anott03/nvim-lspinstall : the plugin makes it really easy to install language servers for nvims built in lsp
- artempyanykh/marksman : Markdown LSP server providing completion, goto, references, diagnostics, and more
- artur-shaik/jc.nvim : jc LSP
- autozimu/languageclient-neovim : LSP support
- aznhe21/actions-preview.nvim : preview lsp actions
- creativenull/diagnosticls-configs-nvim : a list of diagnostic configs for diagnostic-langaugeserver
- davidhalter/jedi-vim : awesome Python autocompletion with VIM
- dnlhc/glance.nvim : preview, navigate and edit LSP locations
- folke/lsp-colors.nvim : Automatically creates missing LSP diagnostics highlight groups for color schemes that don't yet support the Neovim 0.5 builtin lsp client
- folke/trouble.nvim : A pretty list for showing diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location lists to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing
- glepnir/lspsaga.nvim : A light-weight lsp plugin based on neovim's built-in lsp with a highly performant UI
- hrsh7th/vim-lamp : Language Server Protocol client for Vim
- idanarye/nvim-buffls : a jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim source
- j-hui/fidget.nvim : Standalone UI for nvim-lsp progress
- jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind : an adapter for the Neovim lua language
- jinzhongjia/lspui.nvim : UI that wraps lsp operations
- jmbuhr/otter.nvim : lsp for embedded code
- jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim : Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua
- junnplus/nvim-lsp-setup : simple wrapper for nvim-lspconfig and nvim-lsp-installer to easily setup LSP servers
- kkharji/lspsaga.nvim : light-weight lsp plugin based on neovim built-in lsp with highly a performant UI
- kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb : VSCode bulb for neovim's built-in LSP
- linrongbin16/lsp-progress.nvim : performant lsp progress status
- liuchengxu/vista.vim : View and search LSP symbols, tags
- lukas-reineke/lsp-format.nvim : a wrapper around Neovims native LSP formatting
- mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls : Extensions for the built-in Language Server Protocol support in Neovim (>= 0.6.0) for
- muniftanjim/prettier.nvim : Prettier plugin for Neovim's built-in LSP client
- nanotee/nvim-lsp-basics : The shiny new built-in LSP client
- natebosch/vim-lsc : Adds language-aware tooling to vim by communicating with a language server following the language server protocol
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig : Configs for the Nvim LSP client
- niuiic/part-edit.nvim : create a separate buffer for codeblocks to with with lsp
- nvim-lua/lsp_extensions.nvim : various lsp extensions [archived]
- onsails/diaglist.nvim : Live-updating Neovim LSP diagnostics in quickfix and loclist
- onsails/lspkind-nvim : tiny plugin adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp
- onsails/lspkind.nvim : adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp
- prabirshrestha/vim-lsp : Async Language Server Protocol plugin for vim8 and neovim
- ranjithshegde/ccls.nvim : neovim plugin to configure ccls language server
- ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim : Show function signature when you type
- ray-x/navigator.lua : lsp navigation and highlighting and more
- rishabhrd/nvim-lsputils : focuses on making nvim LSP actions highly user friendly
- rmagatti/goto-preview : previewing native LSP's goto definition calls in floating windows
- smjonas/inc-rename.nvim : provides a command for LSP renaming with immediate visual feedback
- tamago324/nlsp-settings.nvim : configure Neovim LSP using json/yaml files like coc-settings.json
- vonheikemen/lsp-zero.nvim : "boilerplate code" to make cmp and lspconf work
- wbthomason/lsp-status.nvim : generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client
- weilbith/nvim-lsp-bacomp : NeoVim Language Server Backwards Compatibility
- weilbith/nvim-lsp-smag : allows to seamlessly integrate the language server protocol into NeoVim
- williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer : allow you to manage LSP servers
- creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim : a list of lint configs for efm-langserver
- dense-analysis/ale : Asynchronous Lint Engine
- mfussenegger/nvim-lint : An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim
- nvie/vim-flake8 : runs the currently open file through Flake8, a static syntax and style checker for Python source code
- nvimdev/guard.nvim : Async format and lint
- vim-syntastic/syntastic : Syntastic is a syntax checking plugin for Vim [no maintain]
- w0rp/ale : ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin providing linting (syntax checking and semantic errors)
- ackyshake/vimcompletesme : super simple, super minimal, super light-weight tab-completion plugin
- ajh17/vimcompletesme
- exafunction/codeium.vim : free ai autocompletion
- folke/neodev.nvim : adds full signature support for autocompletion of vim
- furkanzmc/sekme.nvim : a chain-completion plugin that complements Neovim's own completion functions
- github/copilot.vim : Vim plugin for GitHub Copilot
- haorenw1025/completion-nvim : an auto completion framework
- haya14busa/vim-auto-programming : provides statistical whole lines completions for git projects
- hrsh7th/nvim-cmp : A completion engine plugin for neovim written in Lua
- hrsh7th/nvim-compe : Auto completion plugin for nvim [archived]
- inkarkat/vim-patterncomplete : offers completions that either use the last search pattern or query for a regular expression
- jimmyhuang454/easycompleteyou : Easily complete you "Keep It Simple, Stupid."
- kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion : Database auto completion powered by vim-dadbod
- lifepillar/vim-mucomplete : minimalist autocompletion plugin for Vim
- maralla/completor.vim
- mfussenegger/nvim-lsp-compl : A fast and asynchronous auto-completion plugin for Neovim >= 0.7.0, focused on LSP
- mjbrownie/vim-htmldjango_omnicomplete : Vim htmldjango autocomplete
- ms-jpq/coq_nvim : autocoplete wich is fast and has loads of features
- ncm2/ncm2 : is a slim, fast and hackable completion framework for neovim
- neoclide/coc.nvim : conquer of completion
- noib3/nvim-compleet
- nvim-lua/completion-nvim : auto completion framework that aims to provide a better completion experience with neovim's built-in LSP [archived]
- prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim : Async autocompletion for Vim 8 and Neovim with |timers|.
- rip-rip/clang_complete : This plugin uses clang for accurately completing C and C++ code
- roxma/nvim-completion-manager : A Completion Framework for Neovim [archived]
- shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim : Improved PHP omni-completion
- shougo/ddc.vim : Dark deno-powered completion framework for neovim/Vim8
- shougo/deoplete.nvim : dark powered neo-completion [no development]
- shougo/neocomplcache.vim : provides keyword completion system by maintaining a cache of keywords in the current buffer
- shougo/neocomplete.vim : provides keyword completion system by maintaining a cache of keywords in the current buffer [no development]
- vigoux/complementree.nvim
- ycm-core/youcompleteme
- zbirenbaum/copilot.lua : pure lua replacement for github/copilot.vim
- aklt/plantuml-syntax : Vim PlantUML Syntax/Plugin/FTDetect
- akz92/vim-ionic2 : ionic2 syntax highlight
- cespare/vim-toml : toml syntax highlight
- dagwieers/asciidoc-vim : AsciiDoc syntax highlighting
- euclidianace/betterlua.vim : Better Lua Syntax For Vim
- fladson/vim-kitty : Syntax highlighting for Kitty terminal config files
- glench/vim-jinja2-syntax : Jinja2 syntax file for vim with the ability to detect either HTML or Jinja
- google/vim-jsonnet : Jsonnet filetype plugin for Vim
- groenewege/vim-less : adds syntax highlighting, indenting and autocompletion for the dynamic stylesheet language LESS
- herringtondarkholme/yats.vim : Yet Another TypeScript Syntax
- honza/dockerfile.vim : Syntax highlighting for Dockerfiles [archived]
- iron-e/vim-ungrammar : syntax for Ungrammar filetype
- jackguo380/vim-lsp-cxx-highlight : provides C/C++/Cuda/ObjC semantic highlighting using LSP
- jelera/vim-javascript-syntax : Enhanced JavaScript Syntax for Vim
- junegunn/vim-journal : syntax for journal file type
- jwalton512/vim-blade : blade template syntax highlight
- kchmck/vim-coffee-script : adds CoffeeScript support to vim
- kovetskiy/sxhkd-vim : sxhkd syntax highlight
- leafgarland/typescript-vim : typeScript syntax for vim
- ledger/vim-ledger : Filetype detection, syntax highlighting, auto-formatting, auto-completion, and other tools for working with ledger files
- lervag/vimtex : modern Vim filetype and syntax plugin for LaTeX files
- lifepillar/pgsql.vim : provides syntax highlighting and auto-completion support for PostgreSQL
- maxmellon/vim-jsx-pretty : The React syntax highlighting and indenting plugin (Also supports the typescript tsx file)
- milisims/tree-sitter-org : Org grammar for tree-sitter
- mxw/vim-jsx : Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX [deprecated]
- nathanalderson/yang.vim : YANG syntax highlighting and other niceties for VIM
- neovimhaskell/haskell-vim : Syntax Highlighting and Indentation for Haskell and Cabal
- nickeb96/fish.vim : fish syntax for vim
- nickhutchinson/vim-cmake-syntax : Vim syntax highlighting rules for modern CMake [archived]
- octol/vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight : contains additional syntax highlighting that I use for C++11/14/17 development in Vim
- othree/ : This syntax file is for ECMAScript future syntax
- othree/html5.vim : HTML5 + inline SVG omnicomplete function, indent and syntax for Vim
- othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim : Syntax file for JavaScript libraries
- othree/yajs.vim : Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim
- pboettch/vim-cmake-syntax : Vim syntax highlighting rules for modern CMakeLists.txt
- peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript : Syntax highlighting and indentation for JSX in Typescript
- plasticboy/vim-markdown : Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for the original Markdown and extensions
- potatoesmaster/i3-vim-syntax : i3 config syntax highlight
- shougo/neco-syntax : Syntax source for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm
- slim-template/vim-slim : slim syntax highlighting for vim
- solarnz/thrift.vim : thrift syntax plugin for vim
- stanangeloff/php.vim : An up-to-date Vim syntax for PHP [archived]
- stephpy/vim-yaml : Syntax file for yaml
- tbastos/vim-lua : Improved Lua 5.3 syntax and indentation support for Vim
- tetralux/odin.vim : syntax highlite for Odin
- tomlion/vim-solidity : Syntax files for Solidity
- towolf/vim-helm : vim syntax for helm templates
- vhda/verilog_systemverilog.vim : Vim Syntax Plugin for Verilog and SystemVerilog
- vim-python/python-syntax : Python syntax highlighting for Vim
- vim-ruby/vim-ruby : includes syntax highlighting, indentation, omnicompletion, and various useful tools and mappings for writing ruby code
- vim-scripts/gitignore.vim : adds syntax highlighting, code snippets for .gitignore files
- vim-scripts/php.vim--garvin : an updated version of the php.vim syntax file distributed with VIM
- wsdjeg/syntastic : syntax checking plugin
- acksld/nvim-gfold.lua : nvim plugin for gfold
- adoy/vim-php-refactoring-toolbox : PHP refactoring toolbox
- ccchapman/watson.nvim : An integration for Watson in Neovim
- crispgm/nvim-go : A minimal implementation of Golang development plugin written in Lua for Neovim
- david-kunz/jester : A Neovim plugin to easily run and debug Jest tests
- elixir-editors/vim-elixir : Elixir support for vim
- guns/vim-clojure-static : clojure and ClojureScript highlighting/indentation/Basic insert mode completion
- guns/vim-slamhound : Slamhound integration for vim
- jalvesaq/nvim-r : improves Vim's support to edit R code
- jose-elias-alvarez/typescript.nvim : minimal
plugin to set up the language server via nvim-lspconfigand add commands for convenience - jupyter-vim/jupyter-vim : A two-way integration between Vim and Jupyter
- keith/swift.vim : syntax and indent for swift
- lhkipp/nvim-nu : support for the nushell language
- madskjeldgaard/reaper-nvim : controlling the Reaper DAW
- mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim : Supercharge your Haskell experience in Neovim
- neovim/go-client : Neovim/go-client is a Neovim client and plugin host for Go
- racer-rust/vim-racer : allows vim to use Racer for Rust code completion and navigation
- rust-lang/rust.vim : Vim plugin that provides Rust file detection, syntax highlighting, formatting, Syntastic integration, and more
- sakhnik/nvim-gdb : Gdb, LLDB, pdb/pdb++ and BASHDB integration with NeoVim
- someone-stole-my-name/yaml-companion.nvim : yaml integration for vim
- stsewd/sphinx.nvim : Sphinx integrations for Neovim
- svermeulen/nvim-moonmaker : adds support for writing moonscript plugins
- olical/nfnl : better fennel inside neovim
- rktjmp/hotpot.nvim : Seamless Fennel inside Neovim
- hkupty/runes.nvim : Lua test framework for neovim plugins
- janko-m/vim-test : A Vim wrapper for running tests on different granularities
- junegunn/vader.vim : I use Vader to test Vimscript
- nvim-neotest/neotest : A framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim
- p00f/cphelper.nvim : automating tasks in competitive programming like downloading test cases, compiling and testing
- rcarriga/vim-ultest : The ultimate testing plugin for NeoVim
- thinca/vim-themis : testing framework for Vim script
- vim-php/vim-phpunit : allows you to run PHP Unit tests easily
- vim-test/vim-test : Vim wrapper for running tests on different granularities
- wsdjeg/javaunit.vim : test the current methond
- xeluxee/competitest.nvim : a testcase manager and checker
- andrewferrier/debugprint.nvim : simply print debug messages
- dbgx/lldb.nvim : provides LLDB debugger integration for Neovim [no maintain]
- jodosha/vim-godebug : Go debugging for Vim
- mfussenegger/nvim-dap : Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim
- niuiic/dap-utils.nvim : utilities for nvim-dap
- pocco81/dap-buddy.nvim : Dap Buddy allows you to manage debuggers provided by nvim-dap
- pocco81/dapinstall.nvim : Debug Adapter Protocol manager for Neovim
- puremourning/vimspector : The plugin is a capable Vim graphical debugger for multiple languages
- sidorares/node-vim-debugger : Node.js debugger client and vim driver
- tweekmonster/exception.vim : tracing exceptions thrown by VimL scripts
- vim-vdebug/vdebug : a new, fast, powerful debugger client for Vim
- gcballesteros/notebooknavigator.nvim : manipulate and send code ceels to REPL
- hiphish/repl.nvim : REPL for nvim
- hiphish/repl.nvim : The universal, extendible and configurable REPL plugin
- jpalardy/vim-slime : type text in a file, send it to a live REPL,
- justinmk/nvim-repl : a minimal REPL plugin
- luk400/vim-jukit : REPL plugin and Jupyter-Notebook alternative for Vim
- milanglacier/yarepl.nvim : yet another REPL
- rhysd/reply.vim : make editing buffers with REPLs nicely
- tpope/vim-fireplace : There's a REPL in Fireplace, but you probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't told you
- 4e554c4c/darkman.nvim : change the background depending on the Freedesktop Dark-mode standard
- amadeus/vim-convert-color-to : simple and easy to use plugin that can convert various color strings to different formats
- ap/vim-css-color : preview colours in source code while editing
- brenoprata10/nvim-highlight-colors : Highlight colors with neovim
- chrisbra/colorizer : color colornames and codes
- dharmx/nvim-colo : theming utils
- f-person/auto-dark-mode.nvim : change editor appearance based on macOS system settings
- folke/paint.nvim : add additional highlighting to buffer
- jeaye/color_coded : semantic highlighting with vim
- lifepillar/vim-colortemplate : makes it easy to develop color schemes
- m00qek/baleia.nvim : Colorize text with ANSI escape sequences
- norcalli/nvim-base16.lua : Programmatic lua library for setting base16 themes in Neovim
- norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua : A high-performance color highlighter for Neovim which has no external dependencies
- ntbbloodbath/color-converter.nvim : Easily convert your CSS colors
- nvim-colortils/colortils.nvim : Neovim color utils
- preservim/vim-thematic : have themes for vim
- rbtnn/vim-coloredit : provides to edit RGB and HSL
- rktjmp/lush.nvim : colorscheme creation aid for Neovim
- rrethy/vim-hexokinase : The fastest (Neo)Vim plugin for asynchronously displaying the colours
- tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim : A colorscheme maker for Neovim
- tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim : A colorscheme helper for Neovim
- uga-rosa/ccc.nvim : Create Color Code
- xiyaowong/nvim-transparent : Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent
- ziontee113/color-picker.nvim : lets Neovim Users choose & modify colors
- akinsho/bufferline.nvim
- akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua
- alvarosevilla95/luatab.nvim
- chrboesch/vim-tabline
- crispgm/nvim-tabline
- johann2357/nvim-smartbufs
- kdheepak/tabline.nvim
- koenverburg/minimal-tabline.nvim : minimal tabline
- lukelbd/vim-tabline : providing a simple black-and-white "tabline"
- nanozuki/tabby.nvim
- noib3/cokeline.nvim
- pacha/vem-tabline : a lightweight Vim plugin to display your tabs and buffers at the top of your screen
- rafcamlet/tabline-framework.nvim
- romgrk/barbar.nvim
- tomiis4/buffertabs.nvim : simple, fancy tabline
- webdevel/tabulous : Lightweight Vim plugin to enhance the tabline including numbered tab page labels
- 3rd/image.nvim : attempt to add image support to neovim
- acksld/messages.nvim : Capture and show any messages in a customisable floating window
- adelarsq/image_preview.nvim : Neovim plugin for image previews
- ahmedkhalf/notif.nvim : Notification system
- ameertaweel/todo.nvim : Lua plugin for Neovim to highlight and search for todo comments like TODO, FIXME, BUG
- anuvyklack/animation.nvim : An OOP library to create animations in Neovim
- ashfinal/qfview.nvim : make quickfix window look better
- axlebedev/footprints : Highlight last edited lines
- ayosec/hltermpaste.vim : highlight terminal paste
- bekaboo/deadcolumn.nvim : assist maintaining a maximum code width
- bennypowers/nvim-regexplainer : Describe the regular expression under the cursor
- bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace : causes trailing whitespace to be highlighted in red
- chrisbra/changesplugin : visualize which lines have been changed since editing started
- chrisbra/dynamicsigns : Using Signs for different things (visualy)
- chrisbra/vim-diff-enhanced : A Vim plugin for creating better diffs
- cosmicnvim/cosmic-ui : simple wrapper around specific vim functionality
- danilamihailov/beacon.nvim : Whenever cursor jumps some distance or moves between windows, it will flash so you can see where it is
- dbmrq/vim-ditto : highlights overused words
- dbmrq/vim-redacted : Just redact some text
- delphinus/auto-cursorline.nvim : Show / hide cursorline in connection with cursor moving
- delphinus/vim-auto-cursorline : Show / hide cursorline in connection with cursor moving
- eandrju/cellular-automaton.nvim : Do animation with code in buffer
- ecthelionvi/neocolumn.nvim : highlight character at specific column
- edluffy/hologram.nvim : cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim
- edluffy/specs.nvim : Show where your cursor moves when jumping large distances
- emileferreira/nvim-strict : Strictly enforce configurable, best-practice code style
- folke/drop.nvim : fun little screen saver
- folke/noice.nvim : completely replaces the UI for messages, cmdline and the popupmenu
- frazrepo/vim-rainbow : Rainbow Parentheses Improved
- gelguy/wilder.nvim : A more adventurous wildmenu
- gen740/smoothcursor.nvim : add sub-cursor to show scroll direction
- gennaro-tedesco/nvim-peekup : peek registers befor pasting them
- haringsrob/nvim_context_vt : Shows virtual text of the current context after functions, methods, statements, etc.
- hiphish/nvim-ts-rainbow2 : rainbow parentheses
- hiphish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim : rainbow-delimiters
- hood/popui.nvim : NeoVim UI sweetness powered by popfix
- ivyl/vim-bling : blinks search result after jumping
- jceb/blinds.nvim : shade the other windows
- joeytwiddle/sexy_scroller.vim : smooth cursor and page movement
- johnfrankmorgan/whitespace.nvim : highlight/remove trailing whitespace
- jubnzv/virtual-types.nvim : shows type annotations for functions in virtual text using built-in LSP client
- junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim : Much simpler Rainbow Parentheses
- jxstxs/conceal.nvim : conceals typical boiler code using treesitter
- kaitlynethylia/treepin : pin code to always stay on screen
- karb94/neoscroll.nvim : smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua
- kevinhwang91/nvim-ffhighlight : Highlight the chars and words searched by
- kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens : search with more visuals
- kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim : Better Rainbow Parentheses
- ktunprasert/gui-font-resize.nvim : easily resize gui fonts
- kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons : lua fork of vim-devicons
- levouh/tint.nvim : tint inactive windows
- lewis6991/nvim-treesitter-context : Lightweight alternative to context.vim implemented with nvim-treesitter
- lucastavaresa/simpleindentguides.nvim : indentation guide
- lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim : indentation guides to all lines
- lukas-reineke/virt-column.nvim : Display a character as the colorcolumn
- luochen1990/rainbow : Rainbow Parentheses Improved
- luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim : provides a configurable and clickable statuscolumn
- m-demare/hlargs.nvim : Highlight arguments' definitions and usages, asynchronously, using Treesitter
- m4xshen/smartcolumn.nvim : hide colorcolumn if no character nearby
- machakann/vim-highlightedyank : Make the yanked region apparent
- malbertzard/inline-fold.nvim : easily define patterns that get concealed inline
- markonm/traces.vim : highlights patterns and ranges for Ex commands in Command-line mode
- mawkler/modicator.nvim : Cursor line mode indicator
- max397574/footprints.nvim : highlights recently changed lines
- max397574/mark-ray.nvim : show context of marks
- maximilianlloyd/ascii.nvim : collection of ascii art
- mhinz/vim-signify : uses the sign column to indicate added, modified and removed lines in a file that is managed by a version control system
- monkoose/matchparen.nvim : highlight matching parentheses
- myusuf3/numbers.vim : intelligently toggling line numbers
- nacro90/numb.nvim : Peeking the buffer while entering command :[number]
- nagy135/visualmark-nvim : shows where marks are stored visually in buffer using virtual_text
- narutoxy/dim.lua : dim the unused variables and functions using lsp and treesitter
- nfrid/due.nvim : provides you due for the date string
- niuiic/divider.nvim : dividers for neovim
- norcalli/nvim-terminal.lua : high performance filetype mode for Neovim which leverages
highlights your buffer with the correct color codes - ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace : causes all trailing whitespace characters to be highlighted
- nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim : generating statusline components from the built-in LSP client
- nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons : lua fork of vim-devicons
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context : Lightweight alternative to context.vim implemented with nvim-treesitter
- nvim-zh/colorful-winsep.nvim : configurable window separtor
- ojroques/vim-scrollstatus : A scrollbar for Vim statusline
- pgdouyon/vim-evanesco : automatically clearing Vim's search highlighting whenever the cursor moves or insert mode is entered
- pocco81/noclc.nvim : disabling the cursor-line/column in unused windows/buffers
- powerman/vim-plugin-ansiesc : will conceal Ansi escape sequences but will cause subsequent text to be colored as the escape sequence specifies
- psliwka/vim-smoothie : makes scrolling nice and smooth
- qxxxb/vim-searchhi : Highlight the current search result in a different style than the other search results
- rainbowhxch/beacon.nvim : flash when big jump
- rcarriga/nvim-notify : fancy, configurable, notification manager
- rickhowe/diffchar.vim : make diff mode more useful
- rktjmp/highlight-current-n.nvim : highlights the current /, ? or * match under your cursor when pressing n or N and gets out of the way afterwards
- romainl/vim-cool : disables search highlighting when you are done searching and re-enables it when you search again
- ryanoasis/vim-devicons : Adds icons to your plugins
- segeljakt/vim-silicon : your selected code to a pretty picture
- shellraining/hlchunk.nvim : highlight that chunck
- siuoly/typing_speed.vim : Displaying the typing speed
- smiteshp/nvim-gps : Take this handy dandy gps with you on your coding adventures and always know where you are
- smiteshp/nvim-navic : A simple statusline/winbar component that uses LSP to show your current code context
- smjonas/live-command.nvim : Preview macros, the :norm command & more
- tadaa/vimade : fades your inactive buffers and preserves syntax highlighting
- tenxsoydev/tabs-vs-spaces.nvim : highlights when the wrong indentation char is used
- thehamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text : adds virtual text support to nvim-dap
- tjdevries/overlength.vim : hlight when lines go over the length that you want them
- tjdevries/train.nvim : Train yourself with vim motions and make your own train tracks
- tobinpalmer/rayso.nvim : Create code snippets using
- tummetott/reticle.nvim : disable cursor line for not used windows
- tversteeg/registers.nvim : Show register content when you try to access it
- tzachar/highlight-undo.nvim : highlight undo
- unblevable/quick-scope : An always-on highlight for a unique character in every word on a line
- utilyre/barbecue.nvim : VS Code like winbar that uses nvim-navic
- utilyre/sentiment.nvim : better matchparen for neovim
- valloric/matchtagalways : Always highlight enclosing tags
- vidocqh/lsp-lens.nvim : display reference and definitions with lsp
- vim-scripts/csapprox : This plugin makes GVim-only colorschemes Just Work in terminal Vim
- vim-scripts/syntaxrange : provides commands and functions to set up regions in the current buffer that either use a syntax different from the buffer's 'filetype', or completely ignore the syntax
- vonheikemen/searchbox.nvim : Start your search from a more comfortable place, say the upper right corner
- weirdsmiley/bionically : convert text on current buffer into a bionic reading font
- wellle/context.vim : shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents
- wincent/pinnacle : provides functions for manipulating
groups in Vimscript and Lua - winston0410/range-highlight.nvim : hightlights ranges you have entered in commandline
- xiyaowong/virtcolumn.nvim : Display a character as the colorcolumn
- xolox/vim-lua-inspect : Semantic highlighting for Lua in Vim
- yaocccc/nvim-foldsign : display folds on sign column
- yaocccc/nvim-hl-mdcodeblock.lua : just do highlight markdown codeblock
- yaocccc/nvim-hlchunk : hignlight chunk signcolumn plug of nvim
- yaocccc/vim-hlchunk : hignlight chunk signcolumn plug of vim
- yggdroot/indentline : is used for displaying thin vertical lines at each indentation level for code indented with spaces
- dstein64/nvim-scrollview : displays interactive vertical scrollbars
- lewis6991/satellite.nvim : displays decorated scrollbars
- petertriho/nvim-scrollbar : Extensible Neovim Scrollbar
- rbtnn/vim-winsbar : provides that each window has a scrollbar
- sslivkoff/vim-scroll-barnacle : a scrollbar for vim in the terminal
- xuyuanp/scrollbar.nvim : scrollbar for neovim
- abeldekat/harpoonline : add harpoon information to the statusline
- adelarsq/neoline.vim
- b0o/incline.nvim
- beauwilliams/statusline.lua
- bluz71/vim-mistfly-statusline : a simple, fast and informative statusline for Vim
- datwaft/bubbly.nvim
- doums/barow : A minimalist statusline [archived]
- famiu/feline.nvim : A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline / winbar for Neovim written in Lua
- feline-nvim/feline.nvim
- fmoralesc/worldslice : minimalistic statusline and tabline configuration
- freddiehaddad/feline.nvim : minimal statusline, statuscolumn, and winbar
- glepnir/galaxyline.nvim : light-weight and Super Fast statusline plugin
- glepnir/spaceline.vim : The best vim statusline plugin
- hoob3rt/lualine.nvim : A blazing fast and easy to configure Neovim statusline written in Lua
- itchyny/lightline.vim
- konapun/vacuumline.nvim
- liuchengxu/eleline.vim : Another elegant statusline for vim
- ntbbloodbath/galaxyline.nvim
- nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
- nvimdev/whiskyline.nvim : async, lsp, event driven statusline
- ojroques/nvim-hardline
- powerline/powerline
- r1ri/suffer : simple bufferline plugin, in less the 30 lines of lua
- rbong/vim-crystalline : the plugin lets you build your own statusline and tabline in a vanilla vim style. It also comes with a bufferline
- rebelot/heirline.nvim
- roobert/statusline-action-hints.nvim : shows statusline information on the current word
- rrethy/nvim-hotline : Minimal Lua wrappers for setting your 'statusline' and 'tabline'
- strash/everybody-wants-that-line.nvim : minimal, informative, elegant statusline
- tamago324/vim-gaming-line : animated gaming statusline
- tamton-aquib/staline.nvim
- tjdevries/express_line.nvim
- tpope/vim-flagship
- vim-airline/vim-airline
- windwp/windline.nvim
- yaocccc/nvim-lines.lua : simple statusline & tabline
- 0xadk/full_visual_line.nvim : highlight the whole line when in visual_line mode
- aaron-p1/match-visual.nvim : highlight text matching visual selection in all windows
- galicarnax/vim-regex-syntax : Syntax highlight for regular expressions
- guns/vim-clojure-highlight : Extend builtin syntax highlighting to local, referred, and aliased vars in Clojure buffers
- kasama/nvim-custom-diagnostic-highlight : apply a highlight group to unused variables and functions using LSP
- lcheylus/overlength.nvim : highlight the part of a line that doesn't fit into textwidth
- lfv89/vim-interestingwords : Word highlighting and navigation throughout out the buffer
- lpinilla/vim-codepainter : color different parts of code making the use of text properties
- melkster/modicator.nvim : changes the foreground color of the CursorLineNr highlight based on the current Vim mode
- mr-lllll/interestingwords.nvim : highlights word with differing colors
- numirias/semshi : provides semantic highlighting for Python in Neovim
- nvchad/nvim-colorizer.lua : high-performance color highlighter
- nyngwang/murmur.lua : Cursorword highlighting with callbacks support
- pocco81/high-str.nvim : highlight selected
- zbirenbaum/neodim : dimming the highlights of unused functions, variables, parameters, and more
- amix/vim-zenroom2 : emulates iA Writer environment
- folke/twilight.nvim : dims inactive portions of the code you're editing
- folke/zen-mode.nvim : Distraction-free coding for Neovim
- henriquehbr/ataraxis.lua : absence of mental stress or anxiety, a state of serene calmness
- junegunn/goyo.vim : Distraction-free writing in Vim
- junegunn/limelight.vim : Hyperfocus-writing in Vim
- koenverburg/peepsight.nvim : just focus on one function at the time
- pocco81/true-zen.nvim : Clean and elegant distraction-free writing
- pocco81/truezen.nvim : Clean and elegant distraction-free writing
- shortcuts/no-neck-pain.nvim : center the currently focused buffer to the middle of the screen
- sunjon/shade.nvim : dims your inactive windows
- 0xstepit/flow.nvim
- 1995parham/naz.vim
- 2giosangmitom/nightfall.nvim
- 2nthony/vitesse.nvim
- ab-dx/ares.nvim
- abstract-ide/abstract-cs
- adisen99/apprentice.nvim
- adisen99/codeschool.nvim
- alessandroyorba/despacio
- alexis12119/nightly.nvim
- alexvzyl/nordic.nvim
- altercation/vim-colors-solarized
- andersevenrud/nordic.nvim
- antonk52/lake.nvim
- arcticicestudio/nord-vim
- arthurealike/vim-j
- arzg/vim-substrata
- askfiy/catppuccin
- askfiy/visual_studio_code
- axvr/photon.vim
- axvr/raider.vim
- base16-project/base16-vim
- benwr/tuftish
- bkegley/gloombuddy
- blueshirts/darcula
- bluz71/vim-moonfly-colors
- bluz71/vim-nightfly-colors
- bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors
- briones-gabriel/darcula-solid.nvim
- catppuccin/nvim
- challenger-deep-theme/vim
- chriskempson/base16-vim
- christianchiarulli/nvcode-color-schemes.vim
- chrsm/paramount-ng.nvim
- cocopon/iceberg.vim
- cpea2506/one_monokai.nvim
- decaycs/decay.nvim
- dilangmb/nightbuddy
- dracula/vim
- dundargoc/fakedonalds.nvim
- edeneast/nightfox.nvim
- elianiva/gruvy.nvim
- elianiva/icy.nvim
- ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim
- elvessousa/sobrio
- embark-theme/vim
- everblush/everblush.nvim
- felipec/vim-felipec
- fenetikm/falcon
- flazz/vim-colorschemes
- folke/styler.nvim : set a different colorscheme per filetype
- folke/tokyonight.nvim
- frenzyexists/aquarium-vim
- ful1e5/onedark.nvim
- gbprod/nord.nvim
- ghifarit53/tokyonight-vim
- glepnir/zephyr-nvim
- gruvbox-community/gruvbox
- hardselius/warlock
- heraldofsolace/nisha-vim
- yorickpeterse/nvim-grey
- yorickpeterse/vim-paper
- icymind/neosolarized
- iron-e/nvim-highlite
- ishan9299/modus-theme-vim
- ishan9299/nvim-solarized-lua
- jaredgorski/spacecamp
- jayhowie/crystal-cove
- jeffkreeftmeijer/vim-dim : improved vim default colorscheme
- jesseleite/nvim-noirbuddy
- jim-at-jibba/ariake-vim-colors
- jnurmine/zenburn
- jonathanfilip/vim-lucius
- joshdick/onedark.vim
- jpo/vim-railscasts-theme
- jsit/toast.vim
- junegunn/seoul256.vim
- kabbamine/yowish.vim
- kaiuri/nvim-juliana
- kaiuri/nvim-mariana
- kdheepak/monochrome.nvim
- klooj/noogies
- kuznetsss/meadow-nvim
- kvrohit/mellow.nvim
- kvrohit/rasmus.nvim
- kvrohit/substrata.nvim
- kyazdani42/blue-moon
- kyazdani42/nvim-palenight.lua
- ladge/antarctic-vim
- lalitmee/cobalt2.nvim
- ldelossa/vimdark
- lewpoly/sherbet.nvim
- lifepillar/vim-gruvbox8
- lifepillar/vim-solarized8
- lmburns/kimbox
- lourenci/github-colors
- luisiacc/gruvbox-baby
- lunarvim/colorschemes : Collection of colorschemes made to be compatible with LunarVim
- lunarvim/darkplus.nvim
- lunarvim/onedarker.nvim
- maaslalani/nordbuddy
- mangeshrex/uwu.vim
- markeganfuller/vim-journeyman
- marko-cerovac/material.nvim
- matsuuu/pinkmare
- max397574/omega-themes
- max397574/tomato.nvim
- maxmx03/fluoromachine.nvim
- maxst/flatcolor
- mcchrish/zenbones.nvim
- meliora-theme/neovim
- metalelf0/jellybeans-nvim
- mhartington/oceanic-next
- mhinz/vim-janah
- mjlbach/onedark.nvim
- mofiqul/adwaita.nvim
- mofiqul/dracula.nvim
- mofiqul/vim-code-dark
- mofiqul/vscode.nvim
- mordechaihadad/nvim-papadark
- morhetz/gruvbox
- nanotech/jellybeans.vim
- navarasu/onedark.nvim
- neanias/everforest-nvim
- nekonako/xresources-nvim
- nightsense/cosmic_latte
- nightsense/snow
- nightsense/stellarized
- norflin321/bicolors
- novakne/kosmikoa.nvim
- npxbr/gruvbox
- ntbbloodbath/doom-one.nvim
- nxvu699134/vn-night.nvim
- nyngwang/nvimgelion
- nyoom-engineering/oxocarbon.nvim
- ofirgall/ofirkai.nvim
- olimorris/onedark.nvim
- olimorris/onedarkpro.nvim
- olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim
- overcache/neosolarized
- owickstrom/vim-colors-paramount
- phha/zenburn.nvim
- phsix/nvim-hybrid
- plan9-for-vimspace/acme-colors
- preservim/vim-colors-pencil
- projekt0n/github-nvim-theme
- pygamer0/darc.nvim
- rafamadriz/neon
- rafi/awesome-vim-colorschemes
- rakr/vim-one
- ramojus/mellifluous.nvim
- ray-x/aurora
- ray-x/starry.nvim
- rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
- rishabhrd/gruvy
- rishabhrd/nvim-rdark
- rmehri01/onenord.nvim
- robertmeta/nofrils
- roboron3042/cyberpunk-neon
- rockerboo/boo-colorscheme-nvim
- rockyzhang24/arctic.nvim
- romainl/apprentice
- romainl/flattened
- romainl/vim-bruin
- romainl/vim-dichromatic
- romainl/vim-malotru
- romainl/vim-sweet16
- romgrk/doom-one.vim
- rose-pine/neovim
- rrethy/nvim-base16
- rsms/sublime-theme
- sainnhe/edge
- sainnhe/everforest
- sainnhe/gruvbox-material
- sainnhe/sonokai
- saurabhdaware/vscode-calvera-dark
- savq/melange
- savq/melange-nvim
- shaeinst/roshnivim-cs
- shatur/neovim-ayu
- shaunsingh/moonlight.nvim
- shaunsingh/nord.nvim
- shaunsingh/seoul256.nvim
- shaunsingh/solarized.nvim
- shrimpram/vim-stella
- sickill/vim-monokai
- softmotions/vim-dark-frost-theme
- svermeulen/text-to-colorscheme : generate colorschemes from text
- svrana/neosolarized.nvim
- swalladge/paper.vim
- tanvirtin/monokai.nvim
- tanvirtin/nvim-monokai
- tek256/simple-dark
- th3whit3wolf/one-nvim
- th3whit3wolf/onebuddy
- th3whit3wolf/space-nvim
- theniceboy/nvim-deus
- therubymug/vim-pyte
- tiagovla/tokyodark.nvim
- titanzero/zephyrium
- tjdevries/gruvbuddy.nvim
- tomasiser/vim-code-dark
- tomasr/molokai
- tpope/vim-vividchalk
- tyrannicaltoucan/vim-deep-space
- u03c1/outrun-vim
- uloco/bluloco.nvim
- vigoux/oak
- vim-conf-live/vimconflive2021-colorscheme
- vim-scripts/mayansmoke
- vim-scripts/peaksea
- w0ng/vim-hybrid
- wgibbs/vim-irblack
- whatyouhide/vim-gotham
- windwp/wind-colors
- wittyjudge/gruvbox-material.nvim
- wuelnerdotexe/vim-enfocado
- xero/miasma.nvim
- xiyaowong/transparent.nvim : remove background color to make transparent
- yagua/nebulous.nvim
- yashguptaz/calvera-dark.nvim
- yazeed1s/minimal.nvim
- yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim
- yong1le/darkplus.nvim
- yonlu/omni.vim
- yuttie/hydrangea-vim
- zaldih/themery.nvim : switch between themes easy
- zootedb0t/citruszest.nvim
- ap/vim-buftabline
- bagrat/vim-buffet : takes your buffers and tabs, and shows them combined in the tabline
- bling/vim-bufferline
- jose-elias-alvarez/buftabline.nvim : A low-config, minimalistic buffer tabline Neovim plugin written in Lua, [archived]
- ojroques/nvim-bufbar : simple and very light bufferline for Neovim
- willothy/nvim-cokeline : for people with addictive personalties
- zefei/vim-wintabs
- acksld/nvim-neoclip.lua
- bfredl/nvim-miniyank
- cyansprite/extract
- gbprod/yanky.nvim
- hrsh7th/nvim-pasta : The yank/paste enhancement plugin for neovim
- maxbrunsfeld/vim-yankstack
- shougo/neoyank.vim : Saves yank history
- svermeulen/vim-yoink
- tenxsoydev/karen-yank.nvim : yanks your way
- vim-scripts/yankring.vim : allows the user to configure the number of yanked, deleted and changed text
- yazgoo/yank-history : historize vim yanks and allow to search and paste from history based on FZF
- atusy/leap-search.nvim : leap oto a search pattern
- cbochs/portal.nvim : aims to build upon and enhance existing jumplist motions
- folke/flash.nvim : navigate your code faster
- haya14busa/vim-easyoperator-line : provides a much simpler way to use some operator for line in Vim
- haya14busa/vim-easyoperator-phrase : provides a much simpler way to use some operator for phrase than vim-easymotion
- mfussenegger/nvim-ts-hint-textobject : Treesitter hint textobject
- osyo-manga/vim-hopping : This is a plugin that incrementally narrows down buffer lines
- ripxorip/aerojump.nvim : Aerojump is a fuzzy-match searcher/jumper for Neovim
- s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker : This plugins prompts the user to pick a window and returns the window id of the picked window
- woosaaahh/sj.nvim : Search based navigation combined with quick jump features
- yuki-yano/fuzzy-motion.vim : Jump to fuzzy match word
- abecodes/tabout.nvim : tabbing out from parentheses
- acksld/nvim-anywise-reg.lua : paste a function somewhere else
- arp242/jumpy.vim : filetype-specific mappings for [[, ]], g[, and g] to jump to the next or previous section
- chrisbra/improvedft : makes
have the ability to jump multiple lines - dahu/vim-fanfingtastic : multiline, case insensitive and aliasing for
- drybalka/tree-climber.nvim : easy navigation around the syntax-tree produced by the treesitter that also works in comments and multi-language files [treesitter]
- easymotion/vim-easymotion : Jump fast to any place to the screen by preesing only up to three keys
- fedepujol/move.nvim : Gain the power to move lines and blocks
- ggandor/flit.nvim :
on steroids - ggandor/leap.nvim : general-purpose motion plugin for Neovim
- ggandor/lightspeed.nvim : Lightspeed is a motion plugin for Neovim, with a relatively small interface and lots of innovative ideas
- goldfeld/vim-seek : like
but for two characters - harrisoncramer/jump-tag : extremely lightweight Neovim plugin that enables jumping to parent, sibling, and child tags
- haya14busa/is.vim : incremental search improved
- haya14busa/vim-asterisk : provides improved * motions
- haya14busa/vim-edgemotion : like
but stops at edge only - hrsh7th/nvim-gtd : LSP's Go To Definition plugin for neovim
- hrsh7th/vim-feeling-move : do you ever wish to be able to move only by feeling.
- hrsh7th/vim-foolish-move : foolishly speed across the window with the cursor
- hrsh7th/vim-insert-point : cursor move on insert mode
- jinh0/eyeliner.nvim : unique
indicator for each word - jorengarenar/vim-mvvis : Move visually selected text
- justinmk/vim-sneak : Jump to any location specified by two characters
- liangxianzhe/nap.nvim : quickly jump between and previous buffer/tab/file/...
- mhinz/vim-lookup : jumps to definitions of variables, functions, and commands as if tags were used, without needing a tags file
- phaazon/hop.nvim : Hop is an EasyMotion-like plugin allowing you to jump anywhere in a document with as few keystrokes as possible
- phsix/faster.nvim : accelerate j or k moving
- preservim/vim-wheel : Screen-anchored cursor movement
- rasukarusan/nvim-select-multi-line : Yank lines not adjacent
- rhysd/clever-f.vim : extends f, F, t and T mappings for more convenience. Instead of
is available to repeat - rlane/pounce.nvim : It's based on incremental fuzzy search.
- smiteshp/nvim-navbuddy : easily navigate objects in a list
- svermeulen/vim-extended-ft : multiline, smart case, highlighting and more for
- t9md/vim-smalls : Search and jump with easymotion style
- t9md/vim-textmanip : move/duplicate blocks of text
- willothy/moveline.nvim : move lines easy
- ziontee113/selectease : easily select and jump between ts queries
- zirrostig/vim-schlepp : allow the movement of lines (or blocks) of text around easily
- adriaanzon/vim-textobj-blade-directive : textobject for blade directive
- adriaanzon/vim-textobj-matchit : creates text objects from matchit pairs (example:
) - andrewferrier/textobj-diagnostic.nvim : textobj for diagnostics [no maintain]
- chaoren/vim-wordmotion : treat uppercase/lowercase words next to each other as different words
- chrisgrieser/nvim-various-textobjs : Bundle of more than a dozen new text objects
- coderifous/textobj-word-column.vim : makes operating on columns of code conceptually simpler and reduces keystrokes
- d4ku/vim-pushover : provides an interface to easily create mappings to push around text-objects
- deathlyfrantic/vim-textobj-blanklines : provides a text object for groups of empty lines
- gcmt/wildfire.vim : quickly select the closest text object among a group of candidates
- jeetsukumaran/vim-indentwise : provides for motions based on indent depths or levels
- julian/vim-textobj-variable-segment : providing a single text object for variable segments
- junegunn/vim-after-object : Defines text objects to target text after the designated characters
- kana/vim-textobj-entire : Text objects for entire buffers
- kana/vim-textobj-indent : provide text objects to select a block of lines which are similarly indented to the current line
- kana/vim-textobj-line : select a portion of the current line
- kana/vim-textobj-user : creat your own text objects
- machakann/vim-sandwich : a set of operator and textobject plugins to add/delete/replace surroundings of a sandwiched textobject
- michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object : adds indentation based text objects
- misanthropicbit/vim-numbers : adds textobject to numbers
- nilsboy/vim-textobj-cindent : provides text objects to select a block of lines that have the same or higher indentation as the current line
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects : Syntax aware text-objects, select, move, swap, and peek support
- preservim/vim-textobj-quote : better support for typographic quote characters
- preservim/vim-textobj-sentence : better sentence textobject
- rbtnn/vim-textobj-string : provide text objects to select a string
- rbtnn/vim-textobj-verbatimstring : provide text objects (a@ and i@ by default) to select a verbatim string
- rbtnn/vim-textobj-vimfunctionname : provide text objects to select a vim function name
- reedes/vim-textobj-quote : Extending Vim to better support typographic (‘curly’) quote characters
- rhysd/vim-textobj-anyblock : make
match all parentheses and not just brackets - tkhren/vim-textobj-numeral : Text objects for numbers
- tweekmonster/braceless.vim : Text objects, folding, and more for Python and other indented languages
- vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim : provides a as argument textobject
- wellle/targets.vim : adds more bracket baised text objects.
- xxiaoa/ns-textobject.nvim : A textobejct plugin with nvim-surround
- alanfortlink/blackjack.nvim : A simple game of blackjack
- alec-gibson/nvim-tetris : tetris game
- amix/vim-2048 : 2048 game
- iqxd/vim-mine-sweeping : mine sweeping game in vim
- jim-fx/sudoku.nvim : a game of sudoku
- max397574/hangman.nvim : a game of hangman
- rbtnn/vim-game_engine : vim-game_engine
- rbtnn/vim-mario : Mario on Vim
- rbtnn/vim-puyo : Puyo on Vim
- rktjmp/shenzhen-solitaire.nvim : is a bit like FreeCell
- seandewar/killersheep.nvim : A port of killersheep for Neovim
- seandewar/nvimesweeper : Play Minesweeper in Neovim
- sunjon/extmark-toy.nvim : experimental demos and games
- theprimeagen/vim-be-good : designed to make you better at vim by creating a game to practice basic movements in
- vim-scripts/tetris.vim : A funny way to get used to VIM's h k l and key
- vim/killersheep : Silly game to show off the new features of Vim 8.2
- chaitanyabsprip/present.nvim : A Presentation plugin written for Neovim
- dbmrq/vim-howdy : tiny MRU start screen
- mhinz/vim-startify : the fancy start screen for vim
- startup-nvim/startup.nvim : The fully customizable greeter for neovim
- ahmedkhalf/project.nvim : provides superior project management
- charludo/projectmgr.nvim : projects and startup tasks
- dhruvasagar/vim-prosession : handle sessions like a pro
- ecthelionvi/neoview.nvim : save and restore views and cursor across sessions
- ethanholz/nvim-lastplace : A Lua rewrite of farmergreg/vim-lastplace
- folke/persistence.nvim : simple lua plugin for automated session management
- gennaro-tedesco/nvim-possession : no-nonsense session manager
- gnikdroy/projections.nvim : A tiny project + sessions manager for neovim
- nvpm/nvpm : Neovim Project Manager
- jedrzejboczar/possession.nvim : Flexible session management for Neovim
- natecraddock/sessions.nvim : a simple session manager plugin
- natecraddock/workspaces.nvim : a simple plugin to manage workspace directories in neovim
- niuiic/multiple-session.nvim : multiple session manager
- nyngwang/suave.lua : a quasi-acronym of "Session in LUA for Vim Enthusiasts."
- olimorris/persisted.nvim : simple lua plugin for automated session management within Neovim
- pluffie/neoproj : Small yet powerful project manager
- rmagatti/auto-session : provide seamless automatic session management
- rmagatti/session-lens : extends auto-session through Telescope.nvim, creating a simple session switcher with fuzzy finding capabilities
- rutatang/spectacle.nvim : easily work with multiple sessions
- shaeinst/penvim : project's root directory and documents indentation detector with project based config loader
- shatur/neovim-session-manager : use built-in mksession to manage sessions like folders in VSCode
- sheodox/projectlaunch.nvim : plugin for running commands in your project
- stevearc/resession.nvim : replacement for :mksession with better api
- thaerkh/vim-workspace : mainteins sessions
- timotheesai/git-sessions.nvim : Make :mksession work with keeping in sync git branch
- tpope/vim-obsession : automatically run
on exit - tpope/vim-projectionist : provides granular project configuration using "projections"
- vim-scripts/sessionman.vim : keep session files in their decided folder and list all sessions, open session, open last session, close session, save session or show last session
- vim-volt/volt : Multi-platform CLI tool managing Vim plugin life
- xolox/vim-session : Extended session management for Vim
- zhimsel/vim-stay : vim-stay adds automated view session creation and restoration whenever editing a buffer, across Vim sessions and window life cycles
- jiaoshijie/undotree : A neovim undotree plugin written in lua
- mbbill/undotree : visualizes undo history and makes it easier to browse and switch between different undo branches
- simnalamburt/vim-mundo : visualizes the Vim undo tree written in python
- sjl/gundo.vim : visualize your Vim undo tree
- ackeraa/todo.nvim : It helps you manage your to-do list
- andreicristianpetcu/vim-van : Read Unix man pages faster than a speeding bullet
- apeoplescalendar/apc.nvim : A people's Calender in neovim
- asheq/close-buffers.vim : allows you to quickly bdeleteseveral buffers at once
- cespare/vim-sbd : Close buffers smartly [archived]
- chrisgrieser/nvim-genghis : Convenience file operations for neovim
- crag666/code_runner.nvim : Code Runner for Neovim written in pure lua
- d0n9x1n/quickrun.vim : Yet, just another quickrun plugin for vim
- dbeniamine/vim-mail : a small helper for writing mail from vim
- duane9/nvim-rg : allows you to run ripgrep from Neovim or Vim
- echuraev/translate-shell.vim : a plugin for translating text without leaving Vim
- felipec/notmuch-vim : provides a fully usable mail client interface, utilizing the notmuch framework
- dbeniamine/vim-mail : a small helper for writing mail from vim
- inkarkat/vim-advancedsorters : Dose sorting block wise instead of line wise
- itchyny/calendar.vim : A calendar application for Vim
- kkoomen/vim-doge : will generate a proper documentation skeleton based on certain expressions
- koenverburg/cmd-palette.nvim : a simple command pallet
- kovetskiy/neovim-move : provides a way to move files
- mattn/emmet-vim : a vim plug-in which provides support for expanding abbreviations similar to emmet
- max397574/markdownhelp.nvim : Helps with markdown
- max397574/vmath.nvim : neovim version of vmath
- mhinz/vim-sayonara : single command that deletes the current buffer and handles the current window in a smart way
- moll/vim-bbye : delete buffers without closing your windows or messing up your layout
- niuiic/translate.nvim : translator for neovim
- ojroques/nvim-bufdel : A very small Neovim plugin to improve the deletion of buffers
- orlp/vim-bunlink : this plugin can delete your buffers without destroying your windows/splits
- qpkorr/vim-bufkill : trying to unload, delete or wipe a buffer without closing the window or split? You'll like this
- rbgrouleff/bclose.vim : deleting a buffer in Vim without closing the window
- rrethy/vim-spotlight :
and that's it. - saverio976/music.nvim : play music with mpv in nvim
- sidofc/carbon.nvim : provides a simple tree view of the directory Neovim was opened with/in
- skanehira/google-map.vim : open google map in neovim
- stevearc/aerial.nvim : code outline window for skimming and quick navigation
- tyru/capture.vim : Show Ex command output in a buffer
- uga-rosa/translate.nvim : nvim plugin to translate text
- vim-scripts/tagbar : vim plugin for browsing the tags of source code files
- vim-utils/vim-man : View man pages in vim
- will133/vim-dirdiff : If you like Vim's diff mode, you would love to do this recursively on two directories
- wsdjeg/vim-cheat : cheat in vim
- yehuohan/popc : Popc in layer manager,including layers of buffer, bookmark, worksapce.....
- yuratomo/w3m.vim : w3m inside vim
- acksld/muren.nvim : do multiple search and replace with ease
- chrisgrieser/nvim-alt-substitute : search using lua patterns instead of vim regex
- cshuaimin/ssr.nvim : Structural search and replace
- dkprice/vim-easygrep : Fast and Easy Find and Replace Across Multiple Files
- eugen0329/vim-esearch : for easy async search and replace across multiple files
- junegunn/vim-fnr : Find-N-Replace in Vim with live preview
- ray-x/sad.nvim : project wide find and replace
- romgrk/searchreplace.vim : search thru multiple files and replace the search
- roobert/search-replace.nvim : supercharge search and replace
- s1n7ax/nvim-search-and-replace : Absolutly minimal plugin to search and replace multiple files in current working directory
- windwp/nvim-spectre : search and replace panel
- 2kabhishek/termim.nvim : improved terminal usage
- akinsho/nvim-toggleterm.lua : A neovim plugin to persist and toggle multiple terminals during an editing session
- akinsho/toggleterm.nvim : persist and toggle multiple terminals
- brettanomyces/nvim-editcommand : Edit your current shell command inside a scratch buffer
- brettanomyces/nvim-terminus : Edit your current command in a scratch buffer
- bronzehedwick/vim-primary-terminal : Simple terminal management for Neovim.
- caenrique/nvim-toggle-terminal : Toggle terminal buffer or create new one if there is none
- chengzeyi/multiterm.vim : Toggle and Switch Between Multiple Floating Terminals
- chomosuke/term-edit.nvim : edit commands in the terminal like any other buffer
- itmecho/bufterm.nvim : simple neovim plugin to manage a terminal buffer for your session
- itmecho/neoterm.nvim : Simple neovim terminal plugin written in lua
- jlesquembre/nterm.nvim : neovim plugin to interact with the terminal emulator, with notifications
- kassio/neoterm : Use the same terminal for everything
- lenovsky/nuake : A Quake-style terminal panel
- loricandre/oneterm : One terminal plugin to rule them all (eventually)
- loricandre/oneterm.nvim : One terminal plugin to rule them all (eventually)
- mizlan/termbufm : A wrapper around the Neovim terminal window
- nikvdp/neomux : a neovim <> terminal integration plugin
- numtostr/fterm.nvim : No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim
- nyngwang/neoterm.lua : Attach a terminal for each buffer
- oberblastmeister/termwrapper.nvim : a wrapper for neovim's terminal features to make them more user friendly
- pianocomposer321/consolation.nvim : A general-perpose terminal wrapper and management plugin for neovim
- s1n7ax/nvim-terminal : open/toggle the terminals in Neovim
- shougo/deol.nvim : dark powered shell for Neovim
- skywind3000/vim-terminal-help : make working with terminal easier
- toniz4/vim-stt : Simple Togglable Terminal
- voldikss/vim-floaterm : Use vim terminal in the floating/popup window
- 2hdddg/fex.nvim : File explorer inspired by Emacs Dired
- ap/vim-readdir : minimal directory browser in ~100 lines of code
- dinhhuy258/sfm.nvim : simple tree viewer
- francoiscabrol/ranger.vim : Ranger integration in vim
- ipod825/vim-netranger : not just a tree file manager
- is0n/fm-nvim : a Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers
- justinmk/vim-dirvish : Path navigator designed to work with Vim's built-in mechanisms and complementary plugins
- kelly-lin/ranger.nvim : ranger integration
- kevinhwang91/rnvimr : use Ranger in a floating window
- lmburns/lf.nvim : plugin for the
file manager - luukvbaal/nnn.nvim : File manager for Neovim powered by nnnp
- mattn/vim-molder : Minimal File Explorer
- mcchrish/nnn.vim : File manager for vim/neovim powered by n³
- nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim : Neovim plugin to browse the file system and other tree like structures
- obaland/vfiler.vim : File explorer plugin for Vim
- preservim/nerdtree : a file system explorer for the Vim editor
- ptzz/lf.vim : lf integration in vim and neovim
- ripxorip/bolt.nvim : Filter-as-you-type file manager for Neovim
- scjangra/files-nvim : external file explorers
- scrooloose/nerdtree : a file system Explorer for the vim editor
- shougo/defx.nvim : a dark powered plugin for Neovim/Vim to browse files
- shougo/vimfiler.vim : powerful file explorer implemented in Vim script [no development]
- stevearc/oil.nvim : vim-vinegar like file explorer
- tamago324/lir.nvim : A simple file explorer
- theblob42/drex.nvim : Another DiRectory EXplorer for Neovim
- timuntersberger/neofs : file manager for neovim written in lua
- troydm/easytree.vim : a simple tree file manager for vim
- vifm/neovim-vifm : Integration between vifm (the vi file manager) and vim [archived]
- vifm/vifm.vim : provides integration with Vifm
- chiyadev/dep : A versatile, declarative and correct neovim package manager
- egalpin/apt-vim : Yet another Plugin Manager
- faerryn/plogins.nvim : A fast, simple, and elegant Neovim plugin manager written in Lua
- faerryn/user.nvim : Well, here's another plugin manager, inspired by Emacs' straight.el and use-package
- folke/lazy.nvim : modern plugin manager for Neovim
- gmarik/vundle.vim : a vim plugin manager
- jorengarenar/minplug : Its function is simple: download, update and enable plugins
- junegunn/vim-plug : minimalist Vim plugin manager
- k-takata/minpac : A minimal package manager for Vim 8 (and Neovim)
- kristijanhusak/vim-packager : Yet Another plugin manager for Vim
- marcweber/vim-addon-manager : fetch & activate plugins at startup or runtime depending on your needs
- rbtnn/vim-pkgsync : The minimalist plugin manager for Vim
- rktjmp/pact.nvim : a semver focused, pessimistic plugin manager for Neovim
- savq/paq-nvim : Neovim package manager written in Lua
- shougo/dein.vim : dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
- shougo/neobundle.vim : a next generation Vim plugin manager [no development]
- tek/chromatin : a manager for plugins built in Haskell with nvim-hs and ribosome
- tek/proteome.nvim : [deprecated] use tek/chromatin instead
- vundlevim/vundle.vim : is short for Vim bundle and is a Vim plugin manager
- wbthomason/packer.nvim : use-package inspired plugin/package management for Neovim
- zgpio/brew.nvim : plugin manager, rewrite dein with neovim builtin lua
- airblade/vim-gitgutter : git diff
- akinsho/git-conflict.nvim : A plugin to visualise and resolve conflicts
- almo7aya/openingh.nvim : Open the current file in github
- apzelos/blamer.nvim : a git blamer plugin
- bobrown101/git_blame.nvim : An unapologetic ripoff of vim-fugitives GBlame .... but written in lua
- braxtons12/blame_line.nvim : A simple and configurable git blame line using virtual text for Neovim
- christoomey/vim-conflicted : aids in resolving git merge and rebase conflicts
- cohama/agit.vim : Yet another gitk clone for Vim
- dinhhuy258/git.nvim : is the simple clone of the plugin vim-fugitive which is written in Lua
- dm1try/git_fastfix : Neovim plugin for applying "fast git fixups"(using UI) to the current development branch
- drzel/vim-repo-edit : One second to read GitHub code with vim
- dundargoc/gh.nvim : gh in neovim
- f-person/git-blame.nvim : git blame plugin for Neovim
- iberianpig/tig-explorer.vim : Vim plugin to use Tig as a git client
- idanarye/vim-merginal : aims to provide a nice interface for dealing with Git branches
- int3/vim-extradite : A git commit browser / git log wrapper that extends fugitive.vim
- ipod825/igit.nvim : A git plugin for neovim
- jaxbot/github-issues.vim : Github issue integration in Vim
- jreybert/vimagit : Ease your git workflow within vim
- junegunn/gv.vim : A git commit browser
- junegunn/vim-github-dashboard : Browse GitHub events (user dashboard, user/repo activity
- junkblocker/git-time-lapse : git timeline inside buffer
- kdheepak/lazygit.nvim : Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim
- lambdalisue/gin.vim : handle git repository from Vim
- lambdalisue/gina.vim : asynchronously control git repositories
- ldelossa/gh.nvim : a plugin for interactive code reviews which take place on the GitHub platform
- lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim : Super fast git decorations implemented
- mattn/gist-vim : This is a vimscript for creating gists
- mattn/vim-gist : a vimscript for creating gists
- neogitorg/neogit : magit clone for neovim
- odie/gitabra : A little Magit in neovim
- pwntester/octo.nvim : Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests
- rawnly/gist.nvim : create gist from the current file
- rbong/vim-flog : lightweight and powerful git branch viewer
- rhysd/committia.vim : This plugin improves the git commit buffer
- rhysd/git-messenger.vim : reveal the hidden message from Git under the cursor quickly
- ruifm/gitlinker.nvim : generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) for several git web frontend hosts
- samoshkin/vim-mergetool : Efficient way of using Vim as a Git mergetool
- sindrets/diffview.nvim : Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev
- sodapopcan/vim-twiggy : Maintain your bearings while branching with Git
- stsewd/fzf-checkout.vim : Manage branches and tags with fzf
- tanvirtin/vgit.nvim : Visual Git Plugin for Neovim to enhance your git experience
- theprimeagen/git-worktree.nvim : simple wrapper around git worktree operations, create, switch, and delete
- timuntersberger/neogit : Magit clone for Neovim
- topaxi/gh-actions.nvim : do github actions from neovim
- tpope/vim-fugitive : Fugitive is the premier Vim plugin for Git
- tpope/vim-rhubarb : If fugitive.vim is the Git, rhubarb.vim is the Hub
- tveskag/nvim-blame-line : uses neovims virtual text to print git blame info
- wsdjeg/github.vim : Another github v3 api implemented in viml
- 2kabhishek/nerdy.nvim : search nerd-font icons
- aaronhallaert/advanced-git-search.nvim : git search extension for Telescope or fzf-lua
- amirrezaask/fuzzy.nvim : Fast, Simple, Powerfull fuzzy finder all in lua
- cbochs/grapple.nvim : aims to provide immediate navigation to important files
- conweller/findr.vim : An incremental narrowing engine
- ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim : Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
- dyng/ctrlsf.vim : An ack/ag/pt/rg powered code search and view tool
- everduin94/nvim-quick-switcher : Quickly navigate to related/alternate files/extensions based on the current file name
- fholgado/minibufexpl.vim : fork of Bindu Wavell's MiniBufExpl with impovments
- fiatjaf/neuron.vim : Manage your Zettelkasten with the help of neuron
- gaborvecsei/memento.nvim : remembers where you've been
- gfanto/fzf-lsp.nvim : search for symbols using the neovim builtin lsp
- ibhagwan/fzf-lua : fzf loves lua
- ido-nvim/ido.nvim : Emacs inspired narrowing system
- jlanzarotta/bufexplorer : BufExplorer Plugin for Vim
- junegunn/fzf : FZF Vim integration
- junegunn/fzf.vim : Things you can do with fzf and Vim
- liuchengxu/vim-clap : modern generic interactive finder and dispatcher, based on the newly feature: floating_win of neovim or popup of vim
- loricandre/fzterm.nvim : a fuzzy finder plugin, using a floating terminal and basically nothing else [depreciated]
- lotabout/skim.vim : This is a fork of fzf.vim but for skim
- mhinz/vim-grepper : Use your favorite grep tool to start an asynchronous search
- mileszs/ack.vim : Run your favorite search tool from Vim, with an enhanced results list
- mrjones2014/dash.nvim : Query within Neovim with your fuzzy finder
- nvim-pack/nvim-spectre : A search panel for neovim
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim : is a highly extendable fuzzy finder over list
- ojroques/nvim-lspfuzzy : This plugin makes the Neovim LSP client use FZF to display results and navigate the code
- romgrk/kirby.nvim : picker based on kui.nvim
- roosta/fzf-folds.vim : lets you fuzzy search for folds in a file
- samoshkin/vim-find-files : Search for files and show results in a quickfix list, a new buffer
- shougo/ddu.vim : provides an asynchronous fuzzy finder UI
- shougo/denite.nvim : It is like a fuzzy finder, but is more generic [no development]
- shougo/unite.vim : search and display information from arbitrary sources like files, buffers, recently used files or registers [no development]
- shoumodip/helm.nvim : The completion framework for love and life
- skywind3000/leaderf-snippet : takes the advantage of the well-known fuzzy finder Leaderf to provide an intuitive way to input snippets
- svermeulen/nvim-marksman : lightweight file finder
- tamago324/leaderf-neosnippet : LeaderF support for neosnippet
- toppair/reach.nvim : buffer / mark / tabpage / colorscheme switcher
- tzachar/fuzzy.nvim : An abstraction layer on top of fzf and fzy
- vigoux/azy.nvim : fuzzy finder based on fzy
- vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf : An asynchronous Lua API for using fzf in Neovim
- vijaymarupudi/nvim-fzf-commands : A repository for commands using the nvim-fzf library
- vim-ctrlspace/vim-ctrlspace : open finder by pressing
- vim-scripts/ : quickly and easily switch between buffers
- vim-scripts/grep.vim : integrates the grep, fgrep, egrep, and agrep tools with Vim
- willthbill/opener.nvim : A workspace/context switcher for neovim
- wincent/command-t : provides an extremely fast "fuzzy" mechanism
- wincent/ferret : improves Vim's multi-file search in four ways
- wsdjeg/flygrep.vim : Fly grep in vim
- x3ero0/dired.nvim : file browser inspired from Emacs Dired
- yggdroot/leaderf : An efficient fuzzy finder that helps to locate files, buffers, mrus, gtags, etc
- bfredl/nvim-luadev : REPL-like environment for developing lua plugins in Nvim
- mattn/calendar-vim : creates a calendar window
- metakirby5/codi.vim : The interactive scratchpad for hackers
- simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim : A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol
- wfxr/minimap.vim : Blazing fast minimap
- anuvyklack/hydra.nvim : Neovim implementation of the famous Emacs Hydra package
- muniftanjim/nui.nvim : UI Component Library
- skywind3000/vim-quickui : basic UI components to enrich vim's interactive experience
- stevearc/dressing.nvim : improve and vim.ui.input
- joosepalviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring : setting the commentstring option based on the cursor location in the file
- lewis6991/spellsitter.nvim : Enable Neovim's builtin spellchecker for buffers with tree-sitter highlighting
- mfussenegger/nvim-treehopper : Plugin that provides region selection using hints on the abstract syntax tree of a document
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter : treesitter support for neovim
- nvim-treesitter/playground : View treesitter information directly in Neovim
- p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow : Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter
- rrethy/nvim-treesitter-textsubjects : Location and syntax aware text objects which do what you mean
- thehamsta/nvim-treesitter-pairs : Create your own pair objects using tree-sitter queries
- windwp/nvim-ts-autotag : Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag
- ziontee113/syntax-tree-surfer : Navigate around your document based on Treesitter's abstract Syntax Tree. Step into, step out, step over, step back
- amix/open_file_under_cursor.vim : open file under cursor (what did you expect)
- booperlv/nvim-gomove : moving and duplicating blocks and lines
- folke/which-key.nvim : displays a popup with possible key bindings of the command you started typing
- glts/vim-radical : see and convert number from and to different bases (hex,oct,dec,bin)
- jdhao/better-escape.vim : is created to help Vim/Nvim users escape insert mode quickly using their customized key combinations, without experiencing the lag
- linty-org/readline.nvim : let you do things like move the cursor or delete text by a word or a line at a time.
- liuchengxu/vim-which-key : displays available keybindings in popup
- max397574/better-escape.nvim : lua version of jdhao/better-escape.vim
- mizlan/iswap.nvim : Interactively select and swap: function arguments, list elements, function parameters, and more
- monaqa/dial.nvim : Extended increment/decrement plugin for Neovim
- s1n7ax/nvim-lazy-inner-block : be lazy and example do not type the
- tommcdo/vim-exchange : Easy text exchange operator
- tpope/vim-characterize : adds more info when pressing
- tpope/vim-repeat : make it so that plugins work with the key
- tpope/vim-rsi : adds Readline key bindings to cmdline
- tpope/vim-surround : all about "surroundings": parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags, and more
- c0r73x/neotags.lua : generates and highlight ctags similar to easytags
- majutsushi/tagbar : easy way to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure
- cathywu/vim-todo : Simple syntax highlighting for todo lists
- dkarter/bullets.vim : automated bullet lists
- kabbamine/lazylist.vim : create ordered and non ordered lists very quickly
- lervag/lists.vim : manage text based lists
- lervag/vim-rainbow-lists : add rainbow highlighting of indented lists
- brooth/far.vim : replace text through multiple files
- gbprod/substitute.nvim : very easy to perform quick substitutions and exchange
- svermeulen/vim-subversive : make it very easy to perform quick substitutions
- airodactyl/neovim-ranger : ranger for neovim
- camspiers/snap : fast finder system
- kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua : A File Explorer For Neovim Written In Lua
- ms-jpq/chadtree : File Manager for Neovim, Better than NERDTree
- xuyuanp/yanil : Yet Another Nerdtree In Lua
- zgpio/tree.nvim : File explorer powered by C++
- b0o/mapx.nvim : make mapping and commands more manageable in lua
- iron-e/nvim-cartographer : simplify setting and deleting with keybindings / mappings in Lua
- lionc/nest.nvim : lua utility to define keymaps in concise, readable, cascading lists and trees
- mrjones2014/legendary.nvim : Define your keymaps, commands, and autocommands as simple Lua tables
- slugbyte/unruly-worker : a semantic key map for nvim designed for the workman keyboard layout
- svermeulen/vimpeccable : adds a simple lua api to map keys directly to lua code
- alaviss/nim.nvim : nim language suport
- fatih/vim-go : go language suport
- zchee/nvim-go : go language suport
- acksld/nvim-trevj.lua : do the opposite of join-line
- allendang/nvim-expand-expr : Expand and repeat expression to multiple lines
- andrewradev/splitjoin.vim : switching between a single-line statement and a multi-line one
- 0styx0/abbreinder.nvim : shows abbreviations if the whole thing is typed
- pocco81/abbrevman.nvim : that manages abbreviations for various natural and programming languages
- tpope/vim-abolish : easily create similar abbreviations
- coachshea/neo-pipe : send text through an external command and display the output in the output buffer
- equalsraf/neovim-gui-shim : provides functions and commands for Neovim GUIs
- nvim-lua/plenary.nvim : All the lua functions I don't want to write twice
- sqve/sort.nvim : provides a simple command that mimics :sort and supports both line-wise and delimiter sorting
- tjdevries/vlog.nvim : Single file, no dependency, easy copy & paste log file
- tpope/vim-eunuch : Vim sugar for the UNIX shell commands that need it the most
- lewis6991/impatient.nvim : Speed up loading Lua modules in Neovim to improve startup time
- nathom/filetype.nvim : speed up neovim startup time by replacing the builtin filetype.vim with a faster alternative
- alvan/vim-closetag : Auto close (X)HTML tags
- andymass/vim-matchup : highlight, navigate, and operate on sets of matching text
- max-0406/autoclose.nvim : minimalist autoclose plugin for Neovim
- steelsojka/pears.nvim : Auto pair plugin for neovim
- windwp/nvim-autopairs : A super powerful autopair plugin for Neovim that supports multiple characters
- zhiyuanlck/smart-pairs : provides pairs completion, deletion and jump
- chipsenkbeil/distant.nvim : A wrapper around distant that enables users to edit remote files from the comfort of their local environment
- esensar/nvim-dev-containera : provide functionality similar to VSCode's remote container development plugin
- jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers : give you the functionality of VSCode's remote container development plugin
- azabiong/vim-highlighter : highlight words and expressions
- itchyny/vim-cursorword : Underlines the word under the cursor
- pocco81/highstr.nvim : highlighting visual selections like in a normal document editor
- rrethy/vim-illuminate : automatically highlighting other uses of the current word under the cursor
- xiyaowong/nvim-cursorword : part of yamatsum/nvim-cursorline
- yamatsum/nvim-cursorline : Highlight words and lines on the cursor
- chentoast/marks.nvim : A better user experience for interacting with and manipulating Vim marks
- crusj/bookmarks.nvim : Remember file locations and sort by time and frequency
- kshenoy/vim-signature : place, toggle and display marks
- mattesgroeger/vim-bookmarks : toggling bookmarks per line and more
- jubnzv/mdeval.nvim : allows you evaluate code blocks inside markdown, vimwiki, orgmode.nvim and norg documents
- lukas-reineke/headlines.nvim : adds highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg
- nvim-neorg/neorg : neorg Integration
- nvim-orgmode/orgmode : org Integration
- suan/vim-instant-markdown : preview markdown files in your browser
- acksld/nvim-revj.lua : is not maineind/depreciated, use acksld/nvim-trevj.lua instead
- arakashic/chromatica.nvim : is not maineind/depreciated, use jackguo380/vim-lsp-cxx-highlight instead
- artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2 : is not maineind/depreciated, use artur-shaik/jc.nvim instead
- c0r73x/neotags.nvim : is not maineind/depreciated, use c0r73x/neotags.lua instead
- chriskempson/vim-tomorrow-theme : is not maineind/depreciated, use chriskempson/base16-vim instead
- evanquan/vim-textobj-delimiters : is not maineind/depreciated, use wellle/targets.vim instead
- gregsexton/gitv : is not maineind/depreciated, use junegunn/gv.vim instead
- haya14busa/incsearch.vim : is not maineind/depreciated, use haya14busa/is.vim instead
- huawenyu/neogdb.vim : is not maineind/depreciated, use huawenyu/vimgdb instead
- msanders/snipmate.vim : is not maineind/depreciated, use garbas/vim-snipmate instead
- terryma/vim-multiple-cursors : is not maineind/depreciated, use mg979/vim-visual-multi instead
- 0styx0/abbremand.nvim : is library for 0styx0/abbreinder.nvim
- anuvyklack/keymap-layer.nvim : is library for anuvyklack/hydra.nvim
- 2kabhishek/octohub.nvim
- 2nthony/sortjson.nvim
- 3fonov/dbt-nvim
- 3rd/diagram.nvim
- 3rd/sqlite.nvim
- 3rd/time-tracker.nvim
- 3v0k4/exit.nvim
- adamkali/dotnvim
- adamkali/vaporlush
- adaszko/tree_climber_rust.nvim
- adeattwood/ivy.nvim
- adelarsq/snake_cursor.nvim
- adelowo/dockercomposelogs.nvim
- adia-dev/cpy_buffers.nvim
- adigitoleo/haunt.nvim
- adiy00/copy-tree.nvim
- adoyle-h/one.nvim
- adriankarlen/buffed.nvim
- agoodshort/telescope-git-submodules.nvim
- agusdolard/backout.nvim
- agusnt/askgemini.nvim
- ahollister/nota.nvim
- aidancz/eolmark.nvim
- aidancz/paramo.nvim
- aikooo7/funnyfiles.nvim
- aileot/emission.nvim
- airpods69/yagp.nvim
- aityz/cratesearch.nvim
- aityz/usage.nvim
- ajeetdsouza/zoxide
- ajnasz/notify-send.nvim
- ajnasz/nvim-rfind
- ajnasz/telescope-runcmd.nvim
- akinsho/org-bullets.nvim
- al1-ce/just.nvim
- albingroen/quick.nvim
- alejandrosuero/freeze-code.nvim
- alexghergh/nvim-tmux-navigation
- alexpasmantier/pymple.nvim
- alexshelto/boringcomment.nvim
- alextricity25/nvim_weekly_plugin_configs
- alexxgmz/md2pdf
- alexxgmz/player.nvim
- alfredosa/devtime.nvim
- aliqyan-21/darkvoid.nvim
- aliqyan-21/runta.nvim
- aliqyan-21/wit.nvim
- allaman/emoji.nvim
- alpha2phi/modern-neovim
- altermo/beacon.nvim
- altermo/iedit.nvim
- altermo/nwm
- altermo/nxwm
- altermo/small.nvim
- amadanmath/diag_ignore.nvim
- amarakon/nvim-cmp-fonts
- amarakon/nvim-cmp-lua-latex-symbols
- amirkarimi/open-github-action.nvim
- amitds1997/remote-nvim.nvim
- anasinnyk/nvim-k8s-crd
- andersevenrud/nvim_context_vt
- andreluisos/nvim-jpagenie
- andreluisos/nvim-springutils
- andrewferrier/wrapping.nvim
- andrew-george/telescope-themes
- andrewradev/dealwithit.vim
- andrewradev/discotheque.vim
- andrewradev/inline_edit.vim
- andrewradev/iseven.vim
- andrewradev/typewriter.vim
- anfigeno/mestizo.nvim
- antonvanassche/music-controls.nvim
- antosha417/nvim-compare-with-clipboard
- antosha417/nvim-lsp-file-operations
- anurag3301/nvim-platformio.lua
- anuvyklack/middleclass
- apple/pkl-neovim
- ariel-frischer/bmessages.nvim
- arizvisa/vim-incpy
- arjunmahishi/flow.nvim
- arminfro/hand-side-fix.nvim
- arminveres/md-pdf.nvim
- arsham/arshlib.nvim
- arsham/indent-tools.nvim
- artemave/workspace-diagnostics.nvim
- ashfinal/vim-colors-paper
- askfiy/http-client.nvim
- asmorris/line_notes.nvim
- aspeddro/cmp-pandoc.nvim
- aspeddro/lsp_menu.nvim
- astronvim/astrolsp
- atiladefreitas/dooing
- atiladefreitas/lazyclip
- atiladefreitas/tinyunit
- atinylittleshell/comment-repl.nvim
- atlj/pixie.nvim
- atmosuwiryo/vim-winteriscoming
- atusy/treemonkey.nvim
- atusy/tsnode-marker.nvim
- ausgefuchster/quickselect.nvim
- aweis89/aider.nvim
- axelf4/vim-strip-trailing-whitespace
- axelvc/template-string.nvim
- ayga2k/freeze.nvim
- azatakmyradov/easyswitch.nvim
- azratul/live-share.nvim
- b0o/lavi.nvim
- b0o/nvim-tree-preview.lua
- backdround/global-note.nvim
- backdround/improved-ft.nvim
- backdround/improved-search.nvim
- backdround/neowords.nvim
- badhi/nvim-treesitter-cpp-tools
- bakks/butterfish.nvim
- barklan/capslock.nvim
- baroldgene/git-links.nvim
- barreiroleo/ltex_extra.nvim
- bartman/history-select.nvim
- bartste/nvim-projectrc
- basola21/pdfview
- beeender/comradeneovim
- beloin/launch.nvim
- benlubas/cmp2lsp
- benlubas/image-save.nvim
- benlubas/molten-nvim
- benlubas/wrapping-paper.nvim
- bennypowers/changesets.nvim
- bergercookie/vim-debugstring
- bgaillard/readonly.nvim
- birdeehub/lze
- birdeehub/nixcats-nvim
- bjarneo/lazyvim-cheatsheet.nvim
- blanktiger/aqf.nvim
- blazkowolf/gruber-darker.nvim
- bleksak/diffthis.nvim
- bleksak/laravel-ide-helper.nvim
- bloznelis/before.nvim
- blumaa/octopus.nvim
- blumaa/ohne-accidents
- blumaa/ohne-accidents.nvim
- bluz71/nvim-linefly
- bobbygerace/gym.nvim
- boltlessengineer/nativevim
- boltlessengineer/smart-tab.nvim
- branimire/fix-auto-scroll.nvim
- brenton-leighton/multiple-cursors.nvim
- brianaung/compl.nvim
- brianaung/yasl.nvim
- briangwaltney/paren-hint.nvim
- brianhuster/autosave.nvim
- brianhuster/dirvish-do.nvim
- brianhuster/live-preview.nvim
- brunociccarino/gardenal
- brymer-meneses/grammar-guard.nvim
- brymer-meneses/project-config.nvim
- b-src/lazy-nix-helper.nvim
- bullets-vim/bullets.vim
- cademichael/gotest.nvim
- calind/selenized.nvim
- calops/hmts.nvim
- camdenclark/flyboy
- cameron-wags/rainbow_csv.nvim
- camnw/lf-vim
- carbon-steel/detour.nvim
- carlosrocha/chrome-remote.nvim
- catgoose/angler.nvim
- catgoose/coderunner.nvim
- catgoose/do-the-needful
- catgoose/do-the-needful.nvim
- catgoose/telescope-helpgrep.nvim
- catgoose/templ-goto-definition
- catgoose/vue-goto-definition.nvim
- ccaglak/larago.nvim
- ccaglak/namespace.nvim
- ccaglak/phptools.nvim
- ccaglak/phputils.nvim
- cdelledonne/vim-utest
- cdmill/focus.nvim
- cdmill/neomodern.nvim
- cenk1cenk2/jq.nvim
- cenk1cenk2/scratch.nvim
- cenk1cenk2/yaml-companion.nvim
- chadcat7/prism
- chaitanyabsprip/fastaction.nvim
- chaitanyabsprip/hashish.nvim
- chen244/csv-tools.lua
- chenxin-yan/footnote.nvim
- chiendo97/intellij.vim
- chipsenkbeil/org-roam.nvim
- chomosuke/typst-preview.nvim
- chrisbra/csv.vim
- chrisgrieser/cmp-nerdfont
- chrisgrieser/nvim-chainsaw
- chrisgrieser/nvim-kickstart-python
- chrisgrieser/nvim-lsp-endhints
- chrisgrieser/nvim-origami
- chrisgrieser/nvim-puppeteer
- chrisgrieser/nvim-rip-substitute
- chrisgrieser/nvim-rulebook
- chrisgrieser/nvim-scissors
- chrisgrieser/nvim-tinygit
- chrishrb/gx.nvim
- christianchiarulli/bookmark.nvim
- christopher-francisco/tmux-status.nvim
- chuufmaster/buffer-vacuum
- chuufmaster/markdown-toc
- chuwy/ucm.nvim
- cjodo/convert.nvim
- ckipp01/stylua-nvim
- ck-zhang/mistake.nvim
- claydugo/browsher.nvim
- cnshsliu/smp.nvim
- codota/tabnine-nvim
- codybuell/cmp-lbdb
- coffebar/neovim-project
- coffebar/transfer.nvim
- colinkennedy/cursor-text-objects.nvim
- colinkennedy/nvim-best-practices-plugin-template
- comatory/gh-co.nvim
- comfysage/chaivim
- comfysage/evergarden
- comfysage/keymaps.nvim
- comfysage/shelf.nvim
- configs/nvim-dap.lua
- cr1m50n221/duplifile
- creativecreature/pulse
- creativenull/dotfyle-metadata.nvim
- cris-lml007/neoplus
- crispgm/cmp-beancount
- crispybaccoon/chaivim
- crispybaccoon/evergarden
- cryptomilk/nightcity.nvim
- cseelus/vim-colors-lucid
- cursorless-dev/cursorless
- cvigilv/esqueleto.nvim
- cvigilv/patana.nvim
- cvusmo/linuxunrealbuildtool.nvim
- cwood-sdf/banana.nvim
- cwood-sdf/cmdtree.nvim
- cwood-sdf/pineapple
- cwood-sdf/spaceport.nvim
- d00h/telescope-any
- d7omdev/nuget.nvim
- daenikon/marknav.nvim
- daic0r/dap-helper.nvim
- daic0r/hashtags.nvim
- daliusd/ghlite.nvim
- dam9000/kickstart-modular.nvim
- dan7h3x/chatter.nvim
- dan7h3x/neaterm.nvim
- dan7h3x/signup.nvim
- daniilrozanov/cmake.nvim
- danilshvalov/org-modern.nvim
- danwlker/toolbox.nvim
- dapc11/telescope-yaml.nvim
- dasgandlaf/cmp-nvim-autohotkey
- dasupradyumna/launch.nvim
- databases/neoclip.sqlite3
- datsfilipe/md-previewer
- datsfilipe/vesper.nvim
- david-kunz/gen.nvim
- david-kunz/markid
- david-kunz/treesitter-unit
- davidosomething/format-ts-errors.nvim
- davidsierradz/cmp-conventionalcommits
- davmacario/nvim-quicknotes
- dawsers/navigator.nvim
- dax89/automaton.nvim
- ddl004/poop.nvim
- deanrumsby/tree-sitter-blade
- deathbeam/autocomplete.nvim
- deathbeam/lspecho.nvim
- debugloop/layers.nvim
- delphinus/cellwidths.nvim
- delphinus/cmp-ctags
- dense-analysis/neural
- denstiny/styledoc.nvim
- desdic/macrothis.nvim
- desdic/marlin.nvim
- dev-cycles/contextive
- dgagn/diagflow.nvim
- dgox16/devicon-colorscheme.nvim
- dgox16/oldworld.nvim
- dhanus3133/leetbuddy.nvim
- dharmx-lua/nvim
- dharmx/telescope-media.nvim
- dharmx/toml.nvim
- dharmx/track.nvim
- dhruvasagar/packup
- dhruvasagar/vim-audiobox
- dhruvasagar/vim-highlight-word
- diegoulloao/neofusion.nvim
- dimaportenko/project-cli-commands.nvim
- dimmed/brightened.
- diniamo/run.nvim
- diogo364/colorscheme-manager.nvim
- diogo-ss/42-header.nvim
- diogo-ss/five-server.nvim
- divagueame/lacasitos.nvim
- djancyp/better-comments.nvim
- dkendal/nvim-kitty
- dlvhdr/gh-addressed.nvim
- dlvhdr/gh-blame.nvim
- dmitmel/cmp-vim-lsp
- dmmulroy/ts-error-translator.nvim
- dmtrkovalenko/caps-word.nvim
- doctorfree/cheatsheet.nvim
- doganalper/template.nvim
- dokwork/lualine-ex
- domharries/foldnav.nvim
- domsch1988/mattern.nvim
- doom-neovim/doom-nvim
- dorage/ts-manual-import.nvim
- doriancmore/practice.nvim
- dosx001/cmp-commit
- doums/tenaille.nvim
- drazil100/dusklight.vim
- dronakurl/injectme.nvim
- drop-stones/im-switch.nvim
- drybalka/clean.nvim
- dseum/window.nvim
- dsummersl/nvim-sluice
- duckdm/neowarrior.nvim
- dundalek/lazy-lsp.nvim
- dunstontc/vim-vscode-theme
- dvrlabs/takeout.nvim
- dwrdx/mywords.nvim
- dzfrias/arena.nvim
- e-cal/askgpt
- echasnovski/
- echasnovski/mini.clue
- echasnovski/mini.completion
- echasnovski/mini.diff
- echasnovski/mini.files
- echasnovski/mini-git
- echasnovski/mini.indentscope
- echasnovski/
- echasnovski/mini.operators
- echasnovski/mini.pick
- edte/normal-colon.nvim
- eero-lehtinen/oklch-color-picker.nvim
- efueyo/td.nvim
- ejrichards/baredot.nvim
- ejrichards/mise.nvim
- ej-shafran/compile-mode.nvim
- eldritch-theme/eldritch
- eldritch-theme/eldritch.nvim
- elias-gill/makeman
- el-mastor/bufferlist.nvim
- emmanueltouzery/code-compass.nvim
- emmanueltouzery/decisive.nvim
- emmanueltouzery/elixir-extras.nvim
- eoh-bse/minintro.nvim
- epilande/checkbox-cycle.nvim
- epwalsh/pomo.nvim
- e-q/okcolors.nvim
- erichlf/devcontainer-cli.nvim
- erickkramer/nvim-ros2
- ernest1338/termplug.nvim
- ernstwi/juggler.nvim
- esmuellert/nvim-eslint
- etiamnullam/fold-ribbon.nvim
- evesdropper/luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim
- evwilson/spelunk.nvim
- eyalk11/speech-to-text.nvim
- f3fora/nvim-texlabconfig
- fabianwirth/search.nvim
- fabijanzulj/blame.nvim
- farias-hecdin/cssvarhighlight
- farias-hecdin/cssvarviewer
- fasterius/simple-zoom.nvim
- fbuchlak/cmp-symfony-router
- fbuchlak/telescope-directory.nvim
- fcancelinha/nordern.nvim
- fcancelinha/northern.nvim
- fdschmidt93/telescope-egrepify.nvim
- febri-i/auto-require
- febri-i/snake.nvim
- feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide
- feiyoug/commander.nvim
- felipejz/i18n-menu.nvim
- felipelema/cmp-async-path
- felipesanchezsoberanis/copy-path
- fildo7525/reloader.nvim
- fireisgood/spaceman.nvim
- fnune/codeactions-on-save.nvim
- fnune/recall.nvim
- folke/edgy.nvim
- folke/lazydev.nvim
- folke/snacks.nvim
- folke/ts-comments.nvim
- fouladi/ccrypt-wrapper.nvim
- fouladi/toggle-overlength.nvim
- fowlie/open-github-repo
- franespeche/strawberry
- franespeche/teleport.nvim
- frankroeder/parrot.nvim
- fraserlee/scratchpad
- frayzen/cpp-tools.nvim
- fredeeb/tardis.nvim
- fredrikaverpil/neotest-golang
- frostplexx/mason-bridge.nvim
- frvnzj/xjustexx.nvim
- furkanzmc/zettelkasten.nvim
- fynnfluegge/monet.nvim
- g0sapo/visual.nvim
- gaborvecsei/usage-tracker.nvim
- gabrigutiz/termacro.nvim
- gaelph/logsitter.nvim
- garyhurtz/cmp_bulma.nvim
- garyhurtz/cmp_kitty
- garymjr/nvim-snippets
- gcballesteros/jupytext.nvim
- gcmt/cmdfix.nvim
- gcmt/vessel.nvim
- gczcn/antonym.nvim
- geg2102/nvim-jupyter-client
- geg2102/nvim-python-repl
- gelio/cmp-natdat
- georgesalkhouri/nvim-aider
- ggandor/spooky.nvim
- gh-liu/fold_line.nvim
- giannibyoung/chezmoi-telescope.nvim
- giusgad/pets.nvim
- gloggers99/build.nvim
- goose97/timber.nvim
- gr3yh4tt3r93/zellij-nav.nvim
- graphql/graphiql
- grapp-dev/nui-components.nvim
- gregorias/coerce.nvim
- gregorias/coop.nvim
- gregorias/toggle.nvim
- gsuuon/llm.nvim
- gsuuon/note.nvim
- gsuuon/tshjkl.nvim
- guilherme-puida/tesoura.nvim
- gustaveikaas/code-playground.nvim
- gustaveikaas/easy-dotnet.nvim
- gustavokatel/sidebar.nvim
- h4ckm1n-dev/kube-utils-nvim
- hajime-suzuki/vuffers.nvim
- hakonharnes/img-clip.nvim
- hands-free-vim/cursorless.nvim
- hanspinckaers/zap.nvim
- harisb2012/tsnest.nvim
- harrisoncramer/gitlab.nvim
- hashino/doing.nvim
- hat0uma/doxygen-previewer.nvim
- hat0uma/prelive.nvim
- haydenmeade/neotest-jest
- hedyhli/outline.nvim
- hek14/symbol-overlay.nvim
- henriqueartur/neo-gitmoji.nvim
- hesiod-au/fastkeywins.nvim
- hiberabyss/bzlops.vim
- hinell/duplicate.nvim
- hinell/lsp-timeout.nvim
- hiphish/neotest-busted
- hiphish/nvim-cmp-vlime
- hiphish/yo-dawg.nvim
- hkupty/neovim-bridge
- hoganmcdonald/rails-rspec-toggle.nvim
- homerours/jumper.nvim
- honamduong/hybrid.nvim
- hotwatermorning/auto-git-diff
- hougesen/blame-me.nvim
- hprior/telescope-gpt
- hrsh7th/cmp-copilot
- hrsh7th/cmp-emoji
- hrsh7th/cmp-omni
- hrsh7th/nvim-automa
- h-tiwari-kusho/api-test-generator
- itaranto/preview.nvim
- huantrinh1802/m_taskwarrior_d.nvim
- hubro/nvim-splitrun
- huggingface/llm.nvim
- huynle/ogpt.nvim
- hwblx/vsnt
- iabdelkareem/csharp.nvim
- iamyoki/buffer-reopen.nvim
- ibhagwan/smartyank.nvim
- icholy/lsplinks.nvim
- icholy/nvim-lsplinks
- idanarye/nvim-blunder
- idanarye/nvim-days-without
- idanarye/nvim-impairative
- iguanacucumber/highlight-actions.nvim
- iguanacucumber/magazine.nvim
- ilyasyoy/obs.nvim
- imbue-ai/jupyter_ascending.vim
- imnel/monorepo.nvim
- indianboy42/tree-sitter-just
- inkarkat/vim-ingo-librar
- inkarkat/vim-visualrepeat
- iogamaster/neocord
- iruzo/ripgrep.nvim
- isak102/telescope-git-file-history.nvim
- isakbm/gitgraph.nvim
- isrothy/neominimap.nvim
- iswladi/gittory
- itchyny/vim-highlighturl
- itchyny/vim-qfedit
- itsvinayak/nvim-notes.nvim
- ivanjermakov/troublesum.nvim
- izelnakri/async.nvim
- jackielii/neo-tree-harpoon.nvim
- jackmort/tide.nvim
- jack-rabe/impl.nvim
- jacoborus/tender.vim
- jaimecgomezz/here.term
- jake-stewart/force-cul.nvim
- jake-stewart/multicursor.nvim
- jake-stewart/slide.nvim
- jakobkhansen/journal.nvim
- jalvesaq/cmp-nvim-r
- jamesblckwell/nvimkit.nvim
- jannotjarks/tflint.nvim
- jasonboyett/goethe.nvim
- javahello/spring-boot.nvim
- jayanthd04/asctris.nvim
- jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim
- jay-madden/auto-fix-return.nvim
- jaytyrrell13/static.nvim
- jcdampil23/note_navigation.nvim
- jc-doyle/cmp-pandoc-references
- jcha0713/cmp-tw2css
- jdrupal-dev/code-refactor.nvim
- jdrupal-dev/css-vars.nvim
- jdrupal-dev/drupal.nvim
- jdrupal-dev/parcel.nvim
- jecaro/fugitive-difftool.nvim
- jedrzejboczar/exrc.nvim
- jeffnguyen695/tmux-zoxide-session
- jellydn/hurl.nvim
- jellydn/my-note.nvim
- jellydn/quick-code-runner.nvim
- jellydn/spinner.nvim
- jellydn/typecheck.nvim
- jesperlundberg/projektgunnar.nvim
- jesperlundberg/svartafanan.nvim
- jezda1337/cmp_bootstrap
- jezda1337/nvim-html-css
- jim-at-jibba/ariake.nvim
- jim-at-jibba/micropython.nvim
- jjcxdev/gitsignal
- jjshoots/betterf.nvim
- jla2000/lazydocs.nvim
- jmarkin/cmp-diag-codes
- jmarkin/gentags.lua
- jmattaa/quickmark.nvim
- joeldotdias/jsdoc-switch.nvim
- johanchane/wsnavigator.nvim
- johanw123/avalonia.nvim
- jojomakesgames/git-remote-url.nvim
- jonarrien/telescope-cmdline.nvim
- jonathanmorris180/salesforce.nvim
- jonboh/nvim-dap-rr
- joorjeh/robby
- joosepalviste/palenightfall.nvim
- jorgebucaran/hydro
- joshuadanpeterson/typewriter.nvim
- jpmcb/nvim-llama
- jrop/u.nvim
- jsongerber/nvim-px-to-rem
- jsongerber/thanks.nvim
- juansalvatore/git-dashboard-nvim
- judaew/ronny.nvim
- julianh99/cmp-shopify-input-types
- julienvincent/clojure-test.nvim
- julienvincent/hunk.nvim
- julienvincent/nvim-paredit
- junaydb/md-img-insert.nvim
- justinmk/vim-dirvish.git
- justinmk/vim-gtfo.git
- justinmk/vim-ipmotion
- justinmk/vim-ipmotion.git
- justinmk/vim-sneak.git
- jyscao/ventana.nvim
- kaarmu/typst.vim
- kabbamine/vcoolor.vim
- kadobot/cmp-plugins
- kamalsacranie/nvim-mapper
- kamou/gpt-vim
- kana/vim-niceblock
- kaplanz/deku.nvim
- karshprime/only-tmux.nvim
- karshprime/tmux-compile.nvim
- karvla/term-toggle.nvim
- kawre/leetcode.nvim
- kawre/neotab.nvim
- kdesp73/project-starter.nvim
- kdheepak/cmp-latex-symbols
- kelvinauta/focushere.nvim
- kento-ogata/cmp-tsnip
- kesor/clangd-unfurl.nvim
- kevinm6/kurayami.nvim
- kicamon/markdown-table-mode.nvim
- kiddos/gemini.nvim
- kilavila/nvim-bufferlist
- kilavila/nvim-gitignore
- kilavila/nvim-yoink
- killitar/obscure.nvim
- kingmichaelpark/age.nvim
- kiyoon/python-import.nvim
- kizza/actionmenu.nvim
- kjuq/sixelview.nvim
- k-lar/dynomark.nvim
- klebster2/cmp-rogets-thesaurus
- kndndrj/nvim-dbee
- kolja/loriini.nvim
- kopecmaciej/vi-mongo.nvim
- koron/nyancat-vim
- kr40/nvim-macros
- krischik/vim-backup
- kristijanhusak/line-notes.nvim
- krivahtoo/silicon.nvim
- ksaito422/remote-line.nvim
- kungfusheep/i.nvim
- kungfusheep/randomquote.nvim
- kungfusheep/randomword.nvim
- kurama622/llm.nvim
- kurama622/markdown-org
- kurama622/profile.nvim
- kutiny/colors.nvim
- kuznetsss/delegate.nvim
- kyallanum/ndi.nvim
- l3k4n/justmake.nvim
- l3mon4d3/cmp-luasnip-choice
- lalitmee/browse.nvim
- lambdalisue/vim-fern
- lambdalisue/vim-gin
- laytan/cloak.nvim
- lazymaniac/wttr.nvim
- l-colombo/atlantic-dark.nvim
- leath-dub/snipe.nvim
- leet0rz/modified-moonlight.nvim
- legobeat/l7-devenv
- leocus/codeassistant.vim
- letieu/btw.nvim
- letieu/hacker.nvim
- letieu/harpoon-lualine
- letieu/jot.lua
- letieu/wezterm-move.nvim
- lewis6991/brodir.nvim
- lewis6991/fileline.nvim
- lewis6991/nvim-test
- lewis6991/pckr.nvim
- lewis6991/spaceless.nvim
- lewis6991/whatthejump.nvim
- liadoz/nvim-dap-repl-highlights
- lilja/telescope-swap-files
- lima1909/resty.nvim
- linguini1/pulse.nvim
- linrongbin16/colorbox.nvim
- linrongbin16/fzfx.nvim
- linrongbin16/gentags.nvim
- linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim
- lintaoamons/bookmarks.nvim
- lintaoamons/cd-project.nvim
- lintaoamons/context-menu.nvim
- lintaoamons/easy-commands.nvim
- lintaoamons/scratch.nvim
- lmantw/themify.nvim
- loganswartz/polychrome.nvim
- loganswartz/sunburn.nvim
- lopi-py/luau-lsp.nvim
- lsig/messenger.nvim
- lsvmello/elastictabstops.nvim
- lucario387/nvim-ts-format
- lucasartore/nvim-dap-exception-breakpoints
- lucc/nvimpager
- luckasranarison/clear-action.nvim
- luckasranarison/nvim-devdocs
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- lucobellic/edgy-group.nvim
- lukaspietzschmann/boo.nvim
- lunacookies/vim-colors-xcode
- lunarvim/breadcrumbs.nvim
- lunarvim/colorgen-nvim
- lunarvim/horizon.nvim
- lunarvim/lualine.nvim
- lunarvim/lunar.nvim
- lunarvim/lvim-themes
- lunarvim/peek.lua
- lunarvim/primer.nvim
- lunarvim/starter.lvim
- lunarvim/synthwave84.nvim
- lunarvim/templeos.nvim
- lvimuser/lsp-inlayhints.nvim
- lzdq/umbra.nvim
- m15a/flake-awesome-neovim-plugins
- m7medvision/lazycommit
- machakann/vim-swap
- mackeper/seshmgr.nvim
- madskjeldgaard/cppman.nvim
- magicalne/
- magicduck/grug-far.nvim
- magicmonty/sonicpi.nvim
- makaze/watch.nvim
- makefunstuff/sketchbook.nvim
- mangelozzi/rgflow.nvim
- marcosantos98/clang-format.nvim
- marco-souza/ollero.nvim
- marco-souza/term.nvim
- marskey/telescope-sg
- marzeq/command-runner.nvim
- massix/org-checkbox.nvim
- massix/termux.nvim
- matarina/nvim_ds_repl
- mateiadrielrafael/scrap.nvim
- mateuszwieloch/automkdir.nvim
- matkrin/telescope-spell-errors.nvim
- matthiasweiss/angular-quickswitch.nvim
- mattkubej/jest.nvim
- mawkler/demicolon.nvim
- mawkler/friendly-snippets
- mawkler/hml.nvim
- mawkler/onedark.nvim
- mawkler/refjump.nvim
- max397574/startup.nvim
- maxandron/goplements.nvim
- maxandron/neotest-cairo
- maximilianlloyd/tw-values.nvim
- maxmx03/schemecraft
- mayorbyrne/dart-checkforsdkupdates.nvim
- mcauley-penney/ice-cave.nvim
- mcauley-penney/visual-whitespace.nvim
- meain/vim-printer
- meanderingprogrammer/markdown.nvim
- meanderingprogrammer/py-requirements.nvim
- meanderingprogrammer/render-markdown.nvim
- mei28/blink-bang-word-light.nvim
- mei28/instant-rename.nvim
- mei28/luminate.nvim
- mei28/qfc.nvim
- meuter/lualine-so-fancy.nvim
- meznaric/key-analyzer.nvim
- mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python
- mfussenegger/nvim-fzy
- mfussenegger/nvim-qwahl
- mg979/tabline.nvim
- mhanberg/output-panel.nvim
- micangl/cmp-vimtex
- michaelrommel/nvim-silicon
- midobb/nvim-quicktype
- miguelcrespo/scratch-buffer.nvim
- mihaifm/bufstop
- miikanissi/modus-themes.nvim
- mike-jl/harpoonex
- mikeslattery/ax.nvim
- mikesmithgh/git-prompt-string-lualine.nvim
- mikesmithgh/kitty-scrollback.nvim
- mikew/nvim-drawer
- mikew/nvrh
- milanglacier/minuet-ai.nvim
- milkias17/reloader.nvim
- milkypostman/vim-togglelist
- mimikun/human-rights.nvim
- minamorl/nvim-clean-paste
- miragiancycle/oviwrite
- mireq/large_file
- mireq/luasnip-snippets
- miroshqa/rittli.nvim
- mistgc/pinmd.nvim
- mistricky/codesnap.nvim
- mistweaverco/kulala-cmp-graphql.nvim
- mistweaverco/kulala-ls
- mistweaverco/kulala.nvim
- miversen33/sunglasses.nvim
- mizlan/delimited.nvim
- mizlan/longbow.nvim
- mjlbach/lsp_signature.nvim
- mktip/adaptive-theme.nvim
- mluders/comfy-line-numbers.nvim
- mmolhoek/cmp-scss
- mo1ein/vimplayer
- moaidhathot/dotnet.nvim
- mong8se/actually.nvim
- mong8se/buffish.nvim
- monkoose/neocodeium
- moyiz/command-and-cursor.nvim
- moyiz/git-dev.nvim
- mpas/marp-nvim
- mptre/vim-printf
- mrcjkb/ferris.nvim
- mrcjkb/kickstart-nix.nvim
- mrcjkb/rustaceanvim
- mr-lllll/cool-chunk.nvim
- mr-lllll/lualine-ext.nvim
- mr-lllll/treesitter-outer
- mr-lllll/utilities.nvim
- mrloop/telescope-git-branch.nvim
- mrquantumcodes/bufferchad.nvim
- mrquantumcodes/configpulse
- mrquantumcodes/retrospect.nvim
- mrsloth-dev/switcheroo.nvim
- mtrajano/tssorter.nvim
- muhammadzkralla/zpragmatic.nvim
- muniftanjim/nougat.nvim
- murtaza-u/ez.nvim
- mvllow/matcha.nvim
- mvllow/modes.nvim
- mvllow/stand.nvim
- mwh/dragon
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- myypo/borrowed.nvim
- myzel394/easytables.nvim
- myzel394/jsonfly.nvim
- nabekou29/js-i18n.nvim
- nabekou29/open-by-http.nvim
- napisani/context-nvim
- napisani/nvim-dadbod-bg
- nat-418/cmp-color-names.nvim
- nedra1998/nvim-mdlink
- nekowasabi/aider.vim
- neo451/feed.nvim
- neoclide/coc-highlight
- neoclide/coc-tabnine
- neolooong/whichpy.nvim
- neovim/neovim-ruby
- netmute/ctags-lsp.nvim
- neuromaancer/readup.nvim
- neviraide/nekifoch.nvim
- nhurlock/clownshow.nvim
- nick-skriabin/commitment.nvim
- nicoelbers/nv
- nihancj/plugin-switcher.nvim
- nikitarevenco/instant-lsp.nvim
- nil70n/floating-help
- nitrosniper/autowrite.nvim
- niuiic/code-shot.nvim
- niuiic/core.nvim
- niuiic/git-log.nvim
- niuiic/quickfix.nvim
- niuiic/remote.nvim
- niuiic/scroll.nvim
- niuiic/task.nvim
- niuiic/terminal.nvim
- niuiic/todo.nvim
- niuiic/track.nvim
- niuiic/typst-preview.nvim
- nivek77pur/midi-input.nvim
- njayman/season.nvim
- nkakouros-original/scrollofffraction.nvim
- notelgnis/fetchfact.nvim
- nstefan002/15puzzle.nvim
- nstefan002/2048.nvim
- nstefan002/donut.nvim
- nstefan002/screenkey.nvim
- nstefan002/speedtyper.nvim
- nstefan002/visual-surround.nvim
- nstefan002/wormhole.nvim
- ntbbloodbath/sweetie.nvim
- nvchad/menu
- nvchad/minty
- nvchad/showkeys
- nvchad/timerly
- nvchad/ui
- nvimdev/dashboard-nvim
- nvimdev/epo.nvim
- nvimdev/galaxyline.nvim
- nvimdev/hlsearch.nvim
- nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim
- nvim-focus/focus.nvim
- nvim-java/nvim-java
- nvim-java/play-lazyvim
- nvim-neorocks/lz.n
- nvim-neorocks/nvim-busted-action
- nvim-neorocks/rocks-lazy.nvim
- nvim-neorocks/rocks.nvim
- nvim-neorocks/rocks-scoop
- nvim-neorocks/rocks-treesitter.nvim
- nvim-neotest/nvim-nio
- nvimtools/hydra.nvim
- nvimtools/none-ls.nvim
- nvim-tree/nvim-tree.lua
- nvzone/menu
- nvzone/minty
- nvzone/timerly
- nvzone/volt
- nyoom-engineering/nyoom.nvim
- observeroftime/notifications.nvim
- observeroftime/nvimcord
- oclay1st/gradle.nvim
- oclay1st/maven.nvim
- octaltree/cmp-look
- oflisback/cursor-git-ref-command.nvim
- oflisback/describe-command.nvim
- old-farmer/im-autoswitch.nvim
- oleggulevskyy/better-ts-errors.nvim
- olimorris/codecompanion.nvim
- omarcospo/dumbnotes.nvim
- omerxx/tmux-sessionx
- oneslash/helix-nvim
- oskarrrrrrr/symbols.nvim
- otavioschwanck/arrow.nvim
- otavioschwanck/cool-substitute.nvim
- otavioschwanck/telescope-cmdline-word.nvim
- othree/eregex.vim
- oxfist/night-owl.nvim
- oxy2dev/bars-n-lines.nvim
- oxy2dev/foldtext.nvim
- oxy2dev/helpview.nvim
- oxy2dev/helpview.nvim.git
- oxy2dev/intro.nvim
- oxy2dev/markview.nvim
- oysandvik94/curl.nvim
- ozthemagician/alpha-cowsays-nvim
- p00f/godbolt.nvim
- p5quared/apple-music.nvim
- paopaol/cmp-doxygen
- paradoxical-dev/neollama
- pasky/claude.vim
- paulfrische/mpd.nvim
- paul-gauthier/aider
- paulo-granthon/agitate.nvim
- paulo-granthon/hyper.nvim
- pechorin/nvim-config-loader
- phanen/broker.nvim
- phanen/dirstack.nvim
- phanen/fzf-lua-overlay
- phanen/lazy-help.nvim
- phanen/mder.nvim
- pheon-dev/buffalo-nvim
- pheon-dev/pigeon
- philrunninger/cmp-rpncalc
- pianocomposer321/officer.nvim
- pieces-app/plugin_neovim
- piersolenski/telescope-import.nvim
- piersolenski/wtf.nvim
- piotr1215/toggler.nvim
- plax-00/endscroll.nvim
- pmizio/typescript-tools.nvim
- pnx/lualine-lsp-status
- pogyomo/cppguard.nvim
- pogyomo/submode.nvim
- pogyomo/winresize.nvim
- polirritmico/monokai-nightasty.nvim
- polirritmico/telescope-lazy-plugins.nvim
- pontusk/cmp-sass-variables
- pontusk/cmp-vimwiki-tags
- popkat412/nvim-scratchpad
- pranphy/nevl.nvim
- presindent/coddit.nvim
- pre-z/telescope-tmuxing.nvim
- prichrd/netrw.nvim
- prichrd/refgo.nvim
- prichrd/vwd.nvim
- prochri/telescope-picker-history-action
- protex/better-digraphs.nvim
- psjay/blamer.nvim
- psjay/buffer-closer.nvim
- psych3r/vim-remembers
- ptdewey/darkearth-nvim
- ptdewey/pendulum-nvim
- ptdewey/yankbank-nvim
- pteroctopus/faster.nvim
- pwnwriter/code2prompt.nvim
- pysan3/pathlib.nvim
- qaptor-nvim/chocolatier.nvim
- qaptor-nvim/fantableous.nvim
- quarto-dev/quarto-nvim
- quentingruber/pomodoro.nvim
- quentingruber/timespent.nvim
- quolpr/quicktest.nvim
- raafatturki/corn.nvim
- raafatturki/hex.nvim
- rachartier/tiny-code-action.nvim
- rachartier/tiny-devicons-auto-colors.nvim
- rachartier/tiny-inline-diagnostic.nvim
- radioactivepb/vbpreview
- ragnarok22/whereami.nvim
- rakr/vim-two-firewatch
- ramilito/kubectl.nvim
- ramilito/winbar.nvim
- rapan931/lasterisk.nvim
- rapan931/utahraptor.nvim
- raphaelladinig/nvim-projectmanager
- raprogramm/nekifoch
- rareitems/printer.nvim
- rareitems/put_at_end.nvim
- rasulomaroff/reactive.nvim
- rasulomaroff/telepath.nvim
- ravibrock/spellwarn.nvim
- ray-x/telescope-ast-grep.nvim
- ray-x/yamlmatter.nvim
- r-cha/encourage.nvim
- rdpopov/nvim-sak
- redoxahmii/json-to-types.nvim
- renerocksai/calendar-vim
- rentib/cliff.nvim
- reo101/nix-update.nvim
- rguruprakash/simple-note.nvim
- rhysd/vim-syntax-christmas-tree
- ribru17/bamboo.nvim
- ribru17/ts_query_ls
- ricardoramirezr/blade-nav.nvim
- ricardoramirezr/lali-components.nvim
- ricardoramirezr/php-use-sort.nvim
- rics-dev/project-explorer.nvim
- rienovie/basher
- rileytwo/kiss
- rimuhrimu/runthis.nvim
- rinx/nvim-minimap
- rishabhrd/
- rishabhrd/popfix
- ritschalex/jupyter_ascending.nvim
- rizwanelansyah/simplyfile.nvim
- rktjmp/playtime.nvim
- rlychrisg/keepcursor.nvim
- rlychrisg/truncateline.nvim
- rmassaroni/nvim-gpush
- robitx/gp.nvim
- rodolfojsv/reminders.nvim
- rolv-apneseth/tfm.nvim
- romanozumbe/yanki.nvim
- romgrk/fzy-lua-native
- ronylee11/gitcontrib.nvim
- roobert/action-hints.nvim
- roobert/activate.nvim
- roobert/bufferline-cycle-windowless.nvim
- roobert/f-string-toggle.nvim
- roobert/hoversplit.nvim
- roobert/palette.nvim
- roobert/tabtree.nvim
- roodolv/markdown-toggle.nvim
- rootiest/astral.nvim
- rootiest/nvim-updater.nvim
- rorynesbitt/dotfyle-cli
- rosesecurity/atmos.nvim
- rouge8/neotest-rust
- roxma/nvim-ascript
- royanirudd/clipboard-history.nvim
- rshkarin/mason-nvim-lint
- rudionrails/quarry.nvim
- rushjs1/clock.nvim
- rushjs1/nuxt-goto-alias.nvim
- rusticbard/runner
- ryanmsnyder/toggleterm-manager.nvim
- rydwxz/bhs
- ryo33/nvim-cmp-rust
- ryoppippi/nvim-pnpm-catalog-lens
- ryoppippi/nvim-reset
- ryoppippi/vim-svelte-inspector
- s1m0n38/dante.nvim
- s1m0n38/love2d.nvim
- saccarosium/neomarks
- sachinsenal0x64/hot.nvim
- saecki/live-rename.nvim
- saghen/blink.cmp
- sahlte/timed-highlight.nvim
- sajjathossain/nvim-npm
- salorak/whaler.nvim
- samharju/serene.nvim
- samharju/synthweave.nvim
- samharju/yeet.nvim
- sammce/fleeting.nvim
- sam-programs/cmdline-hl.nvim
- sam-programs/expand.nvim
- samsze0/fzf.nvim
- sarrisv/readermode.nvim
- sathishmanohar/quick-buffer-jump
- sbulav/nredir.nvim
- scheisa/relpointers.nvim
- scjangra/table-nvim
- scottmckendry/cyberdream.nvim
- scottmckendry/telescope-resession.nvim
- scottmckendry/windots
- selectnull/plugin-readme.nvim
- selyss/mind.nvim
- sergioribera/cmp-dotenv
- sergioribera/codeshot.nvim
- sethen/line-number-change-mode.nvim
- sgauvin/ctest-telescope.nvim
- shadyalfred/electric-quotes.nvim
- shaobin-jiang/icenvim
- sharonex/edit-list.nvim
- sharonex/grape.nvim
- sheeplet1/todo-view.nvim
- shellheim/ashaar.nvim
- shmerl/neogotham
- shmerl/session-keys
- sho-87/kanagawa-paper.nvim
- shortcuts/neovim-plugin-boilerplate
- shougo/vinarise.vim
- siadat/shell.nvim
- siawkz/nvim-cheatsh
- sigasigasiga/neovim-dark-monitor
- simaxme/java.nvim
- simonmclean/triptych.nvim
- sinabyr/analogue.nvim
- sirzenith/oil-vcs-status
- sjbach/lusty
- skalyaeve/a-nvim-theme
- skwee357/nvim-prose
- skywind3000/vim-color-export
- sleepyswords/change-function.nvim
- slugbyte/lackluster.nvim
- slugbyte/unruly-worker.nvim
- smartinellimarco/nvcheatsheet.nvim
- smilhey/cabinet.nvim
- smilhey/ed-cmd.nvim
- smjonas/editree.nvim
- smoka7/hop.nvim
- smoka7/hydra.nvim
- smoka7/multicursors.nvim
- snehlsen/pomo.nvim
- snikimonkd/yazmp
- softoika/ngswitcher.vim
- somesover/accidentslipt
- sontungexpt/better-diagnostic-virtual-text
- sontungexpt/buffer-closer
- sontungexpt/nvim-highlight-colors
- sontungexpt/smart-resizing
- sontungexpt/stcursorword
- sontungexpt/stinvim
- sontungexpt/sttusline
- sontungexpt/url-open
- sontungexpt/witch
- soulis-1256/eagle.nvim
- soulis-1256/hoverhints.nvim
- sourcegraph/sg.nvim
- speelbarrow/splauncher.nvim
- sphamba/smear-cursor.nvim
- spinalshock/spotify.nvim
- sqlait/monoconf.nvim
- sschleemilch/slimline.nvim
- sshelll/telescope-gott.nvim
- sshelll/telescope-switch.nvim
- stefanlogue/hydrate.nvim
- stephengunn/sveltecheck.nvim
- stevanmilic/nvim-lspimport
- stevearc/conform.nvim
- stevearc/profile.nvim
- stevearc/quicker.nvim
- stratos-linux/stratvim
- stubbornvegeta/llm.nvim
- styzex/randtheme.nvim
- suhaan-bhandary/notes.nvim
- sunjon/telescope-arecibo.nvim
- sunnytamang/pendulum.nvim
- superbo/fugit2.nvim
- sustech-data/neopyter
- sustech-data/wildfire.nvim
- svampkorg/moody.nvim
- svban/yankassassin.nvim
- svermeulen/nvim-lusc
- svermeulen/tea-leaves
- swaits/colorsaver.nvim
- swaits/lazyjj.nvim
- swaits/scratch.nvim
- swaits/thethethe.nvim
- swaits/zellij-nav.nvim
- synic/telescope-dirpicker.nvim
- tadmccorkle/markdown.nvim
- talha-akram/noctis.nvim
- tamago324/cmp-zsh
- tamamcglinn/vim-termhelp
- tamton-aquib/duck.nvim
- tamton-aquib/essentials.nvim
- tamton-aquib/flirt.nvim
- tamton-aquib/keys.nvim
- tamton-aquib/zone.nvim
- ta-tikoma/php.easy.nvim
- teatek/gdscript-extended-lsp.nvim
- tefanlogue/hydrate.nvim
- terje/simctl.nvim
- theglander/indent-rainbowline.nvim
- theknightsofrohan/csvlens.nvim
- theleop/powershell.nvim
- the-silent-one/goose.nvim
- thiago4532/mdmath.nvim
- thunder-coding/zincoxide
- tiagomdg/react-comp-gen.nvim
- tiagovla/scope.nvim
- tigion/nvim-asciidoc-preview
- tingey21/telescope-colorscheme-persist.nvim
- tjdevries/manillua.nvim
- tobinpalmer/tip.nvim
- tohjustin/kube-lineage
- tokisuno/vling
- tomiis4/bufex.nvim
- ton/vim-bufsurf
- tonymajestro/smart-scrolloff.nvim
- tovarishfin/vim-solidity
- tpope/vim-markdown
- tpope/vim-repea
- traap/nvims
- trapd00r/vidir
- trevorhauter/gitportal.nvim
- treybastian/nvim-jack-in
- tribela/transparent.nvim
- trimclain/builder.nvim
- tris203/hawtkeys.nvim
- tris203/precognition.nvim
- tris203/rzls.nvim
- tristone13th/lspmark.nvim
- trstringer/psql.nvim
- tummetott/unimpaired.nvim
- tvaintrob/bicep.vim
- tweekmonster/deoplete-clang2
- twistoy/luasnip-snippets
- tyler-barham/floating-help.nvim
- typed-rocks/ts-worksheet-neovim
- tzachar/cmp-ai
- tzachar/local-highlight.nvim
- uga-rosa/cmp-dynamic
- uga-rosa/denippet.vim
- umlx5h/gtrash
- undg/telescope-gp-agent-picker.nvim
- utfeight/neoproj
- utfeight/vim-case-change
- vague2k/huez.nvim
- vappolinario/cmp-clippy
- vebbnix/lf-vim
- verf/deepwhite.nvim
- vidocqh/auto-indent.nvim
- vidocqh/data-viewer.nvim
- vigoux/notifier.nvim
- vilos92/media-controls.nvim
- vim-scripts/fountain.vim
- viocost/viedit
- volskaya/windovigation.nvim
- voxelprismatic/rabbit.nvim
- vpavliashvili/json-nvim
- vxpm/ferris.nvim
- vyfor/cord.nvim
- wa11breaker/flutter-bloc.nvim
- wadackel/nvim-syntax-info
- wallpants/github-preview.nvim
- wansmer/symbol-usage.nvim
- wassimk/gh-navigator.nvim
- wbbradley/pickls
- webpolis/wingman.nvim
- weizheheng/ror.nvim
- wesleimp/stylua.nvim
- wet-sandwich/hyper.nvim
- wilfreddenton/history.nvim
- willem-j-an/adopure.nvim
- willem-j-an/nvim-dap-powershell
- willem-j-an/visidata.nvim
- will-lynas/grapple-line.nvim
- willothy/savior.nvim
- willothy/strat-hero.nvim
- willothy/wezterm.nvim
- wincent/scalpel
- wllfaria/scheming.nvim
- wojciech-kulik/xcodebuild.nvim
- wolfecub/harpeek.nvim
- wordluc/fromcstotypescript_pluginnvim
- wsdjeg/cpicker.nvim
- wurli/cobalt.nvim
- wurli/split.nvim
- xavierchanth/arbor.nvim
- xiantang/darcula-dark.nvim
- xiaoshihou514/squirrel.nvim
- xixiaofinland/sf.nvim
- xvzc/chezmoi.nvim
- yanskun/gotests.nvim
- yarospace/lua-console.nvim
- yehuohan/cmp-im
- yetone/avante.nvim
- yorickpeterse/nvim-pqf
- yorickpeterse/nvim-tree-pairs
- yorickpeterse/nvim-window
- yorickpeterse/vim-paper
- yorik1984/newpaper.nvim
- you-n-g/navigate-note.nvim
- you-n-g/simplegpt.nvim
- ysmb-wtsg/in-and-out.nvim
- yujinyuz/gitpad.nvim
- yuki-uthman/vimpad.nvim
- yuki-yano/fzf-preview.vim
- yuriescl/minimal-bookmarks.nvim
- yutkat/cmp-mocword
- yutkat/confirm-quit.nvim
- yutkat/convert-git-url.nvim
- yutkat/delete-word-to-chars.nvim
- yutkat/git-rebase-auto-diff.nvim
- yutkat/history-ignore.nvim
- yutkat/osc52.nvim
- yutkat/save-clipboard-on-exit.nvim
- yutkat/spiral-split.nvim
- yutkat/taskrun.nvim
- yutkat/term-gf.nvim
- yutkat/wb-only-current-line.nvim
- yuukiflow/arduino-nvim
- zadirion/unreal.nvim
- zaucy/proj.nvim
- zaucy/uproject.nvim
- zeioth/distroupdate.nvim
- zeioth/dooku.nvim
- zeioth/garbage-day.nvim
- zeioth/heirline-components.nvim
- zeioth/makeit.nvim
- zeioth/markmap.nvim
- zeioth/none-ls-autoload.nvim
- zeioth/none-ls-external-sources.nvim
- zerochae/telescope-spring.nvim
- zerogtiger/targetfile.nvim
- zgs225/gomodifytags.nvim
- zidhuss/neotest-minitest
- ziontee113/deliberate.nvim
- zjp-cn/nvim-cmp-lsp-rs
- zongben/autocaps.nvim
- zotlann/docker-nvim
- zsnails/neoneedskey
- zuzmuz/nvimawscli
- zvnoob/heirline-cmdline
- zwindl/toggler.nvim
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