Line_Notes.nvim is a Neovim plugin to mark specific lines in your code and add notes for future reference. It is meant as a supplement to code comments that you might want to add but don't need or want to be public, or small quick notes to yourself that are tied to a particular line, and are a quicker alternative to Obsidian or Notion or similar.
- Add marks with notes to specific lines. Just press enter and you're good to go!
- List all marks and notes using Telescope.
- Navigate to marked lines directly from the list.
- Delete existing notes
- Edit existing notes, just need to close the floating window with the note.
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
config = function()
-- Optional: Add your custom configuration here
The plugin comes with sensible defaults, but you can customize them to your liking. Here's the default configuration:
-- Customize keymaps
keymaps = {
add_note = "an", -- Add a new note
list_notes = "ln", -- Open telescope picker with all notes
delete_note = "dn", -- Delete note on current line
show_note = "sn" -- Show/edit note on current line
-- Customize note appearance
signs = {
note_icon = "🗒️", -- Icon shown in the sign column
highlight = "Comment", -- Highlight group for the icon
number_highlight = "" -- Highlight group for line numbers (empty for no highlight)