Display assembly for the current buffer or visual selection from https://godbolt.org (or any godbolt instance)
Requires neovim 0.6 and curl
You can call the setup function in your config to override these default values:
languages = {
cpp = { compiler = "g122", options = {} },
c = { compiler = "cg122", options = {} },
rust = { compiler = "r1650", options = {} },
-- any_additional_filetype = { compiler = ..., options = ... },
auto_cleanup = true, -- remove highlights and autocommands on buffer close
highlight = {
cursor = "Visual", -- `cursor = false` to disable
-- values in this table can be:
-- 1. existing highlight group
-- 2. hex color string starting with #
static = { "#222222", "#333333", "#444444", "#555555", "#444444", "#333333" },
-- `static = false` to disable
-- `highlight = false` to disable highlights
quickfix = {
enable = false, -- whether to populate the quickfix list in case of errors
auto_open = false -- whether to open the quickfix list in case of errors
url = "https://godbolt.org" -- can be changed to a different godbolt instance
If your neovim config is in lua then place this snippet in your config directly, otherwise place it inside a lua block like so:
lua << EOF
is a table corresponding to the options
field in the schema. For example:
- If you want to add compiler flags then you need to set it to
{ userArguments = "-Wall -O2" }
- If you want to use boost then you need to set it to
{ userArguments = "-I /opt/compiler-explorer/libs/boost_1_77_0", libraries = { id = "boost", version = "1.77.0" } }
and so on.-I /opt/compiler-explorer/libs/boost_1_77_0
was for including boost, you can get the path of the library bycurl
ing or visitinghttps://godbolt.org/api/libraries/c++
You can get the list of compiler ids by visiting or curl
ing https://godbolt.org/api/compilers/<language>
(or using the fuzzy finders mentioned) and the list of libraries by curl
ing or visiting https://godbolt.org/api/libraries/<language>
. For more info, see /~https://github.com/compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer/blob/main/docs/API.md
(Note: use c++
, not cpp
for C++)
Setting b:godbolt_exec
to true will execute the code in addition to displaying assembly and display the output/error in the message area.
- To use the default/setup compiler for the entire buffer:
and type in compiler flags in the prompt if needed
- To use the default/setup compiler for a visual selection: Select the function(s) you want and
- To use a custom compiler for the entire buffer:
:GodboltCompiler <compiler>
- Similarly, to use a custom compiler for a visual selection: Select the function you want and
:'<,'>GodboltCompiler <compiler>
- Adding a bang (
) to either command (:Godbolt!
) will reuse the last assembly window for the current source buffer.
If in :GodboltCompiler <compiler>
or :'<,'>GodboltCompiler <compiler>
, <compiler>
is telescope
, fzf
, skim
or fzy
, you can choose the compiler using telescope.nvim, fzf, skim or fzy + nvim-fzy respectively.
Set quickfix.enable = true
as described above to populate the quickfix in case of errors.
If quickfix.auto_open
is true, a quickfix list will automatically open if the compiler outputs errors. Otherwise you can manually :copen