Archiving because I discovered /~, which seems to do this already.
An async project builder for Neovim.
Compatible with (but not reliant on) VS Code-style tasks.json
does a good job of automatically detecting the correct builder to use for a given buffer,
and runs said builder in a new process, asynchronously. Further, it does not interfere with your
working directory, and it can handle several simultaneous builds.
What this boils down to is that you can very easily trigger builds for several subprojects, have them work correctly without having to fiddle around with configuration, and keep editing uninterrupted.
For more, see the FAQ or the docs
Use your favorite plugin manager.
With packer.nvim
use {'wbthomason/buildit.nvim', requires = 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'}
TODO rewrite for Lua rewrite of plugin.