There are no accidents.
Integrated into dashboard-nvim
Standalone(uses vim.notify)
- Dispense 30 wisdoms that will surely help you find motivation again
- Slack of at work by looking at 4 astonishing images of Master Oogway!
- Send your friends to the Spirit realm by being as Zen as the Master himself
{ "0x5a4/oogway.nvim", cmd = { "Oogway"} -- for lazy loading },
use "0x5a4/oogway.nvim"
Plug '0x5a4/oogway.nvim'
Using the very handy
command -
Using the lua API
local oogway = require("oogway") -- Do what the command does (print wisdom and image) oogway.sense_the_dragon_warrior() -- Returns a random Oogway quote oogway.what_is_your_wisdom() -- Returns a random Oogway image oogway.inspire_me() -- Returns all possible wisdoms oogway.wisdoms() -- Returns all possible images oogway.oogways()
Dispense a wisdom every time you enter zen mode!
on_open = function()
local dashboard_theme = require("alpha.themes.dashboard")
local oogway = require("oogway")
dashboard_theme.footer.val = oogway.what_is_your_wisdom()
dashboard_theme.header.val = oogway.inspire_me();
local oogway = require("oogway")
config = {
header = vim.fn.split(oogway.inspire_me(), "\n"),
footer = { oogway.what_is_your_wisdom() },