Releases: jellyfin/jellyfin-expo
Jellyfin Mobile v1.6.0
What's Changed
🏗️ Enhancements
- Use filled icon for active tab by @thornbill in #373
- Use new logos by @thornbill in #525
- Enable fmp4 by default for native player by @thornbill in #546
- Add audio channels to profile builder options by @thornbill in #580
- Update languages by @thornbill in #601
- Fix safe area insets in fullscreen mode by @thornbill in #606
🐛 Bug fixes
- Use full size tab bar on tablet by @thornbill in #374
- Use transforms for axios and sdk by @thornbill in #424
- Remove incorrect check for (e)ac3 audio support by @Bond-009 in #423
- Fix android version type mismatch by @fidoriel in #522
- Don't require full screen on iOS by @Cyberbeni in #430
- Update app permissions and platforms by @thornbill in #557
- Fix white screen when the content process terminates by @thornbill in #579
- Hide home screen indicator when fullscreen active by @thornbill in #600
- Add user device name entitlement by @thornbill in #597
- Fix device name entitlement by @thornbill in #605
🔧 Additional changes
- Add experimental video download support by @thornbill in #366
- Add test for ServerStore deserializer by @thornbill in #371
- Bump supported iOS version to 12+ by @thornbill in #399
- Report to server when download stops by @thornbill in #408
- Update by @JPKribs in #427
- Add node version and npm config by @thornbill in #444
- Update VS Code config by @thornbill in #493
- Remove expo-cli dependency by @thornbill in #494
- Update and sync node version by @thornbill in #497
- Add .nvmrc by @Drew-Daniels in #521
- Remove unavailable Expo version by @thornbill in #541
- Remove reddit and old project references from README by @thornbill in #544
- Remove 10.7 warning for native player setting by @thornbill in #545
- Patch metro config to fix invalid native module urls by @thornbill in #547
- Update to latest Expo 46 version by @thornbill in #543
- Bump versions for 1.6.0 by @thornbill in #562
- Add initial publish action and fastlane by @thornbill in #565
- Add automated release notes configuration by @thornbill in #567
- Replace the add issue link with getting help by @thornbill in #570
- Add server access issue link by @thornbill in #571
- Add enhancements section to release notes by @thornbill in #572
- Set unique secret names to have "_EXPO" by @anthonylavado in #588
- Fix fastlane parameter quoting by @thornbill in #589
- Add app store connect params as env vars by @thornbill in #591
- Fix fastlane vars being set in wrong step by @thornbill in #592
- Enable CI builds to TestFlight by @thornbill in #595
- Update licenser plugin setttings by @thornbill in #599
- Bump version for new build by @thornbill in #602
- Add patch for boost download url by @thornbill in #604
- Bump build to by @thornbill in #607
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #367
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #375
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #379
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #380
- Bump actions/stale from 5 to 6 by @dependabot in #394
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #395
- Upgrade to Expo 44 by @thornbill in #397
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 by @dependabot in #398
- Bump eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #401
- Upgrade to Expo 45 by @thornbill in #406
- Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #410
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 by @dependabot in #412
- Upgrade to Expo 46 by @thornbill in #422
- Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 by @dependabot in #425
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 by @dependabot in #434
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 by @dependabot in #435
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #433
- Pin dependencies by @renovate in #442
- Pin dependencies by @renovate in #443
- Pin dependencies by @renovate in #445
- Update actions/setup-node action to v3.8.1 by @renovate in #448
- Pin dependencies by @renovate in #446
- Pin dependency @babel/eslint-parser to 7.19.1 by @renovate in #447
- Update dependency @react-native-community/masked-view to v0.1.11 by @renovate in #449
- Update actions/checkout action to v4 by @renovate in #458
- Fix incorrect react-native version by @thornbill in #495
- Update actions/checkout digest to 1e31de5 by @renovate in #496
- Update codecov/codecov-action digest to ab904c4 by @renovate in #498
- Update github/codeql-action digest to 366cd98 by @renovate in #499
- Update CI dependencies by @renovate in #500
- Update actions/setup-node action to v4 by @renovate in #501
- Update codecov/codecov-action action to v4 by @renovate in #503
- Update actions/stale action to v9 by @renovate in #502
- Update github/codeql-action action to v2.25.8 by @renovate in #505
- Update CI dependencies by @renovate in #512
- Enable renovate dashboard by @thornbill in #548
- Update CI dependencies by @renovate in #550
- Update github/codeql-action action to v3 by @renovate in #551
- Update github/codeql-action action to v3.27.2 by @renovate in #555
- Update dependency @babel/eslint-parser to v7.25.9 by @renovate in #453
- Update react-navigation monorepo by @renovate in #451
- Update expo managed dependencies in renovate config by @thornbill in #556
- Update github/codeql-action action to v3.27.3 by @renovate in #560
- Update eps1lon/actions-label-merge-conflict action to v3 by @renovate in #566
- Update github/codeql-action action to v3.27.4 by @renovate in #569
- Update codecov/c...
Jellyfin Mobile 1.5.0
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release for the Apple App Store includes compatibility updates for Jellyfin 10.8, dependency updates, and some general improvements.
⚠️ Due to upstream changes to supported iOS versions, this release will only be available on iOS 12 and higher.
✨ New features
- Remove feature request link by @thornbill in #303
- Update icons by @thornbill in #304
- Add beta badge by @thornbill in #307
- No scroll indicators by @thornbill in #308
- Update url handling by @thornbill in #313
- Cleanup native video player by @thornbill in #324
- Add developer settings screen by @thornbill in #326
- Move header control to screens by @thornbill in #328
- Remove support for server versions <10.3 by @thornbill in #352
- Add experimental native audio player by @thornbill in #339
🐛 Bug fixes
- Remove exitmenu as a supported feature by @thornbill in #345
- Fix native-stack warning by @thornbill in #347
- Fix react-native version by @thornbill in #348
- Use uuids for internal server ids by @thornbill in #350
🎨 Code quality
- Add lint rules by @thornbill in #297
- Fix import order warnings by @thornbill in #298
- Fix eslint issues on save in vscode by @thornbill in #299
- Remove deprecated device id by @thornbill in #312
- Remove duplicate eslint override by @thornbill in #315
- Add more component tests by @thornbill in #323
- Add eslint rule for empty functions by @thornbill in #327
- Add even more component tests by @thornbill in #325
- Add eslint rules for sonarqube issues by @thornbill in #349
- Refactor fetch with timeout to separate utility by @thornbill in #353
- Add tooling support for typescript by @thornbill in #354
- Update npm cache in GH actions by @thornbill in #355
- Add basic render tests for screen components by @thornbill in #356
🔧 Build and configuration changes
- Remove PR description enforcement action by @thornbill in #283
- Update codecov config to be less strict on coverage changes by @thornbill in #300
- Add basic bug and feature templates by @joshuaboniface in #318
- Add stale issue check workflow by @h1dden-da3m0n in #337
- Fix question label name for stale action by @thornbill in #338
- Add new locales by @thornbill in #362
- Bump version to 1.5.0 by @thornbill in #363
📖 Documentation
- Update README to include Swiftfin by @thornbill in #361
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.1.5 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #278
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot in #280
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1.5.2 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #281
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #284
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 by @dependabot in #285
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.3.2 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in #286
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #287
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.0.3 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #294
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 by @dependabot in #296
- Update to Expo 42 by @thornbill in #301
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 by @dependabot in #310
- Update dependencies by @thornbill in #305
- Update react-navigation by @thornbill in #306
- Update AsyncStorage by @thornbill in #311
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in #321
- Use mobx-react-lite by @thornbill in #316
- Use mobx-sync-lite by @thornbill in #317
- Upgrade to Expo 43 by @thornbill in #322
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 by @dependabot in #329
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #331
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 by @dependabot in #333
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.7 by @dependabot in #336
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2.5.1 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #341
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 by @dependabot in #342
- Bump actions/stale from 4.1.0 to 5 by @dependabot in #343
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3 by @dependabot in #351
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #357
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.1.0 to 3 by @dependabot in #358
- Bump actions/setup-node from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 by @dependabot in #359
- Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #360
New Contributors
- @joshuaboniface made their first contribution in #318
- @h1dden-da3m0n made their first contribution in #337
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.5.0
Jellyfin Mobile 1.4.1
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This is a maintenance release for the Apple App Store.
It includes all the features of Jellyfin Mobile 1.4.0, and includes the following:
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix fMP4 version check #260, by @thornbill
Jellyfin Mobile 1.4.0
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release on the Apple App Store includes some exciting new features!
- 🎥 An experimental native video player can now be enabled in the app settings!
- Known issues/limitations:
- Rotation lock is not fully supported (screen is rotated initially, but can be rotated back)
- Subtitles must be selected before starting playback to be available in the player
- Picture-in-Picture is not supported
- Live TV playback fails with an error
- Some reports of video being played in the background
- If you enable fMP4, but do not have hardware acceleration configured on your server, you should disable HEVC encoding in the server Transcoding settings.
- Known issues/limitations:
- ☀️ A new light theme is available along with an option to honor the system theme preference. (For best results a corresponding theme in the web interface should be selected also.)
- 📱 Several fixes for devices with notched screens have been made.
✨ New features
- Enable additional codec and container support for native player #255, by @thornbill
- Add sr and uk locales #252, by @thornbill
- Add separate setting screen sections for playback and appearance #248, by @thornbill
- Add setting for enabling fMP4 support #247, by @thornbill
- Add help modal to add server screen #246, by @thornbill
- Update base font size #244, by @thornbill
- Add native video player #210, by @thornbill
- Add setting to use system light/dark theme #208, by @thornbill
- Add light theme #205, by @thornbill
- Add setting to toggle tab labels #202, by @thornbill
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix native player crash in live TV #249, by @thornbill
- Fix online status not updating on error #236, by @thornbill
- Add check for server info before checking version #233, by @thornbill
- Fix system theme issues #228, by @thornbill
- Fix "isAc3Eac3Disabled" #211, by @nyanmisaka
- Fix logo size on add server screen in landscape #209, by @thornbill
- Fix support for hardware back buttons #204, by @thornbill
- Fix issues with default values of dark theme #203, by @thornbill
- Fix layout issues on error screen for notch iPhones #201, by @thornbill
- Make entire ButtonListItem clickable #193, by @thornbill
- Fix giant grey bar on notch iPhones in landscape #190, by @thornbill
🎨 Code quality
- Move compact height check to util #245, by @thornbill
- Refactor AppNavigator and ServerInput #243, by @thornbill
- Update import sorting lint rule #241, by @thornbill
- Add component tests #227, by @thornbill
- Refactor navigation code into multiple files #238, by @thornbill
- Add more unit tests #222, by @thornbill
- Add unit tests #220, by @thornbill
- Add more strict lint rules #218, by @thornbill
- Fix typo in StaticScriptLoader file name #225, by @thornbill
- Add webview compat linting #217, by @thornbill
- Update eslint config to reflect jellyfin-web #215, by @thornbill
- Refactor themes #200, by @thornbill
- Simplify theme #199, by @thornbill
- Move NativeShell to asset file to read as a string #196, by @thornbill
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Update actions/cache requirement to v2.1.5 #256, by @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-node from v1 to v2.1.5 #231, by @dependabot
🔧 Build and configuration changes
- Bump build version #257, by @thornbill
- Migrate Project to Jellyfin's Expo Organization #254, by @anthonylavado
- Bump version numbers for 1.4.0 #253, by @thornbill
- Add recommended vscode extensions and licenser configuration #250, by @thornbill
- Run merge conflict check on PR rebase/commit #242, by @ferferga
- Disable patch check in codecov #239, by @thornbill
- Fix test script #235, by @thornbill
- Use default commit format for dependabot #232, by @thornbill
- Switch to npm #226, by @ferferga
- Add quote type rule to editorconfig #221, by @thornbill
- Add VSCode config #197, by @thornbill
📖 Documentation
- Remove forum badge #234, by @thornbill
Jellyfin Mobile 1.3.0
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release on the Apple App Store includes bug fixes and dependency updates.
- Improves support for AC3 and EAC3 codecs
- Fixes issue with iPads rotating on launch
- Support for additional locales
✨ New features
- Localization
- Add kk locale #186, by @thornbill
- Add new locales #162, by @JoaoVictorNascimento
- Remove pre-mobx storage solution and related migration #176, by @thornbill
- Improve support for AC3/EAC3 codecs #170, by @nyanmisaka
- Disable screen lock by default on iOS 14+ #159, by @ddedic
🐛 Bug fixes
- Add error screen when saved server is invalid #185, by @thornbill
- Fix misaligned icon on server input #184, by @thornbill
- Fix crash in sync profile for older server versions #175, by @thornbill
- Remove duplicate es-AR locale and sort locales #174, by @thornbill
🎨 Code quality
- Refactor validator #182, by @thornbill
- Fix deprecated list items #181, by @thornbill
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Update dependencies #180, by @thornbill
- Update to Expo 39 #163, by @anthonylavado
🔧 Build changes
- Update the build for publishing #189, by @anthonylavado
- Bump version number for 1.3.0 #187, by @thornbill
- Add missing lint script #178, by @thornbill
- Add Github Actions for eslint, conflicts, and codeql #173, by @thornbill
Jellyfin Mobile 1.2.0
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release on the Apple App Store includes some exciting new features!
- Localization support! Thanks to our community translators, the native screens in the app are now available in 23 languages! You can help further improve our support through our Weblate server.
- An in-app setting to keep the screen awake while music is playing.
- An in-app setting to disable rotation locking for iPhones.
iPad is unsupported due to rotation locking interfering with multitasking features
- Several UI enhancements to improve the look and feel of the app.
✨ New features
- Localization
- Add localization support #103, by @thornbill
- Add German support #109, by @thornbill
- Add link to weblate #112, by @thornbill
- Enable new languages #111, by @thornbill
- Add support for additional languages #126, by @thornbill
- Add gitattributes to help Weblate merge changes #127, by @thornbill
- Add Hungarian support #145, by @thornbill
- Add Tamil support #151, by @thornbill
- UI enhancements
- Fix huge logo on add server screen #84, by @thornbill
- UI cleanup #85, by @thornbill
- Update settings style #114, by @thornbill
- Add name to delete server alert #115, by @thornbill
- Improve add server screen layout in landscape #123, by @thornbill
- Fix background color of root view #125, by @thornbill
- Use keep awake to avoid suspension of music playback #82, by @rvilarl
- Add settings for keep awake and rotation lock #100, by @thornbill
🐛 Bug fixes
- Allow either landscape direction after initial rotation #88 , by @thornbill
- Add safe area support #91, by @thornbill
- Prevent going back when no servers are added #95, by @thornbill
- Remove add server overlay #97, by @thornbill
- Fix unhandled promise rejection when server offline #113, by @thornbill
- Refactor HomeScreen and fix pull to refresh #119, by @thornbill
- Fix NativeShell for Android #120, by @thornbill
- Fix HTTP error handling #124, by @thornbill
- Fix tab bar not hiding in fullscreen state #130, by @thornbill
- Remove orientation lock setting for iPad #131, by @thornbill
- Fix navigating home on tab press #132, by @thornbill
- Fix book player by allowing about:srcdoc #135, by @thornbill
- Fix extra bottom padding when not in fullscreen #139, by @thornbill
- Wait for store to be ready before starting app #140, by @thornbill
- Fix crash on iOS 10 due to call stack size #143, by @thornbill
- Fix race condition on app initialization #144, by @thornbill
- Fix race condition, but for real this time #147, by @thornbill
- Fix resetting rotation lock setting and update name to be accurate #149, by @thornbill
🎨 Code quality
- Cleanup App component #89, by @thornbill
- Migrate to mobx for global app state #93, by @thornbill
- Refactor settings screen #99, by @thornbill
- Use utility function for icon names #102, by @thornbill
- Remove usage of mobx decorators #105, by @thornbill
- Update lint rules #118, by @thornbill
⬆️ Dependency upgrades
- Update dependencies #107, by @thornbill
🔧 Build changes
- Bump version number #133, by @thornbill
- Bump build number #141, by @thornbill
- Bump build number #146, by @thornbill
- Bump build number #150, by @thornbill
📖 Documentation
- Update readme with badges and faq #96, by @thornbill
- Fix broken App Store badge in readme #108, by @thornbill
- Add translations info to readme #110, by @thornbill
Jellyfin Mobile 1.1.1
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release on the Apple App Store fixes a routing issue in the last release.
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix issues routing between Main and AddServer screens #72, by @thornbill
Jellyfin Mobile 1.1.0
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This release on the Apple App Store provides backend enhancements, as well as improved navigation and rotation handling.
Jellyfin Mobile 1.0.1
Thank you for using Jellyfin!
This represents the current release build on the Apple App Store.
Build 3 of the initial beta release.
This includes multi-server support, and revised orientation lock.