This is a repository of source files for various utility Docker container images. The corresponding README file for each image usually has some information about how to use it. Feedback/contributions welcome. Special thanks to the distro package maintainers who have volunteered to take on the responsibility of keeping their packages up to date!
The image sources in this repo are automatically built at least once every 7 days and these scheduled builds are published to .
The name "conex" is a reference to the Conex box, the key component of containerization (in freight transport). Docker's creators make frequent use of the shipping container metaphor because the way that Docker standardizes (and thereby improves) the packaging, auditing, delivery, isolation, and use of software is analogous to the way the shipping container standardized (and thereby revolutionized) the packaging, tracking, isolation, and delivery of freight.
We aspire to have these images follow our Dockerization Guidelines.
LICENSE NOTE: This repo contains code for installing and running 3rd party software packages in Docker containers. Unless otherwise noted the code in this repo is subject to the LICENSE file. The use of the generated images is subject to the terms of the respective software packages.
Name | Description | Dockerfile Link | Image Link |
7z | alpine:edge -based dockerization of p7zip |
Dockerfile | backplane/7z |
abe | amazoncorretto:16-alpine -based dockerization of android-backup-extractor, a "utility to extract and repack Android backups created with adb backup" |
Dockerfile | backplane/abe |
adb | debian:stable-slim -based dockerization of the Android Debug Bridge |
Dockerfile | backplane/adb |
amplify-vueenv | alpine:edge -based image for working with Vue.js and AWS Amplify Framework; meant to be run interactively during development and also used as a builder stage for Vue CLI-based apps in a multi-stage image build |
Dockerfile | backplane/amplify-vueenv |
ansible | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of ansible, ansible-runner, and molecule |
Dockerfile | backplane/ansible |
apg | alpine:edge -based dockerization of apg -- the "Automated Password Generator" |
Dockerfile | backplane/apg |
audiosprite | alpine:edge -based dockerization of audiosprite, the "ffmpeg wrapper that will take in multiple audio files and combines them into a single file" |
Dockerfile | backplane/audiosprite |
bind | alpine:edge -based dockerization of bind, the DNS server software |
Dockerfile | backplane/bind |
bpython | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of the bpython interpreter |
Dockerfile | backplane/bpython |
cdk-python | alpine:edge -based dockerization of AWS CDK, the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Python. |
Dockerfile | backplane/cdk-python |
chardet | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of chardet, The Universal Character Encoding Detector |
Dockerfile | backplane/chardet |
checkmake | scratch -based single-binary dockerization of checkmake, the Makefile linter |
Dockerfile | backplane/checkmake |
chromium | debian:unstable-slim -based dockerization of the Google Chromium web browser |
Dockerfile | backplane/chromium |
compose_sort | alpine:edge -based dockerization of compose_sort , a CLI utility for sorting docker-compose files |
Dockerfile | backplane/compose_sort |
conex-helper | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of a utility program which helps manage the backplane/conex github repo |
Dockerfile | backplane/conex-helper |
false | scratch -based single-binary no-op container that always exits unsuccessfully |
Dockerfile | backplane/false |
firefox | debian:unstable-slim -based dockerization of the Firefox web browser |
Dockerfile | backplane/firefox |
ghlatest | scratch-based dockerization of ghlatest, a release downloader utility | Dockerfile | backplane/ghlatest |
goenv | alpine:edge -based dockerization of the go programming language compiler and tools |
Dockerfile | backplane/goenv |
grta | scratch -based single-binary container image which provides an HTTP endpoint which receives webhooks and writes the PSK-validated payloads to disk |
Dockerfile | backplane/grta |
htpasswd | alpine -based dockerization of apache2-utils which provides htpasswd |
Dockerfile | backplane/htpasswd |
httpie | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of HTTPie the versatile command line HTTP client |
Dockerfile | backplane/httpie |
hugo | distroless/cc -based dockerization of hugo-extended -- the static site generator |
Dockerfile | backplane/hugo |
jq | alpine:edge -based dockerization of jq |
Dockerfile | backplane/jq |
json-server | alpine:edge -based dockerization of json-server |
Dockerfile | backplane/json-server |
kp1p | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of kp1p, a utility for translating csv files exported from KeePassX/KeePassXC into a csv format that is better supported by 1Password. |
Dockerfile | backplane/kp1p |
lxde | debian:stable-slim -based dockerization of TigerVNC running an LXDE X11 desktop environment |
Dockerfile | backplane/lxde |
mate | debian:stable-slim -based dockerization of TigerVNC running the MATE Desktop Environment |
Dockerfile | backplane/mate |
mssql-scripter | python:3-slim -based dockerization of mssql-scripter, a tool for scripting SQL Server databases |
Dockerfile | backplane/mssql-scripter |
myip | scratch -based single-binary container image which provides an HTTP endpoint which returns the user's own IP address in JSON format |
Dockerfile | backplane/myip |
ods_conv | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of a Python utility that converts ODS documents into other formats (currently JSON and CSV). ODS document format support is provided by pyexcel-ods3. |
Dockerfile | backplane/ods_conv |
alpine:edge -based dockerization of poppler-utils with a thin wrapper. |
Dockerfile | backplane/pdf | |
pgformatter | perl:5-slim -based dockerization of pgFormatter the PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier |
Dockerfile | backplane/pgformatter |
proxyport | alpine:edge -based sidecar container for forwarding ports to remote hosts |
Dockerfile | backplane/proxyport |
pwgen | alpine:edge -based dockerization of pwgen -- the password generator written by Theodore Ts'o |
Dockerfile | backplane/pwgen |
pygmentize | alpine:edge -based dockerization of the pygmentize utility from the Pygments generic syntax highlighter package |
Dockerfile | backplane/pygmentize |
qrencode | alpine:edge -based dockerization of qrencode, the command-line utility for generating QR codes in various formats (PNG, terminal text, etc.) |
Dockerfile | backplane/qrencode |
shunit2 | alpine:edge -based dockerization of shUnit2, the "xUnit-based unit test framework for Bourne-based shell scripts." |
Dockerfile | backplane/shunit2 |
snakeeyes | scratch -based single-binary container image featuring snakeeyes, the command-line passphrase generator |
Dockerfile | backplane/snakeeyes |
sql-formatter | alpine:edge -based dockerization of sql-formatter the util for formatting SQL queries |
Dockerfile | backplane/sql-formatter |
toolbox | ubuntu:latest -based image that includes a collection of common debugging tools for developers and system administrators |
Dockerfile | backplane/toolbox |
toybox | scratch -based dockerization of toybox, the BusyBox-alternative with a BSD-license |
Dockerfile | backplane/toybox |
true | scratch -based single-binary no-op container that always exits successfully |
Dockerfile | backplane/true |
tsqllint | alpine:edge -based dockerization of TSQLLint the util for listing mssql code |
Dockerfile | backplane/tsqllint |
update_requirements | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of update_requirements, the utility for updating requirements files |
Dockerfile | backplane/update_requirements |
upx | alpine:edge -based dockerization of UPX - the "Ultimate Packer for eXecutables" |
Dockerfile | backplane/upx |
vueenv | alpine:edge -based image for working with Vue.js; meant to be run interactively during development and also used as a builder stage for Vue CLI-based apps in a multi-stage image build |
Dockerfile | backplane/vueenv |
wimlib-imagex | alpine:edge -based dockerization of the wimlib-imagex utility from the open source Windows Imaging (WIM) library |
Dockerfile | backplane/wimlib-imagex |
wireguard | alpine:edge -based dockerization of WireGuard, the free open-source VPN software |
Dockerfile | backplane/wireguard |
wpa_passphrase | scratch -based container image which contains the wpa_passphrase utility from Jouni Malinen's wpa_supplicant package |
Dockerfile | backplane/wpa_passphrase |
yamllint | python:3-alpine -based dockerization of yamllint, the linter for YAML files. |
Dockerfile | backplane/yamllint |
youtube-dl | alpine:edge -based dockerization of youtube-dl, the command-line media download utility with support for about 1000 sites |
Dockerfile | backplane/youtube-dl |
yq | scratch -based dockerization of yq, the command-line YAML processor. |
Dockerfile | backplane/yq |