-based image that includes a collection of common debugging tools for developers and system administrators
The image provides convenient access to these tools in isolated environments.
The following tools are installed:
- bash: The Bourne Again SHell.
- bind9-dnsutils: DNS utilities for debugging domain name services.
- curl: Command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP).
- iproute2: Advanced IP packet routing and management tools.
- iputils-ping: Tools for testing network connectivity (ping, traceroute).
- nano: Lightweight text editor.
- neovim: Modern Vim editor.
- net-tools: Network configuration and monitoring tools.
- netcat-traditional: TCP/IP utilities (nc).
- p7zip: 7-Zip compression tool with encryption support.
- ripgrep: Fast search tool combining features of
andThe Silver Searcher
. - tmux: Terminal multiplexer for session management.
- traceroute: Tool to trace the route data packets take across networks.
- unzip: Utility to extract files in ZIP archives.
The source code for this image is hosted on GitHub in the backplane/conex repo.
The image is hosted on Docker Hub in the backplane/toolbox repo.
This example shows how to run the image with the current working directory mounted into the container:
docker run --rm -it --volume "$(pwd):/work" backplane/toolbox:latest