-based dockerization of a Python utility that converts ODS documents into other formats (currently JSON and CSV). ODS document format support is provided by pyexcel-ods3.
The source code for this image is hosted on GitHub in the backplane/conex repo.
This is the program's usage text:
usage: ods_conv [-h] [-j] [-c] odsfiles [odsfiles ...]
convert ODS documents to other formats
positional arguments:
odsfiles ODS files to convert
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j, --json write a JSON copy of the document (default: False)
-c, --csv write a CSV copy of each worksheet in the document (default: False)
I use the following shell function to run this image:
ods_conv() {
docker run \
--rm \
--interactive \
--tty \
--volume "$(pwd):/work" \
"backplane/ods_conv" \