A curated list of awesome C++ frameworks, libraries and software.
- electron/electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- BVLC/caffe - Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
- opencv/opencv - Open Source Computer Vision Library
- bitcoin/bitcoin - Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
- Microsoft/CNTK - Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), an open source deep-learning toolkit
- cocos2d/cocos2d-x - Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools used by thousands of developers all over the world.
- facebook/folly - An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
- CRYTEK-CRYENGINE/CRYENGINE - CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game development platform created by Crytek.
- dmlc/xgboost - Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow
- ocornut/imgui - Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- xbmc/xbmc - Kodi Main Repository - By using this code you agree with our policy and will follow the GPLv2 license as included
- SFTtech/openage - Free (as in freedom) open source clone of the Age of Empires II engine 🚀
- sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser - Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) project. Previously known as "SQLite Database Browser" and "Database Browser for SQLite". Website at:
- openframeworks/openFrameworks - openFrameworks is a community-developed cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++.
- googlei18n/libphonenumber - Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers.
- nlohmann/json - JSON for Modern C++
- facebook/proxygen - A collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
- bjorn/tiled - A generic tile map editor
- philsquared/Catch - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
- sandstorm-io/capnproto - Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC system
- miloyip/rapidjson - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
- Automattic/node-canvas - Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.
- ssloy/tinyrenderer - Support c++ code for a short computer graphics course
- TrinityCore/TrinityCore - TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework
- sass/libsass - A C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
- zeromq/libzmq - ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.0
- Maximus5/ConEmu - Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style and more
- kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- ceph/ceph - Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform
- chenshuo/muduo - A C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux
- ipkn/crow - Crow is very fast and easy to use C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask)
- citra-emu/citra - A Nintendo 3DS Emulator
- scylladb/scylla - NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
- hrydgard/ppsspp - A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++. Want to contribute? Join us in #ppsspp on freenode (IRC) or just send pull requests / issues. For discussion use the forums on ppsspp.org.
- jasarien/Provenance - An iOS/tvOS Frontend for multiple emulators, currently supporting Sega Genesis, Game Gear/Master System, Sega CD, 32X, SNES, NES, GB/GBC, GBA, Atari 2600 and 7800.
- tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn - header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11
- ricochet-im/ricochet - Anonymous peer-to-peer instant messaging
- mawww/kakoune - mawww's experiment for a better code editor
- electronicarts/EASTL - EASTL stands for Electronic Arts Standard Template Library. It is an extensive and robust implementation that has an emphasis on high performance.
- scylladb/seastar - High performance server-side application framework
- googlecartographer/cartographer - Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
- fmtlib/fmt - Small, safe and fast formatting library
- yandex/ClickHouse - ClickHouse is a free analytic DBMS for big data.
- gameplay3d/GamePlay - Open-source, cross-platform, C++ game framework/engine for creating 2D/3D mobile and desktop games.
- AGWA/git-crypt - Transparent file encryption in git
- gabime/spdlog - Super fast C++ logging library.
- Mooophy/Cpp-Primer - C++ Primer 5 answers
- BYVoid/OpenCC - A project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
- pybind/pybind11 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- open-source-parsers/jsoncpp - A C++ library for interacting with JSON.
- CppCon/CppCon2014 - Speaker materials from CppCon 2014
- spotify/annoy - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-native - Interactive vector maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by OpenGL
- cuberite/cuberite - A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson - 📟 C++ JSON library for IoT. Simple and efficient.
- oclint/oclint - A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C
- cameron314/concurrentqueue - A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
- gzc/CLRS - 📓Solutions to Introduction to Algorithms
- google/re2 - RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
- nghttp2/nghttp2 - nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library and tools
- mapnik/mapnik - Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
- zaphoyd/websocketpp - C++ websocket client/server library
- kaldi-asr/kaldi - This is now the official location of the Kaldi project.
- aseprite/aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- arrayfire/arrayfire - ArrayFire: a general purpose GPU library.
- urho3d/Urho3D - Cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- Project-OSRM/osrm-backend - Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
- davisking/dlib - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
- BearishSun/BansheeEngine - Modern C++14 game engine with Vulkan support, fully featured editor and C# scripting
- leethomason/tinyxml2 - TinyXML2 is a simple, small, efficient, C++ XML parser that can be easily integrated into other programs.
- jrowberg/i2cdevlib - I2C device library collection for AVR/Arduino or other C++-based MCUs
- Microsoft/cpprestsdk - The C++ REST SDK is a Microsoft project for cloud-based client-server communication in native code using a modern asynchronous C++ API design. This project aims to help C++ developers connect to and interact with services.
- MasteringOpenCV/code - Code for the book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects" by Packt Publishing 2012.
- google/zopfli - Zopfli Compression Algorithm is a compression library programmed in C to perform very good, but slow, deflate or zlib compression.
- wxWidgets/wxWidgets - Cross-Platform GUI Library - Report issues here: http://trac.wxwidgets.org/
- swig/swig - SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.
- thrust/thrust - Thrust is a parallel algorithms library which resembles the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
- xtaci/algorithms - Algorithms & Data structures in C++.
- mlpack/mlpack - mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library --
- clementine-player/Clementine - 🍊 Clementine Music Player
- cocos2d/cocos2d-js - cocos2d-x for JS
- shogun-toolbox/shogun - The Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox (Source Code)
- forhappy/Cplusplus-Concurrency-In-Practice - A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
- matt-42/silicon - A high performance, middleware oriented C++14 http web framework
- chukong/quick-cocos2d-x - quick-cocos2d-x is a quick framework, based on cocos2d-x. Make mobile games in Lua.
- mkeeter/antimony - CAD from a parallel universe
- jgh-/VideoCore - An audio and video manipulation pipeline
- FreeCAD/FreeCAD - This is the official source code of FreeCAD
- opencv/opencv_contrib - Repository for OpenCV's extra modules
- CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA - Cataclysm - Dark Days Ahead. A fork/variant of Cataclysm Roguelike by Whales.
- mosra/magnum - C++11/C++14 and OpenGL graphics engine
- brndnmtthws/conky - Light-weight system monitor for X.
- CppCon/CppCon2015 - Presentation Materials from CppCon 2015
- dropbox/json11 - A tiny JSON library for C++11.
- baidu/tera - An Internet-Scale Database.
- ripple/rippled - Decentralized cryptocurrency blockchain daemon implementing the Ripple Consensus Ledger in C++
- mit-nlp/MITIE - MITIE: library and tools for information extraction
- qTox/qTox - Powerful Tox chat client that follows the Tox design guidelines.
- gosu/gosu - 2D game development library for Ruby and C++
- wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial - 中文的C++ Template的教学指南。与知名书籍C++ Templates不同,该系列教程将C++ Templates作为一门图灵完备的语言来讲授,以求帮助读者对Meta-Programming融会贯通。(正在施工中)
- arturadib/node-qt - C++ Qt bindings for Node.js
- llvm-mirror/clang - Mirror of official clang git repository located at http://llvm.org/git/clang. Updated every five minutes.
- google/glog - C++ implementation of the Google logging module
- danmar/cppcheck - static analysis of C/C++ code
- miguelfreitas/twister-core - twister core / daemon
- NixOS/nix - Nix, the purely functional package manager
- muflihun/easyloggingpp - Single header C++ logging library. It is extremely powerful, extendable, light-weight, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc.
- tencent-wechat/phxpaxos - C++ Paxos library that has been used in Wechat production environment.
- actor-framework/actor-framework - An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++
- d5/node.native - C++11 port for the Node: native performance and modern simplicity.
- CppCon/CppCon2016 - Slides and other materials from CppCon 2016
- Hawstein/cracking-the-coding-interview - Solutions for the book: Cracking the coding interview V4. Written in C++.
- wang-bin/QtAV - A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg. High performance. User & developer friendly. Supports Android, iOS, Windows store and desktops. 基于Qt和FFmpeg的跨平台高性能音视频播放框架
- USCiLab/cereal - A C++11 library for serialization
- drmeister/clasp - clasp Common Lisp environment
- simtr/The-Powder-Toy - Written in C++ and using SDL, The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox, it simulates air pressure and velocity as well as heat.
- floooh/oryol - A small, portable and extensible C++ 3D coding framework
- dmlc/cxxnet - move forward to /~https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet
- beniz/deepdetect - Deep Learning API and Server in C++11 with Python bindings and support for Caffe, Tensorflow and XGBoost
- nmap/nmap - Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.
- vgvassilev/cling - The interactive C++ interpreter Cling
- ccMSC/ckb - RGB Driver for Linux and OS X
- Lexikos/AutoHotkey_L - AutoHotkey - macro-creation and automation-oriented scripting utility for Windows.
- ibaaj/dijkstra-cartography - Using Dijkstra's algorithm ("finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph") to draw maps 🌍.
- MrKepzie/Natron - Open-source compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionalities to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
- asmjit/asmjit - Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++
- msgpack/msgpack-c - MessagePack implementation for C and C++ / msgpack.org[C/C++]
- whoshuu/cpr - C++ Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests
- facebook/fbthrift - Facebook's branch of Apache Thrift, including a new C++ server.
- networkprotocol/libyojimbo - A C++ library for creating secure client/server network protocols over UDP
- nem0/LumixEngine - 3D Game Engine
- ericniebler/range-v3 - Experimental range library for C++11/14/17
- flutter/engine - The Flutter engine
- cocaine/cocaine-core - An open platform to build your own PaaS clouds.
- zeux/pugixml - Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
- Microsoft/Win2D - Win2D is an easy-to-use Windows Runtime API for immediate mode 2D graphics rendering with GPU acceleration. It is available to C#, C++ and VB developers writing Windows apps for Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10. It utilizes the power of Direct2D, and integrates seamlessly with XAML and CoreWindow.
- lyft/envoy - C++ front/service proxy
- chriskohlhoff/asio - Asio C++ Library
- ethereum/cpp-ethereum - Ethereum C++ client
- Andersbakken/rtags - A c/c++ client/server indexer for c/c++/objc[++] with integration for Emacs based on clang.
- yinqiwen/ardb - A redis protocol compatible nosql, it support multiple storage engines as backend like Google's LevelDB, Facebook's RocksDB, OpenLDAP's LMDB, PerconaFT, WiredTiger, ForestDB.
- simbody/simbody - High-performance C++ multibody dynamics/physics library for simulating articulated biomechanical and mechanical systems like vehicles, robots, and the human skeleton.
- ChaiScript/ChaiScript - Embedded Scripting Language Designed for C++
- RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus/RuntimeCompiledCPlusPlus - Change C++ code at runtime
- ketoo/NoahGameFrame - A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG/MOBA ), which support C#/Lua script/ Unity3d, Cocos2dx and plan to support Unreal. BBS: http://bbs.noahframe.com
- kripken/BananaBread - BananaBread is a C++ 3D game engine that runs on the web using JavaScript+WebGL+HTML
- GPUOpen-ProfessionalCompute-Tools/HIP - HIP : Convert CUDA to Portable C++ Code
- owncloud/client - 💻 Desktop Syncing Client for ownCloud
- CopernicaMarketingSoftware/PHP-CPP - Library to build PHP extensions with C++
- onqtam/doctest - The lightest feature-rich C++98/C++11 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD
- solodon4/Mach7 - Pattern-matching library for C++
- eranif/codelite - CodeLite, a cross platform C/C++/PHP and Node.js IDE written in C++
- beark/ftl - C++ template library for fans of functional programming
- progschj/ThreadPool - A simple C++11 Thread Pool implementation
- lltcggie/waifu2x-caffe - waifu2xのCaffe版
- naelstrof/maim - maim (make image) takes screenshots of your desktop. It has options to take only a region, and relies on slop to query for regions. maim is supposed to be an improved scrot.
- Reactive-Extensions/RxCpp - Reactive Extensions for C++
- 9miao/CrossApp - Cross-Platform Mobile APP Development Engine
- tunabrain/tungsten - High performance physically based renderer in C++11
- happynear/caffe-windows - Configure Caffe in one hour for Windows users.
- cloose/CuteMarkEd - Qt Markdown Editor
- SupSuper/OpenXcom - Open-source clone of the original X-Com 👽
- alecthomas/entityx - EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system
- rbock/sqlpp11 - A type safe SQL template library for C++
- KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Hpp - Open-Source Vulkan C++ API
- cgdb/cgdb - Console front-end to the GNU debugger
- spotify/echoprint-codegen - Codegen for Echoprint
- zeroc-ice/ice - Comprehensive RPC framework with support for C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and more.
- hluk/CopyQ - Clipboard manager with advanced features
- yanyiwu/cppjieba - "结巴"中文分词的C++版本
- nodejs/node-addon-examples - Node.js C++ addon examples from http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/addons.html
- gigablast/open-source-search-engine - A distributed open source search engine and spider/crawler written in C/C++ for Linux on Intel/AMD. From gigablast dot com, which has binaries for download. See the README.md file at the very bottom of this page for instructions.
- yedf/handy - 简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
- bloomberg/bde - Basic Development Environment - a set of foundational C++ libraries used at Bloomberg.
- arvidn/libtorrent - an efficient feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation
- vczh-libraries/GacUI - GPU Accelerated C++ User Interface, with WYSIWYG developing tools, XML supports, built-in data binding and MVVM features.
- OtterBrowser/otter-browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
- charto/nbind - Magical headers that make your C++ library accessible from JavaScript
- BitFunnel/NativeJIT - A C++ expression -> x64 JIT
- bwapi/bwapi - Brood War API
- toggl/toggldesktop - Toggl Desktop app for Windows, Mac and Linux
- panda3d/panda3d - Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
- appleseedhq/appleseed - A modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects
- mfontanini/libtins - High-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
- google/mathfu - C++ math library developed primarily for games focused on simplicity and efficiency.
- sftrabbit/CppSamples-Samples - A repository of modern C++ samples curated by the community.
- Microsoft/DirectXTK - The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++
- wichtounet/thor-os - Simple operating system in C++, written from scratch
- gnuradio/gnuradio - GNU Radio
- akrennmair/newsbeuter - Newsbeuter is an open-source RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals.
- eidheim/Simple-Web-Server - A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent HTTP and HTTPS server and client library implemented using C++11 and Boost.Asio. Created to be an easy way to make REST resources available from C++ applications.
- socketio/socket.io-client-cpp - C++11 implementation of Socket.IO client
- quarnster/SublimeClang - C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ autocompletions and code navigation
- gflags/gflags - The gflags package contains a C++ library that implements commandline flags processing. It includes built-in support for standard types such as string and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they are used. Online documentation available at:
- boostorg/compute - A C++ GPU Computing Library for OpenCL
- bombela/backward-cpp - A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++
- julianstorer/JUCE - The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework.
- dmlc/mshadow - Matrix Shadow:Lightweight CPU/GPU Matrix and Tensor Template Library in C++/CUDA for (Deep) Machine Learning
- pezy/CppPrimer - 📚 C++ Primer 5 exercise answers.
- TorchCraft/TorchCraft - Connecting Torch to StarCraft
- include-what-you-use/include-what-you-use - A tool for use with clang to analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
- libigl/libigl - Simple C++ geometry processing library.
- schlangster/cpp.react - C++React: A reactive programming library for C++11.
- REhints/HexRaysCodeXplorer - Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
- protobuf-c/protobuf-c - Protocol Buffers implementation in C
- eliben/llvm-clang-samples - Examples of using the LLVM and Clang compilation libraries and tools
- cameron314/readerwriterqueue - A fast single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++
- kkaefer/node-cpp-modules - Guide for writing C++ node.js extensions
- yyzybb537/libgo - Go-style concurrency in C++11
- xuelangZF/CS_Offer - 计算机学科基础知识和主流编程语言相关内容的总结
- preshing/junction - Concurrent data structures in C++
- facebook/fatal - Fatal is a library for fast prototyping software in modern C++. It provides facilities to enhance the expressive power of C++. The library is heavily based on template meta-programming, while keeping the complexity under-the-hood.
- STEllAR-GROUP/hpx - The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Parallelism
- PurpleI2P/i2pd - Full C++ implementation of I2P client
- dmlc/minerva - Minerva: a fast and flexible tool for deep learning on multi-GPU. It provides ndarray programming interface, just like Numpy. Python bindings and C++ bindings are both available. The resulting code can be run on CPU or GPU. Multi-GPU support is very easy.
- jbeder/yaml-cpp - A YAML parser and emitter in C++
- jeremyong/Selene - Simple C++11 friendly header-only bindings to Lua
- tencent-wechat/phxrpc - A simple C++ based RPC framework.
- matt-42/iod - Meta programming utilities for C++14
- iauns/cpm - C++ Package Manager
- jeaye/color_coded - A vim plugin for libclang-based highlighting in C, C++, ObjC
- OpenRTMFP/Cumulus - CumulusServer is a complete open source and cross-platform RTMFP server extensible by way of scripting
- cppit/jucipp - juCi++: a lightweight, cross-platform C++-IDE supporting C++11, C++14, and experimental C++17 features
- Microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler - This repo hosts the source for the DirectX Shader Compiler which is based on LLVM/Clang.
- wisk/medusa - An open source interactive disassembler
- crawl/crawl - Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup official repository
- vinniefalco/DSPFilters - A Collection of Useful C++ Classes for Digital Signal Processing
- hsutter/gcpp - Experimental deferred and unordered destruction library for C++
- shurcooL/Conception - Conception was an experimental project, looking for ways to make software development more efficient.
- khizmax/libcds - A C++ library of Concurrent Data Structures
- GraphChi/graphchi-cpp - GraphChi's C++ version. Big Data - small machine.
- imageworks/OpenShadingLanguage - Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
- google/fruit - Fruit, a dependency injection framework for C++
- OpenImageIO/oiio - OpenImageIO
- kw-udon/constexpr-8cc - Compile-time C Compiler implemented as C++14 constant expressions
- Dobiasd/FunctionalPlus - helps you write concise and readable C++ code.
- ThePhD/sol2 - Sol v2.0 - a C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance - is here, and it's great! Documentation:
- spmallick/learnopencv - Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
- opentrack/opentrack - Head tracking software for MS Windows, Linux, and Apple OSX
- LibreCAD/LibreCAD - LibreCAD is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework. It can read DXF and DWG files and can write DXF, PDF and SVG files. The user interface is highly customizable, and has dozens of translations.
- SuperTux/supertux - SuperTux source code
- realm/realm-core - Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
- inspircd/inspircd - A modular C++ IRC daemon (ircd).
- kazuho/picojson - a header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++
- hughperkins/DeepCL - OpenCL library to train deep convolutional neural networks
- weidai11/cryptopp - free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
- lballabio/quantlib-old - The QuantLib C++ library and extensions (warning: out of date)
- mapbox/tippecanoe - Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features.
- ChenglongChen/Kaggle_CrowdFlower - 1st Place Solution for Search Results Relevance Competition on Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/c/crowdflower-search-relevance)
- HowardHinnant/date - A date and time library based on the C++11 (and beyond) header
- randombit/botan - Crypto and TLS for C++11
- clMathLibraries/clBLAS - a software library containing BLAS functions written in OpenCL
- NathanCastle/BootShellCredentialProvider - Windows 10 Credential Provider intended to simplify the process of logging directly into alternative shells to Windows Explorer.
- Cockatrice/Cockatrice - A cross-platform virtual tabletop for multiplayer card games
- rdp/screen-capture-recorder-to-video-windows-free - a free open source windows "screen capture" device and recorder (also allows VLC/ffmpeg and others to capture/stream desktop/audio)
- ErisBlastar/cplusequality - Feminist Software Foundation C+=, a new language for us feminists
- lvandeve/lodepng - PNG encoder and decoder in C and C++.
- MTG/essentia - C++ library of algorithms to extract features from audio files, including Python bindings.
- jscheiny/Streams - Lazy evaluation in C++ - http://jscheiny.github.io/Streams/
- GPUOpen-Tools/CodeXL - CodeXL is a comprehensive tool suite that enables developers to harness the benefits of CPUs, GPUs and APUs.
- RSATom/WebChimera.js - [suspended] libvlc binding for node.js/io.js/Node-Webkit/NW.js/Electron
- c-ares/c-ares - A C library for asynchronous DNS requests
- micknoise/Maximilian - C++ Audio and Music DSP Library
- aws/aws-sdk-cpp - AWS SDK for C++
- xiaojiaqi/C1000kPracticeGuide - A C1000k demo with detailed description
- NathanEpstein/Pavlov.js - Reinforcement learning using Markov Decision Processes. For JS, written in C++.
- cjcliffe/CubicSDR - Cross-Platform Software-Defined Radio Application
- CGAL/cgal - The public CGAL repository, see the README below
- Ultimaker/CuraEngine - CuraEngine is a powerful, fast and robust engine for processing 3D models into 3D printing instruction for Ultimaker and other GCode based 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project called "Cura".
- lukasmartinelli/py14 - Python to C++ 14 transpiler
- woboq/woboq_codebrowser - Woboq CodeBrowser
- herumi/xbyak - a JIT assembler for x86(IA-32)/x64(AMD64, x86-64) MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE4/FPU/AVX/AVX2/AVX-512 by C++ header
- lballabio/QuantLib - The QuantLib C++ library
- 4ian/GD - 🎮 GDevelop is an open source HTML5 and native game creator requiring no coding skills.
- shadowsocks/libQtShadowsocks - A lightweight and ultra-fast shadowsocks library written in C++/Qt
- docopt/docopt.cpp - C++11 port of docopt
- Smoothieware/Smoothieware - Modular, opensource, high performance G-code interpreter and CNC controller written in Object-Oriented C++
- mmackh/MAImagePickerController-of-InstaPDF - Fully customizable UIImagePicker replacement with flexible cropping, filters, perspective correction, rotation etc.
- mrtazz/restclient-cpp - C++ client for making HTTP/REST requests
- Microsoft/cppwinrt - C++/WinRT is a standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime.
- tomhrr/dale - Lisp-flavoured C
- quickfix/quickfix - QuickFIX C++ Fix Engine Library
- kylemcdonald/FaceTracker - Real time deformable face tracking in C++ with OpenCV 2.
- meganz/sdk - MEGA C++ SDK
- SOCI/soci - SOCI - The C++ Database Access Library. This is official repository the SOCI project.
- whoozle/android-file-transfer-linux - Android File Transfer for Linux
- leetcoders/LeetCode - Solve problems from LeetCode.
- MCGallaspy/dr_strangetemplate - A guide for the rest of us on using C++ templates.
- Corvusoft/restbed - Corvusoft's Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to C++11 applications.
- ryanhaining/cppitertools - Implementation of python itertools and builtin iteration functions for C++14
- billmccord/OpenCV-Android - A project for porting and optimizing OpenCV for Google's Android OS
- otland/forgottenserver - A free and open-source MMORPG server emulator written in C++
- loarabia/Clang-tutorial - A collection of code samples showing usage of clang and llvm as a library
- yse/easy_profiler - Lightweight profiler library for c++
- GoldenCheetah/GoldenCheetah - 🐆 Performance Software for Cyclists, Runners and Triathletes
- myang-git/QR-Code-Encoder-for-Objective-C - An implementation of QR code encoder for Objective-C ported from Psytec library
- stefanocasazza/ULib - C++ application development framework, to help developers create and deploy applications very fast and more simple
- haseebr/competitive-programming - my foray into the world of competitive programming
- sparsehash/sparsehash - C++ associative containers
- kylemcdonald/ofxCv - Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks.
- cnjinhao/nana - a modern C++ GUI library
- thewtex/tmux-mem-cpu-load - CPU, RAM, and load monitor for use with tmux
- topcpporg/cinatra - A sinatra inspired modern c++ web framework
- vrtadmin/clamav-devel - ClamAV Development
- csmith-project/creduce - C-Reduce, a C program reducer
- rwengine/openrw - OpenRW "Open ReWrite" is an un-official open source recreation of the classic Grand Theft Auto III game executable
- dpayne/cli-visualizer - CLI based audio visualizer
- greg7mdp/sparsepp - A fast, memory efficient hash map for C++
- dreamworksanimation/openvdb - OpenVDB Development Repository
- xoreos/xoreos - A reimplementation of BioWare's Aurora engine (and derivatives). Pre-pre-alpha :P
- cpputest/cpputest - CppUTest unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
- cms-sw/cmssw - CMS Offline Software
- lsegal/my_toy_compiler - My Toy Compiler. Read about how I did it at the homepage URL
- phoboslab/JavaScriptCore-iOS - Apple's JavaScript Engine, with modified project files for iOS
- cginternals/glbinding - A C++ binding for the OpenGL API, generated using the gl.xml specification.
- Polytonic/Chlorine - Dead Simple OpenCL
- sourcey/libsourcey - C++11 evented IO libraries for high performance networking and media based applications
- MultiMC/MultiMC5 - A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once
- stellar/stellar-core - stellar-core is the backbone of the Stellar network. It maintains a local copy of the ledger, communicating and staying in sync with other instances of stellar-core on the network. Optionally, stellar-core can store historical records of the ledger and participate in consensus.
- FWGS/cs16-client - Counter-Strike 1.6 rewritten client.dll. Without VGUI, ParticleMan and ecology friendy.
- boostcon/cppnow_presentations_2014 - Presentation materials presented at C++Now 2014
- ddemidov/vexcl - VexCL is a C++ vector expression template library for OpenCL/CUDA
- Level/leveldown - Pure C++ Node.js LevelDB binding serving as the back-end to LevelUP
- dmlc/dmlc-core - A common bricks library for building scalable and portable distributed machine learning.
- mlabbe/nativefiledialog - A tiny, neat C library that portably invokes native file open and save dialogs.
- haikarainen/kit - C++ framework for game development.
- cztomczak/cefpython - GUI toolkit for embedding a Chromium widget in desktop applications ★ Forum:
- klmr/named-operator - Named operators for C++
- google/certificate-transparency - Auditing for TLS certificates.
- OpenZWave/open-zwave - a C++ and DotNet library to control Z-Wave Networks via a Z-Wave Controller.
- webcoyote/coho - Base libraries for C++ development
- junhyukoh/caffe-lstm - LSTM implementation on Caffe
- Ableton/atria - A toolkit for modern C++ development
- treefrogframework/treefrog-framework - TreeFrog Framework : High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Application
- oxygine/oxygine-framework - Oxygine is C++ engine and framework for 2D games on iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and Mac
- matt-42/vpp - Video++, a C++14 high performance video and image processing library.
- alexgkendall/caffe-segnet - Implementation of SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Semantic Pixel-Wise Labelling
- colobot/colobot - Source code of open-source Colobot: Gold Edition project developed by Epsitec and TerranovaTeam
- vinniefalco/Beast - HTTP and WebSocket built on Boost.Asio in C++11
- zrax/pycdc - C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
- pezy/LeetCode - ✏️ LeetCode solutions in C++ 11
- matus-chochlik/oglplus - OGLplus is a collection of open-source, cross-platform libraries which implement an object-oriented facade over the OpenGL® (version 3 and higher) and also OpenAL® (version 1.1) and EGL (version 1.4) C-language APIs. It provides wrappers which automate resource and object management and make the use of these libraries in C++ safer and more convenient.
- graphql/libgraphqlparser - A GraphQL query parser in C++ with C and C++ APIs
- douban/libmc - Fast and light-weight memcached client for C++ / #python / #golang #libmc
- milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library - Arduino plug and go library for the Maxim (previously Dallas) DS18B20 (and similar) temperature ICs
- SkyFireArchives/SkyFireEMU_406a - SkyFireEMU is a full featured F/OSS World of Warcraft: Cataclysm emulator written in C++. || Compatible with World of Warcraft client 4.0.6a (Build:13623) || Public DB is located on forum
- pmoulon/CMVS-PMVS - This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managable size. An MVS software can be used to process each cluster independently and in parallel, where the union of reconstructions from all the clusters should not miss any details that can be otherwise obtained from the whole image set. CMVS should be used in conjunction with an SfM software Bundler and an MVS software PMVS2 (PMVS version 2).
- mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver - C++ Driver for MongoDB
- lizardfs/lizardfs - LizardFS is an Open Source Distributed File System licenced under GPLv3.
- IJHack/QtPass - QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
- weicao/cascadb - Yet another write-optimized storage engine, using buffered B-tree algorithm inspired by TokuDB
- bolero-MURAKAMI/Sprout - C++11/14 constexpr based Containers, Algorithms, Random numbers, Parsing, Ray tracing, Synthesizer, and others.
- haptork/easyLambda - distributed dataflows with functional list operations for data processing with C++14
- richgel999/lzham_codec - Lossless data compression codec with LZMA-like ratios but 1.5x-8x faster decompression speed, C/C++
- clMathLibraries/clFFT - a software library containing FFT functions written in OpenCL
- amd/OpenCL-caffe - This is a Experimental version of OpenCL by AMD Research, we now recommend you to use The official BVLC Caffe OpenCL branch is over at Caffe branch now at /~https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/opencl
- ColinH/PEGTL - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
- anvaka/common-words - visualization of common words in different programming languages
- BloodAxe/OpenCV-Tutorial - A sample project demonstrating use of OpenCV library in iOS platform
- patriciogonzalezvivo/glslViewer - Live GLSL coding render for MacOS and Linux
- ceres-solver/ceres-solver - A large scale non-linear optimization library
- wjwwood/serial - Cross-platform, Serial Port library written in C++
- jckarter/clay - The Clay programming language
- Amanieu/asyncplusplus - Async++ concurrency framework for C++11
- pfultz2/Fit - C++ function utility library
- jarro2783/cxxopts - Lightweight C++ command line option parser
- log4cplus/log4cplus - log4cplus is a simple to use C++ logging API providing thread-safe, flexible, and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. It is modelled after the Java log4j API.
- card-io/card.io-Android-source - The open-source code for the card.io-Android-SDK: provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
- supertuxkart/stk-code - The code base of supertuxkart
- mozilla/mozilla-central - Note: this repo has been shut down, see http://bit.ly/17U3eMC
- bbc/audiowaveform - C++ program to generate waveform data and render waveform images from audio files
- rjpower/falcon - C Python, made faster.
- zeromq/cppzmq - C++ binding for 0MQ
- zyantific/zyan-disassembler-engine - Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library.
- fastio/pedis - NoSQL data store using the SEASTAR framework, compatible with Redis
- dariomanesku/cmft - Cross-platform open-source command-line cubemap filtering tool.
- tencent-wechat/libco - Coroutine library for C/C++
- pennyliang/MachineLearning-C---code - using c++ code to show the example of machine learning
- pfultz2/Linq - Linq for list comprehension in C++
- FidoProject/Fido - A lightweight C++ machine learning library for embedded electronics and robotics.
- sandym/swiftpp - A C++ to swift bridge implemented as a clang tool
- meta-toolkit/meta - A Modern C++ Data Sciences Toolkit
- takmin/OpenCV-Marker-less-AR - This is a marker less augmented reality application developed using OpenCV. This code can be used under MIT license. Demo movie: http://youtu.be/KgQguj78qMA
- libspatialindex/libspatialindex - C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API
- gto76/comp-cpp - Simple 4-bit virtual computer
- bombomby/brofiler - C++ Profiler For Games
- pmed/v8pp - Bind C++ functions and classes into V8 JavaScript engine
- vinipsmaker/tufao - An asynchronous web framework for C++ built on top of Qt
- rprichard/sourceweb - C/C++ source code indexer and navigator
- root-project/root - The official ROOT repository
- qiniu/cerl - CERL2.0 - Erlang Model for C++
- CloudCompare/CloudCompare - CloudCompare main repository
- stevemk14ebr/PolyHook - x86/x64 C++ Hooking Library
- miguelmartin75/anax - An open source C++ entity system.
- googlecartographer/cartographer_ros - Provides ROS integration for Cartographer.
- zhangshine/MdCharm - MdCharm Source Code
- mtytel/cursynth - GNU ncurses terminal synthesizer
- kashif/node-cuda - NVIDIA CUDA™ bindings for Node.js
- HeliumProject/Helium - C++ Frameworks and Game Engine
- kohler/click - The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
- yvt/openspades - Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75
- BartoszMilewski/Okasaki - Functional data structures in C++
- botonchou/libdnn - A lightweight and user friendly C++ library for deep and convolutional neural network with GPU acceleration
- boost-experimental/di - [Boost].DI: C++14 Dependency Injection Library
- scipr-lab/libsnark - C++ library for zkSNARKs
- fador/mineserver - Custom Minecraft server software written in C++ for Windows and Linux
- Gladdy/EasyOpenCL - The easiest way to get started with OpenCL!
- dtschump/CImg - The CImg Library is a small, open-source, and modern C++ toolkit for image processing
- plenluno/libnode - C++ implementation of Node.js
- mattbierner/Super-Template-Tetris - Tetris as a C++ Template Metaprogram
- lemire/FastPFor - The FastPFOR C++ library: Fast integer compression
- imageworks/OpenColorIO - A color management framework for visual effects and animation.
- preshing/cpp11-on-multicore - Various synchronization primitives for multithreaded applications in C++11.
- paulftw/hiberlite - C++ ORM for SQLite
- marioyc/Online-Judge-Solutions - Solutions to ACM ICPC - style problems
- nodejs/llnode - Node.js C++ lldb plugin
- datasift/served - A C++11 RESTful web server library
- plasma-umass/coz - Coz: Causal Profiling
- MRPT/mrpt - ⚡ The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT)
- kennykerr/modern - Modern C++ for the Windows Runtime
- edouarda/brigand - Instant compile time C++ 11 metaprogramming library
- google/double-conversion - Efficient binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversion routines for IEEE doubles.
- paulnasca/paulstretch_cpp - PaulStretch
- nurupo/ProjectTox-Qt-GUI - A cross-platform front end for ProjectTox Core library, written in C++11 with use of Qt5
- jlblancoc/nanoflann - nanoflann: a C++ header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search wih KD-trees
- gemrb/gemrb - Engine Made with preRendered Background
- ufna/VaRest - REST API plugin for Unreal Engine 4 - we love restfull backend and JSON communications!
- mikeizbicki/ucr-cs100 - open source software construction course
- jdeng/rbm-mnist - C++ 11 implementation of Geoff Hinton's Deep Learning matlab code
- TonicAudio/Tonic - Easy and efficient audio synthesis in C++
- ruben2020/codequery - A code-understanding, code-browsing or code-search tool. This is a tool to index, then query or search C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Go and Javascript source code. It builds upon the databases of cscope and ctags, and provides a nice GUI tool.
- JosephP91/curlcpp - An object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL (libcurl)
- illuz/leetcode - (229 / 280) [中文|English] Solutions and notes of LEETCODE using C++/Java/Python/Sql/Shell Script.
- geometer/FBReader - Official FBReader C++ project repository
- douban/paracel - Distributed training framework with parameter server
- xilun/cbwin - Launch Windows programs from "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" (WSL)
- jdeng/word2vec - Word2Vec in C++ 11
- WL-Amigo/waifu2x-converter-cpp - waifu2x(original : /~https://github.com/nagadomi/waifu2x) re-implementation in C++ using OpenCV [NO LONGER UPDATED]
- lemire/EWAHBoolArray - A compressed bitmap class in C++.
- taylor001/crown - The flexible game engine.
- cinemast/libjson-rpc-cpp - C++ framework for json-rpc (json remote procedure call)
- emil-e/rapidcheck - QuickCheck clone for C++ with the goal of being simple to use with as little boilerplate as possible.
- fsaintjacques/disruptor-- - disruptor concurency pattern in c++
- cmangos/mangos-classic - C(ontinued)-MaNGOS (Classic fork) is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
- TwoLivesLeft/Codea-Runtime - Codea Runtime Library for iPad by Two Lives Left
- thrill/thrill - Thrill - An EXPERIMENTAL Algorithmic Distributed Big Data Batch Processing Framework in C++
- jeaye/stdman - Formatted C++17 stdlib man pages (cppreference)
- InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK - Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit -- Mirror
- googlesamples/tango-examples-c - JNI example projects for Project Tango C-API
- emilk/loguru - A lightweight C++ logging library
- soomla/cocos2dx-store - Cocos2d-x in-app purchase & virtual economy library. Part of The SOOMLA Framework - for game design, economy modeling and faster development.
- derceg/explorerplusplus - Explorer++ is a lightweight and fast file manager for Windows
- adafruit/Adafruit_CC3000_Library - Library code for Adafruit's CC3000 WiFi breakouts &c
- unittest-cpp/unittest-cpp - A lightweight unit testing framework for C++
- YCAMInterlab/ProCamToolkit - Research and development of a new toolkit for projector-camera calibration at YCAM.
- Microsoft/Mesh-processing-library - C++ library and programs that demonstrate mesh processing techniques in computer graphics published at ACM SIGGRAPH in 1992–1998
- agauniyal/rang - A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for colors in your terminal 💄✨
- RcppCore/Rcpp - Seamless R and C++ Integration
- kimwalisch/primesieve - Fast C/C++ prime number generator
- luceneplusplus/LucenePlusPlus - Lucene++ is an up to date C++ port of the popular Java Lucene library, a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.
- LibreOffice/core - Read-only LibreOffice core repo - no pull request
- libbitcoin/libbitcoin - Bitcoin Cross-Platform C++ Development Toolkit
- jbandela/stackless_coroutine - Use C++14 generic lambdas to simulate stackless coroutines without macros or type erasure.
- mapbox/polylabel - A fast algorithm for finding the pole of inaccessibility of a polygon (in JavaScript and C++)
- Juniper/contrail-controller - Contrail Controller
- hjiang/jsonxx - A JSON parser in C++
- tpaviot/oce - Open CASCADE Community Edition: patches/improvements/experiments contributed by users over the official Open CASCADE library.
- spex66/RTSP-Camera-for-Android - Android based RTSP Server which is able to serve live camera view to multiple RTSP clients, such as VLC.
- awgn/cat - C++14 functional library
- louisdx/cxx-prettyprint - A header-only library for C++(0x) that allows automagic pretty-printing of any container.
- HSA-Libraries/Bolt - Bolt is a C++ template library optimized for GPUs. Bolt provides high-performance library implementations for common algorithms such as scan, reduce, transform, and sort.
- cryfs/cryfs - Cryptographic filesystem for the cloud
- swisspol/ComicFlow - Full source code for the ComicFlow comic reader for iPad
- RaftLib/RaftLib - The RaftLib C++ library, streaming/dataflow concurrency via C++ iostream-like operators
- oktal/pistache - A high-performance REST Toolkit written in C++
- TadasBaltrusaitis/CLM-framework - CLM-framework (a.k.a Cambridge Face Tracker) is a framework for various Constrained Local Model based face tracking and landmark detection algorithms and their extensions/applications. Includes CLM-Z and CLNF.
- juj/MathGeoLib - A C++ library for linear algebra and geometry manipulation for computer graphics.
- foonathan/memory - STL compatible C++ memory allocator library using a new RawAllocator concept that is similar to an Allocator but easier to use and write.
- facebook/facebook-clang-plugins - Plugins to clang-analyzer and clang-frontend
- serge-rgb/milton - A modern paint package
- olav-st/screencloud - Screenshot sharing application. This is the source code for the desktop client.
- tomtom-international/cpp-dependencies - Tool to check C++ #include dependencies (dependency graphs created in .dot format)
- julianshen/ScreenCap - Screen capture for Android
- chokkan/crfsuite - CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
- metashell/metashell - C++ metaprogramming shell
- joyent/v8plus - Node.js native add-ons in C
- frida/cryptoshark - Self-optimizing cross-platform code tracer based on dynamic recompilation
- eranpeer/FakeIt - C++ mocking made easy. A simple yet very expressive, headers only library for c++ mocking.
- CLD2Owners/cld2 - Compact Language Detector 2
- csmith-project/csmith - Csmith, a random generator of C programs
- Constellation/iv - ECMAScript Lexer / Parser / Interpreter / VM / method JIT written in C++
- macchina-io/macchina.io - macchina.io is a toolkit for building IoT device applications in JavaScript and C++
- SuperV1234/SSVOpenHexagon - C++14 FOSS clone of "Super Hexagon". Depends on SSVStart, SSVEntitySystem, SSVLuaWrapper, SSVMenuSystem, JSONcpp, SFML2.0. Features JSON/LUA customizable game files, a soundtrack by BOSSFIGHT, pseudo-3D effects.
- Proj-Ascension/Client - Client repository for Project Ascension, an open source game launcher.
- AustinBrunkhorst/CPP-Reflection - C++ Reflection Parser / Runtime Skeleton
- aptogo/OpenCVForiPhone - OpenCV build for iPhone with example project
- QianMo/OpenCV3-Intro-Book-Src - 《OpenCV3编程入门》书本配套源码||《Introduction to OpenCV3 Programming》Book Source Code
- opengm/opengm - A C++ Library for Discrete Graphical Models
- ideawu/sim - Simple C++ network server framework
- p12tic/libsimdpp - Header-only zero-overhead C++ wrapper for SIMD intrinsics of multiple instruction sets
- mutse/qt5-book-code - Porting source code of the book C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 from Qt4 to Qt5
- HunanTV/redis-cerberus - Redis Cluster Proxy
- dougbinks/enkiTS - C++ and C multithreading task scheduler
- jpbarrette/curlpp - C++ wrapper around libcURL
- SergiusTheBest/plog - Portable, simple and extensible C++ logging library
- OSVR/OSVR-Core - The core libraries, applications, and plugins of the OSVR software platform.
- esbanarango/Competitive-Programming - My solutions from different contests and online Judge.
- tangrams/tangram-es - 2D and 3D map renderer using OpenGL ES
- nitroshare/nitroshare-desktop - Network file transfer application for Windows, OS X, & Linux
- Arkania/ArkCORE - ArkCORE is a World of Warcraft game server application. It is derived from TrinityCore, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project. Supported Client 4.0.6
- maniacbug/StandardCplusplus - Standard C++ for Arduino (port of uClibc++)
- percyliang/brown-cluster - C++ implementation of the Brown word clustering algorithm.
- mgdm/OpenCV-for-PHP - An OpenCV binding for PHP
- eidheim/Simple-WebSocket-Server - A very simple, fast, multithreaded, platform independent WebSocket (WS) and WebSocket Secure (WSS) server and client library implemented using C++11, Boost.Asio and OpenSSL. Created to be an easy way to make WebSocket endpoints in C++.
- ukoethe/vigra - a generic C++ library for image analysis
- Whales/Cataclysm - A post-apocalyptic roguelike.
- esnme/ultramemcache - Ultra fast memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings.
- scriptdev2/scriptdev2 - Replacement for the Script Library that comes with MaNGOS, written in C++ and is compatible with both Windows and Linux. SQL supports MySQL and PGSql.
- kamyu104/LintCode - ✏️ C++ 11 Solutions of All 289 LintCode Problems
- idmillington/cyclone-physics - The Physics engine that accompanies the book "Game Physics Engine Design"
- edubart/otclient - An alternative tibia client for otserv written in C++2011, made with a modular system that uses lua scripts for ingame interface and functionality, making otclient flexible and easy to customize
- VcDevel/Vc - SIMD Vector Classes for C++
- lzhang10/maxent - Maximum Entropy Modeling Toolkit for Python and C++
- Bareflank/hypervisor - lightweight, extendable hypervisor written in C++ with support for Windows and Linux
- KjellKod/g3log - G3log is an asynchronous, "crash safe", logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own. G3log is made with plain C++11 with no external libraries (except gtest used for unit tests). G3log is made to be cross-platform, currently running on OSX, Windows and several Linux distros. See Readme below for details of usage.
- ApoorvaJ/Papaya - A GPU-powered image editor (in the making)
- udoprog/c10t - A minecraft cartography tool
- dermesser/libsocket - The ultimate socket library for C and C++, supporting TCP, UDP and Unix sockets (DGRAM and STREAM) on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris. Only ZMQ is better. Developer's documentation:
- patrikhuber/eos - A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model fitting library in modern C++11/14
- OpenCPN/OpenCPN - A concise ChartPlotter/Navigator. A cross-platform ship-borne GUI application supporting * GPS/GPDS Postition Input * BSB Raster Chart Display * S57 Vector ENChart Display * AIS Input Decoding * Waypoint Autopilot Navigation
- symengine/symengine - SymEngine is a fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++
- tromp/cuckoo - a memory-bound graph-theoretic proof-of-work system
- samanbarghi/uThreads - A concurrent user-level thread library implemented in C++
- rpwoodbu/mosh-chrome - Mosh for Chrome
- DragonBones/DragonBonesCPP - DragonBones C++ Runtime
- thestk/rtaudio - A set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime audio input/output across Linux (native ALSA, JACK, PulseAudio and OSS), Macintosh OS X (CoreAudio and JACK), and Windows (DirectSound, ASIO, and WASAPI) operating systems.
- kevinlin311tw/caffe-cvprw15 - ❤️☕ Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval (CVPRW15)
- calamares/calamares - Distribution-independent installer framework
- lloeki/xbox_one_controller - HID-compliant Xbox One Controller driver for OS X
- bsdnoobz/opencv-code - C++ and Python code extracted from the tutorials at http://opencv-code.com
- rdkit/rdkit - The official sources for the RDKit library
- sdemyanov/ConvNet - Convolutional Neural Networks for Matlab for classification and segmentation, including Invariang Backpropagation (IBP) and Adversarial Training (AT) algorithms. Trained on GPU, require cuDNN v5.
- MaskRay/LeetCode - Solutions of LeetCode Online Judge
- google/shaka-packager - A media packaging SDK intended for C++ programmers writing MPEG-DASH packaging applications with Widevine DRM and Common Encryption support.
- quora/qmf - A fast and scalable C++ library for implicit-feedback matrix factorization models
- PatWie/CppNumericalSolvers - L-BFGS-B implementation in C++11 using Eigen
- checkcheckzz/coding-questions - Coding interview questions with solutions (C++)
- Xiang1993/jack-compiler - jack语言编译器
- kfrlib/kfr - Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, Audio Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters (SSE, AVX, ARM NEON)
- dropbox/nn - Non-nullable pointers for C++
- stagadish/NNplusplus - A small and easy to use neural net implementation for C++. Just download and #include!
- dealii/dealii - The development repository for the deal.II finite element library.
- RehabMan/OS-X-Voodoo-PS2-Controller - Contains updated Voodoo PS/2 Controller, improved Keyboard & Synaptics TouchPad
- google/google-api-cpp-client - The core C++ SK for using Google APIs
- patrikhuber/superviseddescent - C++11 implementation of the supervised descent optimisation method
- sphair/ClanLib - ClanLib is a cross platform C++ toolkit library.
- msharov/ustl - A size-optimized STL implementation.
- haiwen/seafile-client - Seafile desktop client.
- savoirfairelinux/opendht - A C++11 Distributed Hash Table implementation
- ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire.548 - SkyFireEMU is a full featured World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria emulator written in C++. || Compatible with World of Warcraft client 5.4.8 (Build: 18414) Project Established in 2011
- jakowskidev/uMario_Jakowski - uMario C++/SDL2 Game by Łykasz Jakowski
- google/cctz - CCTZ is a C++ library for translating between absolute and civil times using the rules of a time zone.
- datastax/cpp-driver - DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra
- mikaelpatel/Cosa - An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino/AVR Programming.
- krohling/ArduinoWebsocketClient - Websocket client for Arduino
- andrivet/ADVobfuscator - Obfuscation library based on C++11/14 and metaprogramming
- Microsoft/DirectXMath - DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
- libdynd/libdynd - C++ dynamic ndarray library, with Python exposure
- hughperkins/cltorch - An OpenCL backend for torch.
- electron/brightray - A thin shim over Chromium’s Content module
- btgraham/SparseConvNet - Spatially-sparse convolutional networks. Allows processing of sparse 2, 3 and 4 dimensional data.Build CNNs on the square/cubic/hypercubic or triangular/tetrahedral/hyper-tetrahedral lattices.
- alembic/alembic - Alembic is an open framework for storing and sharing scene data that includes a C++ library, a file format, and client plugins and applications.
- VerbalExpressions/CppVerbalExpressions - C++ regular expressions made easy
- rsms/immutable-cpp - Persistent immutable data structures for C++
- robinst/taglib-ruby - Ruby interface for the TagLib C++ library, for reading and writing meta-data (tags) of many audio formats
- pezmaster31/bamtools - C++ API & command-line toolkit for working with BAM data
- typcn/LeanClub - C++ forum system
- NovaMods/nova-renderer - A mod to replace Minecraft's Java OpenGL 2.1 renderer with a C++ OpenGL 4.5 renderer
- SonarOpenCommunity/sonar-cxx - This repository contains a SonarQube plugin implementing C++ support.
- DigitalInBlue/Celero - C++ Benchmark Authoring Library/Framework
- u0u0/Quick-Cocos2dx-Community - Cocos2d-Lua 社区版
- rdp/virtual-audio-capture-grabber-device - free audio capture device to capture all the "wave out sound" that is playing on your speakers (i.e. record what you hear) for Windows 7/Vista. Releases downloadable in this package:
- preshing/turf - Configurable C++ platform adapter
- mattgodbolt/seasocks - Simple, small, C++ embeddable webserver with WebSockets support
- shuax/GreenChrome - 增强Chrome的工具
- zsiciarz/aquila - Aquila is a digital signal processing library for C++11.
- vcflib/vcflib - a simple C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files, + many command-line utilities
- synfig/synfig - This is the Official source code repository of the Synfig project
- nidium/Nidium - An ongoing effort for a general purpose rendering engine to create apps, games and also serverside applications, using Mozilla's Spidermonkey as a JavaScript engine
- foonathan/type_safe - Zero overhead utilities for preventing bugs at compile time
- sumeetchhetri/ffead-cpp - Framework for Enterprise Application Development, c++ framework, c++ web framework, c++ application framework, c++ rest framework, c++ soap framework, c++ web sites,c++ web applications, c++ driven web development - c++
- nickbruun/hayai - C++ benchmarking framework
- ben-strasser/fast-cpp-csv-parser - fast-cpp-csv-parser
- emilk/emilib - Loose collection of misc C++ libs
- powervr-graphics/Native_SDK - C++ cross-platform 3D graphics SDK. Includes demos & helper code (resource loading etc.) to speed up development of Vulkan, OpenGL ES 1.x, 2.0 & 3.x applications
- falltergeist/falltergeist - Opensource crossplatform Fallout 2™ game engine writen in C++ and SDL. Current version: 0.3.0
- ccrma/chuck - ChucK Music Programming Language
- brofield/simpleini - Cross-platform C++ library providing a simple API to read and write INI-style configuration files
- hmartiro/redox - Modern, asynchronous, and wicked fast C++11 client for Redis
- fix8/fix8 - Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
- zhuzhenpeng/CTP-TradeServer - 多账户-多策略期货交易程序(ctp开发经验分享)
- simonask/w - A simple C++ web framework based on Libevent.
- dhbaird/easywsclient - A short and sweet WebSocket client for C++
- shicai/Caffe_Manual - Caffe使用教程
- chukong/CocosStudioSamples - Samples For Cocos Studio
- cdmh/mapreduce - C++ MapReduce Library for efficient multi-threading on single-machine
- mrtazz/plustache - {{mustaches}} for C++
- facebook/thpp - TH++, C++ interface to the torch7 TH library
- CDrummond/cantata - Graphical MPD Client for Linux (Qt4, Qt5, KDE4), Windows (Qt5), Mac OSX (Qt5)
- c42f/tinyformat - Minimal, type safe printf replacement library for C++
- indutny/candor - Experimental VM for a
language - foonathan/standardese - A (work-in-progress) nextgen Doxygen for C++
- pluskid/pymmseg-cpp - rmmseg-cpp with Python interface
- KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Cross - SPIRV-Cross is a practical tool and library for performing reflection on SPIR-V and disassembling SPIR-V back to high level languages.
- vivkin/gason - Lightweight and fast JSON parser for C++
- monocasual/giada - Your Hardcore Loop Machine.
- liancheng/llvm-tutorial-cn - Simplified Chinese translation for the LLVM Tutorial
- ImageEngine/cortex - Libraries for visual effects software development
- flashxio/FlashX - FlashX is a collection of big data analytics tools that perform data analytics in the form of graphs and matrices.
- banditcpp/bandit - Human friendly unit testing for C++11
- wangkuiyi/mapreduce-lite - A C++ implementaton of MapReduce without distributed filesystem
- NytroRST/ShellcodeCompiler - Shellcode Compiler
- Netflix/NfWebCrypto - Web Cryptography API Polyfill
- jesyspa/linear-cpp - An attempt at a C++ tutorial.
- gzwl/leetcode - The optimum C++ solutions for the leetcode
- imageworks/pystring - C++ functions matching the interface and behavior of python string methods with std::string
- duckduckgo/cpp-libface - Fastest auto-complete in the east
- bitshares/bitshares1-core - Financial Smart Contract Platform
- amcewen/HttpClient - Arduino HTTP library
- akrzemi1/Optional - optional (nullable) objects for C++14
- muupan/dqn-in-the-caffe - An implementation of Deep Q-Network using Caffe
- huaxz1986/cplusplus-_Implementation_Of_Introduction_to_Algorithms - 《算法导论》第三版中算法的C++实现
- CaptainCrowbar/unicorn-lib - Unicode library for C++
- thestk/stk - The Synthesis ToolKit in C++ (STK) is a set of open source audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes written in the C++ programming language.
- stubma/cocos2dx-better - Better cocos2d-x, without modifying cocos2d-x code. Better UI controls, better utilities, better compatibility
- numenta/nupic.core - Implementation of core NuPIC algorithms in C++ (under construction)
- cacay/MemoryPool - An easy to use and efficient memory pool allocator written in C++.
- vinova/Artemis-Cpp - A C++ port of Artemis Entity System Framework
- mcallegari/qlcplus - Q Light Controller Plus
- nladuo/captcha-break - captcha break based on opencv2, tesseract-ocr and some machine learning algorithm.
- mnmlstc/core - C++14 (and beyond) library features implemented in C++11
- martinmoene/lest - A modern, C++11-native, single-file header-only, tiny framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
- walbourn/directx-sdk-samples - This repo contains C++ samples from the DirectX SDK updated to build using the Windows 8.x SDK or Windows 10 SDK
- qxmpp-project/qxmpp - Cross-platform C++ XMPP client and server library
- iboB/dynamix - 🍥 A new take on polymorphism in C++
- eerolanguage/clang - This was the working repo for Eero changes to clang. Please build using llvm from this project. See eerolanguage/eero for example code, issue tracking, and the project wiki
- c2lang/c2compiler - the c2 programming language
- sieren/QSyncthingTray - A OS X / Windows / Linux Tray App for Syncthing written in C++
- FreeRDP/FreeRDP-WebConnect - A gateway for seamless access to your RDP-Sessions in any HTML5-compliant browser
- deeplearningais/CUV - Matrix library for CUDA in C++ and Python
- Auburns/FastNoise - Fast C++ Noise Library
- irods/irods - Open Source Data Management Software
- imneme/pcg-cpp - PCG — C++ Implementation
- glassechidna/zxing-cpp - ZXing C++ Library
- FreedomZZQ/IcePlayer - A Nice Music Player by Qt5 and C++
- MingMingCheng/CmCode - Ming-Ming Cheng's open source projects
- Limeoats/cavestory-development - All of the source code from my Remaking Cavestory in C++ youtube series can be found in this repository.
- cusplibrary/cusplibrary - CUSP : A C++ Templated Sparse Matrix Library
- andyfischer/circa - A programming language for live coding
- libSDL2pp/libSDL2pp - C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
- mavam/libbf - 🎯 Bloom filters for C++11
- Evrytania/LTE-Cell-Scanner - LTE SDR cell scanner optimized to work with very low performance RF front ends (8bit A/D, 20dB noise figure)
- djyt/cannonball - Cannonball: An Enhanced OutRun Engine
- rprichard/x11-canvas-screencast - UNIX-to-HTML5-Canvas screencasting (X11 or OS X)
- orangeduck/CPP_COMPLETE - Brainfuck interpreter written in the C preprocessor
- cmangos/mangos-wotlk - C(ontinued)-MaNGOS is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
- shedskin/shedskin - Shed Skin is a Python to C++ compiler. Read the introduction below to learn about the restrictions.
- no1msd/mstch - mstch is a complete implementation of {{mustache}} templates using modern C++
- headmyshoulder/odeint-v2 - odeint - solving ordinary differential equations in c++ v2
- commontk/CTK - A set of common support code for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes.
- chriskohlhoff/executors - C++ library for executors
- SuperV1234/ecst - [WIP] Experimental C++14 multithreaded compile-time entity-component-system library.
- SteveKChiu/lua-intf - A binding between C++11 and Lua language
- leaningtech/cheerp-clang - clang compiler including cheerp support
- joaofaro/KCFcpp - C++ Implementation of KCF Tracker
- eiskaltdcpp/eiskaltdcpp - EiskaltDC++ is a cross-platform program that uses the Direct Connect and ADC protocols
- BromiumLabs/PackerAttacker - C++ application that uses memory and code hooks to detect packers
- rttrorg/rttr - C++ Reflection Library
- koekeishiya/chunkwm - Tiling window manager for MacOS based on plugin architecture
- zeromq/zmqpp - 0mq 'highlevel' C++ bindings
- google/binexport - An IDA Pro plugin for exporting disassemblies into BinNavi databases and to Protocol Buffers
- etr/libhttpserver - C++ library for creating an embedded Rest HTTP server (and more)
- vipjeffreylee/QQrobot - QQrobot是用C++语言开发设计,程序界面、网络通迅等模块使用了Qt,Qt是开源的,跨平台C++程序图形界面框架库,QQrobot具备跨平台特性,可在linux、MAC OS以及Windows等操作系统中运行,集成开发编译环境请到 http://qt-project.org/ 下载。 QQrobot基于腾讯公司WebQQ协议实现,可以向QQ群或者是个人自动发送信息。分为两个部分,QQ主体和robot插件。QQ主体解析WebQQ协议,负责QQ号码登录,信息接收和发送功能。robot分析聊天内容,跟据聊天内容智能做出回应。 QQ主体窗口内,可监控显示聊天信息、好友列表、群列表和机器人列表。为QQ群或者个人指定随意多个机器人为之提供服务。也提供了信息发送功能,可随时向QQ群或者个人发送信息。 robot插件,使用Qt5的plugin技术,可单独开发,编译后拷贝到plugins目录中,QQ主体自动识别安装运行。robot插件只要完成接口RobotInterface内的name和listenandsay方法就ok,name返回robot的名子,listenandsay的参数是收到的聊天内容和发送者信息,返回值是robot回应信息。
- pokerth/pokerth - PokerTH is a poker game written in C++/Qt.
- msoos/cryptominisat - An advanced SAT Solver
- mingchen/protobuf-ios - An Objective-C implementation of Google proto buffer for iOS
- feixiao/DesignPattern - 设计模式实现(Java、C++、Golang)
- WhitneyLand/SwiftOpenCV - OpenCV and Tesseract OCR from Swift and iOS
- WG21-SG14/SG14 - A library for Study Group 14 of Working Group 21 (C++)
- SullyChen/Chai - An open source neural network library
- objectcomputing/liquibook - Modern C++ order matching engine
- HandsOnOpenCL/Exercises-Solutions - C, C++ and Python Code for Exercises and Solutions
- blackberry/Cascades-Community-Samples - Samples authored by the Community showing how to use Cascades.
- zsummer/log4z - Log4z is an open source C++ lightweight & cross platform log library
- thestk/rtmidi - A set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime MIDI input/output across Linux (ALSA & JACK), Macintosh OS X (CoreMIDI) and Windows (Multimedia)
- lastfm/libmoost - moost — Last.fm's collection of C++ utility libraries
- kroimon/Arduino-SerialCommand - A Wiring/Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
- j0sh/crtmpserver - Git mirror of crtmpserver's SVN trunk
- intel/caffe - This fork of BVLC/Caffe is dedicated to improving performance of this deep learning framework when running on CPU, in particular Intel® Xeon processors (HSW+) and Intel® Xeon Phi processors
- cocos2d/cocos2d-x-extensions - samples games & code snips for cocos2d-x
- CaledoniaProject/XLCloudClient - 迅雷离线Linux客户端,多种漏洞利用 ;-P 大家慢慢挖掘吧 哈哈 觉得好就点下 Star / Fork 吧
- libnonius/nonius - A C++ micro-benchmarking framework
- falkTX/Carla - Audio plugin host
- simongeilfus/Cinder-Experiments - A collection of experiments, samples and other bits of code.
- marcogulino/AndroidUsbCamera - Android USB Camera Driver/Bridge for GNU/Linux
- vczh-libraries/Vlpp - Common C++ construction, including string operation / generic container / linq / General-LR parser generator / multithreading / reflection for C++ / etc
- RC1140/cr-gpg - A chrome plugin that enables gpg encryption and decryption for the gmail web interface
- milakov/nnForge - Convolutional neural networks C++ framework with CPU and GPU (CUDA) backends
- andrewssobral/simple_vehicle_counting - Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting
- vit-vit/CTPL - Modern and efficient C++ Thread Pool Library
- root-project/cling - The cling C++ interpreter
- rescrv/Consus - Consus is a geo-replicated transactional key-value store.
- Zerocoin/libzerocoin - Zerocoin: C++ lib for anonymous extension to bitcoin
- szagoruyko/cvpr15deepcompare - Code and models for "Learning to Compare Image Patches via Convolutional Neural Networks"
- pkrumins/node-gif - A node.js C++ module for creating GIF images and animated GIFs from RGB or RGBA buffers.
- bluetiger9/SmtpClient-for-Qt - An SMTP Client writen in C++ for Qt. Allows applications to send emails (MIME with text, html, attachments, inline files, etc.) via SMTP. Supports SSL and SMTP authentication.
- ortclib/ortclib-cpp - ORTC (Object RTC) C++ Library wrapper for WebRTC
- ladislav-zezula/CascLib - An open-source implementation of library for reading CASC storage from Blizzard games since 2014
- kerberos-io/machinery - An image processing framework, which uses your USB-, IP- or RPi-camera to recognize events (e.g. motion).
- jiangmiao/node-curl - node curl wrapper with fully implemented
- Baidu-ecom/CC - 百度开发的一套基于互联网应用模式的呼叫中心套件
- ValveSoftware/csgo-demoinfo - CS:GO demo parsing tool
- rollbear/basicpp - BASIC in C++
- esa/pagmo - A C++ / Python platform to perform parallel computations of optimisation tasks (global and local) via the asynchronous generalized island model. State of the art optimization algorithms are included. A common interface is provided to other optimization frameworks/algorithms such as NLOPT, SciPy, SNOPT, IPOPT, GSL
- RipcordSoftware/AvanceDB - An in-memory database based on the CouchDB REST API and containing the CouchDB Futon and Fauxton web sites
- manisandro/gImageReader - A Gtk/Qt front-end to tesseract-ocr.
- yulequan/face-alignment-in-3000fps - a c++ implementation of face alignment in 3000fps
- thekvs/cpp-serializers - Benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for C++
- Oberon00/synth - Semantic syntax highlighting and hyperlinking of C/C++ source code with libclang. (Demo: https://oberon00.github.io/synth)
- leethomason/MicroPather - MicroPather is a path finder and A* solver (astar or a-star) written in platform independent C++ that can be easily integrated into existing code. MicroPather focuses on being a path finding engine for video games but is a generic A* solver.
- harrism/hemi - Simple utilities to enable code reuse and portability between CUDA C/C++ and standard C/C++.
- Burgestrand/spotify - Low-level Ruby bindings for libspotify, the official Spotify C API
- blackberry/WebWorks-Community-APIs - Community owned repository containing JavaScript Extensions for BlackBerry WebWorks
- tkchu/Game-Programming-Patterns-CN - 《游戏编程模式》中文版(完整版)
- strasdat/Sophus - C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
- dophist/kaldi-lstm - C++ implementation of LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), in Kaldi's nnet1 framework. Used for automatic speech recognition, possibly language modeling etc, the training can be switched between CPU and GPU(CUDA). This repo is now merged into official Kaldi codebase(Karel's setup), so this repo is no longer maintained, please check out the Kaldi project instead.
- SuperV1234/Tutorials - Repository for my YouTube tutorials + code snippets
- gto76/comp-m2 - Simple 4-bit virtual computer
- FreeOpcUa/freeopcua - Open Source C++ OPC-UA Server and Client Library
- davidsiaw/luacppinterface - A Simple C++ Interface to Lua
- casadi/casadi - CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization implementing automatic differentiation in forward and reverse modes on sparse matrix-valued computational graphs. It supports self-contained C-code generation and interfaces state-of-the-art codes such as SUNDIALS, IPOPT etc. It can be used from C++, Python or Matlab/Octave.
- t3nsor/codebook - Reference material for ACM-ICPC
- r-lyeh/tracey - :squirrel: Tracey is a lightweight and simple C++ memory leak finder with no dependencies.
- glynos/cpp-netlib - The C++ Network Library Project -- header-only, cross-platform, standards compliant networking library.
- justinhj/astar-algorithm-cpp - Implementation of the A* algorithm in C++ and C#
- Rapptz/sol - A C++11 Lua wrapper
- 3rdparty/libprocess - Library that provides an actor style message-passing programming model (in C++).
- ybainier/Hypodermic - Hypodermic is an IoC container for C++. It provides dependency injection to your existing design.
- rbgirshick/caffe-fast-rcnn - Caffe fork that supports Fast R-CNN
- openbabel/openbabel - Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages of chemical data.
- goldeneye-source/ges-code - GoldenEye: Source on SDK 2013
- dualface/cocos2d-x-extensions - Extensions for cocos2-x.
- dgpdec/course - Source code for the applications presented in the course "Geometry Processing with Discrete Exterior Calculus"
- CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP - C++ library for asynchronous non-blocking communication with RabbitMQ
- cginternals/globjects - C++ library strictly wrapping OpenGL objects.
- pyroscope/rtorrent-ps - 🎨 Extended rTorrent distribution with UI enhancements, colorization, and some added features.
- iwongu/sqlite3pp - SQLite3++ - C++ wrapper of SQLite3 API
- ddinu/observable - Generic observable objects and expressions for C++
- CastXML/CastXML - C-family Abstract Syntax Tree XML Output
- bnoguchi/node-hash-ring - A Consistent Hashing C++ add-on for node.js
- wg-perception/PartsBasedDetector - C++ implementation of Deva Ramanan's "Articulated Pose Estimation with Flexible Mixtures of Parts"
- stuntrally/stuntrally - The main repository containing Stunt Rally sources and game data. A 3D racing game based on VDrift and OGRE with track editor.
- mattiasflodin/reckless - Reckless logging. Low-latency, high-throughput, asynchronous logging library for C++.
- Hotsotse/cowsay - remake of the famous "cowsay"
- wgtdkp/wgtcc - a small C11 compiler in C++11
- guillaumeblanc/ozz-animation - Open source c++ skeletal animation engine and tools
- Dor1s/libfuzzer-workshop - Repository for materials of "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects" workshop.
- BenLangmead/bowtie - An ultrafast memory-efficient short read aligner
- pytries/DAWG - DAFSA-based dictionary-like read-only objects for Python. Based on
C++ library. - pellegre/libcrafter - A high level C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
- lava/matplotlib-cpp - Extremely simple yet powerful header-only C++ plotting library built on the popular matplotlib
- acoustid/chromaprint - C library for generating audio fingerprints used by AcoustID
- yixuan/spectra - A header-only C++ library for large scale eigenvalue problems
- weolar/blinkgc - 从blink里剥离的垃圾回收组件, 能让c++拥有java一样的自动垃圾回收机制
- nuttyartist/notes - Note taking application, write down your thoughts.
- jesusfv/Comparison-Programming-Languages-Economics - A Comparison of Programming Languages in Economics
- elnormous/ouzel - C++ game engine for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, tvOS, Android and web browsers
- BinomialLLC/crunch - Advanced DXTc texture compression and transcoding library
- redpony/cdec - Decoder, aligner, and model optimizer for statistical machine translation and other structured prediction models based on (mostly) context-free formalisms
- nbsdx/ThreadPool - Lightweight, Generic, Pure C++11 ThreadPool
- Komnomnomnom/swigibpy - Third party Interactive Brokers Python API generated from TWS C++ API using SWIG.
- jvaelen/2048 - A C++/Qt clone of the popular 2048 game
- ewimberley/AdvancedMemoryChallenges - Advanced buffer overflow and memory corruption security challenges
- DOCGroup/ACE_TAO - ACE and TAO
- billroy/socket.io-arduino-client - A socket.io client for the Arduino Ethernet shield
- sansumbrella/Choreograph - A simple, modern C++ animation and timing library.
- rpclib/rpclib - rpclib is a modern C++ msgpack-RPC server and client library
- MJPA/SimpleJSON - SimpleJSON is a simple JSON library written in C++. It is designed to be simple to use and be cross platform.
- waveto/node-compress - A streaming compression / gzip library for node.js
- utilForever/ModernCpp - A curated list of Modern C++ articles, examples, tutorials, frameworks, libraries, and shiny things.
- scogswell/ArduinoSerialCommand - An Arduino library to tokenize and parse commands received over a serial port.
- ros/ros_comm - ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy, roslisp) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam).
- kgretzky/obfusion - Obfusion - C++ X86 Code Obfuscation Library
- inet-framework/inet - INET framework for the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator
- t-mat/lz4mt - Platform independent, multi-threading implementation of lz4 stream in C++11
- resiprocate/resiprocate - C++ implementation of SIP, ICE, TURN and related protocols
- dorian3d/DBoW2 - Enhanced hierarchical bag-of-word library for C++
- craigsapp/midifile - C++ classes for reading/writing Standard MIDI Files
- Blue-Rocket/BRFullTextSearch - Objective-C full-text search engine.
- SuprDewd/CompetitiveProgramming - A collection of algorithms, data structures and other useful information for competitive programming.
- rollbear/trompeloeil - Header only C++14 mocking framework
- cucumber/cucumber-cpp - Support for writing Cucumber step definitions in C++
- wayoda/LedControl - An Arduino library for MAX7219 and MAX7221 Led display drivers
- Svalorzen/AI-Toolbox - A C++ framework for MDPs and POMDPs with Python bindings
- sirjuddington/SLADE - It's a Doom editor
- nemtrif/utfcpp - UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
- martinmoene/gsl-lite - A single-file header-only version of ISO C++ Guideline Support Library (GSL) for C++98, C++11 and later
- larroy/clearskies_core - Open source, distributed, secure data synchronization using the clearskies protocol
- dachev/node-cld - Language detection for Javascript (Node). Based on the CLD2 (Compact Language Detector) library from Google.
- crossbario/autobahn-cpp - WAMP in C++ for Boost/Asio
- copperspice/copperspice - Stable release 1.3.0
- tongwang/s3fs-c - S3FS-C is a FUSE (File System in User Space) based file system backed by Amazon S3 storage buckets. Once mounted, S3 can be used just like it was a local file system. This project was forked from S3FS (http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/) release 1.59 and being rewritten to be compatible with other S3 clients such as s3cmd, AWS Management Console, etc.
- ThrowTheSwitch/CMock - CMock - Mock/stub generator for C
- pornel/jpeg-compressor - Research JPEG encoder
- Microsoft/DirectXTK12 - The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++
- KhronosGroup/VK-GL-CTS - Khronos Vulkan, OpenGL, and OpenGL ES Conformance Tests
- CongducPham/LowCostLoRaGw - Low-cost LoRa IoT & gateway with SX1272/76, Raspberry and Arduino
- Taywee/args - A simple header-only C++ argument parser library. Supposed to be flexible and powerful, and attempts to be compatible with the functionality of the Python standard argparse library (though not necessarily the API).
- Seeed-Studio/CAN_BUS_Shield - CAN Bus Shield - MCP2515&MCP2551
- miranda-ng/miranda-ng - Miranda NG: Next Generation of Miranda IM
- marbl/canu - A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small.
- luoyetx/JDA - C++ implementation of Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment.
- artagnon/rhine - a C++ compiler middle-end for a typed ruby, using an LLVM backend
- alexgkendall/caffe-posenet - Implementation of PoseNet
- krohling/ArduinoPusherClient - An Arduino interface to Pusher (pusherapp.com)
- Hopson97/HopsonCraft - A minecraft clone written using C++, SFML, OpenGL and GLEW.
- qicosmos/cosmos - c++11基础库
- projectchrono/chrono - C++ library for multibody dynamics simulations
- Parchive/par2cmdline - fork of the original par2cmdline CVS repo
- lemire/SIMDCompressionAndIntersection - A C++ library to compress and intersect sorted lists of integers using SIMD instructions
- aevum/libgdx-cpp - A cross platform (iOS, Android, Desktop) c++ port of java's libgdx awesome framework.
- psi4/psi4 - Open-Source Quantum Chemistry – an electronic structure package in C++ driven by Python
- LabSound/LabSound - 🔬 A C++11 audio engine derived from the WebAudio specification
- Koderz/UE4RuntimeMeshComponent - Unreal Engine 4 plugin component for rendering runtime generated content.
- i-rinat/libvdpau-va-gl - VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI backend
- Extrawurst/cimgui - c-api for imgui (/~https://github.com/ocornut/imgui)
- calf-studio-gear/calf - Developers repository of Calf Studio Gear. Expect some issues when using it for production.
- brycelelbach/cppnow_presentations_2016 - Presentation materials for C++Now 2016
- svgpp/svgpp - C++ SVG library
- rurban/smhasher - Improved fork of https://code.google.com/p/smhasher/
- k06a/boolinq - Simplest C++ header-only LINQ template library
- joakimkarlsson/igloo - A framework for unit testing in C++
- henrypp/chrlauncher - Small and very fast portable launcher and updater for Chromium.
- dmonopoly/gtest-cmake-example - Helpful example of a gtest and cmake set up for C++.
- deeplearningais/curfil - CUDA Random Forest implementation for Image Labeling tasks
- chen3feng/toft - C++ Base Library
- vinzenz/libpypa - libpypa is a Python parser implemented in pure C++
- mmc-maodun/Data-Structure-And-Algorithm - Data Structure And Algorithm(常用数据结构与算法C/C++实现)
- lxrite/azure-http-proxy - A fast, secure, lightweight and cross-platform HTTP proxy written in C++11, based on Boost.Asio and OpenSSL.
- godlikepanos/anki-3d-engine - AnKi 3D engine source repository
- cutelyst/cutelyst - A C++ Web Framework built on top of Qt, using the simple approach of Catalyst (Perl) framework.
- ChilliWorks/ChilliSource - An open source, cross-platform game engine designed for indie developers.
- astroidmail/astroid - a graphical threads-with-tags style, lightweight and fast, email client for notmuch, inspired by sup and others
- sirikata/liboauthcpp - A pure C++ OAuth library
- rygorous/intel_occlusion_cull - Intel's Software Occlusion Culling demo with my modifications
- MTG/gaia - C++ library to apply similarity measures and classifications on the results of audio analysis, including Python bindings. Together with Essentia it can be used to compute high-level descriptions of music.
- leaningtech/cheerp-llvm - LLVM infrastructure including cheerp support
- Iyengar111/NanoLog - Low Latency C++11 Logging Library
- HorizonLauncher/Client - Horizon Launcher client repository.
- evpo/EncryptPad - Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor that implements RFC 4880 Open PGP format: symmetrically encrypted, compressed and integrity protected. The editor can protect files with passwords, key files or both.
- EQEmu/Server - EQEmu: Core Server
- EasyDarwin/EasyClient - 云平台组件:EasyDarwin开源流媒体云平台客户端,支持Android、iOS、PC。EasyClient是向EasyCMS获取在线设备列表,选中播放某个在线设备时,EasyClient先发送播放请求给EasyCMS,EasyCMS将相应的请求转发给对应的设备,并通知设备将视频流推送到相应的EasyDarwin流媒体服务器上,EasyClient从对应EasyDarwin服务器获取视频流进行播放。当该路设备没有观看请求时,会主动停止推流。在线设备可以是EasyCamera、EasyNVR等接入EasyCMS的设备。
- dkopecek/usbguard - USBGuard is a software framework for implementing USB device authorization policies (what kind of USB devices are authorized) as well as method of use policies (how a USB device may interact with the system)
- NVIDIA/cnmem - A simple memory manager for CUDA designed to help Deep Learning frameworks manage memory
- MKLab-ITI/CUDA - GPU-accelerated LIBSVM is a modification of the original LIBSVM that exploits the CUDA framework to significantly reduce processing time while producing identical results. The functionality and interface of LIBSVM remains the same. The modifications were done in the kernel computation, that is now performed using the GPU.
- matpow2/cuwo - Open server and utilities for Cube World
- gamecreature/QtAwesome - QtAwesome - Font Awesome support for Qt applications
- FlatRockSoft/Catacomb3D - GPL release of Catacomb 3D source code.
- Erkaman/auto_uv_map - Reference Implementation of Automatic UV Mapping with Harmonic Maps.
- Eoinocal/Halite - Halite (named after the mineral) is a C++ BitTorrent client based on the excellent libtorrent library developed by Arvid Norberg.
- citra-emu/citra-bleeding-edge - Citra bleeding edge releases
- away3d/awayphysics-core-fp11 - Away Physics - 3D physics library for the Away3D Engine in Flash Player 11
- vapourismo/luwra - Minimal-overhead C++ wrapper for Lua
- Harha/MirageRender - a 3D renderer written in C++
- Friduric/voxel-cone-tracing - A real-time global illumination implementation using voxel cone tracing. Implemented in C++ and GLSL.
- christinaa/LLVM-VideoCore4 - LLVM for VideoCore4 (Raspberry Pi VPU)
- acristoffers/CEFSimpleSample - Simple sample on how to use Chromium Embedded Framework. More like a Hello World.
- retrieva/pficommon - General purpose C++ library for PFI
- jlaine/qdjango - QDjango, a Qt-based C++ web framework
- uWebSockets/uWebSockets - Highly efficient cross-platform WebSocket & HTTP library for C++11 and Node.js
- cztomczak/cef2go - CEF2go is an HTML 5 based GUI toolkit for the Go language. ★ Forum:
- facebook/C3D - C3D is a modified version of BVLC caffe to support 3D ConvNets.
- golang-ui/nuklear - This project provides Go bindings for nuklear.h — a small ANSI C GUI library.
- powturbo/TurboPFor - Fastest Integer Compression
- root-mirror/cling - cling, the C++ interpreter
- froglogic/tracetool - An efficient and configurable logging framework for C++
- Loki-Astari/ThorsSerializer - C++ Serialization library for JSON
- adafruit/Adafruit_NFCShield_I2C - I2C Driver for Adafruit's PN532-based NFC Shield
- jverkoey/liteqr - Lite QR Reader in Objective C ported from zxing
- sasq64/chipmachine - Demoscene/Retro Music Player
- jonnydee/nzmqt - nzmqt - A lightweight C++ Qt binding for ZeroMQ
- fjz13/Cocos2d-x-ParticleEditor-for-Windows - A FREE WINDOWS cocos2d particle editor Upgraded to Cocos2dx 2.12,and support saving texture into plist。
- skystrife/cpptoml - cpptoml is a header-only library for parsing TOML
- netheril96/StaticJSON - Fast, direct and static typed parsing of JSON with C++
- Microsoft/checkedc-clang - This repo contains a version of clang that is being modified to support Checked C. Checked C is an extension to C that adds checking to detect or prevent common programming errors such as out-of-bounds memory accesses.
- freesouls/face-alignment-at-3000fps - The project is an C++ implementation of Face Alignment at 3000fps via Regressing Local Binary Features
- Mooophy/CLRS - CLRS in C++
- kisli/vmime - VMime Mail Library
- joto/osmium - C++/Javascript framework for working with OSM files.
- jesusgollonet/ofpennereasing - a port of penner's easing equations to c++, with an openframeworks usage example
- AS3NUI/airkinect-2-core - AIRKinect 2.0 Core
- animatedb/oovaide - C++ and Java automated analysis, class, component and sequence UML diagramming IDE tool, test coverage, complexity, duplicate code, analysis statistics
- marvinroger/async-mqtt-client - 📶 An Arduino for ESP8266 asynchronous MQTT client implementation
- hanmekim/SceneLib2 - SceneLib2 is an open-source C++ library for SLAM originally designed and implemented by Professor Andrew Davison at Imperial College London.
- CNugteren/CLBlast - Tuned OpenCL BLAS
- stepcode/stepcode - STEPcode (formerly NIST's STEP Class Library) is used with IFC, STEP, and other standards that utilize the technologies of ISO10303 (STEP). It generates C++ and Python from EXPRESS (10303-11) schemas. The code is capable of reading and writing STEP Part 21 exchange files. It also utilizes Parts 22 and 23 (SDAI and its C++ binding).
- rcorcs/rcc - rcor C compiler (under development)
- Pivotal-Data-Attic/pivotalrd-libhdfs3 - libhdfs3 a native c/c++ hdfs client
- Manu343726/ctti - Compile Time Type Information for C++
- gpakosz/PPK_ASSERT - PPK_ASSERT is a cross platform drop-in & self-contained C++ assertion library
- DigitalPulseSoftware/NazaraEngine - Nazara Engine is a fast, complete, cross-platform, object-oriented API which can help you in your daily developper life.
- beniz/libcmaes - libcmaes is a multithreaded C++11 library with Python bindings for high performance blackbox stochastic optimization using the CMA-ES algorithm for Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
- Auburns/FastNoiseSIMD - C++ SIMD Noise Library
- apache/parquet-cpp - Mirror of Apache Parquet
- scriptum/Cheetah-Texture-Packer - High efficient and fast 2D bin packing tool
- puku0x/cvdrone - CV Drone (= OpenCV + AR.Drone)
- pfultz2/ClangComplete - Clang completion for sublime
- eidheim/tiny-process-library - A small platform independent library making it simple to create and stop new processes in C++, as well as writing to stdin and reading from stdout and stderr of a new process
- couchbase/libcouchbase - The couchbase client for C.
- canboat/canboat - CAN Boat provides NMEA 2000 and NMEA 0183 utilities. It contains a NMEA 2000 PGN decoder, can read and write N2K messages.
- leapmotion/autowiring - A C++ Inversion of Control Framework
- dsw/oink-stack - Oink is a collaboration of C++ static analysis tools.
- ArashPartow/exprtk - C++ Mathematical Expression Parsing And Evaluation Library
- udacity/self-driving-car - The Udacity open source self-driving car project
- easylogging/easyloggingpp - Single header C++ logging library. It is extremely light-weight, robust, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc.
- andrewrk/zig - System programming language intended to replace C
- gpakosz/Assert - PPK_ASSERT is a cross platform drop-in & self-contained C++ assertion library
- Jason-lee-c/CocosWidget - CocosWidget
- ckw-mod/ckw-mod - ckw is yet another command prompt.
- CBaquero/delta-enabled-crdts - Reference implementations of state-based CRDTs that offer deltas for all mutations.
- zhedahht/ChineseCodingInterviewAppendix - The source code for the appendix part of the Chinese version of the book Coding Interviews
- spalx/cocos2d-x-extensions - Cool cocos2d-x extensions
- Forceflow/libmorton - C++ header-only library with methods to efficiently encode/decode Morton codes in/from 2D/3D coordinates
- trailofbits/codereason - Semantic Binary Code Analysis Framework
- NoAvailableAlias/nano-signal-slot - Pure C++11 Signals and Slots
- bgrimstad/splinter - Library for multivariate function approximation with splines (B-spline, P-spline, and more) with interfaces to C++, C, Python and MATLAB
- turi-code/GraphLab-Create-SDK - SDK for Turi's GraphLab Create.
- Mapaler/FastCopy-M - FastCopy-Multilanguage,FastCopy完整支持多国语言版
- luca3m/redis3m - A C++ Redis client
- louridas/pagerank - A pagerank implementation in C++ able to handle very big graphs
- jimple/OpenCVSample - OpenCV的iOS例子
- CppMicroServices/CppMicroServices - An OSGi-like C++ dynamic module system and service registry
- pfultz2/Tick - Trait introspection and concept creator for C++11
- nvpro-samples/gl_vk_chopper - Simple vulkan rendering example.
- jbandela/simple_match - Simple header only pattern matching for c++14
- jbandela/cppcomponents - Allows you to write binary components in C++11 that can be used across different compilers and standard libraries
- exaexa/codecrypt - Post-quantum cryptography tool
- edrosten/libcvd - libcvd - efficient and easy to use C++ computer vision library.
- alanxz/SimpleAmqpClient - Simple C++ Interface to rabbitmq-c
- wired/colloquypush - Modules for irc clients and bouncers that add Push support to Colloquy Mobile
- StarEngine/engine - Crossplatform C++11 2D Game Engine for Desktop and Mobile games
- scylladb/charybdefs - ScyllaDB fault injection filesystem
- nmattisson/HttpClient - Http Client Library for the Spark Core (also well suited for Arduino and other embedded platforms).
- Floby/node-libspotify - Node bindings for the libspotify C library
- CoolProp/CoolProp - Thermophysical properties for the masses
- sabel83/mpllibs - C++ template metaprogramming library collection
- PaulStoffregen/CapacitiveSensor - Detect touch or proximity by capacitve sensing
- kainjow/Mustache - Mustache text templates in C++11
- FrozenGene/LLVMPascalCompiler - This is the source code of My LLVM Pascal Compiler Tutorial
- CRVI/OpenCLIPP - OpenCL Integrated Performance Primitives - A library of optimized OpenCL image processing functions
- ryanjon2040/RTS-Community-Project - Lets build an RTS Game with Unreal Engine 4!
- Return-To-The-Roots/s25client - Return To The Roots (Settlers II(R) Clone)
- memo/ofxMSAFluid - C++ openFrameworks addon for solving and drawing 2D fluid systems based on Navier-Stokes equations and Jos Stam's paper "Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games" http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/people/stam/reality/Research/pdf/GDC03.pdf
- cvjena/cn24 - Convolutional (Patch) Networks for Semantic Segmentation
- akof1314/CoolFormat - CoolFormat Source Code Formatter
- torbjoernk/CppKoans - Inspired by RubyKoans and JavaScript-Koans, this is an attemt to write such koans for C/C++.
- tgockel/json-voorhees - A killer modern C++ library for interacting with JSON.
- springmeyer/libuv-webserver - Pure C (or C++) webserver (and experimental http client) based on libuv and http-parser
- kentonv/node-capnp - Cap'n Proto bindings for Node.js
- electric-monk/360Controller - XBox 360 controller driver for OSX official repo
- axr/core - The AXR core library
- MicBosi/VisualizationLibrary - Visualization Library is a C++ middleware for high-performance 2D and 3D graphics applications based on OpenGL 1.x-4.x supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
- lhmouse/MCF - Meta-purpose C++ Foundation
- joaquintides/cpp14monadworkshop - Material for a workshop on monads with C++14
- adobe/chromium - Experiments and contributions to Chromium project
- abique/hefur - Standalone C++ BitTorrent tracker
- vinjn/opencv-2-cookbook-src - 《OpenCV 2 计算机视觉编程手册》 配套代码
- trailofbits/pe-parse - Principled, lightweight C/C++ PE parser
- tapio/rlutil - C and C++ utilities for cross-platform console roguelike game creation.
- netbeen/flyingACE - A Cocos2d-3.0 games about plane fighting, using Cocos2d-x-3.3 binding c++. Cocos2dx游戏《王牌飞行员》,使用Cocos2d-x-3.3开发
- Morwenn/cpp-sort - Additional sorting algorithms for C++14 and C++17
- mapbox/variant - C++11/C++14 Variant
- jefftimesten/CodeForArt - Sample code for my class, Code For Art, at the Parsons Design and Technology program
- frsyuki/mpio - Multipurpose parallel I/O framework for C++ with fully multithreaded event loop implementation
- freezer333/nodecpp-demo - Node.js C++ integration sample code
- Denvi/Candle - GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt.
- smartdevicelink/sdl_core - SmartDeviceLink In-Vehicle Software and Sample HMI
- cachelot/cachelot - Cache library and distributed caching server. Memcached compatible.
- YuanhaoGong/CurvatureFilter - Curvature Filters are efficient solvers for Variational Models
- wbenny/pdbex - pdbex is a utility for reconstructing structures and unions from the PDB into compilable C headers
- vorg/MowaLibs - Collection of my C++ classes that I use together with CinderLib
- vcftools/vcftools - A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project.
- nholthaus/units - a compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library built on c++14 with no dependencies.
- klmr/cpp11-range - Range-based for loops to iterate over a range of numbers or values
- intercept/intercept - A C/C++ Binding Library for SQF and RV Engine Access Abstraction Layer
- GameTechDev/ISPCTextureCompressor - ISPC Texture Compressor
- cmangos/mangos-tbc - C(ontinued)-MaNGOS is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
- stoyannk/voxels - Voxels Library - C++ library for voxel manipulation and polygonization
- RadeonOpenCompute/hcc - HCC is an Open Source, Optimizing C++ Compiler for Heterogeneous Compute currently for the ROCm GPU Computing Platform
- qicosmos/Kapok - 更好的序列化库,c++14开发,header-only,简洁高效。
- MineScroll/Cubby - Voxel-based Game Engine for MineScroll (based on AlwayGeeky's Vox)
- fdebrabander/Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library - Library for the LiquidCrystal LCD display connected to an Arduino board.
- danielaparker/jsoncons - C++ library for parsing and serializing JSON text
- xelatihy/yocto-gl - A collection of C/C++ single-file libraries for building physically-based graphics applications
- catxoxo/cat - C++14 functional library
- technobly/SparkCore-NeoPixel - An Implementation of Adafruit's NeoPixel Library for Particle devices: Spark Core, Photon, P1 and Electron.
- patriciogonzalezvivo/KinectCoreVision - Kinect Implementation of CCV
- jtoy/cld - compact language detection
- jbenet/bson-cpp - Standalone repository for mongodb's BSON C++ Implementation
- daizhenjun/ImageFilterC - ImageFilterC++ For vs2010 , iphone, ipad
- cinder/Cinder-OpenCV - OpenCV CinderBlock
- yaledb/calvin - Calvin is a scalable transactional database system that leverages determinism to guarantee active replication and full ACID-compliance of distributed transactions without two-phase commit. Most of the code is for VLDB 2014 paper: 《An Evaluation of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Deterministic Database Systems》.
- mosra/corrade - C++11/C++14 multiplatform utility library
- BoostGSoC14/boost.http - Embeddable C++ HTTP server
- BlindMindStudios/AngelScript-JIT-Compiler - A Just-In-Time compiler for the AngelScript language on x86 processors.
- adafruit/Adafruit-VC0706-Serial-Camera-Library - Library for VC0706-based Serial JPEG Cameras
- texus/TGUI - An easy to use cross-platform c++ GUI for SFML
- Manu343726/Turbo - C++11 metaprogramming library
- jimporter/mettle - A C++14 unit test framework
- ipkn/dumpable - Serialization without any serialization codes in C++
- ffevotte/clang-tags - C/C++ source code indexing tool based on libclang
- facebook/css-layout - A subset of CSS (specifically flex-box) re-implemented as a stand alone project for use primarily on mobile. Used by react-native
- serge-sans-paille/pythran - a claimless python to c++ converter
- cat/cat - C++14 functional library
- m-schmoock/lcpp - A Lua C PreProcessor
- Doppp/LHL-Sudoku-Solver - PM Lee's C++ Sudoku Solver Souce Code. Storing on GitHub for posterity. :D
- Fl0p/OpenCV-iOS - OpenCV (open source computer vision library) just builded iOS framework and Pod
- rudimeier/twsapi - portable C++ API for Interactive Brokers TWS
- OpenJabNab/OpenJabNab - An open PHP/C++-based proxy framework for the Nabaztag/Tag™ (http://www.nabaztag.com/) electronic pet.
- obastemur/cocos2dxMultiPlayer - Sample Cocos2d-x Multiplayer game with server side source codes
- Lichtso/netLink - Socket and Networking Library using msgpack.org[C++11]
- ayoy/qoauth - A Qt-based C++ library for OAuth authorization scheme
- kedebug/yohub - A lightweight asynchronous event-driven network application framework in C++.
- eggs-cpp/variant - Eggs.Variant is a C++11/14 generic, type-safe, discriminated union.
- Whales/Cataclysm2 - The sequel to the post-apocalyptic roguelike. Infinitely better.
- Intel-bigdata/ceph-mesos - A Mesos framework for scaling a Ceph cluster.
- clang-omp/clang - clang with OpenMP 3.1 and some elements of OpenMP 4.0 support
- toffaletti/libten - C++11 library for network services on modern x86_64 Linux
- larroy/mycelium - An open source information retrieval system written in C++11 and Python. Aspires to be an alternative to Nutch / Lucene. It uses MongoDB as an storage engine.
- chewing/windows-chewing-tsf - New free software implementation of windows-chewing based on TSF
- anandsuresh/sse4_crc32 - SSE4.2-based H/w-accelerated CRC32 calculator with software fallback
- reupen/columns_ui - Alternative UI for the foobar2000 audio player
- mattbierner/Template-Assembly - Embedding x86 assembly code in C++ with metaprogramming using a domain specific language.
- glastonbridge/SuperCollider-Android - An Android port of SuperCollider
- shramov/json2pb - Python/C++ implementation of JSON to/from Protobuf convertor
- royshil/FoodcamClassifier - A Bag of Visual Words food classifier for Media Lab's FoodCam
- PyYoshi/cChardet - universal character encoding detector
- field/FieldKit.cpp - Building blocks for generative art and computational design projects. Ranging from audio-visual interactive installations to generative design tools.
- fajran/npTuioClient - TUIO Client plugin for web browsers
- elliotgoodrich/SSO-23 - Memory optimal Small String Optimization implementation for C++
- axw/cmonster - Python wrapper for the Clang C++ preprocessor and parser.
- zyearn/zhihuCrawler - event-driven crawler implemented by C++
- joakimkarlsson/bandit - Human friendly unit testing for C++11
- iTyran/Quick-Cocos2dx-Community - A Community version of Quick-Cocos2d-x
- xamarin/WebSharp - Support for running C# on the web browser.
- pfi/pficommon - General purpose C++ library for PFI
- QuantBox/CTP - 已经不再维护,请移步到XAPI2项目
- jaukia/cld-js - Compact Language Detector for Javascript. Detect the language of any piece of text.
- 0x00A/nodeuv-http - A simple http library in c++ backed by libuv and http-parser.
- Piepenguin1995/citybuilder - Source code for my SFML Citybuilder tutorial
- nguyenduong/spritebuilder_cocos2dx - Sprite Builder lib for Cocos2-x
- jeradesign/CVFunhouse - CVFunhouse — an iOS framework for OpenCV
- BloodAxe/OpenCV-Features-Comparison - A benchmark tool to compare OpenCV feature detection and descriptors extraction algorithms
- spark/core-communication-lib - Embedded C++ library for communication between Core & Cloud
- SFML/CSFML - Official binding of SFML for C
- rogersce/cnpy - library to read/write .npy and .npz files in C/C++
- rhcad/x3py - C++ Plugin Framework that can integrate with QT, Python, Java or C#.
- 0xsky/xblog - xBlog is a simple, high-speed, customizable blog app developed by C++
- clab/cnn - C++ neural network library
- CE-Programming/CEmu - A developer-oriented emulator of the eZ80-based TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE calculators
- indutny/llnode - Node.js C++ lldb plugin
- pytries/marisa-trie - Static memory-efficient Trie-like structures for Python (2.x and 3.x). Uses marisa-trie C++ library.
- bbcrd/audiowaveform - C++ program to generate waveform data and render waveform images from audio files
- rmartinho/nonius - A C++ micro-benchmarking framework
- Yalantis/uCrop - Image Cropping Library for Android
- nyanp/tiny-cnn - header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11
- kobalicek/asmjit - Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++
- nvpro-pipeline/vkcpp - C++ Vulkan API
- SDLash3D/cs16-client - Counter-Strike 1.6 rewritten client.dll. Without VGUI, ParticleMan and ecology friendy.
- dariomanesku/cmftStudio - cmftStudio - GUI counterpart for:
- openpeer/ortc-lib - ORTC (Object RTC) C++ Library wrapper for WebRTC
- Emotiv/community-sdk - Emotiv SDK Community Edition
- StyleCop/StyleCop - Mirror of official StyleCop repo (which appears to be abandoned) to port to ReSharper 9. Forked by @citizenmatt. Let's talk.
- inetic/club - Decentralized game networking
- Sidnicious/team - Easy asynchrony for C++
- nashby/cityhash - Ruby wrapper for google's cityhash.
- Voxer/sse4_crc32 - SSE4.2-based H/w-accelerated CRC32 calculator with software fallback
- tghosgor/threadpool11 - A fast, lock-free, cross-platform C++11 thread pool library that is aiming to be lightweight and simple.
- keegnotrub/coda-sass-plugin - A plug-in for Panic's Coda 2 that converts scss files into css files.
- yoshinorim/MySlowTranCapture - A tool to print MySQL transactions that take more than milliseconds
- telehash/telehash-c - telehash tools library in c
- minimoog/QTweetLib - C++ Qt based Twitter library
- jmah/Clang-KeyPathValidator - Early exploration in a clang plugin for checking Cocoa KVC/KVO key paths
- jeaye/jeayeson - A very sane (header only) C++14 JSON library
- CrazyCoder/coolreader-kindle-qt - Cool Reader 3 port for Kindle Paperwhite, Touch, 4NT, 3, DX
- calaos/calaos_base - Calaos server and touchscreen interface
- bluesky466/Cocos2dxUsefulClasses - cocos2d-x实用类 -- some easy and userful classes for cocos2d-x 2.2.3 and cocos2d-x 3.2
- mzsanford/cld - Language Detection based on Chromium's Compact Language Detector library
- joshuajnoble/ofxKinectCommonBridge - A wrapper for the simple Kinect for Windows library developed at Microsoft in partnership with myself & James George
- josephholsten/libdecodeqr - A C/C++ library for decoding QR code 2D barcodes
- jdkoftinoff/jdksmidi - c++ MIDI library
- go3k/CCXWebview - A project to show Webview in a cocos2d-x games on both iOS and Android platform
- bozho/console - Public Console repo
- thejohnfreeman/autocheck - QuickCheck and SmallCheck clones for C++
- ofTheo/ofxControlPanel - A flexible control panel based gui addon for openFrameworks
- ebshimizu/socket.io-clientpp - A websocket++ and rapidjson based C++ Socket.IO client
- CatalystApps/Cocos2dxGAFPlayer - Cocos2dxGAFPlayer
- leafsoar/ls-cocos2d-x - leafsoar cocos2d-x code
- InfiniteRasa/Game-Server - C++ version
- adamvr/arduino-base64 - A base64 library for the arduino platform, written in C
- richelbilderbeek/BoostGraphTutorial - A well-connected C++11 Boost.Graph tutorial
- peterhuene/sqlite-net-wp8 - A C++/CX wrapper for SQLite functions that sqlite-net depends on. Can be used as an alternative to csharp-sqlite on Windows Phone 8. This library is released under the MIT license.
- mooz/node-icu-charset-detector - A simple binding of ICU character set detection for Node.js
- greearb/xorp.ct - XORP is a routing protocol suite, supporting OSPF, BGP, RIP, PIM, IGMP, OLSR and more. This repository is now the official XORP code repository.
- genbetadev/Genbeta-Dev-Engine - Desarrollo de un Game Engine básico sobre C++ y SFML 2.1
- zsummer/zsummer - (2013年起已停止维护,有兴趣请关注zsummerX)zsummer is a cross-platform C++ high performance lightweight network library. via IOCP/EPOLL.
- DavidEGrayson/minimu9-ahrs - Program for reading data from the Pololu MinIMU-9 over I²C. Works on the Raspberry Pi and probably other embedded ARM Linux boards.
- Cylix/Reflex - C++14 Reflection Library
- auscaster/webrtc-native-to-browser-peerconnection-example - WebRTC native C++ to browser PeerConnection example
- akalend/amqpcpp - rabbitcpp is a C++ library for Message Queue Server RabbitMQ
- Wren6991/Ship-Sandbox - Sinking ship simulation written in C++
- jll63/yomm11 - Open multi-methods for C++11
- bjoern-andres/random-forest - Randomized Decision Trees: A Fast C++ Implementation of Random Forests.
- aquynh/capstone - Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, M68K, Mips, PPC, Sparc, SystemZ, X86, X86_64, XCore) + bindings (Python, Java, Ocaml)
- Itseez/opencv_contrib - Repository for OpenCV's extra modules
- Hotsotse/Hang-man - A very broken C++ hangman game.
- kmike/marisa-trie - Static memory-efficient Trie-like structures for Python (2.x and 3.x). Uses marisa-trie C++ library.
- gwaldron/osgearth - A free open source C++ geospatial toolkit.
- mrnugget/opencv-haar-classifier-training - Learn how to train your own OpenCV Haar classifier
- readium/readium-sdk - A C++ ePub renderer SDK of similar capability to Adobe's RMSDK.
- google/edash-packager - A media packaging SDK intended for C++ programmers writing MPEG-DASH packaging applications with Widevine DRM and Common Encryption support.
- richgel999/crunch - Advanced DXTc texture compression library
- kmike/DAWG - DAFSA-based dictionary-like read-only objects for Python. Based on
C++ library. - lalinsky/chromaprint - MOVED TO https://bitbucket.org/acoustid/chromaprint
- dato-code/GraphLab-Create-SDK - SDK for GraphLab-Create
- PivotalRD/libhdfs3 - libhdfs3 a native c/c++ hdfs client
- OlafvdSpek/ctemplate - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/ctemplate
- tj/node-discount - nodejs bindings for the C markdown "discount" library
- steamclock/javascriptcore-api-test - Early experiment with the iOS 7 Objective-C API for JavaScriptCore.
- mrtazz/json-cpp - [DEPRECATED] use /~https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
- brandonpelfrey/Construct - Mathematics prototyping system
- thebeebs/OfficeAssistant - The Office Assistant was an intelligent user interface for Microsoft Office. The code written in C++ is now avalible for anyone to use that agrees to the licence. Enjoy
- KDAB/Charm - The Cross-Platform Time Tracker
- mcr/Android-HelloWorldService - This is a skeleton application that creates an Android service in C++, accessing it via Java/Binder.
- anhero/JsonBox - This is a JSON C++ library. It can write and read JSON files with ease and speed.
- Tomasu/LuaGlue - C++11 Lua 5.2 Binding Library
- diwu/AnalyticX - A C++ wrapper of Flurry for Cocos2d-X. Supports Android and iOS.
- amadvance/tommyds - A C library of hashtables and tries designed to store objects with high performance
- tias/xinput_calibrator - A generic touchscreen calibration program for X.Org
- simonask/reflect - A simple C++11 reflection/serialization framework.
- r-lyeh/kult - 🔮 A lightweight entity/component/system library written in C++11
- adafruit/Adafruit_LiquidCrystal - A fork of my own LiquidCrystal library
- saleyn/eixx - Erlang C++ Interface
- moriyoshi/boost.php - Create your PHP extension in C++, in a minute.
- cmagagna/ArduinoCC3000 - Arduino library for the TI CC3000 WiFi module
- sureshjoshi/android-ndk-swig-example - This project is a full example of using Android Studio (1.0+), Gradle (1.0+), NDK, and SWIG to automatically compile and setup C++ libraries and Java wrappers in Android Studio.
- secmob/PoCForCVE-2015-1528 - I'll submit the poc after blackhat
- miloyip/dtoa-benchmark - C++ double-to-string conversion benchmark
- learn-langs/cpp - Learn C++
- ipa320/cob_driver - The cob_driver stack includes packages that provide access to the Care-O-bot hardware over ROS messages and services. E.g. for mobile base, arm, camera_sensors, scanners, etc...
- gwiazdorrr/CxxSwizzle - Modern C++ swizzling header-only library
- grogers0/CppQuickCheck - QuickCheck-like property based automated testing tool for C++
- ahorn/cpp-channel - Experimental Go-style concurrency for C++11
- aewallin/openvoronoi - 2D voronoi diagram for point and line-segment sites using incremental topology-oriented algorithm. C++ with python bindings. GPLv3.
- RSATom/WebChimera - [deprecated] Web browser plugin based on Vlc + Firebreath + Qt Quick 2/Qml
- KhronosGroup/Vulkan-CTS - Khronos Vulkan Conformance Tests
- FooBarWidget/boyer-moore-horspool - Booyer-Moore-Horspool string search algorithm implementation in C++
- rgbdemo/nestk - C++ Library for Kinect
- cppformat/cppformat - Small, safe and fast formatting library for C++
- chromium/chromium - Open-source project behind Google Chrome
- ideawu/icomet - A C1000K comet/push server built with C++, for web and mobile app
- nicklockwood/FastCoding - A faster and more flexible binary file format replacement for NSCoding, Property Lists and JSON
- tatsuhiro-t/nghttp2 - nghttp2 - HTTP/2 C Library
- echonest/echoprint-codegen - Codegen for Echoprint
- lballabio/quantlib - The QuantLib C++ library and extensions
- Yangqing/caffe2 - This is currently an experimental refactoring of Caffe.
- torrvision/crfasrnn - This repository contains the source code for the semantic image segmentation method described in the ICCV 2015 paper: Conditional Random Fields as Recurrent Neural Networks. http://crfasrnn.torr.vision/
- awslabs/aws-sdk-cpp - AWS SDK for C++
- tmbdev/clstm - A small C++ implementation of LSTM networks, focused on OCR.
- krzysztof-jusiak/di - C++ Dependency Injection
- macmade/ClangKit - ClangKit provides an Objective-C frontend to LibClang. Source tokenization, diagnostics and fix-its are actually implemented.
- facebook/wangle - Wangle provides a full featured, high performance C++ futures implementation.
- ekg/vcflib - a simple C++ library for parsing and manipulating VCF files, + many command-line utilities
- aerospike/aerospike-client-nodejs - Aerospike Client for node.js
- wjakob/pybind11 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- willsteel/lcpp - A Lua C PreProcessor
- sh1r0/caffe-android-lib - Porting caffe to android platform
- AMDmi3/libSDL2pp - C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
- 0xxff/nodeuv-http - A simple http library in c++ backed by libuv and http-parser.
- meshula/LabSound - A C++ audio engine derived from WebAudio
- psi4/psi4public - Open-Source Quantum Chemistry – an electronic structure package in C++ driven by Python
- waveto/node-crypto - A cryptographic module for node.js
- theypsilon/concat - A string concatenation utility in a single header file for C++11.
- NathanEpstein/markov - A compact C++ library for easily simulating common Markov processes.
- r0adrunner/Space2Ctrl - Turns the spacebar key to another control key.
- posulliv/libcassandra - A high level C++ client for Cassandra
- cstrahan/capnp-ruby - Ruby wrapper for Cap'n Proto
- cmangos/mangos-cata - C(ontinued)-MaNGOS (Cata fork) is about: -- Doing WoW-Emulation Right!
- trillek-team/trillek-server-core - The core server engine for Trillek
- Unity-Technologies/VersionControlPlugins - MOVED TO BITBUCKET - Perforce plugin for Unity
- Blockstream/contracthashtool - A simple implementation of Pay-to-Contract-Hash
- weyrick/roadsend-php-raven - Rewrite of Roadsend PHP in C++ using LLVM
- r-lyeh/dessert - 🍰 Dessert is a lightweight unit-testing framework (C++11).
- onedayitwillmake/ChuClone - ChuClone is a 2.5D webgl HTML5 game that uses 2D physics (Box2D), but is drawn in 3D (Three.js)
- automatak/dnp3 - DNP3 (IEEE-1815) protocol. C++11 with bindings for .NET
- Rcpp11/Rcpp11 - R and C++11
- tadasv/chimp - Machine learning for humans
- grrrwaaa/maxcpp - C++ templates for Max/MSP objects
- SuperV1234/cppcon2014 - Repository for the slides and the code of my "Quick game development with C++11/C++14" CppCon 2014 talk.
- tomaka/luawrapper - Easy-to-use lua wrapper for C++
- himynameschris/socket.io-poco - cross platform c++ socket.io client written using poco libraries
- andrew-d/cpplog - Simple C++ logging library
- konteck/wpp - Single file embedded C++ web server
- joakim666/colortail - Like the tail command line utility but with colors
- greathqy/Cocos2d-x-Asynchronous-Http-Request-Library - A simple library wrote as a cocos2d-x extension that provides asynchronously http get/post/download request facility.
- google/pindrop - C++ cross-platform game audio library
- adobe-research/libkafka - A C++ client library for Apache Kafka v0.8+. Also includes C API.
- TCWORLD/ATTinyCore - ATTiny Core for Arduino 1.0+
- KrishnaAchuthan/curry - Support for Currying and Function Composition in C++
- zwxxx/LeetCode - Solution set for LeetCode.com.
- panaseleus/stack_unwinding - The stack_unwinding is a small header only C++ library which supplies primitive(class unwinding_indicator) to determining when object destructor is called due to stack-unwinding or due to normal scope leaving.
- loadzero/geoloc - A command line tool for bulk geolocation queries written in C++.
- insurgentgames/Cryptose - Cryptose is a cryptogram game for iOS and Android with three gritty occupations to choose from. Made with Marmelade SDK.
- ekg/intervaltree - a minimal C++ interval tree implementation
- chparsons/ofxCamaraLucida - Kinect Projector System
- aleph7/a-coding - Source of the articles posted in a-coding blog
- MichaelFerrier/HTMCLA - A C++ implementation of Numenta's Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) Cortical Learning Algorithm (CLA). Uses Qt for user interface.
- cpinan/Cocos2dX_GooglePlayGamesServices - Android Support with cocos2d-x for Google Play Games Services
- bilke/cmake-modules - Additional CMake functionality. Most of the modules are from Ryan Pavlik (/~https://github.com/rpavlik/cmake-modules)
- olalonde/node-notify - Native Node.js C++ extension for displaying desktop notifications using GNOME's libnotify (libnotifymm) library.
- fanchy/fflua - FFLUA 是嵌入LUA,注册C++相关的对象到lua的封装库, wraper for C++ embedding lua, extend C++ to lua
- dosgo/ngrok-c - ngrok client for c language,Due to the use of GO ngrok language development, porting to embedded devices some inconvenience, such as openwrt, so use C language rewrite a client. Very mini, the need to support polarssl library.
- adafruit/LiquidCrystal - A fork of my own LiquidCrystal library
- 0xxff/ldb - A C++ REPL / CLI for LevelDB
- tegesoft/camp - C++ multi-purpose reflection library
- mizvekov/fp - Fixed Point Arithmetic C++14 Library
- memo/ofxMSAOpenCL - C++ openFrameworks addon for very simple to use wrapper for OpenCL. All underlying openCL objects are accessible to allow advanced features too if need be
- ddemidov/amgcl - C++ library for solving large sparse linear systems with algebraic multigrid method
- alliedmodders/metamod-source - Metamod:Source - C++ Plugin Environment and Detour Library for the Source Engine
- TonicAudio/ofxTonic - Open Frameworks Addon for the Tonic audio synthesis Library. Tonic is an efficient, pure C++ patching tool with a refreshingly crisp and simple syntax.
- Jason-lee-c/CocosNet - the solution of tcp on cocos2d-x
- FlatRockSoft/TheCatacomb - GPL release of the Catacomb II source.
- CloudCV/cloudcv-bootstrap - A starter template for Node.js with OpenCV bindings. This project lets you to quickly prototype a REST API in a Node.js for a image processing service written in C++.
- uricamic/clandmark - Open Source Landmarking Library
- stubma/cocos2dx-classical - A better cocos2d-x v2, for anyone who is still sticking to cocos2d-x 2.2.x+
- pkrumins/node-jpeg - A nodejs C++ module that given a buffer with RGB or RGBA values creates a JPEG image in memory.
- nwjs/chromium.src - copy of https://git.chromium.org/git/chromium/src.git
- goossaert/hashmap - Various open addressing hashmap algorithms in C++
- dafrito/luacxx - C++11 API for creating Lua bindings
- OneMoreGres/qtc-cppcheck - Qt Creator Cppcheck integration plugin
- Irrelon/iOS-JavaScript-Bridge - iOS JavaScript to Objective-C Bridge. Enables method calls and communication between JavaScript & Objective-C.
- FlatRockSoft/CatacombAbyss - GPL release of Catacomb Abyss source code.
- rmartinho/ogonek - A C++11 library for Unicode
- openpeer/op-old - C++ Open Peer core library - P2P Protocol (needed for iOS SDK)
- nushoin/RTree - N-dimensional RTree implementation in C++
- micahpearlman/MonkSVG - SVG parsing framework in C++
- lukhnos/formosana - A C++ Library for Processing Taiwanese Languages
- jmckaskill/c-capnproto - C library/compiler for the Cap'n Proto serialization/RPC protocol
- evernote/evernote-sdk-cpp - Evernote SDK for C++
- domme/VoxelConeTracing - An implementation of the "Voxel Cone Tracing" global illumination technique proposed by Cyril Crassin (http://perso.telecom-paristech.fr/~eisemann/publications/Crassin2011VoxelGlobalPG/VoxelGI_EG-pg2011-sub.pdf)
- delmottea/libCMT - c++ port of the python code from /~https://github.com/gnebehay/CMT
- ajg/synth - A Powerful C++ Templating Framework
- JarrettBillingsley/Croc - Croc is an extensible extension language in the vein of Lua, which also wishes it were a standalone language. Also it's fun.
- Computing-Language-Utility/CLU - Computing Language Utility
- BanTheRewind/Cinder-MsKinect - Cinder wrapper for the official Kinect SDK
- libgit2/libgit2 - The Library
- joyent/libuv - Go to
- libuv/libuv - Cross-platform asychronous I/O
- OpenKinect/libfreenect - Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on WIndows, Linux, and OS X
- jedisct1/libsodium - A modern and easy-to-use crypto library.
- facebook/libphenom - An eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
- sustrik/libmill - Go-style concurrency in C
- libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice - A cross-platform protocol library to communicate with iOS devices
- havlenapetr/FFMpeg - this is port of ffmpeg for android (this is app, but in future i will do android lib from it and then system will be able to convert videos automatically)
- jcupitt/libvips - A fast image processing library with low memory needs.
- vstakhov/libucl - Universal configuration library parser
- nmathewson/Libevent - Nick's public libevent repository. The official repository is at git://levent.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/levent/libevent
- fukuchi/libqrencode - QR Code encoding library
- atgreen/libffi - A portable foreign-function interface library.
- bither/bither-android-lib - Bither Android Library
- warmcat/libwebsockets - canonical libwebsockets.org websocket library
- libarchive/libarchive - Multi-format archive and compression library
- libharu/libharu - libharu - free PDF library
- ellzey/libevhtp - A more flexible replacement for libevent's http API.
- lukeredpath/libPusher - An Objective-C interface to Pusher (pusherapp.com)
- dinhviethoa/libetpan - Mail Framework for C Language
- libopencm3/libopencm3 - Open Source ARM cortex m microcontroller library
- edenhill/librdkafka - The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
- stephane/libmodbus - A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, QNX and Windows
- libusb/libusb - A cross-platform library to access USB devices
- guardianproject/libsqlfs - a library that implements a POSIX style filesystem on top of an SQLite database
- libav/libav - Libav github mirror, clone of git://git.libav.org/libav
- libtom/libtomcrypt - LibTomCrypt is a fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit that provides developers with a vast array of well known published block ciphers, one-way hash functions, chaining modes, pseudo-random number generators, public key cryptography and a plethora of other routines.
- facebook/liblogfaf - A library that logs messages using non-blocking UDP datagrams.
- jcdutton/libbeauty - Decompiler and Reverse Engineering tool
- devsisters/libquic - QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP
- zhengshuxin/acl - one advanced C/C++ lib for UNIX and WINDOWS
- x2on/libssh2-for-iOS - A script for compiling libssh2 for iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). The example app can connect to an server with SSH and execute commands.
- the-tcpdump-group/libpcap - the LIBpcap interface to various kernel packet capture mechanism
- marforic/imagemagick_lib_iphone - Scripts and instructions to compile ImageMagick as a static library to use in any iOS project
- xxorde/librekinect - Depth data from a kinect sensor! Small and fast kernel driver. Also for embedded devices like the raspberry pi!
- nickhutchinson/libdispatch - Linux port of Apple's open-source concurrency library
- cloudwu/cstring - A simple C string lib
- monome/libmonome - makes writing applications for Monomes easy.
- wolfcw/libfaketime - libfaketime modifies the system time for a single application
- rescrv/libmacaroons - Macaroons are flexible authorization credentials that support decentralized delegation, attenuation, and verification.
- dndx/shadowsocks-libuv - A Lightweight and Super Fast Server for shadowsocks.
- sam-github/libnet - libnet provides a portable framework for low-level network packet construction.
- nmathewson/libevent-book - Nick's libevent manual
- leaflabs/libmaple - C and C++ library for STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 development boards.
- pkelsey/libuinet - a library version of FreeBSD's TCP/IP stack plus extras
- chokkan/liblbfgs - libLBFGS: a library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS)
- client9/libinjection - SQL / SQLI tokenizer parser analyzer
- armon/libart - Adaptive Radix Trees implemented in C
- cisco/libsrtp - Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)
- libtrading/libtrading - Libtrading, an ultra low-latency trading connectivity library for C and C++.
- DoubleSpout/ccap - node.js generate captcha using c++ library CImg without install any other lib or software
- mongodb/libbson - A BSON utility library.
- ivmai/libatomic_ops - The atomic_ops project (Atomic memory update operations portable implementation)
- erikd/libsndfile - A C library for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data..
- jedisct1/libpuzzle - A library to quickly find visually similar images
- chaoslawful/ccard-lib - C library for estimating cardinality in streams for which it is infeasible to store all events in memory
- brainfucker/hashlib - lib for node which makes hashes
- bitmovin/libdash - MPEG-DASH Access Library - Official ISO/IEC MPEG-DASH Reference Implementation
- steve-m/librtlsdr - Software to turn the RTL2832U into an SDR
- ladislav-zezula/StormLib - Official GitHub repository of the StormLib library created by Ladislav Zezula (author)
- anholt/libepoxy - Epoxy is a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you
- andlabs/libui - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
- libhybris/libhybris - Hybris is a solution that commits hybris, by allowing us to use bionic-based HW adaptations in glibc systems
- metajack/libstrophe - The libstrophe repository has moved to /~https://github.com/strophe/libstrophe
- coolaj86/libev-examples - A nice place for simple libev examples. Please contribute.
- vincenthz/libjson - a JSON parser and printer library in C. easy to integrate with any model.
- pbatard/libwdi - Windows Driver Installer library for USB devices
- zedshaw/liblcthw - The library you create when you are done with Learn C The Hard Way
- librsync/librsync - remote delta-compression library
- hanzz/libtransport - Create C++ transports easily
- lavabit/libdime - The DIME resolver library and command line utilities.
- jedisct1/libsodium-php - PHP extension for libsodium
- libguestfs/libguestfs - library and tools for accessing and modifying virtual machine disk images. PLEASE DO NOT USE GITHUB FOR ISSUES OR PULL REQUESTS. See the website for how to file a bug or contact us.
- thlorenz/libuv-dox - Documenting types and methods of libuv, mostly by reading 'uv.h'.
- libass/libass - libass is a portable subtitle renderer for the ASS/SSA (Advanced Substation Alpha/Substation Alpha) subtitle format.
- aharren/LibComponentLogging-Core - A small logging library for Objective-C applications (Mac OS X and iPhone OS/iOS) which provides conditional logging based on log levels and log components. Additionally, different logging strategies can be used, e.g. writing log messages to a file or sending them to the system log, while using the same logging interface.
- zhemao/libds - Simple, memory-safe data-structures in C.
- openSUSE/libsolv - Library for solving packages and reading repositories
- libtom/libtommath - LibTomMath is a free open source portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library written entirely in C.
- thom311/libnl - Netlink Library Suite
- chewing/libchewing - libchewing - The intelligent phonetic input method library
- NetEase/libpomelo - Deprecated, Please Go to /~https://github.com/NetEase/libpomelo2
- redjack/libcork - A simple, easily embeddable cross-platform C library
- maxmind/libmaxminddb - C library for the MaxMind DB file format
- H2CO3/libsprec - C library for speech recognition using the Google Speech API
- wiiudev/libwiiu - Build system and examples for running C code on the Wii U
- larskanis/libusb - Access USB devices from Ruby via libusb-1.x
- bashrc/libdeep - A deep learning library for C/C++
- webmproject/libvpx - Mirror only. Please do not send pull requests.
- saitoha/libsixel - The new standard of SIXEL development
- libMesh/libmesh - libMesh github repository
- josephg/librope - UTF-8 rope library for C
- Chronic-Dev/libirecovery - Console library for iBoot/iBSS used by iPhone & iPod touch
- slavavdovichenko/MediaLibDemos3x - MediaLibiOS & Demos 3.x
- libvmi/libvmi - The official home of the LibVMI project is at /~https://github.com/libvmi/libvmi.
- julienr/libpng-android - libpng for Android NDK
- LibVNC/libvncserver - LibVNCServer/LibVNCClient are cross-platform C libraries that allow you to easily implement VNC server or client functionality in your program.
- linux-sunxi/libvdpau-sunxi - Experimental VDPAU for Allwinner sunxi SoCs (WiP)
- BrianSharpe/GPU-Noise-Lib - Optimized GPU noise functions and utilities
- webmproject/libwebp - Mirror only. Please do not send pull requests.
- xml4r/libxml-ruby - Libxml bindings for Ruby.
- rampantpixels/foundation_lib - Cross-platform public domain foundation library in C providing basic support data types and functions to write applications and games in a platform-independent fashion.
- koanlogic/libu - LibU is a multiplatform utility library written in C, with APIs for handling memory allocation, networking and URI parsing, string manipulation, debugging, and logging in a very compact way, plus many other miscellaneous tasks
- dparrish/libcli - Libcli provides a shared library for including a Cisco-like command-line interface into other software. It's a telnet interface which supports command-line editing, history, authentication and callbacks for a user-definable function tree.
- payden/libwebsock - C library for easy WebSockets server.
- memononen/libtess2 - Game and tools oriented refactored version of GLU tesselator.
- m4rw3r/php-libev - PHP extension providing an object-oriented binding to the libev event-loop library.
- libreswan/libreswan - libreswan
- DoubleSpout/ifile - High performance nodejs http/https static file handler,using c++ addon and libuv lib
- zorgnax/libtap - Write tests in C
- fbuihuu/libtree - A library which implements a couple of famous binary search trees.
- rodionovd/liblorgnette - Like dlsym(), but for alien processes on OS X & iOS
- djrbliss/libplayground - A simple framework for developing Linux kernel heap exploit techniques
- SoldierX/libhijack - Runtime Process Infection Made Easy
- theck01/offbrand_lib - A collecton of generic reference counted data structures, tools to create compatible C style classes, and demo applications
- liblfds/liblfds6.1.1 - Bug fix release. Supersedes 6.1.0.
- libgit2/libgit2-backends - Standalone ODB backends for the libgit2 library
- celery/librabbitmq - Python bindings to librabbitmq-c
- xemul/libct - Linux containers control plane
- tbuktu/libntru - C Implementation of NTRUEncrypt
- dropbox/librsync - Dropbox modified version of librysnc
- zeromq/libcurve - An encryption and authentication library for ZeroMQ applications
- libgd/libgd - GD Graphics Library
- kbranigan/Simple-OpenGL-Image-Library - Simple image uploader primarily for OpenGL
- jpirko/libteam - team netdevice library
- CyanogenMod/android_hardware_libhardware - Android HAL
- siddontang/libtnet - libtnet is a tiny high performance c++ network lib, like tornado
- rambo/TinyWire - My modifications to TinyWire Arduino libs
- libimobiledevice/libplist - A library to handle Apple Property List format in binary or XML
- xant/libhl - Simple and fast C library implementing a thread-safe API to manage hash-tables, linked lists, lock-free ring buffers and queues
- libming/libming - SWF output library
- jiixyj/libebur128 - A library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard.
- nand2/libvmod-throttle - Varnish: Reject or delay requests after given tresholds are reached. (Think API rate limit, or per-ip MISS rate limit)
- DavyLandman/AESLib - Arduino Library for AES Encryption (source based on avr-crypto-lib)
- GomSpace/libcsp - Cubesat Space Protocol - A small network-layer delivery protocol designed for Cubesats
- DrPizza/libdispatch - Port of libdispatch to support Win32.
- seanmiddleditch/libtelnet - Simple RFC-complient TELNET implementation as a C library.
- jamwt/libtask - Russ Cox's libtask (with enhancements)
- libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo - Main libjpeg-turbo repository
- planetbeing/libdmg-hfsplus - Portable libraries and utilities that manipulate HFS+ volumes and Apple's DMG images
- arnaudsj/libsvm - LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines (unofficial snapshot dist mirror)
- 0xmalloc/c-log - a fast ,stable and thread-safe log lib(logger) for C/C++ language
- Baughn/Dwarf-Fortress--libgraphics- - The graphics segment of Dwarf Fortress
- albertz/python-embedded - Python build script to create a small embeddable static Python lib
- mysqludf/lib_mysqludf_sys - A UDF library with functions to interact with the operating system. These functions allow you to interact with the execution environment in which MySQL runs.
- mysqludf/lib_mysqludf_json - A UDF library of functions to map relational data to the JSON format.
- libratbag/libratbag - A library to configure gaming mice
- reginaldl/librinoo - (A)synchronous socket management
- digidotcom/xbee_ansic_library - A collection of portable ANSI C code for communicating with Digi International's XBee wireless radio modules in API mode.
- libssh2/libssh2 - the SSH library
- itkz/librtmp - RTMP server and client written by C
- toymachine/libredis - A C based general low-level PHP extension and client library for Redis, focusing on performance, generality and efficient parallel communication with multiple Redis servers. As a bonus, a Ketama Consistent Hashing implementation is provided as well.
- stskeeps/libhybris - NOTE: Not official libhybris anymore. Use /libhybris/libhybris
- mono/libgdiplus - C-based implementation of the GDI+ API
- dylanmtaylor/LibreScribe - LibreScribe is an effort to create an open source, easy-to-use and feature complete LiveScribe desktop client replacement for the Linux operating system. A large portion of the "behind-the-scenes" code is based off of libsmartpen, by Steven Walter. This project is licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
- dajobe/librdf - Redland librdf RDF API and triple stores
- Juniper/libxo - The libxo library allows an application to generate text, XML, JSON, and HTML output using a common set of function calls. The application decides at run time which output style should be produced.
- flame/libflame - High-performance object-based library for DLA computations
- ClusterLabs/libqb - libqb is a library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll.
- spark/core-common-lib - Common library for projects that use the Spark Core with the CC3000
- nfc-tools/libnfc - Platform independent Near Field Communication (NFC) library
- libos-nuse/linux-libos-tools - userspace tools for linux libos
- ynezz/librs232 - multiplatform library for serial communications over RS-232 (serial port)
- teachop/FlexCAN_Library - Arduino library for CAN on Teensy 3.1
- ktossell/libuvc - a cross-platform library for USB video devices
- jib/libvmod-statsd - Varnish module to send statistics to statsd
- greatscottgadgets/libbtbb - A Bluetooth baseband decoding library
- taf2/libebb - a lightweight high-performance HTTP server library for C
- atheme/libmowgli-2 - mowgli development framework (version 2) -- generic runtime for atheme applications
- adobkin/libcapn - A simple C Library for interact with the Apple Push Notification Service
- y-256/libdivsufsort - A lightweight suffix-sorting library
- mfargo/ofxFilterLibrary - An openFrameworks addon with a bunch of shader-based filters
- libyal/libfvde - Library and tools to access FileVault Drive Encryption (FVDE) encrypted volumes
- kanaka/libvncserver - Fork of libvncserver with support for tightPng encoding
- jrfoell/campfire-libpurple - A Campfire protocol plugin for libpurple (Pidgin)
- dankamongmen/libtorque - A threaded, continuations-based I/O event library for manycore NUMA machines
- IlyaGrebnov/libbsc - High performance block-sorting data compression library
- ottypes/libot - A minimal C library for operational transform
- ofiwg/libfabric - Open Fabric Interfaces
- libimobiledevice/libusbmuxd - A client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
- happyfish100/libfastcommon - c common functions library extracted from my open source projects FastDFS. this library is very simple and stable. functions including: string, logger, chain, hash, socket, ini file reader, base64 encode / decode, url encode / decode, fasttimer etc. detail info please see the c header files.
- xnko/libapi - libapi is a cross platform high performance io library written in c. It provides ability to write event driven servers and applications with continous code
- sahlberg/libnfs - NFS client library
- membase/libvbucket - Utility library providing mapping to virtual buckets
- mcolyer/libiphone - UNMAINTAINED
- Yubico/libu2f-host - Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library
- libressl/libressl - An unofficial mirror of the OpenBSD team's LibreSSL project (a fork of OpenSSL)
- PetteriAimonen/libfixmatrix - C library for fixed point matrix, quaternion and vector calculations
- NVIDIA/libglvnd - The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
- wolkykim/libasyncd - Embeddable Event-based Asynchronous Message/HTTP Server library for C/C++
- simplegeo/libgeohash - A pure C implementation of the Geohash algorithm.
- openyou/libomron - Libraries for accessing data from Omron medical devices
- nmathewson/libottery - A fast secure userspace pseudorandom number generator
- menudoproblema/libemqtt - Embedded C client library for the MQTT protocol
- Theano/libgpuarray - Library to manipulate tensors on the GPU.
- NetEase/libpomelo2 - A New Client SDK for Pomelo
- DragonMinded/libdragon - Open source library for N64 development.
- technion/libscrypt - A shared library that implements scrypt() functionality - a replacement for bcrypt()
- mypaint/libmypaint - libmypaint, a.k.a. "brushlib", is a library for making brushstrokes which is used by MyPaint and other projects.
- jvirkki/libbloom - A simple and small bloom filter implementation in plain C.
- varnish/libvmod-header - A header-modification vmod for Varnish
- storoj/libimobiledevice-win32 - win32 port of libimobiledevice (http://libimobiledevice.org)
- rofl0r/libulz - a collection of useful functions and data structures to create C apps faster. focus on simplicity, ability to statically link and minimal binary size.
- posixninja/libimobiledevice - A protocol library to access an iPhone or iPod Touch in Linux
- jedisct1/libchloride - Networking layer for libsodium, based on CurveCP
- djmuhlestein/fx2lib - Library routines for creating firmware for the Cypress FX2 (CY7C68013 and variants) with SDCC
- aisk/libae - redis's async event loop library
- ZornsLemma/lib6502-jit - JIT compiler for 6502 machine code, built on lib6502 and LLVM
- MatzeB/libfirm - graph based intermediate representation and backend for optimising compilers
- symisc/libcox - Cross Platform UNIX commands & System Calls
- reference/OpenSSLRSAWrapper - Based on lib openssl.Support ARC.Only wrapper for rsa encrypt/decrypt.Also include some other functions.
- libretro/nxengine-libretro - Port of NxEngine to the libretro API. NXEngine is a Cave Story game engine clone
- Lupus/libevfibers - Small C fiber library that uses libev based event loop and libcoro based coroutine context switching.
- JonathanBeck/libplist - A library to handle Apple Property List format whereas it's binary or XML
- sahlberg/libiscsi - iscsi client library and utilities
- libimobiledevice/libirecovery - Library and utility to talk to iBoot/iBSS via USB on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux
- cmatsuoka/libxmp - Libxmp is a library that renders module files to PCM data.
- algernon/libmongo-client - An obsolete library. Don't use it in new projects.
- xhs/librtcdc - librtcdc is a tiny WebRTC DataChannel implementation that works everywhere.
- vimeo/libvmod-boltsort - A fast Varnish module for sorting query string parameters.
- tudordavid/libslock - Cross-platform atomic operations and lock algorithm library
- swift-nav/libswiftnav - A portable C library implementing GNSS related functions and algorithms.
- pozorvlak/libtap - Testing library for C, implementing the Test Anything Protocol. Written by Nik Clayton.
- philips/libuv-webserver - simple webserver in libuv
- libvirt/libvirt - Automatic read-only mirror of http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=summary
- jackmitch/libsoc - libsoc: C library for interfacing with common SoC peripherals through generic kernel interfaces
- chrisa/libusdt - Create DTrace probes at runtime
- baruch/libwire - User space threading (aka coroutines) library for C resembling GoLang and goroutines
- seccomp/libseccomp - The main libseccomp repository
- lkarsten/libvmod-cookie - A Varnish module for simpler use of the cookie header.
- cloudwu/lua-int64 - A int64 lib for lua with lightuserdata in 64bit architecture
- choehwanjin/libhangul - libhangul
- trenskow/libairfloat - Apple's AirPlay library - audio receiver only. Derived from the iOS app AirFloat.
- kierank/libmpegts - Transport Stream Muxer which is spec compliant. Part of the Open Broadcast Encoder project
- yaml/libyaml - Mirror of https://bitbucket.org/xi/libyaml
- fmela/libdict - C library of key-value data structures with an object-oriented interface.
- cnangel/pidgin-libqq - libqq for pidgin
- PJK/libcbor - CBOR protocol implementation
- ByteInternet/libapache-mod-fastcgi - libapache-mod-fastcgi
- yixia/librtmp - librtmp for Android and iOS
- vincentjames501/libvorbis-libogg-android - JNI Android wrapper for encoding and decoding ogg/vorbis bitstreams
- shadeslayer/libnice - Libnice is an implementation of the IETF's Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) standard (RFC 5245) and the Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) standard (RFC 5389). It provides a GLib-based library, libnice and a Glib-free library, libstun as well as GStreamer elements. ICE is useful for applications that want to establish peer-to-peer UDP data streams. It automates the process of traversing NATs and provides security against some attacks. It also allows applications to create reliable streams using a TCP over UDP layer. Existing standards that use ICE include Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and XMPP Jingle.
- scunningham/libeio - Unofficial mirror.
- sch3m4/libntoh - User-friendly C Library to perform TCP streams reassembly and IPv4 defragmentation
- rivella50/talib-ruby - Ruby Wrapper for the Technical Analysis Library ta-lib
- martinh/libconfuse - Small configuration file parser library for C.
- anrieff/libcpuid - a small C library for x86 CPU detection and feature extraction
- parmanoir/libffi-iphone - libffi for the iPhone, including source code for simulator and device
- jwerle/progress.c - Progress display lib for c
- fanchy/FFRPC - ffrpc is a C++ lib for encapsulating socket option. it is easy to complete asynchronous communication between different process
- dcreager/libpush - An arrow-based parser combinator library for C
- vy/libpqueue - Generic priority queue (heap) implementation used by the Apache HTTP Server project.
- varnish/libvmod-curl - cURL bindings for Varnish through the Varnish Module interface
- jmcnamara/libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files.
- dreamiurg/avr-liberty - Library of routines for AVR microcontollers
- davidgaleano/libwebsockets - This fork is out of date and no longer maintained. You really should use the official repository at /~https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets
- 01org/liblwm2m - liblwm2m is an implementation of the LWM2M protocol from the Open Mobile Alliance.
- tailhook/libwebsite - An HTTP and websocket protocol implementation for libev event loop
- mochtu/libsodium-ios - Strong encryption for iOS. NaCl / libsodium build for iOS development. Used in CocoaPod 'libsodium-ios'.
- impl/libcurvecpr - A portable implementation of CurveCP
- eliben/libjit-samples - Code samples for using libjit
- aumuell/libjpeg-turbo - Unofficial libjpeg-turbo repository focusing on iOS compatibility
- WaterJuice/CryptLib - Public Domain C Library of Cryptographic functions. Including: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RC4
- NordicSemiconductor/nrf51-pwm-library - PWM library with examples for the nRF51x22. Supports up to 4 PWM channels, and can be used with or without a SoftDevice.
- xkbcommon/libxkbcommon - keymap handling library for toolkits and window systems
- rscada/libmbus - Meter-bus library and utility programs
- lunixbochs/lib43 - portable libc optimized for code size and readability
- Dridi/libvmod-querystring - A general-purpose querystring manipulation module for Varnish
- Brainiarc7/ffmpeg_libnvenc - This is a build of FFmpeg that supports NVIDIA's NVENC SIP block for H.264 H/W accelerated video encodes.
- liyuming1978/NativeLibCompression - The native library compression sdk is given to solve the apk size problem. It is easy to integrate and will get max 50% size decreasing. Not only sdk, a Java tool for package is provided to convert normal apk to compressed apk. MIT Licence, you can use any where
- libyal/libesedb - Library and tools to access the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File (EDB) format.
- libretro/libretro-lutro - An experimental lua game framework for libretro following the LÖVE API
- libamqp/libamqp - libamqp is a C client for the AMQP 1.0 protocol
- ge0rg/libmpq - Libmpq is a library for reading MPQ files (archives used by Blizzard) which can be easily used in applications.
- gburd/libumem - This is the user space slab memory allocator, umem, first available in Solaris 9 (SunOS 5.4) now the default allocator on Solaris and Illumos. This implementation has been ported to other popular operating systems, such as Linux, Windows and BSDish systems (including Darwin/OSX) by OmniTI (portableumem) and includes changes made by Joyent as part of their ongoing work to improve SmartOS.
- dryproject/libc11 - A public domain implementation of the C11 standard library.
- denik/libgevent - green threading library for C on top of libuv and PyPy's stacklet
- deleisha/libuv-tls - Add SSL/TLS functionality on top of libuv
- danfis/libccd - Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
- ramonza/libcoro - Lightweight C coroutines (derived from http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libcoro.html)
- qdot/libnifalcon - Open source drivers for the Novint Falcon haptic controller
- couchbaselabs/iErl14 - Project to build static lib for iOS containing Erlang VM BEAM, CouchDB drivers, emonk interface to spidermonkey
- bodokaiser/libuv-snippets - some libuv code snippets written while learning c and libuv
- alexmac/alcextra - Ports of various open source libs using FlasCC to target Flash (http://gaming.adobe.com/technologies/flascc)
- wanduow/libtrace - C Library for working with network packet traces
- makestuff/libfpgalink - LIB:Library for interacting with an FPGA over USB
- libretro/mupen64plus-libretro - Libretro port of Mupen64 Plus.
- libical/libical - Libical is an Open Source implementation of the iCalendar protocols and protocol data units.
- gootoomoon/WiringCB-python - wiring-like lib for cubieboard ,port from WiringPi2-Python
- ayanko/libevent - C extension to libevent library
- adah1972/libunibreak - The libunibreak library
- JeffBezanson/libsupport - a library of useful C utilities
- yhirano/SimpleLameLibForAndroid - LAME MP3 encoder simple interface library for Android.
- tiwe-de/libpam-pwdfile - PAM module allowing authentication via an /etc/passwd-like file
- stephenrkell/liballocs - Runtime and toolchain for whole-program monitoring of allocations and their data types
- pagekite/libpagekite - A high performance PageKite implementation in C
- mheily/libkqueue - kqueue(2) compatibility library
- markokr/libusual - Modern C Environment
- kylemcdonald/ofxLibdc - Open Frameworks wrapper for libdc1394.
- hgst/libzbc - ZBC device manipulation library
- felipec/libpurple-mini - libpurple separate from pidgin.
- dhoerl/libjpeg-turbo-builder - Xcode project and script files to help build a fat library with multiple architectures including the Simulator
- dexgeh/webserver-libev-httpparser - http server library
- varnish/libvmod-digest - Digest and HMAC vmod
- siuying/libupskirt - Please do not use this fork, use the origin repo at http://fossil.instinctive.eu/libupskirt/home
- radarsat1/libmapper - A library for connecting things.
- nfc-tools/libfreefare - A convenience API for NFC cards manipulations on top of libnfc.
- libyal/libewf - Libewf is a library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
- intervigilium/liblame - LAME library for Android
- ifactorylab/librtmp-iOS - librtmp build for iOS
- fuzyll/libctf - Library for creating CTF services.
- fichtner/libpeak - network-related library glue for C projects in userland
- fbx/librudp - UDP transport with optional reliability
- dmatveev/libinotify-kqueue - NetBSD Google Summer of Code 2011 project (#2)
- cloudwu/luabind - simple and robust lua binding lib
- carlosabalde/libvmod-redis - VMOD using the synchronous hiredis library API to access Redis servers from VCL.
- brianwatling/libfiber - A User Space Threading Library Supporting Multi-Core Systems
- attie/libxbee3 - A C/C++ library to aid the use of Digi XBee radios in API mode
- Harvie/libpurple-core-answerscripts - Most-hackable Pidgin plugin! Framework for hooking scripts to respond received messages for various libpurple clients such as pidgin or finch
- xcir/libvmod-parsereq - parsing post,get,cookie data
- wsxiaoys/libtask - a fork of http://code.google.com/p/libtask/
- wendlers/libemb - "libemb" is a collection of libraries which try to make things needed in many STM32 (ARM-Cortex-M3) or MSP430 (MSP430G2553) based projects more convenient. It includes an API for the Nordic nRF24l01+ modules.
- grate-driver/libdrm - libdrm fork for open-source NVIDIA Tegra driver
- awatry/libvpx.opencl - OpenCL Decoder work for libvpx' VP8 decoder.
- Libvisual/libvisual - Libvisual
- varnish/libvmod-var - Variable support VMOD
- membase/libconflate - A library for managing configuration of clustered applications -- Bringing it all together.
- libhostile/libhostile - "What if I tossed small pox into a room filled with sprinters after filling their water cups with red bull."
- larsbs/id3v2lib - id3v2lib is a library written in C to read and edit id3 tags from mp3 files.
- jmhodges/libssl - A quick git copy of the OpenBSD fork of OpenSSL No promises on updates as git cvsimport is being buggy.
- jeffreykegler/libmarpa - Marpa parse engine C library
- dmonakhov/libjingle-android - Git super project for libjingle build
- cloudflare/lua-resty-json - json lib for lua and C
- bsg/libserv - Cross-platform non-blocking TCP server library
- Juniper/libslax - libslax is a C implementation of the SLAX programming language, a dialect of XSLT that is more perl/C-like and easier to read/code/use. For additional information about SLAX, see
- varnamproject/libvarnam - “Varnam” is an open source, cross platform transliterator for Indian languages
- trondn/libmemcached - Where I do my development for libmemcached
- substack/libssh - mulitplatform C library implementing the SSHv2 and SSHv1 protocol on client and server side
- simonlynen/android_libs - some useful android libraries
- octo/liboping - Protocol independent ANSI-C ping library and command line utility.
- lucasepe/lib_mysqludf_haversine - MySQL UDF to compute the Haversine formula
- kwhat/libuiohook - A multi-platform C library to provide global input/ouput hooking from userland.
- gregoiresage/pebble-antialiasing-lib - Antialiasing Library for Pebble Time
- frank26080115/Arduino-UsiSerial-Library - Arduino library to implement hardware serial using USI
- devttys0/libmpsse - Open source library for SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips
- b/libdtw - Fast dynamic time warping library based on the UCR Suite http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/UCRsuite.html
- Shardcached/libshardcache - C implementation of a caching and cache-filling library inspired to groupcache
- MaJerle/stm32fxxx_hal_libraries - Libraries for STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx built on HAL drivers from ST
- GNOME/libgconf-bridge - A library to synchronise GConf keys and GObject properties, so that changing
- CedricGuillemet/libProfiler - Profile your c++ code
- radarsat1/liblo - liblo is an implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol for POSIX systems
- gphoto/libgphoto2 - The libgphoto2 camera access and control library.
- glennrp/libpng - LIBPNG: Portable Network Graphics support, official libpng repository
- Harinadha/STM32_MPU6050lib - MPU6050 I2C Library for STM32f103xx family of microcontrollers
- x42/libltc - Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library
- vilhelmk/libspotify-php - Bindings to libspotify (focus on manipulating playlists) wrapped in a PHP extension.
- unbit/librethinkdb - a c library for accessing rethinkdb servers
- tnm/libpaxos2 - A Paxos implementation in C originally by Marco Primi, built on top of libevent
- smibarber/libSOIL - The Simple OpenGL Image Library for Mac OS X
- rampantpixels/timer_lib - Cross-platform timer library
- postmodern/libBERT - A C library for encoding and decoding BERT (Binary ERlang Term)
- nunoalves/BeagleBone_IO_lib - Updated library that performs IO with the BeagleBone
- merces/libpe - The PE library used by @merces/pev
- libtom/libtomfloat - A library that provides multiple precision floating point arithmetic
- julienr/libzip-android - libzip port for Android NDK
- faelys/libsoldout - Flexible C library for markdown parsing
- evilsocket/libpe - A C/C++ library to parse Windows portable executables written with speed and stability in mind.
- bspeice/libcvautomation - Use OpenCV to create a GUI testing framework - replaces Sikuli, Xpresser
- bergundy/libbeanstalkclient - A non blocking beanstalk client implementation in C
- x42/liboauth - POSIX-C functions implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard
- tmzt/androix-xcb-libxcb - The AndroiX Android DDX and frontend for X on Android
- jmckaskill/libspdy - SPDY v3 library in C
- fancycode/python-libevent - Python bindings for the libevent library.
- dunkelstern/libturbojpeg-ios - Xcode project files and build script to create an universal (armv7, armv7s, i386) ios static library of libturbojpeg (no configure hassle anymore!)
- azukiapp/libnss-resolver - A Linux extension that adds support to the /etc/resolver/[suffix].
- ThemsAllTook/libstem_gamepad - Gamepad C API wrapper for OS X, Windows, and Linux
- sisoputnfrba/so-commons-library - TADs de uso comun en aplicaciones desarrolladas en C
- libimobiledevice/libideviceactivation - A library to handle the activation process of iOS devices
- kisom/libschannel - Bidirectional secure channels over TCP/IP
- kbhomes/libmtp-zune - Adding Zune support to libmtp.
- jumpstarter-io/librcd - A library for Rapid {C|Concurrency|Correct} Development
- jib/libvmod-timers - Access to various timers in Varnish
- hchapman/libpulse-android - A JNI interface to the pulseaudio library.
- gianlucaborello/libprocesshider - Hide a process under Linux using the ld preloader
- dpavlin/k3libre - Free Libre command-line tools for Kindle development
- cfdrake/swift-framework-c-library-example - Example of a simple Swift framework that integrates with a C library without bridging headers.
- aporat/xcode-libmms - Modified version of libMMS library which designed to run on ios devices
- D-Programming-Deimos/libX11 - Core X11 protocol client library.
- wdalmut/libgps - UART NMEA GPS library for Raspberry Pi
- watterott/Arduino-Libs - Arduino Libs & Examples: ADS1147, ADS7846, DAC8760, DS1307, RV8523, MCP2515, RedFly, WS2812, MI0283QT2, MI0283QT9, MI0283QT11, HX8347D, ILI9341, SSD1331
- twitter/libwatchman - A C interface to watchman
- rillian/libusrsctp - Userland SCTP implementation
- pieter/libgit2 - GitX clone of libgit2
- obgm/libcoap - A CoAP (RFC 7252) implementation in C
- mcinglis/libpp - Functional-programming macros for the C preprocessor.
- libnice/libnice - An implementation of the IETF’s Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) standard — this is an official mirror of the upstream repository at http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libnice/libnice/.
- keybuk/libnih - NIH Utility Library
- hfp/libxsmm - Library for small matrix-matrix multiplications targeting Intel Architecture (x86).
- geopaparazzi/libjsqlite-spatialite-android - Project to create the libjsqlite.so used in geopaparazzi
- eventmachine/libeventmachine - C library component of the new EventMachine
- eduardok/libsmbclient-php - smbclient's extension for PHP
- circonus-labs/libmtev - Mount Everest Application Framework
- bodokaiser/libuv-internals - libuv-internals is a collection of snippets which try to show up some architecture sections of libuv on simple examples
- bfabiszewski/libmobi - C library for handling Kindle (MOBI) formats of ebook documents
- bert/libdxf - Library with DXF related functions (work in progress)
- bernd/librrd-ruby - Ruby bindings for librrd. Extracted from the RRDtool source.
- bartsch/xcb-libxcb - rev-xinput: necessary for the rev-xinput branch in the xcb-proto repository
- badoo/libpssh - library implementing asynchronous SSH connections
- agentzh/mod-libmemcached-cache - libmemcached-based cache storage module for Apache2's mod_cache
- Treeki/libxbr-standalone - Library implementing the xBR pixel art scaling algorithm
- Themaister/libfmsynth - A C library which implements an FM synthesizer
- Sectoid/libpam-sqlite - Debian git-buildpackage compatible report for libpam-sqlite package
- soywiz/as3libwebp - Load and save WEBP images on Flash using FlashCC or faster ANEs
- rpm-software-management/librepo - A library providing C and Python (libcURL like) API for downloading packages and linux repository metadata in rpm-md format
- railsware/libskypekit - Thread-safe C library with synchronous API using asynchronous C++ SkypeKit SDK
- neovim/libvterm - Mirror of http://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/c/libvterm/
- malvira/libmc1322x - Library code for the Freescale MC13224v ARM7 SoC with 802.15.4 radio
- lkarsten/libvmod-ipcast - Convert strings to IP adresses for ACL checks in Varnish VCL.
- iUtvikler/ObjectiveLibModbus - Objective-C wrapper for the libmodbus library (http://libmodbus.org/)
- ggambetta/libz80 - An emulator of the Z80 processor (C library)
- edenhill/librd - Rapid Development C utility library
- claus/libtess2.js - libtess2 compiled to JavaScript via emscripten
- bluszcz/libplurc - Minimalistic library for Plurk.com microblogging service
- TimothyGu/libilbc - Packaged version of iLBC codec from the WebRTC project
- SecPlus/libmalelf - Library for Dissect and Infect ELF Binaries.
- FLCLjp/iPhone-libmecab - iPhoneにStatic Libraryとして追加したMecabを利用して、文字列の形態素解析を行うサンプルアプリケーション。
- ElektraInitiative/libelektra - Elektra provides a universal and secure framework to store configuration parameters in a global, hierarchical key database.
- tuomasjjrasanen/libsuinput - Thin userspace library on top of Linux uinput kernel module.
- sharow/libconcurrent - Concurrent Programming Library (Coroutine) for C
- serge-rgb/TinyJPEG - Single header lib for JPEG encoding. Public domain. C99. stb style.
- rsyslog/liblognorm - a fast samples-based log normalization library
- payden/libwsclient - WebSocket client library for C
- paulasmuth/libsmatrix - thread-safe sparse matrix data structure
- opentalking/gif-for-cocos2dx - A Gif lib for cocos2dx
- moriyoshi/libmbfl - A library for handling various encoding, used in PHP's mbstring extension
- libusbg/libusbg - USB Gadget Configfs Library
- liblouis/liblouis - Open-source braille translator and back-translator.
- forensix/libusbip - USB over IP
- faragon/libsrt - libsrt is a C library for writing fast and safe C code, faster. It provides string, vector, tree, and map handling. Suitable for soft and hard real-time. Allows both heap and stack allocation. BETA
- derekstavis/nrf24le1-libbcm2835 - A powerful userspace command-line tool to interface with Nordic's nRF24LE1 through SPI bus. Currently made for RaspberryPi.
- deirf/libumberlog - CEE-enhanced syslog() API
- dailab/libsml - Implementation in C of the Smart Message Language (SML) protocol
- cavaliercoder/libzbxpgsql - A comprehensive PostgreSQL monitoring module for Zabbix
- boundary/libdnet - updated fork of libdnet from https://code.google.com/p/libdnet/
- anael-seghezzi/Maratis-Tiny-C-library - tiny math and image processing in C
- Tieske/Lua_library_template - Template for a Lua library (C) for Windows and Unix
- SpecLad/libusb-android - A fork of libusb-1.0 that uses Android's USB API.
- LibertyEiffel/Liberty - Liberty Eiffel programming language
- CanalTP/libosmpbfreader - A simple C++ library to read OpenStreetMap binary files
- wojtekka/libgadu - Biblioteka do obsługi protokołu komunikatora Gadu-Gadu
- wharris/libesm - C library for efficient string matching with Aho-Corasick
- w3c/libwww - Libwww is a highly modular, general-purpose client side Web API written in C for Unix and Windows (Win32). It's well suited for both small and large applications, like browser/editors, robots, batch tools, etc. Pluggable modules provided with libwww include complete HTTP/1.1 (with caching, pipelining, PUT, POST, Digest Authentication, deflate, etc), MySQL logging, FTP, HTML/4, XML (expat), RDF (SiRPAC), WebDAV, and much more. The purpose of libwww is to serve as a testbed for protocol experiments. This is a complete mirror of the libwww CVS repository
- toffaletti/libguri - A very fast URI parser in C.
- timmartin/libfooid - Fork of the libfooid audio fingerprinting library
- shieldlock/SoX-iPhone-Lib - sox library to manipulate audio files and easily create add sound effects on iOS. source and library optimized for iOS 6.0 armv7 and armv7s
- shesee/Gstreamer-vaapi-adapt-libavcodec53-ffmpeg- - av_parser_parse and av_decode_video depatured. change this av_parser_parse2 and av_decode_video2
- robclark/libdce - distributed codec-engine shim.. see git://gitorious.org/gstreamer-omap/libdce.git for latest
- rboulton/libmicrohttpd - Mirror from SVN of GNU libmicrohttpd
- nsqio/libnsq - async C client library for NSQ
- mfriedl/libopenssh - turn openssh into a library
- libyal/libpff - Library and tools to access the Personal Folder File (PFF) and the Offline Folder File (OFF) format
- keesj/saleae-logic-libusb - Open Source libs to access the saleae logic analyzer hardware http://www.saleae.com/logic/
- ingydotnet/yaml-libyaml-pm - Perl Binding to libyaml
- helium/libhelium - Cross-platform interface to the Helium ecosystem, written in C.
- dxjia/ffmpeg-for-android-shared-library - 移植ffmpeg到android,编译可用于jni调用的so库.
- dam2k/liborient - Simple LGPLv3 C OrientDB library
- biomimetics/imageproc-lib - Shared library for ImageProc projects
- albertito/libfiu - A C library for fault injection
- PADL/libbrowserid - BrowserID C library
- CyanogenMod/android_external_libpng - LibPNG for Android
- yrashk/libev-erlang - libev NIF for Erlang
- winlibs/libiconv - GNU character conversion library
- ulli-kroll/rtl8821au - Rewrite RTL 8812 driver for rtlwifi-lib
- stan/iphone-dev-libraries - Misc libraries and scripts for iPhone development
- spriteray/libevlite - libevlite - A simple Network library that contains the Event library, Thread library, Communications library. Event library is LIBEVENT Lite Edition, so named for the LIBEVLITE
- nubjs/libnub - C library that allows working with libuv handles off the main thread
- lyokato/libgeohash - GeoHash C Library
- librepilot/LibrePilot - This is the GitHub mirror for the LibrePilot source code. The main development is taking place at https://bitbucket.org/librepilot
- julienr/libfont - A small library to render text in OpenGL/OpenGL ES using freetype.
- ivansafrin/librgs - Retro game engine
- footplus/libvmod-secdown - Hash/time based protection for download links
- fontforge/libspiro - Spiro is the creation of Raph Levien. It simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves. (Migrated here from libspiro.sourceforge.net on 2013-04-20)
- cesare/ruby-libc-libyaml - Ruby binging of libyaml library, YAML::LibYAML
- ashtons/libtiff-ios - libTIFF, libPNG and JPEG compiled for iOS
- analogdevicesinc/libiio - Library for interfacing with IIO devices
- akumrao/libxcb - libxcb
- aivarsk/libvmod-rewrite - Varnish vmod for rewriting HTML content.
- ThomasKing2014/ELF-ARM-HOOK-Library - It's very smali to Substrate. But I give you three methods to do HOOK.
- Ralith/libreprap - Now living at /~https://github.com/timschmidt/repsnapper -- Cross-platform cross-machine RepRap communications library
- Kedarius/php-libvirt - PHP bindings for Libvirt API
- Distrotech/libcanberra - Mirror of git://git.0pointer.de/libcanberra
- wothke/libxmp-4.3.0 - WebAudio plugin of XMP
- videolabs/libdsm - Defective SMb: A minimalist and read-only implementation of SMB using Plain'Ol C
- rfc1036/libpam-vz - Run programs in a OpenVZ Context.
- prajnashi/libmad - libmad for android
- patito/libpenetra - Library to access information about PE binary.
- pariahsoft/libvmod-authentication - Basic HTTP authentication module for Varnish Cache.
- osmium-org/libdogma - An ad hoc fitting engine for the EVE Online multiplayer game.
- off-the-record/libotr - C library that implements the OTR protocol.
- nathan7/libfringe - fast, low-level green threading library for Rust
- michaelwu/libsndfile - libsndfile 1.0.25 with an Android.mk file
- libtor/libtor - Tor client library implementation.
- leixiaohua1020/simplest_librtmp_example - Examples about usage of libRTMP
- leisurehuang/RabbitMQ-IOS-lib - this project is for RabbitMQ of IOS lib
- keesj/librtlsdr-android - Getting rtl-sdr to work on android (the library part)
- gobby/libinfinity - libinfinity collaborative editing library
- gebi/libowfat - Reimplement libdjb under GPL
- gass/libads - Implementation of BECKHOFF's ADS protocol.
- fastly/libvmod-urlcode - urlencode/urldecode functions vmod
- devinsmith/libexcel - C library for creating Microsoft Excel (XLS) files.
- denydias/libhashab - libhashab enables any libgpod compatible player to update an iPod nano 6th gen. This version is slightly modified to work on Slackware 64 -current multilib.
- davidfischer-ch/smpte2022lib - Optimized and cross platform SMPTE 2022-1 FEC library in C, Python, Java
- cpldcpu/TinyTouchLib - ANSI-C Library for touch-button input on ATtiny AVR microcontrollers with integrated ADC
- VizLibrary/Visualization-Library - NOTE: OFFICIAL REPO AT http://code.google.com/p/visualizationlibrary/ - Visualization Library is a C++ middleware for high-performance 2D and 3D graphics applications based on the industry standard OpenGL 1.x-4.x, designed to develop portable applications for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.
- wangeguo/libpb - A small code-size Protocol Buffers implementation
- vmg/libewok - EWAH Compressed Bitmaps
- ueno/libusb-gadget - Simple wrapper library to access Linux USB GadgetFS
- schacon/libgit2-examples - project to make sure the api guide examples run
- ninjin/liblinear - Unofficial LibLinear repository (stale since 2012).
- mpatraw/libdrunkard - a smarter drunkard's walk
- kralf/libipc - IPC provides flexible, efficient message passing between processes.
- julienr/libenet-android - A port of libenet for Android NDK
- hexene/libav - GSoC: libav for Android with H/W accelerated decoding via the Stagefright framework
- davidandreoletti/libegl - Khronos EGL 1.4 for iOS
- cvpcs/android_external_libncurses - NCurses terminal display library ported to android
- cls/libutf - Plan 9 compatible C89 UTF-8 library
- claus/libtess2.swc - libtess2 (GLU libtess refactored) compiled to ActionScript 3 via Adobe CrossBridge
- cjxgm/libcrude - The libBoost for GNU C11 Language.
- chadjoan/libsane - Binding for the Scanner Access Now Easy API.
- android-rooting-tools/libmsm_vfe_read_exploit - CVE-2014-4321 exploit
- Wiznet/W5200_Arduino_Ethernet_Lib - Arduino Ethernet Library using W5200 from Wiznet
- SteadfastInnovation/libhpdf-AndroidLibrary - An Android library project that provides JNI support for the libhpdf (libHaru) native PDF generation library.
- OpenLightingProject/libartnet - An Open Source implementation of the ArtNet protocol
- D-Programming-Deimos/libevent - libevent is an asynchronous event notification software library.
- zhicheng/libloop - Synchronous I/O Multiplexing and Timer Management
- xcir/libvmod-ldap - LDAP module for Varnish
- wfeldt/libx86emu - x86 emulation library
- vsergeev/libGIS - libGIS is a collection of utility functions to create, read and write Atmel Generic, Intel HEX8, and Motorola S-Record formatted files.
- trevnorris/libuv-examples - Simple examples of how to use libuv
- thoughtpolice/libfault - Simple C library for basic crash reporting functionality, based on Phusion Passenger.
- strukturag/gstreamer-libde265 - HEVC/H.265 video decoder using libde265 (GStreamer plugin)
- sphia/libsphia - Higher level API for working with SophiaDB
- rpetrich/libspeex-iphone - libspeex 1.2rc1 built with theos
- reefangel/Libraries - Arduino Libraries for your Reef Angel Controller
- pfalcon/android-platform-headers - Collection of platform headers and link libs for all versions of Android. (repo is rebased, see wiki)
- nevali/liburi - A URI (and IRI) parser with a straightforward API, based upon uriparser
- mverbert/libzdb_svn - Repo created from SVN (not updated any more, use /~https://github.com/mverbert/libzdb instead)
- mbroemme/libmpq - libmpq is a library for manipulating MPQ (MoPaQ) archives, which are used by Blizzard in most of their games (e.g., Diablo, Diablo 2, StarCraft, WarCraft 3, and World of Warcraft).
- mavlink/c_library - MAVLink protocol C/C++ implementation auto-generated from latest protocol specs.
- madwyn/libcube2cyl - A C/C++ panoramic lib, cubic to cylindrical projection conversion, create a panorama from 6 square images.
- libretro/imame4all-libretro - A port of iMAME4all to libretro
- lampeh/libvmod-geoip - This Varnish module exports functions to look up GeoIP country codes in VCL
- kfish/liboggz - A library and tools for working with Ogg encapsulation, with support for seeking, chopping and validation.
- jmbr/libeve - Genetic algorithm library written in C
- gregier/libpeas - A GObject plugin library
- google/libpam-policycache - Password caching module with advanced policies for PAM.
- gaccob/gbase - C lib
- flensrocker/libdbus2vdr - C interface to vdr's plugin dbus2vdr based on GIO
- dhewg/libsdl - git-hg clone of http://hg.libsdl.org/
- dgryski/libchash - simple consistent hashing implementation
- cpence/libjit - UNOFFICIAL libjit clone w/ patches
- chrisballinger/ffmpeg-ios-static-libs - Precompiled static libs for FFmpeg, OpenSSL, and librtmp because Cocoapods can't properly handle C library dependencies.
- breckinloggins/libuseful - A collection of useful data structures, algorithms, and utilities for C programming
- blanham/liballoc - liballoc - a memory allocator for hobbyist operating systems
- alist/libjingle_ios - checkout the unified builds and see the commits on each branch to learn how yourself
- Jaywalker/libadb - library and client for communiting over adb/ADK protocol
- Artefact2/libxm - A small XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player library.
- zeromq/libzmtp - Minimal ZMTP implementation in C
- toddtreece/lib_mysqludf_mongodb - MySQL UDF for inserting data into MongoDB
- sylvainforet/libngs - The Nifty GNU Sequence Library
- stz2012/libarib25 - Linux用ARIB STD-B25ライブラリ(各録画ツールにarib25ソースを添付しなくとも、Makefile内で-larib25でコンパイルできる)
- rocky/libcdio-paranoia - CD paranoia on top of libcdio
- rampantpixels/vector_lib - Math vector library
- q3k/libsteam - A steam-interfacing library written in C. Based off the SteamRE project.
- pierre/libsmile - C Streaming parser for Smile ( http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonBinaryFormatSpec )
- netdata/libnodave - LIBNODAVE, a free library to communicate to Siemens S7 PLCs
- mlafeldt/libbig_int - Portable C library to calculate integers and bitsets of arbitrary length
- mindreframer/hetzner-stuff - libs for hetzner.com automation
- martinling/libserialport - Unofficial personal repository for libserialport - see git://sigrok.org/libserialport for official repo
- luke-jr/libbase58 - C library for Bitcoin's base58 encoding
- legatvs/libquvi - The library with an C API to parse the media stream properties, flash-free
- jimlawless/map_lib - A simple associative-array library in C.
- intervigilium/libresample - PCM resampling library leveraging resample and libresample
- hiikezoe/libperf_event_exploit - CVE-2013-2094 exploit for android
- fi01/libput_user_exploit - CVE-2013-6282 exploit
- fape/libgphoto2 - Please use official repo: /~https://github.com/gphoto/libgphoto2 This repo will removed soon.
- dottedmag/libsha1 - Tiny SHA1 implementation for embedded devices
- dodng/BeLibnids - It is a platform to use multiprocess to combine dpdk and libnids together to support analyse packets in 10G port.
- coolaj86/libevn - libev network library following nodejs's api
- chazomaticus/libbmpread - tiny, fast bitmap (.bmp) image file loader
- bobbens/libdq - Library for creating and manipulating dual quaternions.
- Wiznet/ioLibrary_Driver - Create a repository of WIZnet ioLibrary.
- WhisperSystems/libaxolotl-c - Axolotl C Library
- Spritetm/libesphttpd - Libesphttpd mirror of http://git.spritesserver.nl/libesphttpd.git/
- OpenSC/libp11 - PKCS#11 wrapper library
- LuaDist/libjpeg - Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software
- GNOME/libsecret - libsecrets
- ErikDubbelboer/libuv-lua-http-server - Simple example webserver using libuv and lua
- Distrotech/libdrm - Mirror of git://anongit.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm
- Chronic-Dev/libplist - A library to handle Apple Property List format in binary or XML
- Bluehorn/libp11 - Mirror of libp11 from http://www.opensc-project.org/svn/libp11
- AdiKulkarni/myFFmpegX264LatestLibAndroid - FFmpeg Library with x264 encoder Android.
- 01org/libdmclient - libdmclient is a communication library for mobile device management. It implements the client-side of OMA DM 1.2 protocol.
- vol4ok/libsplice - Library for kernel and user mode splicing for Windows (x86 and x64).
- tonyrog/libusb - Erlang libusb binding
- tingsu/caut-lib - a CIL-based dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) engine for C language
- threatstack/libmagic - libmagic 5.18 mirror
- tguillem/android-libav - libav build on android (used for android-ampd)
- shevek/libspf2 - Implementation of the Sender Policy Framework for SMTP authorization
- rdfa/librdfa - SAX-based implementation of an RDFa Processor in C
- pmundkur/libcrm114 - C library version of CRM114, and a Python binding
- payden/libfprint - libfprint mirror for branching off vfs0050 driver.
- nviennot/libscribe - Scribe user-space library
- nobled/libtxc_dxtn - library for S3TC compressed textures
- mirror/libX11 - git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libX11
- minaguib/libstatsdc - A C client library for the etsy/statsd daemon
- mifi/libxcomfort - Open source library for controlling Moeller XComfort devices through the USB/RS232 dongle
- libyuni/libyuni - Cross-platform C++ framework for developing high-level and fast applications
- libcg/gLib2D - A simple, fast, light-weight 2D graphics library for PSP.
- kaniini/libguess - character set guessing library
- jwerle/libutf8 - A whatwg compliant UTF8 encoding and decoding library
- jons/libnmea - nmea 0183 tools
- henryk/libopenkey - Open framework to use DESfire cards as secure pseudonymous authentication tokens.
- haad/libdm - libdevmapper like BSD licensed library for communication with NetBSD device-mapper driver.
- frsyuki/libkv - An abstraction library for various key-value stores
- facebook/libafdt - LIBrary for Asynchronous File Descriptor Transfer
- erimatnor/libckit - A kit of C-based utilities and data structures.
- entropia/libsocket-can-java - SocketCAN JNI wrapper
- edubart/android-libs - Port of C++ libraries to Android that I use in my projects
- brandonbloom/libclj - Embeddable reader and printer for Clojure forms
- armadillu/ofxTurboJpeg - Rough OF addon that uses turbo-jpeg lib to read and write jpegs. 2-3 times faster than OF's freeImage based jpeg en/decoder
- a3linux/libstomp - The C library used to talk the Stomp which is a simple to implement client protocol for working with ActiveMQ and other messaging systems.
- Mathias-L/STM32F4-libusb-example - Example interfacing an STM32F4 Discovery board with libusb usign ChibiOS
- Libvisual/LibVisualAndroid - libvisual for android
- Jonimoose/libfxcg - Syscall and helper library for the Casio FX-CG (Prizm) color graphing calculator
- JRHeaton/libiusbcomm - An iPhone USB communication library.
- GNOME/libxml2 - libxml2
- DerArtem/huaweigeneric-ril-old - Old ril lib for Huawei USB modems
- Cangjians/libcangjie - Library implementing the Cangjie input method
- CESNET/libnetconf - C NETCONF library
- ArcticaProject/nx-libs - nx-libs
- 44670/libntrplg - C library for writting plugins on the NTR CFW 2.0.
- ykst/librtsp - tiny RTSP(RFC2326) streaming server for H.264 video
- xudifsd/libsi - C library for interpreting scheme
- varnish/libvmod-vsthrottle - Improved request throttling module for Varnish
- theonewolf/libperf - libperf is a library that wraps around the syscall perf_event_open(). This library exposes the kernel performance counters subsystem to userspace code. It can be used to efficiently trace portions of code with kernel support.
- sunqm/libcint - general GTO integrals for quantum chemistry
- strukturag/vlc-libde265 - Standalone plugin for VLC 2.x to support decoding of HEVC/H.265 using libde265.
- steamfire/WSWireLib - Arduino Wire Library modified to add timeouts to the freeze-prone TWI while() loops
- square/libcrange - The libcrange cluster metadata library.
- sodabrew/libsieve - Implementation of the Sieve mail filtering language.
- shaobin0604/libmms-android - libmms android port based on https://code.google.com/p/aacplayer-android
- privly/privly-library - Cryptography library for Privly-type extensions
- philips/libv4l - libv4l
- pfalcon/libperipha - Grand unified collection of headers to access various hardware chips and components
- openyou/liblightstone - Open Source Library for communicating with the Lightstone USB Biometrics Widget
- openvenues/libpostal - Fast, multilingual NLP library for parsing/normalizing physical addresses
- nmathewson/libottery-lite - A simple, lightweight, public-domain secure random number generator
- mradev/libpd-audiobus - lipbd mod and template to use with AudioBus
- motmot/libcamiface - camera interface C API
- mogaal/libquvi - library for parsing video download links
- metabrainz/libdiscid - C library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs
- melizalab/libtfr - fast multitaper conventional and reassignment spectrograms
- lucas-j/libmpeg2-winrt - MPEG-2 decoder for Windows 8 apps
- lince/libffmpeg-c - Lib FFMPEG
- kulv2012/libtask_epoll - epoll version of libtask
- jstjohn/KentLib - Subset of the kent source libraries (perhaps out of date) that are easily built and installed on OSX and Linux. These libraries provide usefull utilities for bioinformatics programming in C. This may contain some of my own libraries for bioinformatics utilities as well as long as they install easily on both my mac and linux box.
- jotux/LaunchLib - An easy-to-use library to help kickstart your launchpad development.
- joshthecoder/libhttp - HTTP library for C
- jadahl/libinput - (mostly not up to date) mirror of libinput
- ioerror/libmsr - Reading, writing and analysis of magnetic stripe information
- intervigilium/libautotalent - Autotalent library project for Android
- horsson/iUPnP - UPnP lib for iOS.
- haakonnessjoen/librouteros-api - C API library for Mikrotik RouterOS devices
- fxfactorial/ocaml-libssh - 💻 OCaml bindings to libssh
- freebsd/libdevq - Generic Device Query and Monitor interface
- fontforge/libuninameslist - A library with a large (sparse) array mapping each unicode code point to the annotation data for it provided in http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/NamesList.txt
- fgsch/libvmod-geoip2 - GeoIP2 VMOD for Varnish 4.x
- fbx/libela - Runtime Event Loop Abstraction library
- dhewm/dhewm3-libs - precompiled libraries for dhewm 3
- dgleich/libbvg - A C implementation of a Boldi-Vigna graph decompressor
- depp/libfresample - Fast audio sample rate conversion with simplified BSD license
- davidsun/LibAndroidHttp - cURL support for Android
- cubicdaiya/libngxcore - libngxcore is the library built from nginx core APIs.
- cederom/LibSWD - CeDeROM's Serial Wire Debug Open Library
- berkus/libnat - Libraries for NAT traversal and hole punching
- bergundy/evbsc - lib ev implementation of beanstalkclient (http://github.com/bergundy/libbeanstalkclient)
- baz/libORCDiscount - Objective-C static library wrapping the discount library
- avati/liboindirect - Bypass O_DIRECT open failures
- anarsoul/libfprint - libfprint with my WiP drivers
- alobbs/libhpack - libhpack implements the “Header Compression for HTTP/2.0 protocol” specification
- albertito/libjio - A library for Journaled I/O
- PocketInsanity/libSDL - Repository for Windows CE specific changes to libSDL (check the branches)
- JonnyWhatshisface/libwebsock - An easy to use and powerful open source websocket library written in C.
- H2CO3/libgpod-ondevice - iPhone port of libgpod 0.8.2, now with corrected to run itdb postprocess commands properly.
- H2CO3/libavrutil - Easy to use, lightweight and unified library for performing common microcontroller tasks
- GNOME/librsvg - librsvg
- FrankBoesing/Arduino-Teensy-Codec-lib - MP3/AAC/FLAC Codecs for Teensy 3.1
- Estwald/PSDK3v2 - Homebrew PS3 SDK under MinGW/Win32 based in the marioga compilation, psl1ght, Tiny3D, and others libs
- AquaQAnalytics/mongoq - A C shared lib along with associated q functions to allow push/pull access to mongoDB from within kdb+
- zvelo/libstemmer - Snowball Stemming Algorithms
- zerotao/libzt - Library of Useful C Utilities
- xerpi/libsicksaxis - SickSaxis is a C library that lets you connect a Sixaxis or a DualShock3 to the Wii and read its data. It also lets you turn on and off the controller LEDs, enable or disable the rumble and get and set the controllers' bluetooth MAC address.
- xant/p5-libnfc - perl bindings for libnfc
- x42/libtimecode - deal with A/V timecode and framerates
- waitman/libfortuna - Fortuna library functions extracted from PostgreSQL source
- vstakhov/librdns - Asynchronous DNS resolver
- usb4java/libusb4java - The native JNI library used by usb4java
- tytung/android_hardware_leo_libgps - GPS HAL (hardware abstraction layer) Lib with AGPS support for HTC HD2/Leo Gingerbread, ICS, JellyBean, and KitKat
- troglobit/libuev - Small and simple event loop.
- tmzt/androix-lib-libX11 - The AndroiX Android DDX and frontend for X on Android
- slaeshjag/libdarnit - General purpose gamedev library that initially targeted the OpenPandora handheld
- sionescu/libfixposix - Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls
- shaobin0604/rockplayer_ffmpeg_git_20100418 - FFmpeg lib used by RockPlayer 1.7.0 and later for Android. Original link is http://www.rockplayer.com/download/rockplayer_ffmpeg_git_20100418.zip
- shadowsocks/libsscrypto - Build libsscrypto.dll for shadowsocks-windows.
- servo/libhubbub - [UNMAINTAINED] HTML parser library from the NetSurf project
- ryanbalsdon/libr - A collection of useful, free, single-file libraries for C.
- rpm-software-management/libcomps - Libcomps is alternative for yum.comps library. It's written in pure C as library and there's bindings for python2 and python3.
- rockdaboot/libpsl - C library for the Publix Suffix List
- randakar/y-lib - Ylib - libraries for the loadrunner performance test tool
- pornel/libicns - icns2png / libicns for OS X icns files
- polyphony-ot/libot - A C library for operational transformation.
- pandamonia/libffi-iOS - The popular portable foreign-function interface library, built for iOS.
- nmbook/pidgin-libbnet - Allows Pidgin-like clients to connect to the Classic Battle.net service.
- mreiferson/libevbuffsock - buffered socket library for libev
- mkoppanen/libVISCA2 - Fork of http://damien.douxchamps.net/libvisca/
- mheily/libpwq - libpthread_workqueue - a POSIX threads workqueue library
- manimaul/AndXtideLib - Xtide Library for Android
- m-labs/liboscparse - Liblo (OSC library) without GNU/Autocrap and network dependent non-portable code
- leio/libdvbsub - Library for DVB subtitles parsing and preparation for display
- kzk/libsstbl - A library to handle SSTable, the immutable and compressed key-value file format
- koreader/libk2pdfopt - k2pdfopt library for koreader/kindlepdfviewer
- kierank/libzvbi-obe-dev - libzvbi OBE development tree
- kakaroto/libcurl-ps3 - libcurl - the multiprotocol file transfer library
- jpirko/libndp - Neighbor Discovery library
- jneidlinger/libcurlwp8 - libcurl for Windows Phone 8
- ijacquez/libyaul - Sega Saturn programming library
- idevsoftware/librtmp - librtmp from RTMPDump (http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/) as an iOS static lib Xcode project
- graphitemaster/libintrusive - Intrusive data structures for C
- grantbrown/libspatialSEIR - A C++ and OpenCL framework for fast Bayesian spatio-temporal compartmental epidemic modeling.
- g4lvanix/I2C-slave-lib - I2C slave library for AVR 8 bit mircocontrollers
- fredrikwidlund/libdynamic - Dynamic C containers
- felipensp/librwelf - Library for reading and writing on ELF files in a class-independent way
- felipec/libomxil-bellagio - Bellagio OpenMAX IL
- epico/libibuspinyin-compat - compatible files for ibus-pinyin and libpinyin integration.
- duosecurity/libduo - Duo two-factor authentication API in C
- drdaeman/haskell-library-ffi-example - An example of building a shared library (.so) in Haskell and calling it from C and Python.
- dpryan79/libBigWig - A C library for handling bigWig files
- donapieppo/libnss-ato - The libnss_ato module is a set of C library extensions which allows to map every nss request for unknown user to a single predefined user.
- devkitPro/libnds - C library for Nintendo DS
- denen99/libmd5varnish - An MD5 module for your Varnish VCL
- cybozu/libyrmcds - A memcached client library for C/C++. Best suited to yrmcds.
- coapp-packages/libssh2 - libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- cisco/libfnr - FNR is a small domain block cipher to encrypt small objects ( < 128 bits )
- chrisforbes/libaof - Age Of Empires Data Format Parsers
- chris-allan/libjpeg-turbo - git-svn mirror of libjpeg-turbo
- cginternals/libzeug - C++ sanctuary for small but powerful and frequently required, stand alone features.
- ceph/libs3 - Fork of http://git.ischo.com/libs3.git
- blackwinter/libcdb-ruby - Ruby bindings for CDB Constant Databases.
- benswift/kiss_fft - A fork of KissFFT to add shared-lib building to the makefile
- benedictpaten/sonLib - Small general purpose library for C and Python with focus on bioinformatics.
- angeloseme/ofxLibsndfileRecorder - Audio recorder using sndfile libraries
- agrif/libredstone - a C library for all things Minecraft
- Yawning/libelligator - A C++ Elligator2 implementation
- Tasssadar/libbootimg - Small library to work with Android boot images
- SawfishWM/librep - fast, lightweight, versatile lisp environment
- OpenSMTPD/libasr - Portable asr. Work in progress.
- MITRECND/libnids - libnids
- LuaDist/libbsd - BSD functions common only on BSD systems, for portability to non-BSD systems.
- GerHobbelt/libtre - TRE library by Ville Laurikari
- GNOME/libgweather - libgweather
- Distrotech/libsecret - Mirror of git://git.gnome.org/libsecret
- Chronic-Dev/libgcrypt - GNU Crypto library
- 4dsystems/ViSi-Genie-RaspPi-Library - ViSi-Genie - Raspberry Pi Library
- yixia/libupnp - Build libupnp for Android, run ./build_android.sh
- toddr/libtidy - git clone of the cvs sources for libtidy
- stump/libsmf - C library for handling Standard MIDI Files (*.mid)
- strukturag/libde265-ffmpeg - h.265 codec for ffmpeg using libde265
- stoni/ta-lib - mirror to serve my projects as dependency
- srsbsns/libsrsbsns - Award winning unique innovative solution for cutting edge revolutionary business application. Feature rich robust scalable platform provides seamless and user-friendly out-of-box experience. State of art next generation cloud ecosystem leverages best practices for sustainable real-time performance. De-facto industry standard and 42% more serious than the competition.
- servo/libcss - [UNMAINTAINED] Servo fork of libcss from the NetSurf project
- nexgenta/libMXF - Material Exchange Format handling library. Clone of the libMXF repository from BBC’s Ingex
- naychrist/ofxLibArtnet - OF wrapper for libartnet
- microe/libdvdnav - LIbrary to navigate DVDs
- lxde/libfm - Core library of PCManFM file manager
- libyal/libolecf - Library and tools to access the OLE 2 Compound File (OLECF) format
- libyal/liblnk - Library and tools to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format
- libyal/libbde - Library and tools to access the BitLocker Drive Encryption (BDE) encrypted volumes
- libical/XbICalendar - Objective-C Wrapper for the libical library
- lanoxx/libwnck - This is a copy of the libwnck code on git.gnome.org
- kphillisjr/libsdl2 - LibSDL2 Package scripts base for Ubuntu
- jmgiacalone/Arduino-libraries - Arduino libraries
- jitesh1337/mythread_lib - Our own thread library similar to pthreads
- ius/libsamsung-ipc - Samsung IPC library
- gngrwzrd/libgwrl - High performance cross platform event reactor and proactor written in C
- giuliopaci/libexttextcat - Unofficial libexttextcat changes to match my personal needs
- gittup/libavutil - gittup.org's libavutil
- dridri/libge - Fast and easy multiplatform game engine
- dmtx/libdmtx - libdmtx Library
- devkitPro/libogc - C Library for Wii and Gamecube homebrew
- deoxxa/libmcnet - An event based, zero-copy, portable Minecraft network protocol parser.
- codebrainz/libcfu - Updates to libcfu, orignally found here: http://libcfu.sourceforge.net/
- cloudwu/lua-crypt - simple crypt lib
- christinaa/libSystem_and_linker - Linker, libSystem and other stuff for Magenta.
- chrisforbes/libdrm - My bits for libdrm
- android-rooting-tools/libfutex_exploit - CVE-2014-3153 exploit
- amarullz/libaroma - an embedded ui toolkit
- Thinkerfans/lib-mp4v2 - lib of mp4v2 resource
- SynBioDex/libSBOLc - Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) C Library
- Starlon/LibVisual - Libvisual is a library that acts as a middle layer between applications that want audio visualisation and audio visualisation plugins.
- GNOME/libgnome-keyring - libgnome-keyring
- Freescale/libimxvpuapi - i.MX VPU API Library
- Chronic-Dev/libusb - libusb 1.0
- C0deH4cker/libstubhook-examples - Examples showcasing the functionality of libstubhook
- AlexAlbala/AlterNative-CXX-Lib - C++ library for AlterNative engine
- jdduke/three_cpp - A port of three.js to C++
- SRombauts/SQLiteCpp - SQLiteC++ (SQLiteCpp) is a smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper.
- BennyQBD/3DEngineCpp - It's like the 3D Game Engine, except in C++
- LuaDist/toluapp - tolua++ is an extension of toLua, a tool to integrate C/Cpp code with Lua
- mitkook/Career-Cup-CPP-Solutions - Career Cup C++ Solutions
- nowsecure/nscrypto-cpp - A C++11 library providing simple API for public-key encryption
- aminroosta/sqlite_modern_cpp - a c++11 wrapper around sqlite library
- joeyates/cpp-active-record - A C++ Implementation of the Active Record Pattern
- JasonL9000/cppcon14 - source code for CppCon 2014 talk on polymorphic unions
- ADN-DevTech/Maya-Cpp-Wizards - A new Maya C++ Wizards
- cdmh/cpp_immutable_string - An Immutable String class for C++
- jacket-code/redlock-cpp - C++实现redis分布式锁(Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in C++)
- cirosantilli/cpp-cheat - C and C++ information, cheatsheets and mini-projects. Examples, unit tests, tutorials.
- davisford/cmake-cpputest - Setup test project for embedded C development with CppUTest built using CMake
- mschiffm/cppip - The Compressed Pcap Packet Indexing Program
- wayfinder/Wayfinder-CppCore-v3 - Version 3 of the Core module for Cpp based clients
- drbasic/CppLinq - c++11 Linq implementation
- bakercp/ofxSQLiteCpp - A package and examples around ofxSQLiteCpp.
- waneck/hxffi - libffi bindings to cpp / neko
- catnapgames/TestMongooseCppSite - TestMongooseCppSite
- RajatGoyal/DollarNGestureRecognizer-cpp-RG - C++ impelementation of $N gesture Recognizer found here http://depts.washington.edu/aimgroup/proj/dollar/ndollar.html
- LeszekSwirski/cpp-curry - A C++ functional currying helper
- lyokato/cpp-urilite - C++ uri handler(encode, decode, parse and build)
- kapilratnani/DocIt - A plugin for Notepad++, which aids in documentation. It generates documentation templates for functions. Supports C/CPP, Java and PHP
- Raphy/bomberman - Epitech - Tech 2 - cpp_bomberman
- Infinideastudio/NEWorld-CPP - the c++ version of NEWorld.
- BennyQBD/3DGameEngineCpp_60 - The C++ version of the 3D Game Engine, as of the end of the 3D Game Engine Tutorial
- mkalten/TUIO20_CPP - C++ TUIO 2.0 reference implementation
- jwgrenning/cpputest-starter-project - gcc cpputest starter project, with instructions to help get your legacy code into cpputest for the first time
- jimon/cppgm_tools - cppgm tools
- bakercp/ofxUnicode - An openFrameworks addon that wraps the UTF8-CPP and POCO libraries for UTF8 and Unicode support.
- yuriykulikov/Abandoned-xmega_cpp_example - Abandoned, C++ did not work out so well
- rti7743/sexyhook - cpp force Seam point maker
- cppsp/cppspx - cppspx, special fork, independant of cpoll_cppsp... note the extra x
- aldrin/cpp - Public C++ Code
- BR903/cppp - A program for automatically resolving #ifdef statements in C code.
- smilejay/c-cpp - some my shared c or c++ programs
- noct/cutf - Minimal C port of UTF8-CPP
- mkalten/TUIO11_CPP - C++ TUIO 1.1 reference implementation
- me115/cppset - 示例代码集
- darknoon/GLKitMathCPP - Extends the GLKit math functions with c++ operator overloading
- daiwei1999/AwayCPP - C++ porting of Away3D engine independent of Adobe's Flash/Air runtimes
- clsr/container-macros - C container templates implemented with the CPP
- bxm156/Java2CPP - EECS 337, Compilers Project. Compiles Java code to C++ . Final Score: 190/180 A+
- SmilyOrg/hxlode - PNG image decoder haxelib for neko/cpp using LodePNG / PicoPNG
- RedInquisitive/3DS-CPP - A test for the Circle Pad Pro and other 3DS inputs.
- Krozark/cpp-ORM - A project to create a simple ORM.
- ysugimoto/socket.io-cpp - Socket.IO Client for C++ ( use for cocos2d-x )
- wibbe/three-cpp - Three++, a C++ implementation of the Three.js library.
- vladp/CppOrm - ActiveRecord-like implementation for C++ based on OTL library for database access
- sensel/sensel-api-c-cpp - Sensel API for C/C++
- qiniu/cpp-sdk - Qiniu Resource Storage C++ SDK
- palichis/mogadecppclient - Cliente escrito en cpp para Mogade
- lyokato/cpp-jsonlite - This is a C++ library which provides you a simple way to build JSON formatted string
- lyokato/cpp-datetimelite - C++ library for parsing datetime formatted string
- iichenbf/cppgl - C++ wrapper for modern OpenGL
- ht4n/CPPMNISTParser - C++ Parser for MNIST Dataset (specification can be found in http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/)
- hflicka/Ring-buffer-Cpp-template - A simple ring buffer implementation as C++ template
- dsbs/LPC1769_cpp - example project cortex m3 usage with LPC1769 in c plus plus
- dreamsxin/Zephir-CPP - Zephir-CPP is c++ implementation of the zephir.
- KevinStern/software-and-algorithms-cpp - Neat algorithm implementations in C++
- wme7/aero-shock - My Cpp, python and fortran practice files
- wibbe/scheme-cpp - A lightweight wrapper around TinyScheme
- toddlipcon/cpp-dfsclient - some hacking around a DFS client in C++
- tjd/sqlite_cpp - Experiments with sqlite in C++.
- suschuk/cpp-lessons - The first repo on github. For testing.
- skelletons/poker-cpp-cards-mixer-win32 - Quick example for mixing a poker cards set in c++ using dSFMT and the Windows cryptographic service provider (CSP)
- ned14/NiallsCPP11Utilities - Some C++ 11 rewrites of useful stuff from TnFOX (http://www.nedprod.com/TnFOX/)
- mage/mage-sdk-cpp - MAGE SDK and libraries for C++ Development
- lteacy/mcts-cpp - Monte Carlo Tree Search implemented in C++
- leogtzr/math_evaluator_cpp - A tiny c++ math library for evaluate and recognize expressions.
- lelabo-marc/cpp_project - all of my cpp project
- jakezhaojb/LDA-Cpp - This package implements Linear Discriminative Analysis (LDA), in C++ and with the assistance of LAPACK.
- herberthamaral/cpp_multiplatform_experiment - Experimental C/C++ project that runs on every platform
- gillesgagniard/wso2-wsf-cpp-gg - WSO2 WSF/C++ with additional fixes
- georgik/fimuni-c-cpp-examples - Examples related to talks at FI MUNI
- fysiskhund/mjEngineCPP - motorj android cpp
- flo2k/CppZip - CppZip
- easytiger/sqlite3cpp - Simple easy to use dependency free sqlite3 wrapper
- dojeda/nsga2-cpp - NSGA-II Implementation in C++
- dewind/messagepack - C Implementation pulled from CPP Impl
- darketik/stm32f4_cpp_makefile_template - Template project for stm32f40_41xxx microcontroller with CPP support and makefile environnement
- avicennax/SQLite-Wrapper-Cpp - A lightweight C++ SQLite3 API wrapper.
- ansgri/cpp-boilerplate-minimal - skeleton for writing image processing C++
- agordon/stl_helpers - CPP convenience functions, mostly STL adapters
- YimingYAN/cppipm - C++ implementation of the Interior Point Method (CPIPM)
- Yacoby/cpp-bsa - Library for parsing Morrowind BSA files
- JohannAnhofer/cpp_db - A Database access layer for C++
- Carrigan/CvCPP - An embedded coding experiment to compare the efficiency of C++ to C.
- BennyQBD/3DEngineCpp_31 - The 3D Engine in C++, as of tutorial 31
- BenjaminNitschke/CppCourse - Games Academy Basic C++ Course May 2015
- zilong/cj - The Project trys to supply some cpp for let your cpp-program look like java
- zhaowoxin/work - cpp exercise
- yuchengwen/cms.cpp - A cross-platform cms write by C++
- xaratustrah/barion_cpp - A scientific calculator and data table for chemical elements and their isotopes for the experimental and accelerator physicist.
- vim-scripts/tags-for-std-cpp-STL-streams-... - Modified libstdc++ headers for use with ctags
- twostars/usdx-cpp - Unofficial C++ port of UltraStar Deluxe (non-functional at the moment)
- tun57/StephenSowoleG52CPP - C++ Game Written For G52CPP Module
- truvorskameikin/routines-cpp - The collection of header-only routines for C++
- threez/foundation-cpp - a small c++ library for common uses like vectors, strings, testing and so on, with the convenience of the ruby stdlib
- tgjones/aether-cpp - Ray tracer
- spravo13/c-math - A copy of cpp-math, though written in c
- spatialaudio/schunk-cpp - Implementation of Schunk Motion Protocol in C++
- smithandrewc/robovero_cpp - C++ class files that allow access to Robovero resources through the Overo using C++ code
- sfzhao/cpplaboratory - lab
- scriptum/cppcheck-libs - cppckeck rules compiler with more fine-grained GTK support
- scott2014/httpserver-cpp - 使用C++实现的简单httpserver,依赖于mongoose api,依赖库地址:/~https://github.com/Gregwar/mongoose-cpp,该程序可以用于app后台开发
- santhoshvai/Cpp_MIT_course_Assignments - A collection of assignments and lectures studied and done for MIT OCW courses for C and C++
- santazhang/kmp-cpp - KMP searching algorithm in C++, with template generic programming
- saga-project/saga-cpp-adaptor-bes - BES bindings to SAGA-C++
- rhsmith/EntropyCpp - Conversion of matlab script to c++
- rd3k/BotCppTest - Adventures in visual programming
- rbtnn/cpp-vimgrep - This is
which is an external command. - pix/cppp - Fork of cppp: A Partial Preprocessor for C from Brian Raiter
- pingles/c-and-cpp-adventures - Me playing around with various C and C++ libs
- opendrone/flymaple-cpp - flymaple c++ code originally developed by Yi Xie
- netguy204/cpp-starter-project - A c++ starter project that builds using the lazy-cpp pre-processor and the Boehm collector
- nabuchi/cpp-3col2 - Improved Generic Algorithm for 3-Collisions Parallelizable
- munsuri/objective-c-cpp_from_c-cpp - Bunch of examples to ilustrate the multiple ways of accessing Objective C/C++ from C/C++
- mike-zhang/cppCallLua - cppCallLua by mike
- mapcode-foundation/mapcode-cpp - Mapcode Library for C/C++
- magiczhao/devcpp - cpp files
- lxdiyun/C - C/CPP Code
- liyanghua/skiplists-for-cpp - A template skiplists implementation in c++
- lewtsi/CppPrimer - C++ Primer v3 Samples
- laneease/cpp - cpp
- kaushalaman/oops-cpp-c-important-programs - Run these programs, get results, learn & have fun
- kamalcoder/cpputil - cpp snippets
- jwgrenning/cpputest-starter-project-vs - A cpputest starter project with instructions for visual studio
- johnstorm/PixelwaveCPP - C++ version of pixelwave
- johannesh/judy-nif-cpp - Erlang NIF for judy arrays [JudyHS]
- jlchan/CodesCpp - Warburton/Hesthaven nodal DG codes in C++
- jimbocoder/blowfish-cpp - ECB-mode-only blowfish implementation.
- jcfr/MIDAScpp - Fork of MIDAScpp - The Midas CPP API provides a client-side way of interacting with a MIDAS server
- ivanarellano/cpp-eightpuzzle - Eight puzzle solved with A* pathfinding.
- insidepower/cpptest - testing small c, c++ program
- hominlinx/cppbed - some cpp test,such as boost,zeromq
- holylance/TestCouchbaseCpp - This is test console project about libCouchbase(c/c++)
- hoheinzollern/cpnunf-cpp - Unfolder for contextual Petri nets
- hemmerling/cpp-fatedit - FAT12 and FAT16 disk editor, for editing the File Allocation Table ( FAT ) and the directory of MSDOS disks with 12-bit FAT ( FAT12 ) and of harddisks with 16-bit FAT ( FAT16 ).
- hawkerpl/cython_python_to_cpp_example - example of compiling python to c++
- gutomaia/hellow_cpp - c++ msn lib: More than a Hello World!
- grosi/cpp_4_in_a_row - A small C++ embedded project with the aim to develop the game "4 in a row"
- gregtour/tedge-cpp - Team Duck Game Engine
- grantlj/CppProjects - Grant's Cpp Projects.
- gary-test-account/HelloCpp - Cpp first test of git
- find/cpputils - cpp utilities
- egmkang/antlr3-dsl - a message compiler generating cpp codes
- dougbradbury/TddCpp - Test Driven Development Katas in C++
- doubleleft/hook-cpp - (alpha) C++ client for hook
- dholm/cpptmpdyncode - Dynamic Binary Compiler Using C++ TMP
- devemouse/glcd - Project where I try to run glcd (LGDP4531) in cpp
- cot246/my-leetcode - my cpp solutions for leetcode
- cokeboL/Cimpple - Cimpple is a base game server framwork using simple cpp; Cimpple means Cpp and Simple. I hope more people join in.
- chenee/Lua-Objective-C-CPP - this is a demo ,show you how to hybrid Lua, C++, Objective-C. e.g. call C++ from OC, operate C++ class by Lua,which called by OC ...
- carlcook/cpp-skiplist - stl compliant skip list (sorted list with logarithmic insert/find/erase)
- cad-san/TDD4EC_CppUTest - Transcription sample code of "Test Driven Development for Embedded C" with CppUTest
- anaspk/huffman-encoding-cpp - A very simple implementation of Huffman Encoding in C++ for compressing text files
- adirzim/CPP-Ex4 - exercise 4 of the advance programing topic course
- Yifan-DU/CPP-Computer-Graphic-OpenGL - A series of progs graphic driven by VS C++ 2010+ with OpenGL.
- WillKwon/Cpp_College_Projects - C/C++ codes for the projects done in school
- Vdragon/NTOU_CPP_HW_Opensource_Project - 海洋大學C++ 作業開放程式原始碼專案
- Vdragon/C_CPP_program_templates - 我用來寫C和C++程式的程式原始碼範本
- SkyAngeLoL/LuaStack - CPP class for working with lua scripts
- RealSense-Book/RealSense-Book-CPP - C++のサンプルコードです
- Mortal/fib.cpp - Fibonacci sequence precalculated at compile-time with C++ templates in two different ways
- LeonardVollmann/3DGameEngineCpp - A 3D Game Engine written in C++
- JosiahOne/quickbase-cpp-wrapper - A QuickBase API Wrapper in c++.
- JGRennison/cpp-btree - Clone of Google's cpp-btree B-tree set and map containers, with minor fixes/modifications.
- GithSystems/CountlyCpp - C++ SDK for Countly (count.ly)
- FHV-ITM13/C-CPP - projects master studies
- DanielPalliser/c-cpp-java-1 - Ship information assignment
- Daiver/cpp-cgi-snippet - Nano C++ web framework
- Chetan496/cpp-algortihms - Common algorithms and data structures in C
- BorisBresciani/cpp_bomberman - cpp_bomberman
- BenLand100/CppCraft - Toy MineCraft client written in C++ to avoid the speed limitations of python that I ran into with PyCraft
- ATofighi/PHP-CPP-Compile - Compile C++ via PHP
- zlua/py-c-cpp - Python 与 C/C++ 混合编程
- zhuangbo/cpp - Programs in C++
- zhouyang209117/CppTutorial - C语言学习
- zhou1990/AlgorithmsCpp - A variety of language implementation of the algorithm by C or C++
- zhangyuchi/cpptestzj - test cpp example
- zengzhining/advenLua - a game use cocos2d-x cpp+lua
- zengyuxing007/perl_xs_cpp - perl_xs_cpp
- zdanozdan/prestashop-cpp-api-client - PrestaShop client in C++
- zchrissirhcz/cppos-template - osdev上某教程的demo
- zchrissirhcz/CppOS - A hobby OS written in C++
- z0rr0/cppcourse - my cpp lib
- yyt1994/CPPstudy - C++自学
- yxmsw2007/SampleC-CPP - This app provides c/cpp examples
- ywnwa/complier-pl0-cpp - complier for pl0 with c++
- yuvrajsingla/ctci_c_cpp - Solutions to cracking the coding interview problems in C / C++
- yunyan/cppPractice - my practice repo
- yourcaptain/linux_cpp - linux programing
- yomichi/cpp-random-test - Survay for efficiency of several C/C++ implementation of Mersenne Twister
- yhirose/cpp-sqlitelib - C++ SQLite wrapper library
- yczhangsjtu/Cpp-Palace - A C++ opengl game.
- yansyaf/cmake-c-cpp-library-template - CMake template for creating C/C++ library, it will generate both static and dynamic library and doxygen documentation.
- xjr20042/first - Cpp
- wwvuillemot/CPP-Projects - Various C, CPP projects including basic data structures
- wistery-k/mjai-server-cpp - C++ implementation of mjai server
- winnie2015/finaltest-cpp - create a makefile
- williamhorstkamp/SQLiterForCpp11 - SQLiter For C++11 is an SQLite3 wrapper with C++11 features.
- wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Parsoid-cpp-contrib-libhubbub - Github mirror of MediaWiki extension Parsoid/cpp/contrib/libhubbub - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_access for contributing)
- weizijun/cpp - cpp resource
- wb113347/testCPP - test CPP
- warrenonedge/C-CPP-code - Collection of all C and C++ files/assignments that I've coded
- vpiotr/mongoose_cpp - Embeddable http server with C++ wrapper included.
- vmlaker/hello-cpp - Review of C++, my first love
- vlttnv/cpp-linked-list - A simple C++ linked list
- vislee/libbc - c cpp 基础函数。
- vibgy/cpp - My C++ Projects
- universeroc/cpp_programmer - Being a programmer we must know everything about what programming language you use, and also data structure, design pattern, and algorithm. Here is just some cases I came across when I review some aspects or prepare for some skills usage. Maybe it could help you to recall your memory or give you some tips.
- undefx/FM_Cpp - An implementation of the FGB2003 model of influenza transmission and evolution.
- ucyixl/DiPBaCpp - C++ implementation of Dirichlet Process Bayesian Clustering
- tyr-sl3/lua-cpp-api - Projet LuaLibCpp ! Version 2.0 (refonte totale), Mai 2014
- typedefnqde/C_CPP - programming languages: C, C++
- twishi/Cpp - TP / Projet C++
- tsteinholz/CPP-SRHS - This is my repository for all of my CPP code for the SRHS course "C++ with Gaming"
- tsovince/8051-CPP-templates - Templates and library for 8051
- tshm/matrix_cpp - experimental cpp library for dealing with 2D matrix arithmetic.
- toolbits/cpp-netlib-cpp-netlib-0.9.4_xcode462_universal - Patch files to enable you to compile universal binary libraries with gcc under xcode 4.6.2.
- toeb/cppaccessor - the accessor pattern in c++
- tktk/fg4cpp.old - fgのC++用ラッパー(バックアップ)
- tktk/dp4cpp.old - C++用ゲーム向けライブラリ(バックアップ)
- tjp5115/cppRPG - Point and Click Role Playing game
- thzoechbauer/cpp-embedded - This project goes along with the blog https://cppembedded.wordpress.com and provides some code for embedded systems, especially for the STM32 F3 Discovery. A modified version of the "Real-Time C++"-Library by C. Kormanyos is used, see /~https://github.com/ckormanyos/real-time-cpp for further information on the library.
- thylm55/Fruit-Ninja-Cpp - Fruit Ninja in C++
- thiagodp/cpp-util - Some useful C++ libs
- thebagmaster/CPP_ARAB_League_of_Legends - A C++ program I wrote to read memory from the League of Legends client and support banning players from certain custom games. League of Legends had no support for this. The client was written in CPP and the back-end was a SQL database with PHP website access.
- tcafiero/CppTestLab - A Lab for C++Test
- talalbutt/xplus-xsd2cpp - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/xplus-xsd2cpp
- syvjohan/cppFun - c++
- syntheticpp/cpptex - Port of TeX++ to actual C++ compilers
- swrangsar/cppTest - cpp test and gtk test
- sw-eng-2014/CPP-JOYSTICK - Example project in Visual C++ to show the usage of hidapi library
- sumantro93/All-C-CPP-programs - This is a collection of all C and C++ programs
- sukesan1984/test_cpp - test_cpp
- stupigou/cpp_nibbler - Snake for Epitech Project {SDL, OpenGL, NCurses}
- stockandawe/c-and-cpp-test-programs - Small test programs in c and c++
- stevenio/ProgCpp - C++
- spurserh/ImmutableCPP - Immutable data structures for C++
- spoiltos/cppbindings - Reflection metadata for C++
- slonix/c_cpp_projects - Here you can find some of my C and C++ projects developed at University of Warsaw.
- skybosi/map_c-cpp - Generate a program diagram of function call
- sinojelly/cpp-utils - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cpp-utils
- siggame/cppVis - The current C++ visualizer
- shaswat770/cplusplus - Random cpp programs during BTech course
- sexybear/FTPserver-in-Cpp - Ftpserver in cpp
- secret32/cpptest - study and testing
- scirelli/cppreview - Practice repo for reviewing C++
- sambaranhazra/cpp_practice - Sample c++ programs for practice purpose
- salmanwahed/c-programming - simple c/cpp codes
- saga-project/saga-cpp-legacy-projects - legacy code migrated from CCT
- saga-project/saga-cpp-legacy-adaptors - legacy cpp adaptors code migrated from CCT
- ryanjbcom/Cpp_Jumper_Game - Ryanjbcom, C++, Allegro Lib, Jumper, Side Scrolling Game
- rwwiv/Learn_Cpp - Learn C++
- rtk2112/CplusplusPrograms - Has all my c and cpp programs
- rshegde/cpp_pokerhands - A simple poker odds calculator
- rpeden/cpp-fun - Haven't done much C++ lately, so going to just start from scratch here and have a little fun.
- rosrad/cpp-rep - some files of c++ project, such clang, git , gcc, kaldi ,rtag
- rominavarela/cpp-web - Web Services in C++
- rockhowse/AdvancedCppGraphicsTutorials - This is a github repo that contains one commit per video tracking the excellent C++ Graphics tutorials created by MakingGamesWithBen on youtube. — Edit
- rjdgtn/OreDepsForBorlandCpp - Patched dependensies for build Ogre over Borland bcc32 compiler
- rehmanz/cpp-programming - C++ Programming
- rateyu/testCppHello - testCppHello
- rararrara/ra_eclipse_cpp - Github projects with EGit to learn cpp
- rararrara/ra_dellVS2013 - cpp coding using vs2013
- rambo/chibios_cpp - Trying to get OOP to ChibiOS (and if it works will probably become RuuviTracker firmware)
- rajko-d/learn_cpp - Adventures in C++
- rafat2/cpp - C++ ts
- rAum/robocar_jurek_cpp - software for autonomous car "Jurek".
- quinteroheg2/C-CppPractice - Practicing with the C/C++ Languages.
- quicky2000/soda_analyzer_cpp_if - Interface defining communication API betweem Soda and modules receiving C++ representation of OSM differences
- qq644531343/cppsrc - 存放一些C++的练习代码
- qoowedsub/cpp_practice - learning c++
- qinglangee/mooc_code - cpp code of mooc
- pvuillemin/BenabouVuilleminCppProject - Cpp project on the multiarmed bandit.
- ptodev/LaplaceSolverCpp - Solving the Laplace equation.
- psie/C-Cpp-related - Some (basic) code (snippets) not falling under above categories
- prototype-U/cpp-sources - All programs created by me
- polyf/cppvsc - c++ vs c90
- pmachard/cpp_common - Common librairie
- pinkapp/cpp - c++ 仓库
- philomuzzi/Cpp_Database_Demo - varies database connect demo
- phass/C_and_Cpp - Przykładowe algorytmy. Kod w języku C / C++.
- phaltness/stm32f4disco_RTOS_cpp - test cpp app with RTOS init on STM32F429 - DISCO
- pgbovine/opt-cpp-backend - prototype C/C++ backend for Online Python Tutor
- pganti/cpproxy - connection pooling proxy that implements HTTP Tunneling over nginx
- pedroedrasousa/opengl-stuff-cpp - C++ code from an OpenGL engine developed a long long time ago
- paulrobichaud/CPP-Test - Visual C++ Test
- paulrobichaud/CPP-Sandbox - C Plus Plus Sandbox
- oswjk/cpp-utils - C++ utilities
- orchid1214/cpp-pool - C/C++ source codes
- om21prakash/CLab - Experiments with C, CPP
- olibre/CppUsefullBasics - Basic C/C++ functions for debugging, logging, printing...
- oli-obk/clang - libclang bindings + include_cpp! macro
- oisee/autodiver_cpp - autodiver c++
- ofirmen/CPP - my cpp learning repository
- nurozhikun/cpp - iocp基础模块
- nootanghimire/browser-cpp - Web Browser using C plus plus (Flex/Bison)
- nishantghai/c_cpp_basics - first checkin
- ninomllr/cppvr_tests - Test applications and snippets in C++ Virtual Reality
- nikitazu/GameOfCpp - Game of Life in c++
- nfvguru/myLearn - My Learing C, CPP, GO, Python, Java and NodeJs
- ndkoval/cpp_splay_tree - Splay tree on typenames
- nbdd0121/CppCoroutine - Lightweight coroutine library for C++
- namiller/cpplay - playing around with c++
- mvf4z7/cpp_chat_server - A multi-threaded chat server written in C++
- munificentissimus/anderson_cpp_git_repo - novas opções
- mrshu/cpp-todotxt - A C++ library for handling todotxt format
- mrahman/client - CPP HTTP Client
- mpasko/cpp_real_time_krk_31 - cpp_real_time_krk_31
- moon5ckq/SimpleCppConfig - A Simple C++ header file for reading ini config file.
- mmMike/cpp-enum-tools - Compile-time checked array indexing with enums
- miregit/perl-cpp-performance - Performance testing - perl vs. c++
- miregit/perl-cpp - A simple example on how to call C++ code from perl
- mikesmullin/win-cpp-opengl - Windows 8, VIsual Studio 2015, GLEW, GLFW, OpenGL
- mikea/cpp-stream-fusion - C++ Stream Fusion
- michniewicz/cpp-samples - useful basic c++ classes
- mdejong/GvmCpp - C++ impl of GVM clustering
- mbedded-ninja/TemplatePsocEclipseCpp - A quick-start template Eclipse C++ project for use with the PSoC range of microcontrollers.
- mazvis00/Parcel-Service-Cpp - Courier Parcel Service Application C++
- mayth/ylaciexpr - laciexpr with cpp and yacc
- maximusprimate/aks - AKS in cpp
- matty5749/lobo2cpp - Traduit un fichier ecrit en lobo en c++
- mattparks/OrcaOS - Experimental CPP & ASM OS
- mathanek/CPP - Test code
- math-vsu/cpp - 1 курс, практика по ТП
- marcinklimek/cpp_real_time_krk_1 - cpp_real_time_krk_1
- mapx/cpp-closure-template - Google Closure Templates' c++ adapter.
- manthrax/xplus-xsd2cpp - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/xplus-xsd2cpp
- madebits/cpp-magic-square - 2000 Magic squares generator in C & JavaScript
- madebits/cpp-ana-language - 2001 Simple interpreted language with syntax similar to C
- madebits/cpp-aes-tool - 2008 Command-line tool that encrypts / decrypts one file at a time using a password
- lukxchr/G52CPP-CW2013 - coursework for http://modulecatalogue.nottingham.ac.uk/Nottingham/asp/moduledetails.asp?crs_id=022258&year_id=000111
- lukevp/CPP_Practice - Going through some basic C++ Tutorials
- loicoudot/java4cpp-sample - Demonstrate java4cpp capabilities
- ljw7630/cppAlgorithm - Solving algorithm problems in C++
- liyangyao/libuv-cpp-wrapper - libuv c++ wrapper
- littlepretty/ReadHPSTL - read stl for cpp learing
- lighta/ra_cpp - Rathena in Cpp version
- lierdakil/cpp-ndarray - Thin wrapper around numpy.ndarray for boost.python
- liangX-cn/SockLib - A SockLib for CPP and LUA
- li1397937810/Visual-CPP-6.0-PLUS - 让VC6支持C99和C++11的程序
- leea/diff-cpp - C++ template library for computing a longest common subsequence (diff)
- larusx/Xproject - cpp implement
- kss5041/testCpp - Test of new GitHub repository TestCpp
- kfalconspb/c-cpp - C and CPP examples and testing
- kevin-coyle/cpp_sqlite3 - An example application that will query an SQLite db from C++
- kerorv/sproto-cpp - cpp binding of sproto
- kennycason/cpp_gl_games - A demo showing OpenGL used in an OOP manner
- ken61502/Data_Structure_in_CPP - Data_Structure_in_CPP
- kalininei/SuiteSparseWrap_cpp_cs - Simple wrapper libraries (cpp, c#) for SuiteSparse sparse matrix solvers. Linux and Windows build scripts are included.
- jsion/jsion_cpp - jsion's c++ source code.
- jsion/cpp - jsion's c++ source code.
- jsdevel/cpp-unit-testing - A single header file is all you need :)
- joslup9/nmap.cpp - Revisa el correo electrónico de una cuenta, este se comunica mediante puerto 25 no cifrado
- joprice/cpp-util - Useful snippets of cpp
- johnteslade/cppc - Test code for combining c and C++ code
- johnsmith0209/c-cpp-practice - Study C/C++ programming language from ground up
- johnarban/TestCppApp - TestC++App
- john0xff/LinearFunctionDrawer - cpp openGL
- john0xff/LabyrinthGame - cpp openGL
- john0xff/Breakout-Snake-Tetris - cpp source code
- jochemgeussens/OpenGL-Test-CPP - A simple opengl test using glew and freeglut. Uses particle system and a shader designed for this to display a single Trefoil knot shape. Also applies normals and basic material use (ambient, specular, diffuse, shininess,...).
- jnovak/cpp-refresher - Try to remember how to write C/C++…
- jnksu/CPP - C Primer Plus
- jmalangoni/DSP-Cpp_MEX - DSP coursework in C++ and MEX (C-Matlab interface), Spring 2013
- jholownia/cppsqlite - A small, modern C++ wrapper for sqlite database library.
- jdmichaud/cppa - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cppa
- jchatel/cpplibraries - My C++ libraries
- jay-lau/cracking-the-coding-interview-c-cpp-java - cracking-the-coding-interview-c-cpp-java
- jasonjei/libyaml-cpp - A lightweight C++ wrapper around libyaml
- jarinosuke/cpp_practice - my messy, struggling cpp files
- janturon/CPP-Properties - Introduces properties into C++
- ivantuksa/cpp-scratch - My scratchboard repo for learning c++
- imrehg/MeilhausTimingCpp - Timing code for Meilhaus 6100 analog output card
- ilardm/lib-cppmisc - Miscellaneous C++ stuff
- iiMarco/cppwinping - C++ Winsock2 Ping Utility
- igorzel/cpptests - small and test projects which purpose are learning, understanding, trying and eventually using different features of c++
- ideaplat/Other-CTP4CPP - 跟踪上期技术的CTP发布版
- ichigotake/cpp-sandbox - C/C++ sandbox
- iancanada/STM32Cube-Cpp-programming-example - This example will show you how to program STM32 in C++ with STM32 HAL drivers and STM32CubeMX generated code frame
- hyf042/PomeloCpp - A naive cpp encapsulation of libpomelo
- honeybear/S3cppsdk - An AWS S3 C++ devTools
- hkurosu/cpp-hashmap - Lightweigt hashmap implementation with C++
- hillgreen012/cpp-util - cpp utilities.
- heuristicus/opsys-cpp - Exercises for final year module Operating Systems with C/C++
- herbertshuai/cpp - this repository is for testing
- henglinli/base - base of cpp
- hemmerling/cpp-paketwender - Embeddded software for control of the fischertechnik model "Paketwendeanlage" ( in German language )
- hemmerling/cpp-compress - In dem Versuch „Datenkompression“ des Datenverarbeitungslabors sollten drei Programme geschrieben werden, die einen Einblick in die Methoden und Algorithmen der Datenkompression digitaler Daten vermitteln.
- haved/2DSmithCPP - A game I make as an exercise in C++. I've never made anything in C++ before.
- hasantayyar/cpp-utils - some handy c++ scripts
- hackinginformation/cpp - A place for me to put random C++ scripts, programs and stuff to test around with.
- habibimustafa/game-taktikjitu-cpp - Game Tak Tik Jitu C++
- h198798337/TestCppDataStruct - TestCppDataStruct
- gverdian/encog-cpp - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/encog-cpp
- guowengen/common - cpp library for common use
- guowenchao/final_test_cpp - 郭文超
- gsiatras/cpp_marine_ecosystem - Simulation of a marine ecosystem using C++
- grahamboree/cppimage - Updated and refined CxImage
- gnuwilliam/c-cpp - C/C++
- gloryming/Language_Cpp - Language Compare of Performance Benchmark
- gitpan/Text-CPP - Read-only release history for Text-CPP
- ghostincircuit/clcpp - cpp wrapper for opencl
- gctronic/elisa3_node_cpp - Elisa-3 ROS node based on roscpp.
- gansidui/cpp-example - c/c++ example
- fusijie/Cpp_Lua_VS2012 - VS2012实现C++和Lua交互
- from-nibly/cpplist - A linq like list in c++
- fresheneesz/cppUtils - C and C++ utility modules
- freeonsky/learning-cpp - learing c++
- fishedee/FishJsonCpp - C++结构体自动化相互转换json
- fingerballet/CppTest - Cpp project used for test my first github repo!
- figield/CPP - C and C++ samples
- felixjones/xiCppLib - Smart pointer and OS header file
- evelan/SzachySDL - Platforma do gry w szachy CPP + SDL
- egustafson/pgr4cpp - Property Graph for C++
- eflittle/cpp - learning cpp files
- ed-george/cpp-space - G53GRA coursework creating Solar System in Visual C++ and GLUT
- easebone/cppdemos - C++ samples including boost
- duanwujie/atar - tar for embed into cpp aplication
- dpdwht/Cpp-Study - Cpp 공부 Repositories
- doslab/gcc-designated-initializer-support-cpp - gcc compiler with designated initializer support in c++
- dolorem/CppAlgorithms - Set of algorithms and data structures which may be useful in programming contests, written in C++.
- dnizna/cppcode - c++ 代码,常用的工具使用方式
- dkorolev/xplus-xsd2cpp - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/xplus-xsd2cpp
- dasimaznG/Cpp_dasimaLib - this is my c++ engineer library
- dareTake/cppHexGame - A game of Hex with AI using montel carlo simulation ( C++ 11)
- danilafedotov/cpp_checkers - University laboratory work
- dabaobei144/cpp - c and cpp reference
- d-chugunov/asn1cpp - Free compiler from ASN.1 to C++11. It is based on asn1c by Lev Walkin.
- cui-liqiang/cpp_unit_test_template - this is a template project with makefile to handle compile and running tests
- cuekoo/C-CPP-sugar - small c programs illustrating language usage
- cswuyg/swig_cpp_for_py - swig wraps c or cpp for python example.
- csoma/Cpp-DB-Test - Comparison test of C++ Database libraries
- cs0rbagomba/random_play - c, cpp, bash, perl, python play
- crubier/QuaternionDisplay - Quaternion PFD in openframeworks cpp
- crespo2014/cpp-lib - C++ common libraries
- credil/cpp-netlink - C++ interface for network programs that need to deal with many interfaces, includes test harness.
- commshare/rtmp-cpp - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/rtmp-cpp
- coldfix/cpproperty - C++ {g,s}etters are madness
- cloudffx/lua-cpp-bind-study - study only
- cleversoap/cpp-phantom-logger - A C++ macro based logger that hides itself from compilation when not in use.
- cibech/cppbech - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/cppbech
- chupakabr/algo-cpp - Well-known algorithms and data structures in C++
- christinatucker/CPP - C++
- chrisjleaf/learningCPPObjects - C++ Objects from C
- cedriclam/googlehashcode_cpp - Google hash code cpp
- caway/Freetype2-Standalone-CPP-Rasterizer-Wrapper - Freetype2 Standalone Rasterizer Wrapper
- captainwong/instant_markup_cpp - cpp version of instant_markup
- camlorn/speex_resampler_cpp - A C++ wrapper over the Speex resampler.
- calebickler/Capstone_Qt_Cpp_Program - GiS capstone project code
- c88lopez/LearningCpp - Branch para aprender C / C++
- c41x/cpptoolset - My C++ common libs
- bwyyoung/NYP_CPP_COL - Circle Of Life Game Project. Group Project done for C++ Programming. November 2007.
- bryanchadwick/MiscCpp - Miscellaneous C/C++ Programs
- boubad/CppStatDataManager - CppStatDataManager
- boubad/CPPStats - IntraStat CPP library
- boding/log - a common log component programmed in c/cpp.
- bmwcmw/C-CPP-Stuffs - Basic tools and tests for C and C++
- ben-nakash/Programming-in-C-and-CPP - 2nd Year Course in C & C++
- bdsaunders/udods - UD CISC220 version of ods/cpp
- bangusi/cppsql - JDBC inspired c++ library
- balazsracz/xpresso-cpp-test - Test project to build C++ with LPCXpresso
- bagrusss/cpp_project - Technopark cpp project
- babayega/linked_lists - basic programs in c and cpp
- ba1dr/days.cpp - Reminder for important dates (MSDOS)
- b5strbal/Arnoux_Yoccoz_0.2_cpp_Qt - The second version of the pseudo-anosov searching program. Added graphical interface and generalized the algorithm compared to version 0.1. It builds and runs but it is unfinished and abandoned.
- b5strbal/Arnoux_Yoccoz_0.1_cpp - A program for searching for pseudo-anosov homeomorphisms. This is the first version, written in C++. It only works for the projective plane, and even there only in a very special case.
- avinashtrivedi/C-and-CPP - All the programs that I have written during my B.Tech
- avinashphilip/c_and_cpp_example - c and cpp study and experiment
- ascheglov/lzma-cpp - LZMA2 Decoder
- appcodev/cpp_csv2arff - Converting CSV file to ARFF file in C
- anthonywei/c_call_cpp - c call cpp example
- annidy/cpp-startup - some headers collection, which every your c++/c demo project may need.
- anirudhvr/cpputils - C++ utility libraries
- amadeuzou/cpp-transform - simple STL container transform functions
- altrevi2/Cpp - First publish
- allenbo/py2cpp - A program can transform python source file into C++ source file
- algorithm-ninja/cpp-btree - Git mirror of the official (mercurial) repository of cpp-btree
- alexlevy0/cpp_abstractvm - Teck2 EPITECH
- akadjoker/hxsdl - SDL Bindings for Haxe/CPP
- aimerjing/cpp - newbie to c++
- afruizc/parallel-cloaked-index - Implementation of an invertex index calculation using pthreads and cpp
- adrijere/cpp_SKL - Rush Piscine C++ Tech 2
- adrijere/Bomberman - Epitech Project Cpp Tek2
- abelsiqueira/compare-cpp-fortran - C, Cpp and Fortran comparison
- abdulkareemsn/cppgl - OpenGL Object System
- abdelmo/C-CPP - examples of my C/C++ projects
- ZyperPL/bmp2cpp - Simple tool for converting bmp file to data array in C++ file
- Xcox123/CPP-OpenGL1 - c++ opengl
- WispProxy/OpenGL-Teapot-based-on-Qt-Cpp - This repository with small OpenGl widget implements teapot. Based on Qt and C++
- WildAndrewLee/Mangos--CPP - Mangos: C++ Library
- Vdragon/C_CPP_program_element_templates - C或C++的程式元素範本
- Turbine1991/cpp-event-system - C++ extensible hook system. Providing an implementation for generic function delegation and the handling of theem. Designed as a C++ equivalent to the hook functionality found in Garry's Mod.
- TomoProg/c_cpp - c_cpp
- TomPeerdeman/CPP2012 - Opdrachten voor Concurrency & Parallel programmeren
- Thiryn/cpp_SKL - Rush cpp tek 2 epitech
- ThePedestrian/CPP-GenericList - Generic list that easily allows you to push, pop, delete, and index nodes. Useful for a variety of applications where you need a doubly-linked list.
- TheLocky/cpp - C++ progs
- SzymonTadeusz/Pong_Cpp - Pong 3D z kodem źródłowym w języku C++
- Sweetheart502/Study_CPP - 大二学习C++的相关代码集合.
- Soledad89/LearnCpp - Learn how to program using Cpp
- Skydive/CPP-2D-Engine - 2D C++ Game Engine.
- Sky-Ranger/Final_Test_cpp - Linux 下C/C++ 程序设计
- ShawnLMP/CppMacro - The c++ macros that I use very often
- SerialDev/cppLearnMiniProjects - C++ mini projects 2015
- SeedKunY/MyCppGame - test bubble_kun game
- SanHot/JcPimMultiBandV2 - CPP
- SDRLurker/soen_cpp - 혼자 연구하는 C/C++ 개인적으로 공부한 내용입니다.
- Ry0/cpp_learning - c++のオベンキョレポジトリ
- RandomDSdevel/Programming-_Principles_and_Practice_Using_Cpp - This repository houses the header files available from http://www.stroustrup.com/Programming/PPP2code for use while learning C++ from Bjarne Stroustrup's book 'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Second Edition).'
- Quantum64/IsLearningCPP - Basically a repo where I play around with some C++ stuff
- PrzemekWirkus/mbed-tetris-cpp - Tetris clone for mbed application board
- ProgramingExamples/C-Cpp - examples c/cpp ==> ejemplos c/c++
- Playzio/slots-cpp - virtual-currency slot-machine simulator developed on cocos2d-x framework
- Plasticoo/PassShelter_CPP - PassShelter - Password Manager. Just a project to get some knowledge, not secure!
- PedDavid/NubDevEngineCpp - Implementation of the previous engine in c++
- OrientMantis24/Saper_cpp - Wersja #2
- OS2World/DEV-UTIL-CPP2HTML - C++2HTML converter.
- OS2World/DEV-SAMPLES-CPP-wordwrap - wordwrap margin sample tool
- MrGuardian/cppgl - Cpp software rasterizer
- MichaelRoop/CPP_TestHarness - A C test harness that looks and behaves like C# NUnit
- MeowAlienOwO/CppCW - a small clone for touhou
- Memorix101/CPP_Utility_Tools - C++ Utility Tools for a more modern and eaysier workflow / feel
- MeMark2/C-Cpp-Function-Library - A library of re-usable C functions.
- MavenRain/base64cpp - A semi-modern c++ port of Sean Starkey's (sean@seanstarkey.com) ANSI C implementation of the Base64 Encoding and Decoding functions
- Marware/Cpp_AEC - Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- MarkIngramUK/CppTree - A collection of tree classes implemented using C++
- Manuel4131/CandCppFT - For fundamental training of C and CPP syntax, algorithm and common topics.
- LeeyuVincent/cppPrimer - study case when reading cppPrimer
- KuanYuChen/sqlite_tutorial - http://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_c_cpp.htm
- KristjanJ/CPP-Course-Spring-2011-Project04 - CPP-Course-Spring-2011-Project04
- KorotkiyEugene/LAG_Cpp_predef_traffic_predef_links_opt - High-speed simulation model for Network-on-Chip with Link Aggregation written in SystemC (C++). Not synthesizable. Allows to define traffic pattern for a given application, configure number of physical links in each trunk and perform optimization of NoC's hardware costs for a given traffic pattern
- KiiPlatform/KiiCpp - Kii Cloud SDK written in C++
- John-Chan/dnssdpp - DNS Service Discovery(cpp warp for apple's dnssd api)
- JavaWantaBe/CS162-project-templates - Project templates for CS162 in CPP and GNU Toolchain
- JatinMalviya/C-CPP-Programs - Some of my C & C++ Codes
- JasonOldWoo/linux-C-CPP - linux c/c++
- Jared-Adamson/CSE-C-Cpp-LISP-Prolog-Programs - C, C++, & Other Work for CSE
- IrleiNascimento/C-Cpp - Material de estudos na linguagem C
- Imxset21/c_v_cpp - Small perf-based analysis of various C and C++ equivalent programs
- IgorStepanov/D-CPP-Exception-Handle - Experemental code for CPP exception catching from C++
- IAmAnubhavSaini/py-c-cpp-cs - libraries implemented in other languages.
- HuangZhuo/CppTest - C++11语法,标准库,第三方库,算法,设计模式,心得。
- HarrieO/cpp - cpp met jellon
- HUANG-Zhi/cpp - small programs from web or HUANGZhi
- GhostTap/SimpleGameCPP - Various Tutorial Projects.
- GasperPaul/DeveloperTools_CPP_ - MinGW64 + msys1.0 + git1.8.4
- FredStober/cpp2numpy - cpp2numpy is a C++ library to write numpy files
- EricRobert/crim-cpp052 - Langage C++ avancé
- ErasmusMC-BME/CommonCPP - CommonCPP
- Echtzeitsysteme/tud-cpp-ucincludes - Header files for the uc library
- Echtzeitsysteme/tud-cpp-16FXlib - A minimal library for the LCD- and slider-enhanced evaluation boards SK-16FX-EUROscope
- DronHackathon/cpp_backend - Repo for bindings of cpp code to python
- DouglasAllen/C-CPP-AstroAlorithms - The code from http://www.christophedavid.org/w/c/w.php/Trails/AstronomicalAlgorithms and the test results.
- DmytryGlazkov/GameOfChips - Simple game on cpp with OpenGL
- DeviousMalcontent/CPP-BGI-Pong - (Unfinished) Pong Game Clone that uses open source implementation of Borland Graphics Interface
- DengZuoheng/cpp-etude - my cpp practice code, the name "etude" just for zhuangbility, don't be serious ; )
- DemonShi/utf-string.cpp - A missing class string for C++ that supports unicode
- DeforaOS/cpp - DeforaOS Code pre-processor
- DaoDuyNhan/C_CPP_2014 - C-C++ Repository: Create at 28-01-2014.
- DanielAtSamraksh/cppopts - C++ class that takes parameters passed through argv and stores them in an object.
- Daniel-Norman/Pathfinding-Cpp - Simple pathfinding of a small 2D graph
- DLuhmann/cpp-final-project - The final project for c++
- Cronom/nodejs-cpp - cpp call from node.js + realtime monitoring via websockets
- CodeBag-Debashish/calculator-flex-bison-cpp - flex and bison
- ChrisWongAtCUHK/cpp - C++ programming
- ChrisQuignon/CPP - Cell processor programming project from SS10. Aligning prime numbers on space filling curves.
- CMe3z/C-and-Cpp - C & C++
- CBriggeman/C-and-CPP - Collection of C/C++ libraries and programs I have made.
- Blackhart/cpp-opengl-superbible6 - OpenGL teaching
- BinotaLiu/OnlineJudge-Workspace - My online judge workspace, for practice c/cpp/java.
- Beatrice7/CPP_RECORD - about daily coding...
- Batname/test_cpp - test_cpp
- Amrzser/smart_pointer-cpp - implementation by string
- AlgoLab/cppp - Constrained Persistent Perfect Phylogeny
- Alevsk/CPP-Yacc-Flex-Assembler - An Assembler designed using yacc and flex
- Alerion/cpp-example - Python/C API, С++ experiments
- Albaniusz/cpp_spoj - my cpp spoj sandbox
- AirVan21/CPP - C++ Code from Different Projects
- AbhineetJain/Algorithmic-Programming - Mostly CPP codes for competitive programming.
- forhappy/A-Detailed-Cplusplus-Concurrency-Tutorial - A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
- typcn/bilibili-mac-client - An unofficial bilibili client for mac
- CzarekTomczak/cef2go - CEF2go is an HTML 5 based GUI toolkit for the Go language.
- speedcrunch/SpeedCrunch - A fast, high-precision and powerful cross-platform desktop calculator.
- paulhoux/Cinder-Samples - Sample applications for the Cinder framework
- crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng - A versatile (cross-)toolchain generator.
- kelly/node-i2c - Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev. Plays well with Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.
- wenns/sonar-cxx - This repository contains a SonarQube plugin implementing C++ support.
- librehat/libQtShadowsocks - A lightweight and ultra-fast shadowsocks library written in C++/Qt
- tavendo/AutobahnCpp - WAMP for C++ 11 on Boost/Asio
- sympy/symengine - SymEngine is a fast symbolic manipulation library, written in C++ (SymEngine was previously called CSymPy)
- hij1nx/nodeuv-http - A simple http library in c++ backed by libuv and http-parser.
- saschazelzer/CppMicroServices - An OSGi-like C++ dynamic module system and service registry
- hannon235/socket.io-poco - cross platform c++ socket.io client written using poco libraries
- abudnik/tcalc - C++ compile-time Prolog interpreter
- phs/sauce - A C++ Dependency Injection Framework
- sirgal/compile-time-game-of-life - True GoL using only metaprogramming in C++
- joshuajnoble/Programming-Interactivity-Code - code from some book
- hij1nx/ldb - A C++ REPL / CLI for LevelDB
- ainfosec/crema - Crema: A Sub-Turing Programming Language
- ademakov/Evenk - A C++ library for concurrent programming
- adafruit/CC3000_MDNS - Simple multicast DNS name resolution library for Adafruit's CC3000 and Arduino.
- Syntaf/ParticleSimulator - A particle simulator written with C++ SFML OpenGL and demonstrating my ability to mess up code
- SalomonBrys/__deprecated__Native-Crash-Handler - A simple set of code to enable JNI Native crashes to be caught by java and throw a meaningfull exception
- BanTheRewind/Cinder-LeapMotion - Cinder wrapper for the Leap Motion SDK
- seishun/SteamPP - C++ library to interoperate with Steam servers
- quangnh89/OllyCapstone - This is a plugin for OllyDbg 1.10 to replace the old disasm engine by Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework.
- psoberoi/stepanov-conversations-course - Code for the "Programming Conversations" course
- lemire/Code-used-on-Daniel-Lemire-s-blog - This is a repository for the code posted on my blog
- gerstrong/Commander-Genius - Modern Interpreter for the Commander Keen Games (Vorticon and Galaxy Games)
- fusijie/Airplane_2.2.0 - Wechat Airplane C++ version, powered by Cocos2d-x 2.2.0 stable version.
- elliotwoods/artandcode.Camera-and-projector-calibration - openFrameworks examples for Elliot Woods & Kyle McDonald's "Calibrating Projectors and Cameras: Practical Tools" workshop at Art&&Code 3D, CMU Pittsburgh, October 2011
- colagrosso/ciao - (unmaintained) Say hello to your Arduino
- chebert/cavestory-screencast - The Official Repository to accompany the Reconstructing Cave Story video series. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL006xsVEsbKjSKBmLu1clo85yLrwjY67X
- animetrics/PlistCpp - C++ plist reader and writer. Supports XML and binary Apple Property list (plist) formats.
- Mononofu/CryptoChrome - a GnuPG plugin for Chrome
- AlexDenisov/ToyClangPlugin - Playing with Clang plugin system
- 3rdparty/stout - A C++ library for building sturdy software.
- enjalot/EnjaParticles - Particle System expirementation Sandbox: OpenCL/OpenGL on PC and Android OpenGL in C with JNI
- PlayApple/cocos2dx-extensions - cocos2dx-extensions ui tool
- rescrv/e - Library containing high-performance datastructures and utilities for C++
- plexydesk/plexydesk-0.5-depricated-codebase - We moved a new code base, please use the new version
- mangosArchives/Mangos-One-scripts-old - * Current Repo: mangosone/scripts * Replacement for the Script Library that comes with MaNGOS, written in C++ and is compatible with both Windows and Linux. SQL supports MySQL and PGSql.
- erictj/node-clucene - A Node.js native module that gives you advanced searching via CLucene--itself a C++ port of Lucene
- damico/ARDUINO-OATH-TOKEN - Basic TOTP implementation in C for Arduino
- cjcliffe/CubicVR - CubicVR 3D Engine, C++ version
- cdaylward/libappc - A C++ library for working with App Containers
- blackberry/Cascades-Samples - Official Samples for the BlackBerry 10 Cascades Platform
- ashwin/coursera-heterogeneous - Resources to work offline on the assignments of Heterogenous Parallel Programming course from Coursera.
- Yalir/sfeMovie - sfeMovie is a simple C++ library that lets you play movies in SFML based applications. It relies on FFmpeg to read medias and remains consistent with SFML's naming conventions. Forum at http://sfemovie.yalir.org/forum/
- KholdStare/plumbingplusplus - "unix pipes" or automatic concurrent pipelining in C++
- Catchouli/coment - A C++11 component-entity system
- wimleers/sudoku - Fancy, feature-complete, cross-platform Sudoku app written in C++/Qt. Includes build+packaging scripts for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Originally written for a course at Hasselt University in Belgium, by http://wimleers.com and http://www.gooz.tk.
- syvex/native - Native C++ Library
- steeleduncan/TinyClojure - A lightweight, easily embeddable Clojure(Script) interpreter modelled after TinyScheme
- rpav/c2ffi - Clang-based FFI wrapper generator
- lastfm/last.json - JSON in C++ the way it should be
- hoehrmann/CutyCapt - A Qt WebKit Web Page Rendering Capture Utility
- goertzenator/nifpp - C++11 Wrapper for Erlang NIF API
- zagayevskiy/Pacman - Available on Google Play Market! Test task from ZeptoLab. Android NDK(C++) + OpenGL ES 2.0 + OpenSL ES + Java wrapping.
- terrychenism/caffe-windows-cudnn - caffe with cudnn
- pyramation/vim3d - Vim3D is a viewer/graphical interpreter for 3D scene descriptions using C++ and OpenGL.
- paulhoux/Cinder-Warping - A Cinder block that enables you to easily create editable bi-linear and perspective warps, or a combination of the two.
- ndarray/ndarray - NumPy-compatible multidimensional arrays in C++
- dansen/ccgui - ccgui is a library for creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for cocos2d-x applications. The main goals of ccgui are: speed, flexibility and ease of use.
- chukong/CocoStudioSamplesBasedOnCocos2d-x3.0 - CocoStudioSamples based on cocos2d-x 3.0
- brianwatling/redispp - C++ client for Redis
- arturadib/slash-a - Programming language and C++ library for (linear) genetic programming
- Leont/libperl-- - LibPerl++ is a C++ library that provides a more friendly interface for the the perl API. It makes use of advanced features of C++ to make both embedding and extending perl as easy as possible. This repository also contains to helper libraries that may be split out at a later stage: libtap++ and Library::Build.
- yorikvanhavre/FreeCAD - A place for my FreeCAD experiments... The master branch is a -more or less (manually) - updated copy of the official FreeCAD git repo. Be sure to visit the official site for forum, bug tracker ,doc, etc... If you wish to fork, danielfalk has an automatically updated FreeCAD repo that might be more up to date, or clone directly from http://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD_sf_master
- pyrtsa/poly - Solving the Expression Problem in C++11
- patriciogonzalezvivo/ofxComposer - Set of connecting boxes that let you load and processes different type of data on the GPU by using shaders.
- okeuday/GEPD - Generic Erlang Port [Driver]: Automatically generate an Erlang port driver or Erlang port for C/C++ bindings using a single self-contained file, and easily switch between either.
- nthtran/SneakyInput - C++ version of SneakyInput, for use with cocos2d-x
- lvv/scc - Simple-C++
- JamesGriffin/Path-Tracer - Simple monte carlo path tracer in C++
- CorsixTH/CorsixTH-Graphics - New graphics for CorsixTH to replace the ones from Theme Hospital
- tpuronen/cppspec - Behavior Driven Development framework for C++
- ogdf/ogdf - OGDF is a self-contained C++ class library for the automatic layout of diagrams.
- dabroz/csgjs-cpp - CSG library for C++, port of /~https://github.com/evanw/csg.js/
- OldFisher/lua-api-pp - Lua API wrapper for C++11
- MacGeneration/MacGPusher - C++11 Project to interact with Apple Push Notification service (APNS)