http://en.openfly.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5437:---10-15---amazon-ec2&catid=18:-- saas&Itemid=70
http://venturebeat.com/2012/04/25/new-study-finds-small-startups-typically-overspend-on-amazon-web-- services-by-50-or-more/
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4529885 ( Cheap and fast (just CPU) dedicated server?)
- http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Robot_Webservice/en
- /~https://github.com/jedi4ever/hetzner-cli
- /~https://github.com/rmoriz/hetzner-bootstrap
- /~https://github.com/rmoriz/hetzner-api
- /~https://github.com/spider-network/hetzner
- /~https://github.com/boardintelligence/hetzner-crate
- /~https://github.com/boardintelligence/lxc-crate.git
- /~https://github.com/sashich/hetzner-setup
- Virtual Setup at Hetzner.de - How we composed our KVM/VMware setup at Hetzner.de
- How to Set Up Networking With VMs on a Hetzner Server Running Ubuntu and KVM
- Hetzner LXC Linux Subnet Configuration
- http://www.alangilby.com/post/19397363460/hetzner-dedicated-server-and-kvm-setup
- Hetzner EQ4 Xen Server Routing Problem with own subnet
- Create a mixed (routed & bridged) private VLAN for Xen Virtual Machines, 15 Jun 11
- KVM Virtualisierung auf Hetzner Server
- http://binarymentalist.com/post/1316581507/der-virtuelle-cloud-war-gestern
- https://supportbee.com/devblog/2012/06/04/building-a-dependable-hosting-stack-using-hetzners-servers/
- http://blog.beatunes.com/2011/07/goodbye-amazon-ec2-see-you-later-cloud.html
- http://habrahabr.ru/post/137004/
*** GENERATED BY /~https://github.com/mindreframer/techwatcher (ruby _sh/pull hetzner-stuff) ***
scripts for automating deployment of tinc
3 commits, last change: , 0 stars, 0 forks
a VPN daemon
1,674 commits, last change: , 95 stars, 24 forks
CLI to do more complicated Hetnzer tasks like re-installing a server and putting the keys on it
9 commits, last change: , 9 stars, 1 forks
This script sets up or updates a host to connect to a tinc vpn. It allows you to start a network from scratch, join an existing network, decide which peers you will connect with, and can package up your tinc configuration so others can join the network too. This is aimed at users who just want to make a bunch of boxes talk to each other. It won'…
22 commits, last change: , 1 stars, 2 forks
Retiolum tinc script repository
14 commits, last change: , 1 stars, 0 forks
configuration files for tinc
12 commits, last change: , 1 stars, 0 forks
Use Heartbeat to monitor your Hetzner Failover IP and automatically switch to another server.
50 commits, last change: , 14 stars, 7 forks
[Note: This is a fork from http://redmine.the.re/projects/l2mesh] - l2mesh is a tinc based virtual switch, implemented as a puppet module. It creates a new ethernet interface on the machine and connects it to the switch.
17 commits, last change: , 2 stars, 1 forks
Interface to hetzner.de's installimage/bootstrapping service
37 commits, last change: , 25 stars, 6 forks
Инструкция по настройке проекта на сервере Hetzner
1 commits, last change: , 1 stars, 3 forks
tinc-keys for backbone vpn
6 commits, last change: , 0 stars, 2 forks
Chef cookbook to manage/install a tinc cluster
20 commits, last change: , 2 stars, 2 forks