Arduino Ethernet library using W5200 from Wiznet
Install W5200 library
If you are using Arduino(8 bit), copy fils from AVR and overwrite to ../avr/libraries/Ethernet/utility/
If you are using Arduino Due(32 bit), copy fils from SAM and overwrite to ../avr/libraries/Ethernet/utility/
Contribution for supporting 32bit code: Fabien Duay (deayfabi at
Note: libraries/Ethernet/Ethernet.h needs to change #define MAX_SOCK_NUM 4 to #define MAX_SOCK_NUM 8, since it doesn't #include "w5100.h" anymore
Using the W5200 library and evaluate existing Ethernet example.
In the Arduino IDE, go to Files->Examples->Ethernet and open any example, compile and upload the file to Arduino board.