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libpomelo is a C language client SDK for Pomelo, supporting the Pomelo protocol definition in Pomelo 0.3 version.
- Homepage:
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- Documentation:
- Wiki: /~
- Issues: /~
- Tags: game, nodejs
- libuv - Cross platform layer, mainly using Network IO and thread.
- jansson - JSON encode and decode library.
###Create a client instance
// create a client instance.
pc_client_t *client = pc_client_new();
###Add listeners
// add some event callback.
pc_add_listener(client, "onHey", on_hey);
pc_add_listener(client, PC_EVENT_DISCONNECT, on_close);
###Listener definition
// disconnect event callback.
void on_close(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data) {
printf("client closed: %d.\n", client->state);
###Pomelo defined listeners
#define PC_EVENT_DISCONNECT "disconnect"
#define PC_EVENT_TIMEOUT "timeout"
#define PC_EVENT_KICK "onKick"
###Connect to server
struct sockaddr_in address;
memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(port);
address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// try to connect to server.
if(pc_client_connect(client, &address)) {
printf("fail to connect server.\n");
return 1;
###Send a notify
// notified callback
void on_notified(pc_notify_t *req, int status) {
if(status == -1) {
printf("Fail to send notify to server.\n");
} else {
printf("Notify finished.\n");
// release resources
json_t *msg = req->msg;
// send a notify
void do_notify(pc_client_t *client) {
// compose notify.
const char *route = "connector.helloHandler.hello";
json_t *msg = json_object();
json_t *json_str = json_string("hello");
json_object_set(msg, "msg", json_str);
// decref json string
pc_notify_t *notify = pc_notify_new();
pc_notify(client, notify, route, msg, on_notified);
###Send a request
// request callback
void on_request_cb(pc_request_t *req, int status, json_t *resp) {
if(status == -1) {
printf("Fail to send request to server.\n");
} else if(status == 0) {
char *json_str = json_dumps(resp, 0);
if(json_str != NULL) {
printf("server response: %s\n", json_str);
// release relative resource with pc_request_t
json_t *msg = req->msg;
pc_client_t *client = req->client;
// stop client
// send a request
void do_request(pc_client_t *client) {
// compose request
const char *route = "connector.helloHandler.hi";
json_t *msg = json_object();
json_t *str = json_string("hi~");
json_object_set(msg, "msg", str);
// decref for json object
pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new();
pc_request(client, request, route, msg, on_request_cb);
###More example
The complete examples: example/
Tcp server for test: tcp-pomelo.
More information about API, please refer to pomelo.h.
Install GYP.
xcodebuild -project pomelo.xcodeproj
./pomelo_gyp -DTO=ios
###IOS Simulator
./pomelo_gyp -DTO=ios
in your libpomelo project root directory
open git bash and type in
mkdir -p build
git clone /~ build/gyp
then open cmd shell in windows and cd to your libpomelo project root directory
and type in
build\gyp\gyp.bat --depth=. pomelo.gyp -Dlibrary=static_library -DTO=pc
then open pomelo.sln in visual studio and you can build libpomelo in windows
just put libpomelo in ${COCOS2DX-ROOT}/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/android/prebuild path
then in your cocos2d-x android project's root and type in
it will build libpomelo into a .so file and then you can use it in your android application
pomelo-cocos2dchat you can find more information about using libpomelo in different platforms
There is a worker thread inside libpomelo
to run the libuv
loop and handle the IO events. So all the callback functions are fired in the worker thread. And the application should take care the synchronization between the main thread (such as UI thread) and the libpomelo
worker thread.