Releases: raddleverse/MimiBRICK.jl
Releases · raddleverse/MimiBRICK.jl
Primarily to update MCMCDiagnostics to MCMCDiagnosticTools, and assorted other updates since v1.2.0/v1.0.1 (version naming error likely in moving to 1.0.1 ).
What's Changed
- New version: v1.0.1 by @davidanthoff in #82
- Mcmcdiagupdate by @tonyewong in #84
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.2.0
MimiBRICK v1.0.1
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.14, (keep existing compat) (#50) (@github-actions[bot])
- New version: v1.0.0 (#53) (@davidanthoff)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#56) (@github-actions[bot])
- Refer to MimiBRICK as registered package (#58) (@lrennels)
- Fix warnings during testing (#60) (@Zitzeronion)
- add reference for Julia (#63) (@jbytecode)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#65) (@github-actions[bot])
- Documenter (#66) (@tonyewong)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#67) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Documenter at version 0.27, (keep existing compat) (#68) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#70) (@github-actions[bot])
- update doi (#71) (@jbytecode)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for MCMCDiagnostics to 0.4, (keep existing compat) (#72) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#73) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for StatsBase to 0.34, (keep existing compat) (#75) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#76) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Statistics at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#77) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.15, (keep existing compat) (#79) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#80) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Documenter to 1, (keep existing compat) (#81) (@github-actions[bot])
Closed issues:
What's Changed
- Paper edits by @tonyewong in #54
- Julia Package Butler Updates by @github-actions in #56
- New version: v1.0.0 by @davidanthoff in #53
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Interpolations to 0.14, (keep existing compat) by @github-actions in #50
- Refer to MimiBRICK as registered package by @lrennels in #58
- Fix warnings during testing by @Zitzeronion in #60
- add reference for Julia by @jbytecode in #63
- Julia Package Butler Updates by @github-actions in #65
- Documenter by @tonyewong in #66
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Documenter at version 0.27, (keep existing compat) by @github-actions in #68
- Julia Package Butler Updates by @github-actions in #67
- Julia Package Butler Updates by @github-actions in #70
- update doi by @jbytecode in #71
New Contributors
- @jbytecode made their first contribution in #63
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
MimiBRICK v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- add log-posterior scores to calibration output (#3)
- incomplete statement in the readme (#16)
- model hindcasts and projections should be a function, not edit-and-run script (#17)
- Clarify readme - hindcast/projections sample sizes (#18)
- Simplify and Correct Adder/Subtractor Functions for Segment LSLR Search (#19)
- Make a Package (#20)
- Handle
(#23) - Handle Calibration in Examples (#24)
- CI Testing (#29)
- adjust README instructions for package loading (#49)
Merged pull requests:
- Turn into a package (#1) (@davidanthoff)
- Single tests (#2) (@tonyewong)
- Model calibration (#4) (@tonyewong)
- Calibcheck - merge (#5) (@tonyewong)
- Update parameter treatment scheme; use model instances for calibration (#6) (@lrennels)
- Add bounds to all packages (#12) (@davidanthoff)
- Longcalib (#13) (@tonyewong)
- Projections (#14) (@tonyewong)
- Readme guides (#15) (@tonyewong)
- Testing (#21) (@tonyewong)
- Pkg (#22) (@lrennels)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Missings at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#25) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SpecialFunctions to 2, (keep existing compat) (#26) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for CSV to 0.10, (keep existing compat) (#27) (@github-actions[bot])
- Remove failing test for unit testing (#28) (@lrennels)
- Generalize downscaling and add examples file (#30) (@lrennels)
- Integrate Calibration into Package (#31) (@lrennels)
- Fix up Testing (#32) (@lrennels)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#35) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#36) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#37) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#39) (@github-actions[bot])
- Hindcast and Projection Functions; Simply Results Paths (#40) (@lrennels)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#41) (@github-actions[bot])
- Remove extra argument from run_calibration function (#42) (@lrennels)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#43) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#44) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#46) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add examples (#47) (@lrennels)
- Add Docs and Examples (#48) (@lrennels)
- one typo (#51) (@Zitzeronion)