This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 30, 2021. It is now read-only.
0.5.0 (2016-10-21)
- bluemix(remove): Remove Excess CF files (#1542) (f0867c2)
- chore(core): Remove Bluemix (#1476) (dd80951)
- chore(release): bumping to version 0.5.0 (fe597de)
- chore(tidy): tidying up minor lint and layout issues (e5a5d24)
- fix(article): add callback for remove article (#1534) (a7aebbd), closes #1274
- fix(articles): Article controllers name conflicts (#1428) (c96f8c0)
- fix(articles): Article edit/delete validation (69b8a05), closes #1146
- fix(articles): Orphaned User reference throws server error (2bdde4e), closes #1082
- fix(bluemix): Changes Node Version In Bluemix Pipeline (c3d8da9)
- fix(bower): Aphabetize list (9fe0586)
- fix(build): fixing travis build to run the updated nsp command (#1478) (03160a9)
- fix(build): Linting error at gulpfile.js (80c08a3)
- fix(build): Remove BOM (52faf06), closes #1227
- fix(chat): fixed profile image not displaying properly on disconnect (24b6e3a)
- fix(client): lint issues for confirm() messages not referencing the
object (80226a2) - fix(config): Added Gruntfile linting (6748a7f), closes #1125
- fix(config): -> config.domain (#1572) (4dd8669), closes #1506
- fix(config): Default config dangling comma (#1570) (ef3b361)
- fix(config): updating environment variable name for mongodb with the new one for Heroku (#1413) (64392b1)
- fix(core menu): Menuize the account routes so they can be added to by submodules (48eabd0)
- fix(core): Add "additionalProvidersData" to "safeUserObject" (ba85dcc)
- fix(core): Add custom 400 and 404 error messages (#1547) (6be12f8)
- fix(core): Adding server info to log initialization (36e956e)
- fix(core): Client routes guest access bug (bfcfb55)
- fix(core): Directive file naming convention (#1558) (baa291a)
- fix(core): fix ESLint console warnings, Twitter redirect, and and scope usage (#1388) (c95bd7d), closes #1388
- fix(core): fix page-title directive (#1404) (8287537), closes #1404
- fix(core): fix page-title directive (#1405) (d5a29f7), closes #1405
- fix(core): fix twitter meta tags (#1581) (59c11c6), closes #1581
- fix(core): Fixes issues with tests and Node v6 (#1458) (c35713d), closes #1458
- fix(core): packages update due to insecure old versions that carry vulnerabilities (1600705)
- fix(core): Remove duplicate angular interceptor (996976a), closes #1096
- fix(core): Remove the tag. (aebaf2f)
- fix(core): Remove trailing slash from routes (b004986), closes #1075
- fix(core): Serve static files without session init (4701722), closes #1089
- fix(core): Support WiredTiger engine errmsg format in MongoDB 3.2 (6265aaa), closes #1245
- fix(core): Typo in menu.client.service.js (#1355) (fde27f0)
- fix(core): Typo in page-title.client.directives.js (#1343) (c61640b), closes #1332
- fix(core): update npm commands and documentation (#1456) (64fd860)
- fix(core): Updating old package dependencies (#1490) (38d92e3)
- fix(dependencies): Lock dependencies major and minor versions (a2c43c2)
- fix(dependencies): updating karma and gulp dependencies to keep up to date (#1516) (015a430)
- fix(dependencies): updating package dependencies to keep up to date versions (7da7419)
- fix(dependency): Bump Mongoose to 4.4.8 (2f906e5), closes #1264
- fix(dependency): Mongoose 4.4.7 bug (07da139)
- fix(docker): more efficient dockerfile for changes strictly to packages.json or bowerr.json (1bd42f6)
- fix(docker): Update dockerfile for development and production (#1491) (e25670a), closes #1453
- fix(docker): updating maintainer and docker compose (5d2019f)
- fix(docker): updating the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for up to date versions of a MEAN.JS dev (abd7307)
- fix(docker): updating the dockerfile-production to build with gulp support (#1486) (1a274d2)
- fix(docs): Add git to Prerequisites (3fa9878), closes #1310
- fix(docs): documentation fix for Pivotal Web Services (#1376) (1159e74), closes #1376
- fix(docs): Fix comments content and style (d2b2dfd)
- fix(docs): the project now supports Node v5, updated the README (30139a2)
- fix(docs): updating links, English issues (2e7ac80)
- fix(documentation): typo (9d29e44), closes #1136
- fix(editorconfig): Fix file path patterns (#1362) (6852993), closes #1362
- fix(express): Incorrest uses of 400 error codes (#1553) (0ea8cec)
- fix(gulp): Removing transformUrl replace function from templatecache gulp task (59d9347)
- fix(gulp): replacing gulp-cssmin which has been deprecated and un-maintained with gulp-csso (b661284)
- fix(gulp): Trailing spaces lint error in gulpfile (#1303) (f2a6bf9)
- fix(gulp): unhandled error in gulpfile and also changing existing error related console.log() to con (b4c9464)
- fix(hsts): removing hsts configuration set on lusca's csrf settings but is already configured and pr (c9169e4)
- fix(lint): CSS alphabetize warnings (#1498) (b2a5cb5)
- fix(logger): cleaning up unused parameters in logger setup (#1521) (89e8d13)
- fix(security): fixing possible xss issue in parsed objects (2b0ae86), closes #1106
- fix(server): Remove unused loadModels() (#1426) (23fd205)
- fix(test): Remove npm warnings by testing against Node >=0.12 (6088e0f), closes #1015
- fix(test): Update Mocha, mock-fs, and fix Node 5 support (62095a1)
- fix(tests): Clean out
from tests (#1489) (25c8a60) - fix(tests): Reorganized coverage tests (#1480) (70a3e4c)
- fix(Travis build): PhantomJS and SocketIO dependencies (64884b8)
- fix(typo): fixed a typo in PULL REQUEST template file (#1372) (4b549d8), closes #1372
- fix(ui): update social login design (2f394ec)
- fix(user): fix changeProfilePicture to overwrite existing files (234f0c6), closes #1415 #1415 #1415 #1415
- fix(user): hide delete button for self (#1535) (0736a40), closes #1531
- fix(user): remove bad request for local.png (#1538) (287f81c), closes #1537
- fix(user): specify a digest with crypto.pbkdf2Sync (#1429) (96aec09)
- fix(users): Correct spelling/grammar mistakes (3e6a65d), closes #1156
- fix(users): don't update secure profile fields (#1421) (730cca7), closes #1420
- fix(users): error objects were not handled (8e24954)
- fix(users): fix for users.profile.server.controller.js security (#1338) (2ad422c), closes #1338 #1338 #1338
- fix(users): fix redirect when signup or add provider (#1573) (0e2ea65), closes #1573
- fix(users): GitHub strategy missing email (#1250) (4906611)
- fix(users): Incorrect UsersService injection (#1283) (5137214)
- fix(users): Missing primary social provider (f2e18e2)
- fix(users): Profile image path is invalid after escaping (f88f28e), closes #1127
- fix(users): Removing redundant variables (f9c7403)
- fix(users): removing unused variable from code (03043dc)
- fix(users): test for usernameOrEmail (#1582) (ae63889)
- doc(package): Change meanjs version to 0.5.0-beta (6365fdd)
- doc(readme): Update Yo Generator section (099704c)
- doc(readme): wear the Snyk badge with pride! (#1583) (0773991)
- promise(core): Add Promise Option to Mongoose (#1560) (517dc32), closes #1559
- Fixing roles security issues (36acc48)
- - reading the right port in production (83686b8)
- .DS_Store banished! (6c57194)
- .DS_Store banished! (4c029d0)
- .editorconfig based on Felix style guide (a4d79bd)
- angular classes (aab2689)
- (typo): add missing word (#1340) (e3572d2)
- [bug] Dont use Cache (3db8709)
- [bug] Gulp test wasn't running server tests (2131ccd)
- [bug] Seed Password's strength Closes #908, closes #908
- [doc] Add seed user instructions to README (927855f)
- [docs] Changelog (892d9bf)
- [docs] Changelog and updating package.json file for 0.4.2 release (bcdb663)
- [docs] (ef7ce74)
- [docs] Information about Contributing (5a4fe5a)
- [fix] Empty Chat Messages (8128570)
- [fix] Install ruby and SASS with Docker (814b856)
- [fix] Was storing a 6 char password in plain text fixes #829, closes #829
- [hotfix] Fixes db seed password bug (1c7d742)
- [hotfix] SeedDB missing in env config (28f1f57)
- [test] Allow an email with sub domains (74f58bb)
- * feat(core): node engine update, adding cleanup and reinstall npm scripts (b40cd2d)
- * fix(express): updating express session name variable due to deprecation (37183e0)
- #236 add .idea to gitignore (30d9494)
- #236 fix travis asking for user input (f57b51d)
- #236 implement swig instead of jade (a0c9de3)
- #450 Fixing unrelated jshint warnings (b61d6a7)
- #450 minor formatting fixes. (9f45e63)
- #450 Now the mocha task synchronously calls mongoose connect and (5f57f9d)
- #450 Use the error reported by mocha. Added some comments explaining (ffde5e8)
- #501 Handle 404 errors at Express backend at at Angular frontend (ba1a447)
- #501 Use req.format() to content-negotiate correct response (fd17026)
will always use 2 spaces indent (73be794) - 0.3RC (44bf81a)
- 0.4.1 (834555c)
- Abstract nodemailer createTransport (d5cf18a)
- Add 'grunt debug' task (e746749)
- Add a little info about the sample app (57f1e24)
- Add account buttons to join more accounts (56b0c31)
- Add app name in email (b6cd10f)
- add bootstrap class 'unstyled' to remove bullet points in article list (cb62e46)
- add bootstrap class 'unstyled' to remove bullet points in article list (b9d9b61)
- Add check of password and salt in user auth (8f09b8b)
- Add envvars for deploying to cloud providers (fa1171f)
- Add ESLint support (d5cc4b7)
- Add fonts and svgs to gzip compression pattern (fea436f)
- Add Grunt task to make sure uploads directory exists (eba4754)
- Add joining of multiple accounts (00f3940)
- Add Karma unit tests (673ac81)
- Add linkedin support for login (58d2cbf)
- Add Mac and Windows Back In (a598e2b)
- add missing dependencies (e585231)
- Add missing newline at the end of text files (e027f40)
- Add newlines to ends of files (78f2808)
- Add some abstraction to local strategy login error (e11ffda)
- Add support for params in menu items (#1305) (5817a48), closes #1304
- add user route tests (4bbc4a3)
- add windows, chance linux to ubuntu (ac25044)
- Added a missing semicolon for consistency. (d7c04a8)
- Added Article Delete Support (eeb5423)
- Added check for empty salt before attempting to encrypt password. If you sign up with OAuth provider (d3b9852)
- Added configuration for owasp. Synchronize client owap configs with the server configs. (d896d07)
- Added Dependencies Badge (f17c48c)
- Added Deploy To Bluemix button to the README (2892fe3)
- added domain configuration option if required to set the cookie for a specific host (7174625)
- Added github signin/signup to the list of signups/signi's (3dcf45c)
- Added grunt and nodemon (3340268)
- added isSelected function for nav selection (905d547)
- Added Madhums Credit (1c20b31)
- Added Master and Dev Badges to README (a7e065e)
- Added binding for the page (3fff4d1)
- Added binding for the page (d0a4622)
- Added missing /client/ path (195cbe5)
- Added missing dependency injection in Chat (0fa9b95)
- Added newlines (666abde)
- added permission request for email (feaef31)
- Added requirement to passport-linkedin to the package.json to fulfill missing requirement. (8499c45)
- Added role based middleware authorisation (5eed915)
- Added Ruby and Sass to requirements with install directions (cec3e1f)
- Added semicolons to server code for consistency and general formatting (82ef533)
- Added short Gulp Section to Intro (1a3d3c1)
- Added user test file (2aebeca)
- Added Visual Studio files to gitignore (c3380bf)
- Added Visual Studio files to gitignore (6c2c77c)
- adding a grunt-contrib-copy dev dependency to create a local copy of local.js file and then updating (aca6a79)
- adding ability to configure session.secret in local env config (2eb0b09)
- Adding Accounts View (ac3ffca)
- Adding Angular-Strap + Datepicker (b005891)
- Adding Angular-Strap + Datepicker (c9c41a9)
- Adding another job for Travis CI to run the
grunt coverage
task on every build (c6e0f68) - Adding Bower Resolutions (5a780aa)
- Adding Bower Support (a45c695)
- Adding Bower Support (3f689ee)
- Adding Bower Support (3688970)
- Adding Bower Support (4e59fd9)
- Adding Bower Support (f9f4983)
- Adding Bower Support (f2ab7ef)
- Adding Bower Support (d69bf01)
- Adding Bower Support (c96c654)
- Adding Bower Support (aa6a09b)
- Adding Bower Support (dcc82a6)
- Adding Bower Support (719628f)
- Adding Bower Support (80be397)
- adding caching for packages and npm modules across builds. Also setting sudo to false as it's not us (97d7eb7)
- adding chalk for formatting console messages instead of ANSI escape codes (22e330b)
- adding chalk to package.json, locking to 0.5 version as a known and compliant API (9b694db)
- Adding client test coverage. (d5ea5c9)
- Adding Comments (7ae98d5)
- adding couple more tests to confirm users model works as expected (ac35f0f)
- Adding coverage report for server-side tests using istanbul (7252032)
- Adding CSS For non-sass Applications (7e94a15)
- Adding CSS For non-sass Applications (c7db3a2)
- Adding Dist files (7091f6a)
- Adding Dist files (b11bd07)
- Adding Dist files (7b0b860)
- Adding drafts for mean-module integration, footer (d95f6df)
- Adding drafts for mean-module integration, footer (f49c329)
- adding eclipse and intellij project files to .gitignore (6036d65)
- adding error handling incase the config logging option is not defined (5598caf)
- Adding explanation for environments to README (c5dbb93)
- Adding explanation for environments to README (9d8cdf0)
- Adding explanation for environments to README (dee0664)
- Adding explanation for environments to README (75c720a)
- adding https option for running with TLS/SSL (2ac17f7)
- adding ios rendering support for mobile browsers per bug report #194 (faa4f23)
- adding karma coverage for grunt (c2b13b9)
- Adding karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor to fix karma tests. Adding user mock to articles tests. (c468539)
- Adding Livereload to Jade files (517fc6f)
- Adding MEAN.JS version information as part of the startup info when app loads (58b371b)
- adding more API tests (eb7c4f8)
- Adding New files (7ba7dcf)
- adding ordered cipher list, stronger settings in generate-ssl-certs script, and hsts settings (4949bdd)
- Adding Password Reset (f4b62ca)
- adding proper handling for invalid model ObjectIds passed on to article routes (5bccbdd)
- adding protractor options to fix travis failing (83eb2dc)
- adding return done() to tests (b07af94)
- adding route tests for user/admin CRUD operations (de354ee)
- adding secure.js environment option, reverting production.js, and adding openssl options to gen-cert (7946cfe)
- Adding Shrinkwrap.json to lock versions - (f15e914)
- adding ssl back in (3e1d0b5)
- adding stronger password requirements for improving security based on OWASP (1fd6bb6)
- adding submenus functionality to the menu service (7adb7f3)
- Adding suite of tests for the e-mail validation field in the users model (89050d5)
- adding support for a configurable ssl-mode and and ssl cert/key files in the environment configurati (384fb7d)
- adding support for configurable session cookie parameters for express (5d20988)
- Adding support for configurable session expiration time (0aa5e68)
- adding support for coveralls integration for mean.js to report live project code coverage informatio (7c286b0)
- adding support for logger handling which allows for saving the requests to a logfile, useful for pro (bf7bcc6)
- Adding support for meanjs-version specific configuration option and displaying both MEAN.JS project (a12746e)
- adding support for nodejs v4 and allowing it to fail without failing the complete build for CI (0302a76)
- Adding support for sessionKey configuration parameter to allow to easily change the session key that (360c3a4)
- adding test to check proper handling when no article exists (9952138)
- adding tests for directives (6514044)
- adding tests for meanjs core server functionality (6f8b5bf)
- adding the default config/env/local.js instance (619e123)
- Adding the logger module (5114a04)
- Adding the logger module (557e775)
- Adding the logger module (d115178)
- Adding the logger module (fd9de92)
- Adding the logger module (33c9c50)
- Adding the logger module (ae190e3)
- adding the new scripts directory (586f0ad)
- Adding the NSP tool to audit our packages version for known security vulnerabilities as part of the (e1d69b8)
- adding the production app debugging access.log file (2d54e83)
- adding the required support to properly build the nodejs v4 edition (b7a57ab)
- Adding the salt part to the hashPassword FN (09f1eab)
- Adding Travis CI File (3579a4f)
- Adding Travis Tag (285e605)
- Adding twitter meta tags (89e2da7)
- Adding twitter meta tags (271bd1b)
- addressing missing newlines and node 0.12 version for travis-ci (d5b22e3)
- Adds support for re-running server and client tests automatically (6bc36ed)
- Adjust profile image URLs on Fb and Twitter strategies (12766c1)
- Admin module base & user admin implementation. (6066020)
- Admin Users require role (bbbe877)
- Allow Guests to view Articles (cbebed9)
- angular form $valid (c291a23)
- angular form $valid (f51ccca)
- AngularJS latest is good for now (209b702)
- appending a base tag to the head before jasmine tests run. (9e7239b)
- Article Cleanup (c11c428)
- Articles Example Fix (ccf7eb3)
- Articles Example Fix (6b0109e)
- Articles Example Fix (6598c04)
- Articles Example Fix (23dc7a3)
- Auth service (6cfa74e)
- Auth service (9c501db)
- Because html5Mode is enabled, the links the social buttons point to will not work, the request to /a (87217da)
- Better user model behavior and test teardown (b6830ba)
- Bootstrap template dependency fix (bf06b9a)
- Bug Fix (9af341b)
- Bug Fix (964cf2d)
- bug fix: MenuItem and SubMenuItem can now be private independently of parent (6730ae3)
- Bump glob to version 5.0 (dd0cdfc)
- Bump minor version (4cca972)
- change _.extend to _.merge (4d1ae6e)
- Change file ignore pattern to match word 'core' instead of chars (659c8de)
- Change hebrew to english in create view (dda6f5c)
- Change hebrew to english in create view (8c28f50)
- Changed .html files to have 2 spaces instead of tabs (5754b03)
- Changed all the indents to the spaces(tab size 4) (7cf1fc2)
- Changed favicon string to env variable (5af083c)
- Changed variable name to owaspConfig (d73d6ba)
- checking for Env injected by fig/docker (c918f93)
- Clean up (c91a330)
- Clean up article example (0b3dead)
- Cleaning Up (e6daba5)
- Cleaning Up (d7fcb2b)
- Cleaning Up (de25892)
- Cleaning Up (05a0082)
- Cleaning Up (5cef4aa)
- Cleaning Up (93c9a2c)
- Cleaning Up (8f3af33)
- Cleaning Up (6c3564f)
- Cleaning Up (fd76c38)
- Cleaning Up (b26b952)
- Cleaning Up (fb38c34)
- cleaning up application startup information (9fb2215)
- cleaning up code blocks in README (8c2156f)
- cleaning up css and js assets so they look indented and easy to read on browsers when viewing the HT (73684e9)
- cleaning up jslint warnings (8324179)
- Cleanly track mongoose connection in test task sequence (71c4d4b)
- Clearing Config File (6ef0d73)
- client-side form validation with ng-messages. (8015476)
- Client-side Validation updates (fa00fe9)
- Client-side Validation updates (b468d68)
- Client-side Validation updates (cfb0e1b)
- Client-side Validation updates (cec748e)
- Client-side Validation updates (8524d5f)
- Client-side Validation updates (d7bb81d)
- Client-side Validation updates (725cc4c)
- Closes #202 - if user does not authorize email scope, email will not be mapped. Username will be ge (27d2818), closes #202
- Code from mleanos (9fc6091)
- Comment Fixes (8ad4728)
- comment fixes, indentation and general cosmetic cleanup (0e692c5)
- commenting mean-logger (6a0fb8b)
- commenting mean-logger (15bb540)
- Complete Cleanup (d7fb398)
- Config (9815266)
- Config File Rebasing (0f948dc)
- Configuring Extensions (1c7ae6e)
- Correct
Tags and set Title (4b43c4e) - Correct the issue of Google OAuth2 redirect missing the hashbang after enabling GooglePlus API - Fix (7c015e2), closes #535
- correct the livereload host (c919364)
- Corrected 'prod' task in gulpfile (d737696)
- Corrected "Yoeman" typo in client HTML home (1625479)
- correcting 500 server error to 400 client error (4871173)
- correcting README instructions for the ssl certificates folder location (b8a3a1f)
- correcting spellings and English for main README file (bb56abb)
- Correctly encode and decode password salt (08f1750)
- Correctly encode and decode password salt (325a19e)
- Create dropdown on menuitems with submenus (12e81fd)
- creating a local.example.js as a sample file to extend configuration to local repository without com (dce17e9)
- Creating Modules (f6e59d3)
- Current Stable (c0de030)
- Database seeding (ea97f2e)
- default port set to 8443 so it doesnt require root privileges (2faaca5)
- Delete unused travis file (27dfdfe)
- Deleting Dist folder (65d3d40)
- Deleting Shrinkwrap since its notworking with hosted cloud services (458987c)
- Deprecated $http success/error promise methods (#1508) (fa13804), closes #1479
- Disabled compass until dependency issues are resolved (d41074d)
- disabling JSONP from controllers and commenting out from expressjs configuration, allowing users to (6298e35)
- Disconnect method to close DB connection (e954a20)
- displayName undefined (7605956)
- do not save state to previous (history) for routes marked ignoreState. (c6d2683)
- do not use aes when creating ssl certs to prevent password requirement (bf777d9)
- documentation updates to the meanjs sample application landing page (b056f6d)
- Don't overwrite statics (12037bc)
- Dont bower install bootstrap-assets. Grab twitter bootstrap css from git. (f77f715)
- Dummy config directory for the articles module to make it easier for developers to understand and re (903b4ca)
- duplicate controller. This was moved under settings/ (d0bb4a3)
- Duplicate CRUD Test - Profile Picture (a871c92)
- Enable log options for Morgan (8cd2291)
- Enable redirection to previous page after login (e6a35a7)
- enabling the lint task when running tests so we can identify coding convention issues on Pull-Reques (c90dda9)
- Enhancement(core):Relative positon attribute added to the header. (661b3b6), closes #1275
- enhancing error message with an actual instruction on how to fix the missing ssl problem when runnin (315187e)
- Enhancing support for development envionrment to enable mongoose debug mode so that we can debug db (0bcadcc)
- ensure NODE_ENV is valid, default regex for walk (6b57516)
- env (1bd958e)
- Everything Latest (57055a3)
- Fail Build on Node 4 (c8672a5)
- Favicon invalid path (e6a5732)
- feat (title): Dynamic Title: Improve SEO (49f6a83)
- feat(gulp) - refactoring gulpfile to properly add support for node-inspector as its own dedicated gu (b198ca7)
- fig bug workaround (c62e1c1)
- Fig changed to Compose (08b2f74)
- Filter states for which login is required during state change (9fc88e6)
- Final Clean Up after code review (1b54d35)
- Finalizing the User Accounts Module (279eb39)
- first commit (58a7ebe)
- First Commit (fda7c3d)
- First Commit (e6f8553)
- first docker version with fig (a68b588)
- Fix - Remove Ruby Dependencies (Grunt no longer needs them) (46f0e15)
- Fix #283 glob path issue for Windows (acccc03), closes #283 #283
- Fix #321 image paths in social meta tags v0.4, closes #321
- Fix bower post install script (3f3f039)
- Fix bower post install script (287c626)
- Fix bower post install script (d282aa0)
- fix btn-large class names. (b6818b6)
- Fix bug in foot.jade which tries to assign host instead of comparing it (7a872fa)
- Fix client-side tests after removing (99e5803)
- Fix Config (14c3ce7)
- fix default session cookie maxAge (3b5e13e)
- Fix deprecated ExpressJS req.param('provider') (10d35d1)
- Fix Development Config (921bb41)
- fix failing tests (67e38ae)
- Fix Gulp throwing errors (6f09033)
- Fix headers to HTML5 format (238bbe1)
- fix indentation (cb9d7e3)
- Fix indentation (c290dc9)
- Fix indentation (e84746f)
- Fix intdentation (430e66b)
- Fix Karma and Menus (7c0078c)
- Fix message catching the field for which a duplicate key error ocurred (0efc82d)
- Fix more typos and spruce up some grammar and wording. (c9996fd)
- Fix my own grammar mistake. (ce6ef3b)
- Fix password validation error in change password (9db5e71)
- fix port binding error when deploy to heroku (eb96242)
- Fix Production SWIG (899b65d)
- Fix Production SWIG (72331de)
- Fix readme (26e2025)
- Fix redirection to previous state after required authentication (2b8bee0)
- fix some typos (8fc9b50)
- Fix swig templates (31a1931)
- fix tests (f0ae031)
- Fix tests & refactor SSL support (c931012)
- Fix Tests to Fit New Jasmine (f0508e3)
- Fix Travis CI Bower (54f77f1)
- Fix Travis CI Bower (9f14dc0)
- Fix Travis CI Bower (12b8710)
- Fix typo (587d551)
- Fix typo (be36823)
- Fix typo at gitignore (b7f24c6)
- Fix typo in Error handling controller code (867cf5e)
- fix typos in tests (62ce19c)
- Fix typos in tests: s/witout/without/gc (4121fc8)
- fix(authentication) Stops error on signin/signup (#1495) (67d1a5a)
- fix(docker) - Updated Dockerfile production (#1523) (ae8d2b3)
- fix(gulp) remove gulp-node-inspector dependency (0b13107)
- fix(tests) fixing assertion test for logger which failed on undefined variable (0744ce5)
- fix(users) Handle missing email - OAuth (#1501) (e3eafa6)
- Fixed ""Implicit textOnly for
is deprecated."" warning - see http://www.kaspert (afb080c) - Fixed ""Implicit textOnly for
is deprecated."" warning - see http://www.kaspert (2b1020f) - fixed #286 which originated due to commit fa1171fe280496fa97a6 (ea50c8b), closes #286
- fixed 403 redirect if not signed in (#1496) (8b54669), closes #1496
- Fixed a couple of typos (ce456b9)
- Fixed asset management structure (14f5d06)
- fixed bug #923 - making password reset links work for both http and https configuration (b824ebc), closes #923
- Fixed bug with Socket IO session (792488e)
- Fixed comment that broke the ackge.json (88bdced)
- Fixed comment that broke the ackge.json (4c65264)
- Fixed Comments and README (08a2c0f)
- Fixed consolidate dying on behalf of a cache=true, it needs to be cahce=memory (752854f)
- fixed defect where no flash (error/success) messages would be displayed due to wrongly placed flash( (55aeaad)
- Fixed end tags in page header (851973f)
- Fixed error message for non-unique username. (873e91f)
- Fixed issue where if local.js exists then grunt test will run on that environment config and possibl (d188326)
- Fixed locals.cache when NODE_ENV==='production' (16f3393)
- Fixed minor type-o's and set owasp.config() rather than the underlying configs. (8dcf3f6)
- Fixed password hashing in general (47561ce)
- Fixed relative paths for html5mode (2cab7b7)
- fixed small bug where logger was used also on production environment. Makes sense that original inte (e2ea8da)
- Fixed support for Passport Google with OAuth2 (e9588db)
- Fixed two tiny typos. (959d7e7)
- Fixed typo of div attribute (d80a46b)
- fixed typo on angular user module stateprovider states (6c889a3)
- Fixed User model tests (14b8dd4)
- Fixes #45 - Npm install error on 3.0 (b8340cb), closes #45
- fixes #898 - addressing the issue where the webhook API is hard-coded into the travis config file (70e83ff), closes #898
- fixes db deployment issue on heroku. production db value needs to be set in production.js and remove (7edb6b8)
- Fixing 'me' password leak (ca0d6a9)
- Fixing article and express 4 modification (5ff49a7)
- Fixing articles (38f08ff)
- Fixing Articles Issues (f132e10)
- Fixing Bower Versions, Fix Flickering (a3a7129)
- fixing bug #317 for typo, thanks to @adipuscasu for finding (6cbefb6)
- fixing chalk and console usage for consistency reasons (411765b)
- Fixing Configuration Files (85c97f8)
- Fixing Conflicts (9575fdc)
- Fixing enviornment issue with new JSHint (4c0ee35)
- fixing err object which isnt present in this check, replacing it with a text message (52fe443)
- Fixing errors style (f8ac701)
- Fixing Facebook Redirect (86186ad)
- Fixing Facebook Redirect (46715a1)
- Fixing Facebook Redirect (ef50e5d)
- fixing grunt and gulp e2e tests (fdf1ad5)
- Fixing grunt and version issues (dba1e8b)
- Fixing grunt build task (5a2eb6e)
- Fixing Grunt Watch (d9231cc)
- Fixing grunt-nodemon and some dev dependency versions (fac6ab8)
- Fixing Header Active items (3cc8caf)
- Fixing Heroku Bower Failure (bac1a06)
- Fixing Heroku Bower Issues (e7b1fe0)
- Fixing HTML issues with home (6455bdc)
- fixing identations (84efda1)
- Fixing indentation (a7aa199)
- Fixing Indentation Convention to TABS (c1213e9)
- fixing issue #348 - instead of returning a server error 500 on article loading which isnt found we'l (56aff70)
- Fixing Jasmine (61ce509)
- FIxing Jasmine tests to fit new version (584ccf1)
- Fixing jshint (d35cd02)
- fixing jshint issues by requiring single quotes (a38abd0)
- Fixing jshint issues with grunt, gulp, and reset-password script. (1f79770)
- Fixing Karma Tests (b87b376)
- Fixing Karma To Load Libraries Independently (81254e0)
- Fixing Karma Version (6705319)
- Fixing License and Readme (956ec25)
- Fixing menu (a29ec24)
- Fixing Menus service remove bugs. (ec3af65)
- Fixing models auto loading bug (fe50b41)
- Fixing Navbar Flickering (322d865)
- Fixing OAuth authentication (0e7ebb6)
- Fixing Passport Split (02b9773)
- Fixing password headers (5087895)
- Fixing PR (4dd90f1)
- Fixing Redirect in Authentication middleware (3a329dc)
- fixing removeMenuItem on menu service (fca7e9e)
- Fixing Salt Save Error (987634e), closes #75
- Fixing Session Hash Secret (d9be8d8)
- Fixing some typos (9503720)
- fixing spacing (96bcd6d)
- Fixing style, adding article test (c42c8eb)
- Fixing the Foot.jade to use env var instead of host (218da62)
- Fixing the new Jade issues (0c869a2)
- Fixing Travis Grunt Issues (8b8da52)
- Fixing Travis Grunt Issues (f077caf)
- Fixing Travis Grunt Issues (b50ac61)
- Fixing Travis Stall (50b3b88)
- Fixing typo in scripts/ (8f97155)
- fixing up a user model test which was not setup correctly without the async done() callback, which l (463f5b9)
- fixing up broken links with exchange for newer documentation links on (fc45556)
- fixing up SSL support on startup to fallback to non-SSL mode if files are not present (03b7f6f)
- Fixing user details exposure in articles example (0cfbafa)
- Fixing Versions (2f3b951)
- Force Lowercase & Remove Sensitive Data (aafa5e6)
- Forever Heroku Support (c1caddb)
- Format code according to ESLint rules (0323696)
- Formatting and Indentation (75cf745)
- formatting reboot (space-2 and consistency) (ef3a3f9)
- further refactoring of the route middlewares so they can be easily shared amongst app routes (dea044c)
- Genericize invalid username or password message (aeb0272)
- Get site title from default (40878bb)
- Global Mocha timeout (037878b)
- Grunt Support Added, Fixed Bower support on heroku (d9db704)
- Grunt Support Added, Fixed Bower support on heroku (b1d0dba)
- grunt watch runs test suite on any changes (71365db)
- Gulp now closes the mongoose connection (6cce3d0), closes #450
- hash password with pbkdf2 (ebddcd3)
- Hide email address and remove trailing whitespaces (c800c0a)
- how to enable live reload (0cbb6c5)
- Ignore ALL .log files at gitignore (f24ce65), closes #523
- implemented feature to address issue 553 - provide a local.js file for local development configurati (ba3e99f)
- Implemented password reset core feature (58cfb2e)
- Improve EditorConfig file (7e397e9)
- Improved model autoload regex (3f05db1)
- Including Inspiration Credit (101b45d)
- Including Inspiration Credit (4044fdb)
- Indentation fixes (fe1d584)
- Infer first and last name from github and twitter response (db067bb)
- Initial commit to return /client to the URL include paths (d319f92)
- Initial support for deploying MEANJS to Cloud Foundry (efd3ee4)
- instead of relying on previously hard-coded passport strategies we can assume that any user entry wh (969c691)
- introducing the request object for the index base HTML template which can utilize information such a (acc091f)
- JSHint test failing because of missing semicolon (c572ed7)
- keep enable Cache-Control (72c813d)
- keeping nodejs versions 0.10 and 0.12 as the test servers for travis configuration (96f8ab5)
- Link for download link (NodeJs download) (c83eefa)
- Link to editorconfig from (601cf9f)
- little fix on removeSubMenuItem() (e0fc745)
- Load dynamic view-helpers after connect-flash and express.session (5e1b568)
- local.example.js still has old fb auth callback (3527537)
- Lock mongoose version to a working version (64916dd)
- lock to specified JS dependencies version (1e75b42)
- Locking NPM versions (8c825ff)
- Locking Versions Using Shrinkwrap (9e0317f)
- Logger Development config default (99fe989)
- Major Fixing and Refactoring tests (6db8a4e)
- Make emails unique (5d4d7ce)
- make sure we catch errors connecting to mongodb due to wrongly supplied connection string or others, (9c25722)
- Make tests pass (1f7bfdd)
- Make TopBar Public By Default (e68b422)
- making the log format configurable and enabled morgan logging on all environments, not just developm (0f4a585)
- manual docker build and run (9b81e3f)
- mask exception route, but show not-found page. (9fdd2a0)
- Mean Logger Module (ebbe968)
- Merge from gabrielmanchini - issue #50 (014d941)
- Middleware Fix (84874bc)
- Migration to Express 4.x (c9d641e)
- minor change on addMenuItem (c89c891)
- minor fixes on client view (4fd55e4)
- Mocha test timeouts fixes #955, closes #955
- Modify Generator Refrences/Docs (c539cdb)
- More Naming Fixes, articles cleanup (edd549d)
- move helmet and express.static before sessions for performance (ca009b9)
- Move license to it's own file. Easier to see what the license is when first encountering the repo (8479e46)
- Move livereload, image, and favicon to config (a62c4dd)
- move task configs to separate properties. (0f7cf54)
- Moved all editor setting to bottom (0a7a715)
- Moved all editor setting to bottom (c7ec27e)
- Moved flash messages from auth.jade to signin.jade. Placed within error div. (2def71a)
- Moved owasp config into default and reverted other config files. (0588eab)
- Moving from Underscore to LoDash (9c6e551)
- Moving from Underscore to LoDash (81fea35)
- moving out configuration items from express.js code to a proper configuration directive (ee63f17)
- Moving router above static (14147f7)
- moving security configs to secure code block to remove requirement for private key and certificate (f786dda)
- Moving to MEAN.JS (eae6f2d)
- Moving to MEAN.JS (17e089e)
- Moving to ng-bind fixing submenus (75a9eda)
- New 0.4 version (ab81d61)
- Nodemon Heroku Support (5c58883)
- Nodemon Heroku Support (d603cb4)
- one more time - update to valid Jade doctype (270d2c3)
- organizing contributed helpful scripts into a ./scripts/ folder before we mess up the app root direc (5c689e9)
- Pass db connection object to connect-mongo. (1005d3b)
- PayPal Authentication (8694b7e)
- porting pull request from master to 0.4.0 branch: Local environment variables to address issue #553 (1ea9f55)
- Prepare for role-based access control of states (e21805f)
- Prettier res.status().format() (7070796)
- Properly run JSHint (822d7ca)
- Properly track DB disconnect (81c2847)
- Provide a fallback and upgrade path for IE6/7/8 users (daa124a)
- providing more verbose output for current nodejs app configuration on application startup (374b45c)
- Putting the head in order (2802729)
- re-factoring the server model tests to create user model from schema only during tests, so that we c (346ebd6)
- Readme Changes (a28a951)
- Readme Changes (b298293)
- Readme Changes (c861fd6)
- Readme Changes (4aa95b4)
- realized I forgot to add the actual logger (d2d4e8c)
- Refactor (fb71619)
- Refactoring server application service to enable modularity and callbacks, as well as provide app, d (edb6234)
- refactoring so that app routes can be maintained more easily from app/ directory (which makes more s (0afb2e6)
- refactoring the async nature in the user model tests to account for mocha 2 second timeouts causing (c967a98)
- refactoring the seeddb logic to work with promises all over due to all the async behavior (9886093)
- Refactoring the seeded user objects to be easily maintained (05f9053)
- Refactoring the Session Cookie configuration and adding more configurale parameters (80b63b5)
- Reformat and bootstrappify the client home view. (46092dd)
- Refreshing the M.E.A.N links and description in the homepage (4a65439)
- Remove (Requirements for Grunt) (fc65241)
- remove async module (1846287)
- Remove console.log from an article test (a8dae99)
- Remove data- prefix from attributes (3bf07fe)
- Remove Dev Branch Badges (019e420)
- Remove dist files (eef2a33)
- Remove dist files 0.4.0 (eced93f)
- remove double esnext entry in .jshintrc (8b29833)
- Remove duplicate assets definition (50937ea)
- Remove executable bit when not necessary (4879a8e)
- remove href attribute. (9ca71c8)
- Remove Image Uploads (c94c870)
- Remove Image Uploads (9ef1812)
- Remove jQuery dependency. Default to bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS. (c11b2b5)
- Remove more unused requires (b2d76b8)
- Remove ng-init directive from article list. (7770ccc)
- Remove non CF specific files (57079e2)
- Remove redundant variable declaration (99b6756)
- remove space which messes up the url local variable (38c87c0)
- Remove un-used hasAuthorization and requiresLogin (fcb6f90)
- Remove unecessary comment in karma.conf.js (d27baea)
- remove unnecessary query param from find function (69800ab)
- remove unused dependcies. (75c8052)
- Remove unused passport require (7f1b46b)
- Remove unused scope declarations. (9e19493)
- Remove username from facebook strategy (9929f1b)
- Remove (db56846)
- removed /#! in user controllers (de3b890)
- Removed debug code. (c0a1ce5)
- Removed duplicate include for crypto (0dbab18)
- Removed duplicate mention of installing grunt (537cc89)
- removed fig workaround (7257f2e)
- Removed grunt-bower-task dependency. Requires additional installation step: bower install (5908768)
- Removed index.css (7f1faeb)
- removed livereload from prod (2407999)
- Removed localhost from env files, as it is not necesary and can introduce bugs in non-local environm (5934970)
- Removed old images (f150407)
- Removed sudo from npm install -g mean-cli in doc (b2377dd)
- Removed test case files from other pull request (c5e4c16)
- Removed the Show User method (dbe7213)
- Removed unnecessary modules (963794a)
- Removed unneeded comas from gruntfile. (e4519bc)
- removed unused gulp-watch dependency (7876fad)
- Removes unnecessary whitespace, formats code and add comments (482ab19)
- Removing .DS_Store (b64a4da)
- Removing .DS_Store (39fc1df)
- Removing an unecessary code line (5610d78)
- Removing Compass, Fixing Windows Errors, Removing Makefile, Tiding Code (1fbd245)
- Removing Compass, Fixing Windows Errors, Removing Makefile, Tiding Code (612b014)
- removing debug information for current environment configuration which is replaced by new output (e2b91b0)
- removing deprecated options in the latest versiosn of jshint which will be replaced by adding JSCS s (9149dc4)
- Removing DSSTORES (28e2845)
- Removing DSSTORES (a3daa3b)
- Removing forward slash (211e830)
- Removing Grunt Task (b8a23eb)
- Removing Grunt Task (0397817)
- removing keepAlive conf to fail travis if e2e tests fail (70d7e17)
- removing left-overs of merge diff from 0.4 to master (834bfd6)
- Removing swig from controller (5067750)
- Removing target on signin and signup anchors to prevent a complete page reload when changing to thos (2a3516e)
- removing the comment too, it may be confusing to think it should just be enabled for JSONP to be glo (e29ee6f)
- removing the logger module (9761df3)
- removing the logger module (33e1025)
- removing the logger module (add868f)
- removing the logger module (ddd0b3b)
- removing un-necessary .js extension (dc4492f)
- removing un-necessary console.log() calls (1ee5bc1)
- removing unused passport variable in express.js library file (2ff2490)
- Renamed files using convention verb-object.client.etc. Closes #817 (ab82acb), closes #817 #817
- renaming strength meter, hiding when password field is empty, and refactoring directives to use $va (f733efb)
- Repeating Characters condition (3d37e20)
- replace deprecated grunt-nodemon debug option (8f30cda)
- Replaced dependency on server.js for mocha tests. (cf7a3f0)
- Replaced SHA1 password hashing with more bcrypt (035dd2c)
- replacing deprecated require.extensions nodejs call with explicit full paths for require() (14c5d1b)
- Replacing ngRoute with UI-Router (311605a)
- replacing old expressjs 3.x built-in 'compress' middleware with standalone compression middleware (56bcf17)
- Require server in gruntfile for mocha tests. (c639ae6)
- Reset password script (e1496dc)
- reset-password enhancements and bug fix (01a8d5e)
- restoring previous state of removing local.js, we'll generate it with grunt when the project starts- (0fc412d)
- return a 404 for not found api, module and lib routes (74273da)
- Revert "Enhancement(core):Relative position attribute added to the header." (b633dfb)
- Revert "Merge branch 'pr/76' into 0.3.1" (a7cb2b8)
- Revert "Merge pull request #79 from mrngoitall/master" (a23f46f)
- Revert back to bootstrap2.3.2 (3561526)
- Rise gunt-concurrent task limit. (6c7f03f), closes #144
- Run tests using test environment (fe71732)
- Seed options - logResults (0560062)
- Services Dependency Injection (1ca5d16)
- Set bootstrap repo as dep (cd07a10)
- Set versions based on npm install --save (5c950bf)
- settings for cloud9 ide added to gitignore (689d7a8)
- setup dropdown menu (30c9160)
- should return done(err) in article server route test (d00f4ce)
- Show error message when sending password request mail fails (619c7f2)
- Show mobile nav by default. (4f4d133)
- Simplified Gruntfile, Minor Bug Fixing (62bf313)
- small bug fix where Mongoose validation functions must always return booleans (3963892)
- Small Update (ea04c9e)
- Socket IO client enhancement with connect() method (65c6d1f)
- Solves User model validation bug (288f0b4)
- Sorting out .gitignore (75aad2e)
- Spliting Strategies (52dea2b)
- Spliting Strategies (880ad6a)
- Spliting Strategies (22d0e7a)
- Support CDN Assets (8cccae2)
- support for test:server and test:client grunt tasks which were removed from the merge of 0.4.0 into (2be8f71)
- Support ngmin (30f977c)
- SVG Badges (30cd520)
- Switched to bootstrap-assets bower component so we have css and js files instead of less. When this (97fc815)
- switched to handlebar template for passing the server's owasp config down to the client. (4ddb059)
- Switched to using new MongoDB service in Bluemix since MongoLabs is being removed (7340e68)
- Synchronous tests (32e0d12)
- tab indent fix (4451ba7)
- Task enhancements (1fa9776)
- test (0239187)
- test (0035793)
- Test (5f51593)
- Test (f8282a5)
- Testing Fix (7354e78)
- Testing Fix (f358e81)
- The article middleware was calling getErrorMessage with a null argument, causing a crash when this m (71167b0)
- Tiny fixes (b12a3b4)
- Title should be required. (d8fa855)
- Travis now sends notifications to Gitter (d1c3348)
- typo (86d38df)
- Typo (c8e62e1)
- Typo in test message: (66bf2dc)
- UI Bootstrap (5b1488a)
- UI Bootstrap (713a196)
- UI Bootstrap (6995ba2)
- UI Bootstrap (44502c0)
- Unauthorized client routing (ed89f9e)
- Update .bowerrc (c6b6758)
- Update .travis.yml (fd98f26)
- Update .travis.yml (0ad46a2)
- Update 0.3.2 (f6e1909)
- Update Bower Dependencies (1a7a2d6)
- Update Bower manifest (08c0732)
- Update config.js (5654e1f)
- Update connect-mongo to support Mongoose 4.0.0 (dc6f74d)
- Update create-article.client.view.html (3949400)
- update dependencies (d4c880b)
- Update dependencies (1fa147e)
- Update Dev Dependencies Versions (12cb3bf)
- Update Dev Depenedencies + Password Change Fix (c0a7c05)
- Update edit-profile.client.view.html (19e937c)
- Update express.js (4825f44)
- Update form-article.client.view.html (7ffbd3f)
- update gruntfile.js to let jshint adhere to .jshintrc (a2f31f2)
- update gulp-sass to ensure node-0.12 compatibility (75bb6f2)
- Update header.client.view.html (83ceb27)
- Update home.client.view.html (595f858)
- Update home.client.view.html (005162a)
- Update home.client.view.html (b3a9969)
- Update home.client.view.html (bf5268e)
- Update home.client.view.html (f6f0c9f)
- Update init.js (bcbf2af)
- update javascript libs (00a4668)
- Update middleware for body parsing in Express MEAN configuration (ad95ea3), closes #136
- Update Mongoose Version (09bc727)
- Update package.json (2ab02b7)
- Update package.json (6993150)
- Update package.json (30fd05c)
- Update package.json to include peer dependencies (5d5d1b7)
- Update package.json to indent space-2. (f345d20)
- Update packages (71604bb)
- Update path in tests (c065246)
- Update pipeline.yml (9af6f2b)
- Update (b232af6)
- Update (c06a9ae)
- Update (c849b85)
- Update (7759257)
- Update (13f03ec)
- Update (cbc337b)
- Update (2bf84d7)
- Update (f319571)
- Update (af5e48f)
- Update (ddaecff)
- Update (91ff079)
- Update (29fafa2)
- Update (80f2726)
- Update (a42988f)
- Update (aaa597b)
- Update (d621186)
- Update (c65ba05)
- Update (24d449c)
- Update (276c4a8)
- Update (249c246)
- Update (e66533e)
- Update (ac97ef7)
- Update (1ad9777)
- Update (111da0e)
- Update (4d21120)
- Update (0addcdf)
- Update (977426f)
- Update (e99faff)
- Update (39db681)
- Update (2dd53a0)
- Update (e7d7e23)
- Update (06436c0), closes #13 #13
- Update (bbf8727), closes #13 #13
- Update (e70923f)
- Update (6ee822a)
- Update (5d5896c)
- Update (71736d4)
- Update (a9bde6f)
- Update (abf4d66)
- Update (78aa99a)
- Update (de9daed)
- Update (f4ccd5a)
- Update (2955fdf)
- Update (2510ab5)
- Update (9b2f8de)
- Update README.MD (1d3b83c)
- Update to include where to download the MEAN.JS boilerplate (2f6427a)
- Update server.js (2225dda)
- Update server.js (1dd124a)
- update to angular-bootstrap 0.12.0 + fix breaking changes (adf6e0c)
- Update to AngularJS 1.2.4 (f2a85f8)
- Update to config tabs (2c319c5)
- Update twitter.js (d633904)
- Update UIBootstrap Version (3ee0e86)
- Update users.authentication.server.controller.js (786c546)
- Update users.js (1d9f1a0)
- Updated angular-file-upload to use static dependency (a5bceb9)
- Updated authorization.js redirect (01c22e4)
- Updated Dockerfile (e3e1839)
- updated readme to make sure that people understand to open a browser on port 3000 in the end of the (41da378), closes #5
- updated readme to make sure that people understand to open a browser on port 3000 in the end of the (928f40c), closes #5
- Updated routes and a logic fix (03a4042)
- updated the development.js environment configuration file to use the mean-dev database instead of me (2e03d13)
- updated to return the req.send() to be consistent with the rest of our codebase (00b5ff0)
- Updated to use @fyockm bootstrap-css-only repo. Changed header markup to use bootstrap 3 (0773d24)
- updating .gitignore file with more popular entries (7bce829)
- updating .gitignore with ignoring the correct location of the ssl certficates (a17f86d)
- updating .travis.yml file for allowing builds to fail (984e168)
- updating 0.4.0 merged branch to support the declerative db connection object instead of just a conne (b76c2cd)
- updating app startup debug output details for mongodb connection (75c40bd)
- Updating Build Files (2f6a0ce)
- updating calls to addMenuItem and addSubMenuItem (d0268ed)
- updating comments for tests in code (1eddc47)
- Updating configuration text in README. Still needing more definition on social registration properti (170eb80)
- Updating configuration text in README. Still needing more definition on social registration properti (f6801c5)
- Updating Credits (51b2f31)
- updating debug information to support https mode reporting (2786c95)
- Updating Dependencies (d7d4518)
- Updating Deprecated res.send (e98554e)
- updating documentation (add000d)
- updating error handler to exit the node app if we cant establish access to mongodb for some reason (4d9d5ec)
- Updating Gitignore (83d3cd4)
- updating gitignore file to disregard the _site/ directory which gets created when using jekyll for g (379f58e)
- updating grunt 'force' option to default/force it to false so that we can fail any task that is fail (c22c888)
- updating package.json with latest stable API version for chalk (8769a6c)
- updating profile upload with a new version of multer (7ecf933)
- updating README file with more elaborate instructions on running grunt in different environment mode (39e4282)
- Updating README with requirements for grunt, and slightly more clarity on config.js (d805fc2)
- updating script to attempt generating the ssl certificates directory first before trying to create f (6ec9233)
- updating ssl generation script to check app root directory location as safe-guard (176b619)
- updating support for mongodb connection string to support special chars for username and password (5b7423c)
- updating the new 0.4.1 dev branch for when 0.4.0 will actually be released (f8750b3)
- updating the schema save pre hook so that it checks for a modified version of the password field bef (bf79c17)
- updating travis ci build to install required ruby gem dependencies (dd254e1)
- updating travis to support installing a local mail server (0017886)
- upgrade to angular 1.2.10 to avoid interaction in bower installed based on /~ (7907608)
- Use
to get rid of list styles. Using Bootstrap 3 now. (1cc82ae) - use consolidate to make template engine configurable (412d6b3)
- Use form validation in articles (e56c76a)
- use Google OAuth2Strategy to avoid error that key $t must not start with '$' (0116b34)
- use helmet module to more secure application (afb0f97)
- Use module export instead of json string so that we can use environment variable for credentials inf (3041b4f)
- Use ng-annotate instead of ngmin (26d8a12)
- use ngmin, save some typing (9067499)
- use pushstate, fall back to window.location.hash. (b249512)
- Use Scrypt for password hashes (5022bc2)
- Use twitter.id_str instead of because is returned string explicitly by the fol (e566939)
- Use validator.js for email validation (a23290b)
- User ID middleware now uses .findById (121c38e)
- User model tests for roles (263adcc)
- Users Module Revamp (36f71fa)
- Users Module Version (38bffbc)
- utilize angular valid / email directive (9221ee9)
- utilize angular valid / email directive (d4a8774)
- utlize angular .ng-dirty / .ng-valid / .ng-invalid (0857f8b)
- valid name needs to be lowercase (f55bc2f)
- valid name needs to be lowercase (c0ffda5)
- Wait for async saving and removing (70828bf)
- Wait for async saving and removing (1897ef9)
- walk models directory (e230ea2)
- workaround fig bug (c93abfe)
- workaround for express 4 connectMongo session bug (ff4ae8b)
- workaround manual bower install (04e74f2)
- Fix(Users): Remove redundant request body (#1554) (5725c44)
- grunt(core): Remove Excess Grunt Dependencies (#1543) (afe0d38)
- feat(angular): disable Angular debug data in production (#1457) (07a860f)
- feat(articles): Article Admin feature (#807) (89075cb)
- feat(articles): ArticlesService extended $resource (#1266) (a7370a7)
- feat(articles): Modify articles module to implement style guidelines. (b3ad56e), closes #874 #339
- feat(articles): Rename list.articles.client.controller.js to list-articles.client.controller.js (a014ffc), closes #1192
- feat(build): added imagemin to gulp (1a3f6f8)
- feat(build): Modify Travis config (#1467) (55525bd)
- feat(build): Wiredep task for grunt and gulp (#1402) (0934f87), closes #1398 #1402
- feat(chat): Modify chat module to implement johnpapa styleguide. (5d15e64)
- feat(CI): Add Node v6 and remove v5 from allow_failures (#1328) (5da5a61)
- feat(config): Adding host configuration feature (6e4c54f)
- feat(config): adds a generic DOMAIN configuration environment (#1469) (cf246ba), closes #871 #847
- feat(config): Deprecate JSHint in favor of ESLint (d14d513), closes #1072 #1097
- feat(config): Local env configurations (6d74474)
- feat(config): Upgrade angular-bootstrap 0.13 to 1.0 (9cd4cec), closes #1142 #1131
- feat(config): upgrade to angular 1.5 (500d1a6), closes #1124
- feat(core): Add error handler for failed requests (#1557) (d5b8ffa), closes #1556
- feat(core): add notification feedback with angular-ui-notification (#1532) (607ed06)
- feat(core): Add prod asset versioning (#1536) (b0c5ad9), closes #1509
- feat(core): change console in angular to (#1551) (4aa5d77), closes #1541
- feat(core): Enable ng-strict-di (#1389) (5009a72)
- feat(core): Minor UI fixes for mobile; autofocus (#1499) (73a7c2c), closes #1499 #1496 #1479
- feat(core): Modify core module to implement style guidelines. (b2462ec)
- feat(core): Move template to .github folder (cb841ef)
- feat(core): update project dependencies, fix express config (#1463) (1413645), closes #1463
- feat(core): updating dependencies (#1548) (e5e984c)
- feat(core): updating gulp dependencies (8645b24)
- feat(csrf): Added Lusca CSRF Prevention (b2db312), closes #828
- feat(debug): replacing deprecated gulp-node-inspector with vanilla node-inspector (19145b9)
- feat(deps): Update server-side dependencies (1c143ae)
- feat(deps): update dependency (fc78cbd)
- feat(docker): Add Dockerfile for production (25bd40c), closes #1431 #1435 #1435 #1435
- feat(docker): persisting the container names for the docker containers that get created allows to ea (852a1a6)
- feat(docker): Update docker-compose to version 2 (2066be6), closes #1434 #1434 #1434 #1434 #1434 #1434 #1434
- feat(express): introducing handlebars nodejs template system (#1461) (f6e5797), closes #1286
- feat(forever): removing forever dependency (#1409) (6911b80)
- feat(github): adding support for Pull Requests templates (b3f9180)
- feat(gulp): Add copyLocalEnvConfigExample task to Gulp (b0f76dc)
- feat(gulp): Add gulp task mkdir:upload to ensure upload directory exists. (6cacc15)
- feat(gulp): Add node-inspector task to Gulp (936379d)
- feat(gulp): add wiredep gulp task (3d199ea)
- feat(gulp): deprecating Grunt in favor of Gulp and NPM commands (#1390) (d915157)
- feat(gulp): Gulp Server Watch for Mocha (bf2eeed)
- feat(gulp): replacing the unmaintained gulp-livereload with gulp-refresh (119753f)
- feat(gulp): test:server:watch task onlyChanged (#1298) (eaead7a), closes #1297
- feat(html): support noscript tag on layout for browsers with no javascript (#1454) (99c64cf)
- feat(logs): replacing unmaintained and vulnerable file-stream-rotator package with winston log facil (c8cbcd3)
- feat(mongodb): support for mongodb secure connections with ssl certificates (#1472) (c0f6cb3), closes #1349
- feat(package.json): Set Async version to ~ from ^ (2ee7194)
- feat(profile): Profile picture cropping, mobile uploading and progress bar (#1443) (246c5d9)
- feat(sass): replacing grunt-contrib-sass with grunt-sass (#1363) (239ce61)
- feat(security): adding snyk support to test our dependencies for insecure vulnerabilities as part of (0638294)
- feat(ssl): supporting a certificate authority bundle file for the secured SSL configuration (#1342) (c364922)
- feat(tests): add client and server test coverage to Gulp (#1466) (7be1910)
- feat(travis): Test on Mac and Linux (0091d3f)
- feat(ui): improved social login buttons UI (#1471) (c2cfc38)
- feat(user): add strict validations for username (#1574) (fb9d9d9), closes #1204
- feat(users): change username to usernameOrEmail in signin (#1545) (6a6b630)
- feat(users): Edit Profile client controller tests (#1329) (b795ddc)
- feat(users): Modify users module to implement style guidelines. (173b702)
- feat(users): prevent route leaking access token (#1417) (54ae7dc)
- feat(users): Supporting valid email according to HTML5 and RFC 822 (33258f1), closes #934
- deprecate(grunt): Remove Grunt (#1175) (83c7c47)
- eat(core): use npm commands (5a91d7d)
- bug: remove social account. (b18a7dd)
- bug(docker): Change Node Version (710c70d)
- bug(docs): Update change log command (ab7d92a)
- bug(readme): Remove Broken Live Demo Link (9bfb312)
- test(travis): Add Testing for Node 5 (eafad77)
- BUG: fix admin access (blocking user PUT) (839f805)
- BUG: Path separator support for windows. (3e378b4)
- BUG: Removed a ng-binding to article.content in user-list.client.view.html (2747df6)
- formatting: indent (b8d6fa7)
- Feature: Article CRUD ops. Added supertests. closes #92 (2ec6fa0), closes meanjs/mean#92