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2018 10 01 expert meeting agenda
8:30 Welcome coffee.
9:00 Brief overview (MW and CvT)
9:20 Welcome message from Director of Engie Lab, Bernard Blez
9:30 Introduction of participants (all, 20 min)
9:50 Presentations from activities, recent work, update to work plans, list of institutes who committed to contribute
Slides posted at /~https://github.com/ibpsa/project1/tree/master/meetings/2018-10-01-expert-meeting-paris
- WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (10 min, MW)
- WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (10 min, Lieve)
- WP 1.2 BOPTEST (10 min, David Blum)
10:20 Coffee Break (30 min)
10:50 Continue with presentations
- WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (10 min, Darren)
- WP 2.2 BIM (10 min, CvT)
- WP 3.1 Application (10 min, TBD)
- WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST (10 min, Dirk)
- New validation data set from Annex 71 (10 min, Dirk)
11:40 Plenary discussion about the above presentations (60 min).
- Dissemination
- Overlap and synergies
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Project 1 publications (30 min)
- Upcoming conferences
- American Modelica Conference 2018
- BS'19 - Project 1 track
- Joint paper web site and process for adding papers.
- Text for acknowledgement section.
14:00 Organization of break-out groups (10 min)
14:10 Break-out group session 1-1 (50 min)
15:00 Coffee break (30 min)
15:30 Continue break-out group session 1-2 (60 min)
16:30 Keynote: Lorraine Devouton, ENGIE
17:00 Group picture, then adjourn
19:00 sharp, all the dinner attendees should be at Port de la Bourdonnais (M6 Bir-Hakeim, M9 Trocadéro, M8 Ecole Militaire; Bus 42, 92, 72, RER C Champs de Mars or Alma Marceau) for the boat trip.
From ENGIE Lab CRIGEN to Port de la Bourdonnais around 45 minutes are necessary by urban transport (https://www.ratp.fr/en).
From ENGIE Lab you should walk 10 min to the trains (RER D Stade De France-St-Denis, RER B La Plaine Saint Denis) or Metro (M13 Saint Denis Porte de Paris)
Around 20:00 (after the cruise), diner Bistro Parisien (Port de la Bourdonnais)
Location: As previous day.
8:30 Welcome Coffee
- 9:00 Organization (10 min)
- Mailing lists for announcements
- Breakout groups
9:10 Break-out groups 2-1 (65 min)
10:15 Coffee break (30 min)
10:45 Break-out groups 2-2 (75 min)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Continue breakout groups 2-3 (75 min)
14:45 Coffee break (30 min)
15:15 Breakout groups 2-4 (55 min)
16:10 Summary and action items of break-out groups (each activity leader 5 min each)
- WP 1.1 Modelica library for design and operation (MW)
- WP 1.2 Model Predictive Control (Lieve)
- WP 1.2 BOPTEST (David Blum)
- WP 2.1 City Quarter Information Modeling (Darren)
- WP 2.2 BIM (CvT)
- WP 3.1 Application
- WP 3.1 District energy DESTEST
16:50 Closing remarks and next expert meeting (MW, CvT)
17:00 Adjourn
The agenda for the break-out groups is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oRPC9CEdyHljFemeybLh3eGPznmrxqRBHwJ6-Q2r9sA/edit#gid=1821933139 (to be developed)