95 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🛠
- Change error checks in K6 tests by @Piotrk39 in #6390
- fix: make make programFspConfigId nullable in relations AB#32262 by @jannisvisser in #6306
Chores 🧹
- Nedbank cert readme.md by @RubenGeo in #6413
- fix: column order registration table by @PeterSmallenbroek in #6417
- chore: create eswatini instance by @arsforza in #6418
- Portalicious chore: add referenceId column by @PeterSmallenbroek in #6420
- Add cherry picked test and dependencies by @Piotrk39 in #6374
- chore: update angular to fix vite alert by @arsforza in #6416
- Chore: transfer 'overview' change in activity log by @PeterSmallenbroek in #6415
Portalicious 🚀
- portalicious: open registration in new tab by @aberonni in #6411
- portalicious: theming feedback by @aberonni in #6405
Full Changelog: v25.1-1...v25.1-2