- Implement Initial Collections Artwork Filter Navigation Stack #2096 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Sync makefile node version with nvmrc #trivial #2094 (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- Adds Collections to Search results #trivial #2090 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- [MX-170] Increases Settings icon size #2087 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [MX-158] Artwork page: separating queries for above-the-fold and below-the-fold content #2085 (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Collections Artwork Filter Container #2073 (@ashfurrow @ashleyjelks)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Specifies email body in privacy requests #2082 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [MX-180] Adds profiles to search entities #2083 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [FX-1748] Fix line-height in ReadMore component #2081 (@anandaroop)
- [MX-158] add placeholder loading state for artwork page #2080 (@ds300)
- Anandaroop Roy (@anandaroop)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Barry Hoggard (@bhoggard)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Updates Search query to allowed entities. #2075 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [FX-1787] Use a larger base image for collection header #2077 (@pepopowitz)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- [FX-1789] Add right margin to collection title #2076 (@pepopowitz)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- Pin dep grapheme-splitter from ^1.0.4 to 1.0.4 #2074 (@renovate-bot)
- WhiteSource Renovate (@renovate-bot)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Update analytics constant for Collection/Featured Artists #2069 (@pepopowitz)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- [MX-166] handle images without deep zoom #2066 (@ds300 @ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Adds conditional padding to collection title #2065 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- [FX-1747] Refactor FeatureArtist component to use ArtistListItem component #2059 (@xtina-starr)
- Christina (@xtina-starr)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Add missing event type for Collections' view-more-artists interaction #2064 (@anandaroop)
- Anandaroop Roy (@anandaroop)
- Fixes Consignments status bar content colour #2061 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Fixes resizing bug on collection header images #2060 (@ashleyjelks)
- [FX-1729] tracking for collections #2052 (@pepopowitz)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- Fixes issue with Artist tracking components #trivial #2062 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [FX-1750] Use explicit size param for collection header's featured artists #2057 (@anandaroop)
- Anandaroop Roy (@anandaroop)
- Collections Metadata QA Fixes #2055 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Removes CocoaPods Specs repo setup #2046 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Fixes bug causing image to fail to render in collection header #2045 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- fix indentation in .circleci/config.yml (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Changes header to Sans font #trivial #2041 (@ashfurrow)
- [FX-1716] Constrain collection's featured artists #2039 (@anandaroop)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Anandaroop Roy (@anandaroop)
- Collections metadata #2035 (@ashleyjelks)
- [MX-141][mx-144] Adds feedback/privacy request user interface #2038 (@ashfurrow)
- Exclude specified artists from featured artist list [FX-1717]#2037 (@pepopowitz)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.13 to v5.1.14 #2036 (@renovate-bot)
- [MX-135] - Null checks for optional show.kind metadata #2031 (@pepopowitz)
- Installs Node 12 on deploy build #trivial #2034 (@ashfurrow)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Pass screen width in a variable to relay resize artworks query #2033 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Featured artists module rebase #2032 (@xtina-starr @ashleyjelks)
- Christina (@xtina-starr)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Adds missing cursor to collection artwork pagination query #2030 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Changes settings screen to use sentence case #trivial #2029 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Adds log out button to app #2027 (@ashfurrow @brainbicycle)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- Implements Infinite Scroll Artwork Grid in Collections #2024 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- [MX-140] CCPA infrastructure #2025 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.12 to v5.1.13 #2022 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Adds full bleed to collections header #2021 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Adds collection artwork preview component #2015 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.11 to v5.1.12 #2020 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- [MX-70] - Guard against S3 upload crash #2018 (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- [MX-131] - Reskin consignment flow #2005 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Updates shows to use coverImage #2016 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- Removes bundler installation from deploy job #2014 (@ashfurrow)
- Adds documentation for releasing iOS features #2013 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- MX-100 - Removes SearchLink from Fair #2009 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Moves collection screens to new a sub dir of collections #2006 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Updates Danger rule for adding tests for new files #2008 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Points to our fork of tipsi-stripe #trivial #2004 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Updates emission VC to expose artworkID #2003 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.6 to v5.1.11 #2000 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Empty commit to trigger CI run on master. (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [MX-54] App Ratings Prompt #1995 (@ashfurrow)
- [MX-87] Search Results Pagination + other search improvements #1994 (@ds300)
- Refactor and modernize Consignments/Welcome & Inbox empty state #1993 (@kierangillen)
- Updates point people #1992 (@kierangillen)
- MX-116 - Fixes markdown bug causing Artwork crash #1991 (@kierangillen)
- Updates to Node 12 #1986 (@kierangillen @ashfurrow @ds300)
- Adds note about auto-deploys #1989 (@ashfurrow)
- Revert "Removes Ruby version specifier." (@ashfurrow)
- Removes Ruby version specifier. (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Update dep typescript from 3.7.2 to v3.7.3 #1990 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Pin dep @react-native-community/async-storage from ^1.6.3 to 1.6.3 #1987 (@renovate-bot)
- StickyTabs perf + UX improvements #1982 (@ds300)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- [MX-114] Infrastructure for hiding back button on Partner view #1981 (@ashfurrow @ds300)
- Partner artworks to InfiniteScrollGrid #1983 (@kierangillen @ds300)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Pin dependencies #1984 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- [ME-113] Upgrade RN #1970 (@kierangillen @ashfurrow @ds300)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- ME-108 - Updates Artist page to use new design system and spec #1977 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- Small cleanup of unused code #1979 (@kierangillen)
- Adds sort to Partner.artworks #1978 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- ME-110 - Partner QA #1976 (@kierangillen)
- Pin dep react-native-reanimated from ^1.4.0 to 1.4.0 #1975 (@renovate-bot)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Collection Header #1971 (@ashleyjelks)
- Ashley Jelks (@ashleyjelks)
- Update dep typescript from 3.6.4 to v3.7.2 #1973 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Partner updates #1969 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Adds spinners to partner page #1968 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Fixes it(It... #1967 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Partner view tests #1945 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- ME-89 - Adds partner locations view to partner view #1960 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Condenses partner header #1964 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Update dep vscode-apollo-relay from 1.4.3 to v1.5.0 #1962 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.5 to v5.1.6 #1961 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Barry Hoggard (@bhoggard)
- Adds EmptyState, Horizontal Pagination and Artwork Counts to Partner also adds isCloseToEdge util #1956 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- [ME-83] Adds empty View Controller for upcoming Search work #1958 (@ashfurrow)
- Updates Extraction #trivial #1957 (@ashfurrow)
- [ME-37] Fixes iOS Share Sheet invocation #1950 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Pin dependencies #1955 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.1.4 to v5.1.5 #1953 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- [ME-77] Marks artworks as recently viewed #1949 (@ashfurrow)
- [AUCT-692] Adds margin top to position the loader at a more appropriate location in
#1952 (@yuki24)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- [PURCHASE-1545] All artwork details subfields have a ReadMore link #1944 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Minor typo in docs:
#1941 (@pepopowitz)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Steven Hicks (@pepopowitz)
- Sarah Weir (@sweir27)
- Update dep @artsy/palette from 5.0.0 to v5.1.2 #1931 (@renovate-bot)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- Adds react-native Partner view #1927 (@kierangillen)
- Kieran Gillen (@kierangillen)
- Yuki Nishijima (@yuki24)
- [ME-65] Migrate Artist page to use same sort as web #1937 (@ashfurrow)
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- David Sheldrick (@ds300)
- Add artsy open source footer #1939 (@jonallured)
- Jon Allured (@jonallured)
- Pin dependencies #1938 (@renovate-bot)
- update changelog before updating release artefacts (d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com)
- Renovate Bot (@renovate-bot)
- David Sheldrick (d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com)
- downgrade node (d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com)
- Updated CHANGELOG for new release (d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com)
- [ME-62] Centers DarkNavigationButton - kierangillen
- [PURCHASE-1597] Updates CommercialInformation component to properly handle live auctions - sweir27
- [PURCHASE-1598] Fix showing wrong state for closed auctions - ashkan18
- Add price summary to the confirm bid screen - yuki24
- Adds Partner view - kierangillen
- David Sheldrick (d.j.sheldrick@gmail.com)
- Kieran Gillen
- Sarah Weir
- Yuki Nishijima
- Ashkan Nasseri
- Add graphql request duration reporting via volley - ds300
- Fixes
Contact Gallery
button showing up when artwork auction is closed - sepans
- Updates AuctionCountDownTimer to handle liveStartAt - lilyfromseattle
- Fixes crash with missing artist images - ash
- Uses em dash between text in ReadMore component instead of line break - kierangillen
- Remove mobx - ds300
- Add missing auction analytics events - ashkan18
- Adds Artwork Auctions refresh on state change - kierangillen
- Fixes issue where the Artwork page would show a refresh animation on re-appear - ash
- Fixes submitting a consignment with a missing edition size - ash
- Refetches Artwork page query on re-appear - ash & purchase team
- Add more analytics around auction related actions - ashkan18
- Update to relay v6 and fix long-standing type bug around unions - alloy
- Remove unused field selections from GraphQL documents - alloy, ds300, kierangillen, sweir27
- Fix scroll-to-top behaviour on Home/Artists and Home/Auctions tabs - alloy
- Add vscode-apollo-relay for better Relay DX with vscode-apollo extension - alloy
- Adds pull to refresh to artwork view - kierangillen
- Adds mailto to orders@artsy.net for Ask a Specialist - kierangillen
- Remove more root fields from MP v2 schema - alloy
- Remove
function in favour of always using Relay - alloy - Fix Home artist rail following and switch to use Relay - alloy
- Fix consignments and switch to use Relay - alloy
- Adds BuyNowButton to artworks in auction with isBuyNowable true - kierangillen
- Removes errant
events tracking on scroll layout - ash - Fixes Artist header follow button - kierangillen
- Send an event when screen orientation changes - ds300
- Adds Commercial Bid Buttons - kierangillen
- Adds VAT included in price to Artwork view - kierangillen
- Add deep zoom mode to image carousel - ds300
- Replace slug keys with ids - zephraph
- Adds Auction lot tombstone data to Artwork - kierangillen
- Adds new base container / screen for the Collection page - luc
- Fixes intermittent crash on opening message attachment previews - ash
- Fix consignments artist search and make it use relay - alloy
- Adds links to Artwork view for FAQ and Ask a Specialist - kierangillen
- Adds auction extra links in Artwork view - kierangillen
- Fix shows artwork filter pickers always reseting to default value - zephraph
- Adds AuctionPrice to CommercialInformation to render Auction price data - kierangillen
- Fix clicking on single pin in City Guide map - alloy
- Replace usage of legacy filter artwork fields with new connection - alloy
- Removes artwork set functionality - ash
(A release that went out in the process of automating releases.)
- Drop non-connection paginated lists - alloy
- Fix copy on registration pending view - yuki24
- Fixes issue with mailto: links not opening - sweir27
- Remove patch to surpress
errors from graphql-js - alloy - Fix shadow and performance warning on ArtistCard - alloy
- Update after renaming fields/args from snake_case to camelCase in MP v2 - alloy
- Update after dropping deprecations from MP v2 - alloy
- Add full screen carousel support in artwork view - ds300
- Update after dropping duplicated types from MP v2 - zephraph
- Updates textContentType for inputs on BillingAddress component - ash
- Adds commercial order buttons to CommercialInformation - kierangillen
- Display an error message when polling fails on bidding - yuki24
- Fixes an issue where placing a bid hangs - yuki24
- Fixes a persistent top border when integrated with Eigen - ash
- Adds remaining Other Works Grids to the artwork view - sweir27
- Adds tracking to Artwork page - kierangillen
- Adds error-handling to Artwork page - ash
- Fixes a CI build/deploy failure caused by an unexpected local change - yuki24
- Display the image of an artwork on the confirm bid screen - yuki24
- Added partner type to partner card - lilyfromseattle
- Removes InvertedButton - kierangillen
- Adds ContextCard - kierangillen
- Fixes BottomAlignedButton keyboard clipping - kierangillen
- Fixes crash and map UX for city guides - ash
- Fixes spurious, intermittent crash from home feed - ash
- Markdown links don't open modally unless specified - lilyfromseattle
- Metaphysics v2 update that removes gravityID - zephraph
- Updates the copy bidders see when their auction registration status pending - yuki24
- Adds more clarifications to the credit card form screen - yuki24
- Adds a message to the registration screen that bidders need a valid credit card - yuki24
- Replaces most Emission buttons with new Palette Button - kierangillen
- Adds a message to the registration screen for bidders who already have a credit card - yuki24
- Add shim for calling view in room view.
- Pass inches to view in room.
- Fix carousel alignment - ds300
- Fix styled-components warning - ds300
- Use OpaqueImageView in ImageCarousel - ds300
- Make artwork screen full-screen - ds300
- The 1.12.2 version release failed, so this is a small bump to make sure the latest changes are included.
- Update typings for Relay to v4 and usage thereof - alloy
- Use gravity ID when opening artwork from artwork grid instead of global object ID - alloy
- Adds link to the consignments flow to the new artwork page, refactors some of the artwork page to match specs - lilyfromseattle
- Fixes a React Native font-rendering issue - david & ash
- Adds artwork classifications page and links to it from artwork page - lilyfromseattle
- Add artwork history sections - steve
- Changes method parameter names to make it obvious that units for width+height are in inches - ash
- Fixes crash with empty country selection - ash
- Update typings for Relay to v4 and usage thereof - alloy
- Use gravity ID when opening artwork from artwork grid instead of global object ID - alloy
- Refactors Artwork view to use FlatList - kieran
- Adds native share to artwork share button - kieran
- Upgrade palette@4.13.3; styled-components@4.x
- Switch to use metaphysics v2 schema - justin/alloy
- Fixes a bug where artist search results in consignments overlap with search bar - yuki24
- Fixes a bug where location search in the consignments flow stopped working after MP V2 upgrade - zephraph
- Adds related works section to Artwork page - ashkan18
- Allows user to save an artwork from the Artwork view - sweir27
- Add image carousel on artwork screen - ds300
- Adds about this artist to Artwork page - ashkan18
- Allows user to follow an artist from the Artwork tombstone - lilyfromseattle
- Enable
, andstrictFunctionTypes
compiler settings - alloy - Adds partner cards and allows user to follow a partner from the partner card - lilyfromseattle
- Adds ReadMore component to work with markdown - ds300/sweir27
- Upgrade react-spring@8.0.23 - damassi
- Get rid of all deprecated GraphQL usage - alloy
- Adds a non-interactive ArtworkActions component - sweir27
- Adds basic ArtworkAvailability component - ashkan18
- Exposes AREnabled and a user's current locale - sweir27
- Adds seller info section with SellerInfo component - ashkan18
- Adds ArtworkTombstone component - lilyfromseattle
- Updated background color to demonstrate beta flow - luc
- Moves from RN CameraRoll to @react-native-community/cameraroll - ash
- Fixes consignment photo selection - ash
- Bootstrap Artwork component view controller - alloy & david
- Removes yellow box warnings from node_modules - ash
- Adds pull-to-refresh controls to fav tab components - ash
- Include local timezone in each MP request so MP can decide to render datetimes in the user’s local time - alloy
- Fixes overflowing Save button on small screen devices - ashley
- Moves fair open hours display to metaphysics - kieran
- Upgrade to React Native 0.59.2 - orta/alloy
- Refactors deprecated Relay
calls - chris - Refactors Shows queries to make Show screen more performant - ashley
- Reduces Emission's City cache TTL to 2 hours - kieran
- Fixes City not re-rendering after a MP request is successfully retried - ash
- Fixes Closing Soon and Opening Soon order - kieran
- Fairbooths now only pull 5 shows per page on connection - kieran
- Fixes BMW save button - kieran
- Fixes scrollable tab bar on global saves & follows - ash & ashley
- Requires phone number during bidder registration - sweir27
- Migrates to React Native 0.57.x - orta/alloy/luc/justin
- Adds correct margin/padding to last carousel image - kieran
- Do no reset safeAreaInsets back to 0 - luc
- Add cover images to stub shows in full list - luc
- Reset zoom, pitch and heading upon city switch - roop
- Fixes map intermittenly not render pins - luc
- User location button would not render for users in cities - luc
- Map clustering data now doesn't recreate geo data on tab change - kieran & luc
- Updates copy in Global Saves and Follows Shows tab - ashley
- Add shouldComponentUpdate checks across City and Map components to avoid re-renders - luc
- Cap show list tabs in City view and add view all link - luc
- Adds a hitslop to the save button for shows - orta
- Updates copy in Global Saves and Follows Shows tab - ashley
- Adds message if fair is not active and hides fair details - kieran
- Fixes LD saving events inconsistencies - ash
- Relay no longer caches GraphQL responses which contain
field - ash - Changes order of Favorites tabs and re-centers Favorites content when a new tab is selected - ashley
- Adds pressReleaseUrl to show moreInfo - kieran
- Adds correct formatting and data for show event sections - kieran
- Updates dayThresholds for opening/closing shows to be 14/7 respectively - kieran
- User location button hides when user is outside of currently selected city - ash
- Adds "Ongoing" to shows running 2+ years beyond the present - ashley
- Reset zoom, heading and pitch upon city change - roop
- Deploy script syncs local data with Metaphysics - ash
- Updates drawer sub-scrollview enabled state when tabs change - ash
- Get rid of unneeded City render pass and potential further deep renders by unstable inline function props - alloy
- Fixes crash on sub shows with no profile image - ash
- Clear out setTimeout wheen user selects multiple tabs - luc
- Swap scrollable tab bar for fixed width tab bar - luc
- Adds RUNNING_AND_UPCOMING to CitySavedList - kieran
- Fixes C compiler error - ash
- Removes gallery context from fair page - ash
- Only shows shows with images in all bricks - kieran
- Adds support for falling back to the partner profile image on a stubbed show - orta
- Fixes missing "view all shows" link in sponsored content sections - ash & ashley
- Fixes saved shows/fairs not updating state in other query renderer hierarchies - alloy
- Fix using wrong field for fair hours - ashkan
- Fix re-instating pre-heated cache after invalidating it once - alloy
- Fix using wrong field for fair hours - ashkan
- Uses featured shows for BMW bricks - kieran
- Fixes zoom outs when switching cities and fix cluster crash - luc
- Fixes drawer behaviour - ash
Adds retry screen to map view - ash
Fixes no image state for artist lists - kieran
Adds Mapbox logo and attribution for licensing - luc
Fixes spinner on save button on ShowItemRow - kieran
Fix bug with selected pin and clusters not deselecting - luc
Adds Mapbox logo and attribution for licensing - luc
Fix bug with selected pin and clusters not deselecting - luc
Reset zoom level after switching city or filter - luc
- Only ever show one city picker at a time - ash
- Switch to openingHours for Fairs and Shows - ashkan
- Moves to new scrollable tab - orta & ash
- Adds freshness to GraphQL pre-heated cache after which it won’t be used anymore, which is 1 month for City - alloy
- Use a fork of react-native-mapbox-gl with better tap support - luc
- Updates is_local_discovery to isStubShow to conditionally disable Partner page navigation - ashley
- Removes user location button when user hasn't supplied locaiton - ash
- Removes Save button from Show Card/disables Saving/Unsaving shows from Show Card - ashley
- Make user location indicator on map tinted with purple100 - alloy
- Bump iOS deployment target to iOS 9 to match Eigen and avoid adding more deprecated method usage - alloy
- Adds husky - orta
- Adds saved shows page - Kieran
- Make pre-heated GraphQL cache work for people that upgrade the app - alloy
- Make content size of event list known upfront to prevent scroller from jumping - alloy
- Update ScrollableTabBar styling - luc
- Delay applying filters to speed up animation - luc
- Fixes bug where saved button was removed from all Show Item rows + removes Save button only from Show card - ashley
- Fix tabs rendering blank in city view - luc
- Adds external navigation to BMW Art Guide website from BMW logos on City Picker and City Tab - ashley
- Fixes city section lists being empty - ash
- Fixes safe area insets missing error on pre-iOS 11 devices - ash
- Don't allow the map to rotate - orta
- Only shows open, or upcoming fairs in the fairs tab - orta
- Support filtering the map based on the selected tab - orta
- Shows fairs on the map - orta
- Update city coordinates (to fix Los Angeles bug) - anandaroop
- Fixes warning about missing viewer prop - ash
- Removes touchable feedback on fair cards - ash
- Fixes warning about duplicate keys in list - ash
- Adds zero state to CityTab - kieran
- Renames SavedShowItemRow to ShowItemRow - kieran
- Adds Save button functionality to button in All tab - kieran
- Fixes top buttons re-appearing behind city picker - ash
- Fixes map not re-centering on new city when changed - ash
- Handles text spillover bug on narrow iphone screens in Saved Shows view - ashley
- Fixes saving not updating props in city view - kieran
- Disables navigation to Gallery pages from Shows view on stub shows - ashley
- Fixes memory leak by unsubscribing components from the EventEmitter - alloy
- Disables navigation to Gallery pages from Shows view on stub shows - ashley
- Adjusts styling on city picker - ashley
- Adds city section list for museum/gallery shows - kieran & ash
- Adds city section list support for upcoming/closing shows - ash
- Moves city list scroll view enabled-ness management to ObjC - ash
- Updates styling for cluster and pin show cards - luc
- Decrease likelihood of getting a blank view while scrolling fast in city tabs - alloy
- Hook up save functionality for show card - luc
- Adds loading screen for Map view - luc
- Adds analytics to map and city view - kieran
- Adds City save list view - kieran
- Move ShapeLayers to PinsShapeLayer - luc
- Add loading indicator when data is downloading - luc
- Add safeAreaInsets to handle various screen sizes - luc
- Set min zoom size on map - luc
- Fixes map background sizing - luc
- Adds styling on single map points and clusters to indicate selection - ashley
- Adds correct sort to city and museum tabs/lists/bricks - kieran
- Adds pre-heated GraphQL cache ability, with just City cache for now - alloy
- Adds freshness to GraphQL pre-heated cache after which it won’t be used anymore, which is 1 month for City - alloy
- Updates is_local_discovery to isStubShow to conditionally disable Partner page navigation - ashley
- Updates show and fair SVG map pin icons - ashley
- Adds saved fair icon to city map and fixes SVG styling on map pins - ashley
- Adds order artists in a show based on user's favorite - ashkan
- Fixes rounded corners on city picker component - ash
- Adds city bmw view controller - kieran
- Adds BMW sponsoredContent to all events in city view - kieran
- Progressively loads map tiles ahead of Relay response - ash
- Better initial LD view - ash
- All tab - hide "view all" if there no more than 2 shows in a grouping - kieran
- Adds BMW Art Activations section to "About the Fair" section - ashley
- Adds styling/sizing based on screen size to contents of CityPicker modal - ashley
- Handle rendering card for Clusters - luc
- Refactor clustering engine to handle multiple zooms - luc
- All event section events now link to show - kieran
- Adds CityFairList - kieran
- The Home tab bar is now consistent with the design system - orta
- Order name of Fair's artists based on user's favorite artists - ashkan
- Adds styled city picker modal - ashley
- Adds CityTab stying and passes CityName to AllEvents view - kieran
- Fixes render failure with missing city coords - ash
- Remembers user's last selected city - ash
- Adds default icon when there are no available images to display in saved shows thumbnail - ashley
- Fetches all city (and associated shows + fairs) data and cache on-device for 1 day - alloy
- The map will show up as full bleed in Eigen - orta
- Fixes fair view crash on fairs with no profiles - ash
- Fixes some analytics tracking events - luc
- Uses metaphysics exhibition_period field for date ranges - kieran
- Adds styled city picker modal - ashley
- Adds BMW art guide to view - kieran
- Show save button now spins when saving - kieran
- Displays ShowCard when pin is tapped on Map view - luc
- Adds styled city picker modal - ashley
- Implements clustering of nearby shows - luc
- Fixed the fairs thumbnails for a city, and makes the fairs clickable - orta
- Fixed fair links - ash
- Fixed various other edge-case broken links - ash
- Switches Fairs&Shows to use SwitchBoard routing instead of nested navigation controller - ash
- Add ellipsis to partner and event names - ashkan
- Fixes partner link on Fair Booth header - luc
- Adds Sentry to the app - orta
- Adds Sentry logger for users - orta
- Fix for the count of artworks in a show - orta
- Nearby show previews use a better placeholder - orta
- Fixes to the fair icon - orta
- Adds clickable links for maps - orta
- Fixes follow gallery button on fair booth page - ash
- Fixes fairbooth artwork counts in fair view - kieran
- Fair exhibitors overview looks up to spec - orta
- Hides additional info when a fair doesn't have it - orta
- When there's only a website for the fair additional info, the app goes there - orta
- Adds global saves & follows analytics - ash
- Adds display date to CountDownTimer - kieran
- The Markdown componeont is more cautious on re-rendering its content - orta
- Updates color of unsaved shows text indicator in global saves and follows - ashley
- Changes copy in Shows global saves and follows when user has not followed any shows - ashley
- Adds dates of currently running saved shows to Saved and Followed Shows - ashley
- Fixes hours section animation - luc
- Fixes FairBooth routes - luc
- Adds Component VCs for Artists, Artworks, Exhibitors screens - luc
- Adds CityTabs - kieran
- Updates show header gallery name to medium font weight - kieran
- Checks in the view for fair.profile before rending profile values - kieran
- Moves countdown timer higher on fair - kieran
- Fixes space under map when no description - kieran
- Fixes show title header when no carousel images - kieran
- Refactors Buckets for All events city view - luc
- Adds Fair Section in city view - luc
- Adds AllEvents data and styling to city view - kieran
- Adds Saved Shows section to city view - luc
- Styles Fair save button - kieran
- Fixes save show - kieran
- Show header title now links to gallery - kieran
- Show image now full width if one image - kieran
- Adds spacer below links in show about page - kieran
- Fixes empty schedules rendering empty Opening Hours - ash
- Uses Summary from Location before segmented address in locationMap - kieran
- Adds Follow functionality to Fair partners - kieran
- Fixes inconsistent padding between items in show and fair views - kieran
- Removes fair save button - kieran
- Adds params to fair link - kieran
- Fixes Exhibitor name overflows and pushes follow button off the screen - kieran
- Fixes x-margin on images in grid - kieran
- Fixes artworks filter - kieran
- Fixes scroll in artworks grid - kieran
- Check for saleInfoLine before rendering sales info on artwork - kieran
- Adds analytics to all Show screens and views - luc
- Removes Fairs tab from Global Saves and Follows view - ashley
- Fixes FairBooth routing - kieran
- Adds Shows to Global Saves and Follows view - ashley
- Removes Fairs tab from Global Saves and Follows view -ashley
- Fix rendering strong elements in markdown all over the app - orta
- Fixes FairBooth routing - kieran
- Fair exhibitors overview looks up to spec - orta
- Adds Shows to Global Saves and Follows view -ashley
- Adds separator between fair entities - kieran
- Adds Fair analytics - kieran
- Refactor and style new filter header in map view - luc
- Move filters down to city view - luc
- Adds new map filter design to Map view - luc
- Support full bleed view controllers - luc
- Styles Fair view to match design - kieran
- Removes All Artworks from artwork preview - kieran
- Adds booth number to fair booth view - kieran
- Adds item separator to FairBooth - kieran
- Adds counts to Artworks and Artist previews for FairBooth - kieran
- Restyles CaretButton to reflect design - kieran
- Clicking on Fair booth title now takes you to booth view (Reviewed this with Jun) - kieran
- Adds inter-component communication for map and bottom sheet view - ash
- Fix createMockNetworkLayer and update tests - luc
- Adds inter-component communication for map and bottom sheet view - ash
- Adds SearchIcon from svg - Kieran
- Styles SearchLink - Kieran
- Fixes bug in filter bar when centering selected items - ash
- Replaces PNG Chevron for SVG icon - kieran
- Centers Fair titles in fairbooth preview - kieran
- Adds some small styling adjustments to the hoursCollapsible - kieran
- Fix overfetching data on Fair Detail - luc
- Update Show detail view spacing & copy - luc
- Improves native integration with bottom sheet UI - ash
- Adds missing fair booth separator - kieran
- Refactors Fair Header view to use EntityList - luc
- Fix bug with Markdown renderer - luc
- Refactors Show Header view to use EntityList - luc
- Fix fair booth view by adding query renderer - luc
- Enable saving fairs in Fair header view - ashley
- Moves Description and View more information below map - kieran
- Decreases size of pin slightly - kieran
- Resizes fair banner to be larger - kieran
- Adds artwork count to view all in booth preview - kieran
- Checks coords before rending map & checks for artworks before render fair booth preview - kieran
- Adds save functionality to show - kieran
- Adds city and zip code to show address - kieran
- Checks for works before rendering works section - kieran
- Checks for hours before rending hours section - kieran
- Parter names in entitylist now link to LD view - Kieran
- Adds logging for relay queries and metaphysics extensions used in query - luc
- Minor styling adjustments to Fair and Show - Kieran
- Styles about fair and uses correct link for website - kieran
- Adds Scrollable tab to Favorites screen - ashley
- Enables followed Fairs in Favorites - ashley
- Ports over @ds300's Relay mock utils from reaction - luc
- Swap Mapbox style from default to Artsy theme - luc
- Display pins on map based user location - luc
- Update MapRenderer to user Geolocation service - luc
- Adds
Make Offer
badge to artwork brick - matt - Fair booth title now a link to gallery - kieran
- Replace theme and icon on LocationMap - luc
- Adds links to fair exhibitors - Kieran
- Removes "All" from Artists, Exhibitors, and Works Headers - ashley
- Adds navigation from Fair Booth Partners to Partners page and from Fair Artists view to Artists page - ashley
- Show UI cleanup: removes map icon, enables Artist navigation - ashley
- Expands Show installation shot carousel to screen width - ashley
- Adds external link to partner galleries - ashley
- Replace theme and icon on LocationMap - luc
- Removes "View on Map" text from More Shows section in Show view - ashley
- Adds more data marshalling for city view, sets up city scaffold - ash
- Readds the overlay to fair banner image - kieran
- Adds styled LocationMap with custom pins - kieran
- Refactor auctions countdown timer, add fair countdown timer - javamonn
- Refactors ARNotificationManager to implicitly call all JS methods on main queue - ash
- Adds the mapBoxAPIClientKey to cocoapods
- Updates Show detail view styles - luc
- Styles artists list - Kieran
- Updates @artsy/palette (2.21.1) - javamonn
- Refactor More Shows section - luc
- Styles fair header view - luc
- Increases size of pin for LocationMap and zooms in slighlty - kieran
- Adds extra checking around sale artwork messaging in artwork grids - ash
- Add fair-scoped search link to native Eigen screen - javamonn
- Adds "View on map" to show view for "More shows" - Kieran
- Adds AllArtist page to Shows and adds styled gray border InvertedButton - Kieran
- Add HoursCollapsible to Fair detail view - javamonn
- Adds fair booth section - luc
- Add browse artworks screen to Fair, Show - javamonn
- fixes to the artwork favourites pagination - orta
- Add rules prop to Markdown, left-align fair and show hours markdown - javamonn
- Add paginated artists screen to fair detail, refactor show artists - javamonn
- Update Show MoreInfo screen with events - javamonn
- Update artwork grid item text spacing - javamonn
- Add Browse Artworks link from Fair booth, works - javamonn
- Enable navigation link from Fair contextual detail to Gallery and Artist pages - ashley
- All Exhibitors View bug fix - ashley
- Add FairBooth screen - javamonn
- Splits Fair screens into seperate query renderers - luc
- Adds Map and City view container - luc
- Adds native unit test suite and CI - ash
- Add FairMoreInfo screen - roop and javamonn
- Adds shows list to Show View - ashley
- Adds fair exhibitors to Fair view - ashley
- Reordering Fair sections to match design specs -ashley
- Add contextual data to Fair view - ashley
- Enable navigation on contextual data in Show view - ashley
- Removes the buy now banner from the homescreen - orta
- fixes to the artwork favourites pagination - orta
- Emission's podspec contains deps for all of its native dependencies - orta
- Makes the consignment banner show by default, and allows changing this via an echo flag - orta
- Fixes crash in marketing banner - ash
- Adds Shows detail page header components - javamonn
- Updates to relay-compiler and relay-runtime - ash
- Adds tslint-plugin-relay lint rule (from Reaction) - ash
- Adds a new ARComponentVC and root React Components for Shows - javamonn
- Updates cocoapods (1.5.3) - luc
- Adds Mapbox + Location Component - luc
- Adds Artwork grids with infinite scroll to Show View - ashley
- Adds Relay DevTools, Update Node.js to 10.13.0 - javamonn
- Adds artists list component to show detail view - javamonn
- Adds Fair detail view header components - luc
- Adds MoreInfo screen to show detail view - javamonn
- Clean up Jest log output, update relay-mock-network-layer - javamonn
- Fair performance enhancements - ashley
- Identifies areas missing test coverage and adds Jira urls to track them - ashley
- Updates BNMO /collect url to remove a/b test ref - chris
- Removes the BNMO feature flags - orta
- Adds a new ARComponentVC and root React Component for Fairs - orta + grow team
- Tweaks to artwork badges - matt
- New artwork brick style - matt
- Deployment improvements to hopefully automate everything again - orta
- Silence consignments sash on home for BNMO - chris
- Update copy on WorksForYou marketing header - chris
- Adding artwork badges to brick - matt
- Add MarketingHeader to Home/WorksForYou - chris/orta
- Add @artsy/palette - yuki/orta/chris
- Adds a Labs setting UI to the example app - orta
- Added an option to the storybooks support to auto-launch into storybooks in the example app - orta
- Updates Typescript version to 3.0.3
- Fixes back button asset for BidFlow - ash
- Disables condition of sale link if the user has previously accepted them - ash
- Fixes typo in JSX of Registration flow - ash
- Conditions of sale link and checkbox are now disabled while bid is processing - yuki24
- Ignores cache when loading BidFlow query - ash
- Fixes an issue related to posting NSNotificationCenter notifications on not-main threads - erikdstock
- Improvements to form behavior when advancing through inputs - yuki24
- Loading enhancements - ashfurrow
- Fixes a bug where the error message for the country field remains even after selecting country - yuki24
- Adds an error modal to the bid flow - sweir27
- The country select form should pre-populate if user have already selected a country - yuki24
- Update graphql + use new argument to fetch increments - sweir27
- Sets artwork and artist name labels on ConfirmBid component to use only one line, and truncate the tail - ash
- Show error message when your credit card can't be added - sweir27
- Now Emission uses metaphysics system time to consider offset for auction timer - yuki24
- ARBidFlowViewController now exposes preloading queries - ash
- Now users are not allowed to click into the billing address/cc/max bid edit forms while your bid is being placed - yuki24
- Adds predictionURL and updates 'Live bidding has started' screen to link to live sale - sweir27
- Automatically scroll to the text input that has the focus - yuki24
- Fix trailing comma on confirm bid screen when artwork does not have a date - erikdstock
- More improvements/bug fixes for Bid/Registration flow
- Fix incorrect NSNotification name for sale registration - erikdstock
- Add secondary outline button style - maxim
- Adds
to the styled<Input>
component - yuki24 - Add analytics to registration screens - maxim
- Now users can add their country = yuki24
- There should be more space visually between conditions of sale checkbox and place bid button - yuki24
- Add placeholders to credit card form - erikdstock
- Now users see the minutes in the auction timer when the sale does not on the hour - yuki24
- Now users see an error message when MP returns an error on the Registration and Confirm bid screens - yuki24
- Update credit card form to have more sophisticated keyboard behavior - sweir27
- Add registration result screens - maxim
- Add a back button to the Billing address form screen and the Credit card form screen - yuki24
- Fixes the
compatibility by not throwing errors - yuki24 - Refetches bidder info when returning to ConfirmBid screen - sweir27
- Refactors auction timer to support state changes - sweir27
- Now User sees an error message when a request to MP did not go through due to the device's network condition - yuki24
- Fixes a style issue where the spacing of the messages looks weird on “Outbid” payoff screen - yuki24
- Update button style in bidflow to latest spec - maxim
- Add disabled state to new button type, primary black - maxim
- Registration screen handles when a user already has a credit card on file - sweir27
- Removes unnecessary white spaces in the bid result screen - yuki24
- Updates the text style and order for the auction timer - yuki24
- Registration screen sends mutation for creating a bidder/credit card - sweir27
- Route between bid/register flows based on user intent - erikdstock
- Updates bid status when returning to the [sale] artwork screen- erik
- Autocapitalizes words on billing address inputs - ash
- Removes some of the height hacks we used in the Zero state for inbox/consignments which aren't needed in new RN - orta
- Adds going back to max bid when selecting edit bid from confirmation screen - maxim
- Adds line-height to the type system - sepans
- Refetches bid increments once a bid has been processed - ash&sepans
- Adds
component - ash - Adds the ability for first-time users to register and place bid simultaneously - yuki24
- Updates definition of Unica font default weight - sweir27
- Adds registration screen - sweir27
- Adds support for startAt in the auction timer - sweir27
now returns a promise - ash&sarah- Continue button now dismisses BidFlow, opens LAI if appropriate - ash&sarah
- Shows correct message when reserve is not met - sepans
- Corrects problem with AROpaqueImageView showing empty images - ash
- Adds the ability for first-time bidders to add thier billing address - erikdstock and yuki24
- Display "Credit card" and "Billing address" to users without qualified credit cards - yuki24
- Add first round analytics for the bidflow - maxim&erik
- Adds a checkbox to the confirm your bid screen - yuki24
- Adds the ability to style the text in the inverted button with a spinner - yuki24
- Now the
component shows a spinner while loading - yuki24 - Now the
component updates the border color when the parent component updates theerror
prop - yuki24 - Shows correct message when reserve is not met - sepans
- Shows the appropriate Auction end/start time adjusted to the user's time zone - yuki24
- Adds Recently Viewed Works rail to Home - sarah
- Use a more appropriate type for textStyle in ButtonProps - yuki24
- Adds confirm bid screen for Bid Flow - sepans
- Load Bid prices dynamically - sepans
- Adds bid result screens - yuki24
- Updates bid flow to consume preformatted bid increments - ash
- Updates MaxBidPicker to maintain state of currently selected bid increment - ash
- Adds commonly used typefaces - yuki24
- Updates logging in native code to use NSNumber instead of platform-specific casts - ash
- Transitions between the bid picker to the bid confirmation components - ash
- Adds a more re-useable low-level components - yuki24
- Adds a confirmation screen for first-time bidders - yuki24
- Adds a new color
) to the theme - yuki24 - Adds a
component - yuki24 - Adds support for viewing conditions of sale - ash
- Add ability to specifically style the button headline - yuki24
- Creates and verifies bidder position - sepans
- Adds
component - sepans - Expands ConfirmBid tests - ash
- Changes
component andARBidFlowViewController
to accept artworkID and saleID as params - ash - Adds a
component - yuki24 - Adds a billing address screen - yuki24
- Reflect style updates for the
component - yuki24 - Load Real values into
screen + re-implement<MarkdownRenderer>
- sepans - Fixes an edge case where the border color of an
component does not get updated properly - yuki24
- Upgrade to React Native 0.54.4 - alloy/orta
- Follow Force and reduce image quality to 80 - alloy
- Inquiries use the same user-agent as emission - orta
- Optimise the generic artwork grid for rotation - maxim
- Cache queries on-disk for 1 day - alloy
- Add persisted queries support to Relay - alloy
- Add ability to preload queries - alloy
- Adds BidFlow component and view controller - ashfurrow
- Fixes crash when following an artist from the ‘related artist’ Home/ForYou rail - alloy
- Adds setProperty:forKey: to ARComponentViewController - ash&maxim
- Add support for changing tabs of the home vc - maxim
- Update home analytics for tab changes and initial tab props - maxim
- Update switching for home tabs - ash&maxim
- Fixing broken previous deploy, no changes - alloy
- Fixes crash when following an artist from the ‘related artist’ Home/ForYou rail - alloy
- Scroll to last sent message upon send - sarah
- Upgrade to latest Relay, including our custom Node ID and language plugin patches - alloy
- Switch to using TypeScript artifacts generated by relay-compiler and the TS plugin - alloy
- Relay queries include a user-agent header - orta
- Fix truncation bug for artwork previews, noticeably on inquiry screen - maxim
- Fix bug on works displaying auction closed when auction is about to open - maxim
- Schema fixes for LotsByFollowedArtists.tsx - ashkan
- Fix for consignment welcome text not fitting on iPhone 5s - orta
- The sale images in the auctions section now fits correctly on iPhone - orta
- Fix for SaleList not updating its dimensions upon rotation - sarah
- Allow blank messages in Conversations, but only if they have attachments - sarah
- Hack fix for the consignments done button on iPhone X - orta
- Allow blank Messages in Conversation - sarah
- Removed unused imports that Relay no longer requires - sarah
- Fixed the top margin for home - orta
- Fixed the messages header when there's no convos - maxim
- Added pagination spinners to each Saves & Follows tab - alloy
- Automatically default packager host to build machine when running a dev build on device - alloy
- Handle errors that can occur when using the camera and move UIImagePickerController code into Emission - alloy
- Fix for consignments analytics not being triggered correctly - orta
- Re-instate the Relay Classic behaviour where any GraphQL response errors would lead to showing the ‘UNABLE TO LOAD’ view - alloy
- Make sure ArtworkCarouselHeader queries for all required artist details regardless of what type of suggestion it’s showing - alloy
- Possibly fix a crash that would occur when dispatching analytics events - alloy
- The fairs rail is now constrained to just it's tab - orta
- Re-enable Lots by Artists You Follow and hide it when there are no live sale lots - alloy
- Don’t crash on trying to JSON parse a network error - alloy
- [Dev] Moved to CocoaPods keys - orta
- [Dev] Make it possible to impersonate a user given their ID and an access token - alloy
- Fixed the ordering of Home/Auctions - damassi
- Fixes some top margins for iPhone X support - orta
- [Dev] Emulates how Eigen handles status bars - orta
- Fix gene view pagination - alloy
- Fix home page analytics double fire upon entering background - maxim
- Consignments welcome wording fixes - barry/orta
- Disabled Lots by Artists You Follow for this release - alloy
- Fix filter logic around sale works by followed artists - chris
- Fix a bug where edition screen was considered seen based on metadata props - maxim
- Fix for selecting a painting in consignments - orta
- Fix submission requirements for consignments to match force - orta/maxim
- Add auto focus to the work details / metadata screen - maxim
- Make sure Home/Fairs rail does not clip any icons at the end of the list - alloy
- Re-align headers in all Home tabs - alloy
- Fix crash that would occur when tapping artwork component on inquiry view - alloy
- Add analytics to the Home tabs - maxim
- Fix a bug that would not let an infinite scroll of artworks stop requesting more artworks - orta
- More pixel pushing in the consignments welcome screen - alloy
- More pixel pushing in the conversations zero state screen - alloy
- Add saves and follows analytics - maxim
- Track which images are being uploaded in consignments - orta
- Fix a bug where the relay query params for the gene page weren't being set - orta
- Message timestamps are more human-readable with 'ago' - sarah
- Fixes for the camera roll order in consignments - orta
- Adds the new photo and selects it when taking a photo - orta
- Adds a confirmation screen to the end of the consignment submission process - maxim/orta
- New methodology for unread indicator and marking conversation as read - matt
- Fixes Inbox loading indicator stuck and conversation row collapsing - luc
- Optimize the Home/ForYou view by re-enabling removal of clipped subviews - alloy
- Brings back artist rails on the Home/ForYou view - alloy
- Fix issue where unmounted Home/ForYou rails would be refreshed - chris & alloy
- Fix payment request component status not updating after payment - alloy
- Add pull-to-refresh to the ARTISTS and AUCTIONS tabs on the Home view - alloy
- Align conversation view header title with navigation button - alloy
- Remove rule underneath conversation view header - alloy
- Add analytics coverage for home, saves & follows, and gene events - maxim
- Edition number field allows letters too - sarah
- Makes sure Home view shows Artists tab whenever there's a selected artist - sarah
- Adds webview support and zero state page for Auction tab - luc
- Sets the status bar BG color to dark for Consignments - orta
- Bug fix for the Gene refine not showing on Eigen - orta
- Taking a consignment photo will now select the created image by default - orta
- Rearrange Consignments overview page with Edition step - maxim
- Modify design and alignment on consignment screens - maxim
- Sort auctions by timeliness - chris
- Pixel pushing of margins between auctions - chris
- Update WorksForYou to use new Metaphysics schema to avoid frequent empty states - matt
- Adds a way to select tab on Home scene from initial props - sarah
- Don't load an ArtistRail if it doesn't have any artists - sarah
- Refetch data when user re-enters Inbox tab - luc
- Send event from view controller to react component when tab changes - luc
- Allow passing a set of Artworks and an index to load to Eigen when clicking on a Artwork within a grid - orta
- Update Relay typings to current DT version - alloy
- Change inquiry status bar background to white - maxim
- Move pagination from home/sale index to LotsByfollowedArtists, misc QA - chris
- Only load a single Works For You page at a time - alloy
- QA on Inbox and Active Bids spacing - maxim
- iPad support for Active Bids - maxim
- Get rid of image view flag that would skip on-the-fly resizing - alloy
- Add noUnusedLocals / noUnusedParameters to tslint config; clean up refs in app -chris
- Swap ListView for FlatList in Inbox/ForYou and refactor rail registration, misc QA - chris
- New design for consignments welcome screen - maxim
- During Inbox pull-to-refresh, Conversations container force-fetches itself - sarah
- Accommodate selectedArtist parameter in Home container - sarah
- Don’t require 2 taps to open a conversation attachment and keep keyboard up - alloy
- Don’t assume a photo was selected in the consignments photo picker - alloy
- QA for composer/thread view: ipad and fixed iphone size attachments - maxim
- QA for message attachments - maxim
- QA for saves & follows: enable pagination in Works tab in Saves & Follows - luc
- QA for home header font sizes and margins - maxim
- Minor: change text colour for provenance placeholder in consignments - maxim
- Don’t rely on user of the Gene VC to specify filter defaults, which could lead to a crash - alloy
- QA for inbox zero on ipad - maxim
- Add analytics to consignments - orta
- Fixes for metaphysics changes to consignment submission - orta
- Implement selected state for images in consignments photo set - maxim
- Support sending images for Consignments in production - orta
- QA for consignments on metadata screen - maxim
- Adds component to Sales - chris
- Updates the default statusbar text color to black - not white - orta
- Updates zero states in Artists on Home, and all the Favs & Saves - orta
- Updates zero states in messaging - orta
- Adds pagination to the follow'd Artists and Categories- orta
- Provides native view controllers for the routing engine in Eigen - orta
- Changed invoice component to only being able to touch the PAY button - alloy
- Make invoice component’s payment status and button slightly wider to account for statuses like ‘REFUNDED’ and ‘CANCELED’ - alloy
- Don’t try to also fetch the invoice state after receiving a ‘paid’ notification, just trust the notification and keep showing the ‘PAID’ state - alloy
- Adds Saves & Follows view - luc
- Renames MyProfile -> MyAccount, and sets up the design for it - orta
- Revised designs for consignments - orta
- Adds Live and timed auctions in home view - luc
- Adds Sale container to app registry - ash
- QA for Home: change tab colors - maxim
- QA Inquiry screen - maxim
- Home now includes a call to action for consignments - orta
- QA for Home: center tab labels with thin space hack - maxim
- Add new Analytics schema via React Tracking. - maxim
- Add analytics events for messaging - maxim
- Removes ‘works by artists you follow’ rail from ForYou view - alloy
- QA for Inbox view: center and cap size on iPad and solid line separator - maxim
- Converts relative to absolute paths for imports - luc
- Adds enzyme for tests - luc
- Fix test issues with react-tracking and enzyme - luc
- Updates Avant Garde font with a version that can handle special characters - sarah
- Remaps space key bidding to ctrl+space so we can enter spaces fromthe simulator - luc
- Conditionally use different past artist show fragments for iPad vs iPhone - alloy
- Upgrades Relay to ‘modern’ (v1.3.0) - alloy
- Upgrades React Native to v0.48.0 - sarah
- Upgrades React Native to v0.48.4 - orta
- Extracts connectivity banner into its own component - sarah
- Adds stylelint to the dev-experience, not validated on CI yet - orta
- Updates Storybooks to 3.2 - orta
- CocoaPods/Danger updates - orta
- AREmission bridging updates which require integration work in Eigen - orta
- You can choose any URL for gravity/metaphysics - orta
- Adds an env var for google maps API - orta
- Updates the beta/dev UI, and with docs - orta
- Some testing stability work - orta
- Add React Tracking lib for analytics - maxim
- Add typings and custom schema setup for React Tracking lib - alloy
- Fix release build by switching from the default React Native packager (Metro) to the community one based on webpack (Haul) - alloy
- Revert back to React Native packager (metro), life comes at you fast, see #785 for context - orta
- Updates invoice preview component status when a ARPaymentRequestPaid notification is received - alloy
- Present payment request view modally. - alloy
- Adds initial Sale container. - ash
- Updates Artists section (aka works for you notifications) - sarah
- Adds a Recommended Fairs Rail - sarah
- Adds for For You tab with styled headers - luc
- Creates tab view container for new home - luc
- Adds Live and timed auctions in home view - luc
- Tab bar text now aligned and centered correctly - luc
- Adds iPad support for Auctions view layout - luc
- Adds component to Sales - chris
- Refactors by consolidating QueryRenderers - chris
- Adds a camera roll screen for getting photos for consignments - orta
- Adds the native functionality for taking photos of a consignment - orta
- Infinite loop through all photos, and look good on both iPhone + iPad - orta
- Adds a provenance screen - ash
- Adds a final submission screen - orta
- Adds a screen for metadata editing - orta
- Looks better on iPads - orta
- Adds a screen for setting the location - orta
- Adds a spinner at the end of submission - orta
- Submit draft metadata to convection - orta
- Publish a consignment to convection - orta
- Keep track of the user's input during the submission process - orta
- Consolidate a lot of user interface elements - orta
- Photos are uploaded an attached to existing submissions - orta
- Correctly handles disabled button states - orta
- Fix crash by guarding against null
- christina - Fix crash of empty node in conversation list - maxim
- Hyperlinks in messages are now artsy purple & underlined - sarah
- Aligns message header with existing back button - sarah
- Temporarily removed partner response rate in inquiry - maxim
- Fixed payment request component collapsing and minor UI changes - luc
- Added support for live open auctions for active bids - sarah
- Fixed separator styling in the message component - luc
- Moved conversation loading indicator inside list view - luc
- Added Pending state to message timestamps - sarah
- Initial spike on adding some link detection - maxim + matt
- Initial message now sticks to the top of the scrollview - luc
- Added spinner and 'no more' message when paginating thru inbox - matt
- Refactored messaging-related interfaces, fixed mutations, added tests - luc + matt
- Fixed pagination on conversation component - luc
- Added ability to sort messages in ascending and descending order - luc
- Added capability to mark a message as read by the user - matt
- Updated logic to render purch requests and invoices better - matt
- If a message fails to send, display it again in the Composer so the user can retry - sarah
- Updated styling on bottom dotted border of ConversationSnippet - erik
- Fixed incorrect use of Attachment props in invoice component - matt
- Added inline rendering for invoices - matt
- Removed hard-coded sanitization of message body - sarah
- Small composer UI tweaks - maxim
- Changes post-sale supplementary artwork info - ash
- Attempt to fix a crash by not assuming a work in auction has a
- alloy - Expect
to indicate that no settings were refined - alloy - Only use
level when reporting connectivity issues, otherwise Sentry shows these as ‘fatal’ - alloy
- Display unread indicator in Inbox based on Metaphysics response. - matt
- Update
to usebody
to take advantage of some parsing. - matt - Update
to also show an informative signature when the message is not from the user. - matt - Create
and support show inquiries, plus refactor to use more generic conversation item schema - matt - Fix for bug in
related to the falsiness of an empty string - sarah - Adds a banner on Conversations when network connectivity is lost - sarah
- Reload active bids on pull-to-refresh - alloy
- Make active bids link to their artworks - alloy
- Make zero inbox state hide on load if bids or conversations exist - alloy
- Fix crash on Gene view, when integrated into Eigen, due to missing RCTAnimation dependency - alloy
- Fix issue with missing icons - alloy
- Remove statusbar in inquiry modal view - maxim
- Show progress indicator during downloading of attachment - alloy
- Force fetch conversation on each load - alloy
- Make pull to refresh in the Inbox work - luc
- Don’t show pull to refresh control when loading the Inbox view - luc
- [dev] Moves native view controllers to use iOS7+ status bar api - ash
- [dev] Renamed files to reflect case in component/function names - alloy
- Users/Devs can run any PR from inside beta/sim - orta
- Users now can access stories from inside the app - orta
- [dev] Applies prettier 1.5.0, and adds it to the webhooks + extension settings - orta
- [dev] Adds stories for new messaging components - maxim
- [dev] Upgrades Sentry to 3.0, note Eigen integrator, this may require changes to Eigen - orta
- [dev] Upgrades React Native to v0.45 - sarah
- [dev] Allows toggling the back button by pressing space - orta
- Adds avatar component - maxim
- Adds multiple attachment support - matt
- Adds PDF Preview for attachments - matt
- Fixes pagination for Conversations - luc
- Adds pull to refresh support to Inbox view - luc
- Adds an
to each Conversation, Relay-ified messages - matt - Adds snapshot tests for active bids - luc
- Updates status label colors - luc
- Renders active bids before Messages - luc
- Adds active bids section on top of messages - luc
- Adds a mutation for appending messages to a thread - alloy, matt, sarah
- Adds an
to each Conversation - sarah - Adds Inbox zero state - maxim
- Relay support in Conversation container - sarah
- Adds a
for Messages in Conversations - sarah - Adds Conversation, Composer, and Message components - sarah
- Adds Inbox view with real data - luc
- Adds Inquiry modal - maxim
- Fixes composer to stay above keyboard - luc
- Adds a media preview controller that can show remote document files - alloy
- Updates initial load state for Inbox - luc
- Adds a root component for the Consignments flow - orta
- Added the Welcome/Overview screen for consignments - orta
- Adds component for attaching buttons to the keyboard - orta
- Adds component for artist search - orta
- Adds component for consignments todo - orta
- Adds storybooks for consignments - orta
- Adds some form elements for consignments - orta
- Adds a component for choosing from a sets of images - orta
- No longer display bid/price info for artworks in sales that are closed.
- [dev] Moves native view controllers to use iOS7+ status bar api - ash
- Fixes missing compiled bundle - alloy
- Fixes pull-to-refresh scroll position bug on Home - sarah
- Fixes an issue where the WFU component was fetching data for artworks itself rather than delegating that to the nested artworks components - alloy
- Fixes pull-to-refresh scroll position bug on Home - sarah
- Fixes an issue where the WFU component was fetching data for artworks itself rather than delegating that to the nested artworks components - alloy
- Fixes loading state UI for artwork rail - luc
- Ensured rails without artworks cannot be rendered - sarah
- Fix for strange scrolling behavior in WFU - sarah
- [dev] Updates TypeScript to 2.3 - orta
- [dev] Adds back storybooks - orta
- Adds initial work on a new personal profile page - orta
- [dev] Automates TS linting at dev time - orta
- Adds inline bid info to artist grid elements - ash
- Fixes display of artworks in non-expanding grids in artwork rails - ash
- Adds Sentry for React Native which integrates with Eigen’s use of Sentry - alloy
- Fix for blank scrollview bug - sarah
- Works For You container QA - sarah
- Added ability to create a special notification for a single artist in WFU - sarah
- Added pagination to WFU container - sarah
- Added a notifications updater to ARTemporaryAPIModule - sarah
- Added artist avatar to WFU notifications - sarah
- Added a Works For You container - sarah
- Upgrade to RN 0.42-rc.3 - alloy
- Made Gene view work with new relay-based infinite scroll grid - cab
- Updated our fonts lib - orta
- Converted to TypeScript - luc, sarah, alloy, orta
- Move active bids home module to the top of the feed - alloy
- Build with correct react-native version - alloy
- Replaced fetching in infinite artworks grid component with relay - cab
- Gave ESLint, Flow and Danger the ability to fail the build - orta
- Gene Refine button is enabled - orta
- Fix extra blankspace in Artist Card when data is missing - luc
- Gene titles wrap so they don't get covered by back button - luc
- Added test coverage for gene components - sarah
- Added test coverage to buttons - sarah
- Added test coverage to artwork grids - sarah
- Added test coverage to all containers and Artist components - sarah
- Added test coverage to Home container - sarah
- Fixes bug in GeneVC where fetching was starting on page 2 - sarah
- Update home view artworks rails order - maxim
- Fix artist link to auction results - alloy
- Update artworks grid to show multiple artist names when available - mzikherman
- Remove the refine button from the gene view, for now, as it doesn’t work right yet - alloy
- Artist VC uses one show component for medium & large lists - sarah
- Ensure the artwork rail expand button is not clipped too early - alloy
- Use a larger font size in hero units on iPad - alloy
- Only align home view to top of screen, otherwise default to bottom status bar - alloy
- Fix layout in Artist Shows component on iPad - sarah
- Order home page rails as per design - alloy
- Include all followed genes on home page (actually limited to 100) - alloy
- Fix crash that would occur for artworks that have no artists - alloy
- Added an auction results button to some artist pages - orta
- Fix use of outdated artist follow API that lead to a crash - alloy
- Make banners 300 points tall on iPad - alloy
- GeneVC scrolls as expected, and can request data from Eigen - orta
- Fix crash that would occur when tapping the "failed to load" view retry button a second time - alloy
- Make tapping the search bar open the search VC - sarah
- Added a search bar to Home - sarah
- Show refresh control until all Relay requests have finished - alloy
- Reduce memory usage of home view by using a ListView to remove views not on screen from the hierarchy - alloy
- Fix text height and truncation for artist cards - maxim
- Add hero units - alloy
- Fix missing image asset issue - alloy
- [dev] Updates Flow to 0.32 - orta
- [dev] Updates React to 0.34 - orta
- [dev] Turns on "keychain sharing" to fix a keychain bug in sim - orta
- GeneVC now shows about information, and trending artists - orta
- GeneVC now shows artworks for the gene - orta
- Show "bid now" call to action on artworks that are in an auction - alloy
- Adds an initial Gene view - orta
- Animate inverted button state change - alloy
- Do not show follow button on artist view until current status is retrieved - alloy
- Optimistically change state of follow button on artist view - alloy
- Bundle assets into a dir that can be included in release builds - alloy
- Remove typings from the npm
as the recommendation is a global install - orta - Make follow artist button in artist rail work and replace with a new suggestion based on that artist - alloy
- Home now asks for maximum of 99 artwork rails - sarah
- Added pull-to-refresh functionality to home view - sarah
- Added a default minimum height for all rails - maxim
- Added a pretty load failure view and allow for retrying - alloy
- Added a section header for all Home rails - sarah
- Added an Artworks rail to Home view - sarah
- Added Danger, a CHANGELOG and some tests - orta
[Original release]