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File metadata and controls

2142 lines (1599 loc) · 75 KB

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Release date: 2025/02/26


  • Added --skip-consumers-with-consumer-groups flag to sync and diff commands. It ensures that list_consumers=false while querying a consumer-group. This is beneficial for enterprise customers who sync consumers separately on a different cadence but require frequent changes in other entity configurations. Not listing consumers leads to a boost in performance in such cases. #1545

Release date: 2025/02/13


Release date: 2025/02/11


  • Fixed issue coming with using deck against open-source Kong gateways where operations were getting stuck due to custom-entities support. Custom Entities are now gated to Enterprise gateways only. go-database-reconciler #1525

Release date: 2025/02/10


  • Added support for consumer-group policy overrides in Kong Gateway version 3.4+ (until next major version is released). This is enabled via flag --consumer-group-policy-overrides in sync, diff and dump commands. Consumer-group policy overrides, though supported, are a deprecated feature in the Kong Gateway and users should consider moving to Consumer-group scoped plugins instead. Mixing of the two approaches should be avoided. #1518 go-database-reconciler #191
  • Added support for managing degraphql_routes via deck for both Kong Gateway and Konnect. #1505 go-database-reconciler #154

Release date: 2025/01/29


  • The deck gateway apply command added in v1.43.0 added additional HTTP calls to discover which functions are enabled. This does not work well when using an RBAC user with restricted permissions. This change removes those additional checks and delegates the lookup of foreign keys for partial applications to go-database-reconciler. #1508 go-database-reconciler #182

Release date: 2025/01/23


  • Added deck gateway apply command that allows users to apply partial configuration to a running Gateway instance. #1459 go-database-reconciler #143
  • Added support for private link global api endpoint for Konnect. #1500 go-database-reconciler #165
  • Added flag --skip-consumers-with-consumer-groups for deck gateway dump command. If set to true, deck skips listing consumers with consumer-groups, thus gaining some performance with large configs. It is not valid for Konnect. #1486


  • Adjusted multiline string formatting in terraform resource generation. #1482
  • Improved error messaging when mandatory flag is missing in deck file convert. #1487
  • Fixed deck gateway dump command that was missing associations between consumer-groups and consumers. #1486 go-database-reconciler #159 go-kong #494
  • Added checks for all conflicting nested configs in plugins. A foreign key nested under a plugin of a different scope would error out. This would make sure that a sync does not go through when wrong configurations are passed via deck. go-database-reconciler #157
  • Fixed req-validator config generation while using deck file openapi2kong command when both body and param schema are empty. #1501 go-apiops #244
  • Fixed tags retention on entities while using select-tags. #1500 go-database-reconciler #156

Release date: 2024/12/24


  • Updated to version v0.33.0 to account for vulnerability CVE-2024-45338 #1481

Release date: 2024/12/13


  • Added a new flag --online-entities-list to validate the specified entities via deck gateway validate command. #1458
  • Added feature to ignore entities tagged with konnect-managed during deck dump, sync and diff. This is valid for Konnect entities only. #1478 go-database-reconciler #153
  • Improved speed for deck sync/diff operations involving consumer-groups for gw 3.9+. The underlying API call to GET /consumer_group is called with query parameter list_consumers=false, making it faster for deck to deal with cases where a consumer-group holds many consumers. (#1475)[#1475] (go-kong #487)[Kong/go-kong#487]


  • Fixed issue where tags were not getting propagated to consumer-group plugins. #1478 go-database-reconciler #151 go-kong #485
  • Enhanced help message for generate-imports-for-control-plane-id flag #1448
  • Restored to using Gateway API generation in deck file kong2kic, rather than Ingress API #1431

Release date: 2024/11/26


  • Added validation for ensuring that cookie parameters in parameter schemas are skipped and a warning is logged for the user while using deck file openapi2kong command. #1452 go-apiops #255
  • Fixed issue where creating arrays with mixed types using oneOf in OAS specifications were failing while using deck file openapi2kong command. #1452 go-apiops #231

Release date: 2024/11/25


Release date: 2024/11/06


  • Added fix to validate for top-level type in parameter schemas in request-validator plugin while using deck file openapi2kong. go-apiops #215
  • Added support for defining path parameters outside REST methods for request-validation while using deck file openapi2kong. go-apiops #216 (#1429)[#1429]

Release date: 2024/10/22


  • deck gateway validate for Konnect supports Konnect configs passed by CLI flags now. Earlier, the validation was failing if control plane information was passed via CLI flags.

Release date: 2024/10/21


  • deck gateway validate command now supports Konnect. Konnect entities can be validated online with this change. #1335


  • Quoted type constraints are removed for Terraform. Type constraints in quotes were required in Terraform <= 0.11, It is now deprecated and will be removed in a future Terraform versions. Thus, removed them from kong2tf generation, so as to avoid potential errors in terraform apply. #1412

Release date: 2024/09/26


  • Fixed the behaviour of --konnect-addr flag in case default Konnect URL is used with it. Earlier, using the default URL with the said flag ran the command against the gateway. #1398
  • Bumped up go-apiops to v0.1.38 and replaced yaml/v3 package with Kong's own fork. This change allows deck commands to process OAS files with path lengths > 128 characters which was a limitation from the original yaml library.#1405 go-apiops #208 Kong/yaml #1

Release date: 2024/09/19


Release date: 2024/09/12


  • Fixed the issue in deck file kong2tf command where users were facing a panic error with using jwt plugins when passing an empty list to cookie_names field. #1399
  • Bumped up go-apiops library. The updated lib has a fix for deck file openapi2kong command where parameters.required field was coming as null, if not passed by user. #1400 go-apiops #205
  • Bumped up go-kong library. The updated lib prevents unset plugin's configuration "record" fields to be filled with empty tables: {} for deck files. Since, deck doesn't fill defaults anymore, this fix ensures that deck doesn't pass empty record fields while syncing plugin configurations. #1401 go-kong #467

Release date: 2024/09/10


  • Added a new file kong2tf command to convert a deck file to Terraform configuration #1391, along with two command line flags:
    • --generate-imports-for-control-plane-id: If this is provided, import blocks will be added to Terraform to adopt existing resources.
    • --ignore-credential-changes: If this is provided, any credentials will be ignored until they are destroyed and recreated.


  • Fixed the issue that was preventing a consumer to be in more than one consumer-groups #1394 go-database-reconciler #140
  • Fields marked as auto in schema are filled with nil in the config sent to the Control Plane. In case a field is marked as auto and is a required field, deck would throw an error if the user doesn't fill it in the declarative configuration file. #1394 go-database-reconciler #139
  • Defaults are no longer filled by deck. They will only be used for computing a diff, but not sent to the Control Plane. #1394 go-database-reconciler #133

Release date: 2024/08/22


Release date: 2024/08/22


  • Fixed deck file openapi2kong command where parameter schema wasn't getting generated properly. #1355 go-apiops #186

Release date: 2024/08/01


  • Correct --no-color flag behaviour in non-tty environments The changes retain the default behaviour of showing colors in tty and no colors in non-tty if no flag is passed. However, on passing the --no-color=false, non-tty environments can also get colored output.#1339
  • Add validation on deck file patch to avoid confusing behaviour. The command intends to patch input files either via selector-value flags or command arguments. The change ensures that at least one of these is present, but not both at the same time.#1342
  • Fix rendering for expression routes, keeping kong gateway version in consideration. go-database-reconciler #118 #1351

Release date: 2024/07/16


  • Fixes #1228 by updating the golang version from 1.21 to 1.22, thus removing the inconsistency between decK releases' version and the one used in the project. #1336

Release date: 2024/07/04


Release date: 2024/06/28


Release date: 2024/06/28


  • Bump Go version to 1.22.4 #1321

Release date: 2024/05/29


Release date: 2024/05/27


  • Correct plugins config comparison to avoid misleading diffs. #1306 go-database-reconciler #93
  • Make KIC v2 Gateway API v2 config generation deterministic. #1302
  • Correct tags filtering with Consumers and Consumer Groups. #1293 go-database-reconciler #88
  • Correct tags filtering with Consumers and Consumer Groups. #1293 go-database-reconciler #88
  • Correct typo in inso-compatible flag of openapi2kong command. #1295
  • Correct bad example on the add-plugins command cli help. #1294
  • Removed the unsupported json-output flag from validate #1278
  • Fixed race condition in lint command (bump vacuum library) #1281


  • openapi2kong now generates request-validator schemas for content-types with +json suffix. #1303 go-apiops #175

Release date: 2024/04/10


  • Adds a --konnect-compatibility flag to deck gateway validate that validates Konnect readiness from an existing decK state. #1227

Release date: 2024/04/10


  • Auto-generate rla (rate-limiting-advanced) namespaces in the convert subcommand when using Consumer Groups too. #1263
  • OpenAPI 2 Kong: change regex priority field to int from uint, to allow for negative priorities. go-apiops # 162

Release date: 2024/03/21


  • Avoid showing bogus diffs due to endpoint_permission roles array not being sorted. #71 go-database-reconciler
  • Do not fetch Kong version when using validate command. #1247

Release date: 2024/03/13


  • This completes the namespace feature, by adding the host-based namespacing to the existing path-based namespacing. #1241


  • Use correct workspace when running online validation. #1243
  • Limit path-param names to 32 chars (go-apiops) #153 go-apiops
  • Correct various issues with the file kong2kic command. #1230

Release date: 2024/02/29


  • Added a new file kong2kic command to convert a Kong declarative file to k8s resources for the Kong Ingress Controller (supports Ingress and Gateway resources). #1050


  • auto-generate rla (rate-limiting-advanced) namespaces in the convert subcommand. #1206

Release date: 2024/02/08


  • Correct consumer_groups -> consumers reference and allow importing their relationships from upstream using default_lookup_tags. #1212 go-database-reconciler #57
  • CLI fix: error out if deck file addplugins gets a --selector but no --config. #1211

Release date: 2024/02/01


Release date: 2024/01/29


Release date: 2024/01/25


  • Added a new file namespace command to facilitate path-based namespacing. #1179

Release date: 2024/01/22


Release date: 2024/01/22


  • Add missing analytics for file commands. #1171


  • Add support to default_lookup_tags to pull entities not part of the configuration file. #1124 #1173

Release date: 2024/01/11


  • Correct bug when consumer-group-consumer doesn't have an username. #1113
  • Improve deprecation warnings to reduce upgrade friction and show warning when reading STDIN from terminal. #1115
  • 'file openapi2kong': Server ports will now be properly parsed, 32767 to 65535 are now accepted. apiops #105


  • 'file openapi2kong': will now generate OpenIDConnect plugins. apiops #107


  • Moved the database reconciler to its own project. #1109

Release date: 2023/11/08


  • Avoid unnecessary Konnect API call to retrieve its version. #1095
  • Correct default values when using gateway dump. #1094

Release date: 2023/11/07


  • Correct a bug preventing logins with Konnect in the EU region. #1089

Release date: 2023/11/03


  • Add support for konnect AU region. #1082


  • Resolved an issue in the deck file validate and deck gateway validate commands that prevented them from properly processing the provided file arguments. #1084

Release date: 2023/11/02


  • Old cli commands would also output to stdout by default. Now back to default "kong.yaml". #1073
  • Deprecation warnings were send to stdout, mixing warnings with intended output. Now going to stderr. #1075

Release date: 2023/10/31

IMPORTANT: The top-level CLI commands have been restructured. There is backward compatibility, but in the future that will be removed. Please update to the new structure (see 'changes').

IMPORTANT: _The recently added decK command deck file openapi2kong implemented different techniques for generating decK configuration from OpenAPI spec files then the legacy inso tool. In particular, entity names and identifiers were generated differently in the more recent implementation. For existing inso users, this may cause issues with migrating to the new tool as names and IDs are used by Kong Gateway to identify entities. In response we have added a --inso-compatible flag to the deck file openapi2kong command to support a smoother migration for these users. For more information on this and other APIOps commands, see the go-apiops documentation page.


  • Allow arrays to be specified on the file patch CLI command. #1056


  • Do not overwrite created_at for existing resources when running sync command. #1061
  • deck file openapi2kong creates names for entities that differ from the older inso tool. This has been fixed, but requires the new --inso-compatible flag to not be breaking. Adding that flag will also skip id generation. #962


  • Add analytics for local operations #1051

  • The top-level CLI commands have been restructured. All commands now live under 2 subcommands (gateway and file) to clarify their use and (in the future) reduce the clutter of the many global flags only relevant to a few commands. Using the old commands will still work but will print a deprecation notice. Please update your usage to the new commands. The new commands are more unix-like;

    • default to stdin/stdout and no longer to "kong.yaml"
    • the -s / --state flag is gone, files can be listed without the flag
    • the --online flag for validate is gone; use gateway validate for online, file validate for local.

    PR #962

Release date: 2023/09/27


  • Fix inconsistency when managing multiple consumers having equal username and custom_id fields. #1037
  • Correct a bug preventing the deprecated --konnect-runtime-group-name flag to work properly. #1036

Release date: 2023/09/25


  • Add --konnect-control-plane-name flag and deprecate --konnect-runtime-group-name #1000


  • Bumped go-apiops to v0.1.21 to include various fixes on APIOps functionality #1029

Release date: 2023/09/07


  • Raise an error if state files have different Runtime Groups #1014
  • Correct consumers validation when custom_id is used #1012
  • Remove hardcoded default value for Routes' strip_path field. Defaults are pulled via API anyway. #999

Release date: 2023/08/09


  • Added support for scoping plugins to Consumer Groups for both Kong Gateway and Konnect. #963 #959


  • Remove fallback mechanism formely used to authenticate with either "old" or "new" Konnect. #995

Release date: 2023/07/28


  • Added a new command file render to render a final decK file. This will result in a file representing the state as it would be synced online. #963
  • Added a new flag --format to file convert to enable JSON output. #963


  • Use same interface to pull Consumer Groups with Kong Gateway and Konnect. This will help solving the issue of using tags with Consumer Groups when running against Konnect. #984
  • Fix Consumers handling when a consumer's custom_id is equal to the username of another consumer. #986
  • Avoid misleading diffs when configuration file has empty tags. #985

Release date: 2023/07/24


  • Add a new flag (--json-output) to enable JSON output when using sync and diff commands #798
  • Improved error logs coming from files validation against Kong's schemas. #976
  • Added a new command file openapi2kong that will generate a deck file from an OpenAPI 3.0 spec. This is the replacement for the similar inso functionality. The functionality is imported from the go-apiops library. #939
  • Added a new command file merge that will merge multiple deck files. The files will not be validated, which allows for working with incomplete or even invalid files in a pipeline. The functionality is imported from the go-apiops library. #939
  • Added a new command file patch for applying patches on top of a decK file. The patches can be provided on the commandline, or via patch files. The deck file will not be validated, which allows for working with incomplete or even invalid files in a pipeline. The functionality is imported from the go-apiops library. #939
  • Added a new commands file add-tags/list-tags/remove-tags to manage tags in a decK file. The deck file will not be validated, which allows for working with incomplete or even invalid files in a pipeline. The functionality is imported from the go-apiops library. #939
  • Added a new command file add-plugins for adding plugins to a decK file. The plugins can be provided on the commandline, or via config files. The deck file will not be validated, which allows for working with incomplete or even invalid files in a pipeline. The functionality is imported from the go-apiops library. #939


  • Fix Certificates & SNIs handling when running against Konnect. #978

Release date: 2023/07/03


  • Honor HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY proxy environment variables #952

Release date: 2023/06/22


  • Handle missing service and route names detecting duplicates #945
  • Update go-kong to fix a bug causing a panic when filling record defaults of an empty array. #345

Release date: 2023/06/07


  • Add indent function to support multi-line content #929


  • Update go-kong to fix a bug causing wrong injection of defaults for non-required fields and set of record. go-kong #333 go-kong #336

Release date: 2023/05/31


  • Add support for updating Services, Routes, and Consumers by changing their IDs, but retaining their names. #918


  • Return proper error when HTTP calls fail on validate. #869
  • Replace old docs link in convert and fix its docstring. #905


  • Bump Go toolchain to 1.20. #898

Release date: 2023/04/24


  • Add the license type to the file package.

Release date: 2023/03/21


  • Add support to numeric environment variables injection via the toInt and toFloat functions. #868
  • Add support to bolean environment variables injection via the toBool function. #867


  • Skip Consumer Groups and the related plugins when --skip-consumers #863

Release date: 2023/02/21


  • Add instance_name field to plugin schema #844

Release date: 2023/02/10


  • Use global endpoint to retrieve Konnect Organization info. #845

Release date: 2023/02/09


  • Remove deprecated endpoint for pinging Konnect so to add Konnect System Accounts access token support. #843

Release date: 2023/02/08


  • Handle konnect runtime groups pagination properly. #841
  • Fix workspaces validation with multiple files #839

Release date: 2023/01/24


  • Allow writing execution output to stdout in Konnect mode. #829
  • Add tags support to Consumer Groups #823
  • Add "update" functionality to Consumer Groups #823
  • Do not error out when EE list endpoints are hit but no license is present in Kong Gateway. #821

Release date: 2022/12/22


  • Update go-kong to fix a bug causing wrong injection of defaults for arbitrary map fields. go-kong #258

Release date: 2022/12/21


  • Do not print full diffs with Create and Delete actions. #806
  • Update go-kong to fix a bug causing misleading diffs with nested plugins configuration fields. go-kong #244


  • Add support to Consumer Groups for both Kong Gateway and Konnect. #760
  • Enhance error messages during dump for plugins. #791
  • Add support to defaults injection when running against Konnect. #788


  • Remove replace from go.mod and bump go-kong to v0.34.0 #809

Release date: 2022/11/09


  • Fix issue with ping when running against Konnect using a PAT. #790

Release date: 2022/11/09


  • Mask DECK_ environment variable values at diff outputs. #463
  • Add --yes flag to convert subcommand to bypass user confirmation and run non-interactively. #775
  • Add support to Kong Vaults. #761


  • Remove selected tags information from entities level when using dump. #766
  • Use kong.yaml as default value with convert subcommand when no --output-file is provided. #775
  • Add -w shorthand flag support to sync. #765
  • Handle correctly encoded whitespaces into services' url #755
  • Make sure decK can update in place consumers' username when custom_id is also set. #707

Release date: 2022/09/27


  • Fix decK dump when running against Konnect #758

Release date: 2022/09/26


  • Add support for Kong Gateway 3.0.
  • Add support to 2.x to 3.x format migration. #753
  • Add support to the new Kong expressions flavor fields. #752


  • Make sure decK runs against Kong Gateway if a non-default --kong-addr is provided, even if some lingering Konnect environment variables are present. #738
  • deck validate with --online flag is not currently supported with Konnect cloud. A clear error message is provided when this command is invoked. #718
  • Improve error message when workspace is used in Konnect mode. #696

Release date: 2022/08/19


  • Add support to multi-geo for Konnect. #732
  • Support PAT (Personal Access Tokens) for Konnect authentication. #710

Release date: 2022/07/14


  • Fixed a failure when performing a diff against non-existent workspaces. #702


  • Added support for plugin ordering field. #710

Release date: 2022/07/07


  • Make sure decK correctly includes select_tags when dumping from Konnect. #711

Release date: 2022/07/05


  • Add rate-limiting capabilities to Konnect client. #705

Release date: 2022/06/06


  • Only include referenced objects IDs in API requests to fix issue with Konnect. #693
  • Make Oauth2Credential's redirect_uris field not required as it's been so since Kong 1.4.0. #688

Release date: 2022/05/13


  • Log descriptive names when configuring plugins on other entities. #662
  • Docker images now include jq to assist with pre-processing environment substitutions. #660


  • Service's enabled field is now correctly parsed when present in config files. #677
  • Route references to services by name are now properly handled when printing diffs. #657
  • decK uses its own user-agent header value for Konnect commands also. #654

Release date: 2022/04/22


  • Inject decK version into User-Agent header for requests originating from decK #652
  • Konnect can now be configured via the main deck command, while deck konnect is now considered deprecated. #645
  • Added --skip-ca-certificates flag. When present, decK will not attempt to sync CA certificates. This assists with using decK to manage multiple workspaces. CA certificates do not belong to a specific workspace, but can be seen and managed through workspaced endpoints. decK will attempt to remove them if they are not present in a state file when syncing a workspace, even if they were created for use with configuration in another workspace. #617
  • Users can no longer set default values for fields where a default value does not make sense (such as fields with unique constraints, like id), and will print an error indicating the restricted field. #613
  • Universal binaries are now available for OS X. #585
  • Validation failures now log the name or ID of the invalid entity. #588


  • Fixed unreliable diff outputs due to external dependency (gojsondiff). #538
  • De-duplicated select_tags in file metadata to avoid erroneous mismatch reports when using --select-tags with multiple state files. #623
  • Fixed several marshalling and URL construction issues for RBAC endpoint permissions. #619 go-kong #148
  • Fixed a regression that broke workspace creation in v1.11.0. #608
  • Fixed a regression that broke plugins dedup feature in v1.11.0. #594
  • Invalid YAML in state files no longer parses as an empty target state. #590

Under the hood

  • decK now uses Go 1.18. #626

Release date: 2022/02/17


  • decK now populates core entities defaults from their schema leveraging the Admin API. #573
  • decK now populates plugins defaults from their schema leveraging the Admin API. #562
  • decK prevents user interaction with any internal-only Konnect plugins. #564
  • decK now supports mTLS Kong Admin API authentication via --tls-client-cert/--tls-client-cert-file and --tls-client-key/--tls-client-key-file flags. #509
  • decK validate now has an --online flag enabling entity validation against the Admin API. This lets users validate their configuration before deploying it. #502


  • decK now can set zero values (false, "", 0) in entity fields. #580
  • Attempting to run sync on multiple workspaces now returns an error rather than applying a single workspace to all entities. #576
  • Skip consumers when using --skip-consumers with the sync command. #559
  • The --analytics flag now works with the konnect ping command. #569
  • Duplicate select_tags in separate files and --select-tags no longer cause errors. #571
  • The --header flag is now enabled for Konnect commands. #557

Release date: 2021/12/14


  • decK can now inject cookies in its request to Kong Gateway. These cookies can be session cookies set by the Admin server for auth. --kong-cookie-jar-path is the cli flag that indicates path to cookie-jar file #545

Release date: 2021/12/09

Breaking changes


  • decK now handles _transform state file metadata. #520


  • --select-tag applies its tags to newly-created entities whether or not the tag is also present in the state file metadata. #517
  • Timeouts in Syncer.Run() now return an error instead of syncing only a subset of the requested changes and reporting success. Downstream clients using decK as a library can determine when their sync attempt failed due to a timeout. #529

Release date: 2021/09/27


  • ARM64 Linux and Darwin binaries are now available.


  • Workspace existence checks now work with workspace admins.

Release date: 2021/09/22


  • Update go-kong to v0.22.0 to fix a bug with detecting non-existent workspaces.

Release date: 2021/09/13


  • Flag --silence-events has been added to deck diff and deck sync commands. The flag disables output of events to stdout. #393
  • decK now supports shell completions. To set up completion, please read the output of deck completion --help command. Support shells are Bash, Zsh, Fish and Powershell. #416
  • decK now support defaults. This feature helps with avoiding repetition of common fields in Kong's configuration and instead specifying them in a single place. #419
  • A new --timeout flag has been added to the root command to specify timeouts in seconds for various requests to Kong. #450


  • Fix a data race with operations counters #381
  • Correct the formats for conversion #460
  • Updates to target entity do not result in an error anymore #480


  • Variety of linting updates
  • Variety of refactors to improve the code health of the project
  • A security policy has been added to the repository

Release date: 2021/05/20


  • State files now support environment variable-based templating. decK can substitute the value of an environment variable into an object in the state file. This is useful for avoiding persistent cleartext storage of sensitive values and populating values that vary between similar configurations. #286
  • Sort state file objects by name, to ease comparing state files from similarly-configured instances that do not share object IDs. #327
  • Added a default timeout to HTTP requests. 37eeec8
  • Implemented convert command for converting state files between Kong Gateway and Konnect configuration formats. This is aimed to solving migration problem between on-premise Kong clusters and Konnect SaaS. #330
  • Add --konnect-addr flag to set Konnect address. This can be used to target Konnect data-centers in geographical regions other than the US. #374
  • Added support for document objects for Service Packages and Versions in Konnect. #388


  • Fixed duplicate error message prints. #317
  • Handle mtls-auth credential API behavior when Kong Enterprise is running in free mode. decK no longer treats the free mode mtls-auth behavior as a fatal error. #321
  • --select-tag tags are now applied to credentials. #282
  • Fix empty Service Package descriptions not syncing correctly. #347
  • Updating certificate fields no longer deletes SNI associations. #386


  • Refactored utility functionality to take advantage of new features in go-kong.
  • Added reworked usage analytics. #379

Release date: 2021/04/08


  • decK now prompts by default before overwriting existing state files when dumping config. Including --yes in args assumes yes and overwrites state files without prompting. #285


  • Removed analytics. #301

Breaking changes

  • Changed module to If you use decK's file package in other applications, you will also need to update the semver module used in your application. #303

Release date: 2021/03/23


  • Targets with identical IP and port values no longer conflict when created for different upstreams. #280
  • Fixed issue where Konnect flag defaults overwrote non-Konnect flag defaults, which broke the --all-workspaces flag. #290
  • Diff output no longer prints resource timestamp information. #283
  • Tracebacks no longer include unwanted information specific to the build environment. #284

Release date: 2021/03/06


  • decK now supports Kong Konnect. Configuration for Kong Konnect can be exported, diffed and synced using decK. A new command konnect has been introduced for this purpose, which has 4 sub-commands: ping, dump, diff, and sync. This feature in decK is currently in alpha state, which means there can be breaking changes to these commands in future releases.
  • decK now supports two new Kong Enterprise resources: RBAC role and RBAC endpoint-permission. Special thanks to @tjrivera for this contribution. A new flag --rbac-resources-only has been introduced to manage RBAC-only configuration via decK. #276
  • Certificates and Kong Services can now be managed separately. A check for existence of Certificate has been relaxed to make this possible. #269

Release date: 2021/02/01


  • deck now handles the request_buffering and response_buffering options for Route #261


  • Updated brew syntax #252
  • Fixed YAML/JSON file detection logic #255

Release date: 2021/01/15


  • decK will now retry sync operations that encounter a 500 error several times before failing completely. #226


  • Fixed regression that broke workspace creation. #252
  • Analytics failures no longer delay execution. #254

Release date: 2021/01/06


  • Fixed a bug that disabled verbose output. #243
  • decK no longer considers tag order significant. This avoids unnecessary resource updates for Cassandra-backed clusters. #240

Release date: 2020/11/18


  • Sync operations now handle plugins with array configuration correctly. #229
  • Removed unecessary permissions requirement for checking workspace existence. #225

Release date: 2020/10/19


  • decK now prints a change summary even if it encountered an error. #197
  • decK now prints the ID of entities that it could not successfully sync. #199
  • Issues sending analytics will now emit a panic. #200
  • decK now creates the workspace specified with --workspace if it is not already present. #201
  • decK prints descriptive information about duplicated entities. #204


  • Resolved a concurrency bug during syncs. #202

Release date: 2020/08/04


decK has move under Kong's umbrella. Due to this change, the package path has changed from to This release contains the updated go.mod over v1.2.0. There are no other changes introduced in this release.

Release date: 2020/08/04


  • decK is now compatible with Kong 2.1:
    • New Admin API properties for entities are added.
    • Ordering of operations has changed to incorporate for new foreign-relations #192
  • New flag --db-update-propagation-delay to add an artifical delay between Admin API calls. This is introduced for better compatibility with Cassandra backed installations of Kong. #160 #154
  • decK now errors out if there are invalid positional arguments supplied to any command.
  • Stricter validation of state files. #162
  • ID property of CACertificate is always exported. #193


  • Ignore error for missing .deck config file #168
  • Correctly populate port in Service's URL (a sugar attribute) #166
  • Correct the help text for --tls-server-name flag #170
  • Better sanitization of --kong-addr input #171
  • Fix typos in the output of --help #174
  • Improve language of warning message for basic-auth credentials #145
  • Deduplicate select_tags input #183


  • Added support for managing mtls-auth credentials. #175
  • decK now automatically creates a workspace if one does not already exist during a sync operation. #187
  • Added --workspace flag to ping command. This can be used to verify connectivity with Kong Enterprise when running as an RBAC role with lower priviliges.
  • New --workspace flag for diff and sync command to provide workspace via the CLI instead of state file. Workspace defined in state file will be overriden if this flag is provided.
  • New --skip-workspace-crud flag to skip any workspace related operations. This flag can be used when running as as an RBAC role with lower priviliges. The content can be synced to specific workspaces but decK will not attempt to create or verify existence of a workspace. #157
  • Additional checks for existence of workspace before performing dump or reset #167
  • Improve end-user error message when workspace doesn't exist


  • CI changed from Travis to Github Actions
  • Improved code quality with addition of golangci-lint
  • Default branch for the project has been changed from master to main

Release date: 2020/04/05


  • Added support for multiple files or directories to -s/--state flag. Use -s multiple times or specify multiple files/directories using a comma separated list. #137
  • Performance decK should be much faster than before. Requests to Kong are now concurrent. dump, sync, diff and reset commands will be faster than before, by at least 2x.
  • SNI entity in Kong is not supported natively supported #139. Most users will not observe any changes. id and tags are now supported for the SNI entity in Kong.

Under the hood

  • Go has been upgraded to 1.14.1
  • Alpine base image for Docker has been upgraded to 3.11
  • Multiple other dependencies have also been upgraded, but these have no user-visible changes.


  • Default values for retries in Service entity and HTTPSVerifyCertificate in Upstream entity have been removed. These values can be set to 0 and false respectively now. #134

Release date: 2020/03/14


  • Fix certificate diff for certificates with no associated snis #131

Release date: 2020/02/21


  • Fix broken ca_certificate entity support #127

Release date: 2020/02/14


  • decK now supports the url sugar property on Service entity. #123

Release date: 2020/01/18


  • decK doesn't error out if bundled plugins in Kong are disabled #121
  • Consumer-specific plugins are excluded when --skip-consumers is used #119


  • go-kong has been upgraded to v0.11.0, which brings in support for Kong 2.0.
  • All other dependencies have also been upgraded, but these have no user-visible changes. b603f9

Release date: 2019/12/29


  • Kong's version is correctly parsed; v0.7.1 is unusable because of this bug. #117

Release date: 2019/12/24


  • Backward compatibility for credentials; tags are no longer injected into credentials for Kong versions below 1.4 #114

Release date: 2019/12/07

Breaking changes

  • sync command now shows the progress of the sync. Previously, the command did not output anything but errors.


  • Configuration of multiple plugin instances can now be de-duplicated using _plugin_configs field in the state file. #93
  • A summary is now presented at the end of a diff or sync operation showing the count of resources created/updated/deleted. #101
  • sync command now shows the progress of the sync as the sync takes place, making it easier to track progress in large environments. #100
  • --non-zero-exit-code flag hsa been added to diff command. Using this flag causes decK to exit with a non-zero exit code if a diff is detected, making it easier to script decK in CI pipelines. #98
  • A new docs website has been setup for the project:

Release date: 2019/11/16


  • Service-less routes are correctly processed #103
  • Plugins for routes are correctly processed #104

Release date: 2019/11/08


  • Check for workspace makes call the right endpoint #94
  • Error checking is performed correctly when ensuring existence of a workspace #95
  • Multiple upstream definitions are read correctly and synced up #96

Release date: 2019/11/03

Breaking changes

  • ID field is required for Certificate entity. Previous state files will break if ID is not present on this entity. You can use dump command to generate new state files which includes the ID field.
  • SNIs are exported under the name key under Certificate entity to match Kong's declarative configuration format.


  • Kong's configuration can now be synced/diffed/dumped using JSON format, in addition to the existing YAML format. Use the --format flag to specify the format. #35
  • Plugins associated with multiple entities e.g. a plugin for a combination of route and a consumer in Kong are now supported. #13
  • JSON-schema based validation is now performed on the input file(s) for every command.
  • New validate command has been added to validate an existing state file. This performs a JSON-schema based sanity check on the file along-with foreign reference checks to check for dangling pointers.
  • Service-less routes are now supported by decK.
  • name is no longer a required field for routes and services entities in Kong. If a name is not present, decK exports the entity with it's ID.
  • Client-certificates on Service entity are now a supported.
  • Credential entities like key-auth, basic-auth now support tagging.
  • --parallelism flag has been added to sync and diff commands to control the number of concurrenty request to Kong's Admin API. #85
  • diff and sync show a descriptive error when a workspace doesn't exist for Kong Enterprise. 102ed5dd
  • --select-tag flag has been added to diff and sync command for use-cases where the tags are not part of the state file. It is not recommended to use these flags unless you know what you are doing. #81
  • ID for any entity can now be specified. decK previously ignored the ID for any entity if one was specified. Entities can also be exported with the ID field set using --with-id flag on the dump command. #29


  • decK runs as non-root user in the Docker image. #82
  • SNIs are now exported same as Kong's format i.e. they are exported under a name key under the certificates entity. #76
  • Errors are made more descriptive in few commands.
  • decK's binary inside the Docker image now contains versioning information. #38


  • Go has been bumped up to 1.13.4.
  • go-kong has been bumped up to v0.10.0.
  • Reduced memory allocation, which should result in less GC pressure.

Release date: 2019/09/15


  • -w/--workspace flag has been added to the reset command to reset a specific workspace in Kong Enterprise. #74
  • --all-workspaces flag has been added to the reset command to reset all workspaces in Kong Enterprise. #74
  • A warning is logged when basic-auth credentials are being synced. #49


  • Kong Enterprise Developer Portal exposes the credentials (basic/key) of Developers on the Admin API, but doesn't expose the consumers causing issues during export. decK now ignores these credentials in Kong Enterprise. #75


  • Go version has been bumped to 1.13.

Release date: 2019/08/24


  • oauth2 credentials associated with consumers are now supported. #67


  • The same target can be associated with multiple upstreams. #57
  • Fix compatibility with Kong < 1.3. #59
  • Ignore credentials for consumers which are not in the sub-set of the configuration being synced. #65

Release date: 2019/08/18


This release brings the following features:

  • Consumer credentials are now supported
  • Support for Kong 1.3
  • Kong Enterprise workspace support
  • Reading configuration from multiple files in a directories

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Consumer credentials The following entities associate with a consumer in Kong are now supported #12:

    • key-auth
    • basic-auth
    • hmac-auth
    • jwt
    • acl
  • decK's exported YAML is now compatible with Kong's declarative config file.

  • Homebrew support decK can now be installed using Homebrew on macOS:

    brew tap hbagdi/deck
    brew install deck
  • Multiple state files decK can now read the configuration of Kong from multiple YAML files in a directory. You can split your configuration into files in any way you would like. #22

  • Upcoming Kong 1.3 is now supported. #36

  • Kong Enterprise only features: Workspaces are now natively supported in decK

    • -w/--workspace flag can be specified in the dump command to export configuration of a single workspace.
    • --all-workspaces flag in dump command will export all workspaces in Kong Enteprise. Each workspace lives in a separate state file.
    • diff and sync command now support workspaces via the _workspace attribute in the state file.


  • decK now supports TCP services in Kong. #44
  • Add missing interval field in Upstream entity's unhealthy active healthchecks #45
  • Docker image now contains only the binary and not the entire source code. #34 Thanks to David Cruz for the contribution.

Release date: 2019/06/10


This release introduces support for Kong 1.2.x.

Breaking changes

  • strip_path attribute of Route can now be set to false. The default value is now false, which was true previously. #18


  • https_redirect_status_code attribute of Route in Kong can be set, and defaults to 426.

Release date: 2019/05/14

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Tag-based distributed configuration management Only a subset of Kong entities sharing a (set of) tag can now be exported, deleted, diffed or synced. decK can now manage your Kong's configuration in a distributed manner, whereby you can split Kong's configuration by team and each team can manage it's own configuration. Use select-tag feature in all the commands and config file for this purpose. #17
  • Read/write state from stdout/stdin Config file can now be read in from standard-input and written out to standard-output. #10, #11 Thanks to @matthewbednarski for the contribution.
  • Automated defaults No need to specify default values for all core Kong entities, further simplifying your Kong's configuration. Default values for plugin configuration still need to be defined, this is on the roadmap. b448d4f
  • Add support for new properties in Upstream entity in Kong. 080200d
  • Empty plugins and other Kong entities are not populated in the config file as empty arrays to keep the file concise and clean. ae38f1b
  • Docker image is now available via Docker Hub. You can use docker pull hbagdi/deck to pull down decK in a Docker image.


  • Empty arrays in plugin configs are not treated as nil anymore. #9
  • Correctly sync plugins which are out of sync. Protocols field in plugins can be confused with protocols field in routes in Kong #6 Thanks to @davidcv5 for the contribution.
  • Throw an error if an object is not marshalled into YAML correctly.
  • Correctly create service-level plugins for Kong >= 1.1 #16


  • go-kong has been bumped up to v0.4.1.

Release date: 2019/04/01

Breaking changes

No breaking changes have been introduced in this release.


  • Consumers and consumer-level plugins can now be exported from Kong and synced to Kong.
  • --skip-consumers flag has been introduced to various sub-commands to skip management of consumers in environments where they are created dynamically.`
  • Authentication support: custom HTTP Headers (key:value) can be injected into requests that decK makes to Kong's Admin API using the --headers CLI flag. #1 Thanks to @davidcv5 for the contribution.


  • Infinite loop in pagination for exporting entities in Kong #2 Thanks to @lmika for the contribution.
  • Plugins are updated using PUT requests instead of PATCH to avoid any schema violations.

Release date: 2019/01/12


Debut release of decK