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l AdminSettingsExamples

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 1 revision

About Admin Settings

- Google has deprecated the Admin Settings API and it has been removed from GAM 3.8 and newer.
- If you still use these commands, keep a copy of GAM 3.72 or older around, the commands should
- continue to work until Google turns the API off.

Modify Domain Single Sign-on (SSO) Settings


gam update domain sso_settings enabled true|false sign_on_uri <URI> sign_out_uri <URI> password_uri <URI> whitelist <IP list> use_domain_specific_issuer true|false

Updates the Google Apps SSO settings. enabled turns SSO on or off. sign_on_uri, sign_out_uri and password_uri should be the full URI used for each of these SSO steps. whitelist is a list of IP addresses where SSO should be applied (other IP addresses will not use SSO). use_domain_specific_issuer determines if a unique domain name is issued in the SAML request based on the Google Apps domain the user visited.


This example turns SSO on for the domain with the given URIs used for SSO.

gam update domain sso_settings enabled true sign_on_uri sign_out_uri password_uri use_domain_specific_issuer true

Uploading the SSO Key


gam update domain sso_key <public key file>

Uploads the given public key file, replacing the existing key on Google's servers. It may be necessary to have SSO enabled before uploading the SSO key.


This example uploads the public-key.der file to Google's servers.

gam update domain sso_key public-key.der

Outbound Email Gateway Settings


gam update domain outbound_gateway <SMTP Server Domain or IP> mode smtp|smtp_tls

Configures all outbound Google Apps mail to go directly to the given SMTP Server domain name or IP address. If smtp is specified, plain text smtp is used in the transfer. If smtp_tls is specified, encryption will be used on the outgoing connection.

Warning: Be sure you know what you're doing with this setting. If you enter an invalid IP/domain or the host is not configured to accept mail properly, you could break outgoing mail for your entire Google Apps organization.


This example turns outbound gateway on, directs it to a Postini server and forces the use of encryption (smtp_tls) for connections.

gam update domain outbound_gateway mode smtp_tls

Email Routing


gam update domain email_route destination <SMTP Server Domain or IP> rewrite_to true|false enabled true|false bounce_notifications true|false  account_handling all_accounts|provisioned_account|unknown_accounts

Creates a new email route for incoming mail. destination is a valid domain or IP address that will accept the mail. rewrite_to determines if the domain name of the message is replaced with the destination domain. enabled determines if the routing rule is turned on or off. bounce_notifications determines if delivery failures are sent for messages not received by the destination server. account_handling determines which set of users mail will be routed for, all, existing/provisioned or unknown.


This example routes all unknown mail to acme's legacy Exchange server.

gam update domain email_route destination rewrite_to false enabled true bounce_notifications false account_handling unknown_accounts

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