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Permission Matches

Ross Scroggs edited this page Jan 13, 2025 · 3 revisions

Permission Matches


<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<DomainNameList> ::= "<DomainName>(,<DomainName>)*"

<DriveFileACLRole> ::=
<DriveFileACLRoleList> ::= "<DriveFileACLRole>(,<DriveFileACLRole>)*"

<DriveFileACLType> ::= anyone|domain|group|user
<DriveFileACLTypeList> ::= "<DriveFileACLType>(,<DriveFileACLType>)*"

<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<EmailAddressList> ::= "<EmailAddress>(,<EmailAddress>)*"

<Time> ::=
        <Year>-<Month>-<Day>(<Space>|T)<Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>[.<MilliSeconds>](Z|(+|-(<Hour>:<Minute>))) |
        (+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |

<PermissionMatch> ::=
        pm|permissionmatch [not]
            [type|nottype <DriveFileACLType>] [role|notrole <DriveFileACLRole>]
            [typelist|nottypelist <DriveFileACLTypeList>] [rolelist|notrolelist <DriveFileACLRoleList>]
            [allowfilediscovery|withlink <Boolean>]
            [emailaddress <RegularExpression>] [emailaddressList <EmailAddressList>]
            [permissionidlist <PermissionIDList>
            [name|displayname <String>]
            [domain|notdomain <RegularExpression>] [domainlist|notdomainlist <DomainNameList>]
            [expirationstart <Time>] [expirationend <Time>]
            [deleted <Boolean>] [inherited <Boolean>] [permtype member|file]
<PermissionMatchMode> ::=
        pmm|permissionmatchmode or|and
<PermissionMatchAction> ::=
        pma|permissionmatchaction process|skip

File Selection

In the print/show filecounts/filelists/filetree commands you can limit the files counted/displayed by specifying permissions that the file must/must not have. Permission matching is expensive on Shared Drives as retrieving the permissions requires a separate API call per file.

You can define multiple <PermissionMatches>; each match specifies a set of required fields/values. A permission matches if all of its fields/values match the required fields/values; you can negate the match with not.

Permission Match Mode

When you specify multiple <PermissionMatches>, <PermissionMatchMode> controls whether there is a permissions match when any or all or the <PermissionMatches> match.

  • pmm or - If any <PermissionMatch> matches, then there is a permissions match. This is the default.
  • pmm and - If all <PermissionMatches> match, then there is a permissions match.

Permission Match Action

<PermissionMatchAction> controls processing when there is a permissions match.

  • pma process - If there is a permissions match, count/display the file. This is the default.
  • pma skip - If there is a permissions match, do not count/display the file.

Permission Selection

In the print/show drivefileacls and create/delete permissions commands you can limit the permissions displayed/processed.

  • pma process - If a permission matches, display/process the permission. This is the default.
  • pma skip - If a permission matches, do not display/process the permission.

Define a Match

  • pm|permissionmatch - Start of permission match definition.
  • not - Negate the match.
  • type <DriveFileACLType> - The type of the grantee must match.
  • nottype <DriveFileACLType> - The type of the grantee must not match.
  • typelist <DriveFileACLTypeList> - The type of the grantee must match any value in the list.
  • nottypelist <DriveFileACLTypeList> - The type of the grantee must not match any value in the list.
  • role <DriveFileACLRole> - The role granted by this permission must match.
  • notrole <DriveFileACLRole> - The role granted by this permission must not match.
  • rolelist <DriveFileACLRoleList> - The role granted by this permission must match any value in the list..
  • notrolelist <DriveFileACLRoleList> - The role granted by this permission must not match any value in the list..
  • allowfilediscovery|withlink <Boolean> - Whether a link is required or whether the file can be discovered through search.
  • emailaddress <RegularExpression> - For types user and group, the required email address.
  • emailaddresslist <EmailAddressList> - For types user and group, a list of required email addresses; any one of which must match.
  • permissionidlist <PermissionIDListList> - A list of required permission IDs; any one of which must match.
  • name|displayname <RegularExpression> - For types domain, user and group, the displayable name.
  • domain <RegularExpression> - For type domain, the required domain name. For types user and group, the required domain name in the email address.
  • notdomain <RegularExpression> - For type domain, any domain name that doesn't match. For types user and group, any domain name that doesn't match in the email address.
  • domainlist <DomainNameList> - For type domain, the required domain name. For types user and group, the required domain name in the email address.
  • notdomainlist <DomainNameList> - For type domain, any domain name that doesn't match. For types user and group, any domain name that doesn't match in the email address.
  • expirationstart <Time> - For types user and group, will the permission expire on or after .
  • expirationend <Time> - For types user and group, will the permission expire before or on .
  • deleted <Boolean> - For types user and groups, has the user or group been deleted.
  • inherited <Boolean> - For Shared Drive files/folders, is the permission inherited
  • permtype member|file - For Shared Drive files/folders, is the permission derived from membership or explicitly granted.
  • em|endmatch - End of permission match definition

File Selection Examples

These are the permission match definitions that would be appended to a command like:

gam user print filelist ...

Process all files with permissions type anyone:

pm type anyone em

Process all files except those with permissions type anyone:

pm type anyone em
pma skip

Process all files owned by someout outside of your domain

pm type user role owner notdomain em

Process all files shared to users outside of your domains

pm type user notrole owner notdomainlist, em

Process all files with write access for or

pm role writer type group emailaddress em
pm role writer type user emailaddress em

Process all files with write access for and

pm role writer type group emailaddress em
pm role writer type user emailaddress em
pmm and

Process all files where neither or have access:

pm type user emailaddress em
pm type user emailaddress em
pma skip

or you can use regular expressions

pm type user emailaddress "user[1|2]" em
pma skip

Process all files shared with group and not shared with user

pm type group emailaddress em pm not type user em pmm and

Process all files shared with either directly or via a user or group.

pm domain em pm emailaddress ".*" em

Display all non-inherited permissions on a Shared Drive.

pm inherited false em

Permission Selection Examples

These are the permission match definitions that would be appended to a command like:

gam user print drivefileacls  ...

Display all permissions shared with either directly or via a user or group.

pm domain em pm emailaddress ".*" em

Display target audience permissions.

pm type domain domain "" em

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