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Users Drive Files Display
- API documentation
- Query documentation
- Python Regular Expressions Match function
- Permission Matches
- Definitions
- Return Codes
- File size fields
- Display file information
- Display file paths
Select files for Display file counts, list, tree
- File selection definitions
- File selection defaults
- File selection by query
- File selection of Shared Drive
- File selection by corpora
- File selection by ownership
- File selection by MIME type
- File selection by file size
- File selection by file name pattern matching
- File selection by permission matching
- File selection to exclude items in the trash
- Display file counts
- Display file share counts
- Display file tree
- Display file parent tree
- Display file list
- Display disk usage
- Display files published to the web
<CorporaAttribute> ::=
alldrives |
domain |
onlyteamdrives |
<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= id:<String>
<Time> ::=
<Year>-<Month>-<Day>(<Space>|T)<Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>[.<MilliSeconds>](Z|(+|-(<Hour>:<Minute>))) |
(+|-)<Number>(m|h|d|w|y) |
<SharedDriveID> ::= <String>
<SharedDriveName> ::= <String>
<SharedDriveIDEntity> ::= (teamdriveid <SharedDriveID>) | (teamdriveid:<SharedDriveID>)
<SharedDriveNameEntity> ::= (teamdrive <SharedDriveName>) | (teamdrive:<SharedDriveName>)
<SharedDriveFileNameEntity> ::= (teamdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (teamdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)
<SharedDriveEntity> ::=
<SharedDriveIDEntity> |
<MimeTypeShortcut> ::=
<MimeTypeName> ::= application|audio|font|image|message|model|multipart|text|video
<MimeTypeNameList> ::= "<MimeTypeName>(,<MimeTypeName>)*"
<MimeType> ::= <MimeTypeShortcut>|(<MimeTypeName>/<String>)
<MimeTypeList> ::= "<MimeType>(,<MimeType>)*"
<DriveCapabilitiesSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveContentRestrictionsSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveLabelInfoSubfieldName> ::=
labels.id| # modifiedByMe
labels.revisionid| # copyRequiresWriterPermission
labels.fields # viewedByMe
<DriveLabelsSubfieldName> ::=
labels.modified| # modifiedByMe
labels.restricted| # copyRequiresWriterPermission
labels.starred| # starred
labels.trashed| # trashed
labels.viewed # viewedByMe
<DriveOwnersSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveParentsSubfieldName> ::=
<DrivePermissionsSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveLastModifyingUserSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveSharingUserSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveTrashingUserSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveShortcutDetailsSubfieldName> ::=
<DriveFieldName> ::=
<DriveFieldNameList> ::= "<DriveFieldName>(,<DriveFieldName>)*"
is equivalent to:
In particular, this omits these fields:
This allows you to select the essential permission fields without enumerating them. Of course,
you can specify permissions
to get all of the fields, enumerate the specific fields you want or
specify basicpermissions
and additional permission fields, e.g., permissions.displayName
<DriveOrderByFieldName> ::=
When a command involves a query:
- If any files match the query, a return code of 0 is returned.
- If no files match the query, a return code of 60 is returned.
You want to test for the existance of a Google drive folder:
$ gam user user1@domain.com show fileinfo query "name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder'" id
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query (name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder') for user1@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder that matched query (name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder') for user1@domain.com...
User: user1@domain.com, Show 1 Drive File/Folder
Drive Folder: Top Folder (1kdHaDm2XOmGKVsyBgPBugWqdE3xTwxyz)
id: 1kdHaDm2XOmGKVsyBgPBugWqdE3xTwxyz
$ echo $?
$ gam user user2@domain.com show fileinfo query "name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder'" id
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query (name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder') for user2@domain.com
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query (name = 'Top Folder' and mimeType ='application/vnd.google-apps.folder') for user2@domain.com...
User: user2@domain.com, Show 0 Drive Files/Folders
$ echo $?
The Drive API defines two fields that relate to file size: quotaBytesUsed
and size
quotaBytesUsed - The number of storage quota bytes used by the file.
This includes the head revision as well as previous revisions with keepForever enabled.
size - Size in bytes of blobs and first party editor files.
Previously, GAM used the size
field when totaling file sizes, it now uses the quotaBytesUsed
The option sizefield quotabytesused|size
allows you to select which field to use.
For most MIME types, the values are the same; for the following MIME types, quotabytesused
is larger.
Display file details in indented keyword: value format. The two forms are equivalent.
gam <UserTypeEntity> show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity>
[filepath|fullpath] [folderpathonly [<Boolean>]] [pathdelimiter <Character>]
[allfields|<DriveFieldName>*|(fields <DriveFieldNameList>)]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
[showdrivename] [showshareddrivepermissions]
[(showlabels details|ids)|(includelabels <ClassificationLabelIDList>)]
[showparentsidsaslist] [followshortcuts [<Boolean>]]
gam <UserTypeEntity> info drivefile <DriveFileEntity>
[filepath|fullpath] [folderpathonly [<Boolean>]] [pathdelimiter <Character>]
[allfields|<DriveFieldName>*|(fields <DriveFieldNameList>)]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
[showdrivename] [showshareddrivepermissions]
[(showlabels details|ids)|(includelabels <ClassificationLabelIDList>)]
[showparentsidsaslist] [followshortcuts [<Boolean>]]
Use returnidonly
to display just the file ID of the files in <DriveFileEntity>
Use filepath
to display the path(s) to the files in <DriveFileEntity>
Use fullpath
to add additional path information indicating that a file is an Orphan or Shared with me.
By default, the path to a file includes the file name as the last element of the path.
Use folderpathonly
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath
to recreate the folder hierarchy.
By default, file path components are separated by /
; use pathdelimiter <Character>
to use <Character>
as the separator.
When allfields
is specified (or no fields are specified), use showdrivename
to display Shared(Team) Drive names.
An additional API call is required to get each Shared(Team) Drive name; the names are cached so there is only one additional
API call per Shared(Team) Drive.
When allfields
is specified (or no fields are specified), use showshareddrivepermissions
to display permissions
for <DriveFileEntity>
when it is a shared drive file/folder. In this case, the Drive API returns the permission IDs
but not the permissions themselves so GAM makes an additional API call to get the permissions.
By default, when file parents are displayed, they are displayed in this form:
id: <DriveFileID>
isRoot: <Boolean>
id: <DriveFileID>
isRoot: <Boolean>
The showparentsidsaslist
option changes the output to this form:
parentsIds: <DriveFileID> <DriveFileID> ...
There is no isRoot
information displayed.
By default, no Drive Label information is displayed. Use the following options to display this information; an API call per file is required to get the information.
showlabels details
id: <ClassificationLabelID>
revisionId: <Number>
id: <ClassificationLabelID>
revisionId: <Number>
showlabels ids
labelsIds: <ClassificationLabelID> <ClassificationLabelID> ...
Starting in version 6.27.02, you can get Drive label information without an extra API call
if you know the <ClassificationLabelID>
s. Add labelinfo
to your fields
list and use includelabels <ClassificationLabelIDList>
to specify the Drive labels.
gam user user@domain.com show fileinfo <DriveFileEntity> fields id,name,mimetype,labelinfo includelabels "mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbbFcb"
The stripcrsfromname
option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names.
Use this option if you discover filenames containing these special characters; it is not common.
Starting in version 6.80.10, the option followshortcuts [<Boolean>]
that when true and <DriveFileEntity
is a shortcut,
causes GAM to display information about the target of the shortcut rather than the shortcut itself.
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> show filepath <DriveFileEntity>
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
[folderpathonly [<Boolean>]] [fullpath] [pathdelimiter <Character>]
[followshortcuts [<Boolean>]]
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filepath <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
[stripcrsfromname] [oneitemperrow]
[fullpath] [folderpathonly [<Boolean>]] [pathdelimiter <Character>]
[followshortcuts [<Boolean>]]
Use returnpathonly
to display just the file path of the files in <DriveFileEntity>
Use fullpath
to add additional path information indicating that a file is an Orphan or Shared with me.
By default, the path to a file includes the file name as the last element of the path.
Use folderpathonly
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath
to recreate the folder hierarchy.
By default, file path components are separated by /
; use pathdelimiter <Character>
to use <Character>
as the separator.
The stripcrsfromname
option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names.
Use this option if you discover filenames containing these special characters; it is not common.
By default, when printing file paths, all paths for a file are displayed on the same row; use oneitemperrow
have each file path displayed on a separate row.
Starting in version 6.80.10, the option followshortcuts [<Boolean>]
that when true and <DriveFileEntity
is a shortcut,
causes GAM to display path information for the target of the shortcut rather than the shortcut itself.
Most GAM commands that deal with files require a <DriveFileEntity>
to be specified; the command
then processes those files. The filecounts
, filelist
and filetree
commands don't process files, they just list them.
They offer more powerful methods to select the files to be displayed.
See: Drive File Selection for details of <DriveFileNameEntity>
, <DriveFileQueryShortcut>
and <DriveFileEntity>
<DriveFileNameEntity> ::=
(anyname <DriveFileName>) | (anyname:<DriveFileName>) |
(anydrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (anydrivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
(name <DriveFileName>) | (name:<DriveFileName>) |
(drivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (drivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
(othername <DriveFileName>) | (othername:<DriveFileName>) |
(otherdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (otherdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)
<DriveFileQueryShortcut> ::=
all_files |
all_folders |
all_forms |
all_google_files |
all_non_google_files |
all_shortcuts |
all_3p_shortcuts |
all_items |
my_docs |
my_files |
my_folders |
my_forms |
my_google_files |
my_non_google_files |
my_presentations |
my_publishable_items |
my_sheets |
my_shortcuts |
my_slides |
my_3p_shortcuts |
my_items |
my_top_files |
my_top_folders |
my_top_items |
others_files |
others_folders |
others_forms |
others_google_files |
others_non_google_files |
others_shortcuts |
others_3p_shortcuts |
others_items |
<DriveFileEntity> ::=
<DriveFileIDEntity> |
<DriveFileNameEntity> |
<DriveFileQueryEntity> |
<DriveFileQueryShortcut> |
root|mydrive |
<SharedDriveIDEntity> [<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut>] |
<SharedDriveNameEntity> [<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut>] |
<SharedDriveFileNameEntity> |
<SharedDriveFileQueryEntity> |
<FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVSubkeySelector>) | <CSVDataSelector>)
By default, file selection starts with a query of "'me' in owners". The sections below detail other methiods for selecting files.
Select a subset of files by query.
This option is not available for print|show filetree
((query <QueryDriveFile>) | (fullquery <QueryDriveFile>) | <DriveFileQueryShortcut>) (querytime<String> <Time>)*
query "xxx"
-and xxx
is appended to the current query; you can repeat the query argument to build up a longer query. -
fullquery "xxx"
- The query is set toxxx
eliminating the initial'me' in owners
. -
- Predefined queries
Use the querytime<String> <Time>
option to allow times, usually relative, to be substituted into the query <QueryDriveFile>
The querytime<String> <Time>
value replaces the string #querytime<String>#
in any queries.
The characters following querytime
can be any combination of lowercase letters and numbers. This is most useful in scripts
where you can specify a relative date without having to change the script.
For example, query for files last modified more than 5 years ago:
querytime5years -5y query "modifiedTime<'#querytime5years#'"
You can limit the selection for files on a specific Shared drive. Any query will be applied to the Shared drive.
select <SharedDriveEntity>
Select files by corpora.
This option is not available for print|show filetree
corpora <CorporaAttribute>
corpora alldrives
- Selects files on Shared Drives and files owned by or shared to the user. -
corpora domain
- Selects files shared to the user's domain. -
corpora onlyteamdrives
- Selects files on Shared Drives. -
corpora user
- Selects files owned by or shared to the user.
By default, files owned by the user are selected. These options update the current query with the desired ownership.
anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)
showownedby me
- Select files owned by the user; this is the default -
showownedby any
- Select files accessible by the user -
showownedby others
- Select files not owned by the user
By default, all types of files and folders are selected. You can specify a list of MIME types to display or a list of MIME types to suppress. This option updates the current query.
showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>
showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>
showmimetype <MimeTypeList>
- Select files and folders with the specified MIME types -
showmimetype not <MimeTypeList>
- Select files and folders with MIME types other than those specified -
showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>
- Select files and folders with the specified MIME type categories
These options would typically be used with showmimetype
to select files of a particular type. This
selection is performed by GAM, not the API.
minimumfilesize <Integer>
- Limit the selection to files with content of size >=<Integer>
maximumfilesize <Integer>
- Limit the selection to files with content of size <=<Integer>
This option allows you to limit the display to files whose name matches <RegularExpression>
The Drive API supports basic file name selection via query; this selection by pattern matching
is performed by GAM. You could use a query to do broad file name matching and then fine tune it with
filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>
See: Permission Matches
This option excludes items in the trash from being selected.
Print or show file counts by MIME type and/or file name.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filecounts [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[((query <QueryDriveFile>) | (fullquery <QueryDriveFile>) | <DriveFileQueryShortcut>)
(querytime<String> <Time>)*]
[continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>]]
[corpora <CorporaAttribute>]
[select <SharedDriveEntity>]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>] [showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size] [minimumfilesize <Integer>] [maximumfilesize <Integer>]
[filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>]
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchMode>] [<PermissionMatchAction>]
[showsize] [showmimetypesize] [showlastmodification]
(addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*
[summary none|only|plus] [summaryuser <String>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> show filecounts
[((query <QueryDriveFile>) | (fullquery <QueryDriveFile>) | <DriveFileQueryShortcut>)
(querytime<String> <Time>)*]
[continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>]]
[corpora <CorporaAttribute>]
[select <SharedDriveEntity>]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>] [showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size] [minimumfilesize <Integer>] [maximumfilesize <Integer>]
[filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>]
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchMode>] [<PermissionMatchAction>]
[showsize] [showmimetypesize] [showlastmodification]
[summary none|only|plus] [summaryuser <String>]
By default, print filecounts displays counts of all files owned by the specified <UserTypeEntity>
The option continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>] can be used in special cases where a query of the form
query "'labels/mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbwxyz' in labels" causes Google to issue an error
saying that the query is invalid when, in fact, it is but the user does not have a license that suppprts drive file labels.
When continueoninvalidquery
is true, GAM prints an error message and proceeds to the next user rather that terminating
as it does now. Of course, if the query really is invalid, you will get the message for every user.
The showsize
option displays the total size (in bytes) of the files counted.
The showmimetypesize
option displays the total size (in bytes) of each MIME type counted.
The option showlastmodification
displays the following fields:
these are for the most recently modified file.
For print filecouts, add additional columns of data from the command line to the output:
addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>
- Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output
See Select files for Display file counts, list, tree
Use the excludetrashed
option to suppress counting files in the trash.
By default, file counts for individual users are displayed; the summary
option offers alternatives
that can display a summarization of file counts across all users specified in the command.
- No summary is displayed; this is the default -
- Only the summary is displayed, no individual user file counts are displayed -
- The summary is displayed in addition to the individual user file counts
The summaryuser <String>
option replaces the default summary user Summary
with <String>
Show file counts for a user.
$ gam user testuser@domain.com show filecounts showsize
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 261 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com...
User: testuser@domain.com, Drive Files/Folders: 261, Size: 13822521
application/octet-stream: 8
application/pdf: 1
application/vnd.google-apps.document: 98
application/vnd.google-apps.drawing: 2
application/vnd.google-apps.drive-sdk.423565144751: 1
application/vnd.google-apps.folder: 68
application/vnd.google-apps.form: 3
application/vnd.google-apps.jam: 1
application/vnd.google-apps.presentation: 1
application/vnd.google-apps.shortcut: 14
application/vnd.google-apps.site: 1
application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet: 24
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet: 1
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document: 3
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template: 1
application/x-gzip: 4
application/zip: 2
image/jpeg: 8
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: 1
text/csv: 2
text/plain: 13
text/rtf: 3
text/x-sh: 1
Show file counts for a user including sizes for each MIME type.
$ gam user testuser@domain.com show filecounts showmimetypesize
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 261 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com...
User: testuser@domain.com, Drive Files/Folders: 261, Size: 13822521
application/octet-stream: 8, 17
application/pdf: 1, 9879
application/vnd.google-apps.document: 98, 52858
application/vnd.google-apps.drawing: 2, 2048
application/vnd.google-apps.drive-sdk.423565144751: 1, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.folder: 68, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.form: 3, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.jam: 1, 1024
application/vnd.google-apps.presentation: 1, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.shortcut: 14, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.site: 1, 0
application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet: 24, 11264
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet: 1, 8157
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document: 3, 34407
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template: 1, 25906
application/x-gzip: 4, 2768
application/zip: 2, 765
image/jpeg: 8, 16498
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop: 1, 13613198
text/csv: 2, 397
text/plain: 13, 41461
text/rtf: 3, 1738
text/x-sh: 1, 136
Print file counts for a user.
$ gam user testuser@domain.com print filecounts showsize
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 261 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com...
Print file counts for a user including sizes for each MIME type.
$ gam user testuser@domain.com print filecounts showmimetypesize
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 261 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com...
Print file counts for a Shared Drive
$ gam user testuser@domain.com print filecounts select <SharedDriveID> showsize
Getting all Drive Files/Folders for testuser@domain.com
Got 261 Drive Files/Folders for testuser@domain.com...
User,id,name,Total,Size,Item cap,application/octet-stream,application/pdf,application/vnd.google-apps.document,application/vnd.google-apps.drawing,application/vnd.google-apps.drive-sdk.423565144751,application/vnd.google-apps.folder,application/vnd.google-apps.form,application/vnd.google-apps.jam,application/vnd.google-apps.presentation,application/vnd.google-apps.shortcut,application/vnd.google-apps.site,application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template,application/x-gzip,application/zip,image/jpeg,image/vnd.adobe.photoshop,text/csv,text/plain,text/rtf,text/x-sh
testuser@domain.com,0AMzwfhFBpwLHUkWXYZ,Shared Drive Name,261,13822521,3.45%,8,1,98,2,1,68,3,1,1,14,1,24,1,3,1,4,2,8,1,2,13,3,1
Get file count summaries by OU; top level selector is ou, sub level selectors are ou_and_children
gam redirect csv ./TopLevelOUs.csv print ous showparent toplevelonly parentselector ou childselector ou_and_children fields orgunitpath
gam redirect csv ./FileCounts.csv multiprocess csv ./TopLevelOUs.csv gam "~orgUnitSelector" "~orgUnitPath" print filecounts excludetrashed summary only summaryuser "~orgUnitPath"
Print or show the share type counts of a user's files. These fields are displayed:
- Owner - The file owner
- Total - Total number of files
- Shared - Number of files shared
- Shared External - Number of files shared externally
- Shared Internal - Number of files shared internally
- anyone - Number of ACLs of type anyone, allowFileDiscovery = True
- anyoneWithLink - Number of ACLs of type anyone, allowFileDiscovery = False
- externalDomain - Number of ACLs of type domain, external domains, allowFileDiscovery = True
- externalDomainWithLink - Number of ACLs of type domain, external domains, allowFileDiscovery = False
- internalDomain - Number of ACLs of type domain, internal domains, allowFileDiscovery = True
- internalDomainWithLink - Number of ACLs of type domain, internal domains, allowFileDiscovery = False
- externalGroup - Number of ACLs of type group, external domains
- internalGroup - Number of ACLs of type group, internal domains
- externalUser - Number of ACLs of type user, external domains
- internalUser - Number of ACLs of type user, internal domains
- deletedGroup - Number of ACLs to a deleted group
- deletedUser - Number of ACLs to a deleted user
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filesharecounts [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[internaldomains <DomainNameList>]
[summary none|only|plus] [summaryuser <String>]
gam <UserTypeEntity> show filesharecounts
[internaldomains <DomainNameList>]
[summary none|only|plus] [summaryuser <String>]
By default, print|show filesharecounts displays share type counts of all files owned by the specified <UserTypeEntity>
Use the excludetrashed
option to suppress counting files in the trash.
By default, internaldomains <DomainNameList>
defaults to your primary domain; if you have other domains that
you consider internal, list all of them in <DomainNameList>
By default, share type counts for individual users are displayed; the summary
option offers alternatives
that can display a summarization of share type counts across all users specified in the command.
- No summary is displayed; this is the default -
- Only the summary is displayed, no individual user share type counts are displayed -
- The summary is displayed in addition to the individual user share type counts
The summaryuser <String>
option replaces the default summary user Summary
with <String>
$ gam users testuser0,testuser1 show filesharecounts
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com (1/2)
Got 100 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
Got 200 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
Got 251 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
User: testuser0@domain.com, Drive File/Folder: 251 (1/2)
Total: 251
Shared: 124
Shared External: 27
Shared Internal: 114
anyone: 2
anyoneWithLink: 7
externalDomain: 1
externalDomainWithLink: 2
internalDomain: 1
internalDomainWithLink: 8
externalGroup: 1
internalGroup: 5
externalUser: 17
internalUser: 167
deletedGroup: 0
deletedUser: 0
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com (2/2)
Got 100 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com...
Got 186 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com...
User: testuser1@domain.com, Drive File/Folder: 186 (2/2)
Total: 186
Shared: 85
Shared External: 27
Shared Internal: 72
anyone: 2
anyoneWithLink: 5
externalDomain: 0
externalDomainWithLink: 1
internalDomain: 4
internalDomainWithLink: 37
externalGroup: 0
internalGroup: 14
externalUser: 20
internalUser: 44
deletedGroup: 0
deletedUser: 0
$ gam users testuser0,testuser1 print filesharecounts summary plus
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com (1/2)
Got 100 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
Got 200 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
Got 251 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser0@domain.com...
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com (2/2)
Got 100 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com...
Got 186 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners) for testuser1@domain.com...
Owner,Total,Shared,Shared External,Shared Internal,anyone,anyoneWithLink,externalDomain,externalDomainWithLink,internalDomain,internalDomainWithLink,externalGroup,internalGroup,externalUser,internalUser,deletedGroup,deletedUser
Display a list of file/folder names indented to show structure.
<FileTreeFieldName> ::=
<FileTreeFieldNameList> ::= "<FileTreeFieldName>(,<FileTreeFieldName>)*"
gam <UserTypeEntity> print filetree [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[select <DriveFileEntity> [selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>]
[depth <Number>]]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>] [showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size] [minimumfilesize <Integer>] [maximumfilesize <Integer>]
[filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>]
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchMode>] [<PermissionMatchAction>]
[fields <FileTreeFieldNameList>]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])* [delimiter <Character>]
[noindent] [stripcrsfromname]
gam <UserTypeEntity> show filetree
[select <DriveFileEntity> [selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>]
[depth <Number>]]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>] [showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size] [minimumfilesize <Integer>] [maximumfilesize <Integer>]
[filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>]
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchMode>] [<PermissionMatchAction>]
[fields <FileTreeFieldNameList>]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])* [delimiter <Character>]
By default, the file tree starting at the root and all orphans are shown.
See Select files for Display file counts, list, tree
You can specify a specific folder from which to select files.
[select <DriveFileEntity> [selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>]
[depth <Number>]]
select <DriveFileEntity>
- All files in the selected folder and below are shown. -
selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>
- Only the files in the selected folder that match the query are shown.
The depth <Number>
argument controls which files or folders within a selected folder are listed.
depth -1
- all files and folders in the selected folder and below are listed; this is the default. -
depth 0
- the files or folders within a selected folder are listed, no descendants are listed. -
depth N
- the files and folders within the selected folder and those files and folders N levels below the selected folder are listed.
By default, only the file/folder name is displayed; use the following options to display additional fields.
fields <FileTreeFieldNameList>
- Display the selected fields. -
delimiter <Character>
- If any field has multiple values, separate them with<Character>
; the default value iscsv_output_field_delimiter
For fields explicitlytrashed
and trashed
, only True values are shown with show filetree
; True and False values are shown with print filetree
For print filetree
, use the noindent
option to eliminate the indentation in front of the file name.
The stripcrsfromname
option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names.
This option is special purpose and will not generally be used.
Show full file tree including the file id and MIME type:
gam user testuser show filetree fields id,mimetype
Show file tree starting at the folder named "Middle Folder" and 2 levels deeper
gam user testuser show filetree select drivefilename "Middle Folder" depth 2
Print the parent tree of file/folder.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print fileparenttree <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
# My Drive file
$ gam user user@domain.com print fileparenttree 1tDGtnaBXc1qx_9NjBSZOUUNZ7FoRc2u6
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 File Parent Tree
user@domain.com,1tDGtnaBXc1qx_9NjBSZOUUNZ7FoRc2u6,Bottom Folder,1HvAJtmQ2KZrKJhzY8aeZVScHhZ3HBJLp,4,False
user@domain.com,1HvAJtmQ2KZrKJhzY8aeZVScHhZ3HBJLp,Middle Folder,1CVqOJJLNQtxX4QEPdpDfbkjiq1oUsxne,3,False
user@domain.com,0AHYenC8f12ALUk9PVA,My Drive,,1,True
# Shared Drive file
$ gam user user@domain.com print fileparenttree 1kAHa7Q801KXRF1DfoofNlW05UWDzddhVP_u_L2xGfFQ
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 File Parent Tree
user@domain.com,1kAHa7Q801KXRF1DfoofNlW05UWDzddhVP_u_L2xGfFQ,Middle Doc,1DShPJ6iG1TnNsgiBn-Oy1OVE2BahYlPr,4,False
user@domain.com,1DShPJ6iG1TnNsgiBn-Oy1OVE2BahYlPr,Middle Folder,1s3g64uWfuQrpXRPf82B-bWCB5VuyrOmQ,3,False
user@domain.com,1s3g64uWfuQrpXRPf82B-bWCB5VuyrOmQ,Top Folder,0AL5LiIe4dqxZUk9PVA,2,False
user@domain.com,0AL5LiIe4dqxZUk9PVA,TS Shared Drive 1,,1,True
# Shared with Me file
$ gam user user@domain.com print fileparenttree 1S2D97pyG1vAil4hgNnGGLD2ldCwTOzXUM9D7XbeUv0s
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 File Parent Tree
Display a list of file/folder details in CSV format.
gam <UserTypeEntity> print|show filelist [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[((query <QueryDriveFile>) | (fullquery <QueryDriveFile>) | <DriveFileQueryShortcut>)
(querytime<String> <Time>)*]
[continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>]]
[choose <DriveFileNameEntity>|<DriveFileEntityShortcut>]
[corpora <CorporaAttribute>]
[select <DriveFileEntity> [selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>]
[(norecursion [<Boolean>])|(depth <Number>)] [showparent]]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[showmimetype [not] <MimeTypeList>] [showmimetype category <MimeTypeNameList>] [mimetypeinquery [<Boolean>]]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size] [minimumfilesize <Integer>] [maximumfilesize <Integer>]
[filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>]
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchMode>] [<PermissionMatchAction>] [pmfilter] [oneitemperrow]
[maxfiles <Integer>] [nodataheaders <String>]
[countsonly [summary none|only|plus] [summaryuser <String>]
[showsource] [showsize] [showmimetypesize]]
[filepath|fullpath [folderpathonly [<Boolean>]] [pathdelimiter <Character>] [addpathstojson] [showdepth]] [buildtree]
[allfields|<DriveFieldName>*|(fields <DriveFieldNameList>)]
[showdrivename] [showshareddrivepermissions]
[(showlabels details|ids)|(includelabels <ClassificationLabelIDList>)]
[showparentsidsaslist] [showpermissionslast]
(orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])* [delimiter <Character>]
(addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*
[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
By default, print filelist
displays all files owned by the specified <UserTypeEntity>
The option continueoninvalidquery [<Boolean>] can be used in special cases where a query of the form
query "'labels/mRoha85IbwCRl490E00xGLvBsSbkwIiuZ6PRNNEbwxyz' in labels" causes Google to issue an error
saying that the query is invalid when, in fact, it is but the user does not have a license that suppprts drive file labels.
When continueoninvalidquery
is true, GAM prints an error message and proceeds to the next user rather that terminating
as it does now. Of course, if the query really is invalid, you will get the message for every user.
When allfields
is specified (or no fields are specified), use showshareddrivepermissions
to display permissions
when shared drives are queried/selected. In this case, the Drive API returns the permission IDs
but not the permissions themselves so GAM makes an additional API call per file to get the permissions.
By default, when showimimetype
and filepath|fullpath
are both specified, GAM locally filters files by MimeType;
this may be slow if the user has a large number of files. Adding the option mimetypeinquery
or mimetypeinquery true
causes GAM to have Google filter files by MimeType; this will increase performance.
See Select files for Display file counts, list, tree
Select a subset of files by pre-defined queries.
These options define a complete query, eliminating the initial "me
in owners".
<DriveFileNameEntity> ::=
(anyname <DriveFileName>) | (anyname:<DriveFileName>) |
(anydrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (anydrivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
(name <DriveFileName>) | (name:<DriveFileName>) |
(drivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (drivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
(othername <DriveFileName>) | (othername:<DriveFileName>) |
(otherdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (otherdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)
<DriveFileEntityShortcut> ::=
alldrives |
mydrive |
mydrive_any |
mydrive_me |
mydrive_others |
mydrive_with_orphans |
onlyteamdrives|onlyshareddrives |
orphans |
ownedby_any |
ownedby_me |
ownedby_others |
root |
root_with_orphans |
sharedwithme |
sharedwithme_mydrive |
choose <DriveFileNameEntity>|<DriveFileEntityShortcut>
Definition of <DriveFileEntityShortcut>
- All files accessible by the user;My Drive
including orphans,Shared with me
,Shared drives
- All files inMy Drive
excluding orphans; ownership controlled byshowownedby
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans owned by anyone -
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans owned by the user;'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
excluding orphans owned by others;not 'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans; ownership controlled byshowownedby
- All files inShared drives
accessible by the user -
- All files inShared drives
accessible by the user -
- All files inMy Drive
whose parentage doesn't lead toMy Drive
;'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans andShared with me
owned by anyone -
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans owned by the user;'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
excluding orphans andShared with me
owned by others;not 'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
excluding orphans; ownership controlled byshowownedby
- All files inMy Drive
including orphans; ownership controlled byshowownedby
- All files inMy Drive
andShared with me
owned by others;not 'me' in owners
- All files inMy Drive
owned by others;not 'me' in owners
- All files inShared with me
but not inMy Drive
;not 'me' in owners
Use the following option to select a subset of files based on their permissions.
<PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchAction>]
- Use permission matching to select files
You can limit the selection for files on a specific Shared drive. Any query will be applied to the Shared drive.
select <SharedDriveEntity>
You can specify a specific folder from which to select files.
select <DriveFileEntity> [selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>]
[norecursion|(depth <Number>)] [showparent]
These options can be used instead of the query options to select a specific folder to display.
select <DriveFileEntity>
- All files in the selected folder and below are shown.- To select the root folder of My Drive, use its
obtained bygam user <UserItem> show fileinfo root id
select <IDfrom Above>
- Starting in version 6.22.14, you can select the root folder of My Drive with
.select rootid
- To select the root folder of My Drive, use its
selectsubquery <QueryDriveFile>
- Only the files in the selected folder that match the query are shown.
The norecursion
and depth <Number>
arguments control which files or folders within a selected folder are listed.
ornorecursion true
- no files and folders in the selected folder and below are listed -
depth -1
- all files and folders in the selected folder and below are listed; this is the default. -
depth 0
- the files or folders within the selected folder are listed, no descendants are listed. -
depth N
- the files and folders within the selected folder and those files and folders N levels below the selected folder are listed.
By default, when a folder is selected, only its contents are displayed.
- The selected folder is also displayed.
If no query or select is performed, use these options to get file path information:
- For files and folders, display the full path(s) to them starting at the root (My Drive) -
- When this option andformatjson
are specified, the path information will be included in the JSON data rather than as additional columns -
addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>
- Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output
When used with filepath
or fullpath
, showdepth
will display a depth
Files/folders directly in My Drive
are at depth 0, the depth increases by 1
for each containing folder.
If a query or select is performed, use these options to get file path information:
- For files, no path information is shown; for folders, the paths of all of its children are shown starting at the selected folder -
- For files and folders, display the full path(s) to them starting at the root (My Drive or Shared Drive) -
- When this option andformatjson
are specified, the path information will be included in the JSON data rather than as additional columns
By default, the path to a file includes the file name as the last element of the path.
Use folderpathonly
to display only the folder names when displaying the path to a file. This folder only path
an be used in gam <UserTypeEntity> create drivefolderpath
to recreate the folder hierarchy.
By default, file path components are separated by /
; use pathdelimiter <Character>
to use <Character>
as the separator.
By default, only the fields id
and webViewLink
are displayed.
- Display all file fields -
- Select individual fields for display -
fields <DriveFieldNameList>
- Select a list of fields for display -
orderby <DriveFileOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
- Select the order in which the files are displayed -
delimiter <Character>
- Specifiy the<Character>
to separate items in the fields:parentsIds, permissionIds, spaces
; the default value iscsv_output_field_delimiter
When allfields
is specified, use showdrivename
to display Shared(Team) Drive names.
An additional API call is required to get each Shared(Team) Drive name; the names are cached so there is only one additional
API call per Shared(Team) Drive.
By default, when file parents are displayed, the columns displayed are:
The parents
column indicates the number of parents a file has and there are discrete entries for each parent.
The showparentsidsaslist
option changes the output to be only two columns:
The parents
column indicates the number of parents a file has and the parentsIds
column is a list of the parent IDs
separated by delimiter <Character>
; the default value is csv_output_field_delimiter
from gam.cfg
There is no isRoot
information displayed. This option allows you to reference all of a files parents with
addparents <DriveFolderIDList>
or removeparents <DriveFolderIDList>
wn updating a file.
By default, no Drive Label information is displayed. Use the following options to display this information; an API call per file is required to get the information.
showlabels details
The columns displayed are:
The labels
column indicates the number of drive labels a file has and there are discrete entries for each label.
showlabels ids
The labels
column indicates the number of drive labels a file has and the labelsIds
column is a list of the drive label IDs
separated by delimiter <Character>
; the default value is csv_output_field_delimiter
from gam.cfg
By default, all ACLS are displayed; use the following option in conjunction with <PermissionMatch>* [<PermissionMatchAction>]
to select a subset of files based on their permissions and to display only those permissions.
- Use permission matching to display a subset of the ACLs for each file
By default, all ACLs are displayed sorted with the other fields, the showpermissionslast
causes GAM to display all permissions
fields as the right-most columns in the CSV file. This option does not apply
when formatjson
is specified.
By default, all ACLs are displayed with the other file fields on a single row.
- Display each of a files ACls on a separate row with all of the other file fields. This produces a CSV file that can be used in subsequent commands without further script processing.
The countsonly
option doesn't display any indididual file data, it lists the total number of files that the user can access
and the mumber of files by MIME type.
The countsonly
suboption summary none|only|plus
specifies display of a summarization of file counts across all users specified in the command.
- No summary is displayed; this is the default -
- Only the summary is displayed, no individual user file counts are displayed -
- The summary is displayed in addition to the individual user file counts
The summaryuser <String>
option replaces the default summary user Summary
with <String>
The countsonly
suboption showsource
adds additional columns Source
and Name
that identify the top level folder ID and Name from which the counts are derived.
The countsonly
suboption showsize
adds an additional column Size
that indicates the total size (in bytes) of the files represented on the row.
The countsonly
suboption showmimetypesize
adds additional columns <MimeType>:Size
that indicate the total size (in bytes) of each MIME type.
By default, when countsonly
is specified, GAM applies config csv_output_row_filter
to the file details to select which files are counted.
Use the countsrowfilter
option to have GAM to apply config csv_output_row_filter
to the file counts rather than the file details.
The stripcrsfromname
option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names.
This option is special purpose and will not generally be used.
By default, Gam displays the information as columns of fields; the following option causes the output to be in JSON format,
- Display the fields in JSON format.
By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote "
. The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain
the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled.
When using the formatjson
option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output.
The quotechar <Character>
option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output.
defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char
. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote "
should be used.
List all files/folders owned by the user:
gam user testuser print filelist
List all files/folders owned by the user that begin with the word 'Test':
gam user testuser print filelist query "title contains 'Test'"
List all files/folders owned by any user that are starred and have been modified in the last year:
gam user testuser print filelist fullquery "starred = true and modifiedTime >= '#querytimelastyear#'" querytimelastyear -1y
List the file with the most recent modification date:
gam user testuser print filelist orderby modifiedtime descending maxfiles 1
List the file with the oldest modification date:
gam user testuser print filelist orderby modifiedtime ascending maxfiles 1
List all files/folders without a parent, owned by anyone, do not show their descendants:
gam user testuser print filelist select orphans showownedby any depth 0
List all files/folders and their descendents, owned by the user, in the folder 'Top Folder':
gam user testuser print filelist select drivefilename 'Top Folder' showownedby me
List all files whose name ends in ".exe" that are in the folder named "Folder Name" and its sub-folders:
gam user testuser print filelist select drivefilename "Folder Name" filenamematchpattern ".*\.exe"
If you only want files whose name ends in ".exe" that are directly in the folder named "Folder Name":
gam user testuser print filelist select drivefilename "Folder Name" depth 0 filenamematchpattern ".*\.exe"
List all Meet recordings older than 30 days.
gam user testuser print filelist select drivefilename "Meet Recordings" querytime30d -30d selectsubquery "modifiedTime<'#querytime30d#'"
List all files owned by the user and shared with others; i.e., files with ACLs with a role other than owner.
gam user testuser print filelist fields id,name,basicpermissions pm not role owner em
List all files owned by the user and shared with others; i.e., files with ACLs with a role other than owner. Display a separate row for each ACL.
gam user testuser print filelist fields id,name,basicpermissions pm not role owner em onitemperrow
List all files owned by the user and shared with others; i.e., files with ACLs with a role other than owner. Display a separate row for each ACL; only display the matching ACLS.
gam user testuser print filelist fields id,name,basicpermissions pm not role owner em onitemperrow pmfilter
List a user's shortcuts and information about the target files.
gam redirect csv ./TSShortcuts.csv user user@domain.com print filelist fields id,name,parents,shortcutdetails showmimetype gshortcut
For each shortcut, get the target file information; add the shortcut id, name and parent to the output
gam redirect csv ./TSShortcutFiles.csv multiprocess csv ./TSShortcuts.csv gam user user@domain.com print filelist select "~shortcutDetails.targetId" norecursion showownedby any
fields id,name,mimetype,parents,owners.emailaddress addcsvdata shortcut.id "~id" addcsvdata shortcut.name "~name" addcsvdata shortcut.parents "~parents.0.id"
Display file counts for users with files of size greater that 100MB, csv_output_row_filter
is applied to the file details.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "size:count>100000000" all users print filelist countsonly fields size
Display file counts for users with more than 100 video/mp4
files, csv_output_row_filter
is applied to the file counts.
gam config csv_output_row_filter "video/mp4:count>100" csv_output_header_filter "Owner,video/mp4" all users print filelist countsonly countsrowfilter
All files, no file path
$ gam user testuser print filelist title
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 11 Drive Files/Folders for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder
No select
or query
, filepath
and fullpath
give same result
$ gam user testuser print filelist title filepath
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 11 Drive Files/Folders for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder,1,My Drive/Top Folder
$ gam user testuser print filelist title fullpath
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners) for testuser@domain.com
Got 11 Drive Files/Folders for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder,1,My Drive/Top Folder
Select a folder, no file path
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11
Select a folder, no file path, show parent (selected) folder
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder" showparent
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11
Select a folder, partial file path
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder" filepath
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
Select a folder, partial file path, show parent (selected) folder
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder" filepath showparent
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder,1,Top Folder
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
Select a folder, full file path
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder" fullpath
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
Select a folder, full file path, show parent (selected) folder
$ gam user testuser print filelist title select drivefilename "Top Folder" fullpath showparent
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and title = 'Top Folder') for testuser@domain.com
Got 1 Drive File/Folder for testuser@domain.com...
testuser@domain.com,Top Folder,1,My Drive/Top Folder
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 2,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 22,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 22/Bottom Doc 22
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Doc 21,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 2/Bottom Folder 21/Bottom Doc 21
testuser@domain.com,Middle Folder 1,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 12,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 12/Bottom Sheet 12
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Folder 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11
testuser@domain.com,Bottom Sheet 11,1,My Drive/Top Folder/Middle Folder 1/Bottom Folder 11/Bottom Sheet 11
The Drive API doesn't support querying for a drive label, so GAM must do the filtering.
Get the label id.
gam show drivelabels
Find the label with properties:title: XXX where XXX is the desired label title, then get its id: value
List the files with the label
gam config csv_output_row_filter "labels:count>0" user user@domain.com print filelist fields id,name,mimetype showlabels ids includelabels PutLabelIdHere
List the files without the label
gam config csv_output_row_filter "labels:count=0" user user@domain.com print filelist fields id,name,mimetype showlabels ids includelabels PutLabelIdHere
Adjust the fields
list as desired.
When you execute a gam print filelist
command with a query or permission match, there may be no files output;
in this case, there is only a header row: Owner
. Subsequent gam commands to process the file will fail.
$ gam redirect csv ./Files.csv user user@domain.com print filelist query "name contains 'abcd'" fields id,name
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com...
$ more Files.csv
$ gam csv Files.csv gam user "~Owner" show fileinfo "~id" permissions
Command: /Users/admin/bin/gam csv Files.csv gam user "~Owner" show fileinfo >>>~id<<< permissions
ERROR: Header "id" not found in CSV headers of "Owner".
Help: Syntax in file /Users/admin/bin/gam/GamCommands.txt
Help: Documentation is at /~https://github.com/GAM-team/GAM/wiki
Now, the fields you select will be output on the header row and the subsequent command will not fail.
$ gam redirect csv ./Files.csv user user@domain.com print filelist query "name contains 'abcd'" fields id,name
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com...
$ more Files.csv
$ gam csv Files.csv gam user "~Owner" show fileinfo "~id" permissions
If you specify allfields
, a predefined set of headers are output.
$ gam redirect csv ./Files.csv user user@domain.com print filelist query "name contains 'abcd'" allfields
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com...
$ more Files.csv
You can also specify the headers you want in the case that there are no files selected; your script could test for this value.
$ gam redirect csv ./Files.csv user user@domain.com print filelist query "name contains 'abcd'" allfields nodataheaders "BadNews-NoData"
Getting all Drive Files/Folders that match query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com
Got 0 Drive Files/Folders that matched query ('me' in owners and name contains 'abcd') for user@domain.com...
$ more Files.csv
gam <UserTypeEntity> print diskusage <DriveFileEntity> [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)]
[sizefield quotabytesused|size]
[pathdelimiter <Character>] [excludetrashed] [stripcrsfromname]
(addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>)*
[noprogress] [show all|summary|summaryandtrash]
For each folder in <DriveFileEntity>
, the following items are displayed:
- The email address of the user in<UserTypeEntity>
- The email address of the owner of the folder; omitted when displaying disk usage on Shared Drives -
- True if the folder is owned byUser
, False otherwise; omitted when displaying disk usage on Shared Drives -
- The folder ID -
- The Folder name -
- True if the folder has been trashed, either explicitly or from a trashed parent folder, False otherwise -
- True if the folder has been explicitly trashed, as opposed to recursively trashed from a parent folder, False otherwise -
- The number of files directly in the folder -
- The sum of the sizes of the files directly in the folder -
- The number of folders directly in the folder -
- The number of files directly in the folder and all of its subfolders -
- The sum of the sizes of the files directly in the folder and all of its subfolders -
- The number of folders directly in the folder and all of its subfolders -
- The depth of the folder-
- The top level folder -
- Immediate children of the top level folder -
- Immediate children of level 0 folders
- The path of the folder
There is a final row detailing files and folders in the trash; it is omitted if excludetrashed
or show summary
are specified.
- The email address of the user in<UserTypeEntity>
- The email address of the user in<UserTypeEntity>
- True -
- Trash -
- Trash -
- True if there are any items in the trash -
- True if any items have been explicitly trashed -
- The number of explicitly trashed files -
- The sum of the sizes of the explicitly trashed files -
- The number of explicitly trashed folders -
- The number of files in the trash -
- The sum of the sizes of the files in the trash -
- The number of folders in the trash -
- Always -1 -
- Trash
GAM version 6.71.17
added the depth
column that can be used to filter the depth of the folders displayed.
Depth -1
is the top level folder, depth 0
are its immediate children, depth 2
are the children of depth 1
and so forth.
For example to limit the display to the top folder and its immediate children, use config csv_output_row_filter depth:count<1
By default, files owned by the user are counted. These options update the current query with the desired ownership.
showownedby me
- Count files owned by the user; this is the default -
showownedby any
- Count files accessible by the user -
showownedby others
- Count files not owned by the user
All folders are counted, regardless of ownership.
By default, file path components are separated by /
; use pathdelimiter <Character>
to use <Character>
as the separator.
Use the excludetrashed
option to suppress counting files and folders in the trash.
The stripcrsfromname
option strips nulls, carriage returns and linefeeds from drive file names.
Use this option if you discover filenames containing these special characters; it is not common.
Add additional columns of data from the command line to the output:
addcsvdata <FieldName> <String>
By default, progress messages are displayed for each folder, use noprogress
to suppress these messages.
Use the show
option to control the display of data:
show all
- Display a row for every folder in<DriveFileEntity>
and a row detailing items in the trash whenexcludetrashed
is omitted. This is the default. -
show summary
- Display a single row for the first folder in<DriveFileEntity>
show summaryandtrash
- Display a single row for the first folder in<DriveFileEntity>
and a row detailing items in the trash whenexcludetrashed
is omitted.
$ gam redirect csv ./MyDriveUsage.csv user user@domain.com print diskusage mydrive
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 Drive Disk Usage
$ more MyDriveUsage.csv
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,012YenC8f12ALUk9PVA,My Drive,,False,False,100,138212,24,167,189598,79,-1,My Drive
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,456YenC8f12ALfndaQ1NHc0RtUG92Y1BIUUl4bjVBRmNkWG5oakNqVVFDcXJWOHNmdFlwZmc,Classroom,True,False,False,0,0,15,9,6840,17,0,My Drive/Classroom
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,0B3YenC8f12ALfmRuX3I4WFlqaTRnMGhXNkVvWV9UUG1zRDQwY1BwVkJhUGx5WHVIcjJKZUU,TestUpdate,True,False,False,2,3420,0,2,3420,0,1,My Drive/Classroom/TestUpdate
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,1MT5xJ897oYa0Q2OuzBDfLHvig6k_b0EKaovVA2imGYcnrmqZu5hjlJkEPMH-rHKj4qDyy9_j,TS Course,True,False,False,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,My Drive/Classroom/TS Course
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,1gsbqsbhhwBx9hCF0sqtE213tpUn6Ebj2klLFhHb4xkzBKIdEFkvvwCVtZpYWPgOA796fIPEN,TS Course 2,True,False,False,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,My Drive/Classroom/TS Course 2
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,1bHS_Tp77W3KSGRNSs_jP1RhAJhIGRCaI,XferFolder,True,False,False,1,1024,0,1,1024,0,0,My Drive/XferFolder
$ gam config csv_output_row_filter "depth:count<1" redirect csv ./MyDriveUsage.csv user user@domain.com print diskusage mydrive
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 Drive Disk Usage
$ more MyDriveUsage.csv
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,012YenC8f12ALUk9PVA,My Drive,,False,False,100,138212,24,167,189598,79,-1,My Drive
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,456YenC8f12ALfndaQ1NHc0RtUG92Y1BIUUl4bjVBRmNkWG5oakNqVVFDcXJWOHNmdFlwZmc,Classroom,True,False,False,0,0,15,9,6840,17,0,My Drive/Classroom
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,1bHS_Tp77W3KSGRNSs_jP1RhAJhIGRCaI,XferFolder,True,False,False,1,1024,0,1,1024,0,0,My Drive/XferFolder
$ gam redirect csv ./MyDriveUsage.csv user user@domain.com print diskusage mydrive show summaryandtrash
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 Drive Disk Usage
$ more MyDriveUsage.csv
user@domain.com,user@domain.com,012YenC8f12ALUk9PVA,My Drive,,False,False,100,138212,24,167,189598,79,-1,My Drive
$ gam redirect csv ./MyDriveUsage.csv user user@domain.com print diskusage shareddriveid 0AL5LiIe4dqxZUk9PVA show summaryandtrash
User: user@domain.com, Print 1 Drive Disk Usage
$ more MyDriveUsage.csv
user@domain.com,0125LiIe4dqxZUk9PVA,TS Shared Drive 1,False,False,16,6144,7,42,73799,25,-1,SharedDrives/TS Shared Drive 1
Ths requires version 6.80.13 or later.
You can display files published to the web.
# Get the published files
gam config csv_output_header_filter "Owner,id,revisions.0.published,revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain" csv_output_row_filter "revisions.0.published:boolean:true" auto_batch_min 1 num_threads 20 redirect csv ./PublishedDocs.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess <UserTypeEntity> print filerevisions my_publishable_items select last 1
# Get the files name, MIMEtype and path
gam redirect csv ./PublishedDocsWithName.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess csv ./PublishedDocs.csv gam user "~Owner" print filelist select "~id" fields id,name,mimetype fullpath addcsvdata published "~revisions.0.published" addcsvdata publishedOutsideDomain "~revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain"
You can display files published to the web internally for your domain only.
# Get the internally only published files
gam config csv_output_header_filter "Owner,id,revisions.0.published,revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain" csv_output_row_filter "revisions.0.published:boolean:true,revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain:boolean:false" auto_batch_min 1 num_threads 20 redirect csv ./PublishedDocs.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess <UserTypeEntity> print filerevisions my_publishable_items select last 1
# Get the files name, MIMEtype and path
gam redirect csv ./PublishedDocsWithName.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess csv ./PublishedDocs.csv gam user "~Owner" print filelist select "~id" fields id,name,mimetype fullpath addcsvdata published "~revisions.0.published" addcsvdata publishedOutsideDomain "~revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain"
You can display files published to the web externally outside of your domain.
# Get the externally published files
gam config csv_output_header_filter "Owner,id,revisions.0.published,revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain" csv_output_row_filter "revisions.0.published:boolean:true,revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain:boolean:true" auto_batch_min 1 num_threads 20 redirect csv ./PublishedDocs.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess <UserTypeEntity> print filerevisions my_publishable_items select last 1
# Get the files name, MIMEtype and path
gam redirect csv ./PublishedDocsWithName.csv multiprocess redirect stderr - multiprocess csv ./PublishedDocs.csv gam user "~Owner" print filelist select "~id" fields id,name,mimetype fullpath addcsvdata published "~revisions.0.published" addcsvdata publishedOutsideDomain "~revisions.0.publishedOutsideDomain"
Need more help? Ask on the GAM Discussion Group
oUpdate History
- How to Install GAM7
- How to Upgrade GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
- How to Upgrade Legacy GAM to GAM7
- How to Update GAM7
- Verifying a GAM7 Build is Legitimate and Official
- Install GAM as Python Library
- GAM7 on Chrome OS Devices
- GAM7 on Android Devices
- Google Network Addresses
- HTTPS Proxy
- SSL Root CA Certificates
- How to Uninstall GAM7
- Authorization
- GAM Configuration
- Running GAM7 securely on a Google Compute Engine
- Using GAM7 with a delegated admin service account
- Using GAM7 with a YubiKey
- GAM with minimal GCP rights
Notes and Information
- Upgrade Benefits
- Questions? Visit the GAM Discussion Forum
- GAM Public Chat Room
- Scripts
- Other Resources
- Drive REST API v3
- BNF Syntax
- GAM Return Codes
- Python Regular Expressions
- Rclone
Command Processing
- Bulk Processing
- Command Line Parsing
- Command Logging and Progress
- Command data from Google Docs/Sheets/Storage
- CSV Special Characters
- CSV Input Filtering
- CSV Output Filtering
- Meta Commands and File Redirection
- Permission matches
- Tag Replace
- Todrive
Client Access
- Addresses
- Administrators
- Alert Center
- Aliases
- Calendars
- Calendars - Access
- Calendars - Events
- Chrome Auto Update Expiration Counts
- Chrome Browser Cloud Management
- Chrome Device Needs Attention Counts
- Chrome Installed Apps
- Chrome Policies
- Chrome Printers
- Chrome Profile Management
- Chrome Version Counts
- Chrome Version History
- ChromeOS Devices
- Classroom - Courses
- Classroom - Guardians
- Classroom - Invitations
- Classroom - Membership
- Cloud Channel
- Cloud Identity Devices
- Cloud Identity Groups
- Cloud Identity Groups - Membership
- Cloud Identity Policies
- Cloud Storage
- Context Aware Access Levels
- Customer
- Domains
- Domains - Verification
- Domain People - Contacts & Profiles
- Domain Shared Contacts - Global Address List
- Email Audit Monitor
- Find File Owner
- Google Data Transfers
- Groups
- Groups - Membership
- Inbound SSO
- Licenses
- Mobile Devices
- Organizational Units
- Reports
- Reseller
- Resources
- Send Email
- Schemas
- Shared Drives
- Sites
- Unmanaged Accounts
- Users
- Users - Application Specific Passwords
- Users - Backup Verification Codes
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - Contacts - Delegates
- Users - Deprovision
- Users - Group Membership
- Users - Photo
- Users - Profile Sharing
- Users - Signout and Turn off 2-Step Verification
- Users - Tokens
- Vault - Takeout
- Version and Help
Special Service Account Access
Service Account Access
- Users - Analytics Admin
- Users - Calendars
- Users - Calendars - Access
- Users - Calendars - Events
- Users - Chat
- Users - Classification Labels
- Users - Contacts
- Users - Drive - File Selection
- Users - Drive - Activity/Settings
- Users - Drive - Cleanup
- Users - Drive - Comments
- Users - Drive - Copy/Move
- Users - Drive - Files-Display
- Users - Drive - Files-Manage
- Users - Drive - Orphans
- Users - Drive - Ownership
- Users - Drive - Permissions
- Users - Drive - Query
- Users - Drive - Revisions
- Users - Drive - Shortcuts
- Users - Drive - Transfer
- Users - Forms
- Users - Gmail - Client Side Encryption
- Users - Gmail - Delegates
- Users - Gmail - Filters
- Users - Gmail - Forwarding
- Users - Gmail - Labels
- Users - Gmail - Messages/Threads
- Users - Gmail - Profile
- Users - Gmail - S/MIME
- Users - Gmail - SendAs/Signature/Vacation
- Users - Gmail - Settings
- Users - Keep - Notes
- Users - Looker Studio
- Users - Meet
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - People - Contacts & Profiles
- Users - Profile Photo
- Users - Shared Drives
- Users - Spreadsheets
- Users - Tasks
- Users - YouTube
GAM Tutorials
- Account Auditing
- Calendar Settings
- Chat Bot commands
- Chrome Browser Management
- Chrome Policy Settings
- Context Aware Access levels
- Data Transfers
- Domain Verification
- Google Drive Management
- Group Settings
- Inbound SSO Settings
- Managing Admins
- Managing Classroom
- Managing Custom User Schemas
- Managing Devices
- Managing Organizations
- Managing Product Licenses
- Managing Users, Groups, Aliases, Domains, Mobile and Chrome Devices, and Resource Calendars
- OAuth Authentication Related Commands
- Print Users, Groups, Aliases, Mobile and Chrome OS devices, OUs, Licenses and Reports
- Printers
- Unmanaged Users and Invitations
- User Email Settings
- User Security Settings