Provides an extensible Dependency Injection Service Container for Automated Object Composition, Interception, and Lifetime Management.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ghostwriter/container
Registering a service on the given container.
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private Dependency $dependency
) {}
public function dependency():Dependency
return $this->dependency;
$container = Container::getInstance();
$service = $container->get(Service::class);
assert($service instanceof Service); // true
assert($service->dependency() instanceof Dependency); // true
Registering services using attributes.
Registering a service on the container using attributes.
use Ghostwriter\Container\Attribute\Inject;
final readonly class Service
public function __invoke(
DependencyInterface $dependency
): Dependency
return $this->dependency;
// the above is equivalent to the following
// $container->alias(Dependency::class, DependencyInterface::class);
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private DependencyInterface $dependency
) {}
public function dependency():Dependency
return $this->dependency;
// the above is equivalent to the following
// $container->bind(Service::class, DependencyInterface::class, Dependency::class);
Registering a service factory on the container using attributes.
use Ghostwriter\Container\Attribute\Factory;
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private Dependency $dependency
) {}
public function dependency():Dependency
return $this->dependency;
// $container->factory(Service::class, ServiceFactory::class);
Registering a service extension on the container using attributes.
use Ghostwriter\Container\Attribute\Extension;
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private Dependency $dependency
) {}
public function dependency():Dependency
return $this->dependency;
// the above is equivalent to the following
// $container->extend(Service::class, ServiceExtension::class);
Registering a service provider on the container using attributes.
use Ghostwriter\Container\Attribute\Provider;
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private DependencyInterface $dependency
) {}
public function dependency():DependencyInterface
return $this->dependency;
// the above is equivalent to the following
// $container->provide(ServiceProvider::class);
Registering a service provider on the container.
interface TaskInterface {}
final readonly class Task implements TaskInterface {}
final class Tasks
private array $tasks = [];
public function addTask(TaskInterface $task)
$this->tasks[] = $task;
final readonly class TasksServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container)
$container->alias(Task::class, TaskInterface::class);
// "set" the service instance
$container->set(FirstTask::class, new FirstTask(), [Task::class]);
// "define" the service builder
$container->define(Tasks::class, static function (Container $container) {
/** @var Tasks $tasks */
$tasks = $container->build(Tasks::class);
foreach ($container->tagged(Task::class) as $service) {
return $tasks;
}, [Tasks::class, 'tasks']);
$service = $container->get(TaskInterface::class);
assert($service instanceof Task); // true
Registering a Contextual Bindings on the container.
interface ClientInterface {}
final readonly class RestClient implements ClientInterface {}
final readonly class GraphQLClient implements ClientInterface {}
final readonly class GitHub
public function __construct(
private ClientInterface $client
) {
public function getClient(): ClientInterface
return $this->client;
// When GitHub::class asks for ClientInterface::class, it would receive an instance of GraphQLClient::class.
$container->bind(GitHub::class, ClientInterface::class, GraphQLClient::class);
// When any other service asks for ClientInterface::class, it would receive an instance of RestClient::class.
$container->alias(ClientInterface::class, RestClient::class);
Registering a service extension on the container.
* @implements ExtensionInterface<GitHubClient>
final readonly class GitHubExtension implements ExtensionInterface
* @param GitHubClient $service
* @return GitHubClient
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, object $service): object
return $service;
$container->alias(GitHubClientInterface::class, GitHubClient::class);
$container->extend(GitHubClientInterface::class, $container->get(GitHubExtention::class));
Registering a service factory on the container.
final readonly class Dependency {}
final readonly class Service
public function __construct(
private Dependency $dependency
public function dependency():Dependency
return $this->dependency;
final readonly class ServiceFactory {
public function __invoke(Container $container): Service
return new Service($container->get(Dependency::class));
$container = Container::getInstance();
$container->factory(Service::class, ServiceFactory::class);
$service = $container->get(Service::class);
assert($service instanceof Service); // true
assert($service->dependency() instanceof Dependency); // true
composer test
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The BSD-3-Clause. Please see License File for more information.