All of my open-source projects are open to contributions, feedback, and suggestions.
If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute:
- Open an issue
- Submit a pull request
Managing hundreds of projects as a hobby is an incredible workload, and every contribution helps!
If you want to support me financially, become a sponsor.
- you are your only competition.
- if you don't like something, change it!
- knowledge should be freely accessible.
- privacy is a feature, not a product.
- security is a process, not a feature or a product.
- performance is a process, not a feature or a product.
- contributions must be attributed and or compensated.
- have the confidence to make impactful decisions that are selfish, your well-being is more important!
- good products fail because of bad marketing, awful products succeed with great marketing.
- AI processes input (your questions and data) and generates output based on patterns and algorithms.
State | Description |
(TAGGED) | Release 0.11.4 on carlosas/phpat (1 week ago) |
(TAGGED) | Release 5.0.3 on ghostwriter/event-dispatcher (1 week ago) |
(TAGGED) | Release 5.0.0 on ghostwriter/container (1 week ago) |
(TAGGED) | Release 2.0.0 on ghostwriter/result (3 weeks ago) |
(TAGGED) | Release 2.0.0 on ghostwriter/case-converter (3 weeks ago) |
(TAGGED) | Release 2.0.0 on ghostwriter/option (3 weeks ago) |
Repositories with "[WIP]" indicate that the project is currently under development, and it may not be ready for public consumption.
Repo | Description |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/uuid |
Provides sortable Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) using Unix timestamp. |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/testify |
Testify - Automated test Generation for PHP code. |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/cli |
[WIP]Provides a micro-framework for building CLI tools in PHP. |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/container |
Provides a Dependency Injection Service Container for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/phtml |
[WIP]A powerful PHP template engine designed to deliver high-performance, extensibility, and security. |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/phpt |
[WIP]Testing Framework for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/event-dispatcher |
Provides an Event Dispatcher implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/shell |
Execute commands and external programs effortlessly in PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/filesystem |
Filesystem implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/phormat |
[WIP] PHP code formatter. |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/handrail |
Safeguard PHP functions from redeclaration conflicts. |
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/wip |
Template for PHP projects |
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/option |
Provides an Option type implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/syntax |
[WIP]Lexical Analysis library for PHP (Tokenizer, Lexer, Parser, Generator) |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/changelog |
Manage project changelogs with GitHub Milestones, Issue Labels, and PR Labels, adhering to Keep a Changelog. |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/result |
Provides a Result type implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/clock |
Provides an immutable Clock implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/case-converter |
Convert strings from and to AdaCase, CamelCase, CobolCase, KebabCase, Lowercase, MacroCase, PascalCase, SentenceCase, SnakeCase, TitleCase, TrainCase, and Uppercase |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/config |
Provides an object that maps configuration keys to values. |
⭐️ (2) ghostwriter/collection |
Provides a Collection implementation for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/json |
Type safe JSON encoder and decoder for PHP |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/environment |
Provides Environment Variables derived from $_ENV and $_SERVER super-globals |
⭐️ (5) ghostwriter/atprotocol |
[WIP]Bluesky API Client for AT Protocol |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/psalm-plugin |
[WIP]Provides an ALL-IN-ONE plugin for Psalm |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/coding-standard |
PHP Coding Standard |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/compliance |
[WIP]Compliance Automation for OSS - GitHub Automation Tool - A solution for automated and scheduled execution of workflows via GitHub Action. |
⭐️ (0) BMHVillage/therapists |
Collection of therapists in Nashville, TN who are Black/African American, as well as therapists serving Black/African American communities. This publicly available information is gathered to support the promotion of healing for ourselves and others. #BlackLivesMatter |
⭐️ (10670) mockery/mockery |
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succinct API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL). |
⭐️ (1) ghostwriter/php |
Development and Production-ready PHP Alpine Images for Docker with Multi-Architecture support |
⭐️ (3) ghostwriter/psalm-sandbox |
Provides a framework for testing Psalm plugins with PHPUnit |
⭐️ (111) rectorphp/rector-src |
Development repository for Rector |
⭐️ (17181) nikic/PHP-Parser |
A PHP parser written in PHP |
⭐️ (921) MyIntervals/emogrifier |
Converts CSS styles into inline style attributes in your HTML code. |
⭐️ (1781) MyIntervals/PHP-CSS-Parser |
A Parser for CSS Files written in PHP. Allows extraction of CSS files into a data structure, manipulation of said structure and output as (optimized) CSS |
⭐️ (1142) carlosas/phpat |
✔️ PHP Architecture Tester - Easy architecture testing for PHP |
⭐️ (0) BMHVillage/.github | - Community-based Mental Health organization providing community healing as we fight for Black liberation. |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/.github |
community health files |
⭐️ (0) ghostwriter/psalm-phar-issues-17 |
⭐️ (2297) php/php-langspec |
PHP Language Specification |