You can install the package via composer:
composer require ghostwriter/coding-standard:dev-main --dev
composer ghostwriter:infection:run Run the project's Infection test suite
composer ghostwriter:infection:update-config Update the project's Infection configuration file
composer ghostwriter:phpunit:migrate Migrate the project's PHPUnit configuration to the latest version
composer ghostwriter:phpunit:test Run the project's PHPUnit test suite
composer ghostwriter:psalm Run Psalm to analyze the project's codebase
composer ghostwriter:psalm:baseline Use Psalm to create a baseline for the project's codebase
composer ghostwriter:psalm:update Use Psalm to update the baseline for the project's codebase
composer ghostwriter:psalm:security Use Psalm to analyze the project's codebase for security issues
Please see for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see LICENSE for more information on the license that applies to this project.
Please see for more information on security disclosure process.