It is one of the most popular languages for AI due to its simple syntax, wide variety of AI libraries (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, etc.), and a large developer community. But it is a fairly slow language, which means that when executing the code it will take a long time to finish.
I'm going to be programming in Python, and testing ways to reduce the execution time.
It is a standard for a message passing library, which aims to facilitate parallel programming in distributed environments, allowing multiple independent processes to communicate to solve tasks efficiently.
There are currently several implementations: Open MPI, MPICH , MVAPICH, IBM Platform MPI, Intel MPI. En este proyecto se usa mpi4py.
1 program executed in parallel. The same program is copied to all nodes. Each process has its own ID (Rank)
The main difference between shared memory and distributed lies in how memory resources are organized and managed in parallel computing systems. Shared memory has a single memory that is shared between all processes, having to execute techniques to guarantee synchronization. In its counterpart, distributed memory uses independent memories between each process, so these problems do not occur. However, communication between processes turns out to be more expensive in distributed systems.
Basic scheme to run a MPI program in Python:
from mpi4py import MPI # Al importar la biblioteca en Python se genera el Environment.
comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Communicator
status = MPI.Status() # Status
myrank = comm.Get_rank() # ID of each process
numProc = comm.Get_size() # Number of process
if myrank==0: # Master
# Load the data set. Divide and send them.
# Receive all processed data.
else: # Workers
# Receives the subset of data assigned by the Master.
# Process the data and sends them.
Directory with the code is HERE.
Unsupervised methods are machine learning algorithms that base their process on training with unlabeled data. This means, a priori, no objective value is known, whether categorical or numerical. The goal of this learning is to find patterns or structures in the data provided. These algorithms are useful in scenarios in which labeled data is scarce or unavailable.
In this project we are going to reduce the execution time of clustering techniques that are responsible for grouping individuals based on some measure of similarity. The implemented algorithms are the folowings:
PHASE 1: Create the initial distance matrix D. It is a symmetric matrix (it is only necessary one triangular matrix)
PHASE 2: Grouping of Individuals
o 2.1. Initial partition P0: Each object is a cluster
o 2.2. Calculate the following partition using the distance matrix D
Choose the two closest clusters. They will be the row and column of the minimum value in the matrix D
Group the two into a cluster. Eliminate the row and column of the greater index of the grouped clusters.
Generate the new distance matrix D.
• Update the row of the two clusters that are grouped together.
• Calculate the distance from the rest of the clusters to the new cluster
Repeat this step 2.2. until you have only one cluster with all the individuals
PHASE 3 (OPTIONAL): Represent the dendrogram.
The complexity with single and full links has a cubic cost O(N^3). There are more efficient implementations (N^2).
Split the matrix among all processes. The master process is responsible for managing communication between processes to divide the algorithm between them. Depending on the distance there are more or fewer implementations.
Distance by centroids:
Distances per simple/complete link, (greater complexity than the previous distance):
- The process that updates the row works alone.
- The process that updates the row works with all workers.
Directory with the code is HERE.
PHASE 1: Initialize the K centers of the clusters randomly.
• Generating random points in dimensional space
• Randomly selecting individuals
PHASE 2: Repeat this phase until the centers do not change.
o 2.1. (Assignment): Calculate the closest cluster for each individual.
Requires the use of a distance (usually Euclidean or Manhattan).
o 2.2. (Update): Calculate the new centers with the calculated assignment of the individuals.
It is calculated with the average of the values of the individuals in each cluster.
Since the clusters are generated randomly, it will not always give a good result the first time.
Therefore, it is advisable to run this algorithm several times to find the best assignment.
Divide the population of individuals among all processes. The master process is responsible for managing and calculating the new centers in each iteration.
Euclidean distance:
Manhattan distance:
For the search, a main loop is executed with the maximum number of centers that we want to study, that is, the algorithm is executed for the values of K between [2, K_max]. This main loop repeats 5 times to find the best assignment for each value of K. There are two implementations, the MPI strategy discussed in the previous subsection, or executing the sequential algorithm in several processes with different values of K, but same centers.
Directory with the code is HERE.
Se basa en experiencias y simulaciones, con prueba y error, recibiendo recompensas con las acciones tomadas (también pueden ser negativas). Nadie le dice al agente que hacer, éste toma las decisiones con diferentes estrategias. Se realiza una etapa de entrenamiento para que aprenda a moverse por el Environment, tomando las decisiones que maximicen las recompensas obtenidas en experiencias pasadas.
It is based on experiences and simulations, with trial and error, receiving rewards with the actions taken (they can also be negative). Nobody tells the agent what to do, he makes decisions with different strategies. A training stage is carried out so that it learns to move through the environment, making decisions that maximize the rewards obtained in past experiences.
The algorithms developed in this project are the following:
Mix between dynamic programming and Monte Carlo.
- R = Reward matrix.
- Q=Matrix (States x Actions). What action to choose in each state. (highest value)
For this algorithm it is a maze. The agent is trained to travel from a source point to a destination point in the fewest number of actions posible.
- α (learning rate): This hyper-parameter controls how much a new experience modifies.
- γ (factor de descuento): Represents how much importance we set on future rewards.
- ϵ (factor de exploración-explotación): This hyper-parameter controls the balance between exploration and exploitation. As further of the initial execution the agent is, the lower exploration actions are requiered and more exploitation to get more utility from our policy, so instead of using a fixed value, as trials increase, epsilon should decrease. At first, a high epsilon generates more episodes of exploration and at the end, a low epsilon exploits the learned knowledge.
The function used to store experiences in the Q-Table is the following:
Q(S, A) = (1−α)*Q(S, A) + α*(R(S, A) + γ*maxi Q(S’, Ai))
Being S the current state, A the action taken, S' the next state and Ai an action among all the agent's actions.
By dividing the maze between processes, each process controls an area, and a constant flow of episodes (algorithm iterations) is generated. When an agent leaves the domain of a process, it sends a message to the process that controls that part of the maze with the position in which it enters.
The master collects the experiences of the workers, averaging the Q-values obtained from the processes, thus calculating the best actions for each state.
Same as the previous improvement, but this time to find hyper-parameters. Each process executes different combinations and stores the results obtained in files (End, Loop, ...)
Directory with the code is HERE.
This algorithm combines neural networks with the basis of reinforcement learning, thus eliminating the Q-Table.
The structure of the neural network depends on the problem environment. The hidden layer values can be modified depending on the programmer's needs, but the input and output layer depends on the problem. The input is adapted to receive a state from the environment, such as an image represented as a matrix. The output of the network will have as many nodes as the agent has actions.
The game Pacman, designed by the company Namco, and in particular the Atari 2600 version. The game consists of collecting all the coins in the maze without being eaten by a ghost. We implement the game -from scratch- to shape the implementation according to our interests and make the DQN algorithm more efficient and simple.
- Gamma (discount factor [0, 1]). Used to know how much is subtracted from the acquired reward when performing an action in a state.
- Epsilon (exploration rate [0, 1]). Probability used to execute a random action or the best one so far.
- Learning rate (learning rate [0, 1]). For back propagation of neural networks. Essentially, it measures how much the node weights change upon failure.
In addition to these parameters, the algorithm has other variables to develop the neural networks.
- Epsilon decay. Used to not always use the same epsilon value. This variable marks how much the epsilon variable is reduced between episodes.
- Number of training examples (batch size}. Used to update the parameters of the neural network during a single training iteration.
- Hidden layer size. Set the number of neurons in each layer.
Same search strategy as used in the Q-Learning algorithm.
Same strategies as in the NeuralNetworks
Directory with the code is HERE.
Evolutionary programming is an optimization technique inspired by the theory of biological evolution. It is based on the concept of natural selection and evolution of populations to find solutions to complex problems.
A population is made up of individuals, which are subjected to evaluation, selection, crossing and mutation methods to, with the passage of generations, maximize or minimize a fitness value. An individual has a chromosome, which has one or more genes, which in turn each gene has one or more alleles. Individuals can be represented in the following ways:
- Binary: Each allele is one bit.
- Real: Each allele is a real number. These individuals are easier to handle.
- Trees: Each allele is a node of the tree.
population = init_population(size_population)
selection = select_population()
# Reproduction
population = cross_population(seleccion, prob_cruce)
population = mutate_population(seleccion, prob_muta)
The population is divided between the generated processes. The master is in charge of managing communications so that the population evolves.
The population is divided into subpopulations distributed among the executed processes, to, in parallel, evolve to the general population. The processes communicate from time to time to restart the populations with the best individuals from all the processes.
Each part of the algorithm is divided between processes. The master generates subpopulations, and the executed workers are in charge of evaluating, selecting, crossing and mutating the populations they receive from the previous process. Once they process the received data, they send it forward and wait to receive new data. Each process is responsible for a part, generating a constant flow of messages between the processes.
Directory with the code is HERE.
Simple but powerful. Very effective for classification and regression tasks. It is based on the idea that similar data points tend to group together in feature space. This algorithm belongs to the lazy or instance-based learning paradigm.
FASE 1: Inicializar las poblaciones categorizadas y a predecir, y la variable K
FASE 2: For each individual. Classify it alongside the categorized groups
o 2.1. Recorrer todos los individuos de la población categorizada, y almacenar las K individuos más cercanos.
o 2.2. Asignar el cluster con más repeticiones al individuo actual.
o 2.3. (opcional) Añadir el individuo actual a la población categorizada.
No hay una forma de determinar el mejor valor para k, por lo que hay que probar con varias ejecuciones.
Valores pequeños de K crea sonido.
Valores grandes con pocos datos hará que siempre sea la misma categoría
PHASE 1: Initialize the categorized and predicted populations, and the variable K
PHASE 2: For each individual. Classify it alongside the categorized groups
o 2.1. Loop through all the individuals in the categorized population, and store the K closest individuals.
o 2.2. Assign the cluster with the most repetitions to the current individual.
o 2.3. (optional) Add the current individual to the categorized population.
There is no way to determine the best value for k, so you have to execute the algorithm several times with different K values
Small values of K create sound.
Large values with a small dataset will always classify the same cluster
Las estrategias se dividen en dos principales implementaciones, actualizando la población categorizada conforme se categorizan nuevos individuos, o no actualizando. Si se actualiza se obtienen mejores resultados en cuanto a predicciones se refiere, pero el tiempo de ejecución es mucho mayor.
The strategies are divided into two main implementations, updating the categorized population as new individuals are categorized, or not updating. If it is updated, better results are obtained in terms of predictions, but the execution time is increased.
The categorized population is divided between the processes so that they work in parallel on the same individual. That is, each worker sends the K nearest neighbors of its categorized subpopulation. Without updating:
The population to be predicted is divided between the processes so that they work independently in parallel. That is, each worker sends a different individual to the master process when finishing a process. Does not update:
Directory with the code is HERE.
Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the functioning and structure of neurons in the human brain. Essentially, they consist of layers of interconnected nodes, called artificial neurons. The neural network is made up of the following layers:
- Input layer, in which there will be as many neurons as there are input variables in the prediction model.
- Hidden layer, represented with one or more internal layers. Each one contains a certain number of neurons.
- Output layer. As in the input, it will have a number of neurons related to the output variables.
Cada neurona hace una operación simple. Suma los valores de todas las neuronas de la columna anterior. Estos valores multiplicados por un peso que determina la importancia de conexión entre las dos neuronas. Todas las neuronas conectadas tienen un peso que irán cambiando durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Además, un valor bias puede ser añado al valor calculado. Con el valor calculado se aplica a una función de activación, para obtener el valor final.
Each neuron does a simple operation. Add the values of all the neurons in the previous column (layer). These values are multiplied by a weight that determines the importance of the connection between the two neurons. All connected neurons have a weight that will change during the learning process. Additionally, a bias value can be added to the calculated value. With the calculated value it is applied to an activation function, to obtain the final value.
Learning/training process:
PHASE 1: Initialize the neural network weights with the initialization data
PHASE 2: Training
o 2.1. (Forward) Send an individual through the neural network. Add the value received from the previous layer multiplied
by the weights of the current layer with the next one. This determines the importance of connection between neurons.
With the calculated value it is applied to an activation function and passed to the next layer until reaching the output.
o 2.2. (Backpropagation) Send the error made backwards. The predicted value calculated at the output is compared with
the label, and the error is calculated. This error is sent back by updating the weights. Multiplication is added
of the predicted value in each layer with the learning rate and the error.
As in evolutionary algorithms, each process is responsible for a part of the model to generate a constant flow of messages. In this case each worker is in charge of a layer.
Se divide la población de entrenamiento entre los procesos. Al final se juntan las experiencias haciendo la media. (No funciona correctamente, da malas predicciones) The training population is divided between the processes. In the end the experiences are combined to calculate the average. (Does not work correctly, gives bad predictions)
As in other algorithms, sequential executions are executed in parallel, where each process stores the results.