New Features / Follows Fastly spec
- Lint custom statement #374 (@ysugimoto)
- Add support for long strings with heredoc delimiters #379 (@gabrielg)
- Allow access to body set bu synthetic in tests #382 (@gabrielg)
- Add TIME type support for conditional operators to interpreter #390 (@Co9xs)
- Allows subroutine calls in return statements #384 (@gabrielg)
- fix: support --version option #392 (@ronnnnn)
- Add more logic and error definition for long string parsing #394 (@ysugimoto)
- Fix fastly services recursively in terraform planned JSON #375 (@ysugimoto)
- Fix grouped testing syntax #376 (@bungoume)
- Change fastly.error from FLOAT to STRING #380 (@gabrielg)
- Fix header subfield handling #385 (@gabrielg)
- Write formatter configuration in docs #388 (@ysugimoto)
- fix: formatting is broken if using elseif or elsif #393 (@ronnnnn)
- Lexer performance improvement #372 (@ysugimoto)
- Benchmark Performance #371 (@ysugimoto)
- Update falco simulate command in README #389 (@TakeshiOnishi)
- Implement scheduler for documentation-check #377 (@ysugimoto)