Not all inclusive -- please feel free to update as you see fit!
All services are supported on Linux, (native and via Podamn/Docker), Support for Windows and MacOSX is likey but not not guaranteed for Some or All services listed
Service | Usage | SourceCode | |
Addarr | Telegram bot for Sonarr/Radarr | Waterboy1602/Addarr | |
Bazarr | Automates & manages subtitles | morpheus65535/bazarr | |
Bobarr | Radarr+Sonarr+Jackett+VPN | iam4x/bobarr | |
Bonarr (yes, seriously!) |
Automates & manages adult movies | bonarr/Bonarr | |
Botdarr | Slack/Discord/Telegram/Matrix bot for accessing radarr, sonarr, and lidarr | shayaantx/botdarr | |
Cardigann | Alternative to Jackett | cardigann/cardigann | |
Comandarr | Bot that interacts with *arr apps with integrations | Commandarr/Commandarr | |
Doplarr | Uses modern Discord slash commands and components, which provides a clean, performant UI on desktop and mobile. | kiranshila/Doplarr | |
Elsewherr | See disclaimer on page. See if your movies from Radarr are available on a streaming service, and add a tag against the movie if it is. | Adman1020/Elsewherr | |
Excludarr | Manages you library in Sonarr and Radarr to only consist out of movies and series that are not present on any of the configured streaming providers. | haijeploeg/excludarr | |
Exportarr | AIO Prometheus Exporter for Sonarr, Radarr or Lidarr | onedr0op/exportarr | |
Homarr | Customizable browser's home page to interact with your homeserver's Docker containers | ajnart/homarr | |
Jackett | API Support for your favorite torrent trackers. | Jackett/Jackett | /r/Jackett |
Jellyseerr | FOSS App or managing requests for your media library, A fork of overseerr with added Jellyfin and Emby support | Fallenbagel/jellyseerr | |
Lidarr | Automates & manages music | lidarr/lidarr | /r/lidarr |
Listrr | Automates lists on based on your filters. | TheUltimateC0der/Listrr | |
Logarr | A log consolidation tool written in PHP | Monitorr/logarr | |
Notifiarr | A Client for | Notifiarr/notifiarr | |
Membarr | A fork of Invitarr that invites discord users to Plex and Jellyfin. | Yoruio/Membarr | |
Midarr | A minimal, lightweight media server | midarrlabs/midarr-server | |
Monitorr | A webfront to live display the status of any webapp or service | Monitorr/Monitorr | |
Movearr | Simple CLI tool to perform Sonnar/Radarr moves based on specific criteria. | l3uddz/movearr | |
Mylarr | Automates & manages comic books | mylar3/mylar3 | |
Organizr | HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer | /causefx/Organizr | /r/Organizr |
Overseerr | FOSS app for managing requests for your media library. Integrates with your existing services | sct/overseerr | |
Posterr | Media display for Plex, Sonarr, and Radarr | petersem/posterr | |
Prowlarr | Indexer Manager that syncs with other *arrs. | Prowlarr/Prowlarr | /r/Prowlarr |
Quasarr | Fork of Bobarr, written in PHP. | welcoMatic/quasarr | |
Radarr | Automates & manages movies | Radarr/Radarr | /r/Radarr |
Readarr | Automates & manages ebooks | Readarr/Readarr | |
Recyclarr | Automatically sync TRaSH guides to your Sonarr and Radarr instances. | recyclarr/recyclarr | |
Requestrr | chatbot used to simplify using services like Sonarr/Radarr/Ombi via chat | thomst08/requestrr | |
Rollarr | Automatic Pre-roll script with a GUI for Plex | TheHumanRobot/Rollarr | |
Searcharr | Sonarr & Radarr Telegram Bot | toddrobb99/searcharr | |
Sonarr | Automates & manages TV series | Sonarr/Sonarr | /r/Sonarr |
Syncarr | Sync two Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr servers via API | syncarr/syncarr | |
Tdarr | FFmpeg/HandBrake + video health checking | HaveAGitGat/Tdarr | /r/Tdarr |
Traktarr | Add new media based on Trakt lists | l3uddz/traktarr | |
Unpackerr | Extracts archives from watch folders for import into other ARR apps | davidnewhall/unpackerr | |
Whisparr (WIP) | Automates & manages adult movies | Whisparr/Whisparr | /r/Whisparr |
Wizarr | Advanced user invitation and management system for Jellyfin, Plex, Emby etc. | Wizarrrr/wizarr | |
Kapowarr | Sonarr-like for commic books | Casvt/Kapowarr | r/Kapowarr |
Reiverr | A clean combined interface for Jellyfin, TMDB, Radarr and Sonarr, as well as a replacement to Overseerr | aleksilassila/reiverr |
Service | Usage | SourceCode | |
cross-seed | Fully-automatic cross-seeding with Torznab | mmgoodnow/cross-seed | |
Gaps | Searches through your Plex Server for all movies, then queries for known movies in the same collection. | JasonHHouse | |
Jackett2Telegram | A self-hosted Telegram Python Bot that dumps posts from Jackett RSS feeds to a Telegram chat. | danimart1991/jackett2telegram | |
Jellyfin | Free Software Media System | jellyfin/jellyfin | /r/Jellyfin |
mdblist | Personalised lists for ultimate PLEX setup | mdblist | /r/mdblist |
Ombi | Manages media requests | tidusjar/Ombi | /r/Ombi |
qbit_manage | This tool will help manage tedious tasks in qBittorrent and automate them. Tag, categorize, remove Orphaned data, remove unregistered torrents and much much more. | StuffAnThings/qbit_manage | |
Radarr AutoDelete | Simple script, which deletes movies with a specific tag after a certain amount of days | JCSynthTux/radarr_autodelete | |
Radarr-Striptracks | adds a script to automatically strip out unwanted audio and subtitle streams, keeping only the desired languages. | linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/radarr-striptracks | |
Sickbeard MP4 Automator | Automatically converts media files downloaded by various programs to a standardized format, and tags them with the appropriate metadata from TMDB if the container supports tagging. | mdhiggins/sickbeard_mp4_automator | |
theme.park | Themes for all the *arrs | gilbn/theme.park | |
TrailerDownloader | Downloads all missing trailers for movies in your Plex library. | taylorbobaylor/TrailerDownloader | |
Unmanic | Transcodes your library | josh5/unmanic | |
Gotify | A self-hosted push notification service. | gotify/server | |
Whisper | Can be used to Generate Subtitles using AI | openai/whisper | r/OpenAI |
FFmpeg | A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. | ffmpeg | r/FFmpeg |