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Made this simple multi chat-client bot to access radarr, sonarr, and lidarr without a UI/server.

Currently, Supported API's

  • Radarr (v4)
  • Sonarr (v4)
  • Sonarr (v3)
  • Lidarr (v2)
  • Lidarr (v1)
  • Lidarr (v0)
  • Radarr (v3) - no longer supported
  • Radarr (v2) - no longer supported
  • Sonarr (v2) - no plans to support

Currently, Supported Chat Client's

  • Discord
  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Matrix

Currently, Supported Feature's

  • Add movie by search string or tmdb id
  • Add show by search string or tvdb id
  • Add artist by search string or foreign artist id (available in search results)
  • Show downloads for movies, show, or artists
  • Configurable value for amount of downloads to show
  • Configurable value for amount of results to show during searches
  • Configurable value for max number of movies, shows, and artists per user
  • Configurable command prefix (i.e., /help, $help, !help)
  • Configurable value for url base for radarr, sonarr, and lidarr
  • (discord/slack only) Thumbs up reaction will add search results
  • User requests audited to local database\
  • Blacklist content by paths from showing up in searches
  • Get status of radarr, lidarr, sonarr, and any additional configured endpoints
  • Discord slash commands
  • Lookup torrents for movies and force download
  • Cancel/blacklist existing downloads
  • Episode/season search
  • Album/song search
  • Run bot in mode where all 4 chat clients work in same process (right now you would need 4 separate processes/containers)

Discord Bot Installation

See /~

Slash commands installation/updates:

  • By default, slash commands are automatically available now
  • You can no longer use / with discord as that is reserved for slash commands
  • If you are trying to use slash commands, you will need to update your bots permission to include slash commands, then re-invite your bot your discord server
  • It can take up to 1 hour for discord slash commands to appear
  • If you don't see them after an hour, try disabling one of the commands, and re-enabling it. This workarounds the following bug I've noticed in desktop discord client discord/discord-api-docs#4859 discord/discord-api-docs#4856
  • Slash commands from botdarr operate the same except they are not the same case (i.e., all the commands have dashes in them)

To make Non-Slash commands work you need to go to Discord Developer section -> Applications -> Bot -> Enable Message Content Intent

Slack Bot Installation

See /~

(WARNING) If you are using slack "/help" has been deprecated by slack, so pick a different prefix for your commands (i.e., command-prefix=$). Otherwise help commands won't work

Telegram bot installation

See /~

Matrix bot installation

See /~

Jar installation/Configuration

  1. Get latest copy of botdarr botdarr-release.jar

  2. Make sure you have openjdk 8 or oracle java 8 installed on your machine

  3. Make sure you run botdarr on the same type of OS has radarr, sonarr, and lidarr (or paths when adding content won't match target OS)

  4. Create a folder called "database" in same folder you run jar in

  5. Create a file called "properties" (without double quotes) in same folder as the jar

  6. Fill it with the following properties (you can omit sonarr properties if you aren't using it, same with radarr/lidarr, however everything else listed below is required) - See Sample properties

  7. You can only configure discord or slack or telegram token/channels, otherwise you will get an error during startup

  8. There are is an available option for url base for both radarr/sonarr. If you have a url base and use radarr WITHOUT configuring the url base here, I've found radarr will execute most api requests normally, but /api/movie POST requests wont (assume this is a bug but haven't had time to investigate yet). Radarr seems to return a 200 http code, not actually add the movie, and return json as if you are calling /api/movie as a GET request, unless you prefix the api url with your radarr url base. So MAKE SURE you account for this in your config/setup.

  9. Run the jar using java

nohup java -jar botdarr-release.jar &

Run with Docker

  1. Docker images are here
  2. Create a folder on your host and replace <BOTDARR_HOME> with that folder
  3. Make sure to fill in appropriate environment variables, See Environment Variable Section
  4. You will need to configure at least one chat client and at least one media api (i.e., radarr, sonarr, or lidarr)
  5. Then run below command
# for latest
docker run -d --name botdarr -e DISCORD_TOKEN="blahblah" -e DISCORD_CHANNELS="channel1" -v <BOTDARR_HOME>/database:/home/botdarr/database -v <BOTDARR_HOME>/logs:/home/botdarr/logs shayaantx/botdarr:latest &
  1. Or if you want to use docker-compose
  2. If don't want to use environment variables to configure botdarr, mount a file named properties to (See Sample properties) to /home/botdarr/config
version: '2.2'
    image: shayaantx/botdarr:latest
    container_name: botdarr
       DISCORD_TOKEN: blahblah
       DISCORD_CHANNELS: channel1
       RADARR_TOKEN: 5958585858jggfdsjjg
       RADARR_PATH: /some-path
       - <BOTDARR_HOME>/logs:/home/botdarr/logs
       - <BOTDARR_HOME>/database:/home/botdarr/database

Environment Variable configuration

Chat Client Variables

Environment Variable Description Required Default
DISCORD_TOKEN The discord bot token (don't share) yes - if you use discord
DISCORD_CHANNELS The actual discord channel(s) names the bot has access to. If multiple channel names specified, separate via a comma yes - if you use discord
TELEGRAM_TOKEN The telegram bot token (don't share) yes - if you use telegram
TELEGRAM_PRIVATE_CHANNELS Your actual telegram channels your bot can respond in. This should be a list containing the name and id of the channel, i.e., CHANNEL_NAME:CHANNEL_ID to get the channel id, right click any post in private channel and copy post link you should see something like this, the id is between c// example: plex-channel1:id1,plex-channel2:id2 yes - if you use telegram
TELEGRAM_PRIVATE_GROUPS Your actual telegram groups your bot can respond in. This should be a list containing the name and id of the group, i.e., GROUP_NAME:GROUP_ID to get the channel id, right click any post in private group and copy post link (you need to enable message history for this) you should see something like this, the id is between c// example: plex-group1:id1,plex-group2:id2 yes - if you use telegram
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN The slack bot oauth authentication token (don't share) yes - if you use slack
SLACK_APP_TOKEN The slack app authentication token yes - if you use slack
SLACK_CHANNELS The actual slack channel(s) you want to post slack messages to yes - if you use slack
MATRIX_USERNAME The matrix bot username yes - if you use matrix
MATRIX_PASSWORD The matrix bot password yes - if you use matrix
MATRIX_ROOM The comma delimited list of matrix rooms you want to send/receive messages from yes - if you use matrix
MATRIX_HOME_SERVER_URL The url of your homeserver yes - if you use matrix


Environment Variable Description Required Default
RADARR_URL The url of your radarr instance yes - if you use radarr
RADARR_TOKEN The radarr api key (get this from Radarr->Settings->General) yes - if you use radarr
RADARR_DEFAULT_PROFILE The radarr quality profile (should be already configured in radarr) yes - if you use radarr
RADARR_PATH Where your radarr movies should go (if you add/update them) yes - if you use radarr
RADARR_URL_BASE Only populate this if you use a custom radarr url base (which is configurable in Radarr->Settings->General->URL Base) don't include prefix/suffix slashes no


Environment Variable Description Required Default
SONARR_URL The url of your sonarr instance yes - if you use sonarr
SONARR_TOKEN The sonarr api key (get this from Sonarr->Settings->General) yes - if you use sonarr
SONARR_DEFAULT_PROFILE The sonarr quality profile (should be already configured in sonarr) yes - if you use sonarr
SONARR_PATH Where your sonarr shows should go (if you add/update them) yes - if you use sonarr
SONARR_URL_BASE Only populate this if you use a custom sonarr url base (which is configurable in Sonarr->Settings->General->URL Base) don't include prefix/suffix slashes no
SONARR_V4 Whether you are using sonarr v4 or not (true/false) no false


Environment Variable Description Required Default
LIDARR_URL The url of your lidarr instance yes - if you use lidarr
LIDARR_TOKEN The lidarr api key (get this from Lidarr->Settings->General) yes - if you use lidarr
LIDARR_DEFAULT_QUALITY_PROFILE The lidarr default quality profile (should be already configured in lidarr) yes - if you use lidarr
LIDARR_DEFAULT_METADATA_PROFILE The lidarr default metadata profile (should be already configured in lidarr) yes - if you use lidarr
LIDARR_PATH Where your lidarr artists/music should go (if you add/update them) yes - if you use lidarr
LIDARR_URL_BASE Only populate this if you use a custom lidarr url base (which is configurable in Lidarr->Settings->General->URL Base) don't include prefix/suffix slashes no


Environment Variable Description Required Default
MAX_REQUESTS_THRESHOLD The threshold type for max requests. i.e., WEEK, MONTH, DAY (WEEK is from monday to sunday) no
MAX_ARTIST_REQUESTS_PER_USER The max number of artist requests per user per month, day, or week no
MAX_SHOW_REQUESTS_PER_USER The max number of show requests per user per month, day, or week no
MAX_MOVIE_REQUESTS_PER_USER The max number of movie requests per user per month, day, or week no
EXISTING_ITEM_PATHS_BLACKLIST If you want content to NOT appear in searches against your library, you can list blacklisted paths here in comma delimited form, and they will be ignored when building up responses no
MAX_DOWNLOADS_TO_SHOW The max number of downloads to show. If you set this to any value less than or equal to 0, no downloads will show yes 20
MAX_RESULTS_TO_SHOW The max number of results to show per search command. If you set this to any value less than 0, the bot won't startup yes 20
NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL The number of minutes between each notification. If you set this to any value less than 0, the bot won't startup yes 20
COMMAND_PREFIX The command prefix (default is !). Any prefix is allowed (but I haven't tested every single prefix in every client) yes !
STATUS_ENDPOINTS Endpoints that can be used to return statuses via !status command. The endpoints are separated by a comma and each endpoint is in the following format - name:hostname:port no
TIMEOUT The connection/read timeout value (in milliseconds) for all outbound requests no 5000
LOG_LEVEL The log4j log level no info


  • Type !help in your configured chat client to get information about commands and what is supported
  • Notifications will appear indicating the current downloads (based on your configuration for max downloads), their status, and their time remaining.
  • When you search for content (i.e., !movie title add History of Dumb People) if too many results are returned you will be presented with multiple results. You can either use the thumbs up reaction (in discord or slack) or copy the add command (which will be embedded in the result) into the chat client.
  • Example commands:
    • !movie title add Lion Fling
    • !show title add One Fliece
    • !movie find new zombies
    • !artist find new Linkin Flarp
    • !movie downloads
    • !show downloads
    • !help
    • !shows help
    • !movies help
  • The default command prefix is !. I chose ! because / (original command prefix) is commonly used by many chat clients and has existing functionality with it that leads to some commands not working nicely.