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SRW Hierarchical Repository Structure and Code Contribution Information
This map of the Unified Forecast System (UFS) Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application (App) and its submodules is up to date as of 11/11/2024; it is recommended that developers using the SRW App check the Externals.cfg
file or the .gitmodules
file in the root directory for the most recent submodules and their current hashes/branches.

This repository contains model code and external links needed to build the UFS SRW Application, which focuses on predictions of atmospheric behavior from less than an hour to about two days.
- Submodules: ufs-weather-model, UFS_UTILS, UPP, NEXUS, aqm-utils
Code Contribution:
follows the Gitflow development process. The Contributor’s Guide contains detailed information on forking the repository, opening an issue, and submitting a pull request for contributing to theufs-srweather-app
repository. - Point of Contact For general questions or troubleshooting help, please open a GitHub Discussion. To report a verifiable bug in the code, file a GitHub Issue. Code Manager: Michael Lueken (michael.lueken@noaa.gov)
The ufs-weather-model
repository contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS atmospheric model and associated components.
- Parent: ufs-srweather-app
- Submodules: AQM, CDEPS, CICE, CMakeModules, CMEPS, fv3atm, GOCART, HYCOM, MOM6, NOAHMP, WW3, stochastic_physics
- Code Contribution: Information on the commit queue and checking out the latest code can be found on the UFS Weather Model wiki.
- Point of Contact: For general questions or troubleshooting help, please open a GitHub Discussion. To report a verifiable bug in the code, file a GitHub Issue. Community Code Manager: Jong Kim (jong.kim@noaa.gov)
contains preprocessing utilities for the UFS.
- Parent: ufs-srweather-app
- Submodules: ccpp-physics
Code Contribution:
follows the Gitflow development process. The UFS_UTILS wiki provides detailed information on forking the repository, opening an issue, and submitting a pull request for contributing to theUFS_UTILS
repository. - Point of Contact: For general questions or debugging help, please open a GitHub Issue. Code managers: George Gayno (george.gayno@noaa.gov); Jeff Beck (jeff.beck@noaa.gov); Larissa Reames (larissa.reames@noaa.gov)
The Unified Post Processor is a software package designed to generate useful products from raw model output.
- Parent: ufs-srweather-app, fv3atm
- Code Contribution: The UPP Code Development Guidelines contain detailed information on forking the repository, opening an issue, and submitting a pull request for contributing to the UPP repository.
- Point of Contact: View the current list of code managers on the UPP wiki.
The NOAA Emission and eXchange Unified System (NEXUS) is an emissions processing system developed at the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for use with regional and global UFS atmospheric composition models.
- Parent: ufs-srweather-app
- Submodules: HEMCO
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
- Points of Contact: Raffaele Montuoro (raffaele.montuoro@noaa.gov); Barry Baker (barry.baker@noaa.gov)
AQM Utilities (AQM-utils) includes the utility executables and Python scripts to run SRW-AQM (Online-CMAQ).
- Parent: ufs-srweather-app
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
- Point of Contact: Brian Curtis (brian.curtis@noaa.gov)
Contains a driver and key subcomponents of NOAA’s UFS Weather Model atmospheric component.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Submodules: ccpp-physics
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
WAVEWATCH III is a community wave modeling framework that includes the latest scientific advancements in the field of wind-wave modeling and dynamics.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: WW3 follows the Gitflow process. The WW3 Developer Guide contains detailed information on forking the repository, opening an issue, and submitting a pull request for contributing to the WW3 repository.
Contains the stochastic physics pattern generator for the UFS developed at NOAA/ESRL/PSL
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
Common CMake modulefiles used by Spack and CMake to find dependencies
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems is a mediator component for coupling Earth system model components.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here. This repository is forked from the authoritative ESCOMP/CMEPS repository. Issues for the authoritative repository can be opened here.
Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model source code.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: This repository is forked from the authoritative HYCOM-src repository. Issues for the authoritative repository can be opened here.
Modular Ocean Model source code.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: This repository is forked from the NOAA/GFDL MOM6 repository. The MOM6 wiki provides detailed information on contributing code to the NOAA/GFDL repository.
This repository contains the files and code needed to run the CICE sea ice numerical model starting with version 6. CICE is maintained by the CICE Consortium.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: This is a fork of the authoritative CICE repository. Information on contributing to the authoritative repository can be found here.
Community Data Models for Earth Prediction Systems.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: This repository is forked from the authoritative CDEPS repository. Issues for the authoritative repository can be opened here.
The Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport model, including process library and framework interfaces.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: Information on licensing and contributing to GOCART can be found here.
Air Quality Modeling code.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Submodules: CMAQ
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
Official Noah-MP land surface model code.
- Parent: ufs-weather-model
- Code Contribution: The repository’s README.md contains information on creating a fork, branching, and creating a pull request to contribute code to the NOAH-MP repository. This repository is forked from the authoritative NOAHMP repository. Issues for the authoritative repository can be opened here.
Code for the May 2023 release of the Finite Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core (FV3) from GFDL.
The Common Community Physics Package is designed to facilitate the implementation of physics innovations in state-of-the-art atmospheric models.
- Parent: UFS_UTILS, fv3atm
- Code Contribution: This repository is a ufs-community institutional fork of the authoritative repository. The ccpp-physics wiki provides information on opening an issue, branching, and regression testing to contribute to the institutional fork.
- Points of Contact: Grant Firl (grant.firl@noaa.gov); Qingfu Liu (qingfu.liu@noaa.gov); Dustin Swales (dustin.swales@noaa.gov); Man Zhang (man.zhang@noaa.gov)
This repository contains the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Framework, which is the infrastructure that connects CCPP physics schemes with a host model, as well as stand-alone tools for use with CCPP.
- Parent: fv3atm
- Code Contribution: The ccpp-framework wiki provides information on reporting a bug and requesting a feature.
- Point of Contact: Mike Kavulich (kavulich@ucar.edu)
The Harmonized Emissions Component source code is a software component for computing atmospheric emissions from different sources, regions, and species on a user-defined grid.
Repository for RTE (Radiative Transfer for Energetics) + RRTMGP (Rapid and accurate Radiative Transfer Model for General circulation model applications - Parallel), a set of code for computing radiative fluxes in planetary atmospheres.
- Parent: ccpp-physics
- Code Contribution: Issues can be opened here.
CMAQ is an active open-source development project of the U.S. EPA's Office of Research and Development that consists of a suite of programs for conducting air quality model simulations. CMAQ is supported by the CMAS Center: http://www.cmascenter.org/
Development repository for sea-ice column physics.
- Getting Started for Developers
- Repository Structure and Submodules
- Contributor's Guide
- Code Reviewer's Guide
- UFS offline Land Data Assimilation (DA) System
- Global Workflow
- UFS Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System
- UFS Medium-Range Weather Application (no longer supported)
- spack-stack - builds bundled library dependencies using a Spack-based package installation method