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Jun Wang edited this page Sep 17, 2020 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the UFS Subseasonal to Seasonal Model wiki!

The ufs-s2s-model contains atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice components as well as some infrastructure components. The ufs-s2s-model repository contains the model code and associated module files, configuration files and compsets needed to build and run the Unified Forecast System (UFS) for the sub-seasonal to seasonal application.

This repository is not yet ready for general use.

Documentation for the ufs-s2s-model is under development.

The ufs-s2s-model Hierarchical Repository Structure

Each of the components has its own repository. All the repositories are currently located in GitHub with public access to the broad community. Below is the ufs-s2s-model hierarchical repository structure:

Hierarchy of repositories Authoritative URLs
ufs-s2s-model /~
fv3atm /~
- GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere /~
- ccpp-framework /~
- ccpp-physics /~
WW3 /~
MOM6-interface/MOM6 /~
MOM6-interface/mkmf /~
CICE-interface/CICE /~
FMS /~
- NCEPLIBS-pyprodutil /~
stochastic_physics /~

In the table, the left column shows the component names and the right column shows the component repositories which are pointing to the authoritative repositories. The ufs-s2s-model currently uses git submodule to manage the sub-components. Developers may need to work with several components at the same time and need to get their changes committed to the components' authoritative repositories. To do that, developers need to follow the code management practices of the authoritative repositories. Once the component authoritative repositories have been updated, the changes will be brought into the ufs-s2s-model repository by its code managers.

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