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Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Mar 2, 2011 · 1 revision


Assembly: Gendarme.Rules.Design
Version: git


This rule fires if an externally visible method or property uses an XmlDocument, XPathDocument or XmlNode argument. The problem with this is that it ties your API to a specific implementation so it is difficult to change later. Instead use abstract types like IXPathNavigable, XmlReader, XmlWriter, or subtypes of XmlNode.


Bad example (property):

public class Application {
    public XmlDocument UserData {
        get {
            return userData;

Good example (property):

public class Application {
    public IXPathNavigable UserData {
        get {
            return userData;

Bad example (method parameter):

public class Application {
    public bool IsValidUserData (XmlDocument userData)
        /* implementation */

Good example (method parameter):

public class Application {
    public bool IsValidUserData (XmlReader userData)
        /* implementation */


  • This rule is available since Gendarme 2.6

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