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Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Jan 22, 2011 · 2 revisions


Assembly: Gendarme.Rules.Design
Version: 2.10


This rule fires if a parameter to an Attribute constructor is not exposed using a properly cased property. This is a problem because it is generally not useful to set state within an attribute without providing a way to get at that state.


Bad example:

[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.All)]
public sealed class AttributeWithRequiredProperties : Attribute {
    private int storedFoo;
    private string storedBar;
    // we have no corresponding property with the name 'Bar' so the rule will fail
    public AttributeWithRequiredProperties (int foo, string bar)
        storedFoo = foo;
        storedBar = bar;
    public int Foo {
        get {
            return storedFoo;

Good example:

[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.All)]
public sealed class AttributeWithRequiredProperties : Attribute {
    private int storedFoo;
    private string storedBar;
    public AttributeWithRequiredProperties (int foo, string bar)
        storedFoo = foo;
        storedBar = bar;
    public int Foo {
        get {
            return storedFoo;
    public string Bar {
        get {
            return storedBar;
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