v1.0.1 Release for SODA Documentation
Version Summary
Version Number : v1.0.1 [tag: v1.0.1]
Date : 21-September-2020
Release Summary :
This is the second release of The SODA Foundation. This release is mainly based on the Faroe release from OpenSDS projects. This release has some enhancements in the content and structure of the documentations. There are a few new features in the SODA Service, new Cloud integrations and quality improvments across the services in SODA, documentations, tests and code coverage.
This changelog is based on SODA release Faroe.
- Overall : More content (Architecture Diagrams, Project Descriptions) has been added to the docs.sodafoundation.io to make concepts easy to understand.
- Documentation layout has been re-organized for ease of access.
- Updated for new features like Netapp NAS integration.
- Overall Architecture, Project Descriptions and other documents are linked / embedded as required.
Issues and Suggestions
Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at /~https://github.com/sodafoundation/documentation/issues