- Introduction
- Documentation
- Quick Start - For Users
- Quick Start - For Developers
- Latest Releases
- Support and Issues
- Project Community
- How to Contribute to this Project
- Project Roadmap
- Join SODA Foundation
SODA Documentation provides documentation for SODA Foundation and all the SODA Core projects.
This repo consists of all the code to generate the documentation website and repsective contents. (https://docs.sodafoundation.io)
This is maintained by SODA Foundation directly.
Join https://sodafoundation.io/slack/ and share your interest in the ‘general’ channel
Checkout /~https://github.com/sodafoundation/documentation/issues labelled with ‘good first issue’ or ‘help needed’ or ‘help wanted’ or ‘StartMyContribution’ or ‘SMC’
Would like to provide elaborate, clear and accurate documentations to the users to easily use, develop or integrate soda projects.
Website : https://sodafoundation.io
Slack : https://sodafoundation.io/slack/
Twitter : @sodafoundation
Mailinglist : https://lists.sodafoundation.io