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NeXT character set

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Sep 25, 2021 · 1 revision

NeXT character set


The NeXT character set (often aliased as NeXTSTEP encoding vector, WE8NEXTSTEP or next-multinational) was used by the NeXTSTEP and OPENSTEP operating systems on NeXT workstations beginning in 1988. It is based on Adobe Systems' PostScript (PS) character set aka Adobe Standard Encoding where unused code points were filled up with characters from ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1), although at differing code points. Character set

The following table shows the NeXT character set. Each character is shown with a potential Unicode equivalent. Code points differing from Adobe Standard Encoding are shown boxed. Codepoints 00hex (0) to 7Fhex (127) are nearly identical to ASCII.

NeXT character set _0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E F 0 NUL

0000 SOH

0001 STX

0002 ETX

0003 EOT

0004 ENQ

0005 ACK

0006 BEL

0007 BS

0008 HT

0009 LF

000A VT

000B FF

000C CR

000D SO

000E SI


1_ DLE

0010 DC1

0011 DC2

0012 DC3

0013 DC4

0014 NAK

0015 SYN

0016 ETB

0017 CAN

0018 EM

0019 SUB

001A ESC

001B FS

001C GS

001D RS

001E US


2_ SP

0020 !

0021 "

0022 #

0023 $

0024 %

0025 &

0026 โ€™

2019 (

0028 )

0029 *

002A +

002B ,

002C -

002D .

002E /


3_ 0

0030 1

0031 2

0032 3

0033 4

0034 5

0035 6

0036 7

0037 8

0038 9

0039 :

003A ;

003B <

003C =

003D >

003E ?


4_ @

0040 A

0041 B

0042 C

0043 D

0044 E

0045 F

0046 G

0047 H

0048 I

0049 J

004A K

004B L

004C M

004D N

004E O


5_ P

0050 Q

0051 R

0052 S

0053 T

0054 U

0055 V

0056 W

0057 X

0058 Y

0059 Z

005A [

005B \

005C ]

005D ^

005E _


6_ โ€˜

2018 a

0061 b

0062 c

0063 d

0064 e

0065 f

0066 g

0067 h

0068 i

0069 j

006A k

006B l

006C m

006D n

006E o


7_ p

0070 q

0071 r

0072 s

0073 t

0074 u

0075 v

0076 w

0077 x

0078 y

0079 z

007A {

007B |

007C }

007D ~

007E DEL


8_ nbsp/fsp

00A0/2007 ร€

00C0 ร

00C1 ร‚

00C2 รƒ

00C3 ร„

00C4 ร…

00C5 ร‡

00C7 รˆ

00C8 ร‰

00C9 รŠ

00CA ร‹

00CB รŒ

00CC ร

00CD รŽ

00CE ร


9_ ร

00D0 ร‘

00D1 ร’

00D2 ร“

00D3 ร”

00D4 ร•

00D5 ร–

00D6 ร™

00D9 รš

00DA ร›

00DB รœ

00DC ร

00DD รž

00DE ยต

00B5 ร—

00D7 รท


A_ ยฉ

00A9 ยก

00A1 ยข

00A2 ยฃ

00A3 โ„

2044 ยฅ

00A5 ฦ’

0192 ยง

00A7 ยค

00A4 '

0027 โ€œ

201C ยซ

00AB โ€น

2039 โ€บ

203A ๏ฌ

FB01 ๏ฌ‚


B_ ยฎ

00AE โ€“

2013 โ€ 

2020 โ€ก

2021 ยท

00B7 ยฆ

00A6 ยถ

00B6 โ€ข

2022 โ€š

201A โ€ž

201E โ€

201D ยป

00BB โ€ฆ

2026 โ€ฐ

2030 ยฌ

00AC ยฟ


C_ ยน

00B9 ห‹

02CB ยด

00B4 ห†

02C6 หœ

02DC ยฏ

00AF ห˜

02D8 ห™

02D9 ยจ

00A8 ยฒ

00B2 หš

02DA ยธ

00B8 ยณ

00B3 ห

02DD ห›

02DB ห‡


D_ โ€”

2014 ยฑ

00B1 ยผ

00BC ยฝ

00BD ยพ

00BE ร 

00E0 รก

00E1 รข

00E2 รฃ

00E3 รค

00E4 รฅ

00E5 รง

00E7 รจ

00E8 รฉ

00E9 รช

00EA รซ


E_ รฌ

00EC ร†

00C6 รญ

00ED ยช

00AA รฎ

00EE รฏ

00EF รฐ

00F0 รฑ

00F1 ล

0141 ร˜

00D8 ล’

0152 ยบ

00BA รฒ

00F2 รณ

00F3 รด

00F4 รต


F_ รถ

00F6 รฆ

00E6 รน

00F9 รบ

00FA รป

00FB ฤฑ

0131 รผ

00FC รฝ

00FD ล‚

0142 รธ

00F8 ล“

0153 รŸ

00DF รพ

00FE รฟ


Letterโ€ƒ Numberโ€ƒ Punctuationโ€ƒ Symbolโ€ƒ Otherโ€ƒ Undefinedโ€ƒ Differences from Adobe Standard Encoding

This article is a modified copy of its Wikipedia counterpart and needs to be rewritten for originality.

See also

NeXT - The main company hehind NeXTSTEP

NeXTSTEP - The main operating system from NeXT.

OPENSTEP - The successor to NeXTSTEP and the codebase for the majority of future Apple projects, including Mac OS X, OS X, Modern MacOS, iPhoneOS, iOS, iPadOS, and more.

Objective-C - The language used in NeXTSTEP

Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah) - The successor to OPENSTEP


Wikipedia - NeXTSTEP

Other sources are needed, and this article needs LOTS of improvement and original work to prevent it from being a copy and paste from Wikipedia.

Article info

Written on: 2021 Saturday September 25th at 2:44 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Saturday September 25th at 2:44 pm

File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)

Article version: 1 (2021 Saturday September 25th at 2:44 pm)


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