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300 Page iPhone Bill

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Sep 18, 2021 · 1 revision

300 Page iPhone BIll


YouTuber iJustine with her 300 page iPhone bill in a box, the subject of a 1 minute 6 second video and a huge awakening for phone companies.

The 300 page iPhone bill incident was a significant mortifying experience for iPhone users using AT&T, as every data transaction made on the iPhone counted as something that went into the monthly phone bill. Users were given 5-300+ page monthly phone bills due to this, and it raised many environmental, and ethical concerns, as these bills were too long to read, completely unnecessary, and according to blogger Muhammad Saleem, Apple's aim to have 10 million iPhone users by the end of 2008 would require the logging of about 74,535 trees annually, assuming an average 100-page monthly bill. Blog Source

Apple did not consider the downstream effects of phone billing, and AT&T received the tagline from the public "Use AT&T kill a tree"

Many people responded to 40+ pages of bills, referring to them as x pages of nothingness.

AT&T and other phone companies took action and changed the way phone billing was done.

This article is a stub, but it may still be expandable with credible information. Contact @Seanpm2001 for more info.


Muhammad Saleems blog post via the WayBack machine

The YouTube video in question via Google-owned YouTube

Wikipedia article

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Written on: 2021 Saturday September 18th at 4:14 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Saturday September 18th at 4:14 pm

File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)

Article version: 1 2021 Saturday September 18th at 4:14 pm


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