antaresEditObject 0.7.1
Breaking changes :
createBindingConstraint() / editBindingConstraint() uses metadata to check the group size of time series.
createBindingConstraintBulk() checks consistency of groups passed as parameters and consistency with the study.
importZipStudyWeb() can delete the zipfile and move the study in Antares Web to another folder
delete antaresRead-reexports.R and adjust scripts to have a clean package
removeArea() : send a warning instead of a stop if an area is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
removeLink() : send a warning instead of a stop if a link is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
removeCluster() : send a warning instead of a stop if a cluster is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
createClusterST() : updated with new endpoint API (POST + PUT)
editClusterST() : updated with new endpoint API (PATCH + PUT)
removeCluster()/removeClusterRES()/removeClusterST() updated with new endpoint API (DELETE)
NEW FEATURES (Antares v8.8) :
updateOptimizationSettings() allows the user to update solver.log property
createClusterST() / editClusterST() use new parameters and default values
Add new function api_patch() to put PATCH (httr) request to API
createBindingConstraint() in API mode (for study <v870) created with "hourly" timeStep all the time
createBindingConstraint() / editBindingConstraint() in TEXT mode, bad values in time series
createBindingConstraintBulk() with no VALUES and with a mix
Enable control of matrix dimension in .check_bulk_object_dim() even if the values are not in first position in the list
editLink() : avoid NULL value (default) for arguments filter_synthesis and filter_year_by_year to write an empty string
updateOutputSettings() : in API mode, allow the user to edit the desired property
setPlaylist(): do not send NULL value if the weights are not provided in argument
updateGeneralSettings() : replace custom.ts.numbers argument by custom.scenario and deprecate custom.ts.numbers
updateGeneralSettings() : add thematic.trimming argument for edition
createClusterST() : update doc to discrabe st-storage list parameters + "Inflows" parameter