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Releases: rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject

CRAN version 0.9.0

17 Feb 09:56
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antaresEditObject 0.9.0

(cf. Antares v9 changelog)

NEW FEATURES (Antares v9.0) :

  • createStudy() takes into account the new format of Antares studies (e.g. 9.0, 9.15 instead of 900, 915)


  • editBindingConstraint() :
    • operator parameter set to NULL, by default, no longer causes an error.
    • To add values, the operator parameter is now required.
    • For a study version >= 832, the filter-year-by-year and filter-synthesis properties are retained in the .ini file if they are not modified.
  • [private function] api_command_execute() manage snapshot generation of a variant study with a tempo to wait the end of current task (prevents the order from being ignored).
    • You can use global parameter verbose to TRUE (#274 antaresRead) to display diagnostic messages (getOption("antares"))
  • updateAdequacySettings() : in API mode do not send NULL value


  • Actions artifacts v3 is closing down, update to v4
  • test-coverage.yaml updated


03 Oct 08:43
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antaresEditObject 0.7.1
Breaking changes :
createBindingConstraint() / editBindingConstraint() uses metadata to check the group size of time series.
createBindingConstraintBulk() checks consistency of groups passed as parameters and consistency with the study.
importZipStudyWeb() can delete the zipfile and move the study in Antares Web to another folder
delete antaresRead-reexports.R and adjust scripts to have a clean package
removeArea() : send a warning instead of a stop if an area is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
removeLink() : send a warning instead of a stop if a link is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
removeCluster() : send a warning instead of a stop if a cluster is referenced in a binding constraint coefficient
createClusterST() : updated with new endpoint API (POST + PUT)
editClusterST() : updated with new endpoint API (PATCH + PUT)
removeCluster()/removeClusterRES()/removeClusterST() updated with new endpoint API (DELETE)
NEW FEATURES (Antares v8.8) :

updateOptimizationSettings() allows the user to update solver.log property
createClusterST() / editClusterST() use new parameters and default values
Add new function api_patch() to put PATCH (httr) request to API

createBindingConstraint() in API mode (for study <v870) created with "hourly" timeStep all the time
createBindingConstraint() / editBindingConstraint() in TEXT mode, bad values in time series
createBindingConstraintBulk() with no VALUES and with a mix
Enable control of matrix dimension in .check_bulk_object_dim() even if the values are not in first position in the list
editLink() : avoid NULL value (default) for arguments filter_synthesis and filter_year_by_year to write an empty string
updateOutputSettings() : in API mode, allow the user to edit the desired property
setPlaylist(): do not send NULL value if the weights are not provided in argument

updateGeneralSettings() : replace custom.ts.numbers argument by custom.scenario and deprecate custom.ts.numbers
updateGeneralSettings() : add thematic.trimming argument for edition

createClusterST() : update doc to discrabe st-storage list parameters + "Inflows" parameter


03 Jun 09:33
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antaresEditObject 0.7.0
Second-member coupling constraint scenarios

NEW FEATURES (Antares v8.7, cf. Antares v8.7 changelog) :

createBindingConstraint() / createBindingConstraintBulk()

New parameters group
Parameter values is now list of data.frame

New parameters group
Parameter values is now list of data.frame
removeBindingConstraint() can now delete coupling constraints from the group parameter.

scenarioBuilder() has 3 new parameters dedicated to use with binding constraints.

updateGeneralSettings() adds coupling constraints to the scenariobuilder.dat file.

Breaking changes :
createBindingConstraint() is available with offset parameter in API mode


27 May 09:14
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Add UTF-8 encoding argument in .getJobs()
Unit tests no longer call the study in the antaresRead package for versions > 8.0.0

createArea()/editArea() : in API mode, split data in nodalOptimization argument to write it in the expected files
editArea() : not delete one of the two economic options if only one must be edited
Avoid data deletion in API mode for editArea()


30 Apr 12:25
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Complete function deleteStudy() with new parameter simulation to delete a simulation in an Antares study.
New parameter geographic.trimming in updateGeneralSettings()to activate or deactivate this general parameter.
Add importZipStudyWeb() to allow the user to import a local study in Antares Web
Breaking changes
setPlaylist() optimized for the API mode
returned an updated list of simulation parameters returned by the function setSimulationPath() and setSimulationPathAPI()
.createCluster() uses data.table::fwrite() instead of utils::write.table() for optimization
createCluster() parameter list_pollutants default value to NULL.
createBindingConstraint() parameter coefficients must be alphabetically ordered.
.createCluster() default matrix in API mode.
removeArea() :
control the existence of an area in a binding constraint coefficient before deletion
no longer deletes a binding constraint
removeLink() : control the existence of a link a in a binding constraint coefficient before deletion
removeCluster() : control the existence of a cluster a in a binding constraint coefficient before deletion
createClusterST() : add a control to check if a cluster exists before running actions.
editClusterST() : add a control to check if a cluster exists before running actions.
.removeCluster() : add a control to check if a cluster exists before running actions in st-storage mode.
Update documentation for scenarioBuilder : user must enable/disable custom-scenario property in generaldata.ini by himself

Fix filter_synthesis and filter_year_by_year parameters of editLink() in API mode
Fix setPlaylist() works in API and local mode with weights.
Fix getPlaylist() works in API and local mode with weights.
Fix createDSR() in API mode : daily binding constraint takes 366 rows.
Fix createCluster() and editCluster() parameter list_pollutants stop if Antares Version < 8.6.0
getJobs() no longer returns duplicates and displays the two new columns owner_id and owner_name.
Allow the user to set symbol or full name as argument series in updateScenarioBuilder()
scenarioBuilder() matrix has the same row repeated if the area is not rand
Fix createLink() to update opts in API mode.
Fix editClusterST() : can not edit a cluster if it does not exist in API mode.
updateScenarioBuilder() works for NTC part : allow cartesian in the merge.
api_command_execute() :
no longer deletes a command
displays a success message for a study or variant
removeCluster() no longer deletes everything in the folder prepro


22 Apr 10:34
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To solve a reverse dependency problem with the next release of the antaresRead package (ci/cd test failed).


18 Dec 09:33
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Breaking changes

  • writeInputTS() allows the user to set a link with the separator ' - ' (ex: 'area1 - area2')


  • Error CRAN CHECKS (fix issue #115)


09 Oct 09:24
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Breaking changes (Antares v8.6, cf. Antares v8.6 changelog) :

  • createStudy() integrate "st-storage".
  • createArea() integrate "st-storage".
  • removeArea() integrate "st-storage".
  • writeInputTS() integrate "mingen" data and dependency between "mod.txt" and "mingen.txt" data.
  • createCluster() / editCluster() have new parameter list_pollutants for list of pollutants.

NEW FEATURES (Antares v8.6) :

  • New function activateST() Activate "st-storage" in an Antares study.
  • New functions createClusterST(), editClusterST(), removeClusterST() ("st-storage" family of functions for a study in "input" mode)
  • Add control of data consistency between mingen.txt and mod.txt based on values in hydro.ini file
  • Add control of data consistency between mingen.txt and maxpower.txt based on values in hydro.ini file
  • Add and edit the property enable-first-step in adequacy patch section in settings/generaldata.ini


  • Add deduplicateScenarioBuilder() function to keep the last value if a key is duplicated in settings/scenariobuilder.dat
  • Add writeIniHydro() function to make easier the edition of the input/hydro/hydro.ini file
  • Call writeIniHydro() in createArea() and removeArea()
  • Enable edition of hydro levels in settings/scenariobuilder.dat by using scenarioBuilder() and updateScenarioBuilder()
  • Add deduplicateScenarioBuilder() function to keep the last value if a key is duplicated in settings/scenariobuilder.dat
  • Add writeIniHydro() function to make easier the edition of the input/hydro/hydro.ini file
  • Call writeIniHydro() in createArea() and removeArea()
  • removeArea() removes only expected files in links directory

Breaking changes

  • deleteStudy() no longer requires user confirmation
  • api_command_execute() displays an error message and causes the program to stop following an http error code. The error message is completed with the API error description
  • getPlaylist() is compatible with the new format returned by readIniAPI()
  • removeClusterRES() in API mode
  • removeLink() delete properly data for an Antares version >= 820
  • rollback_to_previous_data() enable to rollback if original value is NULL


  • api_command_execute() add timer to request api
  • writeInputTS() works with argument type = "tsLink"
  • createLink() and editLink() write the appropriate time series in _direct.txt and _indirect.txt files even if the areas from and to given as arguments are not sorted


  • A new article presenting v8.6 features is available on the package's online documentation.


06 Apr 14:49
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  • New function deleteStudy() (API compatible)
  • New function copyStudyWeb() to import physical study into a managed study (API).
  • New function createClusterBulk() to create multiple thermal clusters at once.
  • New function writeHydroValues() to write hydro input files.
  • Added support of ".zip" compression to existing function backupStudy()


  • Fixed error when using removeArea().
  • Fixed error when using writeEconomicOptions() in API mode.


14 Mar 10:50
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  • Full support of studies up to v8.5
  • New function convertConfigToAdq() for migration of older adequacy patch studies into v8.5
  • Existing function updateAdequacySettings() has new arguments (cf. Antares v8.5 changelog)
  • New internal function .createColumns() to create headers of output data when missing.
  • New function cleanUpOutput() to delete any extra output files not selected in simulation.
  • New functions computeOtherFromHourlyMulti() and computeOtherFromHourlyYear() for mc-ind aggregation. computeTimeStampFromHourly() is now deprecated.


  • Major corrections to writeOutput() and writeAntaresOutput() (support V8)
  • Added support of API mode for editClusterRES()
  • Fixed ts write in API mode for createClusterRES()
  • Fixed getPlaylist() and setPlaylist() in API mode