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Spring Boot Rest API

JobRest Controller

It gives the error when we put the @Controller and not returing 
the Views. 
We need to return the data as the JSON Data 
to solve it be need to use the annotation as the @ResponseBody 

Rest Controller

for the rest-controller what ever is returned treated as the body 
- remove the config, MyUserDetailservice, UserService class.uerRrepo

# Connecting the React and Spring to get Data


@RestController  // For the Rest we can use the rest-controller and no need of the @ResponseBody annotain
@CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:3000")
public class JobRestController {

    private JobService service;

    public List<JobPost> getAllJobs() {
        return  service.getAllJobs();

path Variable (Getting data by ID)

//2. Controller to return Particular Job Post
//    @GetMapping("jobPosts/3")
//  @GetMapping("jobPosts/{postId}/{something}")    // for the dynamic
    @GetMapping("jobPosts/{postId}")    // for the dynamic
    public JobPost getJobById(@PathVariable("postId") int postId)
        return service.getJob(postId);

Sending the Data and Request Body

// Add job Controller using the API endpoint
    //    public void addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
    public JobPost addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
//        return jobPost;
        // returning the data from where  it is saved
        return service.getJob(jobPost.getPostId());

Put and Delete Mapping

 // 4. JobPost Put Method

    @PutMapping("jobPosts")   // same url but diferent Methods
    public JobPost updateJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost)
        return service.getJob(jobPost.getPostId());

    //5. JobPost delete

    public String deleteJob(@PathVariable int postId)
        return "Success, Deleted JOB Post: ";

Repo Logic to delete and update the data

// updating the job using the put
    public void updateJob(JobPost jobPost) {
        for (JobPost jobPost1 : jobs) {
            if (jobPost1.getPostId() == jobPost.getPostId()) {


    public void deleteJob(int postId) {
        Iterator<JobPost> iterator = jobs.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            JobPost jobPost =;
            if (jobPost.getPostId() == postId) {
                iterator.remove();  // Safely remove using the iterator
                return;  // Exit the method after removing the item



Content Negotiation

2. Only Producing the JSON or

        @PostMapping(path = "jobPosts", consumes = {"application/xml"})
//    public void addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
         public JobPost addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
//        return jobPost;
        // returning the data from where  it is saved
        return service.getJob(jobPost.getPostId());

1. XML jackson library to convert the java object into xml data

To get the data in the xml form by get request in the api tool 
pu the headers Key: Accept , Value: application/xml 
But this will give the 406 error as the Not acceptable 
Bcz when serializing the data , but in the server
u are returning the data in list but the client side 
return it into the JSON by using jackson , by default the 
jackson only work with the json not xml 
so add the dependencies in pom.xml for the jackson xml 

3. Only consuming the JSON

//    @PostMapping("jobPosts")
    @PostMapping(path = "jobPosts", consumes = {"application/xml"})
//    public void addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
    public JobPost addJob(@RequestBody JobPost jobPost) // to accept the json data body
//        return jobPost;
        // returning the data from where  it is saved
        return service.getJob(jobPost.getPostId());

4. JPA in Job APP

public interface JobRepo extends JpaRepository<JobPost, Integer> {

    // method using the DSL in Spring JPA 
    List<JobPost> findByPostProfileContainingOrPostDescContaining(String postProfile, String postDesc);
    // I will hit this query 
    // Hibernate: select jp1_0.post_id,jp1_0.post_desc,jp1_0.post_profile,jp1_0.post_tech_stack,jp1_0.req_experience from job_post jp1_0 where jp1_0.post_profile like ? escape '\' or jp1_0.post_desc like ? escape '\'


// Controller
       public List<JobPost> searchbyKeyword(@PathVariable("keyword") String keyword)

5. React UI Search , Update and Delete

React APP reference/link