Client ---> browser server -> http
Server --> data in json
Frontend with seprate UI and
backend will work with JSON or xml data
Server in the REST will return the data
- CRUD operations
- Data is Resources
- and it will have different Entity - Employee, Employer , as a resource
- there will the state every time you fetch the data and , server send the data as current state
- SO there is also Representational state transfer so it is called the REST
- Every request is stateless ( communication method where server completes the any request without depending on any previous request )
# Noun : in REST we need to use the Noun not the action verbs
localhost:8080/jobs GET
localhost:8080/jobs post
# GET --- Read data
# POST --- Create Data (sending to the server)
# PUT --- update the data (updating the data fully)
# DELETE -- delete the data