This repository includes the software development kit for Hesai LiDAR sensor manufactured by Hesai Technology
- Pandar
- AT128/AT128P
- QT
- FT120
- XT16/XT32
- ET25
- OT
System environment requirement:Linux
-Ubuntu 16.04
-Ubuntu 18.04
-Ubuntu 20.04
-Ubuntu 22.04
Compiler vresion requirement
Cmake version requirement:Cmake 3.8.0 or above
G++ version requirement:G++ 7.5 or above
Library Dependencies: libpcl-dev + libpcap-dev + libyaml-cpp-dev + libboost-dev
$ sudo apt install libpcl-dev libpcap-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libboost-dev
$ git clone /~
1.$ cd HesaiLidar_SDK_2.0
2.$ mkdir build
3.$ cd build
4.$ cmake ..
5.$ make
Set the parameters in param in or
// Reciving data from pcap file
param.input_param.source_type = DATA_FROM_PCAP;
param.input_param.pcap_path = "path/to/pcap";
param.input_param.correction_file_path = "/path/to/correction.csv";
param.input_param.firetimes_path = "path/to/firetimes.csv";
// Reciving data from connected Lidar
param.input_param.source_type = DATA_FROM_LIDAR;
param.input_param.device_ip_address = ''; // is the lidar ip address
param.input_param.ptc_port = 9347; // 9347 is the lidar ptc port
param.input_param.udp_port = 2368; // 2368 is the lidar udp port
param.input_param.host_ip_address = ""; // is the pc ip address
param.input_param.multicast_ip_address = ""; // is the lidar multcast ip address, set this parameter to "" when lidar do not support muticast
$ make
// run a cpu sample
$ ./sample
// run a gpu sample
$ ./sample_gpu