Releases: indiana-university/rivet-source
Rivet 1.7.0
is now available! This release introduces the timeline component as well as a few bug fixes and improvements.
Rivet 1.6.0 is now available. This release introduces the step indicator and menu components along with a Rivet icons add-on.
This release introduces responsive width utility classes, squashes a few bugs, and updates our build process.
This release makes some updates to the Rivet footer and deprecates classes related to alerts and the loading indicator.
This is a pre-release for 1.4.0 for testing.
This release includes a handful of bug fixes as well as new set of responsive flexbox utility classes.
- Replaced all static numbers for font weight to use variables
- Added none alias to spacing classes
- Fixed bug where Dropdown close method broke when dropdown no longer existed
- Fixed bug where Drawer javascript was interfering keyboard functionality of some types of form inputs
- Fixed bug where generic aria-controls selector could potentially interfere with other scripts
- Added new flexbox utility classes
Pre-release for Rivet 1.3.0
This release fixes a bug in the modal JavaScript where using a modal without a corresponding modal trigger would throw errors.
This is an alpha release of 1.2.1 that fixes a bug in the modal JavaScript where using a modal without a corresponding modal trigger would throw errors.
This new version of Rivet includes a few requested components and various improvements.
Feature additions
In this release we've added new Box, Media object, and Loading indicator components.
Bug fixes
We've also fixed a number of bugs, typos, and misspellings.
- Improved consistency of color variables and usage
- Added new media object component
- Added new Box component
- Added new loading indicator component
- Changed breakpoint variables from px to em
- Fixed search input height issue