Modern web framework for building interactive applications with Islands Architecture.
- 🎯 Type-safe Templates - Full TypeScript support with JSX
- 🧩 Template Composition - Mix JSX and template literals
- 🔌 Plugin System - Extensible composition pipeline
- 🎨 Styled Components - CSS-in-JS with type safety
- 🏝️ Partial System - Interactive components with HTMX
- 🚀 Framework Agnostic - Core composition engine
import { RefaceComposer } from "@reface/core";
import { StyledPlugin } from "@reface/plugins/styled";
import { PartialsPlugin } from "@reface/plugins/partials";
// Create composer instance
const composer = new RefaceComposer();
composer.use(new StyledPlugin());
composer.use(new PartialsPlugin());
// Create styled component
const Button = styled.button`
& {
background: var(--primary-color, #3182ce);
color: white;
padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
// Create interactive component
const Counter = partial(async () => {
const count = 0;
return (
<Button {...Counter.trigger()}>Increment</Button>
}, "counter");
// Create page template
function HomePage() {
return (
<h1>Welcome to Reface</h1>
<Counter />
// Compose HTML
const html = composer.render(<HomePage />);
- 📚 Basic Components - Component composition
- 🧩 Styled Components - CSS-in-JS examples
- 🏝️ Partial Components - Interactive components
- 🔌 Custom Plugin - Plugin development
- Architecture - Core concepts and composition design
- Components - Component composition system
- Styling - CSS-in-JS styling
- Partials - Interactive components
- Plugins - Plugin system
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details.
MIT © Reface