RefaceComposer provides a component system for building reusable templates.
// Simple component
function Button({ text }: { text: string }) {
return <button>{text}</button>;
// Usage
<Button text="Click me" />;
// With children
function Container({ children }: { children: ElementChild[] }) {
return <div class="container">{children}</div>;
// Usage
import { html } from "@reface/core";
// HTML template
const template = html`
<div class="container">
// With interpolation
const name = "John";
const greeting = html`<div>Hello ${name}!</div>`;
function Layout({
}: {
title: string;
children: ElementChild[];
}) {
return html`
<div class="layout">
// Usage
<Layout title="My Page">
import { createElement } from "@reface/core";
const div = createElement("div");
const span = createElement("span");
// Usage
div({ class: "container" })`
${span({ class: "text" })`Hello`}
${span({ class: "text" })`World`}
interface ButtonProps {
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
size?: "small" | "medium" | "large";
disabled?: boolean;
onClick?: () => void;
function Button({ variant, size = "medium", disabled, onClick }: ButtonProps) {
return (
class={`btn btn-${variant} btn-${size}`}
// Single child
interface SingleChildProps {
children: ElementChild;
// Multiple children
interface MultipleChildrenProps {
children: ElementChild[];
// Optional children
interface OptionalChildrenProps {
children?: ElementChild | ElementChild[];
Component Design
- Keep components focused
- Use TypeScript interfaces
- Follow single responsibility
- Implement proper error handling
- Minimize nesting
- Use fragments when needed
- Optimize templates
- Cache when possible
- Clear naming
- Document props
- Consistent patterns
- Unit tests
- Semantic HTML
- ARIA attributes
- Keyboard support
- Screen reader testing