Simple interactive gallery where users can share pictures. This is a student project created during a web development study track of Yandex Practicum. During the first sprints of the course the project was written in pure JavaScript (Link to the repository), the current project was aiming to implement the same functionality using React library and JSX syntax.
- Adding new cards to the grid
- Deleting cards created by the user
- Editing user profile information
- Form validation on the client side
- Communication with external API to fetch and patch/delete data
- Basic JSX
- JSX lists and events
- Imperative and declarative approaches to programming
- Functional and Class Components
- Creating a new project in React
- Project structures
- Debugging and React DevTools
- Hooks and effect dependencies
- Lifting state
- Global state
- Creating and subscribing to a context
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Working with forms
- Refs
git clone /~
npm install
npm start
Updated version of this project using react + authentication and authorization (link to the repository) and the backend was written for it (backend repository).