It is a web page showing a user's information and photos they have uploaded from Around
- Adding new cards to the grid
- Deleting cards created by the user
- Editing user profile information
- Form validation on the client side
- Communication with external API to fetch and patch/delete data
- Adaptive layout using flexbox and grid positioning
- Nested file structure according to BEM methodology
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Object oriented programming
- Fetch API
- Webpack
- Browser form validation
- Working with Figma
- Developing an interface for different layouts
- JavaScript variables and variable types
- Declaring and calling functions
- Working in DOM
- Selecting elements using querySelector
- Working with CSS classes using the className property and toggle method
- Controlling content with textContent properties
- Reacting to events with addEventListener
- Adding information to an array
- Element cloning
- Template cloning
- Event handling
- Object Oriented Programming
- Modular JavaScript
- Installation of Webpack and Babel
the project was refactored using react (link to the repository) and the backend was written for it (backend repository).