We implemented both classification and regression algorithms using rectangular maximum agreement problem (RMA) as a subproblem.
LPBR is a two-class classification algorithm using LPBoost and RMA. (currently not available with CLP)
REPR is a prediction algorithm using linear regression with both linear and boxed-based rule variables.
- CMake (version >= 3.0)
- C++ compiler (g++)
- OpenMPI 3.1 (openmpi-bin, libopenmpi-dev)
- Fortran compiler (gfortran)
- BLAS and LAPACK packages (libblas-dev, liblapack-dev)
- (Optional): Gurobi
- The build was tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) as shown in our TravisCI file
- Presentation
- User Guide
- Information about the RMA sub-package
- Clone or download this Boosting repository
git clone --recursive /~https://github.com/aik7/Boosting.git
- Run the following command in the Boosting main directory to build Boosting along with PEBBL, RMA, and Coin-OR CLP
sh scripts/build.sh
- You may need to set
which can be in your.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_dir>/Boosting/external/coin/dist/lib
- If you already have Gurobi or you want to follow their installation instruction, read How to compile with Gurobi
- If you want to download Gurobi at the
directory and compile with Boosting, you can run the following command in the Boosting main directory
sh scripts/build.sh -g true
- Run the following command in the Boosting main directory to run REPR using a training dataset
./build/boosting <train_data_filename>
You can use a sample data,
. -
If you want to test REPR for both the train and test datasets
./build/boosting <train_data_filename> <test_data_filename>
- The test dataset is an optional, but you have to have the train dataset.
mpirun -np 4 ./build/boosting <train_data_filename>
parameters | description | data type | range | default value |
numIterations | the number of boosting iterations | integer | [0, infinity) | 1 |
rmaSolveMode | Specify the apporach to solve the RMA subproblem. (hybrid: coming soon) | string | {"exact", "greedy", "hybrid"} | "exact" |
isUseGurobi | Use Gurobi instead of CLP to solve the restricted master Problem (RMP). If you want to enable this option, you have to compile with Gurobi. | bool | true or false | false |
p | the exponent of each observation's error variable in RMP | integer | 1 or 2 | 1 for CLP; 2 for Gurobi |
c | a penalty term for linear coefficients in RMP | double | [0, infinity) | 1.0 |
e | a penalty term for rule coefficients in RMP | double | [0, infinity) | 1.0 |
tolStopCond | a tolerance value for the stopping condition | double | [0, infinity) | 1e-10 |
isEvalEachIter | whether or not to evaluate the current REPR model using MSE in each boosting iteration | bool | true or false | true |
outputDir | Specify the output directory name where all output files will be saved | string | NA | "results" |
isSaveModel | whether or not to save the trained boosting model using MSE in each boosting iteration | bool | true or false | true |
isSaveErrors | whether or not to save the train and test MSEs for each boosting iteration | bool | true or false | true |
isSavePredictions | whether or not to save the actual and boosting predicted response values in a file after the training | bool | true or false | true |
isSaveAllRMASols | whether or not to save the Greedy and PEBBL RMA solutions of each boosting iteration in a file | bool | true or false | false |
isSaveWts | whether or not to save the weights of each boosting iteration in a file | bool | true or false | false |
- The following is an example command to run REPR using the parameters.
./build/boosting --numIterations=10 --rmaSolveMode=greedy --c=0.5 --e=0.5 <train_data_filename>
The following outputs files are saved at the output directory specified by
. The default output file direcotry isresults
. -
file contains the trained model information (if--isSaveModel=true
) -
file contains the train and/or test MSEs for each boosting iteration (if--isSaveErrors=true
) -
file contains the actual and boosting predicted response values for the train data (if--isSavePredictions=true
) -
file contains the actual and boosting predicted response values for the test data (if--isSavePredictions=true
and the test data is given)
- A solid arrow indicates an inheritance relationship
- A dashed arrow indicates a composition relationship
├── argBoost.cpp : a file contains Boosting argument class
├── argBoost.h
├── boosting.cpp : a file contains Boosting class
├── boosting.h
├── driver.cpp : a driver file
├── lpbr.cpp : a file contains LPBR class
├── lpbr.h
├── repr.cpp : a file contains REPR class
└── repr.h
author = {Eckstein, Jonathan and Kagawa, Ai and Goldberg, Noam},
title = {REPR: Rule-Enhanced Penalized Regression},
journal = {INFORMS Journal on Optimization},
volume = {1},
number = {2},
pages = {143-163},
year = {2019}
author = {Ai Kagawa},
title = {The Rectangular Maximum Agreement Problem: Applications and Parallel Solution},
school = {Rutgers University},
year = 2018
title = {Rule-Enhanced Penalized Regression by Column Generation using Rectangular Maximum Agreement},
author = {Jonathan Eckstein and Noam Goldberg and Ai Kagawa},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning},
pages = {1059--1067},
year = {2017},
volume = {70},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
address = {Sydney, Australia}