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We implemented both classification and regression algorithms using rectangular maximum agreement problem (RMA) as a subproblem.

LPBR (LPBoost with RMA)

LPBR is a two-class classification algorithm using LPBoost and RMA. (currently not available with CLP)

REPR (Rule-Enhanced Penalized Regression)

REPR is a prediction algorithm using linear regression with both linear and boxed-based rule variables.

Software Requirement:

You need to install

  • CMake (version >= 3.0)
  • C++ compiler (g++)
  • OpenMPI 3.1 (openmpi-bin, libopenmpi-dev)
  • Fortran compiler (gfortran)
  • BLAS and LAPACK packages (libblas-dev, liblapack-dev)

The following packages are installed by running scripts/ as described below

Optional packages


The description and user guide of Boosting algorithms

How to download and build Boosting algorithm

  • Clone or download this Boosting repository
git clone --recursive /~
  • Run the following command in the Boosting main directory to build Boosting along with PEBBL, RMA, and Coin-OR CLP
sh scripts/
  • You may need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH which can be in your .bashrc file
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to_dir>/Boosting/external/coin/dist/lib

Compile with Gurobi

Option 1:

Option 2:

  • If you want to download Gurobi at the external directory and compile with Boosting, you can run the following command in the Boosting main directory
sh scripts/ -g true

Please set your Gurobi license

More about the build script

How to use scrips/

Example run commands:

Serial implementation

  • Run the following command in the Boosting main directory to run REPR using a training dataset
./build/boosting <train_data_filename>
  • You can use a sample data, ./data/ for <train_data_filename>.

  • If you want to test REPR for both the train and test datasets

./build/boosting <train_data_filename> <test_data_filename>
  • The test dataset is an optional, but you have to have the train dataset.

Parallel implementation

mpirun -np 4 ./build/boosting <train_data_filename>


parameters description data type range default value
numIterations the number of boosting iterations integer [0, infinity) 1
rmaSolveMode Specify the apporach to solve the RMA subproblem. (hybrid: coming soon) string {"exact", "greedy", "hybrid"} "exact"
isUseGurobi Use Gurobi instead of CLP to solve the restricted master Problem (RMP). If you want to enable this option, you have to compile with Gurobi. bool true or false false
p the exponent of each observation's error variable in RMP integer 1 or 2 1 for CLP; 2 for Gurobi
c a penalty term for linear coefficients in RMP double [0, infinity) 1.0
e a penalty term for rule coefficients in RMP double [0, infinity) 1.0
tolStopCond a tolerance value for the stopping condition double [0, infinity) 1e-10
isEvalEachIter whether or not to evaluate the current REPR model using MSE in each boosting iteration bool true or false true
outputDir Specify the output directory name where all output files will be saved string NA "results"
isSaveModel whether or not to save the trained boosting model using MSE in each boosting iteration bool true or false true
isSaveErrors whether or not to save the train and test MSEs for each boosting iteration bool true or false true
isSavePredictions whether or not to save the actual and boosting predicted response values in a file after the training bool true or false true
isSaveAllRMASols whether or not to save the Greedy and PEBBL RMA solutions of each boosting iteration in a file bool true or false false
isSaveWts whether or not to save the weights of each boosting iteration in a file bool true or false false
  • The following is an example command to run REPR using the parameters.
./build/boosting --numIterations=10 --rmaSolveMode=greedy --c=0.5 --e=0.5 <train_data_filename>

Output files

  • The following outputs files are saved at the output directory specified by --outputDir. The default output file direcotry is results.

  • model_[train_data_name].out file contains the trained model information (if --isSaveModel=true)

  • error_[train_data_name].out file contains the train and/or test MSEs for each boosting iteration (if --isSaveErrors=true)

  • predictionTrain_[train_data_name].out file contains the actual and boosting predicted response values for the train data (if --isSavePredictions=true)

  • predictionTrain_[train_data_name].out file contains the actual and boosting predicted response values for the test data (if --isSavePredictions=true and the test data is given)

Class Diagram

  • A solid arrow indicates an inheritance relationship
  • A dashed arrow indicates a composition relationship

Source files at src directory

├── argBoost.cpp     : a file contains Boosting argument class
├── argBoost.h
├── boosting.cpp     : a file contains Boosting class
├── boosting.h
├── driver.cpp       : a driver file
├── lpbr.cpp         : a file contains LPBR class
├── lpbr.h
├── repr.cpp         : a file contains REPR class
└── repr.h


  author = {Eckstein, Jonathan and Kagawa, Ai and Goldberg, Noam},
  title = {REPR: Rule-Enhanced Penalized Regression},
  journal = {INFORMS Journal on Optimization},
  volume = {1},
  number = {2},
  pages = {143-163},
  year = {2019}
  author       = {Ai Kagawa},
  title        = {The Rectangular Maximum Agreement Problem: Applications and Parallel Solution},
  school       = {Rutgers University},
  year         = 2018
  title     =  {Rule-Enhanced Penalized Regression by Column Generation using Rectangular Maximum Agreement},
  author    =  {Jonathan Eckstein and Noam Goldberg and Ai Kagawa},
  booktitle =  {Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages     =  {1059--1067},
  year      =  {2017},
  volume    =  {70},
  series    =  {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  address   =  {Sydney, Australia}